
Author’s Blurb

TK Lim (Tong Kwee Lim) obtained his bachelor’s and products into and out of Australia from and master’s degrees in Agricultural Science and for the Middle East and Asian region. During from the University of Malaya and his PhD his time with ACIAR, he oversaw and managed (Botanical Sciences) from the University of international research and development programs Hawaii. He worked in the Agricultural University in plant protection and horticulture, covering a of Malaysia for 20 years as a Lecturer and wide array of crops that included , plantation Associate Professor; as Principal Horticulturist crops, vegetables, culinary and medicinal herbs for 9 years for the Department of Primary and spices mainly in southeast Asia and the Industries and Fisheries, Darwin, Northern Pacifi c. In the course of his four decades of work- Territory; for 6 years as Manager of the Asia and ing career, he has travelled extensively world- Middle East Team in Plant Biosecurity Australia, wide to many countries in South Asia, , Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Southeast Asia, Middle East, Europe, the Pacifi c Forestry, Australia, and for 4 years as Research Islands, USA and England and also throughout Program Manager with the Australian Centre for Malaysia and Australia. Since his tertiary educa- International Agriculture Research (ACIAR), tion days, he always had a strong passion for Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, crops and took an avid interest in edible and Australia, before he retired from public service. medicinal . Over the four decades, he has He has published over a hundred scientifi c taken several thousands of photographs of com- papers and several books: ‘Guava in Malaysia: mon, known and lesser known edible, medicinal Production, Pest and Diseases’, ‘Durian Diseases and non-; amassed local litera- and Disorders’, ‘Diseases of Mango in Malaysia’; ture, local indigenous knowledge and books and chapters in books, international refereed journals, has developed and established a close rapport conference proceedings (as editor) and technical with many local researchers, scientists, growers bulletins in the areas of plant pathology, crop pro- and farmers during the course of his work and tection, horticulture, agronomy and quarantine travels. All relevant available and up-to-date science. He was also a reviewer of scientifi c information collated on more than 1,000 species papers for several international scientifi c jour- of edible, medicinal and non-medicinal plants nals. As Principal Horticulturist in Darwin, he will be provided in a comprehensive reference and his team were instrumental in establishing series fully illustrated with coloured images to the horticultural industry in Northern Territory, help in plant identifi cation. This work will cover Australia, especially on tropical fruit, vegetables, scientifi c names, synonyms, common and ver- culinary herbs, spices/medicinal herbs and nacular names, origin and distribution, agroecol- tropical fl owers. During his tenure with Plant ogy, edible plant parts and uses, plant habit/ Biosecurity, he led a team responsible for con- description, nutritive and medicinal value, other ducting pest risk analyses and quarantine policy uses and selected current references. Additional issues dealing with import and export of plants information is provided on the medicinal uses

T.K. Lim, Edible Medicinal and Non Medicinal Plants: Volume 9, Modifi ed Stems, , Bulbs, 890 DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9511-1, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015 Author’s Blurb 891 and pharmacological properties of plants. This food nutritionists, agriculturists, botanists, work will be of signifi cant interest to scientists, herbalogists, herbologists, naturalists, conserva- researchers, practitioners (medical practitioners, tionists, extension scientists, teachers and lectur- pharmacologists, ethnobotanists, horticulturists, ers), students and the general public. Medical Glossary

A A D Allergic airway disease, an infl ammatory reductase (Complex I) activity of mammalian disorder of the airways caused by allergens. mitochondria. AAPH 2 , 2 ′-azobis (2-amidinopropane) dihy- Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) Enzyme that drochloride, a water- soluble azo compound catalyses the biotin-dependent carboxylation used extensively as a free-radical generator, of acetyl-CoA to produce malonyl-CoA. often in the study of lipid peroxidation and the Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) Is an enzyme characterisation of antioxidants. that degrades (through its hydrolytic activity) Abeta aggregation Amyloid beta protein the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, producing (Abeta) aggregation is associated with choline. Alzheimer’s disease (AD); it is a major com- Acne vulga’ris Also known as chronic acne, ponent of the extracellular plaque found in AD usually occurring in adolescence, with com- brains. edones (blackheads), papules (red pimples), Abdominal distension Referring to generalised nodules (infl amed acne spots) and pustules distension of most or all of the abdomen. Also (small infl amed pus-fi lled lesions) on the face, referred to as stomach bloating often caused neck and upper part of the trunk. by a sudden increase in fi bre from consump- Acidosis Increased acidity, an excessively acid tion of vegetables, fruit and beans. condition of body fl uids. Ablation therapy The destruction of small Acquired immunodefi ciency syndrome areas of myocardial tissue, usually by appli- (AIDS) An epidemic disease caused by an cation of electrical or chemical energy in the infection by the human immunodefi ciency virus treatment of some tachyarrhythmias. (HIV-1, HIV-2), a retrovirus that causes immune Abortifacient A substance that causes or system failure and debilitation and is often induces abortion. accompanied by infections such as tuberculosis. Abortivum A substance inducing abortion. Acridone An organic compound based on the Abscess A swollen, infected, infl amed area acridine skeleton with a carbonyl group at the fi lled with pus in body tissues. 9 position. ABTS 2.2 azinobis-3-ethylhenthiazoline-6- A C T H Adrenocorticotropic hormone (or corti- sulfonic acid, a of mediator in chemi- cotropin), a polypeptide tropic hormone pro- cal reaction kinetics of specific enzymes. duced and secreted by the anterior pituitary A C A T Acyl CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase. gland. It plays a role in the synthesis and A C E See angiotensin-converting enzyme. secretion of gluco- and mineralo-corticoste- ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone) Also roids and androgenic steroids. known as ‘corticotropin’, it is a polypeptide Activating transcription factor (ATF) A tropic hormone produced and secreted by the protein (gene) that binds to specifi c DNA anterior pituitary gland. sequences regulating the transfer or transcrip- Acetogenins Natural products from the plants tion of information from DNA to mRNA. of the family Annonaceae, they are very Activator protein-1 (AP-1) A heterodimeric potent inhibitors of the NADH-ubiquinone protein transcription factor that regulates gene

T.K. Lim, Edible Medicinal and Non Medicinal Plants: Volume 9, Modifi ed Stems, Roots, Bulbs, 892 DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9511-1, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015 Medical Glossary 893

expression in response to a variety of stimuli Adipocyte A fat cell involved in the synthesis including cytokines, growth factors, stress and and storage of fats. bacterial and viral infections. AP-1 in turn reg- Adipocytokine Bioactive cytokines produced ulates a number of cellular processes including by adipose tissues. differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis. Adiponectin A protein in humans that modu- Actoprotective Increasing the body’s physical lates several physiological processes such as performance. metabolism of glucose and fatty acids and Actoprotectors Preparations that increase the immune responses. mental performance and enhance body stability Adipose tissues Body fat, loose connective tis- against physical loads without increasing oxy- sue composed of adipocytes (fat cells). gen consumption. Actoprotectors are regarded Adoptogen Containing smooth pro-stressors as a subclass of adaptogens that hold a signifi - which reduce reactivity of host defense sys- cant capacity to increase physical performance. tems and decrease damaging effects of vari- Acute otitis media (AOM) See otitis media. ous stressors due to increased basal level of Acyl-CoA dehydrogenases A group of enzymes mediators involved in stress response. that catalyses the initial step in each cycle of fatty Adrenal glands Star-shaped endocrine glands acid β -oxidation in the mitochondria of cells. that sit on top of the kidneys. Adaptogen A term used by herbalists to refer Adrenalectomised Having had the adrenal to a natural herb product that increases the glands surgically removed. body’s resistance to stresses such as trauma, Adrenergic Having to do with adrenaline (epi- stress and fatigue. nephrine) and/or noradrenaline (norepinephrine). Adaptogenic Increasing the resistance of the Adrenergic receptors A class of G protein- body to stress. coupled receptors that are targets of the nor- Addison’s disease Is a rare endocrine disorder. adrenaline (norepinephrine) and adrenaline It occurs when the adrenal glands cannot pro- (epinephrine). duce suffi cient hormones (corticosteroids). It Adulterant An impure ingredient added into a is also known as chronic adrenal insuffi ciency, preparation. hypocortisolism or hypocorticism. Advanced Glycation End products Adenocarcinoma A cancer originating in glan- (AGEs) Resultant products of a chain of dular tissue. chemical reactions after an initial glycation Adenoma A benign tumour from a glandular reaction. AGEs may play an important adverse origin. role in the process of atherosclerosis, diabetes, Adenoidectomy Surgical removal of the adenoids. aging and chronic renal failure. Adenopathy Abnormal enlargement or swell- Aegilops An ulcer or fi stula in the inner corner ing of the lymph node. of the eye. Adenosine receptors A class of purinergic, Afferent Something that so conducts or carries G-protein-coupled receptors with adenosine towards, such as a blood vessel, fi bre or nerve. as endogenous ligand. In humans, there are Agammaglobulinaemia An inherited disorder

four adenosine receptors. A1 and A2 A recep- in which there are very low levels of protective tors play roles in the heart, regulating myocar- immune proteins called immunoglobulins. cf . dial oxygen consumption and coronary blood x-linked agammaglobulinaemia.

fl ow, while the A 2A receptor also has broader Agalactia Lack of milk after parturition (birth). anti-infl ammatory effects throughout the Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) A body. These two receptors also have impor- medical condition of elderly adults that results tant roles in the brain, regulating the release in a loss of vision in the center of the visual fi eld of other neurotransmitters such as dopamine (the macula) because of damage to the retina.

and glutamate, while A 2B and A 3 receptors are Agglutinin A protein substance, such as an anti- located mainly peripherally and are involved body, that is capable of causing agglutination in infl ammation and immune responses. (clumping) of a particular antigen. A D H See alcohol dehydrogenase. Agglutination Clumping of particles. 894 Medical Glossary

Agonist A drug that binds to a receptor of a cell Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) An enzyme in the and triggers a response by the cell. cells lining the biliary ducts of the liver. ALP Ague A fever (such as from malaria) that is levels in plasma will rise with large bile duct marked by paroxysms of chills, fever and obstruction, intrahepatic cholestasis or infi l- sweating and that recurs at regular intervals. trative diseases of the liver. ALP is also pres- A H R AhR, aryl hydrocarbon receptor, a cyto- ent in bone and placental tissues. solic protein transcription factor. Allergenic Having the properties of an antigen AIDS See acquired immunodefi ciency syndrome. (allergen), immunogenic. Akathisia A movement disorder in which there Allergic Pertaining to, caused by, affected with is an urge or need to move the legs to stop or of the nature of allergy. unpleasant sensations. Also called restless Allergic conjunctivitis I n fl ammation of the leg syndrome, the disorder is often caused by tissue lining the eyelids (conjunctiva) due to long-term use of antipsychotic medications. allergy. A K T Serine/threonine kinase (also known as Allergy A hypersensitivity state induced by protein kinase B or PKB) plays a critical regu- exposure to a particular antigen (allergen) latory role in diverse cellular processes includ- resulting in harmful immunologic reactions ing cancer progression and insulin metabolism. on subsequent exposures. The term is usually Akt signaling pathway Akts are protein kinases used to refer to hypersensitivity to an environ- involved in mammalian cellular signaling that mental antigen (atopic allergy or contact der- inhibits apoptotic processes. matitis) or to drug allergy. Akt/FoxO pathway Cellular processes involv- Allodynia A painful response to a normally ing Akt and FoxO transcription factors that innocuous stimulus. play a role in angiogenesis and vasculogenesis. Allogeneic Cells or tissues which are geneti- Akt/GSK-3 β/eNOS phosphorylation Amplifi es cally different because they are derived from serotonin 5-HT2B receptor blockade-mediated separate individuals of the same species. Also anti-hypertrophic effects. refers to a type of immunological reaction Alanine transaminase (ALT) Also called Serum that occurs when cells are transplanted into a Glutamic Pyruvate Transaminase (SGPT) or genetically different recipient. Alanine aminotransferase (ALAT), an enzyme Allografts Or homografts, a graft between indi- present in hepatocytes (liver cells). When a cell viduals of the same species but of different is damaged, it leaks this enzyme into the blood. genotypes. ALAT, (Alanine aminotransferase) See ala- Alloknesis Itch produced by innocuous mechan- nine transaminase. ical stimulation. Albumin Water-soluble proteins found in egg Allostasis The process of achieving stability, or white, blood serum, milk, various tis- homeostasis, through physiological or behav- sues and plant juices and tissues. ioural change. Albuminaria Excessive amount of albumin in Alopecia Is the loss of hair on the body. the urine, a symptom of severe kidney disease. Alopecia areata Type of hair loss that typically Aldose reductase, aldehyde reductase A n causes patches of baldness. enzyme in carbohydrate metabolism that con- A L P See Alkaline phosphatase. verts glucose to sorbitol. Alpha- adrenoceptor Receptors postulated to Alexipharmic An antidote remedy for poison. exist on nerve cell membranes of the sympa- Alexiteric A preservative against contagious and thetic nervous system in order to explain the infectious diseases and the effects of poisons. specifi city of certain agents that affect only Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) An enzyme some sympathetic activities (such as vasocon- involved in the breakdown of alcohol. striction, relaxation of intestinal muscles and Algesic Endogenous substances involved in contraction of smooth muscles). the production of pain that is associated with Alpha amylase (α-amylase) A major form of infl ammation, e.g. serotonin, bradykinin and amylase found in humans and other mammals prostaglandins. that cleaves alpha bonds of large, alpha-linked Medical Glossary 895

polysaccharides such as and glycogen Analeptic A central nervous system (CNS) yielding glucose and maltose. stimulant medication. A L T See Alanine transaminase. Analgesia Term describing relief, reduction or Alterative A medication or treatment which suppression of pain. adj . analgetic. gradually induces a change and restores healthy Analgesic A substance that relieves or reduces functions without sensible evacuations. pain. Alveolar macrophage A vigorously phagocytic Anaphoretic An antiperspirant. macrophage on the epithelial surface of lung Anaphodisiac Or antiaphrodisiac, is something alveoli that ingests carbon and other inhaled that reduces or blunts the libido. particulate matter. Also called coniophage or Anaphylaxis A severe, life-threatening allergic dust cell. response that may be characterised by symp- Alzheimer’s disease A degenerative, organic, toms such as reduced blood pressure, wheez- mental disease characterised by progres- ing, vomiting or diarrhoea. sive brain deterioration and dementia usually Anaphylactic Adj . See anaphylaxis. occurring after the age of 50. Anaphylotoxins Are fragments (C3a, C4a or Amastigote Refers to a cell that does not have C5a) that are produced during the pathways any fl agella, used mainly to describe a cer- of the complement system. They can trigger tain phase in the life cycle of trypanosome release of substances of endothelial cells, mast protozoans. cells or phagocytes, which produce a local Amenorrhea The condition when a woman infl ammatory response. fails to have menstrual periods. Anaplasia A reversion of differentiation in Amidolytic Cleavage of the amide structure. cells, is characteristic of malignant neoplasms Amoebiasis State of being infected by amoeba (tumours). such as Entamoeba histolytica . Anaplastic Adj . See anaplasia. Amoebicidal Lethal to amoeba. Anasarca Accumulation of a great quantity of AMPK (5′ AMP-activated protein kinase) O r fl uid in body tissues. 5′ adenosine monophosphate-activated pro- Anencephaly A cephalic disorder that results tein kinase, enzyme that plays a role in cel- from a neural tube defect that occurs when the lular energy homeostasis. cephalic (head) end of the neural tube fails to Amygdalitis I n fl ammation of one or both ton- close, resulting in the absence of a major por- sils, tonsilitis. tion of the brain, skull and scalp. Amyloid beta (Aβ or Abeta) A peptide of Androgen Male sex hormone in vertebrates. 39–43 amino acids that appears to be the main Androgens may be used in patients with breast constituent of amyloid plaques in the brains of cancer to treat recurrence of the disease. Alzheimer’s disease patients. Androgenic alopecia Hair loss in men and Amyloidosis A disorder that results from abnor- women. mal deposition of the protein amyloid in vari- Android adiposity Centric fat distribution pat- ous tissues of the body. terns with increased disposition towards the Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Or ALS, is a dis- abdominal area, visceral fat – apple-shaped cf . ease of the motor neurons in the brain and spinal gynoid adiposity. cord that control voluntary muscle movement. Andrology Branch of medicine concerned with Amyotrophy Progressive wasting of muscle tis- reproductive diseases in men. sues. adj . amyotrophic. Aneugen An agent that affects cell division Anaemia A blood disorder in which the blood is and the mitotic spindle apparatus, causing the defi cient in red blood cells and in haemoglobin. loss or gain of whole chromosomes, thereby Anaesthesia Condition of having sensation inducing aneuploidy. adj . aneugenic. temporarily suppressed. Angina pectoris, Angina Chest pain or chest Anaesthetic A substance that partially or totally discomfort that occurs when the heart muscle decreases the nerve sense of pain. does not get enough blood. 896 Medical Glossary

Angioedema Rapid swelling of the dermis, sub- short-term basis clinically to treat obesity. cutaneous tissues, mucosa and submucosal Also called anorexigenics. tissues caused by small blood vessels leaking Anorexia Lack or loss of desire to eat. fl uid into these tissues. Anorexic Having no appetite to eat. Angiogenic Adj . See angiogenesis. Anorexigenics See anorectics. Angiogenesis A physiological process involv- Anosmia Inabity to perceive odour, reduced ing the growth of new blood vessels from pre- sense of smell. existing vessels. Anoxia Absence of oxygen supply. Angiotensin An oligopeptide hormone in the Antagonist A substance that acts against and blood that causes blood vessels to constrict blocks an action. and drives blood pressure up. It is part of the Antalgic A substance used to relieve a painful renin–angiotensin system. condition. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) A n Antecubital vein This vein is located in the exopeptidase, a circulating enzyme that partic- antecubital fossa —the area of the arm in front ipates in the body’s renin–angiotensin system of the elbow. (RAS), which mediates extracellular volume Anterior uveitis Is the most common form of (i.e. that of the blood plasma, lymph and inter- ocular infl ammation that often causes a pain- stitial fl uid) and arterial vasoconstriction. ful red eye. Angioplasty Medical procedure used to open Anthelmintic An agent or substance that is obstructed or narrowed blood vessels result- destructive to worms and used for expulsion of ing usually from atherosclerosis. internal parasitic worms in and humans. Anguillulosis A parasitosis caused by the Anthocyanins A subgroup of antioxidant fl avo- intestinal nematode Strongyloides stercoralis noids, they are glucosides of anthocyanidins, (round worm). which are benefi cial to health. They occur Anisakiasis A human parasitic infection of the as water-soluble vacuolar pigments that may gastrointestinal tract caused by the consump- appear red, purple or blue according to pH in tion of raw or undercooked contain- plants. ing larvae of the nematode Anisakis simplex . Anthrax A bacterial disease of cattle and sheep Anisonucleosis A morphological manifestation that can be transmitted to man through unpro- of nuclear injury characterised by variation in cessed wool. the size of cell nuclei. Anthropometric Pertaining to the study of Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) Is a type of human body measurements. infl ammatory arthritis that targets the joints of Antiamoebic A substance that destroys or sup- the spine. presses parasitic amoebae. Annexin V Or Annexin A5, is a member of the Antiamyloidogenic Compounds that inhibit the annexin family of intracellular proteins that formation of Alzheimer’s β-amyloid fi brils binds to phosphatidylserine (PS) in a calcium- (fAβ) from amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) and desta- dependent manner. bilise fAβ. Annexitis Also called adnexitis, a pelvic infl am- Antianaphylactic Agent that can prevent the matory disease involving the infl ammation of occurrence of anaphylaxis (life- threatening the ovaries or fallopian tubes. allergic response). Anodyne A substance that relieves or soothes Antiangiogenic A drug or substance used to pain by lessening the sensitivity of the brain stop the growth of tumours and progression of or nervous system. Also called an analgesic. cancers by limiting the pathological formation Anoikis Apoptosis that is induced by inadequate of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). or inappropriate cell–matrix interactions. Antiarrhythmic A substance to correct irregu- Anorectal Relating to the rectum and anus. lar heartbeats and restore the normal rhythm. Anorectics Appetite suppressants, substances Antiasthmatic Drug that treats or ameliorates which reduce the desire to eat. Used on a asthma. Medical Glossary 897

Antiatherogenic That protects against athero- Anti-oedematous Reduces or suppresses oedema. genesis, the formation of atheromas (plaques) Antiemetic An agent that stops vomiting and in arteries. nausea. Antibacterial Substance that kills or inhibits Anti-epileptic A drug used to treat or prevent bacteria. convulsions, anticonvulsant. Antibilious An agent or substance which helps Antifebrile A substance that reduces fever, also remove excess bile from the body. called antipyretic. Antibiotic A chemical substance produced Antifeedant Preventing something from being by a microorganism which has the capac- eaten. ity to inhibit the growth of or to kill other Antifertility Agent that inhibits formation of microorganisms. ova and sperm and disrupts the process of fer- Antiblennorrhagic A substance that treats ble- tilisation (antizygotic). norrhagia, a conjunctival infl ammation result- Antifi brosis Preventing/retarding the devel- ing in mucous discharge. opment of fi brosis i.e. excessive growth and Antibody A gamma globulin protein produced activity of fi broblasts. by a kind of white blood cell called the plasma Antifi larial Effective against human fi larial cell in the blood used by the immune sys- worms. tem to identify and neutralise foreign objects Antifungal An agent that kills or inhibits the (antigen). growth of fungi. Anticarcinomic A substance that kills or inhib- Antigen A substance that prompts the produc- its carcinomas (any cancer that arises in epi- tion of antibodies and can cause an immune thelium/tissue cells). response. adj . antigenic. Anticephalalgic Headache-relieving or Antigenotoxic An agent that inhibits DNA adduct preventing. formation, stimulates DNA repair mechanisms Anticestodal A chemical destructive to and possesses antioxidant functions. tapeworms. Antiganacratia Antimenstruation. Anticholesterolemic A substance that can pre- Antigastralgic Preventing or alleviating gastric vent the build-up of cholesterol. colic. Anticlastogenic Having a suppressing effect of Antihematic Agent that stops vomiting. chromosomal aberrations. Antihemorrhagic An agent which stops or pre- Anticoagulant A substance that thins the blood vents bleeding. and acts to inhibit blood platelets from stick- Antihepatotoxic Counteracting injuries to the ing together. liver. Antidepressant A substance that suppresses Antiherpetic Having activity against herpes depression or sadness. simplex virus (HSV). Antidiabetic A substance that prevents or alle- Antihistamine An agent used to counteract the viates diabetes. Also called antidiabetogenic. effects of histamine production in allergic Antidiarrhoeal Having the property of stop- reactions. ping or correcting diarrhoea, an agent having Antihyperalgesia The ability to block enhanced such action. sensitivity to pain usually produced by nerve Antidote A remedy for counteracting a poison. injury or infl ammation or to nociceptive stim- Antidopaminergic A term for a chemical uli. adj . antihyperalgesic. that prevents or counteracts the effects of Antihypercholesterolemia Term to describe dopamine. lowering of cholesterol level in the blood or Antidrepanocytary Anti-sickle cell anaemia. blood serum. Antidysenteric An agent used to reduce or treat Antihypercholesterolemic Agent that lowers dysentery and diarrhoea. chlolesterol level in the blood or blood serum. Antidyslipidemic Agent that will reduce the Antihyperlidemic Promoting a reduction of abnormal amount of lipids and lipoproteins in lipid levels in the blood or an agent that has the blood. this action. 898 Medical Glossary

Antihypersensitive A substance used to treat Antioestrogen A substance that inhibits the excessive reactivity to any stimuli. biological effects of female sex hormones. Antihypertensive A drug used in medicine Antiophidian Antivenom. and pharmacology to treat hypertension (high Antiosteoporotic Substance that can prevent blood pressure). osteoporosis. Anti- infl ammatory A substance used to reduce Antiovulatory Substance suppressing ovulation. or prevent infl ammation. Antioxidant A chemical compound or sub- Antileishmanial Inhibiting the growth and pro- stance that inhibits oxidation and protects liferation of Leishmania , a of fl agellate against free radical activity and lipid oxidation protozoans that are parasitic in the tissues of such as vitamin E, vitamin C or beta-carotene vertebrates. (converted to vitamin B), carotenoids and fl a- Antileprotic Therapeutically effective against vonoids which are thought to protect body leprosy. cells from the damaging effects of oxidation. Antilithiatic An agent that reduces or sup- Many foods including fruit and vegetables presses urinary calculi (stones) and acts to contain compounds with antioxidant proper- dissolve those already present. ties. Antioxidants may also reduce the risks of Antileukaemic Anticancer drugs that are used cancer and age-related macular degeneration to treat leukaemia. (AMD). Antilithogenic Inhibiting the formation of cal- Antipaludic Antimalarial. culi (stones). Antiperiodic Substance that prevents the recur- Antimalarial An agent used to treat malaria rence of symptoms of a disease e.g. malaria. and/or kill the malaria-causing organism, Antiperspirant A substance that inhibits sweat- Plasmodium spp. ing. Also called antisudorifi c, anaphoretic. Antimelanogenesis Obstruction of production Antiphlogistic A traditional term for a substance of melanin. used against infl ammation, anti- infl ammatory. Antimicrobial A substance that destroys or Antiplatelet agent Drug that decreases platelet inhibits growth of disease-causing bacteria, aggregation and inhibits thrombus formation. viruses, fungi and other microorganisms. Antiplasmodial Suppressing or destroying Antimitotic Inhibiting or preventing mitosis. plasmodia. Antimutagenic An agent that inhibits Antiproliferative Preventing or inhibiting the mutations. reproduction of similar cells. Antimycotic Antifungal. Antiprostatic Drug to treat the prostate. Antineoplastic Said of a drug intended to inhibit Antiprotozoal Suppressing the growth or repro- or prevent the maturation and proliferation of duction of protozoa. neoplasms that may become malignant by tar- Antipruritic Alleviating or preventing itching. geting the DNA. Antipyretic A substance that reduces fever or Antineuralgic A substance that stops intense quells it. Also known as antithermic. intermittent pain, usually of the head or face, Antirheumatic Relieving or preventing caused by neuralgia. rheumatism. Antinociception Reduction in pain: a reduction Antiscorbutic A substance or plant rich in vita- in pain sensitivity produced within neurons min C that is used to counteract scurvy. when an endorphin or similar opium- containing Antisecretory Inhibiting or diminishing substance (opioid) combines with a receptor. secretion. Antinociceptive Having an analgesic effect. Antisense Refers to an antisense RNA strand Antioxytocic Inhibiting premature labour,. cf . because its sequence of nucleotides is the tocolytic. complement of message sense. When mRNA Antinutrient Are natural or synthetic com- forms a duplex with a complementary anti- pounds that interfere with the absorption of sense RNA sequence, translation of the nutrients and are commonly found in food mRNA into the protein is blocked. This may sources and beverages. slow or halt the growth of cancer cells. Medical Glossary 899

Antiseptic Preventing decay or putrefaction, a Aphonia Loss of the voice resulting from substance inhibiting the growth and develop- disease, injury to the vocal cords or various ment of microorganisms. psychological causes such as hysteria. Antisickling agent An agent used to pre- Aphrodisiac An agent that increases sexual vent or reverse the pathological events lead- activity and libido and/or improves sexual ing to sickling of erythrocytes in sickle-cell performance. conditions. Aphthae White, painful oral ulcer of unknown Antispasmodic A substance that relieves cause. spasms or inhibits the contraction of smooth Aphthous ulcer Also known as a canker sore, it muscles, smooth muscle relaxant, muscle is a type of oral ulcer which presents as a pain- relaxer. ful open sore inside the mouth or upper throat. Antispermatogenic Preventing or suppressing Aphthous stomatitis A canker sore, a type of the production of semen or spermatozoa. painful oral ulcer or sore inside the mouth or Antisudorifi c See antiperspirant. upper throat, caused by a break in the mucous Antisyphilitic A drug (or other chemical agent) membrane. Also called aphthous ulcer. that is effective against syphilis. Apnoea Suspension of external breathing. Antithermic A substance that reduces fever and Apoprotein The protein moiety of a molecule temperature. Also known as antipyretic. or complex, as of a lipoprotein. Antithrombotic Preventing or interfering with Apolipoprotein A-I (APOA1) A major protein the formation of thrombi. component of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) Antitoxin An antibody with the ability to neu- in plasma. The protein promotes cholesterol tralise a specifi c toxin. effl ux from tissues to the liver for excretion. Antitumoral Substance that acts against the Apolipoprotein B (APOB) Is the primary apo- growth, development or spread of a tumour. lipoprotein of low-density lipoproteins (LDL Antitussive A substance that depresses or ‘bad cholesterol’), which is responsible for coughing. carrying cholesterol to tissues. Antiulcerogenic An agent used to protect Apolipoprotein E (APOE) The apolipoprotein against the formation of ulcers or used for the found on intemediate-density lipoprotein and treatment of ulcers. chylomicron that binds to a specifi c receptor Antivenin An agent used against the venom of on liver and peripheral cells. a snake, spider or other venomous animal or Apoplexy Unconsciousness or incapacity of the . brain to function, resulting from a cerebral Antivinous An agent or substance that treats haemorrhage or stroke. addiction to alcohol. Apoptogenic Ability to cause death of cells. Antiviral Substance that destroys or inhibits the Apoptosis Death of cells. growth and viability of infectious viruses. Appendicitis Is a condition characterised by Antivomitive A substance that reduces or sup- infl ammation of the appendix. Also called presses vomiting. epityphlitis. Antizygotic See antifertility. Appetite stimulant A substance to increase or Anuria Absence of urine production and excre- stimulate the appetite. Also called aperitif. tion. adj . anuric. aPTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Anxiogenic Substance that causes anxiety. Time) A blood test, a measure of the part of Anxiolytic A drug prescribed for the treatment the blood-clotting pathway. of symptoms of anxiety. Apurinic lyase A DNA enzyme that catalyses a APAF-1 Apoptotic protease activating factor 1. chemical reaction. Apelin Also known as APLN, a peptide which Arachidonate cascade Includes the cyclooxy- in humans is encoded by the APLN gene. genase (COX) pathway to form prostanoids Aperient A substance that acts as a mild laxa- and the lipoxygenase (LOX) pathway to gen- tive by increasing fl uids in the bowel. erate several oxygenated fatty acids collec- Aperitif An appetite stimulant. tively called eicosanoids. 900 Medical Glossary

A R E Antioxidant response element, is a and other exogenous contaminants and transcriptional control element that mediates responsible for their toxic effects including expression of a set of antioxidant proteins. immunosuppression. Aribofl avinosis A condition caused by the ASATor AST Aspartate aminotransferase, see dietary defi ciency of ribofl avin that is char- aspartate transaminase. acterised by mouth lesions, seborrhea and ASBT Apical sodium-dependent bile acid trans- vascularisation. porter belongs to the solute carrier family Aromatase An enzyme involved in the produc- (SLC) of transporters and is an important car- tion of oestrogen that acts by catalysing the rier protein expressed in the small intestine. conversion of testosterone (an androgen) to Ascaris A genus of parasitic intestinal estradiol (an oestrogen). Aromatase is located roundworms. in oestrogen-producing cells in the adrenal Ascites Abnormal accumulation of fl uid within glands, ovaries, placenta, testicles, adipose the abdominal or peritoneal cavity. (fat) tissue and brain. Ascorbic acid See vitamin C. Aromatic Having a pleasant fragrant odour. Aspartate transaminase (AST) Also called Aromatherapy A form of alternative medicine Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase that uses volatile liquid plant materials such (SGOT) or aspartate aminotransferase as essential oils and other scented compounds (ASAT), it is similar to ALT in that it is another from plants for the purpose of affecting a per- enzyme associated with liver parenchymal son’s mood or health. cells. It is increased in acute liver damage but ARPE-19 cells A human retinal pigment epi- is also present in red blood cells and cardiac thelial cell line with differentiated properties. and skeletal muscle and is therefore not spe- Arrhythmias Abnormal heart rhythms that can cifi c to the liver. cause the heart to pump less effectively. Also Asphyxia Failure or suppression of the respira- called dysrhythmias. tory process due to obstruction of airfl ow to Arsenicosis See arsenism. the lungs or to the lack of oxygen in inspired Arsenism An incommunicable disease result- air. ing from the ingestion of groundwater con- Asphyxiation The process of undergoing taining unsafe levels of arsenic, also known as asphyxia. arsenicosis. Asthenia A nonspecifi c symptom characterised Arteriogenic erectile dysfunction A penis dys- by loss of energy and strength and feeling of function caused by the narrowing of the arter- weakness. ies in the penis decreasing blood infl ow to it, Asthenopia Weakness or fatigue of the eyes thus making erection impossible. usually accompanied by headache and dim- Arteriosclerosis Imprecise term for various dis- ming of vision. adj . asthenopic. orders of arteries, particularly hardening due Asthma A chronic illness involving the respira- to fi brosis or calcium deposition, often used as tory system in which the airway occasionally a synonym for atherosclerosis. constricts, becomes infl amed and is lined with Arthralgia Is pain in the joints from many pos- excessive amounts of mucus often in response sible causes. to one or more triggers. Arthritis I n fl ammation of the joints of the body. Astringent A substance that contracts blood Arthrodynia An affection characterised by vessels and certain body tissues (such as pain in or about a joint. mucous membranes) with the effect of reduc- Arthus reaction An allergic reaction of the ing secretion and excretion of fl uids and/or immediate hypersensitive type that results has a drying effect. from the union of antigen and antibody, with Astrocytes Collectively called astroglia, they complement present, in blood vessel walls. are characteristic star-shaped glial cells in the Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) A brain and spinal cord. ligand-activated transcription factor best Ataxia (Loss of coordination) results from the known for mediating the toxicity of dioxin degeneration of nerve tissue in the spinal cord Medical Glossary 901

and of nerves that control muscle movement Atrioventricular node A node of specialised in the arms and legs. heart muscle located in the septal wall of the Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related pro- right atrium receives impulses from the sino- tein (ATR) Also known as Serine/threonine- atrial node and directs them to the walls of the protein kinase ATR, FRAP-related protein 1 ventricles. (FRP1) is an enzyme encoded by the ATR Attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder gene. It is involved in sensing DNA damage (ADHD, ADD or AD/HD) Is a neurobehav- and activating the DNA damage checkpoint ioural developmental disorder primarily char- leading to cell cycle arrest. acterised by the co-existence of attentional Atelectasis The collapse or closure of the lung problems and hyperactivity. resulting in reduced or absent gas exchange. Auditory brainstem response (ABR) Also ATF-2 Activating transcription factor 2. called brainstem evoked response (BSER), it Athlete’s foot A contagious skin disease caused is an electrical signal evoked from the brain- by parasitic fungi affecting the foot and hands, stem of a human by the presentation of a causing itching, blisters and cracking. Also sound such as a click. called dermatophytosis. Augmerosen A drug that may kill cancer cells Atherogenic Having the capacity to start or by blocking the production of a protein that accelerate the process of atherogenesis. makes cancer cells live longer. Also called Atherogenesis The formation of lipid deposits bcl-2 antisense oligonucleotide. in arteries. Auricular Of or relating to the auricle or the ear Atheroma A deposit or degenerative accumula- in general. tion of lipid-containing plaques on the inner- Aurones [2-benzylidenebenzofuran-3(2H)- most layer of the wall of an artery. ones] are the secondary plant metabolites and Atherosclerosis The condition in which an are a subgroup of fl avonoids. See fl avonoids. artery wall thickens as the result of a build-up Autoantibodies Antibodies manufactured by of fatty materials such as cholesterol. the immune system that mistakenly target Atherothrombosis Medical condition charac- and damage specifi c tissues and organs of the terised by an unpredictable, sudden disruption body. (rupture or erosion/fi ssure) of an atheroscle- Autolysin An enzyme that hydrolyses and rotic plaque, which leads to platelet activation destroys the components of a biological cell and thrombus formation. or a tissue in which it is produced. Athymic mice Laboratory mice lacking a thy- Autonomic disorder A neurological disease in mus gland. which the autonomic nervous system ceases to Atonic Lacking normal tone or strength. function properly. Atony Insuffi cient muscular tone. Autophagy Digestion of cell contents by Atopic dermatitis An infl ammatory, non-con- enzymes in the same cell. tagious, pruritic skin disorder of unknown Autopsy Examination of a cadaver to determine aetiology, often called eczema. or confi rm the cause of death. Atresia A congenital medical condition in Avenanthramides Low–molecular weight, sol- which a body orifi ce or passage in the body is uble phenolic compounds found in oats. abnormally closed or absent. Avidity index Describes the collective interac- Atretic follicle Follicular atresia is the break- tions between antibodies and a multivalent down of ovarian follicles. antigen. Atretic ovarian follicle An involuted or closed Avulsed tooth Is a tooth that has been knocked ovarian follicle. out. Atrial fi brillation Is the most common car- Ayurvedic Traditional Hindu system of medicine diac arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm) and based largely on homeopathy and naturopathy. involves the two upper chambers (atria) of the Azoospermia Is the medical condition of a male heart; the most serious consequence of atrial not having any measurable level of sperm in fribillation is ischaemic stroke. his semen. 902 Medical Glossary

Azotaemia A higher-than-normal blood level of Belching, or burping Refers to the noisy urea or other nitrogen-containing compounds release of air or gas from the stomach through in the blood. the mouth. B- cell activating factor (BAFF) Also called Beriberi Is a disease caused by a defi ciency of tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily thiamine (vitamin B 1 ) that affects many sys- member 13B. It plays an important role in tems of the body including the muscles, heart, the proliferation and differentiation of B nerves and digestive system. cells. Beta-carotene Naturally occurring retinol (vita- Babesia A protozoan parasite (malaria-like) min A) precursor obtained from certain fruit of the blood that causes a hemolytic disease and vegetables with potential antineoplastic known as Babesiosis. and chemopreventive activities. As an anti- Babesiosis Malaria-like parasitic disease caused oxidant, beta-carotene inhibits free-radical by Babesia, a genus of protozoal piroplasms. damage to DNA. This agent also induces cell Back tonus Normal state of balanced tension in differentiation and apoptosis of some tumour the tissues of the back. cell types, particularly in early stages of Bactericidal Lethal to bacteria. tumorigenesis, and enhances immune system B A F F A cytokine that belongs to the tumor activity by stimulating the release of natural necrosis factor (TNF) ligand family. killer cells, lymphocytes, and monocytes. Balanitis Is an infl ammation of the glans (head) Beta- catenin Is a multifunctional oncogenic of the penis. protein that contributes fundamentally to cell BALB/c mice The balb/c mouse was developed development and biology; it has been impli- in 1923 by McDowell. It is a popular strain cated as an integral component in the Wnt sig- and is used in many different research dis- naling pathway. ciplines but most often in the production of Beta cells A type of cell in the pancreas in areas monoclonal antibodies. called the islets of Langerhans. Balm Aromatic oily resin from certain trees and Beta glucans Polysaccharides of D -glucose shrubs used in medicine. monomers linked by β-glycosidic bonds, Baroreceptor A type of interoceptor that is (1→3), (1→4)-β-D -glucan, soluble, viscous stimulated by pressure changes, as those in component of fi bres found in cereals like oats. blood vessel walls. Beta- thalassemia An inherited blood disorder Barrett’s oesophagus (Barrett oesophagi- that reduces the production of haemoglobin. tis) A disorder in which the lining of the Beta- lactamases Enzymes produced by some oesophagus is damaged by stomach acid. bacteria that are responsible for their resistance Basophil A type of white blood cell with coarse to beta-lactam antibiotics like penicillins. granules within the cytoplasm and a bilobate B H T Butylated hydroxytoluene (phenolic com- (two-lobed) nucleus. pound), an antioxidant used in foods, cosmet- Bax/Bad Proapoptotic proteins. ics, pharmaceuticals and petroleum products. BCL-2 A family of apoptosis regulatory pro- B I D The only known Bcl-2 family member that teins in humans encoded by the B-cell lym- can function as an agonist of proapoptotic phoma 2 (BCL-2) gene. Bcl-2- related proteins such as Bax and Bak. BCL-2 antisense oligonucleotide See B i fi dobacterium Is a genus of gram-positive, augmereson. non-motile, often branched anaerobic bacte- BCR/ABL A chimeric oncogene from a fusion ria. Bifi dobacteria are one of the major gen- of BCR and ABL cancer genes associated era of bacteria that make up the gut fl ora. with chronic myelogenous leukaemia. Bifi dobacteria aid in digestion, are associated Bechic A remedy or treatment of cough. with a lower incidence of allergies and also Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis prevent some forms of tumour growth. Some (BNST) Acts as a relay site within the hypo- bifi dobacteria are being used as probiotics. thalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and regulates B i fi dogenic Promoting the growth of (benefi - its activity in response to acute stress. cial) bifi dobacteria in the intestinal tract. Medical Glossary 903

Bile Fluid secreted by the liver and discharged Blister Thin vesicle on the skin containing into the duodenum, where it is integral in the serum and caused by rubbing, friction or burn. digestion and absorption of fats. Blood–brain barrier (BBB) Is a separation Bilharzia, bilharziosis See Schistosomiasis. of circulating blood and cerebrospinal fl uid Biliary Relating to the bile or the organs in (CSF) in the central nervous system (CNS). which the bile is contained or transported. It allows essential metabolites such as oxygen Biliary infections Infection of organ(s) associ- and glucose to pass from the blood to the brain ated with bile, comprising (a) acute cholecys- and central nervous system (CNS) but blocks titis: an acute infl ammation of the gallbladder most molecules that are more massive than wall; (b) cholangitis: infl ammation of bile about 500 Da. ducts. Blood stasis syndrome Blood stagnation or Biliousness Old term used in the eighteenth and slowing of blood, an important underlying nineteenth centuries pertaining to bad diges- pathology of many disease processes accord- tion, stomach pains, constipation and exces- ing to traditional Chinese medicine. sive fl atulence. BMPs (bone morphogenetic proteins) A fam- Bilirubin A breakdown product of heme (a part ily of secreted signaling molecules that can of haemoglobin in red blood cells) produced induce ectopic bone growth. by the liver that is excreted in bile, which BNIP3 A pro-apoptotic BH3-only protein causes a yellow discoloration of the skin and which is associated with mitochondrial dys- eyes when it accumulates in those organs. function and cell death. Biotin Also known as vitamin B7. See vitamin Boil Localised pyrogenic, painful infection B7. originating in a hair follicle. Bitter A medicinal agent with a bitter taste used Borborygmus Rumbling noise caused by the as a tonic, alterative or appetiser. muscular contractions of peristalsis, the pro- Blackhead See comedone. cess that moves the contents of the stomach Blackwater fever Dangerous complication of and intestines downwards. malaria whereby red blood cells burst in the Bowman Birk inhibitors Type of serine pro- bloodstream (haemolysis), releasing haemo- teinase inhibitor. globin directly into the blood. Bouillon A broth in French . Blain See chilblain. Bradicardia As applied to adult medicine, it Blastocyst Blastocyst is an embryonic structure is defi ned as a resting heart rate of under 60 formed in the early embryogenesis of mam- beats per minute. mals after the formation of the morula but Bradyphrenia Referring to the slowness of before implantation. thought common to many disorders of the Blastocystotoxic Agent that suppresses further brain. development of the blastocyst through to the Brain-derived neutrophic factor (BDNF) A ovum stage. protein member of the neutrophin family that Blebbing Bulging, e.g. membrane blebbing, plays an important role in the growth, mainte- also called membrane bulging or ballooning. nance, function and survival of neurons. The Bleeding diathesis Is an unusual susceptibility protein molecule is involved in the modulation to bleeding (haemorrhage) due to a defect in of cognitive and emotional functions and in the system of coagulation. the treatment of a variety of mental disorders. Blennorrhagia Gonorrhea. Bright’s disease Chronic nephritis. Blennorrhea Inordinate discharge of mucus, Bronchial infl ammation See bronchitis. especially a gonorrheal discharge from the Bronchiectasis A condition in which the air- urethra or vagina. ways within the lungs (bronchial tubes) Blepharitis I n fl ammation of eyelids. become damaged and widened. Blepharospasm Involuntary twitching, blink- Bronchitis Is an infl ammation of the main air ing closure or squeezing of eyelids. passages (bronchi) to the lungs. 904 Medical Glossary

Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) A medical CAAT element-binding proteins-alpha procedure in which a bronchoscope is passed (c/EBP-alpha) Regulates gene expression through the mouth or nose into the lungs and in adipocytes in the liver. fl uid is squirted into a small part of the lung Cachexia Physical wasting with loss of weight, and then recollected for examination. muscle atrophy, fatigue and weakness caused Bronchopneumonia Or bronchial pneumonia; by disease. infl ammation of the lungs beginning in the Caco-2 cell line A continuous line of heteroge- terminal bronchioles. neous human epithelial colorectal adenocarci- Bronchopulmonary Relating to the bronchi noma cells. and lungs. Cadaver A dead body, corpse. + Bronchospasm Is a diffi culty in breathing caused Ca 2 ATPase (PMCA) is a transport protein in by a sudden constriction of muscles in the walls the plasma membrane of cells that serves to of the bronchioles as occurs in asthma. remove calcium (Ca 2+ ) from the cell. Brown fat Brown adipose tissue (BAT) in mam- Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a mals; its primary function is to generate body 37-amino acid neuropeptide that is abundant heat in animals or newborns that do not shiver. in the sensory neurons which innervate bone. Bubo I n fl amed, swollen lymph node in the neck Calcium (Ca) Is the most abundant mineral in or groin. the body found mainly in bones and teeth. Buccal Of or relating to the cheeks or the mouth It is required for muscle contraction, blood cavity. vessel expansion and contraction, secretion Bulbectomy Removal of the olfactory bulb. of hormones and enzymes and transmitting Bullae Blisters; circumscribed, fl uid-contain- impulses throughout the nervous system. ing, elevated lesions of the skin usually more Dietary sources include milk, yoghurt, cheese, than 5 mm in diameter. Chinese cabbage, kale, broccoli, some green Bursa A fl uid-fi lled sac or saclike cavity situ- leafy vegetables, fortifi ed cereals, beverages ated in areas subject to friction. and soybean products. Bursitis Condition characterised by infl am- Calcium ATPase Is a form of P-ATPase mation of one or more bursae (small sacs) of which transfers calcium after a muscle has synovial fl uid in the body. contracted. C fi bres Afferent fi bres found in the nerve of the Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) A class somatic sensory system. of drugs and natural substances that disrupt c-FOS A cellular proto-oncogene belonging to the calcium (Ca2+) conduction of calcium the immediate early gene family of transcrip- channels. tion factors. Calciuria Abnormal presence of calcium in C-jun NH(2)-terminal kinase Enzymes that urine. belong to the family of the MAPK superfam- Calculosis The tendency or deposition to form ily of protein kinases. These kinases mediate calculi or stones. a plethora of cellular responses to such stress- Calculus (calculi) Hardened, mineral deposits ful stimuli including apoptosis and production that can form a blockage in the urinary system. of infl ammatory and immunoregulatory cyto- Calculi infection Most calculi arise in the kid- kines in diverse cell systems. cf : MAPK. ney when urine becomes supersaturated with c-Jun-I (Ser 73) Substrate of JNK-1 activated a that is capable of forming solid crys- by phosphorylation at Ser73. tals. Symptoms arise as these calculi become c-Jun II (Ser 63) Substrate of JNK-1 activated impacted within the ureter as they pass towards by phosphorylation at Ser63. the urinary bladder. C-reactive protein A protein found in the Caligo Dimness or obscurity of sight dependent blood, the levels of which rise in response to upon a speck on the cornea. infl ammation. Calmodulin Is a calcium-modulated protein c-Src A cellular non-receptor tyrosine kinase. that can bind to and regulate a multitude of Medical Glossary 905

different protein targets, thereby affecting Cardiac asthma Acute attack of dyspnoea with many different cellular functions. wheezing resulting from a cardiac disorder. cAMP- dependent pathway Cyclic adenos- Cardiac hypertrophy Is a thickening of the ine monophosphate is a G protein-coupled heart muscle (myocardium) resulting in a receptor-triggered signaling cascade used in decreased chamber size including the left cell communication in living organisms. and right ventricles. Common causes of car- CAMP factor Diffusible, heat-stable, extra- diac hypertrophy include high blood pressure cellular protein produced by Group B (hypertension) and heart valve stenosis. Streptococcus t hat enhances the hemolysis of Cardialgia Heartburn. sheep erythrocytes by Staphylococcus aureus . Cardinolides Cardiac glycosides with a fi ve- It is named after Christie, Atkins and Munch- membered lactone ring in the side chain of the Peterson, who described it in 1944. steroid aglycone. Campylobacteriosis Is a gastrointestinal dis- Cardinolide glycoside Cardenolides that con- ease (gastroenteritis) caused by bacteria called tain structural groups derived from . Campylobacter which is frequently associated Cardioactive Having an effect on the heart. with the consumption of contaminated poultry. Cardiogenic shock Is characterised by a decreased Cancer A malignant neoplasm or tumour in nay pumping ability of the heart that causes a shock- part of the body. like state associated with an inadequate cir- Candidiasis Infections caused by members of culation of blood due to primary failure of the the fungus genus Candida that range from ventricles of the heart to function effectively. superfi cial such as oral thrush and vaginitis Cardiomyocytes Cardiac muscle cells. to systemic and potentially life-threatening Cardiomyopathy Heart muscle disease. diseases. Cardiopathy Disease or disorder of the heart. Canker See chancre. Cardioplegia Stopping the heart so that surgical Cannabinoid receptor family Includes CB1 procedures can proceed in a still and bloodless cannabinoid receptors found predominantly in fi eld. the brain and nervous sytem and CB2 cannabi- Cardiotonic Something which strengthens, noid receptors mainly associated with immune tones or regulates heart functions without tissues and expressed at low levels in the brain. overt stimulation or depression. Cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB 2 recep- Cardiovascular Pertaining to the heart and tor) A G protein-coupled receptor from the blood vessels. cannabinoid receptor family that is mainly Caries Tooth decay, commonly called cavities. expressed on T cells of the immune system, Cariogenic Leading to the production of caries. on macrophages and B cells and in hemato- Carminative Substance that stops the formation poietic cells. of intestinal gas and helps expel gas that has Carboxypeptidase An enzyme that hydrolyses already formed, relieving fl atulence: relieving the carboxy-terminal (C-terminal) end of a fl atulence or colic by expelling gas. peptide bond. It is synthesised in the pancreas Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT1) Also and secreted into the small intestine. known as carnitine acyltransferase I or CAT1, Carbuncle Is an abscess larger than a boil, usu- it is a mitochondrial enzyme involved in con- ally with one or more openings draining pus verting long-chain fatty acid into energy. onto the skin. Carotenes Are a large group of intense red and Carcinogenesis Production of carcinomas. adj . yellow pigments found in all plants; these are carcinogenic. hydrocarbon carotenoids (subclass of tetra- Carcinoma Any malignant cancer that arises terpenes), and the principal carotene is beta- from epithelial cells. carotene, which is a precursor of vitamin A. Carcinosarcoma A rare tumour containing car- Carotenoids A class of natural fat-soluble pig- cinomatous and sarcomatous components. ments found principally in plants, belonging Cardiac Relating to, situated near or affecting to a subgroup of terpenoids containing eight the heart. isoprene units forming a C40 polyene chain. 906 Medical Glossary

