THE MONTHLY JOURNAL OF TRAINING, THE WAY TO HAPPINESS by L. Ron Hubbard When a person who has read a popular do it all from scratch. Scientology training text on Scientology turns to an organiza­ is an instruction book on the self-not an tion for training, he will discover himself instruction book on the body or how you studying in a far more intense form should be a good boy or girl in the material on which he has already agreed. society, an instruction book on self. Scientology is a plan of thinking and a Man is basically good and he gets all way of looking at things and arranging mixed up — when you unmix him he new answers which are just as good as reverts to being good. they are workable. We are not dedicated We are moving toward the attainment to theory, we are dedicated to what by Man of a new level of freedom, works. decency and happiness. We can do it. Simply teaching somebody about Sci­ And it is a lot more than worthwhile—it entology, simply training somebody will is vital that we do so. For there is no bring him up tone. Training is not to help elsewhere. And just now nobody make a Professional with a shingle out. cares but us. It is vital to be trained just to handle life. Scientology is the only complete and If you think that a trained Scientologist thorough explanation of existence. The is someone who only audits, then you principles and axioms of Scientology have a very limited view of Scientology. are considerations which have been agreed The trained Scientologist is today’s Cause upon and out of which stem this universe point in an embattled world. and livingness. Training as an auditor If our knowledge is to be valuable. makes one more able to handle life and then wc must learn that it’s possible in fellow beings. training itself for an individual to learn We are building a better universe to Scientology without unsettling every­ live in. It has not been a good universe to thing else that he learns. In other words, live in so far. But it can be. awareness has to do with perimeters, HAPPINESS is the overcoming of not unknown expanding perimeters. The person is more obstacles toward a known goal. and more inside a bigger and bigger circle or sphere. Now the individuals who are on this planet were not issued with an instruction book about themselves. We have had to


Afternoon sun graces the New American Saint Hill, home of the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, higher level training, and unique Power Processing, as Briefing Course students return to Course after a short break. The New American Saint Hill, where dreams come true and personal freedom and ability rise to new heights. FIND OUT WHAT KEEPS PEOPLE FROM HAPPINESS READ . The Training the Modem Science of Mental Health ** L. Ron Hubbpnd Route to the New YOUR FIRST STEP TO TRAINING Sold over the last 22 years to millions of people, American Saint Hill this book contains the basic TRAINING IN SCIENTOLOGY IS TRAINING THE ACADEMY. .. discoveries by L. Ron IN KNOWING HOW TO KNOW. Now he enrolls in the Academy, the place to tram on the Hubbard capable of re­ REALLY KNOWING THE CONDITIONS OF Levels 0-IV of . Each Academy level takes about 2 storing YOUR personal LIFE AND HOW TO RESOLVE THEM IS THE weeks, dealing with a different aspect of people. With happiness. Scientology study methods fully in use, the student can This is the place to start ONLY LASTING WAY TO HAPPINESS. learn very fast with great depth of understanding. On each finding out what your real level, the student learns the data of the level as theory and potentials are. You will get THE ST A R T . . . the practical skills needed to deliver a standard auditing the data you need to under­ Anyone’s training in Scientology starts with books by L. (counseling) session. stand your mind and your Ron Hubbard, one’s first communication from Ron of his On finishing the Level IV Course, he interns, now doing aO life better. discoveries about the handling of life. the actions up to that level until he is confident he can. Each copy is $5, $4.50 with membership discount. Basic courses in communication, the workings of the He receives his own counseling from fellow auditors until Buy half a dozen and give them to your friends mind and control of one’s physical surroundings are then ob­ he has attained the state of Grade IV Release. to start them on their way. $30 for six, that’s $27 tainable from hundreds of groups, missions, and Scientology WHAT NEXT? with membership discount. Churches. The student experiences great personal gains, and As a Class IV Auditor and Grade IV Release, he is now ORDER TODAY (postage paid) DIRECT FROM finds out happiness is possible in life! He