We hope that you enjoy worshipping with us today. If you are a visitor we would be delighted to welcome you personally if you make yourself known to a steward or member of the clergy.


Services today are sung by the choir of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee

8.00 Holy Communion in the North Transept (BCP) Celebrant: The Very Reverend , Dean

9.15 Matins Responses Jackman Te Deum Cooman Psalm 145 Jubilate Dirksen Hymn 140

10.30 The Cathedral Eucharist Noble in B minor Hymns 142 (t.265), 137, 296, I will not leave you comfortless Titcomb 443 Celebrant: Jonathan Baker, Canon Missioner Preacher: The Very Reverend Charles Taylor, Dean

3.30 Evensong A Prayer of King Henry VI Ley Responses Jackman Brewer in D Psalm 139. 1-11 Come down, O love divine Harris Hymns 431, 138, 448 (t. 351)

Toilets are located outside the South Transept Door.

ACTION TO BE TAKEN ON HEARING THE FIRE ALARM 1. Calmly leave the building by the nearest fire exit. 2. Stewards will direct persons in wheelchairs to the appropriate fire exit (either the west door or the south transept door). 3. Assemble on the green at the front of the Cathedral. 4. DO NOT return to the Cathedral for any reason until authorised to do so.

Children’s Groups: We welcome families with children at the Cathedral and believe that they are an important part of our community. On most Sundays there are two groups: one for children aged 3-7, which meets in the Sacristy (off the South Transept); the other for older children aged 7+ which meets in the Becket Chapel range. Children gather for their groups during the first hymn – the younger group in the South Transept, the older group by the West Door. Parents of visiting children should accompany them to one of these gathering points, in order to register them with the Group Leaders. Should young children become restless, there are toys and story books provided in the Chapel of St Kyneburgha (next to the South Transept door) where there is also an audio relay so that parents can continue to follow the service. Hearing Aid Users: An induction loop is provided. Please switch your hearing aid to ‘T’. Wheelchair and pushchair users: Spaces are reserved for use in the bays on the south side of the seating area.

Tax Efficient Giving - If you are a tax payer it would be greatly appreciated if you would Gift Aid your contribution at the offertory; envelopes for this purpose are available from the Stewards. If you are a regular worshipper you may wish to pay by Banker’s order and sign a permanent Gift Aid form. Forms for this purpose and further information can be found on the table in the South Transept. (Ask a steward if you require any assistance.)

Refreshments after the Cathedral Eucharist - Please do join us for refreshments in the South Transept after the 10.30am Cathedral Eucharist each Sunday

PARKING FOR SUNDAY SERVICES - Those parking in the Precincts on a Sunday are asked NOT to park on the road in front of the Western Range flats. This roadway must be kept clear of vehicles in order to maintain emergency access. Thank you for your co-operation.

GLUTEN FREE WAFERS are available at the Eucharist every Sunday. At both the 8am Holy Communion Service and the 10.30am Cathedral Eucharist they are administered by the celebrant. Should you wish to receive a gluten free wafer, please make this known to the celebrant either before the service or at the altar rail, during Communion.

In Residence: The Reverend Canon Jonathan Baker Cathedral Office Telephone: 01733 355310 / 01733 355315

2 | –Sunday 24th May 2015



INTROIT FOR EVENSONG – A Prayer of King Henry VI Dr Henry Ley (1887-1962)

Domine, Jesu Christe, qui me creasti, redemisti, et preordinasti ad hoc quod sum; tu scis quae de me facere vis; fac de me secundum voluntatem tuam cum misericordia. Amen.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast created and redeemed me and hast foreordained me unto that which now I am; thou knowest what thou wouldst do with me; do with me according to thy will, in thy mercy. Amen.

It has been announced that John Holbrook, , is to serve as Interim from 1st September 2015, until a new Bishop of Leicester comes into post. Bishop of Leicester retires at the end of August.