Carotenoids play an important potential role cdc2 Kinase A member of cyclin-dependent in human health by acting as biological anti- protein kinases (CDKs). oxidants. See also carotenes. CDKs Cyclin-dependent protein kinases, a fam- Carotenodermia Yellow skin discoloration ily of serine/threonine kinases that mediate caused by excess blood carotene. many stages in mitosis. Carpopedal spasm Spasm of the hand or foot CD4T cell Helper T cell with CD4 receptor that or of the thumbs and great toes. recognises antigens on the surface of a virus- Capases Cysteine-aspartic acid proteases are infected cell and secretes lymphokines that a family of cysteine proteases which play stimulate B cells and killer T cells. essential roles in apoptosis (programmed cell CD 28 Is one of the molecules expressed on death), necrosis and infl ammation. T cells that provide co-stimulatory signals, Catalase (CAT) Enzyme in living organism that which are required for T-cell (lymphocytes) catalyses the decomposition of hydrogen per- activation. oxide to water and oxygen. CD31 Also known as PECAM-1 (platelet endo- Catalepsy Indefi nitely prolonged maintenance thelial cell adhesion molecule-1), a member of a fi xed body posture seen in severe cases of of the immunoglobulin superfamily that medi- catatonic schizophrenia. ates cell-to-cell adhesion. Catamenia Menstruation. CD36 An integral membrane protein found on Cataplasia Degenerative reversion of cells or the surface of many cell types in vertebrate tissue to a less differentiated form. animals. Cataplasm A medicated poultice or plaster. A CD40 An integral membrane protein found on soft moist mass, often warm and medicated, the surface of B lymphocytes, dendritic cells, that is spread over the skin to treat an infl amed, follicular dendritic cells, hematopoietic pro- aching or painful area to improve circulation. genitor cells, epithelial cells and carcinomas. Cataractogenesis Formation of cataracts. CD68 A glycoprotein expressed on monocytes/ Catarrh, Catarrhal I n fl ammation of mucous macrophages which binds to low-density membranes especially of the nose and throat. lipoprotein. Catechins Are polyphenolic antioxidant plant Cecal ligation Tying up the cecam. metabolites. They belong to the family of fl a- Celiac disease An autoimmune disorder of the vonoids; tea is a rich source of catechins. See small intestine triggered in genetically sus- fl avonoids. ceptible individuals by ingested gluten from Catecholamines Hormones that are released by wheat, rye, barley and other closely related adrenal glands in response to stress. cereal grains. Peptides resulting from partially Cathartic Is a substance which accelerates digested gluten of wheat, barley or rye cause defecation. infl ammation of the small intestinal mucosa. Caustic Having a corrosive or burning effect. Cell adhesion molecules (CAM) Glycoproteins Cauterisation A medical term describing the located on the surface of cell membranes burning of the body to remove or close a part involved with binding of other cells or with of it. the extra-cellular matrix. Caveolae Tiny (50–100 nm) invaginations of Cellular respiration Is the set of the meta- the plasma membrane of the cell. bolic reactions and processes that take place CB-1 receptor Cannabinoid receptor type 1 in organisms’ cells to convert biochemical held to be one of the most widely expressed G energy from nutrients into adenosine triphos- protein-coupled receptors in the brain. phate (ATP) and then release waste products. CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins (C/ The reactions involved in respiration are cata- EBP) Family of transcription factors that bolic reactions that involve the oxidation of interact with CCAAT (cytidine-cytidine-ade- one molecule and the reduction of another. nosine-adenosine-thymidine) box motif. Cellulitis A bacterial infection of the skin that CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) tends to occur in areas that have been dam- α A key adipogenic transcription factor. aged or infl amed. Medical Glossary 907

Central nervous system Part of the vertebrate Chancre A painless lesion formed during the nervous system comprising the brain and spi- primary stage of syphilis. nal cord. Chaperones Are proteins that assist the non- Central venous catheter A catheter placed into covalent folding or unfolding and the assem- the large vein in the neck, chest or groin. bly or disassembly of other macromolecular Cephalagia Pain in the head, a headache. structures. Cephalic Relating to the head. Chemoembolisation A procedure in which the Ceramide oligosides Oligosides with an blood supply to the tumour is blocked surgi- N-acetyl-sphingosine moiety. cally or mechanically and anticancer drugs are Cercariae A free-swimming larva of the para- administered directly into the tumour. sitic schistosome worm that has a tail and Chemokines Are chemotactic cytokines which suckers on its head for penetration into a host. stimulate migration of infl ammatory cells Cerebral embolism A blockage of blood fl ow towards tissue sites of infl ammation. through a vessel in the brain by a blood clot Chemonociceptors Nociceptors or sensory that formed elsewhere in the body and trav- peripheral neurons that are sensitive to chemi- eled to the brain. cal stimuli. Cerebral ischaemia Is the localised reduc- Chemosensitiser A drug that makes tumour tion of blood fl ow to the brain or parts of the cells more sensitive to the effects of brain due to arterial obstruction or systematic chemotherapy. hyperfusion. Chemosis Oedema of the conjunctiva of the Cerebral infarction Is the ischaemic kind of eye. stroke due to a disturbance in blood vessels Chickenpox Is also known as varicella, a highly supplying blood to the brain. contagious illness caused by primary infection Cerebral tonic Substance that can alleviate with varicella zoster virus (VZV). The virus poor concentration and memory, restlessness, causes red, itchy bumps on the body. uneasiness and insomnia. Chilblains Small, itchy, painful lumps that Cerebrosides Are glycosphingolipids which develop on the skin. They develop as an are important components in animal muscle abnormal response to cold. Also called per- and nerve cell membranes. niosis or blain. Cerebrovascular disease Is a group of brain Chlorosis defi ciency anaemia character- dysfunctions related to disease of blood ves- ised by a greenish yellow colour. sels supplying the brain. Cholagogue Is a medicinal agent which pro- Cerumen Ear wax, a yellowish waxy substance motes the discharge of bile from the system. secreted in the ear canal of humans and other Cholecalcifereol A form of vitamin D also mammals. called vitamin D3. See vitamin D. cFLIP Cellular FLICE-inhibitory protein, an Cholecyst Gall bladder. inhibitor of death ligand-induced apoptosis. Cholecystitis I n fl ammation of the gall bladder. cGMP Cyclic guanosine monophosphate is Cholecystokinin A peptide hormone that plays a cyclic nucleotide derived from guanosine a key role in facilitating digestion in the small triphosphate (GTP). cGMP is a common reg- intestine. ulator of ion channel conductance, glycoge- Cholera An infectious gastroenteritis caused nolysis and cellular apoptosis. It also relaxes by enterotoxin-producing strains of the bac- smooth muscle tissues. terium Vibrio cholera and characterised by CGRP calcitonin gene-related peptide A severe, watery diarrhoea. vasodilator neuropeptide that is expressed in a Choleretic Stimulation of the production of bile subgroup of small neurons in the dorsal , by the liver. trigeminal and vagal ganglia. This neuropep- Cholestasis A condition caused by rapidly tide has been postulated to play a role in the developing (acute) or long-term (chronic) pathophysiology of migraine. interruption in the excretion of bile from the Chalcones A subgroup of fl avonoids. liver to the duodenum. 908 Medical Glossary

Cholesterol A soft, waxy steroid substance Chylomicrons Are large lipoprotein particles found among lipids (fats) in the bloodstream that transport dietary lipids from the intestines and in all our body’s cells. to other locations in the body. Chylomicrons Cholethiasis Presence of gall stones (calculi) in are one of the fi ve major groups of lipopro- the gall bladder. teins (chylomicrons, VLDL, IDL, LDL, HDL) Choline A water- soluble organic compound that enable fats and cholesterol to move within usually grouped within the Vitamin B com- the water-based solution of the bloodstream. plex. It is an essential nutrient and is needed Chylorus Milky (having fat emulsion). for physiological functions such as structural Chyluria Also called chylous urine, it is a medi- integrity and signaling roles for cell mem- cal condition involving the presence of chyle branes and cholinergic neuro-transmission (emulsifi ed fat) in the urine stream, which (acetylcholine synthesis). results in urine appearing milky. Cholinergic Activated by or capable of liberat- Chymase Member of the family of serine prote- ing acetylcholine especially in the parasympa- ases found primarily in mast cells. thetic nervous system. Chymopapain An enzyme derived from papaya Cholinergic system A system of nerve cells used in medicine and to tenderise meat. that uses acetylcholine in transmitting nerve Cicatrisant The term used to describe a product impulses. that promotes healing through the formation Cholinomimetic Having an action simi- of scar tissue. lar to that of acetylcholine, also called C-Kit receptor A protein-tyrosine kinase recep- parasympathomimetic. tor that is specifi c for stem cell factor. This Chonotropic Affecting the time or rate, as the interaction is crucial for the development of rate of contraction of the heart. hematopoietic, gonadal and pigment stem cells. Choriocarcinoma A quick-growing, malig- Cirrhosis Chronic liver disease characterised nant, trophoblastic, aggressive cancer that by replacement of liver tissue by fi brous scar occurs in a woman’s uterus (womb). tissue and regenerative nodules/lumps leading Chromium (Cr) Is required in trace amounts progressively to loss of liver function. in humans for and lipid metabolism. Clastogen Is an agent that can cause one of two Its defi ciency may cause a disease called types of structural changes, breaks in chro- chromium defi ciency. It is found in cereals, mosomes that result in the gain, loss or rear- legumes, nuts and animal sources. rangements of chromosomal segments. adj . Chromoblastomycosis A chronic fungal infec- clastogenic. tion of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused Claudication Limping, impairment in walking. by traumatic inoculation of a specifi c group of Climacterium Refers to menopause and the dematiaceous fungi (such as Fonsecaea pedro- bodily and mental changes associated with it. soi, Phialophora verrucosa and Fonsecaea Clonic seizures Consist of rhythmic jerking compacta ) through the skin. movements of arms and legs, sometimes on Chromosome Long pieces of DNA found in the both sides of the body. centre (nucleus) of cells. Clonus A series of involuntary muscular con- Chronic Persisting over extended periods. tractions and relaxations. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Clyster Enema. (COPD) A progressive disease that makes it C-myc Codes for a protein that binds to the hard to breathe. DNA of other genes and is therefore a tran- Chronic venous insuffi ciency (CVI) A medi- scription factor. cal condition where the veins cannot pump CNS depressant Anything that depresses or enough oxygen- poor blood back to the heart. slows the sympathetic impulses of the central Chronotropic Affecting the rate of rhythmic nervous system (i.e. respiratory rate, heart rate). movements (e.g. heartbeat). Coagulopathy A defect in the body’s mecha- Chyle A milky bodily fl uid consisting of lymph nism for blood clotting, causing susceptibility and emulsifi ed fats or free fatty acids. to bleeding. Medical Glossary 909

Cobalamin Vitamin B12. See vitamin B12. factor that regulates drug metabolism and Co-carcinogen A chemical that promotes the homoeostasis. effects of a carcinogen in the production of Consumption Term used to describe wast- cancer. ing of tissues including but not limited to Cold An acute infl ammation of the mucous tuberculosis. membrane of the respiratory tract especially Consumptive A f fl icted with or associated with of the nose and throat caused by a virus and pulmonary tuberculosis. accompanied by sneezing and coughing. Contraceptive An agent that reduces the likeli- Collagen Protein that is the major constituent hood of or prevents conception. of cartilage and other connective tissue; com- Contraindication A condition which makes a prises the amino acids hydroxyproline, pro- particular treatment or procedure inadvisable. line, glycine and hydroxylysine. Contralateral muscle Muscle of opposite limb Collagenases Enzymes that break peptide (leg or arm). bonds in collagen. Contralateral rotation Rotation occurring Colibacillosis Infection with Escherichia coli . or originating in a corresponding part on an Colic A broad term which refers to episodes of opposite side. uncontrollable, extended crying in a baby who Contusion Another term for a bruise. A bruise, is otherwise healthy and well fed. or contusion, is caused when blood vessels are Colitis I n fl ammatory bowel disease affecting damaged or broken as the result of a blow to the tissue that lines the gastrointestinal system. the skin. Collyrium A lotion or liquid wash used as a Convulsant A drug or physical disturbance that cleanser for the eyes, particularly in diseases induces convulsion. of the eye. Convulsion Rapid and uncontrollable shaking Colorectal Relating to the colon or rectum. of the body. Coma A state of unconsciousness from which a Coolant That which reduces body temperature. patient cannot be aroused. Copper (Cu) Is essential in all plants and animals. Comedone A blocked, open sebaceous gland It is found in a variety of enzymes including the where the secretions oxidise, turning black. copper centres of cytochrome C oxidase and the Also called blackhead. enzyme superoxide dismutase (containing cop- Comitogen Agent that is considered not to per and zinc). In addition to its enzymatic roles, induce cell growth alone but to promote the copper is used for biological electron transport. effect of the mitogen. Because of its role in facilitating iron uptake, Concoction A combination of crude ingredients copper defi ciency can often produce anaemia- that are prepared or cooked together. like symptoms. Dietary sources include curry Condyloma, condylomata acuminata Genital powder, mushroom, nuts, , wheat germ, warts, venereal warts, anal wart or anogenital whole grains and animal meat. wart, a highly contagious sexually transmitted Copulation To engage in coitus or sexual inter- infection caused by epidermotropic human course. adj . copulatory. papillomavirus (HPV). Cor pulmonale Or pulmonary heart disease, Conglutination Becoming stuck together. is enlargement of the right ventricle of the Conjunctival hyperemia Enlarged blood ves- heart as a response to high blood pressure or sels in the eyes. increased resistance in the lungs. Conjunctivitis Sore, red and sticky eyes caused Cordial A preparation that is stimulating to the by eye infection. heart. Constipation A very common gastrointestinal Corn Or callus, is a patch of hard, thickened disorder characterised by the passing of hard, skin on the foot that is formed in response to dry bowel motions (stools) and diffi culty of pressure or friction. bowel motion. Corpora lutea A yellow, progesterone- Constitutive androstane receptor (CAR, secreting body that forms from an ovarian fol- NR113) Is a nuclear receptor transcription licle after the release of a mature egg. 910 Medical Glossary

Corticosteroids A class of steroid hormones Crohn disease An infl ammatory disease of that are produced in the adrenal cortex, the intestines that affects any part of the used clinically for hormone replacement gastrointestinal tract. therapy, for suppressing ACTH secretion, for CRP (C-reactive protein) A substance pro- suppression of immune response and as anti- duced by the liver that increases in the pres- neoplastic, anti-allergic and anti-infl ammatory ence of infl ammation in the body. agents. Crossover study A longitudinal balance study Corticosterone A 21-carbon steroid hormone in which participants receive a sequence of of the corticosteroid type produced in the cor- different treatments or exposures. tex of adrenal glands. Croup Is an infection of the throat (larynx) and Cortisol Is a corticosteroid hormone made by windpipe (trachea) that is caused by a virus adrenal glands. (also called laryngotracheobronchitis). Cornifi cation Is the process of forming an epi- Cryptococcal meningitis A fungal infection of dermal barrier in stratifi ed squamous epithe- the membranes covering the brain and spinal lial tissue. cord (meninges). Coryza A word describing the symptoms of a Crytochidism (cryptochism) A developmen- head cold. It describes the infl ammation of tal defect characterised by the failure of one mucous membranes lining the nasal cavity or both testes to move into the scrotum as the which usually gives rise to the symptoms of male fetus develops. nasal congestion and loss of smell, among Curettage Surgical procedure in which a body other symptoms. cavity or tissue is scraped with a sharp instru- COX-1 See cyclooxygenase -1. ment or aspirated with a cannula. COX-2 See cyclooxygenase- 2. Cutaneous Pertaining to the skin. CpG islands Genomic regions that contain a CXC8 Also known as interleukin 8, IL-8. high frequency of CpG sites. Cyanogenesis Generation of cyanide. adj . CpG sites The cytosine-phosphate-guanine cyanogenetic. nucleotide that links two nucleosides together Cyclooxygenase (COX) An enzyme that is in DNA. responsible for the formation of prostanoids – cPLA(2) Cytosolic phospholipases A2; these prostaglandins, prostacyclins and thrombox- phospholipases are involved in cell-signalling anes that are each involved in infl ammatory processes such as infl ammatory response. response. Two different COX enzymes existed, CPY1B1, CPY1A1 A member of the cyto- now known as COX-1 and COX-2. chrome P450 superfamily of heme-thiolate Cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) Is known to be monooxygenase enzymes. present in most tissues. In the gastrointestinal Corticosterone A 21-carbon corticosteroid hor- tract, COX-1 maintains the normal lining of mone produced in the cortex of adrenal glands the stomach. The enzyme is also involved in that functions in the metabolism of carbohy- kidney and platelet function. drates and proteins. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX- 2) Is primarily pres- Creatin A nitrogenous organic acid that occurs ent at sites of infl ammation. naturally in vertebrates and helps to supply Cysteine proteases Are enzymes that degrade energy to muscles. polypeptides possessing a common catalytic Creatine phosphokinase (CPK, CK) Enzyme mechanism that involves a nucleophilic that catalyses the conversion of creatine and cysteine thiol in a catalytic triad. They are consumes adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to found in fruit like papaya, pineapple and create phosphocreatine and adenosine diphos- kiwifruit. phate (ADP). Cystitis A common urinary tract infection that CREB cAMP response element-binding, a pro- occurs when bacteria travel up the urethra, tein that is a transcription factor that binds to infect the urine and infl ame the bladder lining. certain DNA sequences called cAMP response Cystorrhea Discharge of mucus from the elements. bladder. Medical Glossary 911

Cytochrome bc-1 complex Ubihydroquinone:c D e fi brinated plasma Blood whose plasma ytochrome c oxidoreductase. component has had fi brinogen and fi brin Cytochrome P450 3A CYP3A A very large removed. and diverse superfamily of heme- thiolate pro- Degranulation Cellular process that releases teins found in all domains of life. This group antimicrobial cytotoxic molecules from secre- of enzymes catalyses many reactions involved tory vesicles called granules found inside in drug metabolism and synthesis of choles- some cells. terol, steroids and other lipids. Delayed afterdepolarisations (DADs) Abnormal Cytokine Non-antibody proteins secreted by depolrisation that begins during phase 4 – after certain cells of the immune system which repolarisation is completed, but before another carry signals locally between cells. They are a action potential would normally occur. category of signalling molecules that are used Delirium Is common, sudden severe confusion extensively in cellular communication. and rapid changes in brain function that occur Cytopathic Any detectable degenerative with physical or mental illness; it is reversible changes in the host cell due to infection. and temporary. Cytoprotective Protecting cells from noxious Demulcent An agent that soothes internal mem- chemicals or other stimuli. branes. Also called emollient. Cytosolic Relates to the fl uid of the cytoplasm Dendritic cells Are immune cells and form part in cells. of the mammalian immune system, function- Cytostatic Preventing the growth and prolifera- ing as antigen-presenting cells. tion of cells. Dentition A term that describes all of the upper Cytotoxic Of or relating to substances that are and lower teeth collectively. toxic to cells, cell-killing. Deobstruent A medicine which removes D - galactosamine An amino sugar with unique obstructions, also called an aperient. hepatotoxic properties in animals. Deoxypyridinoline (Dpd) A cross-link prod- Dandruff Scurf, dead, scaly skin among the uct of collagen molecules found in bone and hair. excreted in urine during bone degradation. Dartre Condition of dry, scaly skin Depilatory An agent for removing or destroy- Debility Weakness, relaxation of muscular fi bre. ing hair. Debridement Is the process of removing non- Depressant A substance that diminishes func- living tissue from pressure ulcers, burns and tional activity, usually by depressing the ner- other wounds. vous system. Debriding agent Substance that cleans and treats Depurative An agent used to cleanse or purify certain types of wounds, burns and ulcers. the blood, it eliminates toxins and purifi es the Deciduogenic Relating to the uterus lining that system. is shed off at childbirth. Dermatitis I n fl ammation of the skin causing Deciduoma Decidual tissue induced in the discomfort, such as eczema. uterus (as by trauma) in the absence of Dermatitis herpetiformis An autoimmune pregnancy. chronic blistering skin disorder characterised Deciduomata Plural of deciduoma. by blisters fi lled with a watery fl uid. Decidual stromal cells Like endometrial glands Dermatophyte A parasitic fungus on the skin. and endothelium, they express integrins that Dermatosis Is a broad term that refers to any bind basement components. disease of the skin, especially one that is not Decoction A medical preparation made by boil- accompanied by infl ammation. ing the ingredients. Dermonecrotic Pertaining to or causing necro- Decongestant A substance that relieves or sis of the skin. reduces nasal or bronchial congestion. Desquamation The shedding of the outer layers Deep venous thrombosis Is a blood clot that of the skin. forms in a vein deep inside a part of the Desquamative ginginvitis Red, painful, body. glazed and friable gingivae which may be 912 Medical Glossary

a manifestation of some mucocutaneous Diaphyseal Pertaining to or affecting the shaft conditions such as lichen planus or vesicu- of a long bone (diaphysis). lobullous disorders. Diaphysis The main or mid-section (shaft) of a Detoxifi er A substance that promotes the long bone. removal of toxins from a system or organ. Diarrhoea A profuse, frequent and loose dis- Diabetes A metabolic disorder associated with charge from the bowels. inadequate secretion or utilisation of insulin Diastolic Referring to the time when the heart is and characterised by frequent urination and in a period of relaxation and dilatation (expan- persistent thirst. See diabetes mellitus. sion). cf . systolic. Diabetes mellitus (DM) Sometimes called Dieresis Surgical separation of parts. ‘sugar diabetes’, it is a set of chronic, meta- Dietary fi bre Is a term that refers to a group bolic disease conditions characterised by high of food components that pass through the blood sugar (glucose) levels that result from stomach and small intestine undigested and defects in insulin secretion, action or both. reach the large intestine virtually unchanged. Diabetes mellitus appears in two forms. Scientifi c evidence suggests that a diet high Diabetes mellitus type I Formerly known as in dietary fi bre can be of value for treating juvenile-onset diabetes, it is caused by defi - or preventing such disorders as constipation, ciency of the pancreatic hormone insulin as a irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, result of destruction of insulin- producing beta hiatus hernia and haemorrhoids. Some com- cells of the pancreas. Lack of insulin causes an ponents of dietary fi bre may also be of value increase of fasting blood glucose that begins to in reducing the level of cholesterol in blood appear in the urine above the renal threshold. and thereby decreasing a risk factor for coro- Diabetes mellitus type II Formerly called non- nary heart disease and the development of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or adult- gallstones. Dietary fi bre is benefi cial in the onset diabetes, the disorder is characterised by treatment of some diabetics. high blood glucose in the context of insulin Digalactosyl diglycerides Are major lipid com- resistance and relative insulin defi ciency in ponents of chloroplasts. which insulin is available but cannot be prop- Diosgenin A steroid-like substance that is involved erly utilised. in the production of the hormone progesterone, Diabetic foot Any pathology that results directly extracted from roots of Dioscorea . from diabetes mellitus or any long-term or Dipsia Sensation of dryness in the mouth and chronic complication of diabetes mellitus. throat related to a desire to drink. Diabetic neuropathy A neuropathic disorder Dipsomania Pathological use of alcohol. that is associated with diabetes mellitus. It Discutient An agent (as a medicinal applica- affects all peripheral nerves including pain tion) which serves to disperse morbid matter. fi bres, motor neurons and the autonomic ner- Disinfectant An agent that prevents the spread vous system. of infection, bacteria or communicable Diabetic retinopathy Damage to the retina disease. caused by complications of diabetes mellitus, Distal sensory polyneuropathy (DSPN) O r which can eventually lead to blindness. peripheral neuropathy, is the most common Diads Two adjacent structural units in a poly- neurological problem in HIV disease. DSPN mer molecule. also represents a complex symptom that Dialysis Is a method of removing toxic sub- occurs because of peripheral-nerve damage stances (impurities or wastes) from the blood related to advanced HIV disease. when the kidneys are unable to do so. Diuresis Increased urination. Diaphoresis Is profuse sweating commonly Diuretic A substance that increases urination associated with shock and other medical (diuresis). emergency conditions. Diverticular disease Is a condition affecting the Diaphoretic A substance that induces perspira- large bowel or colon and thought to be caused tion. Also called sudorifi c. by eating too little fi bre. Medical Glossary 913

Diverticulitis Common, sometimes painful Dysentery Formerly known as fl ux or the digestive disease which involves the forma- bloody fl ux, is a disorder of the digestive sys- tion of pouches (diverticula) within the bowel tem that results in severe diarrhoea containing wall. mucus and blood in the feces. It is caused usu- DMBA 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene. A poly- ally by a bacterium called Shigella . cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon found in tobacco Dysesthesia An unpleasant abnormal sensation smoke, which is a potent carcinogen. produced by normal stimuli. D N A Deoxyribonucleic acid, a nucleic acid that Dysgeusia Distortion of the sense of taste. contains the genetic instructions used in the Dyshomeostasis An imbalance or other break- development and functioning of all known liv- down of a homeostasis system. ing organisms. Dyskinesia The impairment of the power of DOCA Desoxycorticosterone acetate – a ste- voluntary movement resulting in fragmentary roid chemical used as replacement therapy in or incomplete movements. adj . dyskinetic. Addison’s disease. Dyslipidemia Abnormality in or abnormal Dopamine A catecholamine neurotransmit- amount of lipids and lipoproteins in the blood. ter that occurs in a wide variety of animals Dysmenorrhea Is a menstrual condition char- including both vertebrates and invertebrates. acterised by severe and frequent menstrual Dopaminergic Relating to or activated by the cramps and pain associated with menstruation. neurotransmitter dopamine. Dysmotility syndrome A vague descriptive Double blind Refers to a clinical trial or experi- term used to describe diseases of the mus- ment in which neither the subject nor the cles of the gastrointestinal tract (oesophagus, researcher knows which treatment any par- stomach and small and large intestines). ticular subject is receiving. Dysosmia Qualitative alteration or distortion of Douche A localised spray of liquid directed into the perception of smell. a body cavity or onto a part. Dyspareunia Painful sexual intercourse. DPPH 2,2 diphenyl -1- picryl-hydrazyl – a crys- Dyspedia Indigestion followed by nausea. talline, stable free radical used as an inhibitor Dyspepsia Refers to a complex symptom of epi- of free-radical reactions. gastric pain or discomfort. It is often defi ned Dracunculiasis Also called guinea worm dis- as chronic or recurrent discomfort centreed ease (GWD), is a parasitic infection caused by in the upper abdomen and can be caused by a the nematode Dracunculus medinensis . variety of conditions. cf . functional dyspepsia. Dropsy An old term for the swelling of soft tis- Dysphagia Diffi culty in swallowing. sues due to the accumulation of excess water. Dysphonia A voice disorder, an impairment adj . dropsical. in the ability to produce voice sounds using Drug-metabolising enzymes Play central roles vocal organs. in the biotransformation, metabolism and/or Dysplasia Refers to abnormality in development. detoxifi cation of xenobiotics or foreign com- Dyspnoea Shortness of breath, diffi culty in pounds that are introduced into the human breathing. body. Dysrhythmias See arrhythmias. Drusen Tiny yellow or white deposits of extra- Dystocia Abnormal or diffi cult childbirth or cellular materials in the retina of the eye or on labour. the optic nerve head. Dystonia A neurological movement disorder DT diaphorase Also called DTD or NAD(P) characterised by prolonged, repetitive muscle H:quinone oxidoreductase, is an obligate two- contractions that may cause twisting or jerk- electron reductase which bioactivates chemo- ing movements of muscles. therapeutic quinones. Dysuria Refers to diffi cult and painful urination. Dysarthria Is a motor speech disorder. E - cadherin Has traditionally been categorised Dysbiosis Also called dysbacteriosis, refers to as a tumour suppressor. a condition with microbial imbalances on or E-selectin Also known as endothelial leukocyte inside the body. adhesion molecule-1 (ELAM-1), CD62E, a 914 Medical Glossary

member of the selectin family. It is transiently essential fatty acid, includes prostaglandins expressed on vascular endothelial cells in and related compounds. response to IL-1 beta and TNF alpha. Elastase A serine protease that also hydrolyses EC 50 Median effective concentration that amides and esters. produces desired effects in 50% of the test Electrocardiography Or ECG, is a transtho- population. racic interpretation of the electrical activity Ecbolic A drug (as an ergot alkaloid) that tends of the heart over time captured and externally to increase uterine contractions and that is recorded by skin electrodes. used especially to facilitate delivery. Electromyogram (EMG) A test used to record Ecchymosis Skin discoloration caused by the the electrical activity of muscles. An electro- escape of blood into the tissues from ruptured myogram (EMG) is also called a myogram. blood vessels. Electuary A medicinal paste composed of pow- E C G See electrocardiography. ders or other medical ingredients incorporated EC–SOD Extracellular superoxide dismutase, with sweeteners to hide the taste, suitable for a tissue enzyme mainly found in the extra- oral administration. cellular matrix of tissues. It participates in Elephantiasis A disorder characterised by the detoxifi cation of reactive oxygen species chronic thickened and oedematous tissue on by catalysing the dismutation of superoxide the genitals and legs due to various causes. radicals. Embrocation Lotion or liniment that relieves Ectopic heartbeats Small changes in an oth- muscle or joint pains. erwise normal heartbeat that lead to extra or Embryonation Formation of embryo in the egg. skipped heartbeats. Embryotoxic Term that describes any chemical Ectrodactyly Involves the absence of one or which is harmful to an embryo. more central digits of the hand or foot. Emesis Vomiting, throwing up. Eczema Is broadly applied to a range of persis- Emetic An agent that induces vomiting, cf : tent skin conditions. These include dryness antiemetic. and recurring skin rashes which are charac- Emetocathartic Causing vomiting and purging. terised by one or more of these symptoms: Emmenagogue A substance that stimulates, redness, skin oedema, itching and dryness, initiates and/or promotes menstrual fl ow. crusting, fl aking, blistering, cracking, oozing Emmenagogues are used in herbal medicine or bleeding. to balance and restore the normal function of Eczematous rash Dry, scaly, itchy rash. the female reproductive system. ED 50 Is defi ned as the dose producing a Emollient An agent that has a protective and response that is 50 % of the maximum soothing action on the surface of the skin and obtainable. membranes. Oedema Formerly known as dropsy or Emphysema A long-term progressive disease hydropsy, is characterised by swelling caused of the lungs that primarily causes shortness of by abnormal accumulation of fl uid beneath the breath. skin or in one or more cavities of the body. It Emulsion A preparation formed by the suspen- usually occurs in the feet, ankles and legs, but sion of very fi nely divided oily or resinous it can involve the entire body. liquid in another liquid. Oedematogenic Producing or causing oedema. Encephalitis I n fl ammation of the brain caused EGFR proteins Epidermal growth factor recep- by a virus. tor (EGFR) proteins – Protein kinases are Encephalocele Protrusion of brain tissue enzymes that transfer a phosphate group from through a congenital fi ssure in the skull. a phosphate donor onto an acceptor amino Encephalomalacia Cerebral softening, a local- acid in a substrate protein. ised softening of the brain substance due to EGR-1 Early growth response 1, a human gene. haemorrhage or infl ammation. Eicosanoids Are signaling molecules made by Encephalopathy A disorder or disease of the oxygenation of arachidonic acid, a 20-carbon brain. Medical Glossary 915

Endocrine Adj. Of or relating to endocrine eNOS (Endothelial nitric oxide synthase) The glands or hormones secreted by them. enzyme responsible for most of the vascular Endocytosis Is the process by which cells nitric oxide produced. absorb material (molecules such as proteins) Enteral Term used to describe the intestines or from outside the cell by engulfi ng it with their other parts of the digestive tract. cell membrane. Enteralgia Pain in the intestines, intestinal colic. Endometrial cancer Cancer that arises in the Enteral administration Involves the oesopha- endometrium, the lining of the uterus (womb). gus, stomach and small and large intestines Endometriosis Is a common and often painful (i.e. the gastrointestinal tract). disorder of the female reproductive system in Enteritis Refers to infl ammation of the small which the endometrium, the tissue that nor- intestine. mally lines the womb (uterus), grows outside Enterocolic disorder I n fl amed- bowel disease. the uterus. The two most common symptoms Enterocytes Tall columnar cells in the small of endometriosis are pain and infertility. intestinal mucosa that are responsible for the Endometritis Refers to infl ammation of the fi nal digestion and absorption of nutrients. endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus. Enterohaemorrhagic Causing bloody diarrhoea Endometrium The inner lining of the uterus. and colitis, said of pathogenic microorganisms. Endoplasmic reticulum Is a network of tubules, Enterohepatonephropathy Hepatorenal lesions vesicles and sacs around the nucleus that are accompanied by renal failure. interconnected. Enterolactone A lignin formed by the action of Endostatin A naturally occurring 20-kDa intestinal bacteria on lignan precursors found C-terminal protein fragment derived from type- in plants, acts as a phytoestrogen. XVIII collagen. It is reported to serve as an Enteropooling Increased fl uids and electro- anti-angiogenic agent that inhibits the forma- lytes within the lumen of the intestines due to tion of blood vessels that feed cancer tumours. increased levels of prostaglandins. Endosteum The thin layer of cells lining the Enterotoxigenic Of or being an organism medullary cavity of a bone. containing or producing an enterotoxin. Endosteal Pertaining to the endosteum. Enterotoxin Is a protein toxin released by a Endothelial progenitor cells Population of rare microorganism in the intestine. cells that circulate in the blood with the ability Entheogen A substance taken to induce a spiri- to differentiate into endothelial cells, cells that tual experience. make up the lining of blood vessels. Enuresis Bed-wetting, a disorder of elimina- Endothelin Any of a group of vasoconstric- tion that involves the voluntary or involuntary tive peptides produced by endothelial cells release of urine into bedding, clothing or other that constrict blood vessels and raise blood inappropriate places. pressure. Envenomation Is the entry of venom into a Endotoxemia The presence of endotoxins in person’s body, and it may cause localised or the blood, which may result in shock. adj . systemic poisoning. endotoxemic. Eosinophilia The state of having a high con- Endotoxin Toxins associated with certain bac- centration of eosinophils (eosinophil granulo- teria unlike an ‘exotoxin’ that is not secreted cytes) in the blood. in soluble form by live bacteria but is a struc- Eosinophils Or, less commonly, acidophils, are tural component in bacteria which is released white blood cells that are one of the immune- mainly when bacteria are lysed. system components. Enema Liquid injected into the rectum either as Epidermal growth factor receptor a purgative or medicine, also called clyster. (EGFR) Belongs to the ErbB family of Enophthalmos A condition in which the eye receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK). EGFRs are falls back into the socket and inhibits proper involved in the pathogenesis and progression eyelid function. of different carcinoma types. 916 Medical Glossary

Epididymis A structure within the scrotum Ergonic Increasing capacity for bodily or attached to the backside of the testis and mental labour especially by eliminating whose coiled duct provides storage, transit fatigue symptoms. and maturation of spermatozoa. ERK (extracellular signal- regulated Epididymitis A medical condition in which kinases) Widely expressed protein kinase there is infl ammation of the epididymis. intracellular signaling molecules which are Epidural haematoma Accumulation of blood involved in functions including the regulation in the potential space between dura and bone, of meiosis, mitosis and post-mitotic functions may be intracranial or spinal. in differentiated cells. Epigastralgia Pain in the epigastric region. Eructation The act of belching or of casting up Epigastric discomfort Bloated abdomen, wind from the stomach through the mouth. swelling of abdomen, abdominal ditension. Eruption A visible rash or cutaneous disruption. Epilepsy A common chronic neurological dis- Eryptosis Suicidal death of erythrocytes charac- order that is characterised by recurrent unpro- terised by cell shrinkage, membrane blebbing, voked seizures. activation of proteases and phosphatidylserine Epileptiform Resembling epilepsy or its mani- exposure at the outer membrane leafl et. festations. adj . epileptiformic. Erysipelas Is an intensely red Streptococcus Epileptogenesis A process by which a normal bacterial infection that occurs on the face and brain develops epilepsy, a chronic condition in lower extremities. which seizures occur. adj . epileptogenic. Erythema Abnormal redness and infl ammation Episiotomy A surgical incision through the of the skin due to vasodilation. perineum made to enlarge the vagina and Erythema multiforme Is a skin disorder due to assist childbirth. an allergic reaction or infection characterised Epithelial–mesenchymal transition or trans- by fever, general ill feeling, skin itching, joint formation (EMT) A process by which aches and multiple skin lesions. epithelial cells lose their cell polarity and cell– Erythematous Characterised by erythema. cell adhesion and gain migratory and invasive Erythroleukoplakia An abnormal patch of red properties to become mesenchymal cells. and white tissue that forms on mucous mem- Epithelioma A usually benign skin disease branes in the mouth and may become cancer. most commonly occurring on the face, around Tobacco (smoking and chewing) and alcohol the eyelids and on the scalp. may increase the risk of erythroleukoplakia. Epitope A single antigenic site on a protein Erythropoiesis Is the process whereby ery- against which an antibody reacts. throid precursor cells proliferate and differen- Epitrochlearis The most superfi cial muscle of tiate into red blood cells. the arm’s anterior surface. Erythropoietin (EPO) A hormone produced by Epistaxis Acute haemorrhage from the nostril, the kidney that promotes the formation of red nasal cavity or nasopharynx (nosebleed). blood cells (erythrocytes) in bone marrow. Epstein–Barr virus Herpes virus that is the Eschar A slough or piece of dead tissue that is causative agent of infectious mononucleo- cast off from the surface of the skin. sis. It is also associated with various types of Escharotic Capable of producing an eschar, a human cancers. caustic or corrosive agent. ORbeta Oestrogen receptor beta, a nuclear Estradiol Is the predominant sex hormone pres- receptor which is activated by the sex hor- ent in females, also called oestradiol. mone oestrogen. Oestrogen Female hormone produced by the Ergocalciferol A form of vitamin D also called ovaries that plays an important role in the oes- vitamin D2. See vitamin D. trous cycle in women. Ergogenic Increasing capacity for bodily or Oestrogen receptor (ER) Is a protein found in mental labour especially by eliminating high concentrations in the cytoplasm of breast, fatigue symptoms. uterus, hypothalamus and anterior hypophysis Medical Glossary 917

cells; ER levels are measured to determine a dystonia, anxiety, paranoia and bradyphrenia) breast CA’s potential for response to hormonal that can occur in persons taking antipsychotic manipulation. medications. Oestrogen receptor positive (ER+) Means that Extravasation Discharge or escape as of blood oestrogen is causing the tumour to grow and from the vein into surrounding tissues, dis- that the breast cancer should respond well to charge or escape from a vessel or channel. hormone suppression treatments. Eyelid oedema Swollen eyelid caused by Oestrogen receptor negative (ER−) Tumour is infl ammation or excess fl uid. not driven by oestrogen and needs another test Fabry disease Is a rare X-linked (inherited) to determine the most effective treatment. lysosomal storage disease caused by alpha- Oestrogenic Relating to oestrogen or producing galactosidase. A defi ciency which can cause oestrus. a wide range of systemic symptoms such as Oestrus Sexual excitement or heat of female; pain in the extremities, papules on the lower the period of this is characterised by changes body parts, cornea clouding, fatigue, neuropa- in sex organs. thy and renal and cardiac complications. Euglycaemia Normal blood glucose concentration. FAC chemotherapy Fluorouracil, doxoru- Eupeptic Conducive to digestion. bicin (adriamycin) and cyclophosphamide Exanthema Sudden widespread rash. chemotherapy. Exanthematous Characterised by or of the F A D D Fas-associated protein with death nature of an eruption or rash. domain; the protein encoded by this gene is an Excitotoxicity Is the pathological process by adaptor molecule which interacts with other which neurons are damaged and killed by glu- death cell surface receptors and mediates tamate and similar substances. apoptotic signals. Excipient A pharmacologically inert substance Familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) Also used as a diluent or vehicle for active ingredi- called Corino de Andrade’s disease, a neuro- ents of a medication. degenerative autosomal dominant genetically Exfoliative cheilitis Is a reactive process in transmitted, fatal, incurable disease. which upper, lower or both lips become Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) Is an chronically infl amed, crusted and sometimes inherited condition in which numerous pol- fi ssured. yps form mainly in the epithelium of the large Exocytosis The cellular process by which intestine. cells excrete waste products or chemical Familial dysautonomia A genetic disorder that transmitters. affects the development and survival of auto- Exophthalmos or exophthalmia or propto- nomic and sensory nerve cells. sis Is a bulging of the eye anteriorly out of Fanconi syndrome Is a disease of the proxi- the orbit. adj . exophthalmic. mal renal tubes in which certain substances Exotoxin A toxin secreted by a microorgan- normally absorbed into the bloodstream ism and released into the medium in which it by the kidneys are released into the urine grows. instead. Expectorant An agent that increases bronchial FasL or CD95L Fas ligand is a type-II trans- mucous secretion by promoting liquefaction membrane protein that belongs to the tumour of the sticky mucus and expelling it from the necrosis factor (TNF) family. body. FAS: fatty acid synthase (FAS) A multi- Experimental allergic encephalomyeli- enzyme that plays a key role in fatty acid tis (EAE) Is an animal model of brain synthesis. infl ammation. Fas molecule A member of the tumour necrosis Exteroceptive Responsiveness to stimuli that factor receptors that mediates apoptotic sig- are external to an organism. nals in many cell types. Extrapyramidal side effects Are a group of Fauces The passage leading from the back of symptoms (tremor, slurred speech, akathisia, the mouth into the pharynx. 918 Medical Glossary

F a v u s A chronic skin infection, usually of the Filarial Pertaining to a thread-like nematode scalp, caused by the fungus Trichophyton worm. schoenleinii and characterised by the develop- Filariasis A parasitic and infectious tropical dis- ment of thick yellow crusts over hair follicles. ease that is caused by thread-like fi larial nem- Also termed tinea favosa. atode worms in the superfamily Filarioidea . Febrifuge An agent that reduces fever. Also Fistula An abnormal connection between two called an antipyretic. organs inside the body. Febrile Pertaining to or characterised by fever. Fistula-in- ano A track connecting the internal Febrile neutropenia The development of fever, anal canal to the skin surrounding the anal often with other signs of infection, in an indi- orifi ce. vidual with neutropenia, an abnormally low 5 ′-Nucleotidase 5 ′-ribonucleotide phosphohy- number of neutrophil granulocytes in the drolase, an intrinsic membrane glycoprotein blood. present as an ectoenzyme in a wide variety of Felon A purulent infection in the bulbous distal mammalian cells, hydrolyses 5′-nucleotides end of a fi nger. to their corresponding nucleosides. Fetotoxic Toxic to the fetus. 5-HT1A receptor A serotonin protein that Fibrates Hypolipidemic agents primarily used binds to 5-5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) with for decreasing serum triglycerides while high affi nity to exert subtle control over emo- increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL). tion and behaviour. Fibril A small slender fi bre or fi lament. Flash electroretinogram or Flash ERG Fibrin Insoluble protein that forms the essential (fERG) Is a test which measures the electri- portion of the blood clot. cal response of the eye’s light-sensitive cells Fibrinolysis A normal ongoing process that (rods and cones). It also checks other cell lay- dissolves fi brin and results in the removal of ers in the retina. small blood clots. Flatulence Is the presence of a mixture of gases Fribinolytic Causing the dissolution of fi brin known as fl atus in the digestive tract of mam- by enzymatic action. mals expelled from the rectum. Excessive Fibroblast Type of cell that synthesises the fl atulence can be caused by lactose intoler- extracellular matrix and collagen, the struc- ance, certain foods or a sudden switch to a tural framework (stroma) for animal tissues, high fi bre. and plays a critical role in wound healing. Flavans A sub-group of fl avonoids. See Fibrogenic Promoting the development of fl avonoids. fi bres. Flavanols A subgroup of fl avonoids, are a Fibromyalgia A common and complex chronic class of fl avonoids that use the 2-phenyl-3,4- body-wide pain disorder that affects people dihydro-2H-chromen-3-ol skeleton. These physically, mentally and socially. Symptoms compounds include catechins and catechin include debilitating fatigue, sleep disturbance gallates. They are found in chocolate, fruit and and joint stiffness. Also referred to as FM or vegetables. See fl avonoids. FMS. Flavanones A sub-group of fl avonoids, consti- Fibronectin A high–molecular weight tute >90 % of total fl avonoids in citrus. The (~440 kDa) glycoprotein of the extracellular major dietary fl avanones are hesperetin, nar- matrix (ECM) that adheres to membrane- ingenin and eriodictyol. spanning receptor proteins called integrins. Flavivirus A family of viruses transmitted Fibrosarcoma A malignant tumour derived by mosquitoes and ticks that cause some from fi brous connective tissue and character- important diseases including dengue, yel- ised by immature proliferating fi broblasts or low fever, tick-borne encephalitis and West undifferentiated anaplastic spindle cells. Nile fever. Fibrosis The formation of fi brous tissue as a Flavones A sub-group of fl avonoids based on reparative or reactive process. the backbone of 2-phenylchromen-4-one Medical Glossary 919

