Table of Contents - Part II

Semantic Web In-Use Track KOIOS: Utilizing Semantic Search for Easy-Access and Visualization of Structured Environmental Data 1 Veil Bicer, Thanh Tran, Andreas Abecker, and Radoslav Nedkov

Wiki-Based Conceptual Modeling: An Experience with the Public Administration 17 Cristiano Casagni, Chiara Di Francescomarino, Mauro Dragoni, Licia Fiorentini, Luca Franci, Matteo Gerosa, Chiara Ghidini, Federica Rizzoli, Marco Rospocher, Anna Rovella, Luciano Serajini, Stefania Sparaco, and Alessandro Tabarroni

Linking Semantic Desktop Data to the Web of Data 33 Laura Drägan, Renaud Delbru, Tudor Groza, Siegfried Handschuh, and Stefan Decker

Linking Data across Universities: An Integrated Video Lectures Dataset 49 Miriam Fernandez, Mathieu d'Aquin, and Enrico Motta

Mind Your Metadata: Exploiting Semantics for Configuration, Adaptation, and Provenance in Scientific Workflows 65 Yolanda Gil, Pedro Szekely, Sandra Villamizar, Thomas C. Harmon, Varun Ratnakar, Shubham Gupta, Maria Muslea, Fabio Silva, and Craig A. Knoblock

Using Semantic Web Technologies to Build a Community-Driven Knowledge Curation Platform for the Skeletal Dysplasia Domain 81 Tudor Groza, Andreas Zankl, Yuan-Fang Li, and Jane Hunter

Cyber Scientific Test Language 97 Peter Haglich, Robert Grimshaw, Steven Wilder, Marian Nodine, and Bryan Lyles

How to "Make a Bridge to the New Town" Using OntoAccess 112 Matthias Hert, Giacomo Ghezzi, Michael Würsch, and Harald C. Gall

The MetaLex Document Server: Legal Documents as Versioned Linked Data 128 Rinke Hoekstra

Bibliografische Informationen digitalisiert durch XVIII Table of Contents - Part II

Leveraging Community-Built Knowledge for Type Coercion in Question Answering 144 Aditya Kalyanpur, J. William Murdock, James Fan, and Christopher Welty Privacy-Aware and Scalable Content Dissemination in Distributed Social Networks 157 Pavan Kapanipathi, Julia Anaya, Amit Sheth, Brett Slatkin, and Alexandre Passant BookSampo—Lessons Learned in Creating a Semantic Portal for Fiction Literature 173 Eetu Mäkelä, Kaisa Hypén, and Eero Hyvönen

SCMS - Semantifying Content Management Systems 189 Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Norman Heino, Klaus Lyko, René Speck, and Martin Kaltenböck - Weaving Chinese Linking Open Data 205 Xing Niu, Xinruo Sun, Haofen Wang, Shu Rong, Guilin Qi, and Yong Yu

An Implementation of a Semantic, Web-Based Virtual Machine Laboratory Prototyping Environment 221 Jaakko Salonen, Ossi Nykänen, Pekka Ranta, Juha Nurmi, Matti Helminen, Markus Rokala, Tuija Palonen, Vänni Alarotu, Kari Koskinen, and Seppo Pohjolainen

Rule-Based OWL Reasoning for Specific Embedded Devices 237 Christian Seitz and René Schönfelder

A Semantic Portal for Next Generation Monitoring Systems 253 Ping Wang, Jin Guang Zheng, Linyun Fu, Evan W. Patton, Timothy Lebo, Li Ding, Qing Liu, Joanne S. Luciano, and Deborah L. McGuinness

Doctoral Consortium DC Proposal: PRISSMA, Towards Mobile Adaptive Presentation of the Web of Data 269 Luca Costabello

DC Proposal: Towards an ODP Quality Model 277 Karl Hammar

DC Proposal: Automation of Service Lifecycle on the Cloud by Using Semantic Technologies 285 Karuna P. Joshi Table of Contents - Part II XIX

DC Proposal: Knowledge Based Access Control Policy Specification and Enforcement 293 Sabrina Kirrane DC Proposal: Online Analytical Processing of Statistical Linked Data 301 Benedikt Kämpgen

DC Proposal: Model for News Filtering with Named Entities 309 Ivo Lasek

DC Proposal: Graphical Models and Probabilistic Reasoning for Generating Linked Data from Tables 317 Varish Mulwad DC Proposal: Evaluating Trustworthiness of Web Content Using Semantic Web Technologies 325 Jarutas Pattanaphanchai

