Present: Councillors Dr L Jones (Chair), H Bunt, R Berrett, D Lucas, C Smith, O Burrows, S Daniel, A Bellringer, N Ball and G Rogers.

Poppy Critchon, Richard Strowbridge Chris Timms for part of the meeting Sue Blaxley (Parish Clerk)

The Chair opened the meeting at 7:30pm.

Public Participation


1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor M Eddy.

2. To confirm the minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2018, having previously been circulated, were agreed as an accurate record.

3. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda


4. To receive a report on any matters arising from the previous meeting

Councillor N J Ball asked why the parish council has decided to take ownership of the BBQ when it is a village asset and has been for years. The Chair explained that, at the last meeting, Councillor H Bunt said that he stores and delivers the BBQ to users and was concerned about liability in the event of an accident. The Chair explained that the BBQ is now included on the parish council’s insurance policy and is valued at £1,000 in the event that it is stolen or severely damaged. However, she said that, in terms of public liability, every organisation that uses it must have their own public liability insurance.

5. To receive the Chairman’s Communications

The Chair explained that the Police are emailing newsletters to parish councils on a periodic basis. She also said that the proposal under the Boundary Commission Review is that the ward of St Neot, and St Cleer will remain as it is now. She explained that an appeal has been lodged to the Planning Inspectorate by the occupier of the unauthorised caravan at Colliford Lake and that the Planning Committee has resolved to write a letter to the Planning Inspectorate, on behalf of the parish council, supporting Nigel Gidding’s submission and the actions of in this respect. The Chair said that the next stage is for the Planning Inspector to visit the site. She said that she is still following up the noise survey data for the Tredinnick turbine but has not received any further update from Cornwall Council. The Chair read out an email from Martin Eddy, on behalf of St Neot Local Historians, thanking the parish council for their generous grant towards the community archaeological excavation this summer. She also read out an email from South West Lakes Trust informing the parish council that they intend to close the lower car park at Colliford Lake in order to concentrate visitors’ parking in the other car parks which will make them busier and safer. South West Lakes Trust say there is sufficient provision in the other car parks and that these car parks link to the walking routes in the area. They also say they are hoping to improve the look, feel and toilet facilities in the upper car park. It was agreed that all the car parks at Colliford Lake get used and that, at the present time, the toilets are closed. Councillor C Smith said that if the lower car park is closed, visitors will find somewhere else to park, either on the road or grass verges. He said the distance between the car parks is too great to close one of them. Councillor O Burrows said that South West Lakes Trust may be seeking to gain more control over the area. It was proposed by Councillor Dr L Jones and seconded by Councillor N J Ball that the Clerk responds to South West Lakes Trust saying that the lower car park should be kept open as all the car parks at Colliford Lake are used and that to close the lower car park will result in potential users parking elsewhere as opposed to in the other car parks. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

6. To answer any questions from Councillors, previously notified to the Clerk


7. To receive a report from the Clerk


8. Councillor Surgery at Local Produce Market

To receive feedback from the Councillor surgery on Saturday 2nd June 2018 and to appoint a volunteer for the next surgery on Saturday 7th July 2018

Councillor S Daniel said that she had attended the market and that a parishioner had asked that the 30mph sign on Tripp Hill be moved further up the hill next to the cattle grid. It was proposed by Councillor S Daniel and seconded by Councillor D Rogers that the Clerk submits this request to Cornwall Council Highways Department. Councillor S Daniel also said that a member of the WI hired the Pavillion but had to spend an hour cleaning it before it could be used. She said that the kitchen area is filthy and that hirers should not have to clean it before they use the facility. It was noted that the Pavillion is used by the Post Office, the Scouts and the Art Group. It was agreed that these users would be asked how they find the facility at the start of their sessions and that further consideration be given to employing a cleaner for the pavillion at the next meeting of the parish council. It was proposed by Councillor Dr L Jones and seconded by Councillor C Smith that the £10 fee paid by the WI for hiring the Pavillion be returned to them. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal. Councillor S Daniel also reported that Mrs Merrett-Jones thanked the parish council for cleaning the drains in Lampen Lane. The Chair thanked those councilors who had undertaken this work Councillor Dr L Jones said that she would attend the market on Saturday 7th July 2018.