(2-phenyl-1-benzopyran-4-one). Flavones are tumour suppression by regulating the expres- mainly found in cereals and herbs. sion of genes involved in stress resistance, Flavonoids Or biofl avonoids are a group of DNA damage repair, cell cycle arrest and polyphenolic antioxidant compounds that apoptosis. occur in plants as secondary metabolites. Framboesia See yaws. They are responsible for the colour of fruit FRAP Ferric reducing ability of plasma, an and vegetables. Twelve basic classes (chemi- assay used to assess antioxidant property. cal types) of fl avonoids have been recognised: Friedreich’s ataxia Is a genetic inherited disor- fl avones, isofl avones, fl avans, fl avanones, der that causes progressive damage to the ner- fl avanols, fl avanolols, anthocyanidins, cat- vous system resulting in symptoms ranging echins (including proanthocyanidins), leuko- from muscle weakness and speech problems anthocyanidins, chalcones, dihydrochalcones to heart disease. cf . ataxia. and aurones. Apart from their antioxidant Fulminant hepatitis Acute liver failure. activity, fl avonoids are known for their abil- Functional dyspepsia A non-ulcer condition ity to strengthen capillary walls, thus assisting that causes an upset stomach or pain or dis- circulation and helping to prevent and treat comfort in the upper belly near the ribs. bruising, varicose veins, bleeding gums and Functional food Is any fresh or processed nosebleeds and heavy menstrual bleeding and food claimed to have a health-promoting or are also anti-infl ammatory. disease-preventing property beyond the basic Fluorine F is an essential chemical element that is function of supplying nutrients. Also called required for maintenance of healthy bones and medicinal food. teeth and to reduce tooth decay. It is found in sea Furuncle Is a skin disease caused by the , tea, water, seafood and dairy products. infection of hair follicles usually caused by Fluorosis A dental health condition caused by a Staphylococcus aureus resulting in the local- child receiving too much fl uoride during tooth ised accumulation of pus and dead tissue. development. Furunculosis Skin condition characterised by Flux An excessive discharge of fl uid. persistent, recurring boils. FMD (fl ow-mediated dilation) A measure of G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs, endothelial dysfunction which is used to eval- GPCRKs) A family of protein kinases which uate cardiovascular risk. Also called FMVD regulate the activity of G protein-coupled (fl ow-mediated vasodilation). receptors (GPCRs) by phosphorylating their Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) Is a protein tyro- intracellular domains after their associated G sine kinase which is recruited at an early stage proteins have been released and activated. to focal adhesions and which mediates many GABA Gamma aminobutyric acid required as of the downstream regulatory responses. an inhibitory neurotransmitter to block the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) A hor- transmission of an impulse from one cell to mone produced by the pituitary gland. In another in the central nervous system, which women, it helps control the menstrual cycle prevents over-fi ring of nerve cells. It is used to and the production of eggs by the ovaries. treat both epilepsy and hypertension. Follicular atresia The breakdown of ovarian GADD 152 A pro-apoptotic gene. follicles. Galactifuge Or lactifuge, casuing the arrest of Fomentation Treatment by the application of milk secretion. warm, moist substance. Galactogogue A substance that promotes the Fontanelle Soft spot on an infant’s skull. fl ow of milk. Forkhead box-O transcription factors Galactophoritis I n fl ammation of milk ducts. (FOXOs) Are a family of transcription fac- Galactopoietic Increasing the fl ow of milk, tors that play important roles in regulat- milk-producing. ing the expression of genes involved in cell Gall baldder A small, pear-shaped muscular growth, proliferation, differentiation and sac located under the right lobe of the liver in longevity. It also plays an important role in which bile secreted by the liver is stored until 920 Medical Glossary

needed by the body for digestion. Also called Gingivitis Refers to gingival infl ammation cholecyst, cholecystis. induced by bacterial biofi lms (also called gallic acid equivalent (GAE) Measures the plaque) adherent to tooth surfaces. total phenol content in terms of the standard Gin- nan sitotoxism Toxicity caused by inges- gallic acid by the Folin–Ciocalteau assay. tion of ginkgotoxin and characterised mainly Galphai proteins or G alpha I proteins Are by epileptic convulsions, paralysis of the legs heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-regulatory and loss of consciousness. (G) proteins associated with a variety of intra- G I P Gastric inhibitory polypeptide, also known cellular membranes and specifi c plasma mem- as glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide, a brane domains. member of the secretin family of hormones. Gamma GT (GGT) Gamma-glutamyl trans- Glaucoma A group of eye diseases in which the optic peptidase, a liver enzyme. nerve at the back of the eye is slowly destroyed, Gastralgia (Heart Burn) Pain in the stomach leading to impaired vision and blindness. or abdominal region. It is caused by excess Gleet A chronic infl ammation (as gonorrhoea) acid or an accumulation of gas in the stomach. of a bodily orifi ce usually accompanied by an Gastric Pertaining to or affecting the stomach. abnormal discharge. Gastric emptying Refers to the speed at which Glial cells Support, non-neuronal cells in the food and drink leave the stomach. central nervous system that maintain homeo- Gastritis I n fl ammation of the stomach. stasis, form myelin and provide protection for Gastrocnemius muscle The big calf muscle at the brain’s neurons. the rear of the lower leg. Glioma Is a type of tumour that starts in the Gastrodynia Pain in the stomach. brain or spine. It is called a glioma because it Gastroprokinetic See prokinetic. arises from glial cells. Gastrotonic (gastroprotective) Substance that Glioblastoma Common and most lethal form of strengthens, tones or regulates gastric func- brain tumour. tions (or protects from injury) without overt Glioblastoma multiforme Most common and stimulation or depression. most aggressive type of primary brain tumour Gavage Forced feeding. in humans involving glial cells. Gene silencing Suppression of the expression Glomerulonephritis (GN) A renal disease char- of a gene. acterised by infl ammation of the glomeruli, or Genotoxic Describes a poisonous substance small blood vessels in the kidneys. Also known which harms an organism by damaging its as glomerular nephritis. adj . glomerulonephritic. DNA, thereby capable of causing mutations Glomerulosclerosis A hardening (fi brosis) of or cancer. the glomerulus in the kidney. Genotoxin A chemical or other agent that dam- Glossal Pertaining to the tongue. ages cellular DNA resulting in mutations or GLP-1 Glucagon-like peptide-1. cancer. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) Is derived Geriatrics Is a sub-specialty of internal medicine from the transcription product of the proglu- that focuses on health care of elderly people. cagon gene, reduces insulin requirement in Gestational hypertension Development of diabetes mellitus and promotes satiety. arterial hypertension in a pregnant woman Gluconeogenesis A metabolic pathway that after 20 weeks gestation. results in the generation of glucose from non- Ghrelin A gastrointestinal peptide hormone carbohydrate carbon substrates such as lac- secreted by epithelial cells in the stomach lin- tate. adj . gluconeogenic. ing; it stimulates appetite and gastric empty- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD ing and increases cardiac output. or G6PDH) Is a cytosolic enzyme in the pen- Gingival index An index describing the clinical tose phosphate metabolic pathway. severity of gingival infl ammation as well as its Glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT 4) Insulin- location. regulated glucose transporter found in adipose Medical Glossary 921

tissues and striated muscles that modulates Glycogenolysis Is the catabolism of glycogen insulin-related translocation into the cell. by removal of a glucose monomer through Glucose transporters GLUT or SLC2A family cleavage with inorganic phosphate to produce are a family of membrane proteins found in glucose-1-phosphate. most mammalian cells. Glycometabolism Metabolism (oxidation) of Glucosuria or glycosuria Is the excretion of glucose to produce energy. glucose into urine. Glycosuria Or glucosuria, is an abnormal con- Glucosyltranferase An enzyme that enables dition of osmotic diuresis due to excretion of the transfer of glucose. glucose by the kidneys into the urine. Glucuronidation A phase II detoxifi cation Glycosylases A family of enzymes involved in pathway occurring in the liver in which gluc- base excision repair. uronic acid is conjugated with toxins. Goitre An enlargement of the thyroid gland Glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase leading to swelling of the neck or larynx. (GOT) Catalyses the transfer of an amino Goitrogen Substance that suppresses the group from an amino acid (Glu) to a 2-keto-acid function of the thyroid gland by interfering to generate a new amino acid and the residual with iodine uptake causing enlargement of the 2-keto-acid of the donor amino acid. thyroid, i.e. goitre. Glutamic pyruvate transaminase (GPT) See Goitrogenic Adj . causing goitre. Alanine aminotransferase. Gonadotroph A basophilic cell of the anterior Glutathione (GSH) A tripeptide produced in pituitary specialised to secrete a follicle-stim- the human liver, plays a key role in intermedi- ulating hormone or luteinising hormone. ary metabolism, immune response and health. Gonatropins Protein hormones secreted by It plays an important role in scavenging free gonadotrope cells of the pituitary gland of radicals and protects cells against several vertebrates. toxic oxygen-derived chemical species. Gonorrhoea A common sexually transmitted Glutathione peroxidase (GPX) The general bacterial infection caused by the bacterium name of an enzyme family with peroxidase Neisseria gonorrhoeae . activity whose main biological role is to pro- Gout A disorder caused by a build-up of a waste tect the organism from oxidative damage. product, uric acid, in the bloodstream. Excess Glutathione S-transferase (GST) A major uric acid settles in joints causing infl amma- group of detoxifi cation enzymes that par- tion, pain and swelling. ticipate in the detoxifi cation of reactive G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) Constitute electrophilic compounds by catalysing their the largest family of cell-surface molecules conjugation to glutathione. involved in signal transmission. These receptors Glycaemic index (GI) Measures carbohydrates play key physiological roles, and their dysfunc- according to how quickly they are absorbed tion results in several diseases. and raise the glucose level of the blood. Granulation The condition or appearance of Glycaemic load (GL) Is a ranking sytem for being granulated (becoming grain-like). carbohydrate content in food portions based Gravel Sand-like concretions of uric acid, cal- on their glycaemic index and the amount of cium oxalate and mineral formed in the available carbohydrate, i.e. GI x available car- passages of the biliary and urinary tracts. bohydrate / 100. Glycaemic load combines Gripe water Is a home remedy for babies with both the quality and quantity of carbohydrates colic, gas, teething pain or other stomach ail- in one ‘number’. It is the best way to predict ments. Its ingredients vary and may include blood glucose values of different types and alcohol, bicarbonate, ginger, dill, fennel and amounts of food. chamomile. Glycation or glycosylation A chemical reac- Grippe An epidemic catarrh; older term for tion in which glycosyl groups are added to a infl uenza. protein to produce a glycoprotein. G S H See Glutathione. 922 Medical Glossary

GSH-Px Glutathione peroxidase, general name Haeme oxygenase (HO-1, encoded by Hmox1) of an enzyme family with peroxidase activity is an inducible protein activated in systemic whose main biological role is to protect the infl ammatory conditions by oxidant stress, an organism from oxidative damage. enzyme that catalyses degradation of haem. GSSG Glutathione disulfi des are biologically Haemochromatosis Iron overload in the body important intracellular thiols, and alterations with a hereditary or primary cause. in the GSH/GSSG ratio are often used to Haemodialysis A method for removing waste assess exposure of cells to oxidative stress. products such as potassium and urea as well GSTM Glutathione S transferase M1, a major as free water from blood when the kidneys are group of detoxifi cation enzymes. in renal failure. GSTM 2 Glutathione S transferase M2, a major Haemolysis Lysis of red blood cells and the group of detoxifi cation enzymes. release of haemoglobin into surrounding fl uid G2-M cell cycle The phase where the cell pre- (plasma). adj . haemolytic. pares for mitosis and where chromatids and Haemoptysis Is the coughing up of blood from daughter cells separate. the respiratory tract. The blood can come from Guillain–Barre syndrome Is a serious disorder the nose, mouth, throat and airway passages that occurs when the body’s defense (immune) leading to the lungs. system mistakenly attacks part of the nervous Haemorrhage Bleeding, discharge of blood system leading to nerve infl ammation, muscle from blood vessels. weakness and other symptoms. Haemorrhoids A painful condition in which Gynecomastia Enlargement of the gland tissue the veins around the anus or lower rectum are of the male breast resulting from an imbalance enlarged, swollen and infl amed. Also called of hormones. piles. Gynecopathy Any or various diseases specifi c Haemostasis A complex process which causes to women. the bleeding process to stop. Gynoid adiposity Fat distribution mainly to the Haemostatic Something that stops bleeding. hips and thighs, pear shaped. Halitosis (Bad breath) a common condition Haemagogic Promoting a fl ow of blood. caused by sulphur- producing bacteria that live Haematemesis Is the vomiting of blood. within the surface of the tongue and in the Haematinic Improving the quality of blood, throat. its haemoglobin level and the number of Hallucinogen Drug that produces hallucination. erythrocytes. Hallucinogenic Inducing hallucinations. Haematochezia Passage of stools containing Hallux abducto valgus Commonly called bun- blood. ion, is an abnormal bending of the big toe Haematochyluria The discharge of blood towards the other toes of the foot. and chyle (emulsifi ed fat) in urine, see also Haplotype A set of alleles of closely linked loci chyluria. on a chromosome that tend to be inherited Haematoma A localised accumulation of together. blood in a tissue or space composed of clot- Hapten A small molecule that can elicit an ted blood. immune response only when attached to a Haematometra A medical condition involving large carrier such as a protein. bleeding of or near the uterus. HATs Histone acetyl transferases, enzymes that Haematopoiesis Formation of blood cellular regulate the acetylation of histones and tran- components from haematopoietic stem cells. scription factors, playing a major role in the Haematopoietic Adj . Relating to the formation growth and differentiation of cells. and development of blood cells. HbA1c Glycosylated haemoglobin. Haematuria Is the presence of blood in urine. HBeAg Hepatitis B e antigen. Haematuria is a sign that something is causing HBsAg Hepatitis B s antigen. abnormal bleeding in a person’s genitourinary HBD-2 (human β-defensin 2) A member of tract. the defensin family of antimicrobial peptides Medical Glossary 923

that plays important roles in the innate and Haemorrhagic colitis An acute gastroenteritis adaptive immune system of both vertebrates characterised by overtly bloody diarrhoea that and invertebrates. is caused by Escherichia coli infection. Heartburn Burning sensation in the stomach Haemolysin Certain proteins and lipids that and oesophagus caused by excessive acidity cause lysis of red blood cells by damaging of stomach fl uids. their cell membranes. Heat rash Any condition aggravated by heat or Haemolytic–uremic syndrome Is a disease hot weather such as intertrigo. characterised by haemolytic anaemia, acute Heat shock chaperones (HSC) Ubiquitous renal failure (uremia) and a low platelet count. molecules involved in the modulation of pro- Hepa-1c1c7 A type of hepatoma cells. tein conformational and complexation states Hepatalgia Pain or discomfort in the liver area. associated with heat stress or other cellular Hepatomegaly Condition of enlarged liver. stress response. Hepatectomy The surgical removal of part or Heat shock proteins (HSP) A group of function- all of the liver. ally related proteins, the expression of which is Hepatic Relating to the liver. increased when cells are exposed to elevated Hepatic cirrhosis Affecting the liver, character- temperatures or other cellular stresses. ised by hepatic fi brosis and regenerative nodules. Haelminthiasis A disease in which a part of the Hepatic fi brosis Is overly profuse wound heal- body is infested with worms such as pinworm, ing in which excessive connective tissue roundworm or tapeworm. builds up in the liver. Haemagglutination A specifi c form of aggluti- Hepatitis I n fl ammation of the liver. nation that involves red blood cells. Hepatitis A Formerly known as infectious hep- Haemagglutination inhibition test Measures atitis, is an acute infectious disease of the liver the ability of soluble antigen to inhibit the caused by the hepatovirus hepatitis A virus. agglutination of antigen-coated red blood Hepatocarcinogenesis Represents a linear and cells by antibodies. progressive cancerous process in the liver in Haemagglutinin Refers to a substance that which successively more aberrant monoclonal causes red blood cells to agglutinate. populations of hepatocytes evolve. Haemangioma Blood vessel. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) Also called Haematocrit Is a blood test that measures the malignant hepatoma, is a primary malignancy percentage of the volume of whole blood that (cancer) of the liver. is made up of red blood cells. Hepatocytolysis Cytotoxicity (dissolution) of Haematopoietic Pertaining to the formation of liver cells. blood or blood cells. Hepatoma Cancer of the liver. Haematopoietic stem cell Is a cell isolated Hepatopathy A disease or disorder of the liver. from blood or bone marrow that can renew Hepatoprotective Liver protector, a substance itself and differentiate to a variety of special- that helps protect the liver from damage by ised cells. toxins, chemicals or other disease processes. Haem oxygenase-1 (HO-1) An enzyme that Hepatoregenerative A compound that pro- catalyses the degradation of haem, an induc- motes hepatocellular regeneration and repairs ible stress protein, confers cytoprotection and restores liver function to optimum against oxidative stress in-vitro and in-vivo. performance. Haemoglobinopathies Genetic defects that Hepatotonic Liver tonic, a substance that is produce abnormal haemoglobins and anaemia. tonic to the liver – usually employed to nor- Haemolytic anaemia Anaemia due to haemoly- malize liver enzymes and function. sis, the breakdown of red blood cells in blood Hernia Occurs when part of an internal organ vessels or elsewhere in the body. bulges through a weak area of muscle. Haemorheology Study of blood fl ow and HER- 2 Human epidermal growth factor recep- its elements in the circulatory system. adj . tor 2, a protein giving higher aggressiveness in haemorheological. breast cancer, also known as ErbB-2, ERBB2. 924 Medical Glossary

Herpes A chronic infl ammation of the skin or HGPRT, HPRT (hypoxanthine-guanine mucous membrane characterised by the devel- phosphoribosyl transferase) An enzyme that opment of vesicles on an infl ammatory base. catalyses the conversion of 5-phosphoribosyl- Herpes circinatus Dermatitis herpetiformis 1-pyrophosphate and hypoxanthine, guanine (resembling herpes). or 6-mercaptopurine to the corresponding Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 – (HSV-1 and 5′-mononucleotides and pyrophosphate. The HSV-2) Are two species of the herpes virus enzyme is important in purine biosynthesis as family which cause a variety of illnesses/ well as central nervous system functions. infections in humans such as cold sores, chick- Hippocampus A ridge in the fl oor of each lat- enpox or varicella, shingles or herpes zoster eral ventricle of the brain that consists mainly (VZV), cytomegalovirus (CMV) and various of grey matter. cancers and can cause brain infl ammation Hippocampal Pertaining to the hippocampus. (encephalitis). HSV-1 is commonly associ- Hirsutism A condition where women have excess ated with herpes outbreaks of the face known facial and body hair that is dark and coarse. as cold sores or fever blisters, whereas HSV-2 Histaminergic Liberated or activated by hista- is more often associated with genital herpes. mine, relating to the effects of histamine at They are also called human herpes virus 1 and histamine receptors of target tissues. 2 (HHV-1 and HHV-2) and are neurotropic Histaminergic receptors Are types of and neuroinvasive viruses; they enter and hide G-protein-coupled receptors with histamine in the human nervous system, accounting for as their endogenous ligand. their durability in the human body. Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) Are Herpes zoster Or simply zoster, commonly enzymes that acetylate conserved lysine known as shingles and also known as zona, is amino acids on histone proteins by transfer- a viral disease characterised by a painful skin ring an acetyl group from acetyl CoA to form rash with blisters. e-N-acetyl lysine. HATs act as transcriptional Herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO) Is a viral co-activators. ocular disease characterised by a painful skin Histone lysine demethylases (KDMs) Enymes rash in one or more dermatome distributions that play a key role in the amplifi cation of of the fi fth cranial nerve, shared by the eye and hypoxia-inducible-factor signalling and orbit. expression of pro-angiogenic genes in cancer Heterophobia Term used to describe irrational and neurological disorders. fear of, aversion to or discrimination against H I V See Human immunodefi ciency virus. heterosexuals. H i v e s (Urticaria) is a skin rash characterised by HDL-C (HDL cholesterol) High-density lipo- circular wheals of reddened and itching skin. protein cholesterol, also called ‘good choles- H L A Human leukocyte antigen system, name of terol’. See also high-density lipoprotein. the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Hiatus hernia Occurs when the upper part of in humans. the stomach pushes its way through a tear in HLA-DQB1 Human leucocyte antigen beta the diaphragm. chain. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) Is one of the HLA-DR A major histocompatibility complex fi ve major groups of lipoproteins which enable (MHC) class II cell surface receptor encoded cholesterol and triglycerides to be transported by the human leukocyte antigen complex on within the water-based bloodstream. HDL chromosome 6 region 6p21.31. can remove cholesterol from atheroma within HMG-CoAr 3-hydroxy-3- methyl-glutaryl- arteries and transport it back to the liver for CoA reductase or (HMGCR) is the rate- excretion or re-utilisation – which is the main controlling enzyme (EC of the reason why HDL-bound cholesterol is some- mevalonate pathway. times called ‘good cholesterol’, or HDL-C. A HMG-CoA 3-hydroxy-3- methylglutaryl- high level of HDL-C seems to protect against coenzyme A, an intermediate in the mevalon- cardiovascular diseases. cf. LDL. ate pathway. Medical Glossary 925

Hodgkin’s disease Disease characterised by HT29 cells Are human intestinal epithelial cells enlargement of the lymph glands and spleen which produce the secretory component of and by anaemia. immunoglobulin A (IgA) and carcinoembry- Homeodomain transcription factor A protein onic antigen (CEA). domain encoded by a homeobox. Homeobox Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) A DNA genes encode transcription factors which typi- herpes virus which is the leading cause of con- cally switch on cascades of other genes. genital viral infection and mental retardation. Homeostasis The maintenance of a constant Human factor X A coagulation factor also internal environment of a cell or an organism known by the eponym Stuart–Prower factor despite fl uctuations in the external. or as thrombokinase, is an enzyme involved in Homeotherapy Treatment or prevention of dis- blood coagulation. It is synthesised in the liver ease with a substance similar but not identical and requires vitamin K for its synthesis. to the causative agent of the disease. Human immunodefi ciency virus (HIV) A Homocysteine An amino acid in the blood. retrovirus that can lead to acquired immuno- Homograft See allograft. defi ciency syndrome (AIDS), a condition in Hormesis A term used by toxicologists to refer humans in which the immune system begins to a biphasic dose response to an environmen- to fail, leading to life-threatening opportunis- tal agent characterised by a low-dose stimu- tic infections. lation or benefi cial effect and a high-dose Humoral immune response (HIR) Is the aspect inhibitory or toxic effect. of immunity that is mediated by secreted anti- Hormonal (female) Substance that has a hor- bodies (as opposed to cell-mediated immunity, mone-like effect similar to that of oestrogen which involves T lymphocytes) produced in and/or a substance used to normalise female the cells of the B lymphocyte lineage (B cell). hormone levels. HUVEC Human umbilical vein endothelial Hormonal (male) Substance that has a hor- cells. mone-like effect similar to that of testosterone Hyaluronidase Enzymes that catalyse the and/or a substance used to normalise male hydrolysis of certain complex carbohydrates hormone levels. like hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphates. H R T Hormone replacement therapy, the admin- Hydatidiform A rare mass or growth that forms istration of the female hormones oestrogen inside the uterus at the beginning of pregnancy. and progesterone and sometimes testosterone. Hydrocele Abnormal accumulation of fl uid HSF-1 factor Major regulator of heat shock inside the scrotum. protein transcription in eukaryotes. Hydrocholeretic An agent that stimulates an HSP27 Is an ATP-independent, 27 kDa heat increased output of bile of low specifi c gravity. shock protein chaperone that confers protec- Hydrogogue A purgative that causes an abun- tion against apoptosis. dant watery discharge from the bowel. HSP70 Heat shock protein chaperone that con- Hydronephrosis Is distension and dilation of fers protection against heat-induced apoptosis. the renal pelvis and calyces usually caused by HSP90 A 90 kDa heat shock protein chaperone obstruction of the free fl ow of urine from the that has the ability to regulate a specifi c subset kidney. of cellular signalling proteins that have been Hydrophobia A viral neuro-invasive disease implicated in disease processes. that causes acute encephalitis (infl ammation HSPD 1 Heat shock 60 kDa protein 1 of the brain) in warm-blooded animals. Also hTERT – (TERT) Telomerase reverse tran- called rabies. scriptase is a catalytic sub-unit of the enzyme Hydropsy See dropsy. telomerase in humans. It exerts a novel protec- Hydrothorax Accumulation of serous fl uid in tive function by binding to mitochondrial DNA, the pleural cavity. increasing respiratory chain activity and protect- Hyperaemia The increase of blood fl ow to ing against oxidative stress–induced damage. different tissues in the body. 926 Medical Glossary

Hyperalgesia An increased sensitivity to pain Hyperphagia Or polyphagia, abnormally large (enhanced pricking pain) which may be ingestion of food beyond that needed for basic caused by damage to nociceptors or periph- energy requirements. eral nerves. Hyperpiesia Persistent and pathological high Hyperammonaemia A metabolic disturbance blood pressure for which no specifi c cause can characterised by an excess of ammonia in the be found. blood. Hyperplasia Increased cell production in a nor- Hypercalciuria ( Idiopathic ) presence of excess mal tissue or organ. calcium in the urine without obvious cause. Hyperprebeta- lipoproteinaemia Increased con- Hypercholesterolemia High levels of choles- centrations of pre-beta-lipoproteins in the blood. terol in the blood that increase a person’s risk Hyperpropulsion Using water pressure as a for cardiovascular disease leading to stroke or force to move objects; used to dislodge calculi heart attack. in the urethra. Hyperemia Is the increased blood fl ow that Hyperpyrexia Is an abnormally high fever. occurs when tissue is active. Hypertension Commonly referred to as ‘high Hyperemesis Severe and persistent nausea blood pressure’ or HTN, is a medical condi- and vomiting (morning sickness) during tion in which the arterial blood pressure is pregnancy. chronically elevated. Hyperfi brinogenemia Excessive fi brinogen in Hypertensive Characterised or caused by the blood. increased tension or pressure as abnormally Hyperglycaemia High blood sugar; is a condi- high blood pressure. tion in which an excessive amount of glucose Hypertonia Abnormal increase in muscle ten- circulates in the blood plasma. sion and a reduced ability of the muscle to Hyperglycaemic A substance that raises blood stretch. sugar levels. Hypertriglyceridaemia or hypertriglyce- Hyperhomocysteinemia Is a medical condition mia A disorder that causes high triglycerides characterised by an abnormally large level of in the blood. homocysteine in the blood. Hypertrophy Enlargement or overgrowth of an Hyperinsulinemia A condition in which there organ. are excess levels of circulating insulin in the Hyperuricemia Is a condition characterised blood; also known as pre- diabetes. by abnormally high levels of uric acid in the Hyperkalemia Is an elevated blood level of the blood. electrolyte potassium. Hypoadiponectinemia The state of having too Hyperkeratosis Abnormal thickening of the low levels of adiponectin, a major metabolic outer layer of the skin. adj hyperkeratotic. endocrine, responsible for regulating things like Hyperknesis Enhanced itch to pricking. glucose uptake and lipolysis (the breakdown of Hyperleptinemia Increased serum leptin level. fat deposits); low adiponectin is a risk factor for Hyperlipoproteinemia A metabolic disorder both type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome. characterised by abnormally elevated Hypoalbuminemia A medical condition concentrations of lipid/lipoprotein in the where levels of albumin in blood serum are plasma; also known as hyperlipidemia and abnormally low. hyperlipemia. Hypocalcemic tetany A disease caused by Hypermenorrhoea Abnormally heavy or pro- an abnormally low level of calcium in the longed menstruation. blood and characterised by hyperexcitability Hypermethylation An increase in the inherited of the neuromuscular system and results in methylation of cytosine and adenosine resi- carpopedal spasms. dues in DNA. Hypochlorhydria Refers to states where the Hyperoxaluria An excessive urinary excretion production of gastric acid in the stomach is of oxalate. absent or low. Medical Glossary 927

Hypocholesterolemic Cholesterol reducer, I.C.V. (intra-cerebroventricular) Injection of a substance that lowers blood cholesterol chemical into the right lateral ventricle of the levels. brain. Hypocitraturia Low amount of citrate in the Iceterus Jaundice, yellowish pigmentation of urine, an important risk factor for kidney stone the skin. formation. Ichthyotoxic A substance which is poisonous to Hypocorticism See Addison’s disease. fi sh. Hypocortisolism See Addison’s disease. Icteric hepatitis An infectious syndrome of Hypoesthesia Or hypesthesia, refers to a hepatitis characterised by jaundice, nausea, reduced sense of touch or sensation or a par- fever, right-upper-quadrant pain, enlarged tial loss of sensitivity to sensory stimuli. liver and transaminitis (increase in alanine Hypoglycemic An agent that lowers the con- aminotransferase (ALT) and/or aspartate ami- centration of glucose (sugar) in the blood. notransferase (AST)). Hypogonadism syndrome Characterised by Icterus neonatorum Jaundice in newborn defects of the gonads. infants. Hypoperfusion Decreased blood fl ow through Idiopathic Of no apparent physical cause. an organ characterised by an imbalance Idiopathic mesenteric phlebosclerosis of oxygen demand and oxygen delivery to (IMP) A rare disease, characterised by thick- tissues. ening of the wall of the right hemicolon with Hypophagic Under- eating. calcifi cation of mesenteric veins. Hypophysectomy The surgical removal of the Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss hypophysis (pituitary gland). (ISSHL) Is sudden hearing loss where clini- Hypospadias An abnormal birth defect in cal assessment fails to reveal a cause. males in which the urethra opens on the under I.g. Gastric intubation, insertion of Levin tube surface of the penis. through the nasal passage to the stomach. Hypotensive Characterised by or causing I g E Immunoglobin E – a class of antibody that diminished tension or pressure as abnormally plays a role in allergy. low blood pressure. IGFs Insulin-like growth factors, polypeptides Hypothermia A condition in which an organ- with high sequence similarity to insulin. ism’s temperature drops below that required I g G Immunoglobin G – the most abun- for normal metabolism and body functions. dant immunoglobin (antibody) and one Hypothermic Relating to hypothermia, with of the major activators of the complement subnormal body temperature. pathway. Hypoxaemia Is the reduction of oxygen specifi - I g M Immunoglobin M – primary antibody cally in the blood. against A and B antigens on red blood cells. Hypoxia A shortage of oxygen in the body. adj . IKAP Is a scaffold protein of the IvarKappaBeta hypoxic. kinase complex and a regulator for kinases Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) Transcription involved in pro-infl ammatory cytokine factors that respond to changes in available signalling. oxygen in the cellular environment, specifi cally IKappa B Or IkB-beta, a protein of the to defi ciency in oxygen. NF-Kappa-B inhibitor family. ICAM-1 (inter-cellular adhesion mole- Ileus A temporary disruption of intestinal peri- cule 1) Also known as CD54 (cluster of dif- stalsis due to non-mechanical causes. ferentiation 54), is a protein that in humans is Immune modulator A substance that affects encoded by the ICAM1 gene. or modulates the functioning of the immune IC 50 The median maximal inhibitory concen- system. tration; a measure of the effectiveness of a Immunodefi ciency A state in which the compound in inhibiting biological or bio- immune system’s ability to fi ght infectious chemical function. disease is compromised or entirely absent. 928 Medical Glossary

Immunogenicity The property enabling a I n fl ammasomes Are large intracellular substance to provoke an immune response, caspase-1activating multiprotein complexes adj . immunogenic. that play a central role in innate immunity. Immunoglobulin class switching, Ig class I n fl ammation A protective response of the switching A biological mechanism that body to infection, irritation or other injury, changes a B cell’s production of antibody aimed at destroying or isolating injuries and from one class to another. characterised by redness, pain, warmth and Immunomodulatory Capable of modifying or swelling. regulating one or more immune functions. I n fl uenza A viral infection that affects mainly Immunoreactive Reacting to particular anti- the nose, throat, bronchi and, occasionally, gens or haptens. lungs. Immunostimulant Agent that stimulates an Infusion A liquid extract obtained by steeping immune response. something (e.g. herbs) that are more volatile Immunosuppression Involves a process that or dissolve readily in water to release their reduces the activation or effi cacy of the active ingredients without boiling. immune system. Inguinal hernia A hernia into the inguinal Immunotoxin A man-made protein that con- canal of the groin. sists of a targeting portion linked to a toxin. Inhalant A medicinal substance that is admin- Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) A pre-dia- istered as a vapour into the upper respiratory betic state of dysglycaemia associated with passages. insulin resistance, increased risk of cardio- iNOS, inducible nitric oxide syn- vascular pathology and also a risk factor for thases Through its product, nitric oxide mortality. (NO), may contribute to the induction of Impetigo A contagious bacterial skin infection germ cell apoptosis. It plays a crucial role characterised by blisters that may itch, caused in early sepsis-related microcirculatory by a Streptoccocus bacterium or Staphylococcus dysfunction. aureus and mostly seen in children. Inotropic Affecting the force of muscle Impotence A sexual dysfunction characterised contraction. by the inability to develop or maintain an erec- Insecticide An agent that destroys . adj . tion of the penis. insecticidal. Incontinence (fecal) The inability to control Insomnia A sleeping disorder characterised by bowel movement. the inability to fall asleep and/or the inability Incontinence (urine) The inability to control to remain asleep for a reasonable amount of urine excretion. time. Incretin A group of gastrointestinal hormones Insulin A peptide hormone composed of that cause an increase in the amount of insu- 51 amino acids produced in the islets of lin released from beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, causes cells in the Langerhans after a meal; members include liver, muscle and fat tissue to take up glucose GIP and GLP-1. from the blood, storing it as glycogen in the Index of structural atypia (ISA) Index of liver and muscles. Insulin defi ciency is often structural abnormality. the cause of diabetes, and exogenous insulin Induration Hardened, as a soft tissue that is used to control diabetes. becomes extremely fi rm, sclerosis. Insulin homeostasis Blood sugar regulation. Infarct An area of living tissue that undergoes Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) Polypeptides necrosis as a result of obstruction of local with high sequence similarity to insulin. They blood supply. are part of a complex system that cells employ Infarction Is the process of tissue death (necro- to communicate with their physiological sis) caused by blockage of the tissue’s blood environment. supply. Insulin-mimetic To act like insulin. Medical Glossary 929

Insulin resistance A condtion where the natural Intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDL) I s hormone insulin becomes less effective at one of the fi ve major groups of lipoproteins reducing blood sugars. (chylomicrons, VLDL, IDL, LDL and HDL) Insulinogenic Associated with or stimulating that enable fats and cholesterol to move within the production of insulin. the water-based solution of the bloodstream. Insulinotropic Stimulating or affecting the pro- IDL is further degraded to form LDL particles duction and activity of insulin. and, like LDL, can also promote the growth Integrase An enzyme produced by a retrovirus of atheroma and increase cardiovascular (such as HIV) that enables its genetic material diseases. to be integrated into the DNA of the infected Intermittent claudication An aching, crampy, cell. tired and sometimes burning pain in the legs Interferons (IFNs) Are natural cell- signalling that comes and goes, caused by peripheral glycoproteins known as cytokines produced vascular disease. It usually occurs with walk- by the cells of the immune system of most ing and disappears after rest. vertebrates in response to challenges such as Interoceptive Relating to stimuli arising from viruses, parasites and tumour cells. within the body. Interleukins A group of naturally occurring Interstitium The space between cells in a tissue. proteins and a subset of a larger group of cel- Interstitial Pertaining to the interstitium. lular messenger molecules called cytokines, Intertrigo An infl ammation (rash) caused by which are modulators of cellular behaviour. microbial infection in skin folds. Interleukin-1 (IL-1) A cytokine that could Intima Innermost layer of an artery or vein. induce fever, control lymphocytes, increase Intimal hyperplasia The thickening of the the number of bone marrow cells and cause tunica intima of a blood vessel as a complica- degeneration of bone joints. Also called tion of a reconstruction procedure. endogenous pyrogen, lymphocyte activating Intoxicant Substance that produces drunken- factor, haemopoetin-1 and mononuclear cell ness or intoxication. factor, amongst others IL-1 is composed of Intracavernosal Within the copus cavernsum, two distinct proteins, now called IL-1α and columns of erectile tissues forming the body IL-1β. of the penis. Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) A cytokine protein Intraperitoneal (i.p.) The term used when a produced by activated macrophages, cytokine chemical is contained within or administered is an important mediator of the infl ammatory through the peritoneum (the thin, transpar- response and is involved in a variety of cellu- ent membrane that lines the walls of the lar activities including cell proliferation, dif- abdomen). ferentiation and apoptosis. Intrathecal (i.t.) Through the theca of the spi- Interleukin 2 (IL-2) A type of cytokine immune nal cord into the subarachnoid space. system signalling molecule that is instrumen- Intromission The act of putting one thing into tal in the body’s natural response to microbial another. infection. Intubation Refers to the placement of a tube Interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) A heterotri- into an external or internal orifi ce of the body. meric protein expressed on the surface of cer- Iodine (I) Is an essential chemical element tain immune cells such as lymphocytes that that is important for hormone development binds and responds to a cytokine called IL-2. in the human body. Lack of iodine can lead Interleukin-6 (IL-6) An interleukin that acts as to an enlarged thyroid gland (goitre) or other both a pro-infl ammatory and anti-infl amma- iodine defi ciency disorders including mental tory cytokine. retardation and stunted growth in babies and Interleukin 8 (I- 8) A cytokine produced by children. Iodine is found in dairy products, macrophages and other cell types such as epi- seafood, kelp, seaweeds, eggs, some vegeta- thelial cells and is one of the major mediators bles and iodised salt. of the infl ammatory response. I P See intraperitoneal. 930 Medical Glossary

IP3R3 (Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor Kainate receptors Or KARs, are non-NMDA type 3) is an intracellular calcium release (N-methyl- d -aspartate) ionotropic recep- channel that mediates calcium release from tors which respond to the neurotransmitter the endoplasmic reticulum. glutamate. Iron (Fe) Is essential to most life forms and to Kaliuresis The presence of excess potassium in normal human physiology. In humans, iron is the urine. an essential component of proteins involved Kallikreins Peptidases (enzymes that cleave in oxygen transport and for haemoglobin. It is peptide bonds in proteins), a subgroup of the also essential for the regulation of cell growth serine protease family; they liberate kinins and differentiation. A defi ciency of iron limits from kininogens. Kallikreins are targets of oxygen delivery to cells, resulting in fatigue, active investigation by drug researchers as poor work performance and decreased immu- possible biomarkers for cancer. nity. Conversely, excess amounts of iron can Kaposi sarcoma A cancerous tumour of result in toxicity and even death. Dietary the connective tissues caused by the huma sources include certain cereals, dark green herpesvirus 8 and often associated with AIDS. leafy vegetables, dried fruit, legumes, sea- Kaposi sarcoma herpes virus (KSHV) Also food, poultry and meat. known as human herpesvirus-8, is a gamma Ischaemia An insuffi cient supply of blood to an 2 herpesvirus or rhadinovirus. It plays an organ, usually due to a blocked artery. important role in the pathogenesis of Kaposi Ischuria Retention or suppression of urine. sarcoma (KS), multicentric Castleman dis- Isofl avones A sub-group of fl avonoids in which ease (MCD) of the plasma cell type and pri- the basic structure is a 3-phenyl chromane mary effusion lymphoma and occurs in HIV skeleton. They act as phytoestrogens in mam- patients. mals. See fl avonoids. Karyolysis Dissolution and disintegration of Isomers Substances that are composed of the the nucleus when a cell dies. same elements in the same proportions and Karyorrhexis Destructive fragmentation of the hence have the same molecular formula but nucleus of a dying cell whereby its chromatin differ in properties because of differences in disintegrates into formless granules. the arrangement of atoms. Keloids Benign dermal tumours characterised Isoprostanes Unique prostaglandin-like com- by fi broblastic proliferation and excessive pounds generated in-vivo from the free radi- accumulation of collagen. cal–catalysed peroxidation of essential fatty Keratin A sulphur-containing protein which is acids. a major component in skin, hair, nails, hooves, J a m u Traditional Indonesian herbal medicine. horns and teeth. Janus kinase (JAK)-signal transducer and Keratinocyte Is the major constituent of the activator of transcription (STAT) signal- epidermis, constituting 95 % of the cells ling Are essential molecules in cytokine sig- found there. nal transduction pathways involved in cancer Keratinophilic Having an affi nity for keratin. development and progression. Keratitis I n fl ammation of the cornea. Jaundice Refers to the yellow colour of the skin Keratoconjunctivitis sicca Also called and whites of the eyes caused by excess bili- keratitis sicca, xerophthalmia or dry eye rubin in the blood. syndrome (DES), is an eye disease charac- J N K (Jun N-terminal kinase), also known terised by a defi ciency of aqueous tear fi lm as stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK), over the surface of the eye and in the lining belongs to the family of MAP kinases. of the lids. Jurkat cells A line of T lymphocyte cells that Keratolysis Softening and separation of the are used to study acute T-cell leukaemia. horny layer of the epidermis. KB cell A cell line derived from a human carci- Keratolytic Pertaining to keratolysis. noma of the nasopharynx, used as an assay for Keratomalacia An eye disorder that leads to a anti- neoplastic (anti-tumour) agents. dry cornea. Medical Glossary 931

Kidney stones Calculi, are hardened mineral Larvacidal An agent which kills insect or deposits that form in the kidney. parasite larva. Kinin Is any of various structurally related Laryngitis Is an infl ammation of the larynx. polypeptides, such as bradykinin, that act Laxation Bowel movement. locally to induce vasodilation and contraction Laxatives Substances that are used to promote of smooth muscle. bowel movement. Kininogen Either of two plasma α2-globulins LC 50 Median lethal concentration, see that are kinin precursors. LD 50. Ki-67 Human protein associated with cell LD 50 Median lethal dose – the dose required proliferation. to kill half the members of a tested popu- Knockout Gene knockout is a genetic tech- lation. Also called LC 50 (median lethal nique in which an organism is engineered to concentration). carry genes that have been made inoperative. L D L See low- density lipoprotein. Kunitz protease inhibitors A type of protein LDL Cholesterol See low-density lipoprotein. contained in legume seeds which functions as LDL receptor (LDLr) A low-density lipopro- a protease inhibitor. tein receptor gene. Kupffer cells Are resident macrophages of the Lectins Are sugar-binding proteins that are liver and play an important role in its normal highly specifi c for their sugar moieties, physiology and homeostasis as well as partici- that agglutinate cells and/or precipitate pating in the acute and chronic responses of glycoconjugates. They play a role in biologi- the liver to toxic compounds. cal recognition phenomena involving cells L -Dopa (L -3,4- dihydroxyphenylalanine) is an and proteins. amino acid that is formed in the liver and con- Leishmaniasis A disease caused by protozoan verted into dopamine in the brain. parasites that belong to the genus Leishmania Labour Process of childbirth involving muscu- and transmitted by the bite of certain species lar contractions. of sand fl y. Lacrimation Secretion and discharge of tears. Lenitive Palliative; easing pain or discomfort. Lactagogue An agent that increases or stimu- Lenticular opacity Also known as or related to lates milk fl ow or production. Also called a cataract. galactagogue. Leprosy A chronic bacterial disease of the skin Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) Enzyme that and nerves in the hands and feet and, in some catalyses the conversion of lactate to pyruvate. cases, the lining of the nose. It is caused by the Lactation Secretion and production of milk. Mycobacterium leprae. Also called Hansen’s Lactic acidosis Is a condition caused by the disease. build-up of lactic acid in the body. It leads to Leptin Is a 16 kDa protein hormone with acidifi cation of the blood (acidosis) and is con- important effects in regulating body weight, sidered a distinct form of metabolic acidosis. metabolism and reproductive function. LAK cell A lymphokine-activated killer cell, Lequesne algofunctional index Is a wide- i.e. a white blood cell that has been stimulated spread international instrument (10-ques- to kill tumour cells. tion survey) and recommended by the World Lamella In cell biology, refers to numerous Health Organisation (WHO) for outcome plate or disc-like structures at both a tissue and measurement in hip and knee diseases such as a cellular level. osteoarthritis. Laminin A glycoprotein component of connec- Leucocyte White blood corpuscles, colourless, tive tissue basement membrane that promotes without haemoglobin, that help to combat cell adhesion. infection. Laparotomy A surgical procedure involving Leucoderma A skin abnormality characterised an incision through the abdominal wall to by white spots, bands and patches on the skin; gain access into the abdominal cavity. adj. they can also be caused by fungus and tinea. laparotomised. Also see vitiligo. 932 Medical Glossary

Leucorrhoea Commonly known as whites, Lipodiatic Having lipid- and lipoprotein-lower- refers to a whitish discharge from the female ing property. genitals. Lipodystrophy A medical condition character- Leukaemia A cancer of the blood or bone mar- ised by abnormal or degenerative conditions row and characterised by an abnormal prolif- of the body’s adipose tissue. eration (production by multiplication) of blood Lipogenesis Is the process by which acetyl- cells, usually white blood cells (leukocytes). CoA is converted to fats; adj. lipogenic. Leukemogenic Relating to leukaemia, causing Lipolysis Is the breakdown of fat stored in fat leukaemia. cells in the body. Leukocytopenia Abnormal decrease in the Liposomes Artifi cially prepared vesicles made number of leukocytes (white blood cells) in of lipid bilayer. the blood. Lipotoxicity Refers to tissue diseases that may Leukocytosis Increase in white blood cell count occur when fatty acids spill over in excess above its normal range. of the oxidative needs of those tissues and Leukomyelopathy Any diseases involving the enhances metabolic fl ux into harmful path- white matter of the spinal cord. ways of non-oxidative metabolism. Leukopenia A decrease in the number of circu- Lipotropic Refers to compounds that help lating white blood cells. catalyse the breakdown of fat during metabo- Leukoplakia Condition characterised by white lism in the body. e.g. chlorine and lecithin. spots or patches on mucous membranes, espe- Lipoxygenase A family of iron- containing cially of the mouth and vulva. enzymes that catalyse the dioxygenation of Leukotriene A group of hormones that cause polyunsaturated fatty acids in lipids contain- the infl ammatory symptoms of hay-fever and ing a cis,cis-1,4- pentadiene structure. asthma. Lithiasis Formation of urinary calculi (stones) Leydig cells Also called interstitial cells of in the renal system (kidneys, ureters, urinary Leydig, are found adjacent to the seminiferous bladder, urethra), can be of any one of several tubules in the testicle. They produce testoster- compositions. one in response to luteinising hormone. Lithogenic Promoting the formation of calculi Levarterenol See Norepinephrine. (stones). LexA repressor Or repressor LexA, is a repres- Lithontripic Removes stones from kidney and sor enzyme that represses SOS response genes gall bladder. coding for DNA polymerases required for Liver X receptors Nuclear hormones that func- repairing DNA damage. tion as central transcriptional regulators for Libido Sexual urge. lipid homeostasis. Lichen planus A chronic mucocutaneous dis- Lochia Vaginal discharge containing blood, ease that affects the skin, tongue and oral mucus and uterine tissues during the postpar- mucosa. tum period. Ligroin A volatile, infl ammable fraction of Lotion A liquid suspension or dispersion of petroleum, obtained by distillation and used chemicals for external application to the body. as a solvent. Lovo cells Colon cancer cells. Limbic system Complex set of brain structures, Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) Is a type of including the hypothalamus, amygdala, hip- lipoprotein that transports cholesterol and tri- pocampus, anterior thalamic nuclei, septum, glycerides from the liver to peripheral tissues. limbic cortex and fornix that control various High levels of LDL cholesterol can signal functions such as emotion, behaviour, motiva- medical problems like cardiovascular disease, tion, memory and olfaction. and it is sometimes called ‘bad cholesterol’. Liniment Liquid preparation rubbed on skin, LRP1 Low-density lipoprotein receptor– used to relieve muscular aches and pains. related protein-1, plays a role in intracel- Linterised starch Starch that has undergone lular signalling functions as well as in lipid prolonged acid treatment. metabolism. Medical Glossary 933

L T B 4 A type of leukotriene, a major metabolite Lymphangitis An infl ammation or bacterial in neutrophil polymorphonuclear leukocytes. infection of lymphatic channels, mostly com- It stimulates polymorphonuclear cell function monly caused by the bacterium Streptoccocus (degranulation, formation of oxygen-centred pyogenes in humans. free radicals, arachidonic acid release and Lymphoblastic Pertaining to the production of metabolism). It induces skin infl ammation. lymphocytes. Luciferase Is a generic name for enzymes com- Lymphocyte A small white blood cell (leu- monly used in nature for bioluminescence. cocyte) that plays a large role in defending Lumbago Is the term used to describe general the body against disease. Lymphocytes are lower-back pain. responsible for immune responses. There are Lung abscess Necrosis of the pulmonary tissue two main types of lymphocytes: B cells and and formation of cavities containing necrotic T cells. Lymphocytes secrete products (lym- debris or fl uid caused by microbial infections. phokines) that modulate the functional activi- Lusitropic An agent that affects diastolic ties of many other types of cells and are often relaxation. present at sites of chronic infl ammation . Lutein A carotenoid, occurs naturally as yellow Lymphocyte B cells B cells make antibodies or orange pigment in some fruit and leafy that attack bacteria and toxins. vegetables. It is one of the two carotenoids Lymphocyte T cells T cells attack body cells contained within the retina of the eye. Within themselves when they have been taken over the central macula, zeaxanthin predomi- by viruses or have become cancerous. nates, whereas in the peripheral retina, lutein Lymphoma A type of cancer involving cells of predominates. Lutein is necessary for good the immune system called lymphocytes. vision and may also help prevent or slow Lymphopenia Abnormally low number of lym- down atherosclerosis, the thickening of arter- phocytes in the blood. ies, which is a major risk for cardiovascular Lysosomes Are small, spherical organelles con- disease. taining digestive enzymes (acid hydrolases) Luteinising hormone (LH) A hormone pro- and other proteases (cathepsins). duced by the anterior pituitary gland. In mTOR, the mammalian (or mechanistic) tar- females, it triggers ovulation. In males, it get of rapamycin Regulates a wide range of stimulates the production of testosterone to cellular and developmental processes by coor- aid sperm maturation. dinating signalling responses to mitogens, Luteolysis Is the structural and functional deg- nutrients and various stresses. radation of the corpus luteum (CL) that occurs Maceration Softening or separating of parts by at the end of the luteal phase of both the oes- soaking in a liquid. trous and menstrual cycles in the absence of Macrophage A type of large leukocyte that pregnancy. adj . luteolytic. travels in the blood but can leave the blood- Luteotorpic Stimulating the formation of the stream and enter tissue; like other leukocytes, corpus luteum. it protects the body by digesting debris and Lymphadenitis The infl ammation or enlarge- foreign cells. ment of a lymph node caused by microbial Macular degeneration A disease that gradually infection. destroys the macula, the central portion of the Lymphadenitis-cervical I n fl ammation of the retina, reducing central vision. lymph nodes in the neck, usually caused by Macules Small circumscribed changes in the an infection. colour of skin that are neither raised (elevated) Lymphatitis I n fl ammation of lymph vessels nor depressed. and nodes. Maculopapular Describes a rash characterised Lymphadenopathy A term meaning ‘disease of by raised, spotted lesions. the lymph nodes’ – lymph node enlargement. Magnesium (Mg) Is the fourth most abundant Lymphadenomegaly Is the enlargement of the mineral in the body and is essential to good lymph node/nodes. health. It is important for normal muscle and 934 Medical Glossary

nerve function, steady heart rhythm, immune terol. Manganese is the preferred cofactor system and strong bones. Magnesium also of enzymes called glycosyltransferases, helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes which are required for the synthesis of normal blood pressure and is known to be proteoglycans that are needed for the forma- involved in energy metabolism and protein tion of healthy cartilage and bone. Dietary synthesis and plays a role in preventing and sources include whole grains, fruit, legumes managing disorders such as hypertension, (soybean and by-products), green leafy veg- cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Dietary etables, beetroot and tea. sources include legumes (e.g. soya bean and MAO activity Monoamine oxidase activity. by-products), nuts, whole unrefi ned grains, MAPK (mitogen- activated protein fruit (e.g. banana, apricots), okra and green kinase) These kinases are strongly activated leafy vegetables. in cells subjected to osmotic stress, UV radia- + MAK cell Macrophage-activated killer cell, tion, disregulated K currents, RNA-damaging activated nacrophage that is much more agents and a multitude of other stresses as phagocytic than monocytes. well as infl ammatory cytokines, endotoxin Malaise A feeling of weakness, lethargy or dis- and withdrawal of a trophic factor . The comfort as of impending illness. stress-responsive MAPKs mediate a plethora Malaria Is an infection of the blood by of cellular responses to such stressful stimuli, Plasmodium parasite that is carried from per- including apoptosis and production of infl am- son to person by mosquitoes. There are four matory and immunoregulatory cytokines in species of malaria parasites that infect man: diverse cell systems. Plasmodium falciparum, so-called ‘malig- Marasmus Is one of the three forms of serious nant tertian fever’, is the most serious disease, protein energy malnutrition. Plasmodium vivax, causing a relapsing form Mastectomy Surgery to remove a breast. of the disease, Plasmodium malariae , and Masticatory A substance chewed to increase Plasmodium ovale . salivation. Also called sialogue. Malassezia A fungal genus (previously known Mastitis A bacterial infection of the breast which as Pityrosporum ) classifi ed as yeasts, natu- usually occurs in breastfeeding mothers. rally found on skin surfaces of many animals Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) A member including humans. It can cause hypopigmen- of a group of enzymes that can break down tation on the chest or back if it becomes an proteins, such as collagen, that are normally opportunistic infection. found in spaces between cells in tissues (i.e. Mammalian target of rapamycin extracellular matrix proteins). Matrix metal- (mTOR) Pathway that regulates mitochon- loproteinases are involved in wound healing, drial oxygen consumption and oxidative angiogenesis and tumour cell metastasis. See capacity. also metalloproteinase. Mammogram An x-ray of the breast to detect M B C Minimum bacterial concentration – the tumours. lowest concentration of antibiotic required to Mandibular Relating to the mandible, the kill an organism. human jaw bone. MCP-1 Monocyte chemotactic protein-1, plays Manganese Is an essential element for heath. a role in the recruitment of monocytes to sites It is an important constituent of some of infection and injury. It is a member of small enzymes and an activator of other enzymes inducible gene (SIG) family. in physiological processes. Manganese M D A Malondialdehyde is one of the most fre- superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is the quently used indicators of lipid peroxidation. principal antioxidant enzyme in the mito- Measles An acute, highly communicable rash chondria. Manganese-activated enzymes illness due to a virus transmitted by direct play important roles in the metabolism contact with infectious droplets or, less com- of carbohydrates, amino acids and choles- monly, by airborne spread. Medical Glossary 935