becomes more able ready for the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course’the dream to confront, handle and direct his own existence. of every auditor. He is also ready for Power Processing, an ASHO PUBLICATIONS essential preclear step to going . LEARNING HOW TO ST U D Y . . . Wanting to learn more, the student takes the Student Hat The Academy is the direct route that leads to the Samf 2723 West Temple Street Hill Special Briefing Course and the even higher levels of Los Angeles, 90026 Course at his nearest Scientology Church or center to make the most of his study time. He is first counseled on training delivered at the New American Saint Hill Method One Word Clearing (given by a trained auditor) HOW DO YOU GET TO THE NEW AMERICAN Your order shipped within 24 hours of receipt. to clear up definitions of words in past subjects he has SAINT HILL FOR TRAINING? not understood, so that these will never get in his way. You take your next step on the training route—with each Starting the Student Hat Course, he learns the exact one you’ll find yourself closer. Should you ever feel like way to study so as to apply what he will learn without not continuing, go at once to your local Church of confusion. definitions Scientology. The misunderstood words which cause this ABERRATION: Irrational or deranged behavior or thought on, BECOMING AN AUDITOR . . . discouragement can now be handled with astonishing ease. or about, a spdbific subject or subjects. To help others and to understand the mind, the student As you’re moving up to Class IV, keep in close touch with ASHO: The American .Saint Hill Organization. signs up for the Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course at his the Letter Registrar at the New American Saint Hill She is AUDITING: The application (by a trained Auditor or Scientology nearest mission or Scientology Church. Within a few weeks there to see you get what you came to find in Scientology. Minister) of Dianetics pastoral counseling or Scientology procedures to someone for that person’s remarkable betterment. of intensive training, after study of theory and the practical demonstration of it, he learns to free another from unwanted AUDITOR: A Scientology Minister, a pastoral counselor who listens carefully to what people have to say. An auditor is a person emotional difficulties and unwanted, spiritually caused trained and qualified in applying Scientology processes to others (psychosomatic) physical sensations. He becomes a pastoral for their betterment. counselor, a minister of the Church of Scientology, capable CASE SUPERVISOR: One who oversees the progress of pcs in auditing. of freeing another being to be well and happy. CASE: The way a person responds to the world around him by He interns at his nearest Church of Scientology to perfect reason of his aberrations. C L A S S * . A r> ■ a irif «ti cal IV Item foe kudito« l« w h . 1 ■ n i l 1 and gain experience in applying Dianetics pastoral counseling so far released are numbered from O to IX. standardly . He -- — ■■■ ■■ u law m ■ ■ ■ i 1 ' »»y a w . CLEAR: A person who can be at cause knowingly and at wffl over mental matter, energy, space and time as regards the First Dynamic (survival for self). The state of Clear is above the Grades of Release 0-V1 (all of which are prerequisite to Clearing) and is attained by completion of the Clearing Course at an Advanced Organization. DIANETICS: Means through thought or mind. Pastoral counseling. E-METER: The Hubbard Electrometer is a religious artifact used as a spiritual guide in the Church Confessional process, and is not I intended, effective or ever to be used for* attempted diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease. The E-Meter measures the mental state of a person and the change in that mental state as a Rosser Cole, new Class VI Auditor, confidently addresses the result of Scientology or Diane tic processing. crowd upon his graduation from the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course at ASHO. FLAG: The Flagship of the Scientology Sea Organization. Home of L. Ron Hubbard. YOU CAN DO IT! GRADE - an award made to a preclear in the form of a certificate Training is the surest way to personal betterment and for having attained one of the eight states of Reletse or the state of Clear. greater understanding, and the ONLY way to the abflity HAT: Hat is slang for the title and work of a post in a to set others free to enjoy life and be happy. And, « Scientology Organization; taken from the fact that in many pro­ helping others the way you have always wanted to , you fessions, such as railroading, the type of hat worn is the badge of the