BISHOP’S CHAPLAIN AND CANON RESIDENTIARY – The Reverend Canon Tim Alban Jones, Vicar of Soham and Wicken, Rural Dean of Fordham and Quy, and Chair of the House of Clergy in the Diocese of Ely, has been appointed Chaplain to the (in succession to Canon Julie Hutchinson) and Residentiary Canon of Peterborough Cathedral. He will be a full member of Chapter and devote approximately 20% of his time to Cathedral duties. Tim is a highly experienced parish priest and was appointed MBE for his pastoral work in the community in the wake of the Soham murders. He is also a keen musician and has enjoyed baking long before it became popular on television! Tim will be licensed as Chaplain by Bishop Donald on 1st September and installed as a Residentiary Canon of Peterborough Cathedral at Evensong on Sunday 13th September at 3.30pm.

DISABLED PARKING - please note that the Cathedral entrance for people with disabilities is now at the South Transept. Two new marked parking spaces for Blue Badge holders will be put outside the entrance.

PRAYER REQUESTS – if you or someone you know would like to be added to the Cathedral Community Prayer List, due to illness or any other particular need, please do ask one of the clergy. This list is used daily at Morning Prayer in the Cathedral. BARRIER CODE – The code for the next few hours is 1552.

3 | Peterborough Cathedral –Sunday 24th May 2015 LOOKING AHEAD


TUESDAYS TILL TWO – 1p.m. at St John’s Church, Peterborough. Today, John Arkell, Organist of Oundle School, plays music by J S Bach, Joseph Haydn, Franck, Hollins, and ends this season of recitals with Henri Mulet’s ‘Carillon Sortie.’ Admission is free, but a donation of £4 will be appreciated. The café is open from noon for the sale of refreshments including home-made cakes, scones etc. in aid of The Green Backyard. The recital will last about 45 minutes.


WEDNESDAY AT ONE – this short series looking at the different Evangelists’ accounts of the Resurrection, with the help of a different artist each week ends today. The speaker is The Reverend Canon Jonathan Baker, Canon Missioner, and the subject is “The Resurrection according to Luke and Caravaggio.”

PETERBOROUGH THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY – at 7.30pm, at The Friends’ Meeting House, Thorpe Road. The speaker is Professor Haddon Willmer, Emeritus Professor of Theology, Leeds University, whose subject is ‘How to read Barth without putting on weight.’


OPEN GARDEN – Sunday 31st May from 2.00-5.00pm, at Peterborough Quaker Meeting House, 21 Thorpe Road. At 2.15pm, there will be a talk about labyrinths and how they may be used for prayer and contemplation. At 3.15pm, there will be a guided tour of the garden with one of the gardeners. Light refreshments will be available.

ORGAN RECITAL – Sunday 7th June at 5.00pm. A short organ recital by Jeremy Lloyd, Cathedral Organ Scholar. Entry is free and there will be a retiring collection.

THE SIXTEEN CHORAL PILGRIMAGE: ‘FLIGHT OF ANGELS’ – Friday 12th June. Pre-concert talk at 7.00pm, followed by the Concert at 7.30pm. Travel back to 16th century Seville and the Spanish “golden age” for this performance of music by Francisco Guerrero and Alonso Lobo. Tickets priced at £10, £15 and £20 are available from The Sixteen Box Office on 01904 651485 or via or from Peterborough Visitor Information Centre on 01733 452336.

CHURCHES TOGETHER IN CENTRAL PETERBOROUGH – Saturday 13th June from 9.30am – 1.30pm, at Westgate Church Hall, Peterborough. A study morning for Preachers and Leaders of Worship, entitled ‘Gardener of Eden? – God’s Creation and Human Responsibility.’ The speakers are Professor Paul Ballard, and Dr Peter Brotherton.

4 | Peterborough Cathedral –Sunday 24th May 2015 If you are interested in attending, please contact Susan Halford at [email protected]

CIRCLE DANCING – Saturday 13th June from 10.00am-12 noon at Peterborough Quaker Meeting House, 21 Thorpe Road. No experience is required. For further information, please contact Daphne Lynas on 01733 756446.