Mechanonociceptors Sensory neurons that are Metabonome Complete set of metabologically mechanically sensitive, found in all the paraspi- regulated elements in cells. nal connective tissues including ligament, joint Metabolomics Is the scientifi c study of chemi- capsule, annulus fi brosus of the intervertebral cal processes involving metabolites. disk, muscle, tendon and skin. They respond to Metalloproteinase Enzymes that break down a noxious (damaging) mechanical load. proteins requiring zinc or calcium atoms for Medial preoptic area Is located at the rostral proper function. end of the hypothalamus, it is important for Metallothionein (MT) A family of cysteine-rich, the regulation of male sexual behaviour. low–molecular weight (500–14,000 Da) proteins. Megaloblastic anaemia An anaemia that results Meta-analysis A statistical procedure that com- from inhibition of DNA synthesis in red blood bines the results of several studies that address cell production, often due to a defi ciency of a set of related research hypotheses. vitamin B12 or folate and characterised by Metaphysis Is the portion of a long bone between many large immature and dysfunctional red the epiphyses and the diaphysis of the femur. blood cells (megaloblasts) in bone marrow. Metaphyseal Pertaining to the metaphysis. Melaene (melena) Refers to the black, ‘tarry’ Metaplasia Transformation of one mature feces that are associated with gastrointestinal differentiated cell type into another mature haemorrhage. differentiated cell type. Melanogenesis Production of melanin by living Metastasis Is the movement or spreading of can- cells. cer cells from one organ or tissue to another. Melanoma Malignant tumour of melanocytes Metetrus The quiescent period of sexual inac- which are found predominantly in skin but tivity between oestrus cycles. also in the bowel and the eye and appear as Methemoglobinemia Is a disorder character- pigmented lesions. ised by the presence of a higher-than-normal + Melatonin A hormone produced in the brain by level of methemoglobin (ferric [Fe 3 ] rather the pineal gland, it is important in the regula- than ferrous [Fe2 +] haemoglobin) in red blood tion of the circadian rhythms of several bio- cells. This results in a decreased availability of logical functions. oxygen to tissues. Menarche The fi rst menstrual cycle, or fi rst Metropathy Any disease of the uterus, espe- menstrual bleeding, in female human beings. cially of the myometrium. Menorrhagia Heavy or prolonged menstrua- Metroptosis The slipping or falling out of place tion, too frequent menstrual periods. of an organ (as the uterus). Menopausal Refers to permanent cessation of Metrorrhagia Uterine bleeding at irregular menstruation. intervals, particularly between the expected Menses See menstruation. menstrual periods. Menstruation The approximately monthly dis- Mevinolin A potent inhibitor of 3-hydroxy- charge of blood from the womb in women of 3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase childbearing age who are not pregnant. Also (HMG-CoA reductase). called menses. adj . menstrual. M H C Acronym for major histocompatibil- Mesangial cells Are specialised cells around ity complex, a large cluster of genes found blood vessels in the kidneys, at the mesangium. on the short arm of chromosome 6 in most Mesothelioma Is an aggressive cancer affect- vertebrates that encodes MHC molecules. ing the membrane lining of the lungs and MHC molecules play an important role in the abdomen. immune system and autoimmunity. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) Represents a MHC 11 molecules Class II MHC molecules combination of cardiometabolic risk factors, belong to a group of molecules known as the including visceral obesity, glucose intoler- immunoglobulin supergene family, which ance or type 2 diabetes, elevated triglycerides, includes immunoglobulins, T-cell receptors, reduced HDL cholesterol and hypertension. CD4, CD8 and others. 936 Medical Glossary

M I C Minimum inhibitory concentration – low- Mitogenic Able to induce mitosis or est concentration of an antimicrobial that will transformation. inhibit the visible growth of a microorganism. Mitogenicity Process of induction of mitosis. Micelle A submicroscopic aggregation of Mitomycin A chemotherapy drug that is given molecules. as a treatment for several different types of Micellisation Formation process of micelles. cancer, including breast, stomach, oesophagus Microangiopathy Or microvascular disease, is and bladder cancers. an angiopathy affecting small blood vessels in Mitosis Cell division in which the nucleus the body. divides into nuclei containing the same num- Microfi laria A pre-larval parasitic worm of the ber of chromosomes. family Onchocercidae , found in the vector M M P Matrix metalloproteinases, a group of and in the blood or tissue fl uid of human hosts. peptidases involved in degradation of the Micronuclei Small particles consisting of acen- extracellular matrix (ECM). tric fragments of chromosomes or entire chro- Mnestic Pertaining to memory. mosomes, which lag behind at anaphase of Molecular docking Is a key tool in structural cell division. molecular biology and computer-assisted drug Microphthalmia-associated transcription fac- design. tor (MITF) A basic helix-loop- helix leucine Molluscidal Destroying molluscs like snails. zipper transcription factor protein that plays a Molt 4 cells MOLT4 cells are lymphoblast-like role in the development, survival and function in morphology and are used for studies of of melanocytes and osteoclast. apoptosis, tumour cytotoxicity, tumorigenic- Microsomal PGE2 synthase Is the enzyme that ity as well as for anti-tumour testing. catalyses the fi nal step in prostaglandin E2 Molybdenum (Mo) Is an essential element (PGE2) biosynthesis. that forms part of several enzymes such as Microvasculature The fi ner vessels of the body, xanthine oxidase involved in the oxidation as the arterioles, capillaries and venules. of xanthine to uric acid and use of iron. Micturition Urination, act of urinating. Molybdenum concentrations also affect Migraine A neurological syndrome charac- protein synthesis, metabolism and growth. terised by altered bodily perceptions, severe Dietary sources include meat, green beans, painful headaches and nausea. eggs, sunfl ower seeds, wheat fl our, lentils Mimosine Is an alkaloid, β-3-hydroxy-4 pyri- and cereal grain. done amino acid, it is a toxic non-protein free Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) Is an iso- amino acid and is an antinutrient. zyme of monoamine oxidase. It preferentially Mineral apposition rate MAR, rate of addition deaminates norepinephrine (noradrenaline), of new layers of mineral on the trabecular sur- epinephrine (adrenaline), serotonin and faces of bones. dopamine. Miscarriage Spontaneous abortion. Monoaminergic Of or pertaining to neurons Mitochondrial complex I The largest enzyme that secrete monoamine neurotransmitters in the mitochondrial respiratory oxidative (e.g., dopamine, serotonin). phosphorylation system. Monoclonal antibodies Are produced by fus- Mitochondrial permeability transition ing single antibody-forming cells to tumour (MPT) Is an increase in the permeability of cells grown in culture. the mitochondrial membranes to molecules of Monocyte Large white blood cell that ingests less than 1,500 Da in molecular weight. MPT microbes, other cells and foreign matter. is one of the major causes of cell death in a Monogalactosyl diglyceride Are the major variety of conditions. lipid components of chloroplasts. Mitogen An agent that triggers mitosis, elic- Monorrhagia Is heavy bleeding that is usually its all the signals necessary to induce cell defi ned as periods lasting longer than 7 days proliferation. or excessive bleeding. Medical Glossary 937

Morbidity A diseased state or symptom, or can characterised by excessive number of white refer either to the incidence rate or to the prev- blood cells. alence rate of a disease. Myeloma Cancer that arises in the plasma cells, Morellofl avone A bifl avonoid extracted from a type of white blood cells. Garcinia dulcis, has shown antioxidative, Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Is a peroxidase antiviral and anti-infl ammatory properties. enzyme most abundantly present in neutrophil Morphine The major alkaloid of opium and a granulocytes (a sub-type of white blood cells). potent narcotic analgesic. It is an infl ammatory enzyme produced by MTTP Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein activated leukocytes that predicts risk of coro- that is required for the assembly and secretion nary heart disease. of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins from both Myeloproliferative disorder Disease of enterocytes and hepatocytes. the bone marrow in which excess cells are MUC 5AC Mucin 5AC, a secreted gel-forming produced. protein mucin with a high molecular weight of Myelosuppressive Causing bone marrow about 641 kDa. suppression. Mucositis Painful infl ammation and ulceration Myelotoxicity State of being toxic to myeloid of the mucous membranes lining the digestive tissues, the bone marrow. tract. Myiasis Parasitic infestation of the body of a Mucous Relating to mucus. live mammal by fl y larvae. Mucolytic Capable of reducing the viscosity of Myocardial Relating to heart muscle tissues. mucus or an agent that so acts. Myocardial infarction (MI) Is the rapid devel- Mucus Viscid secretion of the mucous opment of myocardial necrosis caused by a membrane. critical imbalance between oxygen supply and Multidrug resistance (MDR) Ability of a liv- demand of the myocardium. ing cell to show resistance to a wide variety Myocardial ischaemia An intermediate condi- of structurally and functionally unrelated tion in coronary artery disease during which compounds. the heart tissue is slowly or suddenly starved Muscarinic receptors Are G protein-coupled of oxygen and other nutrients. acetylcholine receptors found in the plasma Myocardial lipidosis Is the accumulation of fat membranes of certain neurons and other cells. droplets in myocardial fi bres. Musculotropic Affecting or acting upon mus- Myoclonus Brief, involuntary twitching of a cular tissue. muscle or a group of muscles. Mutagen An agent that induces genetic muta- Myogenesis The formation of musculer tissue, tion by causing changes in the DNA. especially during embryonic development. Mutagenic Capable of inducing mutation (used Myopathy A muscular disease wherein the mainly for extracellular factors such as X-rays muscle fi bres do not function for any one of or chemical pollution). many reasons, resulting in muscular weakness. Myalgia Muscle pain. Myopia Near – or short-sightedness. M y c Codes for a protein that binds to the DNA Myosarcoma A malignant muscle tumour. of other genes and is therefore a transcription Myotonia dystrophica An inherited disorder facor, found on chromosome 8 in humans. of the muscles and other body systems char- Mycosis An infection or disease caused by a acterised by progressive muscle weakness, fungus. prolonged muscle contractions (myotonia), Mydriasis Abnormal, excessive dilation of the clouding of the lens of the eye (cataracts), car- pupil caused by disease or drug. diac abnormalities, balding and infertility. Myelocyte Is a young cell of the granulocytic Myotube A developing skeletal muscle fi bre or series, occurring normally in bone marrow but cell with a tubular appearance and a centrally not in circulating blood. located nucleus. Myeloid leukaemia (chronic) A type of can- Myringosclerosis Also known as tympanoscle- cer that affects the blood and bone marrow, rosis or intratympanic tympanosclerosis, is a 938 Medical Glossary

condition caused by calcifi cation of collagen Neonatal Adj . Of or relating to newborn infants tissues in the tympanic membrane of the mid- or an infant. dle ear. Neoplasia Abnormal growth of cells, which Mytonia A symptom of certain neuromuscular may lead to a neoplasm or tumour. disorders characterised by the slow relaxation Neoplasm Tumour; any new and abnormal of the muscles after voluntary contraction or growth, specifi cally one in which cell mul- electrical stimulation. tiplication is uncontrolled and progressive. N-nitrosmorpholine A human carcinogen. Neoplasms may be benign or malignant. N-nitrosoproline An indicator for N-nitrosation Neoplastic transformation Conversion of a tis- of amines. sue with a normal growth pattern into a malig- Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate nant tumour. (NADP) A coenzyme comprising nicotin- Neovascularisation Is the development of tiny, amide mononucleotide coupled by pyrophos- abnormal, leaky blood vessels inside the eye. phate linkage to adenosine 2′,5′-bisphosphate; Neovasculature Formation of new blood it acts as an electron carrier in numerous reac- vessels. tions, being alternately oxidised (NADP+) Nephrectomised Kidneys surgically removed. and reduced (NADPH). Nephrectomy Surgical removal of the kidney. NADPH The reduced form of nicotinamide Nephric Relating to or connected with a kidney. adenine dinucleotide phosphate that serves as Nephrin Is a protein necessary for the proper an electron carrier. functioning of the renal fi ltration barrier. NAFLD Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Nephritic syndrome Is a collection of signs Narcotic An agent that produces narcosis; in (known as a syndrome) associated with dis- moderate doses, it dulls the senses, relieves orders affecting the kidneys, more specifi cally pain and induces sleep; in excessive dose, glomerular disorders. it causes stupor, coma, convulsions and Nephritis Is infl ammation of the kidney. death. Nephrolithiasis Process of forming a kidney Nasopharynx Upper part of the alimentary con- stone in the kidney or lower urinary tract. tinuous with the nasal passages. Nephropathy A disorder of the kidney. Natriorexia Excessive intake of sodium Nephrotic syndrome Non-specifi c disorder evoked by sodium depletion. adj . natriorexic, in which the kidneys are damaged, causing natriorexigenic. them to leak large amounts of protein from the Natriuresis The discharge of excessive large blood into the urine. amounts of sodium through urine. adj . Nephrotoxicity Poisonous effect of some sub- natriuretic. stances, both toxic chemicals and medication, Natural killer cells (NK cells) A type of cyto- on the kidney. toxic lymphocyte that constitute a major com- Nerve growth factor (NGF) A small protein ponent of the innate immune system. that induces the differentiation and survival of Natural killer T (NKT) cells A heterogeneous particular target neurons (nerve cells). group of T cells that share properties of both T Nervine A nerve tonic that acts therapeutically cells and natural killer (NK) cells. upon the nerves, particularly in the sense of a Nausea Sensation of unease and discomfort in sedative that serves to calm ruffl ed nerves. the stomach with an urge to vomit. Neural tube defects (NTDs) Are common birth Necropsy See autopsy. defects of the brain and spinal cord. Necrosis Morphological changes that follow NEU 4 sialidase This protein belongs to a fam- cell death, usually involving nuclear and cyto- ily of glycohydrolytic enzymes, which remove plasmic changes. terminal sialic acid residues from various sialo Neointima A new or thickened layer of arterial derivatives, such as glycoproteins, glycolip- intima formed especially on a prosthesis or in ids, oligosaccharides and gangliosides. atherosclerosis by migration and proliferation Neuralgia Is a sudden, severe painful disorder of cells from the media. of the nerves. Medical Glossary 939

Neuraminidase Glycoside hydrolase enzyme Neuroradiology Is a subspecialty of radiology that cleaves the glycosidic linkages of neur- focusing on the diagnosis and characterisation aminic acids. of abnormalities of the central and peripheral Neuraminidase inhibitors A class of antiviral nervous system. adj . neuroradiologic. drugs targeted at the infl uenza viruses whose Neurotrophic Relating to the nutrition and mode of action consists of blocking the func- maintenance of nervous tissue (neurons). tion of the viral neuraminidase protein, thus Neutropenia A disorder of the blood, character- preventing the virus from reproducing. ised by abnormally low levels of neutrophils. Neurasthenia A condition with symptoms of Neutrophil Type of white blood cell, specifi - fatigue, anxiety, headache, impotence and cally a form of granulocyte. neuralgia. Neutrophin Protein that induces the survival, Neurasthenic A substance used to treat nerve development and function of neurons. pain and/or weakness (i.e. neuralgia, sciatica, NF-kappa B (NF-kB) Nuclear factor kappa B, etc.). is an ubiquitous rapid-response transcription Neurectomy Surgical cutting through or factor in cells involved in immune and infl am- removal of a nerve or a section of a nerve. matory reactions. Neurite Refers to any projection from the cell Niacin Vitamin B3. See vitamin B3. body of a neuron. Niacinamide An amide of niacin, also known Neuritis An infl ammation of the nerve char- as nicotinamide. See vitamin B3. acterised by pain, sensory disturbances and NIH3T3 cells A mouse embryonic fi broblast cell impairment of refl exes. adj . neuritic. line used in the cultivation of keratinocytes. Neuritogenesis The formation of neuritis. adj . Nidation Implantation. neuritogenic. Niosomes Are novel, vesicular drug delivery Neuroblastoma A common extracranial can- systems composed of non-ionic surfactants cer that forms in nerve tissues, common in instead of phospholipids; they are capable infancy. of entrapping hydrophilic and hydrophobic Neuroendocrine Adj. Of, relating to or involv- drugs. ing the interaction between the nervous sys- Nitrogen (N) Is an essential building block of tem and the hormones of the endocrine glands. amino and nucleic acids and proteins and is Neurogenesis Process by which neurons are essential to all living organisms. Protein-rich generated from neural stem and progenitor vegetables like legumes are rich food sources cells. of nitrogen. Neurogenic Originating from the nerves of the NK cells Natural killer cells, a type of cytotoxic nervous system. lymphocyte that constitute a major component Neurolathyrism Is a neurodegenerative dis- of the innate immune system. ease that is caused by heavy consumption of NK1.1+ T (NKT) cells A type of natural killer Lathyrus legumes, resulting in weakness and T (NKT) cells. See natural killer T cells. paralysis of the legs. NMDA receptor N-methyl- D -aspartate recep- Neuroleptic Refers to the effects on cognition tor, the predominant molecular device for and behaviour of antipsychotic drugs that controlling synaptic plasticity and memory reduce confusion, delusions, hallucinations function. A brain receptor activated by the and psychomotor agitation in patients with amino acid glutamate, which, when exces- psychoses. sively stimulated, may cause cognitive defects Neuroma Is a growth or tumour of nerve tissue. in Alzheimer’s disease. Neuropathy A collection of disorders that Nociceptive Causing pain, responding to a pain- occurs when the peripheral nervous sytems ful stimulus. are damaged causing pain and numbness in Nociceptors Specialised peripheral sensory the hands and feet. neurons that respond to potentially damaging Neuropharmacological Relating to the effects stimuli by sending nerve signals to the spinal of drugs on the neurosystem. cord and brain. 940 Medical Glossary

Non-osteogenic Fibromata of bone, a benign that regulate many hepatic phase I and II tumour of bone which shows no evidence of enzymes as well as hepatic effl ux transporters. ossifi cation. Nucleosomes Fundamental repeating sub- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease One cause of units of all eukaryotic chromatin, consist- a fatty liver, occurring when fat is deposited ing of a DNA chain coiled around a core of (steatosis) in the liver not due to excessive histones. alcohol use. Nulliparous Term used to describe a woman Nootropics Are substances which are claimed to who has never given birth. boost human cognitive abilities (the functions Nyctalopia Night blindness, impaired vision and capacities of the brain). Also popularly in dim light and in the dark, due to impaired referred to as ‘smart drugs’, ‘smart nutrients’, function of certain specialised vision cells. ‘cognitive enhancers’ and ‘brain enhancers’. Nystagmus Fast, involuntary movements of the Noradrenalin See Norepinephrine. eyes. Norepinephrine A substance, both a hormone Nycturia Excessive urination at night; espe- and neurotransmitter, secreted by the adrenal cially common in older men. medulla and the nerve endings of the sympa- Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) A thetic nervous system to cause vasoconstric- common psychiatric disorder defi ned by the tion and increases in heart rate, blood pressure presence of obsessive thoughts and repetitive and the sugar level of the blood. Also called compulsive actions; self- grooming. levarterenol, noradrenalin. Occludin A novel integral membrane protein Normoglycaemic Having the normal amount of localising at tight junctions. cf . tight junction. glucose in the blood. Occlusion Closure or blockage (as of a blood Normotensive Having normal blood pressure. vessel). Nosebo A harmless substance that, when taken Occlusive peripheral arterial disease by a patient, is associated with unpleasant or (PAOD) Also known as peripheral vascu- harmful effects due to negative expectations lar disease (PVD) or peripheral arterial dis- or the psychological state of the person. ease (PAD), refers to the obstruction of large Nosocomial infections Infections which are a arteries not within the coronary, aortic arch result of treatment in a hospital or a health- vasculature or brain. PVD can result from care service unit but secondary to the patient’s atherosclerosis, infl ammatory processes lead- original condition. ing to stenosis, an embolism or thrombus NPC1L1 Niemann–Pick C1-Like 1 gene that formation. plays a major role in cholesterol homeosta- Oculomotor nerve The third of twelve paired sis. It is critical for the uptake of cholesterol cranial nerves. across the plasma membrane of the intestinal Odds ratio A statistical measure of effect size, enterocyte. describing the strength of association or non- Nrf2 Nuclear erythroid 2-related factor 2, a tran- independence between two binary data values. scription factor that activates ARE- containing Odontalgia Toothache. adj . odontalgic. genes. Odontopathy Any disease of the teeth. Nrf2/ARE pathway Plays an important role in Oedema See edema. inducing phase II detoxifying enzymes and Oligoarthritis An infl ammation of two, three or antioxidant proteins and has been considered four joints. a potential target for cancer chemoprevention Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia Male infertil- because it eliminates harmful reactive oxygen ity, refers to the inability of a male to achieve species or reactive intermediates generated a pregnancy in a fertile female. from carcinogens. Oligonucleosome A series of nucleosomes. Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 Oligospermia or oligozoospermia Refers to (Nrf2) A transcription factor that plays a semen with a low concentration of sperm, major role in response to oxidative stress by commonly associated with male infertility. binding to antioxidant-responsive elements Oliguria Decreased production of urine. Medical Glossary 941

Oligoanuria Insuffi cient urine volume to allow Oncosis Accidental cell death, also referred to for administration of necessary fl uids, etc. swelling necrosis. Omega 3 fatty acids Are essential polyunsatu- Ophthalmia Severe infl ammation of eyes or the rated fatty acids that have in common a fi nal conjunctiva or deeper structures of the eye . carbon–carbon double bond in the n − 3 posi- Also called ophthalmitis. tion. Dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids Ophthalmia (sympathetic) I n fl ammation of include fi sh oil and certain plant/nut oils. The both eyes following trauma to one eye. three most nutritionally important omega 3 Ophthalmopathy An auntoimmune disease fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapen- where the thyroid gland is overactive leading taenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid to ocular manifestations. (DHA). Research indicates that omega 3 fatty Opiate Drug derived from the opium plant. acids are important in health promotion and Opioid receptors A group of G-protein-coupled disease and can help prevent a wide range of receptors located in the brain and various medical problems, including cardiovascular organs that bind opiates or opioid substances. disease, depression, asthma and rheumatoid Oppilation Obstruction, particularly of the arthritis. lower intestines. Omega 6 fatty acids Are essential polyun- Optic placode An ectodermal placode from saturated fatty acids that have in common a which the lens of the embryonic eye develops; fi nal carbon–carbon double bond in the n − 6 also called lens placode. position. Omega-6 fatty acids are considered ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capac- essential fatty acids (EFAs) found in vegeta- ity) A method of measuring antioxidant ble oils, nuts and seeds. They are essential to capacities in biological samples. human health but cannot be made in the body. Oral submucous fi brosis A chronic debilitat- Omega-6 fatty acids – found in vegetable ing disease of the oral cavity characterised by oils, nuts and seeds – are a benefi cial part of infl ammation and progressive fi brosis of the a heart-healthy eating. Omega-6 and omega-3 sub-mucosa tissues. PUFA play a crucial role in heart and brain Oral thrush An infection of yeast fungus, function and in normal growth and develop- Candida albicans , in the mucous membranes ment. Linoleic acid (LA) is the main omega-6 of the mouth. fatty acid in foods, accounting for 85–90 % Orchidectomy Surgery to remove one or both of the dietary omega-6 PUFA. Other omega 6 testicles. acids include gamma-linolenic acid or GLA, Orchidectomised With testis removed. sometimes called gamoleic acid, eicosadi- Orchitis An acute painful infl ammatory reac- enoic acid, arachidonic acid and docosadi- tion of the testis secondary to infection by dif- enoic acid. ferent bacteria and viruses. Omega 9 fatty acids Are not essential polyun- Orexigenic Increasing or stimulating the saturated fatty acids that have in common a appetite. fi nal carbon–carbon double bond in the n − 9 Orofacial dyskinesia Abnormal involuntary position. Some n − 9 s are common compo- movements involving muscles of the face, nents of animal fat and vegetable oil. Two mouth, tongue, eyes and, occasionally, the n − 9 fatty acids important in industry are oleic neck – may be unilateral or bilateral and con- acid (18:1, n − 9), which is a main compo- stant or intermittent. nent of olive oil, and erucic acid (22:1, n − 9), Oropharyngeal Relating to the oropharynx. which is found in rapeseed, wallfl ower Oropharynx Part of the pharynx between the and mustard seed. soft palate and the epiglottis. Oncogenes Genes carried by tumour viruses Osmophobia A fear, aversion or psychological that are directly and solely responsible for hypersensitivity to odours. the neoplastic (tumorous) transformation of Ostalgia, ostealgia Pain in the bones. Also host cells. called osteodynia. 942 Medical Glossary

Osteoarthritis Is the deterioration of the joints Oxidation The process of adding oxygen to a that becomes more common with age. compound, dehydrogenation or increasing the Osteoarthrosis Chronic non-infl ammatory electro-negative charge. bone disease. Oxidoreductase activity Catalysis of an oxi- Osteoblast A mononucleate cell that is respon- dation–reduction (redox) reaction, a revers- sible for bone formation. ible chemical reaction. One substrate acts as Osteoblastic Relating to osteoblasts. a hydrogen or electron donor and becomes Osteocalcin A non-collagenous protein found oxidised, while the other acts as hydrogen or in bone and dentin, also referred to as bone electron acceptor and becomes reduced. gamma-carboxyglutamic acid–containing Oxygen radical absorbance capacity protein. (ORAC) A method of measuring antioxidant Osteoclasts A kind of bone cell that removes capacities in biological samples. bone tissue by removing its mineralised Oxytocic Adj. Hastening or facilitating child- matrix. birth, especially by stimulating contractions Osteoclastogenesis The production of of the uterus. osteoclasts. Oxytocin Is a mammalian hormone that also Osteodynia Pain in the bone. acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain. It is Osteogenic Derived from or composed of any best known for its roles in female reproduc- tissue concerned in bone growth or repair. tion: It is released in large amounts after dis- Osteomalacia Refers to the softening of the tension of the cervix and vagina during labour bones due to defective bone mineralisation. and after stimulation of the nipples , facilitat- Osteomyelofi brosis A myeloproliferative dis- ing birth and breastfeeding , respectively. order in which fi brosis and sclerosis fi nally Oxyuriasis Infestation by pinworms. lead to bone marrow obliteration. Ozoena Discharge of the nostrils caused by Osteopenia Reduction in bone mass, usually chronic infl ammation of the nostrils. caused by a lowered rate of formation of new p.o. Per os, oral administration. bone that is insuffi cient to keep up with the P- glycoprotein (P-gp, ABCB1, MDR1) A cell rate of bone destruction. membrane–associated drug-exporting protein Osteoporosis A disease of bone that leads to an that transports a variety of drug substrates increased risk of fracture. from cancer cells. Osteoprotegerin Also called osteoclastogene- P-selectin Also known as CD62P, GMP-140, sis inhibitory factor (OCIF), a cytokine which LLECAM-3, PADGEM, a member of the can inhibit the production of osteoclasts. selectin family. It is expressed by activated Osteosarcoma A malignant bone tumour. Also platelets and endothelial cells. called osteogenic sarcoma. P65 transcription factor Is a protein that in Otalgia Earache, pain in the ear. humans is encoded by the RELA gene. Its Otic placode A thickening of the ectoderm on alternative name is nuclear factor NF-kappa-B the outer surface of a developing embryo from p65 sub-unit. which the ear develops. P300/CBP Are transcriptional co-activators Otitis I n fl ammation of the inner or outer parts that play critical roles in integrating multiple of the ear. signal-dependent transcription events and Otitis media I n fl ammation of the middle ear. may have specifi c roles in tumour suppression Otorrhoea Running drainage (discharge) exit- pathways. ing the ear. p21waf1/cip1 Encodes a cyclin- dependent Otopathy Disease of the ear. kinase inhibitor that is transcriptionally Ovariectomised With one or two ovaries activated by the p53 tumour suppressor removed. gene, transforming growth factor beta 1 Ovariectomy Surgical removal of one or both (TGF-beta 1), AP2 and other pathways, all ovaries. regulating apoptosis and the cell cycle. Medical Glossary 943

Palliative Relieving pain without alleviating the Paresthesia A sensation of tingling, burning, underlying problem. pricking or numbness of a person’s skin with Palinosmia Olfactory preservation. no apparent long-term physical effect. Also Palpebral ptosis The abnormal drooping of the known as ‘pins and needles’. upper lid, caused by partial or total reduction Parotitis I n fl ammation of salivary glands. in levator muscle function. Paroxysm A sudden outburst of emotion or Palpitation Rapid pulsation or throbbing of the action, a sudden attack, recurrence or intensi- heart. fi cation of a disease. Paludism State of having symptoms of malaria Paroxystic Relating to an abnormal event of the characterised by high fever and chills. body with an abrupt onset and an equally sud- Pancreatectomised Having undergone a den return to normal. pancreatectomy. P A R P See poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase. Pancreatectomy Surgical removal of all or part Pars compacta Is a portion of the substan- of the pancreas. tia nigra (a brain structure located in the Pancreatitis I n fl ammation of the pancreas. midbrain). Pancytopenia A haematological condition Parturition Act of childbirth. in which there is a reduction in the num- Pathognomonic Distinctively characteristic of ber of red and white blood cells as well as a particular disease. platelets. PCAF P300/CBP-associated factor, a histone Pantothenic acid Vitamin B5. See vitamin B5. acetyl transferase (HAT) that plays an impor- Papain A protein-degrading enzyme used tant role in the remodelling of chromatin and medicinally and to tenderise meat. the regulation of gene expression, transcrip- Papilloma A benign epithelial tumour growing tion, cell cycle progression and differentiation. outwardly like in fi nger-like fronds. PCE/PCN ratio Polychromatic erythrocyte/ Papule A small, solid, usually infl ammatory normochromatic erythrocyte ratio use as a elevation of the skin that does not contain pus. measure of cytotoxic effects. Paradontosis Is the infl ammation of gums and PCNA Proliferating cell nuclear antigen, an other deeper structures, including the bone. auxiliary protein of DNA polymerase delta Parageusia Abnormal sense of taste. involved in modulating eukaryotic DNA Paralytic Person affected with paralysis, per- replication. taining to paralysis. pCREB Phosphorylated cAMP (adenosine 3′5′ Paraoxonase An enzyme that protects against cyclic monophosphate)-response element oxidation of low-density lipoprotein and binding protein. affects the risk of coronary artery disease. PDEF Acronym for prostate-derived ETS fac- Paraplegia An impairment in motor or sensory tor, an ETS (epithelial-specifi c E26 transform- function of the lower extremities. ing sequence) family member that has been Parasitemia Presence of parasites in blood. adj . identifi ed as a potential tumour suppressor. parasitemic. PDGR receptor (platelet- derived growth fac- Parasympathetic nervous system Sub-system tor receptor) Are cell surface tyrosine kinase of the nervous system that slows the heart receptors for members of the platelet-derived rate, increases intestinal and gland activity and growth factor (PDGF) family. relaxes the sphincter muscles. PDGFs Platelet-derived growth factors consti- Parasympathomimetic Having an action tute a group of growth factors that play a sig- resembling that caused by stimulation of the nifi cant role in blood vessel formation and the parasympathetic nervous system. growth of blood vessels. Parenteral administration Admininistration Pectoral Pertaining to or used for the chest and by intravenous, subcutaneous or intramuscu- respiratory tract. lar route s . pERK Phosphorylated extracellular signal- Paresis A condition characterised by partial loss regulated kinase, protein kinases involved in of movement or impaired movement. many cell functions. 944 Medical Glossary

P 5 3 Also known as protein 53 or tumour protein Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) Is a disease 53, is a tumour suppressor protein that in in which plaque builds up in the arteries that humans is encoded by the TP53 gene. carry blood to your head, organs and limbs. Peliosis See purpura. Peripheral neuropathy Refers to damage to Pellagra Is a systemic nutritional wasting dis- nerves of the peripheral nervous system. ease caused by a defi ciency of vitamin B3 Peripheral neuropathic pain (PNP) Refers (niacin). to situations where nerve roots or peripheral Pemphigus Describes a group of autoimmune nerve trunks have been damaged by mechani- disorders in which there is blistering of the cal and/or chemical stimuli that exceeded the skin and/or mucosal surfaces. physical capabilities of the nervous system. Pemphigus neonatorum Staphylococcal Symptoms may include pain, parestesia, dys- scalded skin syndrome, a bacterial disease of esthesia, spasm, weakness, hypoesthesia or infants, characterised by elevated vesicles or anesthesia. blebs on a normal or reddened skin. Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) See periph- Peptic ulcer A sore in the lining of the stom- eral artery occlusive disease. ach or duodenum, the fi rst part of the small Peristalsis A series of organised, wave-like intestine. muscle contractions that occur throughout the Peptide YY A short (36 amino acid) pancre- digestive tract. atic protein released by cells in the ileum and PERK A trans-membrane protein kinase of the colon in response to feeding. PEK family resident in the endoplasmic retic- Percutanous Pertains to a medical procedure ulum (ER) membrane and linked to insulin where access to inner organs or tissues is via processing. needle puncture of the skin. Perlingual Through or by way of the tongue. Perfusion To force fl uid through the lymphatic Perniosis An abnormal reaction to cold that system or blood vessels to an organ or tissue. occurs most frequently in women, children Periapical periodontitis Is the inflamma- and the elderly. Also called chilblains. tion of the tissue adjacent to the tip of the Per os (P.O.) Oral administration. tooth’s root. Peroxisome proliferator-activated recep- Perifuse T o fl ush a fresh supply of bathing fl uid tors (PPARs) A family of nuclear recep- around all of the outside surfaces of a small tors that are involved in lipid metabolism, piece of tissue immersed in it. differentiation, proliferation, cell death and Perilipins Highly phosphorylated adipocyte infl ammation. proteins that are localised at the surface of the Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor lipid droplet. alpha (PPAR-alpha) A nuclear receptor Perimenopause Is the phase before menopause protein, transcription factor and a major regu- actually takes place, when ovarian hormone lator of lipid metabolism in the liver. production is declining and fl uctuating. adj . Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor perimenopausal. gamma (PPAR-γ) A type-II nuclear recep- Perineum The region between the thighs infe- tor protein that regulates fatty acid storage and rior to the pelvic diaphragm. glucose metabolism. Perineal Pertaining to the perineum. Pertussis Whooping cough, severe cough. Periodontal ligament (PDL) Is a group of spe- Peyers patches Patches of lymphoid tissue or cialised connective tissue fi bres that essen- lymphoid nodules on the walls of the ileal- tially attach a tooth to the bony socket. small intestine. Periodontitis Is a severe form of gingivitis in PGE-2 Prostaglandin E2, a hormone-like sub- which the infl ammation of the gums extends stance that is released by blood vessel walls in to the supporting structures of the tooth. Also response to infection or infl ammation that acts called pyorrhoea. on the brain to induce fever. Perioral paresthesias Are sensations of numb- Phagocytes Are the white blood cells that pro- ness and tingling around the mouth. tect the body by ingesting (phagocytosing) Medical Glossary 945

harmful foreign particles, bacteria and dead or Phonophobia Fear of loud sound. dying cells. adj . phagocytic. Phoroglucinol A white, crystalline compound Phagocytosis Is process the human body uses to used as an antispasmodic, analytical reagent destroy dead or foreign cells. and decalcifi er of bone specimens for micro- Phantosmia A form of olfactory hallucination. scopic examination. Pharmacognosis The branch of pharmacology Phosphatidylglycerol Is a glycerophospholipid that studies the composition, use and history found in pulmonary active surface lipopro- of drugs. tein and consists of a L -glycerol 3-phosphate Pharmacodynamics Branch of pharmacol- backbone ester-bonded to either saturated or ogy dealing with the effects of drugs and the unsaturated fatty acids on carbons 1 and 2. mechanism of their action. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI 3-kinases Pharmacokinetics Branch of pharmacology or PI3Ks) A group of enzymes involved in concerned with the movement of drugs within cellular functions such as cell growth, pro- the body including processes of absorption, dis- liferation, differentiation, motility, survival tribution, metabolism and excretion in the body. and intracellular traffi cking, which in turn are Pharmacopoeia Authoritative treatise contain- involved in cancer. ing directions for the identifi cation of drug Phosphatidylserine A phosphoglyceride phos- samples and the preparation of compound med- pholipid that is one of the key building blocks icines and published by the authority of a gov- of cellular membranes, particularly in the ner- ernment or a medical or pharmaceutical society vous system. It is derived from soy lecithin. and in a broader sense a general reference work Phosphaturia A urinary tract condition of for pharmaceutical drug specifi cations. excessive urine phosphorus, causing urine to Pharyngitis, pharyngolaryngitis I n fl ammation appear cloudy or murky coloured; also called of the pharynx and the larynx. hypophosphatemia. Pharyngolaryngeal Pertaining to the pharynx Phosphodiesterases A diverse family of and larynx. enzymes that hydrolyse cyclic nucleotides and Phase-II drug- metabolising enzymes Play an thus play a key role in regulating intracellular important role in biotransformation of endog- levels of the second messengers cAMP and enous compounds and xenobiotics to more cGMP and hence cell function. easily excretable forms as well as in the meta- Phosphoenolpyruvate C kinase (PEPCK) A n bolic inactivation of pharmacologically active enzyme in the lyase family used in the meta- compounds. Phase-II drug-metabolising bolic pathway of gluconeogenesis. enzymes are mainly transferases. Phospholipase An enzyme that hydrolyses Phenolics Class of chemical compounds con- phospholipids into fatty acids and other lipo- sisting of a hydroxyl group (-OH) bonded philic substances. directly to an aromatic hydrocarbon group. Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) A small lipolytic Pheochromocytoma Is a rare neuroendo- enzyme that releases fatty acids from the sec- crine tumour that usually originates from ond carbon group of glycerol. Plays an essen- the adrenal glands’ chromaffi n cells, causing tial role in the synthesis of prostaglandins and overproduction of catecholamines, powerful leukotrienes. hormones that induce high blood pressure and Phospholipase C Enzyme that cleaves other symptoms. phospholipase. Phlebitis Is an infl ammation of a vein, usually Phospholipase C gamma (PLC in the legs. gamma) Enzyme that cleaves phospholipase Phlegm Abnormally viscid mucus secreted by in cellular proliferation and differentiation, the mucosa of the respiratory passages during and its enzymatic activity is upregulated by a certain infectious processes. variety of growth factors and hormones. Phlegmon A spreading, diffuse infl ammation of Phosphorus (P) Is an essential mineral that the soft or connective tissue due to infection makes up 1 % of a person’s total body weight by Streptococci bacteria. and is found in the bones and teeth. It plays 946 Medical Glossary

an important role in the body’s utilisation of Pityriasis lichenoides Is a rare skin disorder of carbohydrates and fats in the synthesis of pro- unknown aetiology characterised by multiple tein for the growth, maintenance and repair of papules and plaques. cells and tissues. It is also crucial for the pro- P K C Protein kinase C, a membrane-bound duction of ATP, a molecule the body uses to enzyme that phosphorylates different intra- store energy. Main sources are meat and milk; cellular proteins and raises intracellular Ca and vegetables provide small amounts. levels. Photoaging Is the term that describes damage to PKC delta inhibitors Protein kinase C delta the skin caused by intense and chronic expo- inhibitors that induce apoptosis of haemato- sure to sunlight resulting in premature aging poietic cell lines. of the skin. Placebo A sham or simulated medical Photocarcinogenesis Represents the sum of a intervention. complex of simultaneous and sequential bio- Placode A platelike epithelial thickening in the chemical events that ultimately lead to the embryo where some organ or structure later occurrence of skin cancer caused by exposure develops. to the sun. Plantar verruca Wart occurring on the sole of Photodermatoses Skin disorders caused by the foot. exposure to sunlight. Plasma The yellow-coloured liquid component Photophobia Abnormal visual intolerance to of blood in which blood cells are suspended. light. Plasma kallikrien A serine protease, synthe- Photopsia An affection of the eye in which the sised in the liver and circulating in the plasma. patient perceives luminous rays, fl ashes, cor- Plasmalemma Plasma membrane. uscations, etc. Plasmin A proteinase enzyme that is respon- Photosensitivity Sensitivity towards light. sible for digesting fi brin in blood clots. Phthisis An archaic name for tuberculosis. Plasminogen The proenzyme of plasmin, Phytohaemagglutinin A lectin found in plants whose primary role is the degradation of fi brin that is involved in the stimulation of lympho- in the vasculature. cyte proliferation. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) Phytonutrients Certain organic components Also known as endothelial plasminogen acti- of plants that are thought to promote human vator inhibitor or serpin E1, is a serine pro- health. Fruit, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts tease inhibitor (serpin) that functions as the and teas are rich sources of phytonutrients. principal inhibitor of tissue plasminogen acti- Phytonutrients are not ‘essential’ for life. Also vator (tPA) and urokinase (uPA), the activators called phytochemicals. of plasminogen and hence fi brinolysis (the Phytosterols A group of steroid alcohols, cho- physiological breakdown of blood clots). lesterol-like phytochemicals naturally occur- Plaster Poultice. ring in plants like vegetable oils, nuts and Platelet-activating factor (PAF) Is an acety- legumes. lated derivative of glycerophosphorylcholine, Pica The persistent eating of substances with no released by basophils and mast cells in imme- nutrition, such as dirt, chalk, sand, ice, clay diate hypersensitive reactions and macro- or paint. phages and neutrophils in other infl ammatory Piebaldism Rare autosomal dominant disorder reactions. One of its main effects is to induce of melanocyte development characterised by platelet aggregation. distinct patches of skin and hair that contain Platelet - derived growth factor (PDGF) Is one no pigment. of the numerous growth factors or proteins Piles See haemorrhoids. that regulate cell growth and division. PI3K Phosphoinositide 3-kinase. PLC gamma Phospholipase C gamma plays a PI13K/AKT signalling pathways Are involved central role in signal transduction. in the modulation of cell survival, cell cycle Pleurisy Is an infl ammation of the pleura, the progression and cellular growth in cancer. lining of the pleural cavity surrounding the Medical Glossary 947

lungs, which can cause painful respiration and by glutamine-encoding CAG nucleotide other symptoms. Also known as pleuritis. expansions within endogenous human genes. Pneumonia An infl ammatory illness of the lung Polyuria A condition characterised by the pas- caused by bacteria or viruses. sage of large volumes of urine with an increase Pneumotoxicity Damage to lung tissues. in urinary frequency. Poliomyelitis Is a highly infectious viral disease Pomade A thick oily dressing. that may attack the central nervous system and Porphyria A disorder wherein the body cannot is characterised by symptoms that range from convert naturally occurring compounds (pro- a mild non-paralytic infection to total paraly- phyrins) into haem, which contains iron. sis in a matter of hours; also called polio or Porphyrin Any of a class of water-soluble, infantile paralysis. nitrogenous biological pigments, derivatives Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) A protein of which include the haemoproteins. involved in a number of cellular processes, espe- Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) Is neuralgia cially DNA repair and programmed cell death. (pain in the nerves) caused by the varicella Polyarthritis Is any type of arthritis which herpes zoster virus. The pain may last for involves fi ve or more joints. more than a month or more after a shingles Polychromatic erythrocyte (PCE) An imma- infection occurred. ture red blood cell containing RNA that can Postpartum depression Depression after preg- be differentiated by appropriate staining tech- nancy; also called postnatal depression. niques from a normochromatic erythrocyte Postprandial After mealtime. (NCE) which lacks RNA. Potassium (K) Is an element that’s essential Polycystic kidney disease Is a kidney disorder for the body’s growth and maintenance. It’s passed down through families in which mul- necessary to keep a normal water balance tiple cysts form on the kidneys, causing them between the cells and body fl uids for cellular to become enlarged. enzyme activities and plays an essential role Polycystic ovary syndrome Imbalance of wom- in the response of nerves to stimulation and an’s sex hormone; this imbalance may cause in the contraction of muscles. Potassium is changes in menstrual cycle, skin changes, found in many plant foods and fi sh (tuna, hali- small cysts in the ovary and problems in get- but): chard, mushrooms, spinach, fennel, kale, ting pregnant. mustard greens, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, Polycythaemia A type of blood disorder char- caulifl ower, cabbage winter squash, eggplant, acterised by the production of too many red cantaloupe, tomatoes, parsley, cucumber, bell blood cells. pepper, turmeric, ginger root, apricots, straw- Polymorphonuclear Having a lobed nucleus. berries, avocado and banana. Used especially of neutrophilic white blood Poultice Is a soft moist mass, often heated and cells. medicated, that is spread on cloth over the skin Polyneuritis Widespread infl ammation of the to treat an aching, infl amed or painful part of nerves. the body. Also called cataplasm. Polyneuritis gallinarum A nervous disorder in PPARs Peroxisome proliferator- activated birds and poultry. receptors – a group of nuclear receptor pro- Polyneuropathy Simultaneous malfunction of teins that function as transcription factors reg- many peripheral nerves throughout the body. ulating the expression of genes. Polyp A growth that protrudes from a mucous PR interval Is the time (in seconds) from membrane. the beginning of the P wave (onset of atrial Polyphagia Medical term for excessive hunger depolarisation) to the beginning of the QRS or eating. complex. Polyposis Describes a condition where there are Prebiotics A category of functional food, a lot of polyps. defi ned as non-digestible food ingredients PolyQ disease Polyglutamine repeat diseases that benefi cially affect the host by selectively are neurodegenerative ailments elicited stimulating the growth and/or activity of one 948 Medical Glossary

or a limited number of bacteria in the colon Progestational Of or relating to the phase of and thus improve host health. cf . probiotics. the menstrual cycle immediately follow- Pre- ecamplasia Toxic condition of pregnancy ing ovulation, characterised by secretion of characterised by high blood pressure, abnor- progesterone. mal weight gain, proteinuria and oedema. Proglottid One of the segments of a tapeworm. Prenidatory phase Pre-implantation phase. Prognosis Medical term to describe the likely Prepubertal Before puberty; pertaining to outcome of an illness. the period of accelerated growth preceding Prokinetic Or gastroprokinetic, substance that gonadal maturity. enhances gastrointestinal motility by increas- Pregnane X receptor (PXR; NR1I2) Is a ing the frequency of contractions in the small ligand-activated transcription factor that intestine or making them stronger. plays a role not only in drug metabolism and Prolactin A hormone produced by the pituitary transport but also in various other biological gland, it stimulates the breasts to produce milk processes. in pregnant women. It is also present in males, Pregnenolone A steroid hormone produced by but its role is not well understood. the adrenal glands, involved in the steroido- Prolapse A common condition where the blad- genesis of other steroid hormones like proges- der, uterus and/or bowel protrudes into the terone, mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, vagina. androgens and oestrogens. Prolapsus To fall or slip out of place. Prenidatory Referring to the time period Prolapus ani Eversion of the lower portion of between fertilisation and implantation. the rectum and protruding through the anus, Prenylated fl avones Flavones with an isoprenyl common in infancy and old age. group in the 8-position, has been reported to Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) A have good anti-infl ammatory properties. new marker to study human colonic cell Presyncopal sensation State consisting of proliferation. lightheadedness, muscular weakness, blurred Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) A most vision and feeling faint. common cause of failure in retinal reattach- Primiparous Relating to a woman who has ment surgery, characterised by the formation given birth once. of cellular membrane on both surfaces of the Proangiogenic Promote angiogenesis retina and in the vitreous. (formation and development of new blood Prolyl-4- hydroxylase (P4H) Key enzyme in vessels). collagen synthesis. Probiotication Enhancement with benefi cial Promastigote The fl agellate stage in the devel- probitoic bacteria such as Lactobacillus spe- opment of trypanosomatid protozoa, charac- cies that can prevent the growth of intestinal terised by a free anterior fl agellum. pathogenic microfl ora. Promyelocytic leukaemia A subtype of acute Probiotics Are dietary supplements and live myelogenous leukaemia (AML), a cancer of microorganisms containing potentially benefi - the blood and bone marrow. cial bacteria or yeasts that are taken into the Pro- oxidants Chemicals that induce oxidative alimentary system for healthy intestinal func- stress, either through creating reactive oxygen tions. cf . prebiotics. species or inhibiting antioxidant systems. Proctitis An infl ammation of the rectum that Prophylaxis Prevention or protection against causes discomfort, bleeding and, occasionally, disease. a discharge of mucus or pus. Proptosis See exophthalmos. Procyanidin Also known as proathocyanidin, Prostacyclin A prostaglandin that is a metabo- oligomeric proathocyanidin, leukocyanidin, lite of arachidonic acid, inhibits platelet aggre- leucoanthocyanin, is a class of fl avanols found gation and dilates blood vessels. in many plants. It has antioxidant activity and Prostaglandins A family of C 20 lipid plays a role in the stabilisation of collagen and compounds found in various tissues, asso- maintenance of elastin. ciated with muscular contraction and the Medical Glossary 949

infl ammation response such as swelling, pain, Proteomics The large-scale study of proteins, stiffness, redness and warmth. particularly their structures and functions. Prostaglandin E2 (PEG -2) One of the Prothrombin Blood-clotting protein that is prostaglandins, a group of hormone-like converted to the active form, factor IIa, or substances that participate in a wide range of thrombin, by cleavage. body functions such as the contraction and Prothyroid Good for thyroid function. relaxation of smooth muscle, the dilation and Protheolithic Proteolytic, see proteolysis. constriction of blood vessels, control of blood Proto-oncogene A normal gene which, when pressure and modulation of infl ammation. altered by mutation, becomes an oncogene Prostaglandin E synthase An enzyme that in that can contribute to cancer. humans is encoded by the glutathione-depen- Prurigo A general term used to describe itchy dent PTGES gene. eruptions of the skin. Prostanoids Term used to describe a sub-class Pruritis D e fi ned as an unpleasant sensation of eicosanoids (products of COX pathway) on the skin that provokes the desire to rub or consisting of the prostaglandins (mediators of scratch the area to obtain relief; itch, itching. infl ammatory and anaphylactic reactions), the adj . pruritic. thromboxanes (mediators of vasoconstriction) P S A Prostate-specifi c antigen, a protein which and the prostacyclins (active in the resolution is secreted into ejaculate fl uid by the healthy phase of infl ammation.) prostate. One of its functions is to aid sperm Prostanoid EP 4 A prostaglandin receptor that movement. may be involved in the neonatal adaptation of Psoriasis A common chronic, non-contagious circulatory system, osteoporosis as well as ini- autoimmune dermatosis that affects the skin tiation of skin immune responses. and joints. Prostate A gland that surrounds the urethra at Psychoactive Having effects on the mind or the bladder in the male. behaviour. Prostate cancer A disease in which cancer Psychonautics Exploration of the psyche by develops in the prostate, a gland in the male means of approaches such as meditation, reproductive system. Symptoms include pain, prayer, lucid dreaming, brain wave entrain- diffi culty in urinating, erectile dysfunction ment, etc. and other symptoms. Psychotomimetic Hallucinogenic. Prostate-specifi c antigen (PSA) A protein pro- Psychotropic Capable of affecting the mind, duced by the cells of the prostate gland. emotions and behaviour. Protein kinase C (PKC) A family of enzymes PTEN Phosphatase and tensin homologue, a involved in controlling the function of other tumour suppressor gene. proteins through the phosphorylation of Ptosis Also known as drooping eyelid; caused hydroxyl groups of serine and threonine by weakness of the eyelid muscle and damage amino acid residues on these proteins. PKC to the nerves that control the muscles or loose- enzymes play important roles in several signal ness of the skin of the upper eyelid. transduction cascades. P13-K Is a lipid kinase enzyme involved in the Protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) A group of regulation of a number of cellular functions enzymes that remove phosphate groups from such as cell growth, proliferation, differentia- phosphorylated tyrosine residues on proteins. tion, motility, survival and intracellular traf- Proteinase A protease (enzyme) involved in the fi cking, which in turn are involved in cancer. hydrolytic breakdown of proteins, usually by P13-K/AKT signalling pathway Shown to be splitting them into polypeptide chains. important for an extremely diverse array of Proteinuria Means the presence of an excess of cellular activities – most notably cellular pro- serum proteins in the urine. liferation and survival. Proteolysis Cleavage of the peptide bonds in Pthysis Silicosis with tuberculosis. protein forming smaller polypeptides. adj . Ptosis Drooping of the upper eye lid. proteolytic. P T P Protein tyrosine phosphatase. 950 Medical Glossary

