Orchestra, Glee Clubs Join in Annualconcert
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Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 12-16-1954 Spectator 1954-12-16 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1954-12-16" (1954). The Spectator. 517. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/517 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. Seattle University Vol. XXII ffi *&*■ SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1954 No. 10 CHRISTMAS CONCERT TONITE: Orchestra, 1955 Homecoming Court Glee Clubs Chosen by Student Body Join In Annual Concert By MARY HARRIS By MARGIE VAN PARYS present: Who will be queen of Seattle University's fiftieth anniversary Tonight, 16, an- Lay Down Your Staffs Dec. the second Today Ringing Homecoming? Now that theHome- concert bepre- There Is nualChristmas will Four Slovak Carols coming court has been determined, sented by the Music Department of Lullaby with the exception of the queen, University in the gym- Christmas Seattle Lullaby on ChristmasEre students will ponder this question nasium starting at 8:30 p.m. until the unknown boardof alumni A unique featureon the program SU orchestra will entertain with Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. choose one of the senior princesses is the participationof the audience for the honor. singing by Bach in the of traditionalcarols The Homecoming of program. Hansel and GretelPrelude,by court consists at the end the of two princesses each class Highlights of the performance Htunperdinck from concert of with the exception of the senior will be a 90-voice chorus under This willbe the first class which of Pitzer; type because,in previous years, has three princess, one the direction Carl the its of whom queen. Seattle U orchestra, conducted by the men and womenhave belonged will be Francis Aranyi, and a men's and to the samegroup. TheMen's Glee Freshmenprincessesare Theresa women's glee club, organized for Club was heard recently in the Kerns and Mary Ann Onorato. the first time in the history of the Mv Sigma presentation, the Vari- Karen Kraus and Mary Petri are Music Department. ety Show. sophomore princess; while Gall Each group will perform separ- Cushing and Dorothy Schaff are ately first and thencombine for the junior members of the court. The final portion of the concert. three senior choices include Char- Concluding the program, Mr. Nursing School lynn Gibbons, Maureen Manca, Pitzer willlead community singing and Mary Ann Marti. of popular Christmassongs, accom- Capping Charlynn Gibbons is a senior panied by the orchestra. Slated medical technology student. She All will be admitted free, but a attended Marylhurst College where silver offering will be taken for Sunday,Dec.19 she was freshman class president, the "Post-Intelligencer" Christmas Nursing students of Seattle Uni- and last year she interned at St. Fund for needy parochialandpub- versity willreceive their caps in a Joseph'sHospital in Tacoma. Dur- lic school children. program at Providence Hall Sun- ing her sophomore year at SU she Selections to bepresented by the day, Dec. 19, at 2 p.m. wasa Homecomingprincess, ROTC Women's Glee Club are: Those successfully completing princess,an officerin Ski and Sail- Holy Child (a Basquemelody) seven quarters of pre-nursing at ing Clubs and a Sodality member. Lo! How aRose E'erBlooming SU are:BarbaraBlomquist, Albina Charlynn is vice president of A Christmas Hymn Bowen, Sister Joan of Providence, Young Republicans and a Mendel Men's Glee Club will sing: Barbara Giuntoli, Gwendolyn Har- Club member. Also, she repre- Winter World den, Kathryn Metully, Lois Ann 1955 Senior Homecoming Queen nominees (L. to R.) Mary Ann sented Capitol Hill in the 1952 Sea- White Christmas Mitchell, Sister Cecile Marie, Mar- Marti, Charlynn Gibbons and Maureen Manca smilehappily after fair. Charlynn has lived in Seattle The Sleigh garet Richardson, Lorraine Shane, being notified of their election. One of the three will be chosen to for 19 years. The combined glee clubs will Sharon Swift, and Marilyn Woods. reign over Homecoming celebration, January 26-29. Maureen Manca, a native of Se- An address will be given by attle, is a senior in Home Econom- Father Francis J. Lindekugel, S.J., COOPERATIONURGED: ics. During her four years at Seat- Debaters Win followed by the confering of caps tle University she has been active by Aiko Sato, instructor, and the in Sodality, was chairman of the Nightingale pledge by the newly X-Ray 1954 Junior Prom decorations and Tuition Awards capped students. Fr. Lindekugel Unit Will Service was co-chairman of the 1954 car will also give Benediction. drive. She is also Home Economics Students inthe Schoolof Nursing At Winter Registration Club president. For Seattle U at SU, only collegiate the Catholic Do you have TB? The odds that quested that SU does the Mary Ann Marti is a senior in Prep Holy Rosary of nursing- in Washington same. Seattle