job. The Student Hat is a course which covers the “hat” of personally will find a very real source of happiness. a student. See the Registrar at your local Church of LEVEL: A segment of information or performance of Scientology whether philosophical or technological for any application of The Church of Scientology in Los Angeles, one of the many Scientology and get started on the training route Scientology. The information of a higher level depends on having local Scientology Academies across the country offering Levels today. obtained and understood the data of lower levels. O-IV. O.T.: (Operating The tan) A Clear who has been familiarized with his environment to a point of total cause over matter, energy, space, time and thought* and who is not in a body. Recent Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Graduates PRECLEAR: (PC) One who is finding out more about himself and Level V Graduates Level VI Graduates life through Scientology or Dianetic Processing and who is not yet Clear. Derk-Jan Korringa, Norman Novitsky, Tony Hitchman, Dennis Brennan, Ann Archer, Richie Goode, Rosser Diana PROCESSING: That action or action, governed by the technical Gerard Marrone, John Danilovich, Alycia Danilovich, Cole, Harriet Baime, Ken Dorsett, Jack Slevin, disciplines and codes of Scientology, of administering to a preclear a Virginia Budlong, Penny Atwell, Darrel Blow. Jung, Sharon Besio. Process, which is a set of questions asked by an auditor to help a person find out things about himself or life. (or REACTIVE BANK): That portion of a Bruce Levin ton. person's mind which works on a stimulus-response basis (given a First ASHO Class VH Graduate certain stimulus, it gives a certain response) which is not under his volitional control and which exerts force and the power of command over his awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions. RELEASE: A person whose Reactive Mind is not influencing him. There are “Grades” of Release, each of which is a distinct and definite step toward greater levels of awarenes and ability. receive a free 6 month SCIENTOLOGY: An applied religious philosophy, dealing with the study of knowledge, which, through the application of its techno­ logy, can bring about desirable changes in the conditions of life. Scientology membership : The Scientology Sea Organization, the management team The HASI, Hubbard Association of Scientologists Inter­ in Scientology. national, is the religious fellowship of Scientology, an expanding SHSBC: Saint HOI Special Briefing Course. group of people who desire and are working for a better, happier TECH or TECHNOLOGY: The methods of application of an art or science as opposed to mere knowledge of the art itself. world. __ : The person h«mself-not Ms body or name, the pbysual As a member, you get a 10% discount price on books, 20% universe, his mind, or anything else; that which n aware of being aware; the identity that IS the individual. (From Theta (©)* the discount on all tapes and on E-Meters (sold to ministers and Greek sym bol for “thought” or perhaps “»p*rit’\ ) ministerial students in Scientology), and free magazines to keep TONE SCALE: A scale measuring and relating the various factors of behavior, emotion and thought to levels on a scale. you informed of Scientology's expansion. UP TONE: At a higher level of the tone scale. Special offer to newcomers—first 6 months free. If your WORD CLEARING: A process by which Ml of a person* mis­ membership has expired, renew it today. ($15 yearly donation.) understood words me cleared up. Write the Membership Officer of your nearest Church of THERE IS ONLY ONE SAINT HILL IN Scientology (see list on back page). AMERICA—it’s the New ASHO. We serve the U.S., coast to coast, plus Canada, Mexico, and South America. DON’T WAIT! .COME IN SOON, Journal of Scientology — Scientology is an applied religious philosophy page 2 — Issue 75 — THE A UDITOR - The Monthly

T Ov S R E D A E R R O IT D U A t S a > ^ 5T X > a (0 V* 69 o V< ro 3 8 3 c5 o-i $p0 ° > 3 ro * < 69 s r ro ro ro o * o asi'S 3 a if, "i H § c O C 3* C 1 i m 3 2 op (•o ro I c i *o a 3 w ro_ O 69 do a h << L_ - ft 3 3* X 55 c 3 o O * ro S " 3 3P > O v< S. 5 ® <5! O ro ff. S-' ro 00 _. 3 O 3 “*> c c s,5 2 o S: v2 «0 S? crs ro H S£ ? x ro a 6S CS 09c -*> C« 5*i g Is S ro 00 *< *■ < a Z £ S’ > s . =• 00 — 3 o <0 rs 5* oo 09 5? O S3. ’ os C/3 69 C 2 *< c > 69 o 00 s ’ rt 3 < *5 o - s'