PTPIB Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B. Quorum sensing (QS) The control of gene P 2 1 Also known as cyclin-dependent kinase expression in response to cell density, is used inhibitor 1 or CDK-interacting protein 1, is a by both gram-negative and gram-positive potent cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor. bacteria to regulate a variety of physiological Puerperal Pertaining to childbirth. functions. Puerperium Post-partum period. Radiculitis I n fl ammation of the radicle of a Pulmonary embolism A blockage (blood clot) nerve. of the main artery of the lung. Radiodermatitis A skin disease associated with Purgative A substance used to cleanse or purge, prolonged exposure to ionising radiation. especially causing the immediate evacuation Radiolysis The dissociation of molecules by of the bowel. radiation. Purpura Is the appearance of red or purple dis- Radioprotective Serving to protect or aiding colorations on the skin that do not blanch on in protecting against the injurious effect of applying pressure. Also called peliosis. radiations. Purulent Containing pus discharge. RAD23B UV excision repair protein RAD23 Purulent sputum Sputum containing or con- homologue B. sisting of pus. RAGE Is the receptor for advanced glycation Pustule Small, infl amed, pus-fi lled lesions. end products, a multiligand receptor that prop- Pyelitis Acute infl ammation of the pelvis of the agates cellular dysfunction in several infl am- kidney caused by bacterial infection. matory disorders, in tumours and in diabetes. Pyelonephritis An ascending urinary tract R A S See renin-angiotensin system or recurrent infection that has reached the pyelum (pelvis) aphthous stomatitis. of the kidney. Rash A temporary eruption on the skin, see Pyoderma Bacterial skin infection. uticaria. Pyodermatitis Refers to infl ammation of the Reactive oxygen species Species such as super- skin. oxide, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radi- Pyorrhoea See periodontitis. cal. At low levels, these species may function Pyretic Referring to fever. in cell signalling processes. At higher levels, Pyrexia Fever of unknown origin. these species may damage cellular macromol- Pyridoxal A chemical form of vitamin B6. See ecules (such as DNA and RNA) and partici- vitamin B6. pate in apoptosis (programmed cell death). Pyridoxamine A chemical form of vitamin B6. Rec A Is a 38 kDa Escherichia coli protein essen- See vitamin B6. tial for the repair and maintenance of DNA. Pyridoxine A chemical form of vitamin B6. See Receptor for advanced glycation end products vitamin B6. (RAGE) Is a member of the immunoglobulin Pyrolysis Decomposition or transformation of a superfamily of cell surface molecules; medi- compound caused by heat. adj . pyrolytic. ates neurite outgrowth and cell migration PYY peptide A 36 amino acid peptide secreted upon stimulation with its ligand, amphoterin. by L cells of the distal small intestine and Reticulocyte Non-nucleated stage in the devel- colon that inhibits gastric and pancreatic opment of the red blood cell. secretion. Reticulocyte lysate Cell lysate produced from QSR complex Series of defl ections in an elec- reticulocytes, used as an in-vitro translation trocardiogram that represent electrical activity system. generated by ventricular depolarisation prior Reticuloendothelial system Part of the immune to contraction of the ventricle. system, consists of the phagocytic cells QT interval Is a measure of the time between the located in reticular connective tissue, primar- start of the Q wave and the end of the T wave ily monocytes and macrophages. in the heart’s electrical cycle. A prolonged QT Recurrent aphthous stomatitis, or RAS Is a interval is a biomarker for ventricular tachyar- common, painful condition in which recurring rhythmias and a risk factor for sudden death. ovoid or round ulcers affect the oral mucosa. Medical Glossary 951

Redox homeostasis Is considered as the Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) An inherited, cumulative action of all free-radical reactions degenerative eye disease that causes severe and antioxidant defenses in different tissues. vision impairment and may lead to blindness. Refrigerant A medicine or an application for Retinol A form of vitamin A, see vitamin A. allaying heat, fever or its symptoms. Retinoblastoma protein A tumour suppressor Renal calculi Kidney stones. protein that is dysfunctional in several major Renal interstitial fi brosis Damage sustained cancers. by the kidneys’ renal tubules and interstitial Retinopathy A general term that refers to some capillaries due to accumulation of extracellu- form of non-infl ammatory damage to the ret- lar waste in the wall of the small arteries and ina of the eye. arterioles. Revulsive Counter-irritant, used for swellings. Renal resistive index (RRI) Measures the Reye’s syndrome A potentially fatal disease resistance of renal arterial fl ow to the kidney. that has numerous detrimental effects on many Renin Also known as an angiotensinogenase, organs, especially the brain and liver, occurs is an enzyme that participates in the body’s commonly in children after a viral infection. renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Rhabdomyolysis Breakdown of muscle fi bres Renin-angiotensin system (RAS) Also called leading to the release of muscle fi bre content the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (myoglobin) into the bloodstream. (RAAS), is a hormone system that regulates Rheumatic Pertaining to rheumatism or to blood pressure and water (fl uid) balance. abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system. Reperfusion The restoration of blood fl ow to an Rheumatism, rheumatic disorder, rheumatic organ or tissue that has had its blood supply diseases Refers to various painful medical cut off, as after a heart attack. conditions which affect bones, joints, muscles, Reporter gene A transfected gene that produces tendons. Rheumatic diseases are characterised a signal, such as green fl uorescence, when it is by the signs of infl ammation – redness, heat, expressed. swelling and pain. Resistin A cysteine-rich protein secreted by Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Is a chronic, sys- adipose tissue of mice and rats. temic autoimmune disorder that most com- Resolutive A substance that induces subsidence monly causes infl ammation and tissue damage of infl ammation. in joints (arthritis) and tendon sheaths, together Resolvent Reduces infl ammation or swelling. with anaemia. Respiratory burst Is the rapid release of reac- Rhinitis Irritation and infl ammation of some tive oxygen species (superoxide radical and internal areas of the nose; the primary symp- hydrogen peroxide) from different cells. tom of rhinitis is a runny nose. Resorb To absorb or assimilate a product of the Rhinopathy Disease or malformation of the body such as an exudate or cellular growth. nose. Restenosis Is the reoccurrence of stenosis, a nar- Rhinoplasty Is surgery to repair or reshape the rowing of a blood vessel, leading to restricted nose. blood fl ow. Rhinorrhoea Commonly known as a runny Resveratrol Is a phytoalexin produced naturally nose, characterised by an unusually signifi cant by several plants when under attack by patho- amount of nasal discharge. gens such as bacteria or fungi. It is a potent anti- Rhinosinusitis I n fl ammation of the nasal cavity oxidant found in red grapes and other plants. and sinuses. Reticuloendothelial system Part of the immune Rho GTPases Rho-guanosine triphosphate system that consists of the phagocytic cells hydrolase enzymes are molecular switches located in reticular connective tissue. Also that regulate many essential cellular processes, called macrophage system or mononuclear including actin dynamics, gene transcription, phagocyte system. cell cycle progression and cell adhesion. Retinal ischaemia Is a common cause of visual Ribosome inactivating proteins Proteins that impairment and blindness. are capable of inactivating ribosomes. 952 Medical Glossary

Rickets Is a softening of the bones in children vous system; they form the myelin sheath of a potentially leading to fractures and deformity. nerve fi bre. Ringworm Dermatophytosis, a skin infection Schistosomiasis Is a parasitic disease caused caused by fungus. by several species of fl uke of the genus Roborant Restoring strength or vigour, a tonic. Schistosoma. Also known as bilharzia, bilhar- Rotavirus The most common cause of infec- ziosis or snail fever. tious diarrhoea (gastroenteritis) in young chil- Schizophrenia A psychotic disorder (or a group dren and infants, one of several viruses that of disorders) marked by severely impaired causes infections called stomach fl u. thinking, emotions and behaviours. Rubefacient A substance for external appli- Sciatica A condition characterised by pain deep cation that produces redness of the skin e.g. in the buttock often radiating down the back of by causing dilation of the capillaries and an the leg along the sciatic nerve. increase in blood. Scleroderma A disease of the body’s connec- Ryanodine receptor Intracellular Ca ++ tive tissue. The most common symptom is a channels in animal tissues like muscles and thickening and hardening of the skin, particu- neurons. larly of the hands and face. S.C. Abbreviation for sub-cutaneous, beneath Scrofula A tuberculous infection of the the layer of skin. skin on the neck caused by the bacterium S-T segment The portion of an electrocardio- Mycobacterium tuberculosis . gram between the end of the QRS complex Scrophulosis See scrofula. and the beginning of the T wave. Elevation or Scurf Abnormal skin condition in which small depression of the S-T segment is the charac- fl akes or sales become detached. teristic of myocardial ischaemia or injury and Scurvy A state of dietary defi ciency of vitamin coronary artery disease. C (ascorbic acid), which is required for the Salve Medical ointment used to soothe the head synthesis of collagen in humans. or body surface. Secretagogue A substance that causes another Sapraemia See septicaemia. substance to be secreted. Sarcoma Cancer of the connective or support- Sedative Having a soothing, calming or tran- ive tissue (bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood quilising effect; reducing or relieving stress, vessels) and soft tissues. irritability or excitement. Sarcopenia Degenerative loss of skeletal mus- Seizure The physical fi ndings or changes in cle mass and strength associated with ageing. behaviour that occur after an episode of abnor- Sarcoplasmic reticulum A special type of mal electrical activity in the brain. smooth endoplamic reticulum found in Selectins Are a family of cell adhesion mol- smooth and striated muscle. ecules; e.g. selectin-E, selectin –L, selectin P. SARS Severe acute respiratory syndrome, the Selenium (Se) A trace mineral that is essential to name of a potentially fatal new respiratory dis- good health but required only in tiny amounts; ease in humans which is caused by the SARS it is incorporated into proteins to make sele- coronavirus (SARS- CoV). noproteins, which are important antioxidant Satiety State of feeling satiated, fully satisfi ed enzymes. It is found in avocado, brazil nut, (appetite or desire). lentils, sunfl ower seeds, tomato, whole-grain Scabies A transmissible ectoparasite skin cereals, seaweed, seafood and meat. infection characterised by superfi cial bur- Sensorineural bradyacuasia Hearing impair- rows, intense pruritus (itching) and secondary ment of the inner ear resulting from damage infection. to the sensory hair cells or to the nerves that Scarlatina Scarlet fever, an acute, contagious supply the inner ear. disease caused by infection with group A Sepsis Potentially fatal whole-body infl amma- streptococcal bacteria. tion caused by severe infection. Schwann cells Or neurolemmocytes, are the Sequela An abnormal pathological condition principal supporing cells of the peripheral ner- resulting from a disease, injury or trauma. Medical Glossary 953

Serine proteinase Peptide hydrolases which Sialogogue Salivation promoter, a substance have an active centre histidine and serine used to increase or promote the excretion of involved in the catalytic process. saliva. Serotonergic Liberating, activated by or involv- Sialoproteins Glycoproteins that contain sialic ing serotonin in the transmission of nerve acid as one of their carbohydrates. impulses. Sialorrhoea Excessive production of saliva. Serotonin A monoamine neurotransmitter syn- Sialyation Reaction with sialic acid or its deriv- thesised in serotonergic neurons in the central atives; used especially with oligosaccharides. nervous system. Sialyltransferases Enzymes that transfer sialic Sepsis Is a potentially fatal medical condition acid to nascent oligosaccharides. characterised by a whole-body infl ammatory Sickle- cell disease Is an inherited blood disor- response (called a systemic infl ammatory der that affects red blood cells. People with response syndrome or SIRS) that is triggered sickle-cell disease have red blood cells that by an infection. contain mostly haemoglobin S, an abnormal Septicaemia A systemic disease associated with type of haemoglobin. Sometimes, these red the presence and persistence of pathogenic blood cells become sickle shaped (crescent microorganisms or their toxins in the blood. shaped) and have diffi culty passing through Sequelae A pathological condition resulting small blood vessels. from a prior disease, injury or attack. Side stitch Is an intense stabbing pain under the Sexual potentiator Increases sexual activity lower edge of the ribcage that occurs while and potency and enhances sexual performance exercising. due to increased blood fl ow and effi cient Signal transduction cascade Refers to a series metabolism. of sequential events that transfer a signal Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) Infections through a series of intermediate molecules that are transmitted through sexual activity. until fi nal regulatory molecules, such as tran- SGOT, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transami- scription factors, are modifi ed in response to nase An enzyme that is normally present in the signal. liver and heart cells. SGOT is released into Silicon (Si) Is required in minute amounts by blood when the liver or heart is damaged. Also the body and is important for the development called aspartate transaminase (AST). of healthy hair and the prevention of nervous SGPT, serum glutamic pyruvic transami- disorders. Lettuce is the best natural source of nase An enzyme normally present in serum silicon. and body tissues, especially in the liver; it Sinapism Signifi es an external application, in is released into the serum as a result of tis- the form of a soft plaster, or poultice. sue injury, also called alanine transaminase Sinusitis I n fl ammation of the nasal sinuses. (ALT). SIRC cells Statens seruminstitut rabbit cornea Shiga–like toxin A toxin produced by the (SIRC) cell line. bacterium Escherichia coli which disrupts SIRT 1 Stands for sirtuin (silent mating type the function of ribosomes, also known as information regulation 2 homologue) 1. It is verotoxin. an enzyme that deacetylates proteins that con- Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli tribute to cellular regulation. (STEC) Comprises a diverse group of organ- Sirtuin Also called Sir2 proteins, a class of pro- isms capable of causing severe gastrointesti- teins that possess either histone deacetylase or nal disease in humans. mono-ribosyltransferase activity. Shiga toxin A toxin produced by the bacterium 6-Keto-PGF1 alpha A physiologically active Shigella dysenteriae, which disrupts the func- and stable hydrolysis product of epoprostenol, tion of ribosomes. found in nearly all mammalian tissues. Shingles Skin rash caused by the zoster virus Sjögren’s syndrome An autoimmune disease (same virus that causes chickenpox) and is that mainly affects the eyes and salivary glands medically termed herpes zoster. but can affect different parts of the body. 954 Medical Glossary

Skp1 (S-phase kinase-associated protein 1) is a Spermidine An important polyamine in DNA core component of SCF ubiquitin ligases and synthesis and gene expression. mediates protein degradation. Spina bifi da A congenital birth defect caused Smads A family of intracellular proteins by the incomplete closing of the embryonic that mediate signalling by members of the neural tube. TGF-beta (transforming growth factor beta) Sphingolipid A member of a class of lipids super- family. derived from the aliphatic amino alcohol Smad2/3 A key signalling molecule for sphingosine. TGF-beta. Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) Is a progressive, Smad7 A TGFβ type 1 receptor antagonist. degenerative genetic disease with multiple Smallpox Is an acute, contagious and devastat- types. ing disease in humans caused by Variola virus Spleen Organ that fi lters blood and prevents and has resulted in high mortality over the infection. centuries. Spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK) Is an enigmatic Snuff Powder inhaled through the nose. protein tyrosine kinase functional in a number + SOCE (store - operated Ca 2 entry) Is a recep- of diverse cellular processes such as the regu- tor-regulated Ca 2+ entry pathway. lation of immune and infl ammatory responses. S O D Super-oxide dismutase, is an enzyme that Splenitis I n fl ammation of the spleen. repairs cells and reduces the damage done to Splenocyte Is a monocyte, one of the fi ve major them by superoxide, the most common free types of white blood cell, and is characteristi- radical in the body. cally found in the splenic tissue. Sodium (Na) Is an essential nutrient required Splenomegaly Is an enlargement of the spleen. for health. Sodium cations are important in Sprain To twist a ligament or muscle of a joint neuron (brain and nerve) function and in infl u- without dislocating the bone. encing osmotic balance between cells and the Sprue Is a chronic disorder of the small intes- interstitial fl uid and in maintenance of total tine caused by sensitivity to gluten, a protein body fl uid homeostasis. Extra intake may found in wheat and rye and to a lesser extent cause a harmful effect on health. Sodium is in oats and barley. It causes poor absorption naturally supplied by salt intake with food. by the intestine of fat, protein, carbohydrates, Soleus muscle Smaller calf muscle lower down iron, water and vitamins A, D, E and K. the leg and under the gastrocnemius muscle. Sputum Matter coughed up and usually ejected Somites Mesodermal structures formed during from the mouth, including saliva, foreign embryonic development that give rise to seg- material and substances such as mucus or mented body parts such as the muscles of the phlegm from the respiratory tract. body wall. SREBP-1 See sterol regulatory element-bind- Soporifi c A sleep-inducing drug. ing protein- 1. SOS response A global response to DNA dam- Stanch To stop or check the fl ow of a bodily age in which the cell cycle is arrested and fl uid like blood from a wound. DNA repair and mutagenesis are induced. Statin A type of lipid-lowering drug. Soyasapogenins Triterpenoid products obtained S T A T 3 Signal transducer and activator of tran- from the acid hydrolysis of soyasaponins, des- scription 3, a transcription factor, plays a key ignated soyasapogenols A, B, C, D and E. role in many cellular processes such as cell Soyasaponins Bioactive saponin compounds growth and apoptosis. found in many legumes. Status epilepticus Refers to a life- threatening Spasmogenic Inducing spasm. condition in which the brain is in a state of Spasmolytic Checking spasms, see antispasmodic. persistent seizure. Spermatogenic Giving rise to sperms. S T D Sexually transmitted disease. Spermatorrhoea Medically, an involuntary Steatorrhoea Is the presence of excess fat in ejaculation/drooling of semen, usually noctur- faeces which appear frothy and foul smelling nal emissions. and fl oat because of the high fat content. Medical Glossary 955

Steatohepatitis Liver disease, characterised by Stricture An abnormal constriction of the infl ammation of the liver with fat accumula- internal passageway within a tubular structure tion in the liver. such as a vessel or duct. Steatosis Refers to the deposition of fat in the Strongyloidiasis An intestinal parasitic infec- interstitial spaces of an organ like the liver, tion in humans caused by two species of fatty liver disease. the parasitic nematode Strongyloides . The Stereotypy Excessive repetitive or ritualistic nematodes or roundworms are also called movement, posture or utterance. threadworms. Sterility Inability to produce offspring, also Styptic A short stick of medication, usually called asepsis. anhydrous aluminum sulphate (a type of Steroidogenic Relating to steroidogenesis. alum) or titanium dioxide, which is used for Steroidogenesis The production of steroids, as stanching blood by causing blood vessels to by the adrenal glands. contract at the site of the wound. Also called Sterol- regulatory element-binding protein-1 haemostatic pencil, see antihaemorrhagic. (SREBP1) Is a key regulator of the tran- Subarachnoid haemorrhage Is bleeding in the scription of numerous genes that function in area between the brain and the thin tissues that the metabolism of cholesterol and fatty acids. cover the brain. Stimulant A substance that promotes the activ- Substance P A neuropeptide that functions as ity of a body system or function. a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator and is Stomachic Digestive stimulant, an agent that associated with the sensation of pain. stimulates or strengthens the activity of the Substantia nigra Is a dark- coloured brain stomach; used as a tonic to improve the appe- structure located in the midbrain that plays tite and digestive processes. an important role in reward, addiction and Stomatitis Oral infl ammation and ulcers, may movement. be mild and localised or severe, widespread Sudatory Medicine that causes or increases and painful. sweating. Also see sudorifi c. Stomatology Medical study of the mouth and Sudorifi c A substance that causes sweating. its diseases. Sulphur Sulphur is an essential component of all Stool Faeces. living cells. Sulphur is important for the syn- Strangury Is the painful passage of small quan- thesis of sulphur-containing amino acids, all tities of urine which are expelled slowly by polypeptides, proteins and enzymes such as straining with severe urgency; it is usually glutathione an important sulphur-containing accompanied with the unsatisfying feeling of tripeptide which plays a role in cells as a source a remaining volume inside and a desire to pass of chemical reduction potential. Sulphur is something that will not pass. also important for hair formation. Good plant Straub tail Condition in which an animal car- sources are garlic, onion, leeks and other allia- ries its tail in an erect (vertical or nearly verti- ceous vegetables, brassicaceous vegetables like cal) position. caulifl ower, cabbages, Brussels sprout, kale; STREPs Sterol-regulatory element- binding legumes – beans, green and red gram, soybeans; proteins, a family of transcription factors that horseradish, water cress and wheat germ. regulate lipid homeostasis by controlling the Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) Arises expression of a range of enzymes required for from the anterior surface of the abdominal endogenous cholesterol, fatty acid, triacylg- aorta, just inferior to the origin of the celiac lycerol and phospholipid synthesis. trunk, and supplies the intestine from the Stria terminalis A structure in the brain consist- lower part of the duodenum to the left colic ing of a band of fi bres running along the lateral fl exure and the pancreas. margin of the ventricular surface of the thalamus. Superoxide mutase (SOD) Antioxidant Striae gravidarum A cutaneous condition enzyme. characterised by stretch marks on the abdo- Suppuration The formation of pus, the act of men during and following pregnancy. becoming converted into and discharging pus. 956 Medical Glossary

Supraorbital Located above the orbit of the skin rashes or mucous patches on the tongue eye. and mouth during kissing, necking, petting or Sural nerve Sensory nerve comprising collat- sexual intercourse. It can also be transmitted eral branches off the common tibial and com- from a pregnant woman to a fetus after the mon fi bular nerve. fourth month of pregnancy. SYK, spleen tyrosine kinase Is a human pro- System lupus erythematosus A long-term tein and gene. Syk plays a similar role in autoimmune disorder that may affect the transmitting signals from a variety of cell sur- skin, joints, kidneys, brain and other organs. face receptors including CD74, Fc receptor Symptoms may include chest pain, fatigue, and integrins. fever, hair loss, mailaise, mouth sores, sensi- Sympathetic nervous system The part of the tivity to sunlight and skin rash (buttefl y rash). autonomic nervous system originating in the Systolic The blood pressure when the heart is thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord contracting. It is specifi cally the maximum that in general inhibits or opposes the physi- arterial pressure during contraction of the left ological effects of the parasympathetic ner- ventricle of the heart. vous system, as in tending to reduce digestive T cells Or T lymphocytes, a type of white blood secretions or speed up the heart. cell that play a key role in the immune system. Sympathomimetic Mimicking the effects Tachyarrhythmia Any disturbance of the heart of impulses conveyed by adrenergic post- rhythm in which the heart rate is abnormally ganglionic fi bres of the sympathetic nervous increased. system. Tachycardia A false heart rate applied to adults Synaptic plasticity The ability of neurons to rates over 100 beats per minute. to change the number and strength of their Tachykinins Neuropeptide transmitters that are synapses. widely distributed and active in the central Synaptogenesis The formation of synapses. nervous system and periphery, rapidly acting Synaptoneurosomes Purifi ed synapses con- secretagogues and cause smooth muscle con- taining the pre- and post-synaptic termini. traction and vasodilation (hypotension). Synaptosomes Isolated terminal of a neuron. Tachyphylaxia A decreased response to a Syncope Fainting, sudden loss of consciousness medicine given over a period of time so that followed by the return of wakefulness. larger doses are required to produce the same Syndactyly Webbed toes, a condition where response. two or more digits are fused together. Tachypnea Abnormally fast breathing. Syneresis Expulsion of liquid from a gel, as Taenia A parasitic apeworm or fl atworm of the contraction of a blood clot and expulsion of genus Taenia . liquid. Taeniacide An agent that kills tapeworms. Syngeneic Genetically identical or closely Tardive dyskinesia A disorder characterised related, so as to allow tissue transplant; immu- by repetitive, involuntary, purposeless move- nologically compatible. ments in the body such as grimacing, tongue Synovial Lubricating fl uid secreted by synovial protrusion, lip smacking, puckering and purs- membranes, as those of the joints. ing of the lips and rapid eye blinking. Rapid, Synoviocyte Located in the synovial mem- involuntary movements of the limbs, torso and brane; there are two types. Type A cells are fi ngers may also occur. more numerous, have phagocytic characteris- T a u Is a class of microtubule-associated protein tics and produce degradative enzymes. Type B (MAP) in neuronal and glial cells. cells produce synovial fl uid, which lubricates Tau-1 (Ser198/199/202), pS396 (Ser396) and the joint and nurtures and nourishes the articu- pS214 (Ser214) epitopes Serine phosphory- lar cartilage. lation sites of tau-1. Syphilis Is perhaps the best known of all the Tau phosphorylation Plays an important role STDs. Syphilis is transmitted by direct contact in neuro-degenerative diseases and is regu- with infection sores, called chancres, syphitic lated by protein kinases and phosphatases. Medical Glossary 957

TBARS See thiobarbituric acid reactive Thelarche The beginning of secondary substances. (postnatal) breast development, usually occur- T cell A type of white blood cell that attacks virus- ring at the beginning of puberty in girls. infected cells, foreign cells and cancer cells. Thermogenic Tending to produce heat, applied TCA cycle See tricarboxylic acid cycle. to drugs or food (fat- burning food). TCID50 Median tissue culture infective dose; Thermogenesis Is the process of heat produc- that amount of a pathogenic agent that will tion in organisms. produce pathological change in 50 % of cell Thermonociceptors Or thermal nociceptors, cultures. sensory receptors that are stimulated by nox- Telencephalon The cerebral hemispheres, the ious heat or cold at various temperatures. largest divisions of the human brain. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances Teletherapy A non-invasive procedure using (TBARS) A well-established method for external beam radiotherapy treatments. screening and monitoring lipid peroxidation. Telomerase Enzyme that acts on parts of chro- Thixotropy The property exhibited by certain mosomes known as telomeres. gels of becoming fl uid when stirred or shaken Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD or and returning to the semisolid state upon TMD syndrome) A disorder characterised standing. by acute or chronic infl ammation of the tem- Thoracodynia Pain in the chest. poromandibular joint that connects the man- 3 - β- HSD (Or 3-β-hydroxysteroid dehydroge- dible to the skull. nase/δ-5-4 isomerase) is an enzyme that Tendonitis Is infl ammation of a tendon. catalyses the synthesis of progesterone from Tenesmus A strong desire to defaecate. pregnenolone. Teratogen Is an agent that can cause malforma- 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) protein Used as a marker tions of an embryo or fetus. adj . teratogenic. for oxidative damage or nitrosative stress. Testicular torsion Twisting of the spermatic Thrombocythaemia A blood condition char- cord, which cuts off the blood supply to the acterised by a high number of platelets in the testicle and surrounding structures within the blood. scrotum. Thrombocytopenia A condition when the bone Tetanus An acute, potentially fatal disease marrow does not produce enough platelets caused by tetanus bacilli multiplying at the (thrombocytes) like in leukaemia. site of an injury and producing an exotoxin Thromboembolism Formation in a blood ves- that reaches the central nervous system pro- sel of a clot (thrombus) that breaks loose and ducing prolonged contraction of skeletal mus- is carried by the bloodstream to plug another cle fi bres. Also called lockjaw. vessel. cf. deep-vein thrombosis. T e t e Acute dermatitis caused by both bacterial Thrombogenesis Formation of a thrombus or and fungal infection. blood clot. Tetter Any of a number of skin diseases. Thrombophlebitis Occurs when there is TGF-beta Transforming growth factor beta is a infl ammation and clot in a surface vein. protein that controls proliferation, cellular dif- Thromboplastin An enzyme liberated from ferentiation and other functions in most cells. blood platelets that converts prothrombin into Th cells or T helper cells A sub-group of lym- thrombin as blood starts to clot, also called phocytes that helps other white blood cells in thrombokinase. immunological processes. Thrombosis The formation or presence of a Th 1 cells Helper cells that play an important thrombus (clot). role in the immune system. Thromboxanes Any of several compounds, Th 17 cells A sub-set of T helper cells produc- originally derived from prostaglandin precur- ing interleukin 17. sors in platelets that stimulate aggregation of Thalassemia major Is a genetic blood disorder platelets and constriction of blood vessels. that causes the body to manufacture an abnor- Thromboxane B2 The inactive product of mal form of haemoglobin. thromboxane. 958 Medical Glossary

Thrombus A fi brinous clot formed in a blood Tocotrienol Fat-soluble organic compound vessel or in a chamber of the heart. belonging to vitamin E group. See vitamin E. Thrush A common mycotic infection caused by Tolerogenic Producing immunological yeast, Candida albicans , in the digestive tract tolerance. or vagina. In children, it is characterised by Toll-like receptors (TLRs) A class of proteins white spots on the tongue. that play a key role in the innate immune Thymocytes Are T-cell precursors which system. develop in the thymus. Tonic Substance that acts to restore, balance, Thyrotoxicosis Or hyperthyroidism – an over- tone, strengthen or invigorate a body system active thyroid gland, producing excessive cir- without overt stimulation or depression. culating free thyroxine, free triiodothyronine Tonic clonic seizure A type of generalised sei- or both. zure that affects the entire brain. Tight junction Associated areas of two cells Tonsillitis An infl ammatory condition of the whose membranes join together forming a tonsils due to bacteria, allergies or respiratory virtually impermeable barrier to fl uid. problems. TIMP-3 A human gene belonging to the tissue TOP2A Topoisomerase II alpha enzyme. inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) Topoisomerases A class of enzymes involved gene family. See MMP. in the regulation of DNA super-coiling. Tincture Solution of a drug in alcohol. Topoiosmerase inhibitors A new class of anti- Tinea Ringworm, fungal infection on the skin. cancer agents with a mechanism of action Tinea favosa See favus. aimed at interrupting DNA replication in can- Tinea cruris Ringworm of the groin. cer cells. Tinea imbricata (Also called Tokelau) an Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) Is a method eruption characterised by concentric rings of of feeding that bypasses the gastrointestinal overlapping scales forming papulosquamous tract. patches scattered over the body; it occurs in Toxemia Is the presence of abnormal substances tropical climates especially prevalent in south- in the blood, but the term is also used for a west Polynesia and is caused by the fungus serious condition in pregnancy that involves Trichophyton concentricum . hypertension and proteinuria. Also called Tinea pedis Fungal infection of the foot, also pre-eclampsia. called athletes’ foot. Tracheitis Is a bacterial infection of the trachea; Tinnitus A noise in the ears, as ringing, buzz- also known as bacterial tracheitis or acute bac- ing, roaring, clicking, etc. terial tracheitis. Tisane A herbal infusion used as tea or for Trachoma A contagious disease of the conjunc- medicinal purposes. tiva and cornea of the eye, producing painful Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) A serine sensitivity to strong light and excessive tearing. protease involved in the breakdown of blood TRAIL Acronym for tumour necrosis factor- clots. related apoptosis-inducing ligand, is a cyto- TNF alpha Cachexin or cachectin and formally kine that preferentially induces apoptosis in known as tumour necrosis factor-alpha, a tumour cells. cytokine involved in systemic infl ammation. Tranquiliser A substance drug used in calm- The primary role of TNF is in the regulation ing a person suffering from nervous tension or of immune cells. TNF is also able to induce anxiety. apoptotic cell death, to induce infl amma- Transaminase Also called aminotransferase, tion and to inhibit tumorigenesis and viral is an enzyme that catalyses a type of reaction replication. between an amino acid and an α-keto acid. Tocolytics Medications used to suppress prema- Transaminitis Increase in alanine aminotrans- ture labour. ferase (ALT) and/or aspartate aminotrans- Tocopherol Fat- soluble organic compound ferase (AST) to >5 times the upper limit of belonging to vitamin E group. See vitamin E. normal. Medical Glossary 959

Transcatheter arterial chemoembolisation Triglycerides A type of fat (lipids) found in the (TACE) Is an interventional radiology pro- bloodstream. cedure involving percutaneous access to the Trismus Continuous contraction of the muscles hepatic artery and passing a catheter through the of the jaw, specifi cally as a symptom of teta- abdominal artery aorta followed by radiology. It nus, or lockjaw; inability to open the mouth is used extensively in the palliative treatment of fully. unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). TrKB receptor Also known as TrKB tyrosine Transcriptional activators Are proteins that kinase, a protein in humans that acts as a cata- bind to DNA and stimulate transcription of lytic receptor for several neutrophins. nearby genes. Trolox equivalent Measures the antioxidant Transcriptional co-activator PGC-1 A potent capacity of a given substance, as compared transcriptional co-activator that regulates oxi- to the standard; Trolox is also referred to dative metabolism in a variety of tissues. as TEAC (Trolox equivalent antioxidant Transcriptome profi ling To identify genes capacity). involved in peroxisome assembly and function. Trypanocidal Destructive to trypanosomes. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) A Trypanosomes Protozoan of the genus protein that controls proliferation, cellular dif- Trypanosoma . ferentiation and other functions in most cells. Trypanosomiasis Human disease or an infec- Transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 tion caused by a trypanosome. (TRPA1) Is a Ca(2+)-permeant, non-selec- Trypsin An enzyme of pancreatic juice that tive cationic channel that may play a role in hydrolyses proteins into smaller polypeptide nociception. units. Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 Trypsin inhibitor Small protein synthesised in (TRPV1) Receptor also known as capsaicin the exocrine pancreas which prevents conver- receptor and vanilloid receptor, is a Ca 2+ per- sion of trypsinogen to trypsin, so protecting meable non-selective cation channel localised itself against trypsin digestion. on a sub-set of primary sensory neurons that TRPV1 See transient receptor potential vanil- can be activated by physical and chemical loid 1. stimuli. Tuberculosis (TB) Is a bacterial infection TRAP 6 Thrombin receptor activating peptide of the lungs caused by a bacterium called with six amino acids. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, characterised by Tremorine A chemical that produces a tremor the formation of lesions (tubercles) and necro- resembling Parkinsonian tremor. sis in the lung tissues and other organs. Tremulous Marked by trembling, quivering or Tumorigenesis Formation or production of shaking. tumours. Triacylglycerol Or triacylglyceride, is a glyc- Tumour An abnormal swelling of the body eride in which the glycerol is esterifi ed with other than that caused by direct injury. three fatty acids. Tussis A cough. Tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) A series Tympanic membrane Ear drum. of enzymatic reactions in aerobic organisms Tympanitis Infection or infl ammation of the involving oxidative metabolism of acetyl units inner ear. and producing high-energy phosphate com- Tympanophonia Increased resonance of one’s pounds, which serve as the main source of own voice, breath sounds, arterial murmurs, etc., cellular energy. Also called citric acid cycle, noted especially in disease of the middle ear. Krebs cycle. Tympanosclerosis See myringoslcerosis. Trichophytosis Infection by fungi of the genus Tyrosinase A copper- containing enzyme Trichophyton . found in animals and plants that catalyses the Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) Is a neuropathic oxidation of phenols (such as tyrosine) and disorder of one or both of the facial trigeminal the production of melanin and other pigments nerves, also known as prosopalgia. from tyrosine by oxidation. 960 Medical Glossary

Ubiquitin ligase Also called an E3 ubiquitin Urticant A substance that causes wheals to form. ligase, is a protein that targets other proteins Urticaria Or hives, is a skin condition, com- to be broken down (degraded) within cells. monly caused by an allergic reaction, that is UCP1 An uncoupling protein found in the mito- characterised by raised red skin welts. chondria of brown adipose tissue used to gen- Uterine Relating to the uterus. erate heat by non-shivering thermogenesis. Uterine myomas Also called fi broids, tumours UCP – 2 enzyme Uncoupling protein 2 that grow from the uterine wall. enzyme, a mitochondrial protein expressed in Uterine prolapse Occurs when weakened or adipocytes. damaged muscles and ligaments allow the Ulcer An open sore on an external or internal uterus to slip into the vagina. body surface usually accompanied by disinte- Uterine relaxant An agent that relaxes the mus- gration of tissue and pus. cles in the uterus. Ulcerative colitis Is one of two types of infl am- Uterine stimulant An agent that stimulates matory bowel disease – a condition that causes the uterus (and often employed during active the bowel to become infl amed and red. childbirth). Ulemorrhagia Bleeding of the gums. Uterotonic Giving muscular tone to the uterus. Ulitis I n fl ammation of the gums. Uterotrophic Causing an effect on the uterus. Unguent Ointment. Uterus Womb. Unilateral ureteral obstruction Unilateral block- Vaginal dystrophy A condition in which the age of urine fl ow through the ureter of one kid- outer part of the vagina becomes dry and the ney, resulting in a backup of urine, distension of skin thickens or thins. the renal pelvis and calyces and hydronephrosis. Vaginitis Infectious or non-infectious infl am- Uraemia An excess in the blood of urea, cre- mation of the vaginal mucosa. atinine and other nitrogenous end products of Vaginopathy Any disease of the vagina. protein and amino acid metabolism, more cor- Vagotomy The surgical cutting of the vagus rectly referred to as azotaemia. nerve to reduce acid secretion in the stomach. Urethra Tube conveying urine from the bladder Vagus nerve A cranial nerve, that is, a nerve to the external urethral orifi ce. connected to the brain. The vagus nerve has Urethritis Is an infl ammation of the urethra branches to most of the major organs in the caused by infection. body, including the larynx, throat, windpipe, Uricemia An excess of uric acid or urates in the lungs, heart and most of the digestive system. blood. Variola Or smallpox, a contagious disease Uricosuric Promoting the excretion of uric acid unique to humans, caused by either of two in urine. virus variants, Variola major and Variola Urinary Pertaining to the passage of urine. minor. The disease is characterised by fever, Urinary incontinence Sudden and strong need weakness and skin eruption with pustules that to urinate because of poor bladder control. form scabs that leave scars. Urinogenital Relating to genital and urinary Varicose veins Are veins that have become organs or functions. enlarged and twisted. Urodynia Pain on urination. Vasa vasorum Is a network of small blood ves- Urokinase Also called urokinase-type palsmin- sels that supply large blood vessels. plur . vasa ogen (u-PA), is a serine protease enzyme in vasori. human urine that catalyses the conversion of Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) A plasminogen to plasmin. It is used clinically polypeptide chemical produced by cells that as a thrombolytic agent. stimulates the growth of new blood vessels. Urokinase-type palsminogen (u-PA) Plays a Vasculitis Group of disorders that destroy blood key role in tumour invasion and metastasis, vessels by infl ammation. also see Urokinase. Vasculogenesis The process of blood vessel for- Urolithiasis Formation of stones in the urinary mation occurring by a de novo production of tract (kidney, bladder or urethra). endothelial cells. Medical Glossary 961

Vasoconstrictor Drug that causes constriction Vesicant A substance that causes tissue of blood vessels. blistering. Vasodilator Drug that causes dilation or relax- Vestibular Relating to the sense of balance. ation of blood vessels. Vestibular disorders Includes symptoms of Vasodilatory Causing the widening of the dizziness, vertigo and imbalance; it can result lumen of blood vessels. from or be worsened by genetic or environ- Vasomotor symptoms Menopausal symptoms mental conditions. characterised by hot fl ushes and night sweats. Vestibular schwannoma Also called acoustic neu- Vasospasm Refers to a condition in which roma, is a benign tumour that may develop from blood vessels spasm, leading to vasoconstric- an overproduction of Schwann cells that press on tion and subsequently to tissue ischaemia and the hearing and balance nerves in the inner ear. death (necrosis). Vestibular system Includes parts of the inner VCAM-1 (vascular cell adhesion mol- ear and brain that process sensory informa- ecule-1) Also known as CD106, contains tion involved with controlling balance and eye six or seven immunoglobulin domains and movement. is expressed on both large and small vessels Vibrissa Stiff hairs that are located especially only after the endothelial cells are stimulated about the nostrils. by cytokines. Vimentin A type III intermediate fi lament pro- VEGF Vascular endothelial growth factor. tein that is expressed in mesenchymal cells. Venereal disease (VD) Term given to the dis- Viremia A medical condition where viruses eases syphilis and gonorrhoea. enter the bloodstream and hence have access Venule A small vein, especially one joining to the rest of the body. capillaries to larger veins. Visceral fat Intra-abdominal fat, is located Vermifuge A substance used to expel worms inside the peritoneal cavity, packed in between from the intestines. internal organs and torso. Verotoxin A Shiga- like toxin produced by Visual entopia Visual disturbances. Escherichia coli, which disrupts the function Vitamin Any complex organic compound found of ribosomes, causing acute renal failure. in various foods or sometimes synthesised in Verruca A contagious and painful wart on the the body, required in tiny amounts and essen- sole of the foot. tial for the regulation of metabolism, normal Verruca plana Is a reddish-brown or fl esh- growth and function of the body. coloured, slightly raised, fl at-surfaced, well- Vitamin A Retinol, fat-soluble vitamins that play demarcated papule on the hand and face, also an important role in vision, bone growth, repro- called fl at wart. duction, cell division and cell differentiation, Verruca vulgaris Small painless warts on the helps regulate the immune system in prevent- skin caused by the human papillomavirus. ing or fi ghting off infections. Vitamin A that is Vertigo An illusory, sensory perception that the found in colourful fruit and vegetables is called surroundings or one’s own body are revolving; provitamin A carotenoid. They can be made dizziness. into retinol in the body. Defi ciency of vitamin Very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) A type A results in night blindness and keratomalacia. of lipoprotein made by the liver. VLDL is one Vitamin B1 Also called thiamine, water-soluble of the fi ve major groups of lipoproteins (chy- vitamins, dissolve easily in water and, in gen- lomicrons, VLDL, intermediate-density lipo- eral, are readily excreted from the body; they protein, low-density lipoprotein, high-density are not readily stored; consistent daily intake lipoprotein (HDL)) that enable fats and choles- is important. It functions as co-enzyme in the terol to move within the water-based solution metabolism of carbohydrates and branched- of the bloodstream. VLDL is converted in the chain amino acids and other cellular pro- bloodstream to low-density lipoprotein (LDL). cesses. Defi ciency results in beriberi disease. Vesical calculus Calculi (stones) in the urinary Vitamin B2 Also called ribofl avin, an essen- bladder. tial water-soluble vitamin that functions as 962 Medical Glossary

co-enzyme in redox reactions. Defi ciency Vitamin D A group of fat-soluble, pro-hormone causes aribofl avinosis. vitamin, the two major forms of which are Vitamin B3 Comprises niacin and niacinamide, vitamin D2 (or ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 water- soluble vitamins that function as co- (or cholecalciferol). Vitamin D obtained from enzyme or co-substrate for many redox reac- sun exposure, food and supplements is biolog- tions, and is required for energy metabolism. ically inert and must undergo two hydroxyl- Defi ciency causes pellagra. ations in the body for activation. Vitamin D is Vitamin B5 Also called pantothenic acid, a essential for promoting calcium absorption in water-soluble vitamin that functions as co- the gut and maintaining adequate serum cal- enzyme in fatty acid metabolism. Defi ciency cium and phosphate concentrations to enable causes paresthesia. normal growth and mineralisation of bone Vitamin B6 Water-soluble vitamin, exists in and prevent hypocalcemic tetany. Defi ciency three major chemical forms: pyridoxine, pyri- causes rickets and osteomalacia. Vitamin D doxal and pyridoxamine. Vitamin B6 is needed has other roles in human health, including in enzymes involved in protein metabolism, modulation of neuromuscular and immune red blood cell metabolism, effi cient func- function, reduction of infl ammation and mod- tioning of nervous and immune systems and ulation of many genes encoding proteins that haemoglobin formation. Defi ciency causes regulate cell proliferation, differentiation and anaemia and peripheral neuropathy. apoptosis. Vitamin B7 Also called biotin or vitamin H, an Vitamin E Is the collective name for a group essential water-soluble vitamin, is involved in of fat-soluble compounds and exists in eight the synthesis of fatty acids, amino acids and chemical forms (alpha-, beta-, gamma- and glucose in energy metabolism. Biotin pro- delta-tocopherol and alpha-, beta-, gamma- motes normal health of sweat glands, bone and delta-tocotrienol). It has pronounced anti- marrow, male gonads, blood cells, nerve tis- oxidant activities stopping the formation of sue, skin and hair. Defi ciency causes dermati- reactive oxygen species when fat undergoes tis and enteritis. oxidation and help prevent or delay the chronic Vitamin B9 Also called folic acid, an essential diseases associated with free radicals. Besides water-soluble vitamin. Folate is especially its antioxidant activities, vitamin E is involved important during periods of rapid cell division in immune function, cell signalling, regulation and growth such as infancy and pregnancy. of gene expression and other metabolic pro- Defi ciency during pregnancy is associated cesses. Defi ciency is very rare but can cause with birth defects such as neural tube defects. mild haemolytic anaemia in newborn infants. Folate is also important for production of red Vitamin K A group of fat-soluble vitamins con-

blood cells and prevent anaemia. Folate is sisting of vitamin K 1, which is also known needed to make DNA and RNA, the building as phylloquinone or phytomenadione (also blocks of cells. It also helps prevent changes called phytonadione), and vitamin K 2 (mena- to DNA that may lead to cancer. quinone, menatetrenone). Vitamin K plays an Vitamin B12 A water-soluble vitamin, also important role in blood clotting. Defi ciency is called cobalamin as it contains the metal very rare but can cause bleeding diathesis. cobalt. It helps maintain healthy nerve cells Vitamin P A substance or mixture of substances and red blood cells and DNA production. obtained from various plant sources, identifi ed Vitamin B12 is bound to the protein in food. as citrin or a mixture of biofl avonoids, thought Defi ciency causes megaloblastic anaemia. to but not proven to be useful in reducing the Vitamin C Also known as ascorbic acid, is an extent of haemorrhage. essential water-soluble vitamin. It functions as Vitiligo A chronic skin disease that causes loss co-factor for reactions requiring reduced cop- of pigment, resulting in irregular pale patches per or iron metallonzyme and as a protective of skin. It occurs when the melanocytes, cells anti-oxidant. Defi ciency of vitamin C causes responsible for skin pigmentation, die or are scurvy. unable to function. Also called leucoderma. Medical Glossary 963