DC Proposal: Decision Support Methods in Community-Driven Knowledge Curation Platforms 333 Razan Paul

DC Proposal: Towards Linked Data Assessment and Linking Temporal Facts 341 Anisa Rula DC Proposal: Towards a Framework for Efficient Query Answering and Integration of Geospatial Data 349 Patrik Schneider DC Proposal: Automatically Transforming Keyword Queries to SPARQL on Large-Scale Knowledge Bases 357 Saeedeh Shekarpour

DC Proposal: Enriching Unstructured Media Content about Events to Enable Semi-automated Summaries, Compilations, and Improved Search by Leveraging Social Networks 365 Thomas Steiner DC Proposal: Ontology Learning from Noisy Linked Data 373 Man Zhu DC Proposal: Capturing Knowledge Evolution and Expertise in Community-Driven Knowledge Curation Platforms 381 Hasti Ziaimatin XX Table of Contents - Part II Invited Talks—Abstracts Keynote: 10 Years of Semantic Web Research: Searching for Universal Patterns 389 Frank van Harmelen

Keynote: Building a Nervous System for Society: The 'New Deal on Data' and How to Make Health, Financial, Logistics, and Transportation Systems Work 390 Alex Pentland

Keynote: For a Few Triples More 391 Gerhard Weikum

Author Index 393 Table of Contents - Part I

Research Track Leveraging the Semantics of Tweets for Adaptive Faceted Search on Twitter 1 Fabian Abel, Ilknur Celik, Geert-Jan Houben, and Patrick Siehndel

ANAPSID: An Adaptive Query Processing Engine for SPARQL Endpoints 18 Maribel Acosta, Maria-Esther Vidal, Tomas Lampo, Julio Castillo, and Edna Ruckhaus

Modelling and Analysis of User Behaviour in Online Communities 35 Sofia Angeletou, Matthew Rome, and Harith Alani

Alignment-Based Trust for Resource Finding in Semantic P2P Networks 51 Manuel Atencia, Jérôme Euzenat, Giuseppe Pirro, and Marie-Christine Rousset

The Justificatory Structure of the NCBO BioPortal Ontologies 67 Samantha Bail, Matthew Horridge, Bijan Parsia, and Ulrike Sattler

Effective and Efficient Entity Search in RDF Data 83 Roi Blanco, Peter Mika, and Sebastiano Vigna

An Empirical Study of Vocabulary Relatedness and Its Application to Recommender Systems 98 Gong Cheng, Saisai Gong, and Yuzhong Qu

RELIN: Relatedness and Informativeness-Based Centrality for Entity Summarization 114 Gong Cheng, Thanh Tran, and Yuzhong Qu

Decomposition and Modular Structure of BioPortal Ontologies 130 Chiara Del Vescovo, Damian D.G. Gessler, Pavel Klinov, Bijan Parsia, Ulrike Sattler, Thomas Schneider, and Andrew Winget

A Clustering-Based Approach to Ontology Alignment 146 Songyun Duan, Achille Fokoue, Kavitha Srinivas, and Brian Byrne

Labels in the Web of Data 162 Basil Ell, Denny Vrandecic, and Elena Simperl XXII Table of Contents - Part I

Semantic Search: Reconciling Expressive Querying and Exploratory Search 177 Sébastien Ferré and Alice Hermann Effectively Interpreting Keyword Queries on RDF Databases with a Rear View 193 Haizhou Fu and Kemafor Anyanwu

Extracting Semantic User Networks from Informal Communication Exchanges 209 Anna Lisa Gentile, Vitaveska Lanfranchi, Suvodeep Mazumdar, and Fabio Ciravegna

Verification of the OWL-Time Ontology 225 Michael Griininger

The Cognitive Complexity of OWL Justifications 241 Matthew Horridge, Samantha Bail, Bijan Parsia, and Ulrike Sattler

Visualizing Ontologies: A Case Study 257 John Howse, Gem Stapleton, Kerry Taylor, and Peter Chapman

LogMap: Logic-Based and Scalable Ontology Matching 273 Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz and Bernardo Cuenca Grau

Generating Resource Profiles by Exploiting the Context of Social Annotations 289 Ricardo Kawase, George Papadakis, and Fabian Abel

Concurrent Classification of £C Ontologies 305 Yevgeny Kazakov, Markus Krötzsch, and Frantisek Simancïk

Capturing Instance Level Ontology Evolution for DL-Lite 321 Evgeny Kharlamov and Dmitriy Zheleznyakov

Querying OWL 2 QL and Non-monotonic Rules 338 Matthias Knorr and José Julio Alferes