St ro ro 8 o a ro a n Survey Special this in Fill ro C/3■n o | E o c oo c rv ro O $ rm-69 c •»*» 3 r- 3 3 ro oo I ^ 3* do 5. » rt- o’ So* 09 2. •>5 < 3 9"f ro s r o *• ro 3 g . ~ ro g 3 . ^ x e &9 ro ^ c > 5 ’ *< o 3 ■»0 C/3 3* ST 31 3 ro C 3 C &9 a | i I 00 « OQ S' s o ro 3 ? ©“ 09ro c= rS 3 . X&9 69 § 1 H K ro 3 3 o 69 S “i 3 I? i 69 Cl 00 09 O Oo’ *<" 3 If■n »< X 3 C ml. > % 3 S ’ 3. fo" — o’ 69 . S ro 3 3 3 io a 3 o ro *< C a O ^ a c 3 ro < ; Cl V) ro —* 00 0969 25- 3 6S 3 v : 3 c ° s 3? a | ' ft5* V)ro § 2 sr 2 . 09 CL o* ro5* Q S 85*t. os o a S- 5 H •—' i l a H a H *< 3 a oo X = 2 n m i - s ro m 69 rT *■*■ X > > 3 > c *< 3 2 F S c c 09 c 09 ~7,—' y > o *3 D ^ 3 s H H n O ■£ a H H 3 i 3 2 a Q. § ro 2 . 2 . 09 3r 3* 3* ro o • i< a § ro 3 ro ro ro 8 o Vl a § § 3 O. 3 H X c "iO o | f © Is69 Si 3 O’ o 00 a % ro o sr 09o ’ 00 © 00 O 69 ro e c 3 ' > *< » , sr, 00 •n SP a 2 c 2 . CD o CD ro 3 O 3 X X o" 2 > 00 O CI?l c c o H ro’ o s c X c 69 *■*» m 00 ro o ' f r to c I! 69■n •n o - £ 3 o H 00 O »< X 69 3 CL : 3 r ~ H CO. O' © I co x- czl _ - & SB SB ® © again. Then Then fold in half J 1 1 * H td 3 3 fid O n 3. o N 5' 5" 5' 5" t” O O 3* Cj —< o da da — HC £ 3 3 § c/s rt t5 ii, £ - «-i g »pv< =re ° to io io z o ■3 ■3 W i -=r £. O -=r Los Angeles, California 90026 ?Happy Students on the GET TRAINED THE SURE WAY TO HAPPINESS Saint H ill IS TO HELP OTHERS GO FREE. on the And on the Saint Hill Special Special Briefing Course Briefing Course, “ Doing the Academy Levels and Level V YOU LEARN THE BASICS OF and VI of the S.H.S.B.C. has been one HOW TO HANDLE ANY CASE. fantastic experience. In just under a year The SHSBC is Ron’s course to give I have become a Class VI auditor, from S ain t auditors a depth of understanding that the bottom up. My viewpoint of Life has only a course of this magnitude and changed incredibly, I am more able to completeness can give. Beginning with handle every day things, and I am very THE ORIGINAL THESIS written in happy. 1948, the Level V section of the Training at ASHO was fun. Being on course takes the student along with the fast flow unit of the Briefing Course H ill Ron just as he discovered each part enabled me to speedily go up the levels. of Scientology, in chronological order. The best thing about training is audit­ Your ability to apply standard ing your pcs. On Levels 0-IV you learn all auditing will vastly increase as your the processes for Grades O-IV plus any knowledge, understanding and certain­ other repair actions. On Level V, I S p ecial ty grow on all the basic materials of learned all about how Ron developed the Scientology. Tech in the early 1950’s and saw the Tech You’ll also have the opportunity develop and expand to what it is now. I just feel very powerful because 1 to use Closed Circuit TV and tape know I have the ability to help another recording facilities to greatly improve person become sane, free, happy. your auditing presence and gain insight Adrienne Sundaram, Level V student, enjoys B riefing from observing others. one of Ron’s tapes on the SHSBC. The data is invaluable. You come out Students may study on a day or on the other side a Class VI and you know “Being on the Briefing Course is most evening schedule. satisfying because I know 1 can now it! I’ve learned all about the reactive mind deliver the phenomenal results of Scien­ and how to handle it. ” FAST FLOW Diana Jung, Class VI Auditor. tology to others. I really love auditing— C ourse The special course for super stu­ Now on the Clearing Course, she plans to there’s nothing like it. dents. The Super Saint Hill Special I taught school for 15 years in an at­ return to New York, her home, and audit tempt to get others to communicate professionally there. Briefing Course covers the same materials but faster with no loss of thorough­ better by teaching them another language, ness. Study hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., six days a week. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. French. Scientology is of such a vastly greater magnitude! When I found there Students on this special section have first priority for all services. The was real help I was eager to- have it for rapid study schedule saves you time and living expense while on course, as myself and to give it to others. you’ll be graduating in half the time. Another thing 1 have gained is being After the Academy Levels, there is no substitute for the tremendous gains able to handle my children better. in ability, both in handling ones own life and helping the lives of others, that In general, the children are more self- come from training on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. reliant now. Each has become more aware COURSE PREREQUISITES: Class IV or dear. Method One Word Clearing. of his share of responsibility to the family. ENROLL NOW Having the stable data of Scientology to COURSE FEES: $775, less 5% if full payment in advance ($736.25). align their experiences, they