Vitreoretinopathy See proliferative vitreore- Xenograft A surgical graft of tissue from one tinopathy. species to an unlike species. VLA-4 Very late antigen-4, expressed by most Xerophthalmia A medical condition in which leucocytes, but it is observed on neutrophils the eye fails to produce tears. under special conditions. Xerostomia Dryness in the mouth due to lack of VLDL See very-low-density lipoproteins. saliva production. Vomitive Substance that causes vomiting. Y a w s An infectious tropical infection of the Vulnerary Wound healer, a substance used to skin, bones and joints caused by the spirochete heal wounds and promote tissue formation. bacterium Treponema pertenue , characterised Vulva-vaginal erythema Abnormal redness by papules and pappiloma with subsequent and infl ammation of the skin in the vagina. deformation of the skins, bone and joints; also W a r t An infectious skin tumour caused by a called framboesia. viral infection. yGCN5 A histone acetyl transferase (HAT) that W e l t See wheal. plays a role in regulation of transciton, cell Wheal A fi rm, elevated swelling of the skin. cycle progression and differentiation. Also called a weal or welt. Yellow fever Is a viral disease that is transmitted White fat White adipose tissue (WAT) in mam- to humans through the bite of infected mosqui- mals, store of energy. cf . brown fat. toes. Illness ranges in severity from an infl u- Whitlow Painful infection of the hand involving enza-like syndrome to severe hepatitis and one or more fi ngers that typically affects the haemorrhagic fever. Yellow fever virus (YFV) terminal phalanx. is maintained in nature by mosquito-borne Whooping cough Acute infectious disease usu- transmission between non- human primates. ally in children caused by a Bacillus bacterium Zeaxanthin A common carotenoid, found natu- and accompanied by catarrh of the respiratory rally as coloured pigments in many fruit veg- passages and repeated bouts of coughing. etables and leafy vegetables. It is important Wnt signalling pathway Is a network of pro- for good vision and is one of the two carot- teins involved in embryogenesis and cancer enoids contained within the retina of the eye. and also in normal physiological processes. Within the central macula, zeaxanthin pre- X-linked agammaglobulinemia Also known dominates, whereas in the peripheral retina, as X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia, XLA, lutein predominates. Bruton-type agammaglobulinemia, Bruton Zinc (Zn) Is an essential mineral for health. It syndrome, or sex-linked agammaglobulinemia; is involved in numerous aspects of cellular a rare x-linked genetic disorder that affects the metabolism:catalytic activity of enzymes, body’s ability to fi ght infection. immune function, protein synthesis, wound Xanthine oxidase A fl avoprotein enzyme con- healing, DNA synthesis and cell division. It taining a molybdenum co-factor (Moco) and also supports normal growth and development (Fe 2 S 2 ) clusters, involved in purine metabo- during pregnancy, childhood and adolescence lism. In humans, inhibition of xanthine oxi- and is required for proper sense of taste and dase reduces the production of uric acid and smell. Dietary sources include beans, nuts, prevents hyperuricemia and gout. pumpkin seeds, sunfl ower seeds, whole wheat Xanthones Unique class of biologically active bread and animal sources. phenol compounds with the molecular formula Z K 1 Krueppel-type zinc fi nger protein – bind C13H8O2 possessing antioxidant properties, DNA and, through this binding, regulate gene discovered in the mangosteen fruit. transcription. Xenobiotics A chemical (as a drug, pesticide or ZO1 protein A high–molecular weight tight carcinogen) that is foreign to a living organism. junction-associated protein. Scientifi c Glossary

Abaxial Facing away from the axis, as of the Adventive Not native to and not fully surface of an organ. established in a new habitat or environment; Abortive Imperfectly formed. locally or temporarily naturalised. e.g. an Abscission Shedding of , fl owers or fruit adventive . following the formation of the abscission Aestivation Refers to positional arrangement of zone. the fl oral parts in the bud before it opens. Acaulescent Lacking a stem or stem very much Akinete A thick-walled dormant cell derived reduced. from the enlargement of a vegetative cell. It Accrescent Increasing in size after fl owering or serves as a survival structure. with age. A l fi sols Soil with a clay-enriched subsoil Achene A dry, small, one-seeded, indehiscent and relatively high native fertility, having one-seeded fruit formed from a superior ovary undergone only moderate leaching, containing of one carpel as in sunfl ower. aluminium, iron and with at least 35 % base Acid soil Soil that maintains a pH of less than 7.0. saturation, meaning that calcium, magnesium Acidulous Acid or sour in taste. and potassium are relatively abundant. Actinomorphic Having radial symmetry, capa- Alkaline soil Soil that maintains a pH above 7.0, ble of being divided into symmetrical halves usually containing large amounts of calcium, by any plane, refers to a fl ower, calyx or sodium and magnesium, and is less soluble corolla. than acidic soils. Aculeate Having sharp prickles. Alkaloids Naturally occurring bitter, complex Acuminate Tapering gradually to a sharp point. organic-chemical compounds containing Acute () tapering at an angle of less than basic nitrogen and oxygen atoms and having 90° before terminating in a point as of various pharmacological effects on humans apex and base. and other animals. Adaxial Side closest to the stem axis. Alternate Leaves or buds that are spaced along Aldephous Having stamens united together by opposite sides of stem at different levels. their fi laments. Allomorphic With a shape or form different Adherent Touching without organic fusion as from the typical. of fl oral parts of different whorls. Alluvial soil A fi ne-grained fertile soil depos- Adnate United with another unlike part as of ited by water fl owing over fl ood plains or in stamens attached to petals. river beds. Adpressed Lying close to another organ but not Alluvium Soil or sediments deposited by a river fused to it. or other running water. Adventitious Arising in abnormal positions, Amplexicaul Clasping the stem as base of cer- e.g. roots arising from the stem, branches or tain leaves. leaves, buds arising elsewhere than in the axils Anatomising Interconnecting network as of leaves. applied to leaf veins.

T.K. Lim, Edible Medicinal and Non Medicinal Plants: Volume 9, Modifi ed Stems, Roots, Bulbs, 964 DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9511-1, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015 Scientifi c Glossary 965

Andisols Are soils formed in volcanic ash and Apiculum A short, pointed, fl exible tip. containing high proportions of glass and Apocarpous carpels separate in single individ- amorphous colloidal materials. ual pistils. Androdioecious With male fl owers and bisex- Apopetalous With separate petals, not united to ual fl owers on separate plants. other petals. Androecium Male parts of a fl ower; comprising Aposepalous With separate sepals, not united to the stamens of one fl ower. other sepals. Androgynophore A stalk bearing both the Appressed Pressed closely to another structure androecium and gynoecium above the peri- but not fused or united. anth of the fl ower. Aquatic A plant living in or on water for all or a Androgynous With male and female fl owers in considerable part of its life span. distinct parts of the same infl orescence. Arachnoid (Botany) formed of or covered with Andromonoecious Having male fl owers and long, delicate hairs or fi bers. bisexual fl owers on the same plant. Arborescent Resembling a tree; applied to Angiosperm A division of seed plants with the non-woody plants attaining tree height and to ovules borne in an ovary. shrubs tending to become tree-like in size. Annual A plant which completes its life cycle Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) A type of within a year. mycorrhiza in which the fungus (of the phy- Annular Shaped like or forming a ring. lum Glomeromycota) penetrates the cortical Annulus Circle or ring-like structure or mark- cells of the roots of a and form ing; the portion of the corolla which forms a unique structures such as arbuscules and vesi- fl eshy, raised ring. cles. These fungi help plants to capture nutri- Anthelate An open, paniculate cyme. ents such as phosphorus and micronutrients Anther The part of the stamen containing pol- from the soil. len sac which produces the pollen. Archegonium A fl ask-shaped female reproduc- Antheriferous Containing anthers. tive organ in mosses, ferns and other related Anthesis The period between the opening of the plants. bud and the onset of fl ower withering. Areolate With areolea. Anthocarp A false fruit consisting of the true Areole (Botany) a small, specialised, cushion- fruit and the base of the perianth. like area on a cactus from which hairs, glo- Anthocyanidins Are common plant pigments. chids, spines, branches or fl owers may arise; They are the sugar-free counterparts of an irregular angular spces marked out on a anthocyanins. surface e.g. fruit surface. pl . areolea. Anthocyanins A subgroup of antioxidant fl avo- Aril Specialised outgrowth from the funicu- noids, are glucosides of anthocyanidins. They lus (attachment point of the seed) (or hilum) occur as water-soluble vacuolar pigments that that encloses or is attached to the seed. adj . may appear red, purple or blue according to arillate. pH in plants. Arillode A false aril; an aril originating from Antipetala situated opposite petals. the micropyle instead of from the funicle or Antisepala Situated opposite sepals. chalaza of the ovule, e.g. mace of . Antrorse Directed forward upwards. Aristate Bristle-like part or appendage, e.g. Apetalous Lacking petals as of fl owers with no awns of grains and grasses. corolla. Aristulate Having a small, stiff, bristle-like part Apical meristem Active growing point. A zone or appendage; a diminutive of aristate. of cell division at the tip of the stem or the Articulate Jointed; usually breaking eas- root. ily at the nodes or point of articulation into Apically Towards the apex or tip of a structure. segments. Apiculate Ending abruptly in a short, sharp, Ascending Arched upwards in the lower part small point. and becoming erect in the upper part. 966 Scientifi c Glossary

Ascospore Spore produced in the ascus in Bifoliolate Having two leafl ets. Ascomycete fungi. Bilabiate Having two lips as of a corolla or Ascus Is the sexual spore-bearing cell produced calyx with segments fused into an upper and in Ascomycete fungi. pl . asci. lower lip. Asperulous Refers to a rough surface with Bipinnate Twice pinnate; the primary leafl ets short, hard projections. being again divided into secondary leafl ets. Attenuate Tapered or tapering gradually to a Bipinnatisect Refers to a pinnately compound point. leaf, in which each leafl et is again divided into Auricle An ear-like appendage that occurs at the pinnae. base of some leaves or corolla. Biserrate Doubly serrate; with smaller regu- Auriculate Having auricles. lar, asymmetric teeth on the margins of larger A w n A hair-like or bristle-like appendage on a teeth. larger structure. Bisexual Having both sexes, as in a fl ower bear- Axil Upper angle between a lateral organ, such ing both stamens and pistil, hermaphrodite or as a leaf petiole and the stem that bears it. perfect. Axile Situated along the central axis of an Biternate Twice ternate; with three pinnae each ovary having two or more locules, as in axile divided into three pinnules. placentation. Blade Lamina; part of the leaf above the sheath Axillary Arising or growing in an axil. or petiole. Baccate Beery-like, pulpy or fl eshy. Blotched See variegated. Barbate Bearded, having tufts of hairs. Bole Main trunk of tree from the base to the fi rst Barbellae Short, stiff, hair-like bristles. adj . branch. barbellate. Brachyblast A short, axillary, densely crowded Bark Is the outermost layers of stems and roots branchlet or shoot of limited growth, in which of woody plants. the internodes elongate little or not at all. Basal Relating to, situated at, arising from or Bracket fungus Shelf fungus. forming the base. A leaf-like structure, different in form Basaltic soil Soil derived from basalt, a com- from the foliage leaves, associated with an mon extrusive volcanic rock. infl orescence or fl ower. adj . bracteate. Basidiospore A reproductive spore produced by Bracteate Possessing . Basidiomycete fungi. Bracteolate Having bracteoles. Basidium A microscopic, spore-producing Bracteole A small, secondary, bract-like struc- structure found on the hymenophore of fruit- ture borne singly or in a pair on the pedicel or ing bodies of Basidiomycete fungi. calyx of a fl ower. adj . bracteolate. Basifi xed Attached by the base, as certain Bran Hard outer layer of grain and comprises anthers are to their fi laments. the aleurone and pericarp. It contains impor- Basionym The synonym of a scientifi c name tant antioxidant, vitamins and fi bre. that supplies the epithet for the . Bristle A stiff hair. Beak A prominent apical projection, especially Bulb A modifi ed underground axis that is short of a carpel or fruit. adj . beaked. and crowned by a mass of usually fl eshy, Bearded Having a tuft of hairs. imbricate scales. adj . bulbous. Berry A fl eshy or pulpy indehiscent fruit from a Bulbil A small bulb or bulb-shaped body, espe- single ovary with the seed(s) embedded in the cially one borne in the leaf axil or an infl o- fl eshy tissue of the pericarp. rescence, and usually produced for asexual Biconvex Convex on both sides. reproduction. Biennial Completing the full cycle from ger- Bullate Puckered, blistered. mination to fruiting in more than one, but not Burr Type of seed or fruit with short, stiff bris- more than 2 years. tles or hooks or may refer to a deformed type of B i fi d Forked, divided into two parts. wood in which the grain has been misformed. Scientifi c Glossary 967

Bush Low, dense shrub without a pronounced maturity by sections called valves to release trunk. the seeds. adj . capsular. Buttress Supporting, projecting outgrowth from Carinate Keeled. base of a tree trunk as in some Rhizophoraceae Carpel A simple pistil consisting of ovary, and Moraceae. ovules, style and stigma. adj . carpellary. Caducous Shedding or falling early before Carpogonium Female reproductive organ in maturity, refers to sepals and petals. red algae. pl . carpogonia. Caespitose Growing densely in tufts or clumps; Carpophore Part of the receptacle which is having short, closely packed stems. lengthened between the carpels as a central Calcareous Composed of or containing lime or axis; any fruiting body or fruiting structure of limestone. a fungus. Calcrete A hardpan consisting gravel and sand Cartilaginous Sinewy, having a fi rm, tough, cemented by calcium. fl exible texture (in respect of leaf margins). Callus A condition of thickened raised mass of Caruncle (Bot) fl eshy structure attached to the hardened tissue on leaves or other plant parts seed of certain plants. often formed after an injury but sometimes a Caryopsis A simple dry, indehiscent fruit normal feature. A callus also can refer to an formed from a single ovary with the seed coat undifferentiated plant cell mass grown on a united with the ovary wall as in grasses and culture medium. n . callosity. pl . calli, callosi- cereals. ties. adj . callose. Cataphyll A reduced or scarcely developed leaf Calyptra The protective cap or hood covering at the start of a plant’s life (i.e. cotyledons) or the spore case of a moss or related plant. in the early stages of leaf development. Calyptrate Operculate, having a calyptra. Catkin A slim, cylindrical, pendulous fl ower Calyx Outer fl oral whorl usually consisting of spike usually with unisexual fl owers. free sepals or fused sepals (calyx tube) and Caudate Having a narrow, tail-like appendage. calyx lobes. It encloses the fl ower while it is Caudex Thickened, usually underground base still a bud. adj . calycine. of the stem. Calyx lobe One of the free upper parts of the Caulescent Having a well developed aerial calyx which may be present when the lower stem. part is united into a tube. Caulifl ory Botanical term referring to plants Calyx tube The tubular fused part of the calyx, which fl ower and fruit from their main stems often cup shaped or bell shaped, when it is or woody trunks. adj . caulifl orus. free from the corolla. Cauline Borne on the aerial part of a stem. Campanulate Shaped like a bell refers to calyx Chaffy Having thin, membranous scales in the or corolla. infl orescence as in the fl ower heads of the sun- Canaliculate Having groove or grooves. fl ower family. Candelabriform Having the shape of a tall Chalaza The basal region of the ovule where branched candle- stick. the stalk is attached. Canescent Covered with short, fi ne whitish or Chamaephyte A low-growing perennial plant grayish hairs or down. whose dormant overwintering buds are borne Canopy Uppermost leafy stratum of a tree. at or just above the surface of the ground. C a p See pileus. Chartaceous Papery, of paper-like texture. Capitate Growing together in a head. Also Chasmogamous Describing fl owers in which means enlarged and globular at the tip. pollination takes place while the fl ower is Capitulum A fl ower head or infl orescence hav- open. ing a dense cluster of sessile or almost sessile, Chatoyant Having a velvety sheen or lustre. fl owers or fl orets. Chloroplast A chlorophyll-containing organ- Capsule A dry, dehiscent fruit formed from elle (plastid) that gives the green colour to two or more united carpels and dehiscing at leaves and stems. Plastids harness light energy 968 Scientifi c Glossary

that is used to fi x carbon dioxide in the process Climber Growing more or less upwards by called photosynthesis. leaning or twining around another structure. Chromoplast Plastid containing colored pig- Clone All the plants reproduced, vegetatively, ments apart from chlorophyll. from a single parent thus having the same gen- Chromosomes Thread-shaped structures that tic make-up as the parent. occur in pairs in the nucleus of a cell, con- Coccus One of the sections of a distinctly lobed taining the genetic information of living fruit which becomes separate at maturity; organisms. sometimes called a mericarp. pl . cocci. Cilia Hairs along the margin of a leaf or corolla Coenocarpium A fl eshy, multiple pseudocarp lobe. formed from an infl orescence rather than a Ciliate With a fringe of hairs on the margin as of single fl ower. the corolla lobes or leaf. Coherent Touching without organic fusion, Ciliolate Minutely ciliate. referring to parts normally together, e.g. fl oral Cilium A straight, usually erect hair on a mar- parts of the same whorl. cf. adherent, adnate, gin or ridge. pl . cilia. connate. Cincinnus A monochasial cyme in which the Collar Boundary between the above- and below lateral branches arise alternately on opposite ground parts of the plant axis. sides of the false axis. Colliculate Having small elevations. Circinnate Spirally coiled, with the tip Column A structure formed by the united style, innermost. stigma and stamen(s) as in Asclepiadaceae Circumscissile Opening by a transverse line and Orchidaceae. around the circumference as of a fruit. Comose Tufted with hairs at the ends as of Cladode The modifi ed photosynthetic stem of a seeds. plant whose foliage leaves are much reduced Composite Having two types of fl orets as of the or absent. cf . cladophyll, phyllode. fl owers in the sunfl ower family, . Cladophyll A photosynthetic branch or por- Compost Organic matter (like leaves, mulch, tion of a stem that resembles and functions manure, etc.) that breaks down in soil releas- as a leaf, like in asparagus. cf . cladode, ing its nutrients. phyllode. Compound Describe a leaf that is further Clamp connection In the Basidiomycetes fungi, divided into leafl ets or pinnae or fl ower with a lateral connection or outgrowth formed more than a single fl oret. between two adjoining cells of a hypha and Compressed Flattened in one plane. arching over the septum between them. Conceptacles Specialised cavities of marine Clavate Club shaped thickened at one end refer algae that contain the reproductive organs. to fruit or other organs. Concolorous Uniformly coloured, as in upper Claw The conspicuously narrowed basal part of and lower surfaces. cf . discolorous. a fl at structure. Conduplicate Folded together lengthwise. Clay A naturally occurring material composed Cone A reproductive structure composed of primarily of fi ne-grained minerals like kaolin- an axis (branch) bearing sterile bract-like ite, montmorrillonite-smectite or illite which organs and seed or pollen bearing structures. exhibit plasticity through a variable range Applied to Gymnospermae, Lycopodiaceae, of water content and which can be hardened Casuarinaceae and also in some members of when dried and/or fi red. Proteaceae. Clayey Resembling or containing a large pro- Conic Cone shaped, attached at the broader end. portion of clay. Conic-capitate A cone-shaped head of fl owers. Cleft Incised halfway down. Connate Fused to another structure of the same Cleistogamous Refers to a fl ower in which fer- kind. cf . adherent, adnate, coherent. tilisation occurs within the bud, i.e. without Connective The tissue separating two lobes of the fl ower opening. cf . chasmogamous. an anther. Scientifi c Glossary 969

Connivent Converging. Crenulate Minutely crenate, very strongly Conspecifi c Within or belonging to the same scalloped. species. Crested Frilled and ruffl ed edge. Contorted Twisted. Crispate Weakly undulating edge. Convolute Refers to an arrangement of petals in Crisped With a curled or twisted edge. a bud where each has one side overlapping the Cristate Having or forming a crest or crista. adjacent petal. Crozier Shaped like a shepherd’s crook. Cordate Heart-shaped as of leaves. Crustaceous Like a crust; having a hard crust Core Central part. or shell. Coriaceous Leathery texture as of leaves. Cucullate Having the shape of a cowl or hood, A short, swollen, fl eshy, underground hooded. plant stem that serves as a food storage organ Culm The main aerial stem of the Graminae used by some plants to survive winter or other (grasses, sedges, rushes and other adverse conditions. monocots). Cormel A miniature, new corm produced on a Culm sheath The plant casing (similar to a leaf) mature corm. that protects the young during Corn silk The long, fi lamentous styles that growth, attached at each node of culm. grow as a silky tuft or tassel at the tip of an Cultigen Plant species or race known only in ear of corn. cultivation. Corolla The inner fl oral whorl of a fl ower, usu- Cultivated variety; an assemblage of ally consisting of free petals or a petals fused cultivated individuals distinguished by any forming a corolla tube and corolla lobes. adj . characters signifi cant for the purposes of agri- corolline. culture, forestry or horticulture and which, Corona A crown-like section of the staminal when reproduced, retains its distinguishing column, usually with the inner and outer lobes features. as in the Stapelieae . Cuneate Wedge-shaped, obtriangular. Coroniform Crown shaped, as in the pappus of Cupular Cup- shaped, havin a cupule. Asteraceae. Cupule A small cup- shaped structure or organ, Cortex The outer of the stem or root of a plant, like the cup at the base of an acorn. bounded on the outside by the epidermis and Cusp An elongated, usually rigid, acute point. on the inside by the endodermis containing cf . mucro. undifferentiated cells. Cuspidate Terminating in or tipped with a sharp Corymb A fl at-topped, short, broad infl ores- fi rm point or cusp. cf . mucronate. cence, in which the fl owers, through unequal Cuspidulate Constricted into a minute cusp. cf . pedicels, are in one horizontal plane and the cuspidate. youngest in the centre. adj . corymbose Cyathiform In the form of a cup, a little wid- Costa A thickened, linear ridge or the midrib of ened at the top. the pinna in ferns. adj . costate. Cyathium A specialised type of infl ores- Costapalmate Having defi nite costa (midrib) cence of plants in the genus Euphorbia and unlike the typical palmate leaf, but the leafl ets Chamaesyce in which the unisexual fl owers are arranged radially like in a palmate leaf. are clustered together within a bract-like enve- Cotyledon The primary seed leaf within the lope. pl. cyathia. embryo of a seed. Cylindric Tubular or rod shaped. Cover crop Crop grown in between trees or in Cylindric-acuminate Elongated and tapering fi elds primarily to protect the soil from ero- to a point. sion, to improve soil fertility and to keep off Cymbiform Boat shaped, elongated and having weeds. the upper surface decidedly concave. Crenate Round- toothed or scalloped as of leaf Cyme An infl orescence in which the lateral axis margins. grows more strongly than the main axis with 970 Scientifi c Glossary

the oldest fl ower in the centre or at the ends. Dicotyledon Angiosperm with two cotyledons. adj. cymose. Didymous Arranged or occurring in pairs as of Cymule A small cyme or one or a few fl owers. anthers, having two lobes. Cystidium A relatively large cell found on the Digitate Having digits or fi ngerlike projections. hymenium of a Basidiomycete, for example, Dikaryophyses Or dendrophydia, irregularly, on the surface of a mushroom. strongly branched terminal hyphae in the Cystocarp Fruitlike structure (sporocarp) Hymenomycetes (class of Basidiomyctes) developed after fertilisation in the red algae. fungi. Deciduous Falling off or shedding at maturity Dimorphic Having or occurring in two forms, or a specifi c season or stage of growth. as of stamens of two different lengths or a Decorticate To remove the bark, rind or husk plant having two kinds of leaves. from an organ; to strip off its bark; to come Dioecious With male and female unisexual off as a skin. fl owers on separate plants. cf. monoecious. Decompound As of a compound leaf; consist- Diploid A condition in which the chromosomes ing of divisions that are themselves compound. in the nucleus of a cell exist as pairs, one set Decumbent Prostrate, laying or growing on the being derived from the female parent and the ground but with ascending tips. cf. ascending, other from the male. procumbent. Diplobiontic life cycle Life cycle that exhibits Decurrent Having the leaf base tapering down alternation of generations, which features of to a narrow wing that extends to the stem. spore-producing multicellular sporophytes Decussate Having paired organs with succes- and gamete-producing multicellular gameto- sive pairs at right angles to give four rows as phytes. mitoses occur in both the diploid and of leaves. haploid phases. D e fl exed Bent downwards. Diplontic life cycle Or gametic meiosis, Degumming Removal of gum deposits (phos- wherein instead of immediately dividing mei- phatides, entrained oil and meal particles) otically to produce haploid cells, the zygote from crude edible oils traditionally done with divides mitotically to produce a multicellular water. Water degumming process also remove diploid individual or a group of more diploid hydrophilic substances such as sugars from cells. the oil. Diplochory involving two or Dehisce To split open at maturity, as in a capsule. more modes. Dehiscent Splitting open at maturity to release Dipterocarpous Trees of the family the contents. cf. indehiscent. Dipterocarpaceae, with two-winged fruit Deltate Triangular shape. found mainly in tropical lowland rainforest. Deltoid Shaped like an equilateral triangle. Disc (Botany) refers to the usually disc shaped Dendritic Branching from a main stem or axis receptacle of the fl ower head in Asteraceae; like the branches of a tree. also the fl eshy nectariferous organ usually Dentate With sharp, rather coarse teeth perpen- between the stamens and ovary; also used for dicular to the margin. the enlarged style-end in Proteaceae. Denticulate Finely toothed. Disc fl oret The central, tubular 4 or 5-toothed or Diageotropic The tendency of growing parts, lobed fl oret on the disc of an infl orescence, as such as roots, to grow at right angle to the line of fl ower head of Asteraceae. of gravity. Disciform Flat and rounded in shaped. cf. dis- Diadelphous Having stamens in two bundles as coid, radiate. in Papilionaceae fl owers. Discoid Resembling a disc; having a fl at, circu- Dichasium A cymose infl orescence in which lar form; disk-shaped cf. disciform, radiate. the branches are opposite and approximately Discolorous Having two colours, as of a leaf equal. pl . dichasia. adj. dichasial. which has different colors on the two surfaces. Dichotomous Divided into two parts. cf. concolorous. Scientifi c Glossary 971

Disomic Having one or more chromosomes Endocarp The hard innermost layer of the peri- present twice but without the entire genome carp of many fruit. doubled. Endosperm Tissue that surrounds and nour- Dispersal Dissemination of seeds. ishes the embryo in the angiosperm seed. It Distal Site of any structure farthest from the contains starchy carbohydrates, proteins and point of attachment. cf . proximal. small amounts of vitamins and minerals. Distichous Referring to two rows of upright Endospermous Refers to seeds having an leaves in the same plane. endosperm. Dithecous Having two thecae. Ensiform Shaped like the blade of a sword, long Divaricate Diverging at a wide angle. and narrow with sharp edges and a pointed tip. Domatium A part of a plant (e.g. a leaf) that has Endotrophic As of mycorrhiza obtaining nutri- been modifi ed to provide protection for other ents from inside. organisms. pl. domatia. Ensilage The process of preserving green food Dormancy A resting period in the life of a for livestock in an undried condition in airtight plant during which growth slows or appears conditions. Also called silaging. to stop. Entire Having a smooth, continous margin Dorsal Referring to the back surface. without any incisions or teeth as of a leaf. Dorsifi xed Attached to the back as of anthers. Entisols Soils that do not show any profi le Drupaceous Resembling a drupe. development other than an A horizon. Drupe A fl eshy fruit with a single seed enclosed Ephemeral Transitory, short- lived. in a hard shell (endocarp) which is tissue Epicalyx A whorl of bracts, subtending and embedded in succulent tissue (mesocarp) sur- resembling a calyx. rounded by a thin outer skin (epicarp). adj. Epicarp Outermost layer of the pericarp of a drupaceous. fruit. Drupelet A small drupe. Epicormic Attached to the corm. Ebracteate Without bracts. Epicotyl The upper portion of the embryonic Echinate Bearing stiff, stout, bristly, prickly axis, above the cotyledons and below the fi rst hairs. true leaves. Edaphic Refers to plant communities that are Epigeal Above grounds with cotyledons raised distinguished by soil conditions rather than by above ground. climate. Epiparasite An organism parasitic on another Eglandular Without glands. cf. glandular. that parasitises a third. Elaioplasts A type of leucoplast that is special- Epipetalous Borne on the petals, as of stamens. ised for the storage of lipids in plants. Epiphyte A plant growing on, but not para- Elaiosome Fleshy lipid-rich structures that are sitic on, another plant, deriving its moisture attached to the seeds of many plant species. and nutrients from the air and rain e.g. some Ellipsoid A 3-dimensional shape; elliptic in Orchidaceae. adj. epiphytic. outline. Epithet Name. Elliptic Having a 2-dimensional shape of an Equitant In a loose fan pattern. ellipse or fl attened circle. Erect Upright, vertical. Elongate Extended, stretched out. Essential oils Volatile products obtained from Emarginate Refers to leaf with a broad, shal- a natural source; refers to volatile products low notch at the apex. cf. retuse. obtained by steam or water distillation in a Embryo (Botany) a minute rudimentary plant strict sense. contained within a seed or an archegonium, Etiolation To cause (a plant) to develop with- composed of the embryonic axis (shoot end out chlorophyll by preventing exposure to and root end). sunlight. Endemic Prevalent in or peculiar to a particular Eutrophic Having waters rich in mineral and geographical locality or region. organic nutrients that promote a proliferation 972 Scientifi c Glossary

of plant life, especially algae, which reduces Fodder Plant material, fresh or dried fed to the dissolved oxygen content and often causes animals. the extinction of other organisms. Foliaceous Leaf-like. Excentric Off the true centre. Foliage Leaves of the plant. Excrescence Abnormal outgrowth. Foliar Pertaining to a leaf. Excurrent Projecting beyond the tip, as the Foliolate Pertaining to leafl ets, used with a midrib of a leaf or bract. number prefi x to denote the number of leafl ets. Exserted Sticking out, protruding beyond some Foliose Leaf- like. enclosing organ, as of stamens which project Follicle (Botany) a dry fruit, derived from a beyond the corolla or perianth. single carpel and dehiscing along one suture. Exstipulate Without stipules. cf. stipulate. F o r b Any herb that is not grass or grass-like. Extra-fl oral Outside the fl ower. Foveolate Surface pitted with shallow Extrose Turned outwards or away from the axis depressions. as of anthers. cf. introrse, latrorse. Free central placentation The arrangement of Falcate Sickle- shaped, crescent-shaped. ovules on a central column that is not con- Fascicle A cluster or bundle of stems, fl owers, nected to the ovary wall by partitions, as in the stamens. adj. fasciculate. ovaries of the carnation and primrose. Fasciclode Staminode bundles. Frond The leaf of a fern or cycad. Fastigiate A tree in which the branches grow Fruit Ripened ovary with adnate parts. almost vertically. Frutescent Shrubby. Ferrosols Soils with an iron oxide content of Fugacious Shedding off early. greater than 5 %. Fulvous Yellow, tawny. Ferruginous Rust coloured, reddish- brown. Funiculus (Botany) short stalk which attaches Fertile Having functional sexual parts which the ovule to the ovary wall. are capable of fertilisation and seed produc- Fuscescent Dusky. tion. cf. sterile. Fusiform A 3-dimensional shape; spindle Filament The stalk of a stamen supporting and shaped, i.e. broad in the centre and tapering subtending the anther. at both ends thick, but tapering at both ends. Filiform Having the form of or resembling a Gall-fl owers Short styled fl owers that do not thread or fi lament. develop into a fruit but are adapted for the Fimbriate Fringed. development of a specifi c wasp within the Fixed oils Non volatile oils, triglycerides of fruit e.g. in the fi g. fatty acids. Gamete A reproductive cell that fuses with Flaccid Limp and weak. another gamete to form a zygote. Gametes Flag leaf The uppermost leaf on the stem. are haploid, (they contain half the nor- Flaky In the shape of fl akes or scales. mal (diploid) number of chromosomes); Flexuous Zig-zagging, sinuous, bending, as of thus when two fuse, the diploid number is a stem. restored. Floccose Covered with tufts of soft woolly hairs. Gametophyte The gamete- producing phase Floral tube A fl ower tube usually formed by the in a plant characterised by alternation of basal fusion of the perianth and stamens. generations. Floret One of the small individual fl owers of Gamosepalous With sepals united or partially sunfl ower family or the reduced fl ower of the united. grasses, including the lemma and palea. Genome Complete set of genetic material of an The sexual reproductive organ of fl ow- organism. ering plants, typically consisting of gynoe- Geniculate Bent like a knee, refer to awns and cium, androecium and perianth or calyx and/ fi laments. or corolla and the axis bearing these parts. Geocarpic Where the fruit are pushed into the Fluted As of a trunk with grooves and folds. soil by the gynophore and mature. Scientifi c Glossary 973

Geophyte A plant that stores food in an under- are usually arranged in cone-like structures ground storage organ e.g. a tuber, bulb or rhi- and not borne in an ovary. cf. angiosperm. zome and has subterranean buds which form Gynoecium The female organ of a fl ower; a col- aerial growth. lective term for the pistil, carpel or carpels. Geotextile Are permeable fabrics which, when Gynomonoecious Having female fl owers used in association with soil, have the ability and bisexual fl owers on the same plant. cf. to separate, fi lter, reinforce, protect or drain. andromonoecious. Germ Of cereal is the embryo of the seed or Gynophore Stalk that bears the pistil/carpel. kernel. It contains vitamins B, E, folic acid, Habit The general growth form of a plant, com- some protein, minerals and polyunsaturated prising its size, shape, texture and stem orien- fats. tation, the locality in which the plant grows. Glabrescent Becoming glabrous. Halophyte A plant adapted to living in highly Glabrous Smooth, hairless without pubescence. saline habitats. Also, a plant that accumulates Gland A secretory organ, e.g. a nectary, high concentrations of salt in its tissues. adj. extra-fl oral nectary or a gland tipped, hair- halophytic. like or wart-like organ. adj. glandular. cf. Hapaxanthic Refer to palms which fl owers eglandular. only once and then dies. c.f. pleonanthic. Glaucous Pale blue-green in colour, covered Haploid Condition where nucleus or cell has a with a whitish bloom that rubs off readily. single set of unpaired chromosomes, the hap- Gley soils A hydric soil which exhibits a loid number is designated as n . greenish-blue-grey soil color due to wetland Haplontic life cycle Or zygotic meiosis wherein conditions. meiosis of a zygote immediately after karyog- Globose Spherical in shape. amy, produces haploid cells which produces Globular A three-dimensional shape; spherical more or larger haploid cells ending its diploid or orbicular; circular in outline. phase. Glochids T i n y , fi nely barbed hair-like spines Hastate Having the shape of an arrowhead but found on the areoles of some cacti and other with the basal lobes pointing outward at right plants. angles as of a leaf. Glochidiate Having glochids. Hastula A piece of plant material at the junction Glochidote Plant having gkochids. of the petiole and the leaf blade; the hastula Glume One of the two small, sterile bracts at can be found on the top of the leaf, adaxial or the base of the grass spikelet, called the lower the bottom, abaxial or both sides. and upper glumes, due to their position on the Heartwood Wood from the inner portion of a rachilla. Also used in Apiaceae, Cyperaceae tree. for the very small bracts on the spikelet in Heliophilous Sun-loving, tolerates high level of which each fl ower is subtended by one fl oral sunlight. glume. adj. glumaceous. Heliotropic Growing towards sunlight. Grits Consist of coarsely ground corn or some- Herb A plant which is non-woody or woody at times alkali-treated corn. the base only, the above ground stems usually Groats Hulled, whole grains of various cereals, being ephemeral. adj. herbaceous. such as oats, wheat, barley or buckwheat, it Herbaceous Resembling a herb, having a habit includes the cereal germ, fi ber-rich bran por- of a herb. tion and endosperm of the grain. Hermaphrodite Bisexual, bearing fl owers with Guttation The appearance of drops of xylem both androecium and gynoecium in the same sap on the tips or edges of leaves of some vas- fl ower. adj. hermaphroditic. cular plants, such as grasses and bamboos. Heterocyst A differentiated cyanobacterial cell Guttule Small droplet. that carries out nitrogen fi xation. Gymnosperm A group of spermatophyte seed- Heterogamous Bearing separate male and bearing plants with ovules on scales, which female fl owers, bisexual and female fl owers 974 Scientifi c Glossary

or fl orets in an infl orescence or fl ower head, Homosporous Producing one kind of e.g. some Asteraceae in which the ray fl orets spores. Refer to the ferns and fern allies. cf. may be neuter or unisexual and the disk fl orets heterosporous. may be bisexual. cf. homogamous. Hurd fi bre Long pith fi bre of the stem. Heteromorphous Having two or more distinct Hyaline Colourless, almost transparent. forms. cf. homomorphous. Hybrid The fi rst generation progeny of the sex- Heterophyllous Having leaves of different ual union of plants belonging to different taxa. form. Hybridisation The crossing of individuals from Heterosporous Producing spores of two sizes, different species or taxa. the larger giving rise to megagametophytes Hydathode A type of secretory tissue in leaves, (female), the smaller giving rise to microga- usually of Angiosperms, that secretes water metophytes (male). Refer to the ferns and fern through pores in the epidermis or margin of allies. cf. homosporous. the leaf. Heterostylous Having styles of two different Hydrophilous Water loving; requiring water lengths or forms. in order to be fertilised, referring to many Heterostyly The condition in which fl owers on aquatic plants. polymorphous plants have styles of different Hygrochastic Applied to plants in which the lengths, therby facilting cross-pollination. opening of the fruit is caused by the absorp- Hilar Of or relating to a hilum. tion of water. Hilum The scar on a seed, indicating the point Hygrophilous Living in water or moist places. of attachment to the funiculus. Hymenial cystidia The cells of the hymenium Hirsute Bearing long coarse hairs. develop into basidia or asci, while in others Hispid Bearing stiff, short, rough hairs or some cells develop into sterile cells called bristles. cystidia. Hispidulous Minutely hispid. Hymenium Spore- bearing layer of cells in cer- Histosol Soil comprising primarily of organic tain fungi containing asci (Ascomycetes) or materials, having 40 cm or more of organic basidia (Basidiomycetes). soil material in the upper 80 cm. Hypanthium Cup-like receptacles of some Hoary Covered with a greyish layer of very dicotyledonous fl owers formed by the fusion short, closely interwoven hairs. of the calyx, corolla and androecium that sur- Holdfast An organ or structure of attachment, rounds the ovary which bears the sepals, petals especially the basal, root-like formation by and stamens. Adj. relating to or of the nature which certain seaweeds or other algae are of a hypanthium. attached to a substrate. Hypha Is a long, branching fi lamentous cell of Holocarpic Having the entire thallus developed a fungus and also of unrelated Actinobacteria. into a fruiting body or sporangium. pl. hyphae. Homochromous Having all the fl orets of Hypocotyl The portion of the stem below the the same colour in the same fl ower head cf. cotyledons. heterochromous. Hypodermis The cell layer beneath the epider- Homogamous Bearing fl owers or fl orets that do mis of the pericarp. not differ sexually cf. heterogamous. Hypogeal Below ground as of germination of Homogenous endosperm Endosperm with seed. even surface that lacks invaginations or infold- Hysteresis Refers to systems that may exhibit ings of the surrounding tissue. path dependence. Homogonium A part of a fi lament of a cya- Imbricate Closely packed and overlapping. cf . nobacterium that detaches and grows by cell valvate. division into a new fi lament. pl. homogonia. Imparipinnate Pinnately compound with a Homomorphous Uniform, with only one form. single terminal leafl et and hence with an odd cf. heteromorphous. number of leafl ets. cf. paripinnate. Scientifi c Glossary 975

Inceptisols Old soils that have no accumulation Interpetiolar As of stipules positioned between of clays, iron, aluminium or organic matter. petioles of opposite leaves. Incised Cut jaggedly with very deep teeth. Intrastaminal Within the stamens. Included Referring to stamens which do not Intricate Entangled, complex. project beyond the corolla or to valves which Introduced Not indigenous; not native to the do not extend beyond the rim of a capsular area in which it now occurs. fruit. cf. exserted. Introrse Turned inwards or towards the axis or Incurved Curved inwards; curved towards the pistil as of anthers. cf. extrorse, latrorse. base or apex. Involucre A whorl of bracts or leaves that Indefi nite Numerous and variable in number. surround one to many fl owers or an entire Indehiscent Not opening or splitting to infl orescence. release the contents at maturity as of fruit. cf. Involute Having the margins rolled inwards, dehiscent. referring to a leaf or other fl at organ. Indumentum Covering of fi ne hairs or bristles Jugate Of a pinnate leaf; having leafl ets in pairs. commonly found on external parts of plants. Juvenile Young or immature, used here for Indurate To become hard, often the hardening leaves formed on a young plant which are dif- developed only at maturity. ferent in morphology from those formed on an Indusium An enclosing membrane, covering older plant. the sorus of a fern. Also used for the modifi ed K e e l A longitudinal ridge at the back of the style end or pollen-cup of some Goodeniaceae leaf. Also, the two lower fused petals of a (including Brunoniaceae ). adj. indusiate. ‘pea’ fl ower in the Papilionaceae, which form Inferior Said of an ovary or fruit that has a boat-like structure around the stamens and sepals, petals and stamens above the ovary. cf. styles, also called carina. adj. keeled. cf. stan- superior. dard, wing. I n fl ated Enlarged and hollow except in the case Labellum The modifi ed lowest of the three of a fruit which may contain a seed. cf. swollen. petals forming the corolla of an orchid, usu- I n fl exed Bent or curved inward or downward, ally larger than the other two petals and often as petals or sepals. spurred. I n fl orescence A fl ower cluster or the arrange- Lacerate Irregularly cleft. ment of fl owers in relation to the axis and to Laciniate Fringed; having a fringe of slender, each other on a plant. narrow, pointed lobes cut into narrow lobes. Infrafoliar Located below the leaves. Lamella A gill-shaped structure: fi ne sheets of Infraspecifi c Referring to any taxon below the material held adjacent to one another. species rank. Lamina The blade of the leaf or frond. Infructescence The fruiting stage of an Lanate Wooly, covered with long hairs which infl orescence. are loosely curled together like wool. Infundibulum Funnel shaped cavity or Lanceolate Lance-shaped in outline, tapering structure. from a broad base to the apex. Inrolled Curved inwards. Landrace Plants adapted to the natural environ- Integuments Two distinct tissue layers that sur- ment in which they grow, developing naturally round the nucellus of the ovule, forming the with minimal assistance or guidance from testa or seed coat when mature. humans and usually possess more diverse phe- Intercalary Of growth, between the apex and notypes and genotypes. They have not been the base; of cells, spores, etc., between two improved by formal breeding programs. cells. Laterite Reddish–coloured soils rich in iron Interfoliar Inter leaf. oxide, formed by weathering of rocks under Internode Portion of the stem, culm, branch oxidising and leaching conditions, commonly or rhizome between two nodes or points of found in tropical and subtropical regions. adj. attachment of the leaves. lateritic. 976 Scientifi c Glossary