ShareAlike Your Data: Self-referential Usage Policies for the Semantic Web 354 Markus Krötzsch and Sebastian Speiser

A Native and Adaptive Approach for Unified Processing of Linked Streams and Linked Data 370 Danh Le-Phuoc, Minh Dao-Tran, Josiane Xavier Parreira, and Manfred Hauswirth

Learning Relational Bayesian Classifiers from RDF Data 389 Harris T. Lin, Neeraj Koul, and Vasant Honavar Table of Contents - Part I XXIII

Large Scale Fuzzy pD* Reasoning Using MapReduce 405 Chang Liu, Guilin Qi, Haofen Wang, and Yong Yu On Blank Nodes 421 Alejandro Mallea, Marcelo Arenas, Aidan Hogan, and Axel Polleres

Inspecting Regularities in Ontology Design Using Clustering 438 Eleni Mikroyannidi, Luigi Iannone, Robert Stevens, and Alan Rector

DBpedia SPARQL Benchmark - Performance Assessment with Real Queries on Real Data 454 Mohamed Morsey, Jens Lehmann, Sören Auer, and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo

A Novel Approach to Visualizing and Navigating Ontologies 470 Enrico Motta, Paul Mulholland, Silvio Peroni, Mathieu d'Aquin, Jose Manuel Gomez-Perez, Victor Mendez, and Fouad Zablith Wheat and Chaff - Practically Feasible Interactive Ontology Revision 487 Nadeschda Nikitina, Birte Glimm, and Sebastian Rudolph

Getting the Meaning Right: A Complementary Distributional Layer for the Web Semantics 504 Vit Novâcek, Siegfried Handschuh, and Stefan Decker

Encyclopedic Knowledge Patterns from Wikipedia Links 520 Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese, Aldo Gangemi, Valentina Presutti, and Paolo Ciancarini

An Ontology Design Pattern for Referential Qualities 537 Jens Ortmann and Desiree Daniel

Connecting the Dots: A Multi-pivot Approach to Data Exploration 553 Igor 0. Popov, M.C. Schraefel, Wendy Hall, and Nigel Shadbolt strukt—A Pattern System for Integrating Individual and Organizational Knowledge Work 569 Ansgar Scherp, Daniel Eißing, and Steffen Staab

FedBench: A Benchmark Suite for Federated Semantic Data Query Processing 585 Michael Schmidt, Olaf Görlitz, Peter Haase, Günter Ladwig, Andreas Schwarte, and Thanh Tran

FedX: Optimization Techniques for Federated Query Processing on Linked Data 601 Andreas Schwarte, Peter Haase, Katja Hose, Ralf Schenkel, and Michael Schmidt XXIV Table of Contents - Part I

Local Closed World Semantics: Grounded Circumscription for OWL 617 Kunal Sengupta, Adila Alfa Krisnadhi, and Pascal Hitzler

Extending Logic Programs with Expressions for the Semantic Web 633 Yi-Dong Shen and Kewen Wang Automatically Generating Data Linkages Using a Domain-Independent Candidate Selection Approach 649 Dezhao Song and Jeff Heflin A Machine Learning Approach to Multilingual and Cross-Lingual Ontology Matching 665 Dennis Spohr, Laura Hollink, and Philipp Cimiano Repairing Ontologies for Incomplete Reasoners 681 Giorgos Stoilos, Bernardo Cuenca Grau, Boris Motik, and

Watermarking for Ontologies 697 Fabian M. Suchanek, David Gross-Amblard, and Serge Abiteboul

Link Prediction for Annotation Graphs Using Graph Summarization ... 714 Andreas Thor, Philip Anderson, Louiqa Raschid, Saket Navlakha, Barna Saha, Samir Khuller, and Xiao-Ning Zhang

QueryPIE: Backward Reasoning for OWL Horst over Very Large Knowledge Bases 730 Jacopo Urbani, Frank van Harmelen, Stefan Schlobach, and Henri Bal

Practical RDF Schema Reasoning with Annotated Semantic Web Data 746 Carlos Viegas Damâsio and Filipe Ferreira

Enabling Fine-Grained HTTP Caching of SPARQL Query Results 762 Gregory Todd Williams and Jesse Weaver

dipLODocusjRDFj—Short and Long-Tail RDF Analytics for Massive Webs of Data 778 Marcin Wylot, Jigé Pont, Mariusz Wisniewski, and Philippe Cudré-Mauroux

Extending Functional Dependency to Detect Abnormal Data in RDF Graphs 794 Yang Yu and Jeff Heflin

Author Index g^ 1