are all in-- creasingly happy with life. As a Saint Hill Special Briefing Course student, you receive a 50% 1 have been auditing them with ex- discount on your power processing. Full payment for this package is i’flllpnf rpcy > lf«- Diana^ Jung, recent Class VI graduate, looks S 1 5 7 S . I f » K - w <5. \ 336.23. YfrUe auditor training too. “The main thing that happened since The Letter Registrar 1 am going to be a full-time auditor Scientology training is that I’m more New American Saint Hill from here on. There is no joy like that of aware. . . . Being O.T. is groovy—but it’s Church of Scientology helping another person go free!” not everything. Training is just as valuable 2723 West Temple Street Adrienne Sundaram, Clear 1527, OT III. or even more valuable. To be able to help Los Angeles, California 90026 [213] 386-7100 She is now working on Level V of the someone find out more about himself Fees promptly refunded to any dissatisfied student or preclear. In order to practice Scientology Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. and to be with that being at his moment spiritual counseling (auditing) one must be a minister of the Church of Scientology. of new awareness is just too beautiful to “Getting audited has enabled me to be at put into words. If you enjoy seeing people source-but training has really taught me how become more aware of themselves, you’ll to operate as a source point and maintain enjoy auditing. power. It’s great to be winning in life.” Now I can compartment things that Special Study Tour from Rosser Cole, Class VI Auditor. happen in their right spaces, where they belong, instead of having a balled up confusion. I can pick out of it the Happiness to me is being in very high aberrations and put them where they New American Saint Hill understanding—affinity, reality, and com­ belong. And THAT makes me happy!” munication—with people. It’s .being very Gerard Marrone, Clear 2437, OT VII, A special tour will be leaving in a point to the upper end at the New secure—you know you’re ablfe to handle Class V Auditor and now working on American Saint Hill. things.” very short time from the New Level VI of the Saint Hill Special Briefing American Saint Hill in Los Angeles Rey Robles, new student working on Level I. Course. IMPORTANCE OF STUDY TAPES for a visit to all Scientology Churches and major missions in the U.S. and Ron has found the sole cause of Canada. This tour, to be made by any student difficulties either in BUY Problems of Work two of the most highly trained study or in application to be simply course supervisors in the world the failure to fully apply the data by L. Ron Hubbard today, will be demonstrating the discovered several years ago and Get the data you need to operate easily in everyday life. Know the best in standard course supervision. recorded on the study tapes, a truth about work. See how to use the training you already have to best The tour members will also be series of eight lectures given by L. advantage on your job. working with each local course Ron Hubbard to students on the “MEN WHO CANNOT WORK ARE NOT HAPPY MEN.” supervisor to see that all of Ron’s Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. Highly practical essays in this book include: discoveries in the field of study The touring course supervisors have On what does holding a job depend? THE PROBLEMS OF WORK and are being properly applied. studied this data more thoroughly Handling the confusions of the work-a-day world BY L RON HUBBARD than anyone ever before. Is work necessary? Already, the response from ad­ The secret of efficiency vance notices has been enthusiastic. TOUR SCHEDULE Life as a SAFEGUARDING TRAINING Getting the principles of study Affinity, Reality and Communication The tour is designed to see that fully in use forecasts a boom for Exhaustion every Academy visited! The tour The man who succeeds students on courses throughout the Buy your copy today-only $3 (S2.70 with country are getting top-notch super­ will whirlwind through your local -mbership discount). Order half a dozen ($18, vision on their lower levels and are Church of Scientology in one day, 516.20 with membership) for your employer, and then be on the road to their your employees and your friends. winning all the way. The tour is being sent out in the next stop, leaving a lot of smiling ORDER TODAY DIRECT FROM interest of safeguarding Scientology faces behind. ASHO PUBLICATIONS training throughout the Americas Church of Scientology and strengthening the Bridge to YOU CAN ALWAYS WRITE 2723 West Temple Street Total Freedom from its beginning TO RON ABOUT YOUR Los Angeles, California 90026 CASE OR PROBLEMS.