UNLOCK THE BOX – 16th – 25th June in the New Building. Unlock the Box is a celebration of the many different cultures and communities in Peterborough. It was organised by City College Peterborough to engage volunteers from different communities in creating cultural boxes to share with their fellow citizens. The boxes provide an insight into the Pakistani, Kurdish, Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian and Slovakian communities, and representatives from some of these cultures will be with the exhibition during the Heritage Weekend (19th – 21st June). For further information, please go to

PETERBOROUGH ECO-FAITH NETWORK – the Network wishes to publicise an event taking place in Westminster on Wednesday 17th June. Thousands of campaigners from across the UK will attend the biggest climate lobby ever held, entitled “Speak Up For The Love Of…” People will flood the streets of Westminster to speak up for what they love and ask their newly-elected politicians to act on climate change. To find out more, or to sign up, please contact [email protected]

EASTERN THREE CHOIRS’ FESTIVAL – 18th – 21st June in Lincoln. Our Cathedral Choir is joining with the choirs of Lincoln Cathedral and Southwell Minster in a festival of choral services and concerts. It is the first time that an Eastern Three Choirs’ Festival has been held on this ambitious scale, and events include a recital by Tasmin Little (violin) and Piers Lane (piano), and an evening with Michael Berkeley (of Radio 3’s Private Passions fame). There is also a major concert on Saturday 20th June, after which our Choir will return to Peterborough for services on Sunday 21st June. More details are available at

HERITAGE FESTIVAL KEYNOTE LECTURE – Saturday 20th June at 7.30pm. An evening with historian and broadcaster Dr David Starkey, entitled “Magna Carta, the Stuarts and us.” In a talk designed to amaze, entertain and challenge his audience, Dr Starkey will speak about the 13th century Magna Carta agreement, currently celebrating its 800th anniversary. The talk will be followed by a book signing in association with Waterstones. Tickets priced at £13 for adults, £10 for children/concessions (including an intermission drink) can be obtained from the Key Theatre Box Office on 01733 207239, or book online at

QUIET AFTERNOON – Saturday 27th June from 2.00pm – 5.00pm at Peterborough Quaker Meeting House, Thorpe Road. Following a cup of tea or coffee, the afternoon starts with a guided meditation, leading into a period of silent contemplation. The meeting finishes with a gathering together for shared reflection and light refreshments. There is no charge for the event, though donations towards the upkeep of the garden are welcome.

5 | Peterborough Cathedral –Sunday 24th May 2015 BISHOP’S SUMMER SCHOOL OF PRAYER, DAY WORKSHOPS – Tuesday 4th – Thursday 6th August from 9.45am-4.00pm each day at Launde Abbey. The following workshops, will occupy the whole day and run on each of the three days – ‘Making space for the still small voice,’ ‘The Psalms,’ and ‘Prayer, reflection and creativity: Lord we are clay; you are our potter.’ The cost of each workshop is £25, which includes lunch. To book, or for further information, please contact Sally Crossley, Tel. 01604 887049, or by e- mail at [email protected]


HERITAGE FESTIVAL – the annual Heritage Festival will be taking place this year from Friday through to Sunday, 19th – 21st June, with Friday being Schools’ Day. As part of the Festival, there will be jousting held in the Galilee Court in front of the Cathedral! There will be many other events, musicians, plays, and plenty of re-enactors wandering around the city centre. As usual the Cathedral will have a big part to play. There will be knights and their war horses camping in the Bishop’s garden, and Romans in the Dean’s garden. David Starkey will be here on Saturday evening to give a talk on the Magna Carta, which will be celebrating its 800th anniversary this year. All of this will require many volunteers to make the weekend a success. Here are some of the roles that will be needed:  Wandering Greeters – Volunteers will be needed to walk around the Galilee Court in front of the Cathedral, and outside the Norman Arch, to hand out flyers listing the weekend’s events at the Cathedral and to encourage people to go inside.  School Day Assistants – We are expecting 12-14 school groups, who will follow a trail to various encampments, learning about different periods in our history. They will have lunch in the Nave and will have a chance to meet the knights. A volunteer will be needed to accompany each school group to make sure they move smoothly through the trail.

We hope you will help! If you would like to volunteer for this fun event, please contact Lisa on 01733 355316 or email [email protected]

FOODBANK REQUEST – Contributions are invited for the Peterborough FoodBank, which since its opening last October has helped over 700 local families. Please only donate those items listed below, which can be left in the box in the Sacristy. The Foodbank is running low on long life fruit juice and tinned sponge puddings, so could you please make these your priority. They have high stocks of tea bags, soup, baked beans, 500gms of rice and pasta, packets of biscuits and custard. Toiletry items are also offered and are well received, so please include some of the listed items if you can. All items should be undamaged and in date please. Many thanks.