Latex A milky, clear or sometimes coloured Lithosol A kind of shallow soils lacking sap of diverse composition exuded by some well-defi ned horizons and composed of plants. imperfectly weathered fragments of rock. Latrorse Turned sideways, i.e. not towards or Littoral Of or on a shore, especially seashore. away from the axis as of anthers dehiscing Loam A type of soil mad up of sand, silt and longitudinally on the side. cf. extrorse, introse. clay in relative concentration of 40-40-20 % L a x Loose or limp, not densely arranged or respectively. crowded. Lobed Divided but not to the base. Leafl et One of the ultimate segments of a com- Loculicidal Opening into the cells, when a ripe pound leaf. capsule splits along the back. Lectotype A specimen chosen after the original Loculus Cavity or chamber of an ovary. pl. description to be the type. loculi. Lemma The lower of two bracts (scales) of a Lodicules Two small structures below the ovary grass fl oret, usually enclosing the palea, lodi- which, at fl owering, swell up and force open cules, stamens and ovary. the enclosing bracts, exposing the stamens Lenticel Is a lens shaped opening that allows and carpel. gases to be exchanged between air and the Lorate Strap-shaped with obtuse tip. inner tissues of a plant, commonly found on Lyrate Pinnately lobed, with a large terminal young bark, or the surface of the fruit. lobe and smaller laterals ones which become Lenticellate Dotted with lenticels. progressively smaller towards the base. Lenticular Shaped like a biconvex lens. cf. Macronutrients Chemical elements which lentiform. are needed in large quantities for growth and Lentiform Shaped like a biconvex lens, cf. development by plants and include nitrogen, lenticular. phopshorus, potassium and magnesium. Leptomorphic Temperate, running bamboo Maculate Spotted. rhizome; usually thinner then the culms Mallee A growth habit in which several to many they support and the internodes are long and woody stems arise separately from a lignotu- hollow. ber; usually applied to certain low-growing Liane A woody climbing or twining plant. species of Eucalyptus. Ligneous Woody. Mangrove A distinctive vegetation type of trees Lignotuber A woody, usually underground, and shrubs with modifi ed roots, often vivipa- tuberous rootstock often giving rise to numer- rous, occupying the saline coastal habitats that ous aerial stems. are subject to periodic tidal inundation. Ligulate Small and tongue shaped or with a Marcescent Withering or to decay without fall- little tongue shaped appendage or ligule, star ing off. shaped as of fl orets of Asteraceae. Margin The edge of the leaf blade. Ligule A strap-shaped corolla in the fl owers Medulla The pith in the stems or roots of cer- of Asteraceae; also a thin membranous out- tain plants; or the central portion of a thallus growth from the inner junction of the grass in certain lichens. leaf sheath and blade. cf. ligulate. Megasporangium The sporangium contain- Limb The expanded portion of the calyx tube or ing megaspores in fern and fern allies. cf. the corolla tube or the large branch of a tree. microsporangium. Linear A 2-dimensional shape, narrow with Megaspore The large spore which may develop nearly parallel sides. into the female gametophyte in heterosporous Linguiform Tongue shaped cf. ligulate. ferns and fern allies. cf. microspore. Lipotubuloids Are cytoplasmic domains con- Megasporophyll A leafl ike structure that bears taining aggragates of lipid bodies surrounded megasporangia. by a network of microtubules, which join one Megastrobilus Female cone, seed cone or ovu- lipid body with the others. late cone, contains ovules within which, when Scientifi c Glossary 977

fertilised by pollen, become seeds. The female Monoecious Having both male and female cone structure varies more markedly between unisexual fl owers on the same individual the different conifer families. plant. cf. dioecious. Meiosis The process of cell division that results Monoembryonic seed The seed contains only in the formation of haploid cells from diploid one embryo, a true sexual (zygotic) embryo. cells to produce gametes. polyembryonic seed. Mericarp A 1-seeded portion of an initially Monolete A spore that has a simple linear scar. syncarpous fruit (schizocarp) which splits Monopodial With a main terminal growing apart at maturity. cf. coccus. point producing many lateral branches pro- Meristem The region of active cell division gressively. cf. sympodial. in plants, from which permanent tissue is Monostichous Forming one row. derived. adj. meristematic. Monotypic Of a genus with one species or a Merous Used with a number prefi x to denote the family with one genus; in general, applied to basic number of the three outer fl oral whorls, any taxon with only one immediately subor- e.g. a 5-merous fl ower may have fi ve sepals, dinate taxon. ten petals and 15 stamens. Montane Refers to highland areas located Mesic Moderately wet. below the subalpine zone. Mesocarp The middle layer of the fruit wall Mucilage A soft, moist, viscous, sticky secre- derived from the middle layer of the carpel tion. adj. mucilaginous. wall. cf. endocarp, exocarp, pericarp. Mucous (Botany) slimy. Mesophytes Terrestrial plants which are Mucro A sharp, pointed part or organ, espe- adapted to neither a particularly dry nor par- cially a sharp terminal point, as of a leaf. ticularly wet environment. Mucronate Ending with a short, sharp tip or Micropyle The small opening in a plant ovule mucro, resembling a spine. cf . cuspidate, through which the pollen tube passes in order muticous. to effect fertilisation. Mucronulate With a very small mucro; a Microsporangium The sporangium con- diminutive of mucronate. taining microspores in petridophyes. cf. Mulch Protective cover of plant (organic) or megasporangium. non-plant material placed over the soil, pri- Microspore A small spore which gives rise marily to modify and improve the effects of to the male gametophyte in heterosporous the local microclimate and to control weeds. pteridophytes. Also for a pollen grain. cf. Multiple fruit A fruit that is formed from a megaspore. cluster of fl owers. Midvein The main vascular supply of a simple Muricate Covered with numerous short hard leaf blade or lamina. Also called mid-rib. outgrowths. cf . papillose. Mitosis Is a process of cell division which Muriculate With numerous minute hard out- results in the production of two daughter cells growths; a diminutive of muricate. from a single parent cell. Muticous Blunt, lacking a sharp point. cf . Mollisols Soils with deep, high organic matter, mucronate. nutrient-enriched surface soil (A horizon), MYB proteins Are a superfamily of transcrip- typically between 60 and 80 cm thick. tion factors that play regulatory roles in devel- Monadelphous Applied to stamens united by opmental processes and defense responses in their fi laments into a single bundle. plants. Monocarpic Refer to plants that fl ower, set Mycorrhiza The mutualistic symbiosis (non- seeds and then die. pathogenic association) between soil-borne Monochasial A cyme having a single fl ower on fungi with the roots of higher plants. each axis. Mycorrhiza (vesicular arbuscular) Angiopsrem having one Endomycorrhiza living in the roots of higher cotyledon. plants producing inter-and intracellular fungal 978 Scientifi c Glossary

growth in root cortex and forming specifi c Nom. rej. Nomen rejiciendum (Latin) name fungal structures, referred to as vesicles and rejected in International Code of Botanical arbuscles. abbrev. VAM. Nomenclature. Myrmecochory Seed dispersal by ants. Notho- (Subsp. or var.) prefi x to the rank of a N a t i v e A plant indigenous to the locality or hybrid taxon below the rank of species. region. Nucellus Central portion of an ovule in which Naviculate Boat- shaped. the embryo sac develops. Necrotic Applied to dead tissue. Nucellar embryony A form of seed Nectariferous Having one or more nectaries. reproduction in which the nucellar tissue Nectary A nectar-secretory gland; commonly which surrounds the embryo sac can produce in a fl ower, sometimes on leaves, fronds or additional embryos (polyembryony) which stems. are genetically identical to the parent plant. Nervation Venation, a pattern of veins or nerves This is found in many citrus species and in as of leaf. mango. Nixtamalisation Refers to a process for the N u t A dry indehiscent 1-celled fruit with a hard preparation of maize (corn) or other grain, pericarp. in which the grains are soaked and cooked in Nutlet A small. 1-seeded, indehiscent lobe of a an alkaline solution, usually limewater, and divided fruit. hulled. O b - Prefi x meaning inverse or opposite to. Node The joint between segments of a culm, Obconic A 3-dimensional shape; inversely stem, branch or rhizome; the point of the stem conic; cone shaped, conic with the vertex that gives rise to the leaf and bud. pointing downward. Nodule A small knoblike outgrowth, as those Obcordate Inversely cordate, broad and found on the roots of many leguminous, that notched at the tip; heart shaped but attached at containing Rhizobium bacteria which fi xes the pointed end. nitrogen in the soil. Obdeltate Inversely deltate; deltate with the Nom. ambig. Nomen ambiguum (Latin) ambig- broadest part at the apex. uous name used in different senses which has Oblanceolate Inversely lanceolate, lance- become a long- persistent source of error. shaped but broadest above the middle and Nom. cons. Nomen nonservandum (Latin) name tapering toward the base as of leaf. conserved in International Code of Botanical Oblate Having the shape of a spheroid with Nomenclature. the equatorial diameter greater than the polar Nom. dub. (Latin) an invalid diameter; being fl attened at the poles. proposed taxonomic name because it is not Oblong Longer than broad with sides nearly accompanied by a defi nition or description of parallel to each other. the taxon to which it applies. Obovate Inversely ovate, broadest above the Nom. illeg. Nomen illegitimum (Latin) ille- middle. gitimate taxon deemed as superfl uous at its Obpyramidal Resembling a 4-sided pyramid time of publication either because the taxon attached at the apex with the square base fac- to which it was applied already has a name or ing away from the attachment. because the name has already been applied to Obpyriform Inversely pyriform, resembling a another plant. pear which is attached at the narrower end. cf. Nom. invalid. Nomen invalidum (Latin) invalid pyriform. name according to International Code of Obspathulate Inversely spathulate; resembling Botanical Nomenclature. a spoon but attached at the broadest end. cf. Nom. nud. Nomen nudum (Latin) the name of spathulate. a taxon which has never been validated by a Obtriangular Inversely triangular; triangular description. but attached at the apex. cf. triangular. Scientifi c Glossary 979

Obtrullate Inversely trullate; resembling a Pachymorphic Describes the short, thick trowel blade with the broadest axis above the rhizomes of clumping bamboos with short, middle. cf. trullate. thick and solid inter-node (except the bud- Obtuse With a blunt or rounded tip, the con- bearing internodes, which are more elon- verging edges separated by an angle greater gated). cf. sympodial. than 90°. Palate (Botany) a raised appendage on the lower -oid Suffi x denoting a 3-dimensional shape, e.g. lip of a corolla which partially or completely spheroid. closes the throat. Ochraceous A dull yellow color. Palea The upper of the two membraneous Ocreate Having a tube-like covering around bracts of a grass fl oret, usually enclosing the some stems, formed of the united stipules; lodicules, stamens and ovary. pl. paleae. adj. sheathed. paleal. cf . lemma. Oleaginous Oily. Paleate Having glumes. Oligotrophic Lacking in plant nutrients and Palm heart Refers to soft, tender inner core and having a large amount of dissolved oxygen growing bud of certain palm trees which are throughout. eaten as vegetables. Also called heart of palm, Operculum A lid or cover that becomes palmito, burglar’s thigh, chonta or swamp detached at maturity by abscission, e.g. in cabbage. Eucalyptus, also a cap or lid covering the bud Palmate Describing a leaf which is divided into and formed by fusion or cohesion of sepals several lobes or leafl ets which arise from the and/or petals. adj. operculate. same point. adj. palmately. Opposite Describing leaves or other organs Palmito See palm heart. which are borne at the same level but on oppo- Palustrial Paludal, swampy, marshy. site sides of the stem. cf. alternate. Palustrine Marshy, swampy. Orbicular Of circular outline, disc- like. Palustrine herb Vegetation that is rooted below Order A taxonomic rank between class and water but grows above the surface in wetland family used in the classifi cation of organisms, system. i.e. a group of families believed to be closely Panduriform Fiddle shaped, usually with refer- related. ence to two dimensions. Orifi ce An opening or aperture. Panicle A compound, indeterminate, racemose Organosols Soils not regularly inundated by infl orescence in which the main axis bears lat- marine waters and containing a specifi c thick- eral racemes or spikes. adj. paniculate. ness of organic materials within the upper part Pantropical Distributed through-out the tropics. of the profi le. Papilionaceous Butterfl y-like, said of the pea Orth. Var. Orthographic variant, i.e. an incor- fl ower or fl owers of Papilionaceae, fl owers rect alternate spelling of a name. which are zygomorphic with imbricate pet- Ovary The female part of the pistil of a fl ower als, one broad upper one, two narrower lateral which contains the ovules (immature seeds). ones and two narrower lower ones. Ovate Egg-shaped, usually with reference to Papilla A small, superfi cial protuberance on the two dimensions. surface of an organ being an outgrowth of one Ovoid Egg-shaped, usually with reference to epidermal cell. pl. papillae. adj. papillose. three dimensions. Papillate Having papillae. Ovule The young, immature seed in the ovary Papillose Covered with papillae. which becomes a seed after fertilisation. adj. Pappus A tuft (or ring) of hairs, bristles or ovular. scales borne above the ovary and outside the Ovulode A sterile reduced ovule borne on the corolla as in Asteraceae often persisting as a placenta, commonly occurring in Myrtaceae. tuft of hairs on a fruit. adj. pappose. Oxisols Refer to ferralsols. Papyraceous Resembling parchment of paper. 980 Scientifi c Glossary

Parenchyma Undifferentiated plant tissue Pericarp (Botany). The wall of a ripened ovary; composed of more or less uniform cells. fruit wall composed of the exocarp, mesocarp Parietal Describes the attachment of ovules to and endocarp. the outer walls of the ovaries. Persistent Remaining attached; not falling off. Paripinnate Pinnate with an even number cf. caduceus. of leafl ets and without a terminal leafl et. cf. Petal Free segment of the corolla. adj. petaline. imparipinnate. cf. lobe. -partite Divided almost to the base into seg- Petiolar Relating to the petiole. ments, the number of segments written as a Petiolate Having petiole. prefi x. Petiole Leaf stalk. adj. petiolate. Patelliform Shaped like a limpet shell; cap- Petiolulate Supported by its own petiolule. shaped and without whorls. Petiolule The stalk of a leafl et in a compound Patent Diverging from the axis almost at right leaf. adj . petiolulate. angles. p H Is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a P e a t Is an accumulation of partially decayed solution. It is defi ned as the cologarithm of the vegetation matter. activity of dissolved hydrogen ions (H+). Pectin A group of water-soluble colloidal car- Phenology The study of periodic plant life cycle bohydrates of high molecular weight found in events as infl uenced by seasonal and interan- certain ripe fruit. nual variations in climate. Pectinate Pinnatifi d with narrow segments Phyllary A bract of the involucre of a compos- resembling the teeth of a comb. ite plant, term for one of the scale-like bracts Pedicel The stalk of the fl ower or stalk of a beneath the fl ower-head in Asteraceae. spikelet in Poaceae. adj. pedicellate. Phylloclade A fl attened, photosynthetic branch Pedicellate Having pedicel. or stem that resembles or performs the func- Peduncle A stalk supporting an infl orescence. tion of a leaf, with the true leaves represented adj. pedunculate. by scales. Pellucid Allowing the passage of light; trans- Phyllode A petiole that function as a leaf. adj. parent or translucent. phyllodineous. cf. cladode. Pellucid-dotted Copiously dotted with Phyllopodia Refer to the reduced, scale-like immersed, pellucid, resinous glands. leaves found on the outermost portion of the Peltate With the petiole attached to the lower corm where they seem to persist longer than surface of the leaf blade. typical sporophylls as in the fern Isoetes. Pendant Hanging down. Phytoremediation Describes the treatment of Pendulous Drooping, as of ovules. environmental problems (bioremediation) Penniveined or penni- nerved Pinnately through the use of plants which mitigate the veined. environmental problem without the need to Pentamerous In fi ve parts. excavate the contaminant material and dispose Perennial A plant that completes it life cycle of it elsewhere. or lives for more than two years. cf. annual, Pileus (Botany) cap of mushroom. biennial. Piliferous (Botany) bearing or producing hairs, Perfoliate A leaf with the basal lobes united as of an organ with the apex having long, hair- around–and apparently pierced by–the like extensions. stem. Pilose Covered with fi ne soft hairs. Pergamentaceous Parchment- like. Pinna A primary division of the blade of a com- Perianth The two outer fl oral whorls of the pound leaf or frond. pl. pinnae. Angiosperm fl ower; commonly used when Pinnate Bearing leafl ets on each side of a cen- the calyx and the corolla are not readily tral axis of a compound leaf; divided into distinguishable (as in ). pinnae. Scientifi c Glossary 981

Pinnatifi d, pinnatilobed A pinnate leaf parted Polymorphic With different morphological approximately halfway to midrib; when variants. divided to almost to the mid rib described as Polypetalous (Botany) having a corolla com- deeply pinnatifi d or pinnatisect. posed of distinct, separable petals. Pinnatisect Lobed or divided almost to the P o m e A fl eshy fruit where the succulent tissues midrib. are developed from the receptacle. Pinnule A leafl et of a bipinnate compound leaf. P o r e A tiny opening. Pistil Female part of the fl ower comprising the Premorse Abruptly truncated, as though bitten ovary, style and stigma. or broken off as of a leaf. Pistillate Having one or more pistils; having Procumbent Trailing or spreading along the pistils but no stamens. ground but not rooting at the nodes, referring Placenta The region within the ovary to which to stems. cf. ascending, decumbent, erect. ovules are attached. pl. placentae. Pro hyb. (Latin) as a hybrid. Placentation The arrangement of the placentae Pro parte (Latin) in part. and ovules in the ovary. Pro Parte majore (Latin) for the greater part. Plano- A prefi x meaning level or fl at. Pro parte minore (Latin) for a small part. Pleonanthic Refer to palms in which the stem Pro sp. (Latin) as a species. does not die after fl owering. Pro subsp. (Latin) as a subspecies. Plicate Folded like a fan. Pro syn. (Latin) as a synoym. Plumose Feather-like, with fi ne hairs arising Prophyll A plant structure that resembles a leaf. laterally from a central axis; feathery. Prostrate Lying fl at on the ground. Pneumatophore Modifi ed root which allows Protandous Relating to a fl ower in which the gaseous exchange in mud-dwelling shrubs, anthers release their pollen before the stigma e.g. mangroves. of the same fl ower becomes receptive. P o d A dry 1 to many-seeded dehiscent Proximal End of any structure closest to the fruit, as applied to the fruit of Fabaceae, point of attachment. cf. distal. i.e. Caesalpiniaceae, Mimosaceae and Pruinose Having a thick, waxy, powdery coat- Papilionaceae. ing or bloom. Podzol, Podsolic soil Any of a group of acidic, Pseudocarp A false fruit, largely made up of zonal soils having a leached, light-coloured, tissue that is not derived from the ovary but gray and ashy appearance. Also called from fl oral parts such as the receptacle and spodosol. calyx. Pollen cone Male cone or microstrobilus or Pseudostem The false, herbaceous stem of a pollen cone is structurally similar across all banana plant composed of overlapping leaf conifers, extending out from a central axis are bases. microsporophylls (modifi ed leaves). Under Pteridophyte A vascular plant which repro- each microsporophyll is one or several micro- duces by spores; the ferns and fern allies. sporangia (pollen sacs). Puberulent Covered with minute hairs or very Pollinia The paired, waxy pollen masses of fi ne down; fi nely pubescent. fl owers of orchids and milkweeds. Puberulous Covered with a minute down. Polyandrous (Botany) having an indefi nite Pubescent Covered with short, soft hairs. number of stamens. Pulvinate Having a swelling, pulvinus at the Polyembryonic seed Seeds contain many base as a leaf stalk. embryos, most of which are asexual (nucel- Pulvinus Swelling at the base of leaf stalk. lar) in origin and genetically identical to the Pulviniform Swelling or bulging. maternal parent. Punctate Marked with translucent dots or Polygamous With unisexual and bisexual fl ow- glands. ers on the same or on different individuals of Punctiform Marked by or composed of points the same species. or dots. 982 Scientifi c Glossary

Punctulate Marked with minute dots; a diminu- Rhizine A root-like fi lament or hair growing tive of punctate. from the stems of mosses or on lichens. Purpurascent Purple or becoming purple. Rhizoid Root-like fi laments in a moss, fern, fun- Pusticulate Characterised by small pustules. gus, etc. that attach the plant to the substratum. Pyrene The stone or pit of a drupe, consisting of Rhizome A prostrate or underground stem con- the hardened endocarp and seed. sisting of a series of nodes and internodes with Pyriform Pear- shaped, a 3-dimensional shape; adventitious roots and which generally grows attached at the broader end. cf. obpyriform. horizontally. Pyxidium Seed capsule having a circular lid Rhizophore A stilt-like outgrowth of the stem (operculum) which falls off to release the seed. which branches into roots on contact with the Raceme An indeterminate infl orescence with a substrate. simple, elongated axis and pedicellate fl owers, Rhombic Shaped like a rhombus. youngest at the top. adj. racemose. Rhomboid Shaped like a rhombus. Rachilla The main axis of a grass spikelet. R i b A distinct vein or linear marking, often Rachis The main axis of the spike or other infl o- raised as a linear ridge. rescence of grasses or a compound leaf. Riparian Along the river margins, interface Radiate Arranged around a common centre, as between land and a stream. of an infl orescence of Asteraceae with mar- Rosette A tuft of leaves or other organs arranged ginal, female or neuter, ligulate ray-fl orets and spirally like petals in a rose, ranging in form central, perfect or functionally male, tubular, from a hemispherical tuft to a fl at whorl. adj. disc fl orets. cf . disciform, discoid. rosetted, rosulate. Radical Arising from the root or its crown or the Rostrate Beaked; the apex tapered into a slen- part of a plant embryo that develops into a root. der, usually obtuse point. R a y The marginal portion of the infl orescence Rostrum A beak-like extension. of Asteraceae and Apiaceae when distinct Rosulate Having a rosette. from the disc. Also, the spreading branches of Rotate Wheel shaped; refers to a corolla with a compound umbel. a very short tube and a broad upper part Receptacle The region at the end of a pedicel or which is fl ared at right angles to the tube. cf. on an axis which bears one or more fl owers. salverform . adj. receptacular. Rotundate Rounded; especially at the end or Recurved Curved downwards or backwards. ends. R e fl exed Bent or turned downward. Rugae Refers to a series of ridges produced by Regosol Soil that is young and undeveloped, folding of the wall of an organ. characterised by medium to fi ne-textured Rugose Deeply wrinkled. unconsolidated parent material that maybe Rugulose Finely wrinkled. alluvial in origin and lacks a signifi cant hori- Ruminate (Animal) chew repeatedly over an zon layer formation. extended period. Reniform Kidney shaped in outline. Ruminate endosperm Uneven endosperm sur- Repand With slightly undulate margin. face that is often highly enlarged by ingrowths Replicate Folded back, as in some corolla lobes. or infoldings of the surrounding tissue. cf . Resinous Producing sticky resin. homogenous endosperm. Resupinate Twisted through 180°. Rz value Is a numerical reference to the mesh/ Reticulate Having the appearance of a network. emulsion equalisation on the screen. Retrorse Bent or directed downwards or back- Saccate Pouched. wards. cf. antrorse. Sagittate Shaped like an arrow head. Retuse With a very blunt and slightly notched Saline soils Soils that contain excessive levels apex. cf. emarginated. of salts that reduce plant growth and vigour by Revolute With the margins inrolled on the lower altering water uptake and causing ion-specifi c (abaxial) surface. toxicities or imbalances. Scientifi c Glossary 983

Salinity Is characterised by high electrical con- Segmented Constricted into divisions. ductivities and low sodium ion concentrations Seminal root Or seed root originate from the compared to calcium and magnesium. scutellar node located within the seed embryo Salverform Applies to a gamopetalous corolla and are composed of the radicle and lateral having a slender tube and an abruptly seminal roots. expanded limb. Senescence Refers to the biological changes Samara An indehiscent, winged, dry fruit. which take place in plants as they age. Sand A naturally occurring granular material Sepal Free segment of the calyx. adj. sepaline. composed of fi nely divided rock and mineral Septum A partition or cross wall. pl. septa. adj. particles range in diameter from 0.0625 μm to septate. 2 mm. adj. sandy. Seriate Arranged in rows. Saponins Are plant glycosides with a distinc- Sericeous Silky; covered with close- pressed, tive foaming characteristic. They are found in fi ne, straight silky hairs. many plants, but get their name from the soap- Serrate Toothed like a saw; with regular, asym- wort plant ( Saponaria ). metric teeth pointing forward. Saprophytic Living on and deriving nourish- Serrated Toothed margin. ment from dead organic matter. Serratures Serrated margin. Sapwood Outer woody layer of the tree just Serrulate With minute teeth on the margin. adjacent to and below the bark. Sessile Without a stalk. Sarcotesta Outermost fl eshy covering of Cycad Seta A bristle or stiff hair. pl. setae. adj. setose, seeds below which is the sclerotesta. setaceous. Scabrid Scurfy, covered with surface abrasions, Setaceous Bristle-like. irregular projections or delicate scales. Setate With bristles. Scabrous Rough to the touch because of scat- Setiform Bristle shaped. tered rough hairs. Setulose With minute bristles. Scale Dry bract or leaf. Sheathing Clasping or enveloping the stem. Scandent Refer to plants, climbing. Shrub A woody plant usually less than 5 m high Scape Erect fl owering stem, usually leafl ess, and many-branched without a distinct main rising from the crown or roots of a plant. adj. stem except at ground level. scapose. Silicula A broad, dry, usually dehiscent fruit Scapigerous With a scape. derived from two or more carpels which usu- Scarious Dry, thin and membranous. ally dehisce along two sutures. cf. siliqua. Schizocarp A dry fruit which splits into llon- Siliqua A silicula which is at least twice as long gitudinally multiple parts called mericarps or as broad. cocci. adj. schizocarpous. Silt Is soil or rock derived granular material of Sclerotesta The innermost fl eshy coating of a grain size between sand and clay, grain par- cycad seeds, usually located directly below ticles ranging from 0.004 to 0.06 mm in diam- the sarcotesta. eter. adj. silty. Scorpoid Refers to a cymose infl orescence in Simple Refer to a leaf or other structure that is which the main axis appears to coil. not divided into parts. cf. compound. Scutellum (Botany) any of various parts shaped Sinuate With deep wavy margin. like a shield. Sinuous Wavy. Secondary venation Arrangement of the lat- Sinus An opening or groove, as occurs between eral veins arising from the midrib in the leaf the bases of two petals. lamina. Sodicity Is characterised by low electrical con- Secund With the fl owers all turned in the same ductivities and high sodium ion concentra- direction. tions compared to calcium and magnesium. Sedge A plant of the family Apiaceae, Sodic soils Contains high levels of sodium Cyperaceae. salts that affects soil structure, inhibits water 984 Scientifi c Glossary

movement and causes poor germination and containing sporangia or spores as found in crop establishment and plant toxicity. ferns and fern allies. Soil pH Is a measure of the acidity or basicity of Sporophore A spore-bearing structure, espe- the soil. See pH. cially in fungi. Solitary Usually refer to fl owers which are Sporophyll A leaf or bract which bears or sub- borne singly and not grouped into an infl ores- tends sporangia in the fern allies, ferns and cence or clustered. gymnosperms. Sorocarp Fruiting body formed by some cel- Sporophyte The spore-producing phase in the lular slime moulds, has both stalk and spore life cycle of a plant that exhibits alternation mass. of generations. Sorophore Stalk bearing the sorocarp. Spreading Bending or spreading outwards and Sorosis Fleshy multiple fruit formed from fl ow- horizontally. ers that are crowded together on a fl eshy stem Spur A tubular or saclike extension of the e.g. pineapple and mulberry. corolla or calyx of a fl ower. Sorus A discrete aggregate of sporangia in Squama Structure shaped like a fi sh scale. pl. ferns. pl. sori. squamae. Spadix Fleshy spike-like infl orescence with an Squamous Covered in scales. unbranched, usually thickened axis and small Squarrose Having rough or spreading scale- embedded fl owers often surrounded by a like processes. spathe. pl. spadices. Stamen The male part of a fl ower, consist- Spathe A large bract ensheathing an infl ores- ing typically of a stalk (fi lament) and a pol- cence or its peduncle. adj. spathaceous. len-bearing portion (anther). adj. staminal, Spatheate Like or with a spathe. staminate. Spathulate Spatula or spoon shaped; broad at Staminate Unisexual fl ower bearing stamens the tip and narrowed towards the base. but no functional pistils. Spicate Borne in or forming a spike. Staminode A sterile or abortive stamen, often Spiculate Spikelet-bearing. reduced in size and lacking anther. adj. Spike An unbranched, indeterminate infl ores- staminodial. cence with sessile fl owers or spiklets. adj. spi- Standard Refers to the adaxial petal in the cate, spiciform. fl ower of Papilionaceae. cf . keel, wing. Spikelet A small or secondary spike character- Starch A polysaccharide carbohydrate consist- istics of the grasses and sedges and, generally ing of a large number of glucose units joined composed of two glumes and one or more fl o- together by glycosidic bonds α-1-4 linkages. rets. Also applied to the small spike-like infl o- Stellate Star shaped, applies to hairs. rescence or infl orescence units commonly Stem The main axis of a plant, developed from found in Apiaceae. the plumule of the embryo and typically bear- Spine A stiff, sharp, pointed structure, formed ing leaves. by modifi cation of a plant organ. adj. spinose. Sterile Lacking any functional sexual parts Spinescent Ending in a spine; modifi ed to form which are capable of fertilisation and seed a spine. production. Spinulate Covered with small spines. Stigma The sticky receptive tip of an ovary Spinulose With small spines over the surface. with or without a style which is receptive to Spodosol See podsol. pollen. Sporidia Asexual spores of smut fungi. Stilt root A supporting root arising from the Sporangium A spore bearing structure found in stem some distance above the ground as in ferns, fern allies and gymnosperms. pl. spo- some mangroves, sometimes also known as a rangia. adj. sporangial. prop root. Sporocarp A stalked specialised fruiting struc- Stipe A stalk that support some other structure ture formed from modifi ed sporophylls, like the frond, ovary or fruit. Scientifi c Glossary 985

Stipel Secondary stipule at the base of a leafl et. Succulent Fleshy, juicy, soft in texture and pl. stipellae. adj. stipellate. usually thickened. Stipitate Having a stalk or stipe, usually of an Suckers Young plants sprouting from the under- ovary or fruit. ground roots of a parent plant and appearing Stipulated Having stipules. around the base of the parent plant. Stipule Small leaf-like, scale-like or bristle-like Suffrutescent stem Stem woody at the base. appendages at the base of the leaf or on the Sulcate Grooved longitudinally with deep furrows. petiole. adj. stipulate. Sulcus A groove or depression running along Stolon A horizontal, creeping stem rooting at the internodes of culms or branches. the nodes and giving rise to another plant at Superior Refers to the ovary is free and mostly its tip. above the level of insertion of the sepals and Stoloniferous Bearing stolon or stolons. petals. cf. inferior. Stoma A pore in the epidermis of the leaf or Suture Line of dehiscence. stem for gaseous exchange. pl . stomata. Swidden Slash-and-burn or shifting cultivation. Stone The hard endocarp of a drupe, containing Syconium A type of pseudocarp formed from a the seed or seeds. hollow receptacle with small fl owers attached Stramineous Chaffy; straw-liked. to the inner wall. After fertilisation the ovaries Striae Parallel longitudinal lines or ridges. adj. of the female fl owers develop into one-seeded striate. achenes, e.g. fi g. Striate Marked with fi ne longitudinal parallel Symbiosis Describes close and often long- lines or ridges. term mutualistic and benefi cial interactions Strigose Bearing stiff, straight, closely between different organisms. appressed hair; often the hairs have swollen Sympetalous Having petals united. bases. Sympodial Refers to a specialised lateral Strobilus A cone-like structure formed from growth pattern in which the apical meristem. sporophylls or sporangiophores. pl. strobili. cf monopodial. Strophile An appendage at the hilum of certain Synangium An organ composed of united spo- plant seeds. rangia, divided internally into cells, each con- Strophiolate Furnished with a strophile or taining spores. pl. synangia. caruncle. Syncarp An aggregate or multiple fruit formed Style The part of the pistil between the stigma from two or more united carpels with a single and ovary. style. adj. syncarpous. Sub- A prefi x meaning nearly or almost, as in Syncarpous Carpels fused forming a compound subglobose or subequal. pistil. Subcarnose Nearly fl eshy. Synteny Presence of two or more genetic loci Sub-family Taxonomic rank between the fam- on the same chromosome. ily and tribe. Group of plant- derived phenolic Subglobose Nearly spherical in shape. compounds. Subretuse Faintly notched at the apex. Taxon The taxonomic group of plants of any Subsessile Nearly stalkless or sessile. rank. e.g. a family, genus, species or any infra- Subshrub Intermediate between a herb and specifi c category. pl. taxa. shrub. Tendril A slender, threadlike organ formed Subspecies A taxonomic rank subordinate to from a modifi ed stem, leaf or leafl et which, species. by coiling around objects, supports a climb- Substrate Surface on which a plant or organism ing plant. grows or attached to. Tepal A segment of the perianth in a fl ower in Subtend Attached below something. which all the perianth segments are similar Subulate Narrow and tapering gradually to a in appearance and are not differentiated into fi ne point, awl-shaped. calyx and corolla; a sepal or petal. 986 Scientifi c Glossary

Tetrasporangium A sporangium containing margins straight and angled below middle, four haploid spores as found in some algae. trowel-shaped, angular ovate. T e r e t e Having a circular shape when cross-sec- Truncate With an abruptly transverse end as if tioned or a cylindrical shape that tapers at each cut off. end. Tuber A stem, usually underground, enlarged Terminal At the apex or distal end. as a storage organ and with minute scale-like Ternate In threes as of leaf with three leafl ets. leaves and buds. adj. tuberous. Testa A seed coat, outer integument of a seed. Tubercle A wart-like protuberance. adj. Thallus Plant body of algae, fungi and other tuberculate. lower organisms. Tuberculate Bearing tubercles; covered with Thyrse A dense, panicle- like infl orescence, as warty lumps. of the lilac, in which the lateral branches ter- Tuberisation Formation of tubers in the soil. minate in cymes. T u f t A densely packed cluster arising from an Tomentose Refers to plant hairs that are bent axis. adj. tufted. and matted forming a wooly coating. Turbinate Having the shape of a top; cone- Tomentellose Mildly tomentose. shaped, with the apex downward, inversely Torus Receptacle of a fl ower. conic. Transpiration Evaporation of water from the T u r g i d Distended by water or other liquid. plant through leaf and stem pores. Turion The tender young, scaly shoot such as T r e e That has many secondary branches sup- asparagus, developed from an underground ported clear of the ground on a single main bud without branches or leaves. stem or trunk. Turnery Articles made by the process of Triangular Shaped like a triangle, 3-angled and turning. 3-sided. Twining Winding spirally. Tribe A category intermediate in rank between Ultisols Mineral soils with no calcareous subfamily and genus. material, have less than 10 % weatherable Trichome A hair-like outgrowth of the minerals in the extreme top layer of soil and epidermis. with less than 35 % base saturation throughout Trichotomous Divided almost equally into the soil. three parts or elements. Umbel An infl orescence of pedicellate fl owers Tridentate Three toothed or three pronged. of almost equal length arising from one point T r i fi d Divided or cleft into three parts or lobes. on top of the peduncle. adj. umbellate. Trifoliate Having three leaves. Umbellet A secondary umbel of a compound Trifoliolate A leaf having three leafl ets. umbel. cf. umbellule. Trifurcate Having three forks or branches. Umbellule An, a secondary umbel of a com- Trigonous Obtusely three-angled; triangular in pound umbel. cf. umbellet. cross-section with plane faces. Uncinate Bent at the end like a hook; unciform. Tripartite Consisting of three parts. Undershrub Subshrub; a small, usually Tripinnate Relating to leaves, pinnately divided sparsely branched woody shrub less than 1 m three times with pinnate pinnules. high. cf . shrub. Tripliveined Main laterals arising above base of Undulate With an edge/margin or edges wavy lamina. in a vertical plane; may vary from weakly to Triploid Describing a nucleus or cell that has strongly undulate or crisped. cf. crisped. three times (3n ) the haploid number (n ) of Unifoliolate A compound leaf which has been chromosomes. reduced to a single, usually terminal leafl et. Triveined Main laterals arising at the base of lamina. Uniform With one form, e.g. having stamens of Triquetrous Three-edged; acutely 3-angled. a similar length or having one kind of leaf. cf. Trullate With the widest axis below the mid- dimorphic. dle and with straight margins; ovate but Uniseriate Arranged in one row or at one level. Scientifi c Glossary 987

Unisexual With one sex only, either bearing Vertosols Soils that both contain more than the anthers with pollen or an ovary with 35 % clay and possess deep cracks wider than ovules, referring to a fl ower, infl orescence or 5 mm during most years. individual plant. cf. bisexual. Vesicle A small bladdery sac or cavity fi lled Urceolate Shaped like a jug, urn or pitcher. with air or fl uid. adj. vesicular. Utricle A small bladdery pericarp. Vestigial The remaining trace or remnant of Vaginate Forming or enclosed in a sheath. an organ which seemingly lost all or most Valvate Meeting without overlapping, as of of its original function in a species through sepals or petals in bud. cf. imbricate. evolution. Valve One of the sections or portions into which Vestiture Covering; the type of hairiness, scali- a capsule separates when ripe. ness or other covering commonly found on the Variant Any defi nable individual or group external parts of plants. cf. indumentums. of individuals which may or may not be Vibratile Capable of to and fro motion. regarded as representing a formal taxon after Villose Covered with long, fi ne, soft hairs, fi ner examination. than in pilose. Variegate, variegated Diverse in colour or Villous Covered with soft, shaggy unmatted marked with irregular patches of different hairs. colours, blotched. V i n e A climbing or trailing plant. Variety A taxonomic rank below that of Violaxanthin Is a natural xanthophyll pigment sub-species. with an orange color found in a variety of V e i n (Botany) a strand of vascular bundle tissue. plants like pansies. Veinlets Small veins. Viscid Sticky, being of a consistency that resists Velum A fl ap of tissue covering the sporangium fl ow. in the fern, Isoetes. Viviparous Describes seeds or fruit which Velutinous Having the surface covered with a sprout before they fall from the parent plant. fi ne and dense silky pubescence of short fi ne Whorl A ringlike arrangement of leaves, sepals, hairs; velvety. cf. sericeous. stamens or other organs around an axis. Venation Distribution or arrangement of veins Winged Having a fl at, often membranous expan- in a leaf. sion or fl ange, e.g. on a seed, stem or one of the Veneer Thin sheet of wood. two lateral petals of a Papilionaceous fl ower Ventral (Botany) facing the central axis, or one of the petal-like sepals of Polygalaceae. opposed to dorsal. cf. keel, standard. Vernation The arrangement of young leaves or Xanthophylls Are yellow, carotenoid pigments fronds in a bud or at a stem apex. cf. circinnate. found in plants. They are oxidised derivatives Verrucose Warty. of carotenes. Verticil A circular arrangement, as of fl owers, Xeromorphic Plant with special modifi ed struc- leaves or hairs, growing about a central point; ture to help the plant to adapt to dry conditions. a whorl. Xerophyte A plant which naturally grows in Verticillaster False whorl composed of a pair of dry regions and is often structurally modifi ed opposite cymes as in Lamiaceae. to withstand dry conditions. Verticillate Whorled, arranged in one or more Zygomorphic Having only one plane of sym- whorls. metry, usually the vertical plane, referring to Vertisol A soil with a high content of expansive a fl ower, calyx or corolla. cf. actinomorphic. montmorillonite clay that forms deep cracks Zygote The fi st cell formed by the union of two in drier seasons or years. gametes in sexual reproduction. adj. zygotic.

Common Name Index

A Alang-Alang , 48 A549 , 245, 541 Alapayi , 75 A549 (human lung carcinoma) , 538, 551 Alaska Cotton , 41 Abbouq , 12 Alexanders , 77 Abrupt greenhood , 70 Alkali bulrush , 75 Abu Suwaif , 47 Almor-Ira , 49 Abyssinian banana , 41 Alocasia , 6 Achacana , 57 Aloti , 54 Achira , 22 Alpen greenhood , 70 Acute myelogenous leukaemia sublines Alpine (AML-2/ D100), 538 bistort , 67 Acute promyelocytic leukaemia cells , 540 grasses , 802 Adam and Eve , 10 grass lily , 19 Adder’s root , 13 heuchera , 46 Adenocarcinoma SK-OV-3 , 703 spring beauty , 25 Adive kanda , 40 white marsh marigold , 21 Adlay , 477 Alrhouda , 19 Adzuki bean , 65 Alshi , 37 Aerial yam , 34 Altai onion , 4 African onion , 4 A540 lung carcinoma cells , 158 African potato , 26 Alzheimer’s disease , 292, 293, 553, 568, 570, African serendipity berry , 38 573, 675, 794, 816 African shallot , 4 Am-ada , 30 African winged bean , 69 Amazonian yam bean , 62 Africa yam bean , 79 American bistort , 67 Aggregatum group , 124, 130, 186 American cancer root , 28 AGS cells , 400, 667 American , 33 Aha bayere , 36 American cow parsnip , 46 Ahipa , 62, 89 American fi eld garlic , 210 AH1N1 , 798 American ginseng , 63, 533 Aibika , 2 American licorice , 44 Ai Da Huang , 73 American lotus , 57 Airni , 12 American potato bean , 10 Air potato , 34 American red mangrove , 73 Air yam , 34 American spikenard , 11 Ajanhuri , 77 American taro , 498 Ajooras , 7 American turk’s-cap lily , 52 Akar , 37 American wild garlic , 210 kelona , 77 American wild ginger , 13 wangi , 85 American wild onion , 4 Akin , 48 Amla , 167, 276 Akoutsar , 19 AML-2/DX100 , 538 Akser , 19 Anareata , 23 Aktsir , 19 Anchan karay , 15

T.K. Lim, Edible Medicinal and Non Medicinal Plants: Volume 9, Modifi ed Stems, Roots, Bulbs, 988 DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9511-1, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015 Common Name Index 989

A-Ndekap , 73 B Andigena , 78 Badak , 37 Androgen-independent human prostate cancer (PC-3) , 240 Baddha , 11 Ange , 6 Badiang , 6 Angoumois grain , 324 Bado , 59 Angular solomon’s seal , 67 Bafra , 54 Anise , 61, 323, 757 Baga , 8 Aniseroot , 61 Bai Bu , 79 Antelope greenhood , 70 Bai Fu Pian , 3 Ant orchid , 24 Bai He Qi , 23 Anu , 83 Baimo , 43 Añu , 89 Bai Shou Wu , 31 A-Nyél Ewùrè , 80 Baka (Yoruba, Nigeria) , 88 Anyu , 83 Baker’s garlic , 204 Apaty , 8 Baklaiakang , 35 Ape , 429 Baldmoney , 55 Aphids , 323, 426 Balisier , 22 Apples , 160, 161, 182, 183, 372, 820 Balsam root , 14 Arctic lousewort , 63 Balun , 35 Arctic lupine , 53 Bamboo lily , 52 Arctic willow , 74 Bamboo-root hematinic , 39 Arda , 23 Bamboo shoots , 875 Ardong , 50 Banai , 86 Aroi huwi , 35 Banana , 458, 820 Arracacha , 12, 361–365 Bangkwaun , 62 Arrow arum , 64 Banglai , 87 Arrowhead , 1, 74, 96, 98, 100 Baobab , 3 Arrowleaf Barbados nut eddoe , 498, 500 balsamroot , 15 Barhtlum , 79 elephant’s ear , 498 Barley , 500 Arrowroot , 54, 89 Barrington tops ant orchid , 24 Arrow weed , 74, 96 Basal carcinoma cancer cells , 241 Arum , 13, 75 Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) , 245 Asafoetida , 42, 250 Bastard ginseng , 870 A/shimane/48/2002 , 798 Bastard stone parsley , 77 Asian cow wheat , 55 Batham , 46 Asian ginseng , 63, 510, 591 Bat’s wing coral tree , 41 Asian horseradish , 42 Bat weed , 655 Asian saffron , 29 Bayae , 34 Asian tiger mosquito , 872 Bay leaves , 756 Asiatic bitter yam , 36 B16-BL6 melanoma cells , Asiatic corn borer , 439 479, 539, 543 Asiatic ginseng , 510 BCC cell line TE354T , 245 Asihe Tuni , 77 B-cell hybridoma cell line, MH60 , 666 Askanda , 38 BC1 human breast cancer , 238 Asparagus , 213 Beachhead iris , 49 bean root , 69 Beach , 47 Asphodel , 13 Beach moonfl ower , 49 Astragalus , 14 Beach morning glory , 49 Astragal yasenelistnyi , 14 Beach pea , 85 Atamasco lily , 14 Bear corn , 28 A549 tumour cells , 667 Bearded orchid , 21 Australian bindweed , 28 Bees kachu , 6 Australian bluebell , 85 Beet , 16, 89 Australian blue ginger , 7 Beetroot , 15, 16 Australian hollyhock , 51 Beewort , 3 Autumn crocus , 26 Beggar’s buttons , 655 Awa , 66 Bei Jiu , 5 Azoxymethane (AOM)-induced colon preneoplastic Belbous , 19 tumours, 401 Bellfl ower , 22, 870 990 Common Name Index

Bell fruit , 25 Blue fairy orchid , 20 tree , 25 Blue fl ower shen , 86 Bellwort , 84 Blue lotus Bengal arum , 84 of Egypt , 58 Bengal gingermoran ada , 87 of India , 58 Bengal root , 87 Blue squill , 23 Benign prostatic hyperplasia , Blue star , 23 161, 246, 810, 811 Blue trumpet , 18 Ben lomond leek-orchid , 68 Blue water lily , 58 Benzo[a] pyrene (B[a]P) skin tumour , 424 Blue yam , 18 Bering sea spring beauty , 25 Blunt greenhood , 70 Berseh hitam , 87 Bluntleaf waterleaf, 47 Bez kachu , 6 B16 melanoma cells , 538, 543 B16/F10 melanoma cells , 542 Bodmon sok , 65 Big rooted taro , 429 Boga bhet , 59 Bihlongoni , 24 Boga kachu , 6 Bilai-kand , 72 Bog grass , 55 Birah Kecil , 84 Bog orchid , 45 Birali Panwa , 72 Bolai , 87 Biralu , 72 Bolivian sunroot , 67, 717 Birch , 372, 407 Bombole , 8 Bird’s milk , 61 Bonavista bean , 50 Bird’s-mouth orchid , 61 Bonglai , 87 Bird’s nest plant , 374 Bonmala , 20 Biscuit-root , 64, 65 Bonnet bell fl ower , 874 Bishop’s lace , 374 Bonnet fl ower , 870 Bistort , 67 Book louse , 757 Bitter cassava , 54 Boorman’s ruddyhood , 70 Bitter dock , 50 Bottle tree , 3, 17 Bitter potatoes , 78 Boundary marsh , 628 Bitter quandong , 74 BP-induced forestomach carcinogenesis , 242 Bitterroot , 52 BP-induced lung cancer , 242 Bitter worm , 55 Bracken , 69, 875 Bitter yam , 34 fern , 70 Black Brain cancer , 401 arum lilies , 84 Brake , 69 garlic , 235, 274, 287 Brazil plum , 79 gingerwort , 87 Breadroot , 69, 89 ginseng , 524 Breast cancer , 160, 161, 246, 401, 793 hellebore , 46 Breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) , 235, 238, 400, 623 kurrajong , 17 Breast (MDA-MB-231) cancer cell lines , 400 leek , 52 Breast carcinoma , 245 lily , 43 Bride’s tears , 10 lovage , 77 Bright ginger , 7 princess taro , 26 Bristly greenhood , 71 , 73 Bristly helmet-orchid , 28 salsify , 76, 89 Bristly ox-tongue , 65 tea , 157 British fi eld garlic , 210 vetivergrass , 85 British wild garlic , 210 Black-leaved taro , 26 Broad leaf bottle tree , 17 Blackleg fungus , 798 Broadleaf palm-lily cabbage palm , 628 Bladder hibiscus , 47 Broadleaf wild leek , 103 Bladder ketmia , 47 Broad-leaved cumbungi , 83 Bladder weed , 47 Broad-leaved dock , 50 Blady grass , 48 Broad-leaved lee , 5 Blawort cuckoo shoe , 73 Broad-leaved spring beauty , 25 Bloodroot , 45 Broad-lipped leek-orchid , 68 Blue ape , 86 Broccoli , 753, 774 Bluebell , 3, 73 Brodiaea , 18 Blue caladenia , 20 Bronze banana , 57 Blue dicks , 18, 33 Brown beaks , 53 Common Name Index 991

Brown bird orchid , 24 Canary Island bellfl ower , 22 Brown salwood , 2 Cancer cell lines gastric (AGS) , 235 B/shimane/2/2002 , 798 Cancer of the alimentary and respiratory tract , 160 Buckbean , 55 Cancer of the oral cavity , 246 Buckroot , 69 Cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx , 161 Buffalo gourd , 29 Canine mammary tumour cells (CMT-13) , 238 Bugleweed , 53 Canna , 22 Bulbine lily , 18 Cao Shi Can , 79 Bulbous chervil , 23 Cao Yuan Shi Tou Hua , 45 Bull thistle , 25 Capan-2 cells , 241 Bulrush , 75, 76, 83 Cape asparagus , 10 Bumblebee plant , 63 Caraway , 23 Bunching onion , 4, 132, 216 Caraway black root , 19 Bunglai , 87 Cardia cancer , 246 Bunglai huntu , 87 Cardoon , 31 Bungwall fern , 16 Carolina spring beauty , 25 Bunya pine , 11 Carrion fl ies , 451 Burdock , 11, 89, 655, 660, 667, 670, 673, Carrot , 33, 89, 370, 372, 374, 376–386, 390–408 676, 678–680 Cassava , 54, 89, 465, 466, 502, 505 Bur-marigold , 649 Cassumunar ginger , 87 Burs , 655 Catawissa onion , 5 Bush Cattail , 83 banana , 54 Cat thistle , 25 carrot , 2 Cattle tick , 311 grape , 23 Ceara rubber , 54 potato , 48, 49, 89 Cebot el-ghoula , 12 Buta , 49 Cekur , 50 Butterfl y weed , 13 Celeriac , 10, 89, 367–372, 690 BxPC-3 cells , 794 Celery , 407 Byzantine gladiolus , 44 Celery root , 367 Centipede fern , 16 Central nervous system tumour XF498 , 703 C Cervical and breast cancer , 668 Cabbage , 479, 753 Cervical cancer HeLa cells , 727 butterfl y , 439 Chagas’ disease , 307 thistle , 24 Chago , 56, 89 tree , 28 Chai , 37 turnip , 17, 768 Chai Hu , 19 white butterfl y , 372 Chain-of-love , 10 Caco-2 , 157, 235 Challa-gaddalu , 13 Caco-2 cells , 371, 400 Chang Rui Ban Zhong Cao , 10 Caco-2 colon cancer cell lines HCT-116 , 235 Channeled cymbidium , 31 Caco-2 human colon carcinoma , 541 Chaoli , 85 Caesia , 42 Chatong , 36 Cairo morning glory , 48 Chavar , 30 Calamus , 3 Chavi , 37 Calcutta cane , 15 Chayote , 76 California bulrush , 75 Chechur , 76 California hyacinth , 18 Chee koo , 74 California rose , 21 Cheeky yam , 8, 34, 443 California soaproot , 24 Cherokee rose , 74 Camas , 21, 22 Chervil , 9, 77 Camash , 21 Chi Chua Shen , 45 Camburito , 18 Chicken head , 42 Camote De Los Medanos , 8 Chicory , 24 Camu camu , 813 Chieger fl ower , 13 Canada beachhead iris , 49 Chieh Ku-Ts’ao , 74 Canada onion , 4 Chiggerfl ower , 13 Canada potato , 687 Chigüichigüe , 18 Canada root , 13 Chik , 71 Canada thistle , 24 Chilli , 431, 458 992 Common Name Index