THE A UDITOR The Monthly Journal o f Scientology — Scientology is an applied religious philo A Clear Civilization... being planned today AT

*9 £006 FLAG « ? u jo jf|« 3 *so|aSuy soq 'IW JIS a |d u i d i |s»m tlLZ ‘OHSV m » N a i|X o | *uo;)«umoju! i u » u i |i a d jaqio Xu« put ssaipp* mmi A. Jack Kornb pus pjo »qi *fuy|ivui moX uo 2 0 C I —. ■} iffaddv oi if qsiM noX sff aui«M ■ P e l :si*|n3i|jffd n«i i||im pita « cn " c u l l Pa dojQ ‘laaijoa aq iou Xffui noX joj pjoau csaippc m o Xjjuaaw pOAOUi dAffq n o a j| *d|«q moX inot||iM sfi|i op louusa «m • j»a« -m-oh *»l«p-oi*dn s»iu ssaippff ai|l daaq o| jsaq mo op »M

4AT31VT *111*9 Yiirfuv W1 sssnaav a no a c h o n y h o 6C60C ‘ON UUIJBii 9 COO6 «iUiOjiit3 ‘sapSuy soi aiva law s oidui^i ieric iovisod *s*n uopeziurSio u?H ueauauiy 6jq IfyOi^-oON :]0IJDN ciiuoji|C3 jo £So|0)Udps jo ipm iQ Sign Up for Your GO CLEAR Be permanently free of the Reactive Mind and free to pursue your own basic purposes. POWER A Gear is a person who can be at cause knowingly and at will over mental matter, energy, space and time as regards survival for himself. PREREQUISITES: Grade VI Release (available at the Advanced PROCESSING Organization in Los Angeles) and Student Hat Course (available Recover your powers and abilities as a POWER RELEASE. Power Processing, a high level of spiritual counseling at your local Church of Scientology.) by a Class VII Auditor, releases you from deep-rooted problems. Your new freedom will make training much faster DONATION: $800. With advance payment discount. $760. and easier. . ATTAIN THIS PRICELESS STATE OF HAPPINESS YOU WILL GET THE ABILITY TO HANDLE POWER from the smooth auditing and service available only at WITH EASE. the New American Saint Hill. Write the Letter Registrar at the Advanced Organiza­ The most highly trained Case Supervisor on the continent will see that you get the auditing you need to fully tion, Church of Scientology, 916 South Westlake, Los attain the state of Power Release. Any needed preparation is done in regular auditing intensives. Angeles, California 90006 to receive your advance registration packet and further details. WRITE THE LETTER REGISTRAR NOW at PREREQUISITE: The NEW AMERICAN SAINT HILL Grade IV Release (available at your local Church of Scientology). Church of Scientology DONATION: 2723 West Temple Street $1200 (5% advance payment discount makes this $1140). Los Angeles, California 90026 f 213 J 386*7100 for help on any money worries or other difficulties. The Letter Registrar will help you to get here for your POWER Now there are fast. Write today and ask to sign up for Power Processing. Fees promptly refunded to any dissatisfied student or preclear. ______3245 G ears Clear 3174 John Mcgrew Clear 3192 John AHcock Clear 317S Ted Hersh Clear 3201 PricHU Hailes Clear 3176 Des Papham Clear 3202 Sharon Willson Learn How to Train Clear 3177 Sylvia Race' Clear 3204 Daniel M. Riccio Clear 3178 Clarice Baker Clear 320S Arne Peterson Get L R on Hubbard’s Study len til res Clear 3179 Dale Wilson Gear 3206 PaoU Ferrari These eight lectures contain the basics of success in any study. You can easily master ally subject or straighten 9 