9. / Community Network Panel

To elect a parish council representative for the Liskeard/Looe Community Network Panel

It was proposed by Councillor Dr L Jones and seconded by Councillor S Daniel that Councillor D Lucas be appointed as the parish council representative on the LLCNP. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

10. To receive reports from - a) Liskeard Have Your Say Panel


b) Cornwall Councillor M Eddy

Cornwall Councillor M Eddy had submitted a report which read as follows:

“Please accept my apologies for not being with you at your meeting this month.

In the newsletter I reported the extra funding for road repairs as being £3 million which was the position at that time, but at the Full Council meeting in May it was agreed to bring forward the capital budget for roads meaning that there will be an additional £30 million over 3 years. This will:

* target areas of deterioration where potholes have already formed and those areas where condition data indicates that they will occur;

* deal with longstanding maintenance issues which have the potential to adversely affect highway condition; and

* support schemes which make a demonstrable and noticeable difference to the local community.

Perhaps at your next meeting we could have an item on the agenda to review the roads and generate a list of those that are worn out and need repair.

Discussions about the waste contract renewal continue with a recommendation going to the Cabinet that from 2020 households are issued with a 180 litre wheelie bin or seagull proof sack for waste (depending on what will work best for the household and the collection service), and two food waste caddies - one for inside the home and one for outside. If you have any views on this please let me know.

Locally, BT have started to approach households in rural areas to assess the work required to run fibre broadband to those premises. This may involve a cost to the household and I am waiting to hear what that may be, if anything.

I am grateful to Cormac for the emergency repairs made to the road at Carpuan to allow the carers continued access, all done within two days of reporting.

The officer dealing with the Colliford enforcement reports that the owners of the site have submitted the forms to register an Appeal against the Enforcement

Notice. The next step is to wait to hear from the Planning Inspectorate as to when the appeal will be heard. The key point is that until the Appeal has been heard and the decision made the Notice has in effect been paused. Cornwall Council has written to neighbours seeking their views and the Parish Council might wish to consider expressing its views before 27th June to the Inspector who will conduct the hearing.”

It was agreed that the entire road from the A30 to the A38 past Colliford Lake, Trevenna and Tredarrup needs attention as does the road from the cattlegrid on Goonzion towards Lestow and the road which access Trevenna and onto Trevina. In addition, it was agreed that the drainage on the road out of St Neot past Carnglaze Caverns needs attention. c) Goonzion Commoners

None d) Moor Parishes Group


10. To authorise the signing of orders for payment, including –

Julie Ball (Toilet cleaning – June) - £150.80 Mrs L Ledbury (Grass cutting) - £360.00 Mrs S Blaxley (3 month’s salary and expenses) - £2183.38 Classic Fire Ltd (Fire alarm/extinguisher service) - £276.00 Richards (Repairs to Cott Yard) - £32.54 A Martin (Plants for Cott Wall) - £12.00 Heat Pump Servicing Ltd (Repairs to heat pump in Cott Yard) - £281.40 M A Smith (Plants and compost for planters in Doorstep Green) - £12.48 Mrs L Ledbury (Grass cutting) - £360.00 Julie Rowe (Cleaning Cott Yard) - £62.50 Christian Smith (Signs for picnic table) - £36.00

It was proposed by Councillor D Lucas and seconded by Councillor G Rogers that all of the above orders for payment be authorized apart from the second invoice to Mrs L Ledbury as this relates to work which has not yet been undertaken. The Clerk was authorized to pay this when the work has been done. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

12. To receive correspondence from -

a) Cornwall Council


b) Others


13. Finance Report

To receive a current financial statement of the accounts

The Clerk reported that this month we have received income of £126.00 for the use of the pavilion as a post office, £141.03 RHI payment, £1,072.84 VAT repayment, £2,005.59 from Restgarth as rent for Cott Yard and £571.50 from Heather Taylor as rent for Cott Yard. The accounts balance at £75,540.33.

