WAKEFOREST MAGAZINE JUNE 2009 Fond Farewell ROBERT BECK J. EDWIN HENDRICKS FREDRIC T. HOWARD PETER WEIGL STEVE EWING DON ROBIN DAVID SHORES Farewell to retiring faculty members who have dedicated their careers to Wake Forest and its students. Editor Cherin C. Poovey (P ’08),
[email protected] Associate Editor Kerry M. King (’85),
[email protected] Senior Writer David Fyten,
[email protected] Staff Writer Kim McGrath,
[email protected] Photographer Ken Bennett,
[email protected] Classnotes Editor Janet Williamson (P ’00, ’03),
[email protected] Design / Art Direction Sherry Simmons,
[email protected] Printing The Lane Press, Inc. Burlington, Vermont Wake Forest Magazine (USPS 664-520 ISSN 0279-3946) is published four times a year in September, December, March, and June by the Office of Creative Services, Wake Forest University, Box 7205, Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7205. It is sent to alumni, donors, and friends of the University. Periodicals postage paid at Winston-Salem, NC 27109, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 2Around the Quad Wake Forest Magazine Alumni Records P.O. Box 7227 Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7227. Commencement Faculty Q & A 12 Volume 56, Number 4 A New Beginning June 2009 Professor of Political Science Copyright 2009 Peter Siavelis on Barack Obama's new approach to WWW.WFU.EDU Cuba and Latin America. 24People of Two Kinds 14 By David Fyten For some students with idiosyncratic interests Class of the Finest and ambitions, one academic major isn't enough. Farewell to esteemed faculty members who have dedicated their careers to Wake Forest and its students.