M M B H M l OeaOfyrKfflW " out any study difficulty through only the application and thorough knowledge of the data contained o*« these Clear 3182 Leona Weiner Clear 3183 Francis Sowerby Clear 3238 Kathy Toft nets taped lectures: STUDY-INTRODUCTION; STUDYING. DATA ASSIMILATION; A SUMMARY OF STUDY; STUDY- Clear 3184 Jan Lacey Clear 3239 Susan Bloom GRADIENTS AND NOMENCLATURE; STUDY, EVALUATION OF INFORMATION; STUDY AND EDUCATION; A REVIEW Clear 318S John Francis Clear 3240 Stewart Brown OF STUDY, STUDY AND INTENTION. These lectures contain THE most vital data to the student of Scientology Clear 3186 Kjell Ahiguist Clear 3241 Stanley Chapman The set is sold for $ 120, with membership discount only $96. Clear 3187 Larry Frazier Clear 3242 Dave Matheny BUY YOUR SET OF THESE HIGH QUALITY RECORDINGS TODAY -listen to them in your home and play Clear 3188 Joy North Clear 3243 Fred Rocschke them for your friends. Clear 3189 Jay Hurwitz Clear 3244 Mike Miller Clear 3190 Claes Ditleven Clear 324S Jeff Mintz ORDER TODAY (postage paid) DIRECT FROM. ASHO PUBLICATIONS, Church of Scientology, Clear 3191 John Blythe 2723 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, California 90026. YOUR ROUTE TO CLEAR BEGINS HERE AT THE CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY ENGLAND STOCKHOLM NEW YORK CAPETOWN PERTH Hubbard College o f Scien­ Arvodesvagen 5,12646 Hagersten, Stockholm The Church of Scientology of Church of Scientology of New Church o f Scientology in S.A. Church o f the New Faith tology, Saint rail Manor, East Cal., 414 Mason St., San York, 49 West 32nd St., New ;y ,)Ltd... 2 Darters Road, 137 Cleaver St., West Perth. Grinstead, Sussex, England GOTENBORG Francisco, Calif. 94102 York, New York 10001 Spe Town. Cable: Sientology West . Cable: Cable: Saeatology East Grin- Offtra Hamnegatan 4. Cable: Scien SFO Cable: Sientology NYK Cape Town. Sientology Perth W.A. stead, England. Telex: 9S262. 41109 Goteborg Telex: 340-667 Telex: 126-860 DURBAN SYDNEY Church o f Scien. o f Brighton, BOSTON CANADA ST. LOUIS Church o f Scientology in S-A. , 69 1S Preston Street, Brighton. Church of Scientology of Mass. Sussex, England TORONTO Church of Scientology of (Pty.)Ltd., College House, 57 Old South Head Road, Bondi 714 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Missouri, 4221 Lin dell Blvd. College Lane, Durban. Cable: Junction, Sydney, N.S.W. 2022 Church of Scientology of 02215. Cable: Scien BSN LONDON Toronto, 124 Ave. Road St. Louis, Mo. 63108. Telex Sientology Durban. Telex: 66706 68 Tottenham Court Rd., Telex: 94-0297 44-7623, Cable: Scien STL NEW ZEALAND London, W.l Cable: Scien­ Toronto, 180 Ontario, Canada DETROIT PRETORIA tology London. Telex: 25383 Cable: Sient Tor. BUFFALO 224 Central Houae, Car. AUCKLAND Telex: 062-2580 Church o f Scientology o f Mich. Church of Scientology of 19452 Lrirentois, Central & Pretori us Streets, The Church o f Scientology o f PLYMOUTH Buffalo, 960 Kenmore Ave. ftetoria. Telex: Johannesburg Auckland, 16-18 View RD. Scientology Plymouth GERMANY Detroit, Michigan Buffalo, New York 14216 43-7405. Cable: Sientology 48221 Cable: Sien DET Auckland 3, Auckland 39 Portland Square, Scientology