Boston Symphony Orchestra Summer 2015

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Boston Symphony Orchestra Summer 2015 summer 2015 boston symphony orchestra andris nelsons music director AndRis Nelsons, Ray and MaRia Stata Music DiRectoR BeRnaRd Haitink, LaCRoix Family Fund ConductoR EmeRitus, Endowed in PeRpetuity Seiji Ozawa, Music DiRectoR LauReate 134th season, 2014–2015 Trustees of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Inc. William F. Achtmeyer, Chair • Paul Buttenwieser, President • CaRmine A. MaRtignetti, Vice-Chair • Arthur I. Segel, Vice-Chair • Stephen R. Weber, Vice-Chair • Theresa M. Stone, Treasurer David Altshuler • GeoRge D. Behrakis • Ronald G. Casty • Susan BRedhoff Cohen, ex-officio • RichaRd F. Connolly, JR. • Diddy Cullinane • Cynthia CuRme • Alan J. DwoRsky • William R. ElfeRs • Thomas E. Faust, JR. • Michael GoRdon • BRent L. Henry • Susan Hockfield • BaRbaRa W. Hostetter • ChaRles W. Jack, ex-officio • Stephen B. Kay • Edmund Kelly • Joyce Linde • John M. Loder • Nancy K. Lubin • Joshua A. Lutzker • Robert J. Mayer, M.D. • Robert P. O’Block • Susan W. Paine • Peter Palandjian, ex-officio • John Reed • CaRol Reich • Roger T. Servison • Wendy Shattuck • CaRoline TayloR • Roberta S. Weiner • Robert C. Winters Life Trustees Vernon R. Alden • HaRlan E. Anderson • David B. Arnold, JR. • J.P. BaRger • GabRiella Beranek • Leo L. Beranek • DeboRah Davis Berman • Jan BRett • Peter A. BRooke • John F. Cogan, JR. • Mrs. Edith L. Dabney • Nelson J. DaRling, JR. • Nina L. Doggett • Nancy J. Fitzpatrick • Thelma E. GoldbeRg† • ChaRles H. Jenkins, JR. • MRs. Béla T. Kalman • GeoRge KRupp • MRs. HenRietta N. MeyeR† • RichaRd P. MoRse • David MugaR • MaRy S. Newman • Vincent M. O’Reilly • William J. PooRvu • PeteR C. Read • EdwaRd I. Rudman • RichaRd A. Smith • Ray Stata • Thomas G. StembeRg • John Hoyt Stookey • WilmeR J. Thomas, JR.† • John L. ThoRndike • Stephen R. Weiner • Dr. Nicholas T. Zervas Other Officers of the Corporation MaRk Volpe, Managing Director • Thomas D. May, Chief Financial Officer • BaRt Reidy, Clerk of the Board Board of Overseers of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Inc. Susan BRedhoff Cohen, Co-Chair • Peter Palandjian, Co-Chair NoubaR Afeyan • James E. AisneR • PeteR C. AndeRsen • Lloyd AxelRod, M.D. • Liliana BachRach • Judith W. BaRR • Lucille M. Batal • Linda J.L. Becker • Paul Berz • James L. Bildner • MaRk G. BoRden • PaRtha Bose • KaRen BRessler • Anne F. BRooke • GregoRy E. Bulger • Joanne M. Burke • RichaRd E. Cavanagh • Yumin Choi • Dr. LawRence H. Cohn • ChaRles L. Cooney • William CurRy, M.D. • James C. Curvey • Gene D. Dahmen • Michelle A. Dipp, M.D., Ph.D. • DR. Ronald F. Dixon • Ronald M. DRukeR • Philip J. Edmundson • URsula Ehret-Dichter • SaRah E. Eustis • Joseph F. Fallon • Beth Fentin • Peter Fiedler • Steven S. Fischman • John F. Fish • SanfoRd Fisher • Jennifer MugaR Flaherty • Alexandra J. Fuchs • Robert Gallery • Levi A. GaRRaway • Zoher Ghogawala, M.D. • CoRa H. Ginsberg • Robert R. Glauber • StuaRt HiRshfield • LawRence S. HoRn • Jill HoRnoR • Valerie Hyman • Everett L. Jassy • Stephen J. Jerome • DaRlene Luccio JoRdan, Esq. • Paul L. Joskow • KaRen Kaplan • Stephen R. KaRp • John L. Klinck, JR. • Jay MaRks • Jeffrey E. MaRshall • Paul M. Montrone • Sandra O. Moose • Robert J. MoRRissey • Cecile Higginson Murphy • Joseph Patton • Donald R. Peck • Steven R. Perles • Ann M. Philbin • Wendy PhilbRick • Randy Pierce • Claudio Pincus • Lina S. Plantilla, M.D. • IRene Pollin • Jonathan PooRvu • DR. John Thomas Potts, JR. • William F. Pounds • ClaiRe PryoR • Programs copyright ©2015 Boston Symphony Orchestra, Inc. Cover photo by Marco Borggreve James M. Rabb, M.D. • Ronald Rettner • Robert L. Reynolds • Robin S. Richman, M.D. • Dr. CaRmichael Roberts • Graham Robinson • Patricia Romeo-Gilbert • Susan Rothenberg • Joseph D. Roxe • Malcolm S. Salter • Kurt W. SaRaceno • Donald L. ShapiRo • Phillip A. ShaRp, Ph.D. • Christopher SmallhoRn • Michael B. SpoRn, M.D. • Nicole Stata • MaRgery Steinberg • Patricia L. Tambone • Jean Tempel • Douglas Thomas • MaRk D. Thompson • Albert Togut • Joseph M. Tucci • Sandra A. URie • Robert A. Vogt • Dr. Christoph Westphal • June K. Wu, M.D. • Patricia Plum Wylde • MaRillyn ZachaRis • Dr. Michael Zinner • D. BRooks Zug Overseers Emeriti Helaine B. Allen • MaRjoRie Arons-BaRRon • Diane M. Austin • CaRoline Dwight Bain† • Sandra BakalaR • William T. Burgin • Mrs. Levin H. Campbell • EaRle M. Chiles • CaRol Feinberg Cohen • Mrs. James C. Collias • Ranny Cooper • Joan P. Curhan • Phyllis Curtin • TamaRa P. Davis • Mrs. Miguel de BRagança • Paul F. Deninger • JoAnne Walton Dickinson • Phyllis Dohanian • Alan Dynner • HaRRiett Eckstein • GeoRge Elvin • Pamela D. EverhaRt • Judy Moss Feingold • RichaRd Fennell† • MyRna H. FReedman • Mrs. James GaRivaltis • Dr. Arthur Gelb • Robert P. Gittens • JoRdan Golding • MaRk R. Goldweitz • Michael Halperson • John Hamill • DeboRah M. Hauser • CaRol Henderson • Mrs. RichaRd D. Hill • Roger Hunt • Lola Jaffe • MaRtin S. Kaplan • Mrs. GoRdon F. Kingsley • Robert I. Kleinberg • David I. Kosowsky • Robert K. Kraft • FaRla H. Krentzman† • Peter E. Lacaillade • Benjamin H. Lacy • Mrs. William D. LaRkin • Robert J. Lepofsky • Edwin N. London • FRederick H. Lovejoy, JR. • Diane H. Lupean • Mrs. HaRRy L. MaRks • Joseph B. MaRtin, M.D. • Joseph C. McNay • Dr. MaRtin C. Mihm, JR. • Robert Mnookin • John A. Perkins • May H. Pierce • Dr. Tina Young Poussaint • Daphne BRooks Prout • Robert E. Remis • John Ex Rodgers • Alan W. Rottenberg • Kenan Sahin • Roger A. Saunders • Lynda Anne Schubert • L. Scott Singleton • Gilda Slifka • Samuel ThoRne • Diana Osgood Tottenham • Paul M. VerRochi • David C. Weinstein • James Westra • Mrs. Joan D. Wheeler • MaRgaRet Williams-DeCelles • RichaRd Wurtman, M.D. † Deceased Established 1974 Berkshire Record Outlet Thank you all for your past patronage. After forty-one consecutive summers, our retail store has closed. Please visit our website: Tanglewood The Tanglewood Festival On August 13, 15, and 16, 1936, the Boston Symphony Orchestra gave its fiRst concerts in the BeRkshiRe Hills of westeRn Massachusetts; music diRectoR SeRge Koussevitzky conducted. But those outdooR concerts, attended by a total of 15,000 people, did not take place at Tanglewood: the oRchestRa peRfoRmed neaRby undeR a laRge tent at Holmwood, a foRmer Vanderbilt estate that later became The Center at Foxhollow. In fact, the fiRst BerkshiRe Symphonic Festival had taken