6 | Peterborough Cathedral –Sunday 24th May 2015 Milk (UHT or powdered) Breakfast cereals Pasta Sauce Sugar (500g) Tinned Rice pudding Tinned meat/fish Long life fruit juice Jar of instant coffee Tinned fruit Sponge pudding (tin) Instant mashed potato Jar of Jam Tinned Tomatoes Shampoo Shower gel Bars of soap Toothpaste Toothbrushes

CALLING ALL KNITTERS! – a house-bound lady is knitting blankets for a hospital/orphanage in central Africa. She would be grateful for any DK wool, however small the amount. There is a box for donations in the Sacristy. Thank you. CMS MISSION PARTNERS – the Cathedral is supporting Derek and Jane Waller in their new ministry in South Sudan as part of the CMS Mission Partnership scheme. As a congregation, we have been asked to write to them about 4 times a year, either by letter or e-mails, as we shall be receiving 4 Link Letters from them. There is information about them on the notice boards in the South Transept, and you can read their second letter by logging on to . Please do consider supporting them in their work. DO YOU LIKE GARDENING? – one of the members of our congregation has just launched a new website encouraging us all to ‘Get Gardening.’ With weekly (or possibly more!) videos, it shows you exactly what you need to know to grow – from sowing seed to taking cuttings, from pruning to splitting plants. There are also recommendations of varieties, money-saving methods and top tips for success. If you are interested, please visit to find out more.

7 | Peterborough Cathedral –Sunday 24th May 2015


8.00 Holy Communion in the North Transept (BCP)

9.15 Matins Lay clerks Responses Tallis Te Deum from the Short Service Byrd Psalm 33. 1-12 Hymn 377

10.30 The Cathedral Eucharist Missa Bell’ Amfitrit’ altera Lassus Hymns 343, 146, In spiritu humilitatis Croce A & M 663, 305 Preacher: The Reverend Canon Jonathan Baker, Canon Missioner

3.30 Evensong Zadok the Priest Handel Responses Rose St Paul’s Service Howells Psalm 104. 1-9 Give unto the Lord Elgar Hymns 144, 484 (t. 167)


7.30am Morning Prayer and Eucharist 9.00am Tuesday, Saturday and Bank Holidays.

11.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Wednesday only.

1.00pm ‘Wednesday at One’ Ecumenical service with a themed address. Wednesday term times only.

5.30pm Evensong sometimes said outside term times – 3.30pm Saturday.

Material from Common Worship included in Cathedral Services is © The Archbishops’ Council

8 | Peterborough Cathedral –Sunday 24th May 2015

St. Peter’s Day – Patronal Festival

All are warmly invited to our St. Peter’s Day celebrations on Monday 29th June this year. There will be a Festal Sung Eucharist at 5.30pm followed by a reception in the Deanery Garden (or, if wet, in the Cathedral).

St. Peter’s Day is, of course, our Cathedral Patronal Festival and so we very much hope that you will be able to join us. As you will see from the reply form, you are welcome to bring members of your family or other guests.

We regret, however, that in order to preserve emergency access, there will be no general parking in the Precincts except for permit holders who are actually on duty for this specific occasion. Drivers with disabled passengers will of course be allowed to drop them off in the Precincts before parking in a public car park. If, however, the driver him/herself has a “blue badge”, then please apply for a special permit when completing the reply form.

Please reply, using the attached form, by Friday 12th June to. E-mail: [email protected] Post: The Dean’s PA, Cathedral Office, Minster Precincts, Peterborough, PE1 1XS

……………………………………………………………………………………...... The Patronal Festival of St. Peter


No. of additional guests: ______

Please let us know if you need a permit for a disabled driver (driver only): YES/NO*

Driver’s Address______


Please let us know if you have a wheelchair and need a seat for any escort: YES/NO*

*Please delete as applicable

9 | Peterborough Cathedral –Sunday 24th May 2015