Organization Cable: Scien BUF. Telex: Johannesburg. Cable: Sientology SherveU, Plymouth, Devon. Munchen, 8000 Munich 90 Telex: 235-768 91-261. Uber der Klause 4a, Telex: AUSTIN AUSTRALIA SOUTH WALES (0811)644969 HAWAII RHODESIA The Church o f Scientology Church of Scientology of ADELAIDE SWANSEA o f Texas Hawaii, 143 Nenue St„ BULAWAYO 20 Henrietta St., Gamorgan. FRANCE Church of the New Faith, 28 5000 Burnet Road, Austin, Texas Honolulu, Hawaii 96821 Restortnae Ave., Fulartoo, Church of Scientology 58 rue de Londres, 75 Paris 8 Cable: Scien Texas A us Telex: 634-252 SCOTLAND Cable: Sientology Paris Adelaide 5000, South Australia 23 Bmdowa Court Telex: 2SS03 SEATTLE LA JOLLA Cable: Sientology Adelaide Borrow Street EDINBURGH Telex: 82486 Bulawayo HJUU. Church of Scientology of Church o f Scientology of Fleet House UNITED ST A TES Washington, 910 Elliott Ave. W., La Jolla, 7440 Girard Ave., 20 South bridge The Founding Church o f Seattle, Washington 98119. La Jolla, Calif. 92037 Edinburgh, Scotland Scientology of Washington, D.C Cable: Scien SEA PORTLAND 1812 19th St. N.W.. Washington Telex: 329-626 THE AUDITOR Church o f Scientology of DENMARK D.C. 20009. Cable: Sientology LAS VEGAS The Monthly Journal of Scientology Washington D.C. Portland, 4707 SJE. Belmont Edition for the Americas COPENHAGEN Church o f Scientology of Portland. Oregon 97215 Church o f Scien. DK., LOS ANGELES Nevada, 2108 Industrial Road Cable: Scien rTL Hovedvagtsgade 6, 1103 Church o f Scientology o f Cal. Las Vegas, Nevada 89102. Cable: Telex: 360-141 Number 75 Copenhagen K. New American Saint Hill Org­ Scien LSV. Teles: 684-4459 FOUNDER: L. RON HUBBARD Church o f Scien, DK., anization, 2723 West Temple MIAMI SOUTH AFRICA St„ Los Angeles, Calif. 90026 JOHANNESBURG Editor: Diane CoDetto Henningses ADe 68.2900 Cable: Sien LSA Church o f Scientology o f Hellerup, Cable: Freetheta, , 985 S.W. First St.. Church of Scien. in S-A. (Pty.) Photographer and Layout Artist: Lynn Lauterbach Copenhagen. Church o f Scientology o f Cal. Miami, Florida 33140. Cable: Ltd., 99 Folly St„ Johannes­ Continental Org. 2005 W. 9th Scien MIA burg, Cable: Sientology Johan­ Copyright (c) 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard St., Los Angeles, Cal. 90006 SWEDEN MINNEAPOLIS nesburg. Telex: Johannesburg Cable: Sien LSA 43-7405 All Rights Reserved ESK1LSTUNA Telex: 67-262 Church o f Scientology o f PORT ELIZABETH Published by the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY, Eskilsgatan 1,633 S6 Eskilsturu • Church of Scientology Minnesota, 3007 Nicollet Ave., Advanced Organization Minneapolis Minnesota 55408 Church o f Scientology in S-A. NEW AMERICAN SAINT HILL ORGANIZATION OREBRO Cable: SienMPS {Pty.lLttL, 119 Parliament St., Oskarsvagen 2,702 14 Orehro 916 South Westlake (A non-profit organization. Scientology Los Angeles, CaUf. 90006 Telex: 29-0370 Fort Elizabeth, Cable: Sientology Cable: Steatology, Orebro. Fort Elizabeth. is an applied religious philosophy.) Church o f Scientology, Celebrity 2723 WEST TEMPLE STREET Centre, 1809 W. 8th St.. Los Angeles. California 90057 LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90026 U S A. i