and school do slim, but tuberculosis is Alpha Omega and are the School of Nursing. She has High School of Seattle dominated State, receive their nursing caps you are Phi ASSU a killer that can lie undetected for financing the mobile unit, making been active in Sodality, Spurs, and the 19th annual High School For- prior to entering the Providence Nursing Club. She is Providence ensic Tournament sponsored by SU clinical unit. years.The King County Health De- the service free to students. partment has two mobile x-ray Inthe two years the HealthDe- Hall president, Silver Scroll treas- last week-end. Twenty-two Wash- Pre-Nursing studies includeEng- urer and an Alpha Tau Delta hon- ington schools and 129 contestants units that can give a clean bill of partment has operated the units, lish, history, sociology, and ethics, health quickly and easily. One of over 150,000 persons have filedpast orary member. During 1954 she competed in the two-day event, and the science courses of chem- was AWSSU Fashion Show co- making largest entry in the these units will be at SU from 9 the x-ray cameras. Of these, 107 the list istry, anatomy, physiology, and until January 4, active of have chairman, and a junior Homecom- history of the tournament. a.m. 4 p.m. 3 and cases tuberculosis bacteriology. the two days of registration. been detected. ing princess. John Hutchinson of SeattlePrep Reception in Providence Hall Because other schools have ab- Besides school activities, Mary won a pair of firsts in extem- lounge piano All those receiving the service the willfeature selections sorbed the cost of this service, the post Ann is treasurerof the Washington pore and impromptu divisions; by are sent cards following the, Frances Morrison. All who are Seattle Health Department has re- check-up. State Students Nurses' Council, Larry Grant of SeattlePrepearned interested may come to the pro- Those found to have active TB are sent letters telling and, having taken eight years of a first in the men's scholarship di- gram. dancing from Mary Ann Wells, has vision; Sonja of Holy of their condition.A clinicalcheck- Vukov Ros- performed dances in Mv Sigma ary won the women's competition ActivitiesBoard up follows, and,if it is found neces- ATTENTION! sary, the person is sent to Firland productions. Mary Ann is a native in the scholarship division,and the of Seattle. Holy Rosary debate team were All clubs wishing to take part Sanitarium. judged the best women's team. in HomecomingOpen House can Meets To Name It is recommendedthat all stu- procure blanksat the book For the third straight year, store. dents registering on January 3 or 4 These must completed and stop Bellevue High School won the be SpringOperetta at the mobile unit. The time returned Wednesday, necessary guaranteed Secretarial Club grand prize for debate over 43 before for the test is Jan. 12. Highlighting a special Activities to be less other entries. Board meeting Tuesday, Dec. 13, than three minutes. was the selection of five musicals The odds are a thousand-to-one Now Organized for possible production by the that you may have TB. But, this Music Department. also means that there is a possibil- On Campus STUDENTS WILL REGISTER The musical, annually presented ity of two undetectedcases at Se- SU cooperate! in spring quarter, will be chosen attle U. Please At a meeting last week, Secre- WINTER by a committee composed of Rev. tarial Science majors organized a FOR ON JAN. 3-4 new campus club. Karen By Daniel Reidy, S.J.; Mr. CarlPitzer, Forstein GEKRIE KUMHERA After entering: the library by the was elected president; Jane Topel. south Mr. Francis Aranyi, Bob Bach- Registration for the winter quar- entrance (adjacent main mann, John Ward, members 'Cement Mixer' vice president; and Marvella ter Monday stairs), students should proceed to of the willbe held andTues- Music Department,and Mv Sigma. Hauge, secretary. Miss Kazuye day, Jan. 3 and 4, and willfollow their proper advisor and present Takei is club moderator. their Members of Mv Sigma outlined Is January 7 a procedure similar to that of fall authorization card and card The club, open to all pack. fifteen musicals and the following; Engineering open future sec- quarter. For the convenience of Formerstudents should also The Club will retaries, meet bi-quarterly. present copy five were chosen: "Roberta," the social calendarfor winter quar- will the students and to expediteregis- their of the transcript Purpose of the organization to tration, following from thelastquarterin "Annie Get Your Gun," "H.M.S. ter with their annual dance, the is the schedule has attendance. acquaint members with the secre- been arranged: The advisor will then fill out the Pinafore," "Mikado," and "Band- "Cement Mixer." Scheduled for wagon." January retarial profession by hearingguest and January first card of the pack and sign 7 at the Encore Ballroom, speakers discussing Seniors Juniors 3 1, 2, 3, it will following and various 8 a.m.