rrdiaij ;i"- PHOTO: BOB MCDOWALL HE POLITICAL SHENANIGANS been built above the new lake ìevel, and a lakes then planned for the Clutha River). surrounding the environmental debate and new, bustling tolvnship along the lake shores. This lvas to be a substantial and expensive j approvals for construction of the Cþe Dam The new town sits in the "V" of the lake, with hatchery, rvith grandiose plans for establish- on the Clutha River in Central Otago are arms named for the former rivers that ing a series of distinctive salmonid popula- I generally well known history. Almost as well drained through them - now the Clutha and tions in the various lakes, to be stocked with known is the vast expenditure incurred in Kawarau Arms of Lake Dunstan. ore or other of rainbow or brown trout, chi- construction works, firstly associated with When negotiations were being undertaken nook salmon, Atlantic salmon or mackinalv. building the dam, and then dealing with geo- lvith the former Electricity Corporation of Elaborate facilities were planned to provide a logical faults in the surrounding hills and sta- New Zealand, to ensure that environmental visitors' centre to cater for tolrrists. The bilising the hillsides on the shores of the for- damage resulting from constructing the dam hatchery's cost was estimated at several mil- macive lake to prevent landslides that could was minimised (or compensated for), the for- lion dollars at 1980s prices, the actual cost threaten the dam itself. Now, where there was mer Wildlife Service of the Departmen[ of depending on where the hatchery was to be once a picturesque river gorge, a fast-flowing, Internal Affairs agreed to withhold objections sited.
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