\\jciprod01\productn\H\HOW\61-1\HOW101.txt unknown Seq: 1 18-DEC-17 14:40 Black Power in a Prison Library ALFRED L. BROPHY* ABSTRACT ................................................... 2 R INTRODUCTION ............................................. 2 R I. A PRISON LIBRARY AND PRISON LITIGATION REFORM .............................................. 4 R II. CATEGORIZING THE BOOKS ON THE BLACK EXPERIENCE, CULTURE, HISTORY AND ART . 6 R A. Harlem Renaissance ................................ 6 R B. Histories ............................................ 7 R C. Civil Rights Literature .............................. 8 R D. Sociology and Contemporary Black Culture ........ 9 R E. Theory of Disillusionment .......................... 10 R F. Black Power ........................................ 11 R G. What is Missing?.................................... 12 R III. THE PRISON RESPONDS ............................ 14 R A. The Administration’s Alternative List of the Black Experience .......................................... 14 R B. Banning Books ..................................... 15 R IV. BLACK POWER BOOKS IN THE PRISON LIBRARY .............................................. 16 R A. The Book-Made Radical and The Experiential Radical ............................................. 17 R B. Books, Ideas, and the Origins of Black Power ...... 19 R * Alfred L. Brophy holds the Paul and Charlene Jones Chair in Law at the University of Alabama. Contact the author at
[email protected] or 205.348.1148. I would like to thank my favorite librarian, Barbara F. Thompson, for her help and inspira- tion. I would also like to thank Adjoa Aiyoetoro, Autumn Barrett, Adrienne Davis, Damon Freeman, David Garrow, Anne Klinefelter, Utz McKnight, and Donald Tibbs for comments and advice on the primary and secondary literature; Donna Nixon for her help with archival sources, as always; Niki Schwartz, Vincent Nathan, and Rhoda L. Berkowitz for sharing their recollec- tions about Taylor v. Perini, Kellie Corbett and Jason Ilieve for their research assistance and Elijah Jenkins for his editorial help.