DATA ANALYTICS 2020 : The Ninth International Conference on Data Analytics A Comprehensive Study of Recent Metadata Models for Data Lake Redha Benaissa∗yz, Omar Boussaidy, Aicha Mokhtariz, and Farid Benhammadix ∗x DBE Laboratory, Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, Bordj el Bahri, Algiers, Algeria y ERIC, Universite de Lyon, Lyon 2, France z RIIMA Laboratory, USTHB University, Algiers, Algeria Email: ∗
[email protected],
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[email protected] Data Source Abstract—In the era of Big Data, an un amount of 1 precedented Data Discovery Data Source heterogeneous and unstructured data is generated every day, 2 which needs to be stored, managed, and processed to create new services and applications. This has brought new concepts in data Data Source n Construction of Data Storage management such as Data Lakes (DL) where the raw data is Catalog stored without any transformation. Successful DL systems deploy efficient metadata techniques in order to organize the DL. This paper presents a comprehensive study of recent metadata models for Data Lake that points out their rationales, strengths, and Query Tools weaknesses. More precisely, we provide a layered taxonomy of recent metadata models and their specifications. This is followed Figure 1. Data management process in a Data Lake. by a survey of recent works dealing with metadata management in DL, which can be categorized into level, typology, and content extraction of the right metadata to build the catalog remains a metadata. Based on such a study, an in-depth analysis of key challenging issue. features, strengths, and missing points is conducted. This, in turn, allowed to find the gap in the literature and identify open research This paper presents a comprehensive study of recent meta- issues that require the attention of the community.