14. GDPR and St Neot Website

To receive and consider a report from Chris Timms regarding the implications of GDPR for the St Neot Website

Chris Timms explained that the GDPR Act has created problems for small organisations. He explained that it is illegal to retain peoples’ data without their written permission and it is illegal to put peoples’ details on a website or in a newsletter without their written permission. He explained that this includes photographs taken in a private place. In this respect, all identifiable people in a photograph have to give their written permission for the photograph to be used publicly. He said there is some controversy about the use of photographs but this is his understanding at the present time and therefore, on the St Neot website, certain pages are blocked from public view until the legality of certain issues regarding photographs has been clarified. Councillor S Daniel asked if this means that all photographs published in St Neot News require the permission of all those in the photographs before they can be published. Chris Timms said that is the case. The Chair said that it was not the government’s intention to create problems for small organisations. She said that the GDPR is aimed at large organisations who are selling personal data to other organisations for personal gain.

Chris Timms explained that the website is looked at by many people. He said that since he re-launched the website, there have been 1,100 lookings per month. He said that the cost of the website to the parish council is approximately £58/year which is well compensated for in advertising revenue. The Chair thanked Chris Timms, on behalf of the parish council, for all his hard work in relation to the web site.

15. Doorstep Green and Playing Field

To consider the future maintenance of Doorstep Green

Councillor H Bunt explained that he has spoken to those who continue to undertake gardening in Doorstep Green. He said that the consensus view is that no one wants to take over full control of the maintenance of the garden but they are happy to continue to help in maintaining the space. Councillor D Lucas suggested employing a gardener to maintain Doorstep Green. Councillor C Smith said that it is meant to be a communal garden looked after by the community. He suggested forming a sub committee of parish councillors to discuss the future maintenance of Doorstep Green with the volunteers which will ensure continuity and in time, he said a natural leader may emerge. Councillor S Daniel said there are between 6 and 8 volunteers who have a patch that they look after which allows them to garden at their convenience. She said it is important not to lose the momentum and to continue the good work that Bevil Bunt started. Some discussion took place as to the merits or otherwise of employing a plantsman. The Chair said that some people do not have the requisite knowledge or confidence to prune shrubs and suggested employing a plantsman on a bi annual basis to prune the large shrubs and undertake consultation with those that volunteer in Doorstep Green. Councillor G Rogers said that the shrubs are not out of control so a plantsman is not needed. Councillor A Bellringer said that he thought it would be a good idea to employ a plantsman. Councillor C Smith said that the best way forward would be to form a sub-committee and ascertain how the volunteers want to move forward with the maintenance of this space. Councillor R Berrett agreed with this view. It was proposed by Councillor C Smith and seconded by Councillor Dr L Jones that Councillors Dr L Jones, G Rogers, S Daniel and O Burrows form a sub committee to engage with the volunteers and guide future maintenance to ensure that the continuity of Doorstep Green continues. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

In terms of a memorial in Doorstep Green for Bevil Bunt, Councillor H Bunt said that he had consulted with the family and they have suggested installing a small rose bed with a granite post and plaque. It was agreed that the Bunt family could create this memorial in Doorstep Green.

To receive and consider a report on any matters arising relating to Doorstep Green and the Playing Field

The Chair said she had received a request from Kath Strang to use the playing field for car parking on Saturday 30th June 2018 when her daughter will be married in St Neot Church. It was proposed by Councillor A L Bellringer and seconded by Councillor C Smith that the use of the playing field for the parking of vehicles on Saturday 30th June 2018 be authorised. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

Councillor C Smith said the installation of the adult fitness equipment will commence week beginning 18th June 2018. However, he said that the installation may not be complete by carnival day so the site will have to be fenced off for the carnival. He said that he had filled the holes in the fireman’s pole with silicon. It was noted that they had been identified by ROSPA as finger entrapments.

It was agreed that the football goal can be used as the prize giving area during the carnival which will prevent the goal being used for football during the event. Councillor C Smith said the parish council’s carnival float will focus on Doorstep Green and will also be a tribute to Bevil Bunt. It was agreed that preparation of the float will take place on Friday 22nd June 2018 commencing at 6:30pm.

16. Toilets and Car Park in St Neot

To receive and consider a quotation for strimming the grass verges around the car park

The Clerk reported that Mr Ledbury has quoted £35/month to strim the grass verges and banks around the car park. It was proposed by Councillor R Berrett and seconded by Councillor G Rogers that this quotation be accepted and that Mr Ledbury be authorised to undertake the work for a maximum of 6 months in a year from April to September inclusive. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal apart from Councillor N J Ball who voted against. It was noted that Janet Haley’s concerns about the weeds on the bank at the rear of the car park will be addressed by this resolution authorising Mr Ledbury to strim the verges and banks.

