.· ~.-ifa~o<-.,_ Republic of the Philippines r.~., I ~ . ~ DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION · ~ ,. .J Region 02, Cagayan Valley ~~ 'l.::::o\ SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF NUEVA VIZCAYA I ~~~ --- . Ciz t Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, 3700 I Telephone: (078)392~381, (078)392·0351, 09171589946 ~ . '/ Website: www.deped-nv.com.ph Email:
[email protected] '=--- DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO . .2!'/ s. 2019 To: OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent OSDS B.A.L.IT.A Heads CID (EPS, PSDS/DICs) SGOD (Chief, EPS, EF, SEPS, PO III, HNU) School Heads of Elementary for both Public and Private Schools School Heads of Secondary for both Public and Private Schools Public and Private School Teachers All Others Concerned ~ -- ~ /··~-. FROM: RACHEL R. LLANA, PhD., CESO VI Officer-In-Charge f~,j. D£\TE:_fl~l!j ~iil'i Office of the Schools Division Superintendent \ T)Mf:~ . • J/ ,2J j/ ., ''· J I ··..f' - = . "'· :-... ·---~- Cit ,..~.·,.. For the Schools Division Superintendent: ...i .! ... -"-' ~(._r:-- .... -' ~ .,._ c'F.]iY.'D~~ - "' (l' ' JI II I flllt ' llf o f l:tJ U( U f t U II SCHOOlS O IVISIO N Q r NUfVf\ Vll(/\Y/\ UPLOADED ~Q it u -o ~-!Jl 5o.~,~, . j, .. ,, ~\:tel INFO RMATIO N AND COM MUN ICATIONS TfCHNOlOGY UNIT DATE: November 4, 2019 SUBJECT: 2019 INTERNATIONAL MIND EDUCATION LEADERS TRAINING FOR DEPED PUBLIC OFFICIALS, TEACHERS AND OTHER EDUCATION STAKEHOLDERS 1. Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9155 known as Governance ofBasic Education Act of2001 which strengthens School-Based Management (SBM) by further devolving the governance of education to schools,