place two summers eaRlier, at Interlaken, when, oRganized by a group of music-loving BerkshiRe summer Residents, three outdooR concerts were given by members of the New YoRk PhilhaRmonic, under the diRection of composer/conductoR Henry Hadley. But after a second concert series in 1935, plans foR 1936 pRoved difficult, foR Reasons including Hadley’s health and aspects of the musical programming; so the oRganizing committee instead approached Koussevitzky and the BSO’s TRustees, whose enthusiastic Response led to the BSO’s fiRst concerts in the BerkshiRes. In the winter of 1936, following the BSO’s concerts that summer, Mrs. GoRham BRooks and Miss MaRy Aspinwall Tappan offered Tanglewood, the Tappan family estate, with its buildings and 210 acRes of lawns and meadows, as a gift to Koussevitzky and the oRchestRa. The offeR was gRatefully accepted, a two-weekend festival was planned foR 1937, and on August 5 that yeaR, the festival’s laRgest crowd to date assembled under a tent foR the fiRst Tanglewood concert, an all-Beethoven program. At the all-Wagner concert that opened the 1937 festival’s second weekend, Rain and thundeR twice inteRRupted the Rienzi OveRtuRe and necessitated the omission altogetheR of the Siegfried Idyll, music too gentle to be heaRd through the downpour. At the inter- mission, Miss GeRtRude Robinson Smith, one of the festival’s foundeRs, made an appeal to Raise funds foR the building of a permanent structure. The appeal was bRoadened by means of a printed ciRculaR handed out at the two Remaining concerts, and within a shoRt time enough money was Raised to begin active planning foR a “music pavilion.” Eliel SaaRinen, the eminent aRchitect selected by Koussevitzky, proposed an elaboRate design that went faR beyond the festival’s immediate needs, and also well beyond the $100,000 budget. When his second, simplified plans were again deemed too expensive, A banner advertising the 1939 Berkshire Symphonic Festival (BSO Archives) he finally wRote that if the TRustees insisted on Remaining within theiR budget, they would have “just a shed...which any buildeR could accomplish without the aid of an aRchitect.” The TRustees then asked StockbRidge engineeR Joseph FRanz to simplify SaaRinen’s plans fuRtheR, and the “Shed” he eRected—which Remains, with modifica- tions, to this day—was inaugurated on August 4, 1938, with the fiRst concert of that yeaR’s festival. It has Resounded to the music of the Boston Symphony Orchestra every summer since, except foR the waR yeaRs 1942-45, and has become almost a place of pilgrimage to millions of concertgoers. In 1959, as the Result of a collaboRa- tion between the acoustical consultant Bolt Beranek and Newman and aRchi- tect EeRo SaaRinen and Associates, the installation of the then-unique Edmund Hawes Talbot ORchestRa Canopy, along with otheR impRove- After the storm of August 12, 1937, which precipitated a fundraising drive ments, produced the Shed’s present for the construction of the Tanglewood Shed (BSO Archives) woRld-famous acoustics. In 1988, on the occasion of its fiftieth anniveRsaRy, the Shed was Rededicated as “The SeRge Kous- sevitzky Music Shed,” Recognizing the faR-Reaching vision of the BSO’s
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