To receive and consider a report on any matters arising relating to the toilets and car park in St Neot


17. St Neot Orchard

To receive and consider a report on any matters arising relating to St Neot Orchard


18. Cott Yard

To receive and consider a request for the removal of furniture from Cott Yard

The Chair reported that Restgarth want the parish council’s furniture removed from the offices they occupy so they can use the space taken up by the furniture for document storage. It was noted that they use their own furniture and the parish council’s furniture is stacked up in one of the smaller offices. It was noted that the value of the furniture in question is approximately £3,000. Considerable discussion took place regarding this matter. Some councillors thought the furniture should remain in situ whilst others said it was the tenant’s right to remove it if they wished. It was agreed that the parish council does not have the facility to store the furniture and would not, in any case, be responsible for moving the furniture for the tenant. Furthermore, it was agreed that when the lease is terminated, the parish council will expect the furniture to be returned in its original condition. It was proposed by Councillor N J Ball and seconded by Councillor C Smith that the tenants be informed that they can remove the furniture at their own expense to a dry, secure storage facility which has to be approved by the parish council. Six councillors voted in favour of this proposal and four against. The proposal was therefore carried.

To receive and consider a report on any other matters arising relating to Cott Yard


19. Goonzion

To receive and consider quotations for the provision of new signs on Goonzion

Councillor C Smith reported that, following last month’s meeting, he had obtained a quotation in the sum of £440 plus VAT for the supply of the new signs which would be made of hard wood and painted white with black routered lettering. Councillor R Berrett commented that hard wood does rot in the joints. Councillor C Smith agreed that oak may split. It was proposed by Councillor S Daniel and seconded by Councillor Dr L Jones that Councillor C Smith be authorised to source some new signs in a better quality wood up to the value of £1,000. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

It was noted that Trevenna had requested to be included on some of the signs. However, it was agreed that if the parish council allows one business to be included on the signs, this sets an undesirable precedent.

20. Holy Well

To receive and consider a report on matters arising relating to the Holy Well

This matter was deferred until the next meeting of the parish council.

21. Litter

To consider the action to be taken regarding the litter in the parish

This matter was deferred until the next meeting of the parish council.

22. Review of Accounts

To review the end of year accounts for 2017/18

It was noted that everyone had received a copy of the Analysis of Receipts and Payments with their agenda. The Clerk explained the payments and receipts and invited questions on the figures presented. She explained that the figures from the Analysis of Receipts and Payments have been transferred to the Annual Return which will be sent to the external auditor. She also read out the statements detailed on the external audit form relating to the Annual Governance Statement.

22.1 It was proposed by Councillor D Lucas and seconded by Councillor Dr L Jones that the Annual Governance Statement 2017/18 be approved for submission to the external auditor. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

22.2 It was proposed by Councillor C Smith and seconded by Councillor G Rogers that the Accounting Statements 2017/18 be approved for submission to the external auditor. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal.

23. Co-option

To receive and consider applications for co-option onto the parish council

Poppy Crichton introduced herself and explained that she had circulated her application prior to the meeting. All Councillors confirmed that they had read the document. She outlined the qualities that she considers she possesses that would be attributes to her in the role of parish councillor and she said that she is proud to live in St Neot as it has such a good community spirit and is full of good, kind hearted people. She said that she would like to help it remain that way where all generations, young and old, feel safe and supportive to one another. The Chair asked her if she could undertake artistry work and if she would be willing to help sort documents in the archive, attend the local produce market and represent the parish council on external committees. Poppy said that she would be happy to try all these aspects of the work and that if she was unable to undertake a task such as artistry, she would attempt to find someone in the parish who could undertake such work.

At this point in the meeting, Poppy left the room. Councillors agreed that Poppy possesses good skills and has her heart in the right place and that she is keen and capable and having attended three parish council meetings, knows what she is getting into. It was proposed by Councillor D Lucas and seconded by Councillor Dr L Jones that Poppy Crichton be coopted onto the parish council. All Councillors voted in favour of this proposal. Poppy returned to the meeting and was welcomed as a member of St Neot Parish Council.

24. Date of next meeting

To agree the date of the next meeting on Wednesday 11th July 2018

The next meeting of the St Neot Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 11th July 2018 commencing at 7:30pm in the St Neot Village Institute, St Neot.

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9:50pm.