Chimney bellfl ower , 22 Clasping-leaved twisted stalk , 80 China brier , 77 Cliff banana , 41 China grass , 16 Climbing maidenhair , 53 Chinaman greenhood , 71 Climbing sundew , 40 China root , 77 Clotbur , 655 Chinese angelica , 9 Clubbed ant orchid , 24 Chinese arrowhead , 74, 96, 98, 100 Club-rush , 76 Chinese , 79, 89 Clusterlily , 18 Chinese asparagus , 620 Cluster yam , 35 Chinese asparagus root , 13 Coast morning glory , 48 Chinese balloon fl ower , 66 Cobra lily , 11 Chinese bindweed , 28 Cochinchinese asparagus , 620 Chinese chirata , 80 Cocklebur , 655 Chinese chives , 113, 116, 142, 144, 161, 221, Cockle-button , 655 222, 246, 247 Cocoa , 307 Chinese cobra lily , 11 Coconut , 431, 458 Chinese elderberry , 74 root , 76 Chinese eriosoma , 41 Cocoyam , 1, 86, 455, 498, 500, 502, 504, 505 Chinese fi eld garlic , 5 Col-2 (human colon carcinoma cells) , 623 Chinese fi re leaf , 628 Coleus , 26 Chinese foxglove , 73 Coleus potato , 66 Chinese ginger , 7 Colewort , 28 Chinese ginseng , 63, 510, 511, 515 Col2 human colon cancer , 238 Chinese jacinth , 75 Colocasia , 455 Chinese keys , 16 Colo 205 human colon cancer cells , 243 Chinese leek , 6, 259 Colon , 245 Chinese lizard’s tail , 79 Colon205 , 541 Chinese lovage , 52 Colon adenocarcinoma HCT-15 , 703 Chinese onion , 204 Colon and rectal cancer , 765 Chinese potato , 66, 96, 455 Colon and rectum carcinoma , 160 Chinese radish , 829 Colon cancer , 506 Chinese scallion , 204 Colon cancer cell line , 448 Chinese senega root , 66 Colon cancer cell lines HCT-116 , 158, 235, 755 Chinese shallots , 4, 204 Colonic adenocarcinoma cells (HT-29) , 239 Chinese spiranthes , 79 Colorado wild potato , 78 Chinese squill , 75 Colorectal , 668 Chinese yam , 36, 37 adenocarcinoma , 241 Chives , 109, 113, 142, 144, 222, 325 cancer , 161 Chocolate lily , 33, 43 cancer cells , 241 Chopped onion , 362 cancers , 246, 247 Chou Mo Li , 25 Coltsfoot , 83 Chou Mu Dan , 25 Comfort root , 87 Christmas rose , 46 Comfrey , 80 Christmas tree , 58 Common ant orchid , 24 Chuan Xiong , 52 Common bracken , 69 Chufa , 32, 89 Common brodiaea , 18 Chuklusa , 65 Common camas , 22 Chullkus , 58 Common cattail , 83 C-8166 human T cell leukaemia , 425 Common fi gwort , 76 Chusot , 51 Common fringe-lily , 82 Cinnamomi cortex , 546 Common harebell , 73 Cinnamon bells , 43 Common marshmallow , 7 Cinquefoil , 68 Common onion , 4, 129 Cippolini , 51 Common onion group , 186 Citrus , 820 Common onion orchid , 56 Ciu mai , 37 Common plantain , 66 Ci Wu Jia , 40 Common radish , 829 Ckaisalla , 78 Common reed grass , 65 Clangporn , 36 Common saita , 18 Common Name Index 993

Common salsify , 735 Curujujul , 18 Common solomon’s seal , 67 Curuk , 35 Common sowthistle , 78 Curved greenhood , 70 Common spatterdock , 58 Curved-hood cobra lily , 11 Common speargrass , 2 Cush-cush , 38 Common thistle , 25 Cut-leaved toothwort , 33 Common tigerfl ower , 82 Cyst nematode , 325 Common valerain , 84 Common wax lip , 44 Common yampah , 64 D Compties , 87 Daddy long legs , 20 Congoo mallee , 42 Daffodil garlic , 5 Coontah , 87 , 72, 89, 829, 836, 875 Coontie , 87 Daikon radish , 829 Copper beard orchid , 21 Daintree’s green hood , 70 Coral , 10 Daju , 26 Cordyline , 628, 630 Da Li Bai Qian , 31 Coriander , 322 Dalo , 455, 459 Corkwood wattle , 2 Dalrymple vigna , 85 Corn , 315, 465, 466, 468, 690 Daly river club rush , 75 Corpse fl ower , 443 Dambi , 59 Corpse plant , 443 Dandelion root , 81 Couch grass , 82 Dang Gui , 9 Country potato , 26 Dangs , 19 Cow-As , 65 Dang sam , 26, 871 Cow lily , 58 Dang Shen , 25, 26 Cow parsley , 9, 53 Dark blue temu , 29 Cow parsnip , 46 Dark hyacinth orchid , 39 Cowslip creeper , 81 Darling lily , 29 Cowslip orchid , 29 Dasheen , 455, 477, 486, 505 Coxsackie virus , 261 David’s harp , 67 Cream of tartar tree , 3 Dawlsek puak , 86 Creeping bellfl ower , 22 Dawl sel phak , 86 Creeping fairy orchid, 3 Dead horse lily , 84 Creeping false holly , 50 Dead-rat tree , 3 Creeping thistle , 24 Deer Creole celery , 363 bamboo , 66 Creole mustard , 746 grass , 73 Crepe ginger , 28 pea , 85 Cress , 407 Deerhorn cactus , 64 Crinkleroot , 33 Dehydrator onion , 221 Crosne , 89 Deil’s spoons , 4 Crosnes , 79 Dense midge orchid , 44 Crowfootgrass , 40 Deodeok , 878, 885 Crowpoison , 60 Deppei wood , 61 Crow’s nest , 374 Desert yam , 48, 89 Cuan Bast , 47 Devil’s plague , 374 Cuban spinach , 56 Devil’s spoons , 4 Cubio , 742 Devil’s thorn , 40 Cuckold , 655 Devil’s tongue , 8 Cucumber , 213, 407 Dhak , 19 Cudzú-tropical , 71 Dhakol , 27 Cultivated , 789 Dhudhda , 11 Cumin , 322 Di Can Zi , 79 black root , 19 Dieng jowat , 50 Cunjevoi , 6 Di Gua Er Miao , 53 Curcas , 455 Di Huang Cai , 44, 73 Curibijil , 18 Dill , 418, 756 Curly pond weed , 68 Ding Ya Gou Ji , 86 994 Common Name Index

Dittander , 51 Egyptian onion , 5 Diwa , 11 Egyptian reed , 32 Djnj , 9 Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells , 244, 435, DMBA-induced mammary tumours , 241, 242 537, 703 Dog grass , 82 Ehrlich ascites tumour , 241 Dog’s tooth violet , 41 Eight-month yam , 38 Dolichos bean , 50 Elephant ears , 6, 86, 429, 455, 498 Dong Nam , 45 Elephant ear taro , 433 Doraji , 66 Elephant foot yam , 8, 9, 443 Doubah , 51 Elephant garlic , 103, 116 Double daffodil , 57 Elephant rope tree , 80 Double-spotted swertia , 80 Elephant yam , 443, 445, 446 Dove’s dung , 61 Eleuthero root , 40 Downs nutgrass , 31 E Mei Feng Liao Jue , 27 Dragon arum , 12 Endive , 160 Dragon’s beard , 633 Endometrial cancer , 161, 246 Drooping greenhood , 70 English couch , 4 Drug-resistant cancer KBV20C cells , 538 English leek , 103 Drumstick , 56 English mandrake , 18 Dry taro , 455 English mercury , 12 Dtharang-gange , 46 Entire leaf lousewort , 63 Du145 , 541 Entire marshwort , 59 Duck potato , 74, 96 EOL human eosinophilic leukaemia , 425 Duck tongue herb , 56 Erect ant orchid , 24 Dúdha malida kand , 23 Erect sword fern , 57 Dudung , 35 Eurasian solomon’s seal , 67 Dune bean , 85 European leek , 103 Dusky fi ngers , 20 European radish , 72 Dutch runner bean , 65 European sea rocket , 20 Dwarf European water plantain , 4 banana , 41, 57 European white waterlily , 58 lily turf , 633 Evening primrose , 60 voodoo lily , 84 Ever-ready onion group , 186 wood sorrel , 61 E Zhu , 30

E F Early nancy , 86 False African yam , 48 Early purple orchid , 60 False caraway , 64 Earth apple , 687, 717 False disporum , 39 Earth chestnut , 19 False galangal lengkuas , 50 Earthnut , 89 False garlic , 5, 58, 60 Earthnut pea , 51, 89 False palm , 628 Earthworm , 437, 482, 485 False solomon’s seal , 77 Eastern bracken , 69 Fan Bai Cao , 68 East Indian arrowroot , 80 Fancy yam , 34 Echalote , 4 Fawn lily , 42 Eddie , 761 Fendler potato , 78 Eddoes , 27, 455, 460, 477, 486 Feng Liao Jue , 27 Edged garlic , 4 Fennel , 43 Edible Fenugreek , 171, 185, 286 burdock , 11, 655 Fern-leaved biscuit root , 53 canna , 22 Fernweed , 63 kudzu , 71 Few-fl owered leek , 5 tulip , 83 Fibrosarcoma , 537 valerian , 84 Field beet , 15 E-dyeny , 35 Field garlic , 5, 210 Egyptian colocasia , 455 Figwort , 76 Egyptian lily , 429 Fingerroot , 89 Egyptian lotus , 58, 59 Fire-cracker fl ower , 18 Common Name Index 995

Fireweed , 41 Garden Fisch’s greenhood , 70 bee , 15 Fish poison yam , 37 beet , 15, 16 Fishwort , 47 chervil , 9 Five fi ngers , 510 chives , 6 Fiveleaf yam , 37, 38 dahlia , 33 Floating marsh marigold , 21 radish , 829 Florence , 43 turnip , 18 Florentine , 43 Gardner’s yampah , 64 Florida hammock milkpea , 43 Garlic , 5, 89, 106, 108, 113, 116, 118, 129, 142, 144, Flowering banana , 57 145, 148, 152, 156-157, 159–165, 167, 171, Flowering rush , 19 173–176, 179, 181, 184, 185, 210, 212–214, Flower-of-an-hour , 47 216–280, 282–315, 317–320, 322, 324, 325, Flower of the dead , 13 431, 757, 820, 875 Flowery knotweed , 67 Garlic stalk , 116, 161, 247 Fluke , 312 Gastric adenocarcinoma (MKN-45) , 537 Fluxroot , 13 Gastric cancer , 161, 247 Flying Duck orchid , 20 risk , 116 Fodder Gastrodia tuber , 43 cane , 74 Ge Cong , 6 radish , 829 Ge Da Qi , 62 turnip , 18, 777 Ge Gen Fen , 71 Foliage beet , 15 Ge Ma Mu , 71 Formosan subterranean termite , 821 Gemsbok bean , 83 Fountain plant , 633 Genthi , 34 Four-angled water lily , 59 Gentil achochil chocke , 78 Fox nut , 42 German cabbage , 768 Fox’s clot , 655 German garlic , 6 Frafra potato , 78 German iris , 50 Fragrant glorybower , 25 German mustard , 746 Fragrant orchid , 45 German rampion , 60 Fragrant telosma , 81 Ge Shan Xiao , 31 Fragrant water lily , 59 Giant alocasia , 429 Frahrant sun orchid , 81 Giant alocasia kachu , 6 French scorzonera , 73 Giant bulrush , 75 Friar’s cowl , 12 Giant elephant ear , 429 Friendly lily , 52 Giant fern , 54 Fringed helmet-orchid , 28 Giant garlic , 6, 113, 142, 144, 221, 222 Fringed lily , 81 Giant granadilla , 63 Fringed midge orchid , 44 Giant nettle , 439 Fringed Spider orchid , 20 Giant potato , 49 Fringed violet , 81, 82 Giant swamp taro , 32, 493, 496 F9 teratocarcinoma , 537 Giant taro , 429, 431, 432, 436, 439, 440 Fu-Fu-Miao , 28 Giant water lily , 58 Fu Jian Lian Zuo Jue , 9 Gi’e Fowru , 13 Ginger root , 13 Gingers , 1, 87, 262, 287, 325 G Gingi , 8 Gadog , 36 Ginkgo , 281, 552 Gadong , 36 Ginseng , 63, 510, 511, 513–517, 519–522, 524, Gadong lilin , 36 527, 529–532, 534–536, 538, 540, 542, Gadong mabuk , 36 545–547, 549–552, 554–557, 559, 561–565, Gadung , 36 567–570, 572, 573, 575–578, 580–585, 587, Galangal , 7, 322 588, 590–592 Gala potato , 66 Girasole , 687 Gallan , 493 Girosole , 46 Gamkbuhrongal , 73 Glandular midge orchid , 44 Gandergoose , 60 Globemallow , 79 Gandh tora , 2 Glutinous , 35 Gang E Teng , 72 Glutinous yam , 36 996 Common Name Index

Glycyrrhizae radix , 546 Gruya , 22 Gnat orchid , 2, 32 Guang Xi Luo Yan , 75 Goa bean root , 69 Guava , 69, 457 Goat lice , 311 Guinea arrowroot , 20 Goat orchid , 40 Guinea potato , 38 Goatsbeard , 82, 735 Gum karaya , 80 Goatsfoot convolvulus , 49 Gun , 35 Gobo , 11, 655, 659 Gungurru , 42 Goldband lily , 52 Gunnison’s mariposa lily , 21 Golden chicken fern , 24 Gwandai , 80 Golden club , 61 Gymea lily , 40 Golden donkey , 39 Gypsy , 655 Golden hematinic , 39 Gypsywort , 53 Golden lily , 18 Golden moss , 24 Golden , 39 H Golden stars , 47 H460 cells non small cell lung cancer cells (NSCLC) , 239 Golden thistle , 76 Hadula , 23 Golden weather-glass , 47 Hai Nan Shu , 49 Golden zebra , 27 Hair-lip ruddyhood , 70 Good luck plant , 28, 628 Hairy balsamroot , 14 Googol bon , 83 Hairy grass lily , 19 Goolabura , 48 Hairy okra , 2 Gopura Esing , 20 Hairypod cowpea , 85 Gordang-Gordang , 26 Halgia , 85 Gosh alu , 34 Halia , 87 Gou Ji , 86 Hamburg parsley , 64 Grape hyacinth , 51 Happy major , 655 Grapes , 820 Hardock , 655 Grass burdock , 655 Harebur , 655 Grassland wood sorrel , 61 Hare’s ear root , 19 Grassleaf daylily , 46 Harlock , 655 Grass-leaved sweet fl ag , 3 Hati Ghah , 83 Grassnut , 18 Hat palm , 23 Grass potato , 29 Hausa potato , 66, 78 Great angelica , 9 Hawaiian ti , 628 Greatbulrush , 75 leaf , 628 Great burdock , 11, 655 plant , 628 Greater burdock , 655, 679 Hazara , 36 Greater club-rush , 75 H1299 cells non small cell lung cancer Greater galangal , 1, 7, 50 cells (NSCLC), 239 Greater plantain , 66 HCMV , 262 Greater yam , 34 HCMV AD169 strain , 262 Great-headed garlic , 103, 119 HCT-116 , 849, 850 Great round-headed leek , 103 HCT-15 cancer cell , 850 Great water dock , 50 HCT-116 colon cancer cells , 235 Green alga , 821 Heart-leaved houttuynia , 47 Green arrow elephant ears , 498 Heart snakeroot , 13 Green comb Spider orchid , 20 Hearts on a chain , 10 Greenhood , 71 Hedge bindweed , 21 Green hyacinth orchid , 39 Hedulo , 23 Green kurrajong , 46 Hei Zhou Feng Liao Jue , 27 Green leopard plant , 42 HeLa cancer cells lines , 208, 623, 642, 703, 880 Green onion , 113, 142, 222, 875 HeLa cervical cancer cells , 238 Green snail orchid , 70 Hen and chicken fern, 14 Green-winged orchid , 60 Henchala , 6 Grey sedge , 51 Henru Ehong , 51 Ground chestnut , 40 Hen salku , 8 Ground gem orchid , 44 Hepatocellular carcinoma HCC metastatic Groundnut , 10, 89 MHCC97L cells, 241 Common Name Index 997

Hepatoma cell line (HepG2) , 239, 479, 537, 785 Hubei Yang Ti Jia , 15 Hep-2 cells , 448 Hui Dam , 88 HepG2 , 157, 541 Hu Jue , 40 HepG2 cells , 542, 854 Human acute promyelocytic leukaemia cell HepG2 hepatoma cells , 555 line (HL-60), 666 HepG2 human hepatoma G2 , 642 Human bladder T24 cells , 542 HER-2-/neu-negative breast cancer , 479 Human breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cancer cells , 479 Herpes simplex virus type 1 , 261 Human breast cancer cell line (MCF7) , 630 Herpes simplex virus type 2 , 261 Human breast cancer cells , 234, 238 He Shou Wu , 67 Human cervical cancer cell line , 623 Hibiscus manihot , 2 Human colon (HT-29, Caco-2) , 400 Hierni , 12 Human colon adenocarcinoma SW620 cells , 540 Hill Human colon cancer cell lines , 234 hibiscus , 47 Human colon cancer cell lines turmeric , 30 (HT29 and LoVo cells) , 400 HIV , 261, 262 Human colon cancer cell line SW480 , 243 HIV-1 , 261 Human colon cancer HCT116 , 542 HL-60 , 541 Human colon cancer HT-29 cells , 880 HL-60 cancer cells , 237, 400, 642 Human colon cancer SW480 cells , 244 HL-60 human Caucasian promyelocytic leukaemia , 425 Human colon carcinoma cell lines , 849, 850 HL-60 human leukaemia cells , 541, 631 Human colon tumour cells (HCT-15) , 235 HL-60 human promyelocytic leukaemia cells , 880 Human colorectal carcinoma Caco-2 , 234 Hnathel , 54 Human colorectal carcinoma SW1116 , 542 Hngo , 37 Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) , 261 Ho , 34 Human erythroleukaemia (K562) cell line , 666 Hog potato , 89 Human erythroleukemic HL-60 cancer cells , 540 Hog weed , 16 Human erythroleukemic K562 cancer cells , 540 Honesty , 53 Human erythroleukemic KG1α cancer cells, 540 Honewort , 29 Human fi broblast-derived tumour L-925 cells , 540 Hong Kong lily , 52 Human gastric adenocarcinoma BGC-823 Honolulu creeper , 10 cancer cell lines, 435 Hooked greenhood , 70 Human gastric adenocarcinoma MK-1 cells , 540 Hooker’s balsamroot , 14 Human gastric adenocarcinoma SGC7901 , 236 Hooker’s evening primrose , 60 Human gastric cancer cell lines , 236 Hookworm , 312 Human gastric cancer cell lines BGC-823 , 400 Hops , 47, 418 Human gastric cancer cell line SNU-1 , 667 Horned orchid , 61 Human gastric cancer HGC-27 cells , 542 Hornet orchid , 40 Human gastric cancer SNU-1 cells , 727 Horse gram , 40, 53 Human gastroadenitis (SGC-7901) , 435 Horse purslane , 16 Human hepatoblastoma HepG2 , 538 Horseradish , 12, 310, 323, 324, 370, 746–757 Human hepatocarcinoma (HepG2) cell lines , Horse radish tree , 56 435, 539–540 Horse-reddish root , 746 Human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells , 623 Hosoba-Kisuge , 46 Human hepatocellular carcinoma SMMC7721 cells , 539 House dust mites , 755 Human hepatoma HepG2 cells , 234, 672 House mouse , 249 Human hepatoma SK-HEP-1 cells , 537 Hpogimbai , 54 Human immunodefi ciency virus (HIV)-1 , 261 HSC-2 human oral cancer cells , 880 Human immunodefi ciency virus type 1 (HIV-1) , 577 HT-29 , 234, 235, 849, 850 Human leukaemia HL-60 , 666 HT1080 fi brosarcoma cells , 539 Human leukaemia K562 , 540 HT-29 human colon adenocarcinoma , 400 Human lung adenocarcinoma (A549) , 435 HT-29 human colon cancer cells , 157 Human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells , 541, 666 HT1080 human fi brosarcoma cell , 537 Human lung adenocarcinoma cell line Calu-6 , 537 Huangchoy , 14 Human lung cancer A549 cells , 542 Huang Hua Tu Gua , 55 Human lung cancer cell , 245 Huang Jin , 47 Human lung tumour A549 cell line , 642 Huang Jing , 67 Human lymphatic leukaemia cell line CCRF CEM , 234 Huang Jin Qi , 39 Human lymphoid leukaemia cell lines , 400 Huang Xi Xin , 16 Human malignant melanoma cell line, SK-MEL-1 , 540 Hubei artichoke , 79 Human malignant melanoma cells (A375) , 305 998 Common Name Index

Human mammary tumour cells MDA-MB-231 , 703 Indian shot , 22 Human MCF-7 cell tumour , 243 Indian turnip , 63 Human monoblastic leukaemia U937 cells , 793 Indian yam , 38 Human myeloid leukaemia (HL-60) , 537 Indian zehneria , 87 Human myeloid leukaemia cell line HL-60 , 540 I n fl uenza A virus , 669 Human nasopharyngeal carcinoma epithelial (CNE) I n fl uenza B virus , 261 cell line, 435 I n fl uenza virus A/PR 8/34 (H1N1) , 857 Human neuroblastoma SK-N-BE(2) , 538, 539 I n fl uenza virus strain , 798 Human non-small lung cancer cells , 765 Ingwese , 54 Human osteosarcoma cells, U2OS , 116 Inland crinum , 29 Human ovarian cancer cells , 543 Inland tree orchid , 31 Human ovarian cancer cells A2780 cells , 241 Insects , 323 Human ovarian cancer OVCAR-3 , 667 Int-407 (HeLa derivative) , 541 Human pancreatic cancer cell lines AsPC-1 , 236 Intoxicating yam , 36 Human pancreatic cancer cell lines Mia Irish potato , 78 PaCa-2 cells , 236 Isinongwe , 47 Human pancreatic cancer cell lines PANC-1 , 236, 666 Italian arum , 13 Human pancreatic cancer PANC-1 cells , 667 Italian kale , 777 Human promyelocytic leukaemia HL-60 cells , Italian ryegrass , 479 116, 157, 237, 238, 544 It‘Ath , 57 Human prostate cancer PC-3 , 243 Izibo , 59 Human prostate carcinoma LNCaP cell , 239, 538 Izi ntondo , 11 Human rhinovirus type 2 , 261 Human stomach cancer MKN45 cells , 793 Human throat cancer (Hep-2) , 435 J Human tumour cell line Caco-2 , 668 J-774 (murine monocyte/macrophage) , 116 Human uterus carcinoma HeLa cells , 540 Jack-in-the-pulpit , 12 Hungarian turnip , 768 Jacob’s coat , 26 Huntington’s disease , 568 Jactupe , 62 Hurrbur , 655 Jaglia Che Kand , 37 Huwi upas , 37 Jaltomate , 50 Hyacinth , 89 Japanese arrowroot , 71 bean , 50 Japanese artichoke , 79 orchids , 39 Japanese bunching onion , 221 Hyena thorn , 13 Japanese cinnamon fern, Zenmai (Japanese) , 61 Hyssopleaf hedgenettle , 79 Japanese ginseng , 63 Japanese honewort , 29 Japanese horseradish , 86, 789 I Japanese knotweed , 73 Idjened Tikilmout , 12 Japanese lily turf , 633 Igname , 34 Japanese mountain yam , 36 IGR-1 (human melanoma) , 116 Japanese parsley , 29 Ilus , 37 Japanese radish , 72, 829, 851 Imbu , 79 fi sh , 756 Indian arrowroot , 30 Japanese rush , 3 Indian breadroot , 64, 69 Japanese scallion , 204 Indian coleus , 66 Japanese snake’s beard , 633 Indian corn , 28 Japanese spikenard, 11 Indian cucumber roots , 55 Japanese stemona root , 79 Indian ginger , 6, 13 Japanese sweet cicely , 61 Indian ginseng , 592 Japanese sweet fl ag , 3 Indian goosegrass , 40 Japanese yam , 36 Indian gum tragcanth , 80 Jati Bah , 15 Indian hyacinth , 21 Javanese bluebell , 870 Indian kudzu , 72 Java olive , 79 Indian paintbrush , 13 Jelantir , 45 Indian pokeberry , 65 Jema , 85 Indian potato , 10 Jen Shen , 63 Indian rice , 43 Jerusalem artichoke , 46, 89, 687–692, 694–710, 720 Common Name Index 999

Jerusalem star , 735 Kava-kava , 66 Jerusalem sunfl ower , 687 Kava pepper , 66 J-45.01 human acute T-cell leukaemia , 425, 666 Kawdar , 57 Jia Guo Jue , 55 Kayu China Hutan , 77 Jicama , 62, 67, 89, 717 KB (HeLa contaminated carcinoma/papilloma cells) , 623 Jiddo , 47 KB (human oral epidermoid carcinoma) , 642 Jie Geng , 66 KB human oral epidermoid cancer , 238 Jing Gang Shan Feng Liao Jue , 27 KB-V (+VLB) drug-resistant KB , 238 Jin-Ying Zhi , 74 K562 cells , 666 Jin Zao Er , 75 Kedut , 37 Ji Zhua Shen , 66 Kedvo kand , 38 Ji Zhu Shen , 45 Keeled garlic , 4 John-go-to-bed-at-noon , 735 Keladi Hitam , 86 John’s cabbage , 47 Keladi puyoh , 84 Jok an kelok , 3 Kelana , 37 Joseph’s fl ower , 735 Kelb el-beqouqa , 12 Joshua tree , 86 Kelunoh , 37 Jue , 70 Kemnyan paya , 37 Jue Fen , 69 Kenari , 431 Jue Ma , 68 Kencur , 1, 50 Jue Tai Cai , 69 Khadi root , 50 Jug-lip greenhood , 70 Khadiwortel , 50 Jug orchid , 70 Khagori , 74 Jumbo leek , 111, 116 Khaita alu , 54 Khamin Khao , 30 Khapparkadu , 23 K Khas kahs , 24 Kaat curna , 40 Khas-khas grass , 85 Kadawa kand , 38 Khat , 269 Kadhai , 80 Khitro , 76 Kadia kand , 38 Khoa , 43 Kadu kand , 37 Khoai mai , 37 Kaffi r potato , 66 Khus grass , 24 Kakalu , 34 Ki , 631 Kala kand , 37 Kiangsi scallion , 204 Kale , 160, 249 Kiangsi shallot , 204 Kalharamu , 58 Ki-Karasu Uri , 82 Kalo , 485 Kikyo , 66 Kalo kochu/kolia kochu , 26 Kilavari , 13 Kamangeg , 36 Kinciyar , 8, 80 Kambro , 43 King fern , 54 Kamchatka fritillary , 43 Kiroi , 35 Kanda gadda , 27 Kirsten murine sarcoma virus , 541 Kangaroo paw , 9 Kiyak , 37 Kangkong , 48 Knob celery , 367 Kanta-alu , 37 Knolknol , 768 Kantan hutan , 50 Kochu , 6 Kapuang , 34 Kohlrabi , 17, 768–775 Karalasana , 65 Kola , 26 Karalsona , 65 Kolu sevni , 24 Kardai , 57 Komatsuna , 18 Karphul , 2 Koma Yuri , 52 Karu alachandra , 65 Konda , 8 Karunai kizhangu , 27 Kondai rakis , 13 Kasi , 34 Konda rakis , 13 Katakirri , 73 Koneng pinggang , 30 Katakuri , 42 Kong Jing Lu Ti Cao , 21 Kath alu , 34, 38 Korean ginseng , 63, 510, 533, 554, 555, Katil , 41 582, 583 1000 Common Name Index

Korean red ginseng , 521, 536, 540, 545, 546, 557, 558, Large-leaf lupin , 679 564, 565, 567, 574, 575, 581, 582, 586 Large parson’s bands , 41 Korean yam , 36 Large pigweed , 68 Korian ginseng , 510 Large pink fi ngers orchid , 20 Ko-Sumire , 85 Large potato orchid , 43 Kotee kalungu , 10 Large tongue-orchid , 29 Koteka , 58 Larkspur , 28 K562 parental cell line , 159 Larus , 12 Krachai , 16 Laryngeal cancer , 246 Kuanga , 85 Lasia , 51 Kuan Ye Jiu , 5 Late beard orchid , 21 Kudzu , 71, 72 Leaf beet , 15 Kumarika , 77 Leafl ess tongue-orchid , 29 Kunci pepet , 50 Leafy daikon , 829 Kungkwad , 38 Leek moths , 110, 119 Kunir putih , 50 Leek orchids , 68 Kunir Tinggang , 30 Leeks , 4, 5, 89, 105–110, 112–118, 142, 146, 160, 175, Kunyit , 30 216, 221, 222, 245, 247, 248, 299, 300 Kunyit hitam , 87 Lemon , 458, 464 Kuro gawai, 40 Lemon doubletail , 39 Kurrajong bottle tree , 17 Lemon lily , 46 Kurrat , 119 Lempoyang , 88 leek , 103 Lempui , 87 Kurruna kalungu , 8 Lempuyang badak , 88 Kuttukaranai , 80 Lempuyang emprit , 88 K ‘Uuwaap , 22 Lempuyang gajah , 88 Kuwai , 74 Lempuyang kapur , 88 Lempuyang pait , 88 Lempuyang wangi , 88 L Lengkuas ranting , 7 L1210 (mouse lymphocytic leukaemia cell line) , Lenguas , 7 538, 551 Leopard orchid , 39 Lablab bean , 50 Leopard palm , 8 Lacefl ower , 374 Leopard plant , 42 Laceleaf , 11 Leren , 20 Ladder-to-heaven , 67 Lesser alpinia , 7 Ladies nightcap , 17 Lesser asiatic yam , 34, 35 Ladies tresses , 79 Lesser burdock , 655 Ladybell root , 3 Lesser celandine , 72 Ladybells , 3 Lesser galangal , 1, 7 Lady fern , 14 Lesser glory , 49 La’i , 28 Lesser grain borer , 757 Lalang wooly grass , 48 Lesser yam , 34 Lamb’s tail , 9 Leukaemia L1210 cells , 239, 540 Lampoyang , 88 Leukaemia WEHI-3 cells , 160 Lampoyang hitam , 87 Levant garlic , 103 Lampuyang pahit , 87, 88 Licorice , 44 Lampuyang wangi , 88 root , 45 La Mu , 56 Light ginger , 7 Lance Asia bell , 874 Lily , 7 Languas , 7, 50 Lily leek , 5 Lan Hua Shen , 86 Lilyturf , 649 Lappa , 655 Lima beans , 362 Large bindweed , 21 Lima-lima , 34 Largebract Indian breadroot , 63, 69 Lin Di-E-Shen , 9 Large cinnamon bells , 43 L‘Indo , 74 Large duck orchid , 20 Lipe , 68 Large evening primrose , 60 Liquorice , 44 Largefl ower tripletlily , 18 Liriopogon , 633 Large-fruited biscuit root , 53 Little dumpies , 71 Common Name Index 1001

Little Indian breadroot , 64 Mai Men Dong , 648 Liver berry , 80 Mai Phiu , 15 Liver cancer cell line (Hep-G2) , 623, 666 Maisundri , 47 Livingstone potato , 66 Maize , 464, 468 Llacon , 67 Maize weevil , 757 LNCaP (androgen-sensitive prostate adenocarcinoma Malacca galangal, 7 cells), 623 Malanga , 498, 506 LNCaP human prostate cancer cells , 754 Malarial vector , 437 LNCaP prostate cancer cell line , 240, 667 Malay ginger , 28 Lobak , 72 Malee fringe-lily , 81 Lobong Ken-Tong , 41 Male orchis , 60 Long-clubbed wasp orchid , 24 Malignant melanoma SK-MEL-2 , 703 Longstyle sweetroot , 61 Malode , 23 Long-tailed greenhood , 71 Maloga bean , 85 Long-tailed wild ginger , 13 Man-Alu , 34 Long-tongued greenhood , 70 Manchurian ginseng , 510 Long yam , 38 Mandarin platanthera , 66 Lotus , 57 Mandioca brava , 54 Lotus root , 1, 57 Mandong , 35 Lovage , 51 Mango , 457 Love leaves , 655 Mango ginger , 30 Love-vine , 10 Mangrove fern , 3 Lo Vo , 849, 850 Manicoba , 54 LS174T , 235 Mani gisin , 86 Lu-1 (lung adenocarcinoma cells lung Manioc , 54, 89 adenocarcinoma cells), 623 Man-of the-Earth , 49 Lucena multidrug resistance (MDR) human Mano kand , 38 erythroleukaemic, 159 Man Tayong , 36 Lu1 human lung cancer , 238 Ma-Nyeny , 35 Lung , 668 Mao Bao Er , 87 Lung adenoma , 544 Mao Zhou Jue , 70 Lung cancer , 160, 161, 247 Marama bean , 83 Lung cancer cell line (NCI–H460) , 623, 755 Mariposa , 21 Lung cancer Lewis cells , 235 Mariposa lily , 21 Lung carcinoma , 245 Maroonhood , 70 Lung carcinoma A-549 , 703 Marsh calla , 20 Lung (A549) tumour cell lines , 235 Marsh clover , 55 Luntak , 35 Marsh club-rush , 16 Luo Kui Shu , 9 Marsh leek-orchid , 68 Lycopus , 53 Marshmallow , 7 Lycoris , 53 Marsh trefoil , 55 Lymphoblastic leukaemia cell line CEM-C7H2 , Marsh valerian , 84 371, 424–425 Mashua , 83, 89, 362, 744 Masundari , 47 Matanuyu , 81 M Mauka , 56, 89 Maca , 51, 89, 742, 801–821 Mauritius plantain tree , 57 Macabo cocoya , 86 Maximilian sunfl ower , 45 Macambira , 18 Mayabang , 36 Mace , 801 May Chang , 52 Ma chia , 77 Mayfl y orchids , 2 Macquarie crinum , 29 Mayom-Kaeo , 26 Madagascar lace leaf , 10 MBT2 murine bladder carcinoma , 243 Madagascar spur fl ower , 66 MCF-7 , 234, 238, 541 Madeira vine , 9 MCF-7 (human breast adenocarcinomas) , 400, 642 Ma Die Er , 87 MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line , 667, 703 Madras gram , 53 MCF-7 tumour (human breast cancer) , 158 Magiya , 37 MDA-MB-231 (human breast adenocarcinomas) , 400 Magoraza , 36 MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells , 850 Mahora , 84 MDA-MB-435 lung cancer cell , 642 1002 Common Name Index

Me180 (human cervix uterine carcinoma) , 538 Mouse melanoma B16 cells , 540 Meadow beauty , 73 Mouse myeloid leukaemia M1 cells , 666 Meadow cabbage , 24 Mousenuts , 41 Meadow goat’s-beard , 82 Moxa stick , 260 Meadow parsley , 59 Mo Yu , 8 Meadow salsify , 82 MSTO-211H human malignant pleural Melanoma , 668 mesothelioma cell, 158 Melanoma cell lines , 793 Mt maroon helmet-orchid , 28 Melloco tuberous basella , 741 Mtungu , 81 Mercury goosefoot , 12 Mukago-Sou , 79 Messina Creeper , 48 Mu-kerenju , 27 Meu , 55 Mulli balli , 49 Mexican creeper , 10 Multiplier onion , 4 MGC-803 , 236 Muncha kunda , 8 Mian Shen , 41 Mung bean , 457, 477 Mia PaCa-2 cells , 236 Mung bean sprouts , 875 Midget greenhood , 70 Mungel wurzel , 15 Mile-a minute vine , 48 Munia , 37 Military orchid , 60 Murine fi broblast L-929 cells , 542 Milkmaids , 19 Murine fi brosarcoma L929 cell , 642 Milk thistle , 76 Murine Hepa1c1c7 cells , 849 Miner’ lettuce , 56 Murine hepatoma cells (Hepa 1c1c7) , 158 Mission bells , 43 Murine leukaemia cell line (L1210) , 850 Mitsuba , 29 Murine leukaemia P388 cells , 538 MKN-28 human stomach cancer , 793 Murine lymphoma cell line (K36) , 630 ML-1 human acute myeloblastic leukaemia , 425 Murine melanoma B16 cells , 435, 540 Mng’oko , 35 Murine neptoma Hepa 1c1c7 cell , 794 Moa Alu , 35 Murnong , 55 Mock oyster , 76 Murray lily , 29 M o fi fi buckthorn , 73 Mushroom , 325 Mohtra reed , 54 Musk hyacinth , 57 Mojora , 74 Musky caladenia , 20 Mokal Bah , 15 Musky fi nger orchid , 20 Mokua , 59 Mussel galangal, 7 Moles , 323 Mustard , 753 Moly , 5 Mustrad spinach , 18 Mondo grass , 60, 633 Mutungu , 81 Mongolian gerbils , 404 Mutuo , 48 Mongolian leek , 5 Myrtle sedge , 3 Mongolian sagebrush , 12 Monkey-bread tree baobab , 3 Monkey fruit tree , 3 N Monkey grass , 633 Nagaimo , 36 Monkey tail radish , 72 Nai Jiang Cai , 50 Monk’s rhubarb , 50 Naked sun orchid , 81 Monochoria , 649 Nalgoo , 32 Morning glory , 48 Nama , 10 Mosilo , 68 Nang Guo Long Chuan Hua , 50 Mosondoi , 47 Nan Sha Shen , 3 Mosquito , 755 Naples garlic , 5 Mosquito orchid , 2 Narrow-leaf cattail , 83 Motha , 32 Narrow-leaved cumbungi , 83 Moth bean , 65 Native cranebills , 44 Mothee , 32 Native dandelion , 55 Mottled , 39 Native geranium , 44 Mountain asparagus , 11 Native ginger , 7, 30 Mountain giant orchid , 2 Native grape , 9, 23 Mountain pepper , 52 Native hawkweed , 66 Mouse fi broblast-derived tumour L929 cells , 540 Native hibiscus , 46 Mouse Hepalclc7 cells , 157 Native poplar , 25 Common Name Index 1003

Native potato , 54 Orach , 61 Native rosella , 2 Orange day lily , 46 Native rosella Queensland sorrel , 46 Oregon sunfl ower , 15 Native storksbill , 64 Oriental ginseng , 510 Native yam , 55 Oriental onion , 204 NCI-H460 , 245 Oriental radish , 72, 829, 840 Neapolitan garlic , 5 Oriental sea kale , 29 Nectar of the gods , 210 Oriental winter radish , 829 Neeps , 18, 761 Ornamental banana , 57 Nematodes , 312, 323, 325 Ornate ant orchid , 24 Neoplasia of forestomach and lung , 159 Oschanin-Zwiebel , 5 Nepalese kudzu , 72 Osteosarcoma , 668 Nepal yam , 35 Ostrich fern , 54, 55 Neuro-2A (Mus musculus neuroblastoma) cancer , 400 Ouden el-fi l , 12 New cocoyam , 86, 498, 503, 504, 506, 508 Ouetsir , 19 New South Wales , 46 Ovarian cancer , 161, 246 New Zealand yam , 89 Ovarian cancer OVCAR3 cell line , 850 Nginti Ali , 54 Oyster plant , 55, 82, 735 Ngurra , 80 Nian Shan Yao , 35 Niluva pendalum , 34 P Nodding chocolate lily , 33 P388 (mouse lymphoid neoplasm cell line) , Nodding greenhood , 70 538, 551 Nohara azami , 24 Paak-Hop , 52 Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines Pachpotia alu , 37 NCI-H157 and NCI-H460, 642 Packing leaf , 65 Nootka lupin , 53 Paddy taro , 463 Northern bugleweed , 53 Pai Ho , 52 Northern kurrajong , 17 Painted nettle , 26 Northern leek , 5 Pakalana vine , 81 Northern wattle , 2 Pakit , 35, 36 Notched cowpea , 85 Paku Lipan , 16 Nung gum , 22 Pala , 19 Nutgrass , 32, 75 Pale grass lily , 19 Nutmeg hyacinth , 57 Paleleaf woodland sunfl ower , 45 Nyampon , 75 Pale vanilla lily , 12 Palm lily , 28, 628 Palm orchid , 60 O Pamohe , 14 Oakfern , 68 Panama hat plant , 23 Oblique garlic , 5 Panchamukhi kochu , 6 Oca , 62, 89, 362, 742, 744 Pancreatic cancer cells (Capan-2) , 240 Oesophageal cancer , 161, 246 Pancreatic cancer PANC-1 , 794 Oestrogen-independent form MCF-7 (ras) , 234 Panglai Hideung , 87 Oestrogen receptor-negative human breast cancer Pani alu , 72 MDA-MB-231 , 667 Panicled lady bells , 3 Okang oing , 69 Panil book , 36 Ok Hi Atehang , 47 Pan Long Shen , 79 Old cocoyam , 455 Papa cimarrona , 78 Old world arrowhead , 74, 96 Papa del monte , 78 Olive , 106 Papa lis , 84 Onion orchid , 55 Papa morda , 78 Onions , 4, 89, 109, 112, 113, 116, 118, 129–185, Papaya , 311, 457 216, 217, 222, 224, 231, 232, 238, 245–248, Paper reed , 32 253, 254, 258, 262, 265, 268, 276, 277, 281, Pappakilangu , 13 286, 298–301, 308, 311, 315, 320, 322, 325, Papua New Guinea red wattle , 2 362, 407, 431, 458 Parainfl uenza virus type 3 , 261 Onion weed , 14 Par baul fauk , 22 Oniyuri , 52 Pari , 34 Ophiopogon , 633 Parkinsonism , 294 1004 Common Name Index

Parkinson’s disease , 568, 570, 571 Pixie caps , 2 Parreira brava, 2 Plain sun orchid , 81 Parsley , 89 Plantain lily , 47 Parsnips , 63, 89, 372, 417, 418, 420, 421, 423, 425, 426 Plantains , 362, 363, 477 Parson-in-the-pulpit , 20 Poke root , 65 Passion fruit , 457 Polynesian arrowroot , 80 Patat , 45 Polynesian ti plant , 628 PC-3 , 754 Pond collard , 58 cells , 240 Pond onion , 42 P-388 (murine leukaemia) cell lines , 116 Poole batoo , 7 P388D1, mouse lymphoma cell line , 541 Poor mans treacle , 210 Pearl , 108 Porcine rotavirus strain OSU , 261 gisang , 62 Portulaca , 68 onion , 103, 108, 110 Potato , 78, 89, 323–325, 362, 468, 479, 742, 802 Peas , 362 Potato bean , 10 Peony , 62 Potato orchid , 43 Pepper , 322, 875 Potato yam , 34, 35 Pepper grass , 801 Prairie potato , 69 Peppermint , 213 Prairie turnip , 64, 69, 89 Pepper root , 33, 746 Preuss’ dioscorea , 37 Pepper turnip , 746 Pri , 20 Pepper vine , 25 Prickly samphire , 40 Pepper weed , 801 Prickly yam , 36 Persian , 29 Prince ginseng , 69 Persian cumin , 23 Promyelocytic leukaemia cell line, Persian leek , 106, 110, 112, 119 HL-60 , 240 Personata , 655 Prostate cancer cells , 161, 240, 246, 668 Peruvian carrot , 361 Protozoa , 437 Peruvian ginseng , 801 Pskemense-Zwiebel, 5 Peruvian maca , 801, 817 Puar putih , 50 Peruvian parsnip , 12, 361 Pueraria , 71 Petty morel , 11 Pulmonary adenocarcinoma (PC-14) , 537 Phai Song Kham , 15 Pulmonary adenoma , 159 Phakkhuap , 10 Pumpkin , 458 Phak naam , 51 Purple beard orchid , 21 Phan karo , 48 Purple donkey orchid , 39 Pharynx , 246 Purple goatsbeard , 735 Phelang Riho , 25 Purple hyacinth orchid , 38 Phrikgnek , 7 Purple-leaved taro , 26 Phrilang Dung , 88 Purple nutgrass , 32 Piano orchid , 68 Purple poppy mallow , 21 Pigeon’s dung , 61 Purple prairie clover , 33 Pignut , 27, 89 Purple salsify , 735 Pikopiko , 14 Purple-stem angelica , 9 Pilewort , 72 Purple tassels , 33 Pilli dumpa , 84 Purple yam , 34 Pincushion fl ower , 75 Purslane , 506 Pineapple , 457 Pu Tong Feng Liao Jue , 27 Ping Peng Cao , 58 Putty root , 10 Pink and blue ginger , 29 Pyramidal orchid , 60 Pink asphodel , 14 Pink fi nger orchid , 20 Pink fi ngers , 20 Q Pink hyacinth orchid , 39 Qian Jin Ba , 56 Pink plumes , 67 Qing Tian Kui , 58 Pink porcelain , 7 Qing Yang Shen , 31 Pink shamrock , 61 Qin Ling Hu Jue , 40 Pink sun orchid , 81 Qiu Jue , 57 Pink swamp lily , 57 Qiu Kui , 2 Pink water lily , 57 Qi Zhao Long , 49 Common Name Index 1005

Quaba , 12 Rekang Nemthu , 62 Quack grass , 82 Renal cell cancer , 161, 246 Quamash , 21, 22 Ren Shen , 63 Queen anne’s lace , 33, 374 Reuchu , 77 Queensland arrowroot , 22 Rice , 323, 324, 468 Queensland bottle tree , 17 paper plant , 81 Queensland lace plant , 10 weevils , 323 Queensland yellow lily yam , 8 Rice-of-the-Earth , 43 Quick grass , 4 Riêng âm , 7 Quiribijil , 18 Riêng Ðep , 7 Quitch grass , 82 Riêng Malacca , 7 Riêng Nêp , 7 Riêng Rùng , 7 R Riêng thuoc , 7 Raa-Wa-Mburi , 81 River , 76 Rabbits , 323 crinum lily , 29 Radish , 72, 89, 771, 829–861 spinach , 48 Rainbow trout , 821 Rizuka , 26 Rainforest greenhood , 70 Roasting coco , 429 Rain lily , 14 Rocambole , 6, 210 Rakkyo , 204–208 Rocus-leaved romulea , 74 Rakyok lokyo , 4 Rodent tuber , 84 Ramie , 16 Rogon Biri , 35 Rampion bellfl ower , 22 Ronga Bhet , 59 Rankele , 57 Root mustard , 17 Ransom , 288 Roseroot , 73 Rantipole , 374 Round-headed rampion , 65 Raphionacme , 73 Round-leaved birthwort , 12 Rapini , 777 Round-rooted galangal kencur , 50 Rat ascites hepatoma AH 130 , 537 Round white yam , 38 Rat fi broblas HR-3Y1-2 , 850 Rover bellfl ower , 22 Rat glioma C6Bu-1 cells , 538 Royal fern , 875 Rat tail radish , 72 Ruba , 84 Rattan palm , 20 Rui-Chilong , 37 Rattlesnake weed , 33 Ruidok , 48 Rectum carcinoma , 245 Rui Nihang , 38 Red clover , 110 Ruipheng , 37 Red cole , 746 Ruipheng selu , 35 Red cotton bug , 323 Rujiya , 73 Red dwarf banana , 41, 57 Runner bean , 65 Red fl our beetles , 323 Rutabaga , 17, 89, 421, 761–766 Red ginseng , 510, 514, 520, 525, 535, 537, 538, Ru Tou Feng Liao Jue , 27 543, 546, 551, 553, 555, 559, 564, 575, Ry , 7 577, 580, 581, 593 Red groundsel , 44 Red horseradish , 746 S Red magic lily , 53 Sacha pappa , 78 Red midge orchid , 44 Safed mosali , 24 Red mite , 310 Safed musli , 24, 68 Red pepper , 233 Saffron , 29 Red spider lily , 53 Sagittaria , 74 Red spider mites , 426 Sago lily , 21 Red tongue-orchid , 29 , 846 Red water lily , 58 Saku-Yuri , 52 Red wattle , 2 Salep , 80 Reedmace , 83 Salsify , 82, 89, 735–739 R e fl exed orange mangrove , 18 Sam ghas , 84 Regal lily , 52 Sam kochu , 84 Rehmania , 73 Sam thapar , 63 Rejel El Begra , 12 Sanchi , 63 1006 Common Name Index

Sanchi ginseng , 63, 533 Shan Tu Gua , 55 Sand Shan Yuan Sui , 52 fl y , 310 Sha Shen , 3 food , 8 Shatavari , 13 ginger , 1 She Cong , 5 leek , 210 Sheep sorrel , 74, 667 San Qi , 63 Shekta , 56 Sarsaparilla vine , 45 Shen Zi Ye , 15 Sausage greenhood , 71 Shepherd’s purse , 22 Savida dumpa , 34 Shepherd’s tree , 17 Savri , 16 Shield fern , 40 Sawar , 16 Shimla , 16 Sayabana , 26 Shina-Kanzo , 46 Sbai Mung , 10 Shiny asparagus , 620 Scallion , 4, 116, 161, 247, 325 Shi Yong Lian Zuo Jue , 9 Scarlet runner bean , 65 Short-lipped leek-orchid , 68 Scarlet sumac , 74 Shou Shen , 45 Scented fl ag , 83 Showy goat’s-beard , 82 Scented leek-orchid , 68 Showy milkweed , 13 Scented solomon’s seal , 67 Showy millettia , 56 Scented sun orchid , 81 Showy podolepis , 66 Scorpion stings , 439 Showy sunfl ower , 46 Scorzoneras , 370 Shui Lian , 59 Scotch lovage , 52 Shunguneer pushpum , 58 Scotts ginger , 47 Siberian dogwood , 67 Scurfpea , 64 Siberian ginseng , 40, 592 Sea bugloss , 55 Siberian motherwort , 51 Sea club-rush , 16 Sichuan aconite , 3 Sea eryngo , 41 Sichuan lovage , 52 Sea holly , 41 Sichuan tangshen , 26 Seakale beet , 15 Silk cotton , 16 Sea moonfl ower , 49 Silky cow vine , 49 Sea parsnip , 40 Silverleaf Indian breadroot , 69 Sea radish , 72 Silverleaf scurf pea , 69 Sea rocket , 19 Silver leaf wattle , 2 Sedge , 42 Silver princes , 42 Sego lily , 21 Silverweed , 68 Sehod , 37 Sitalpati plant , 54 Seim bean , 50 Sitka valerian , 84 Seluk , 59 SK-BR-3 (human breast adenocarcinomas) , 400 Seminole bread , 87 SK-Hep-1 hepatoma cancer cells , 541 Sémul , 16 Skin (SK MEL-2) , 235 Sengkuang , 62 Skin tumorigenesis , 159, 160 Sensitive fern , 60 Skirret , 77, 89 Ser , 37 Sk-mel3 melanoma cell line , 234 Seri pacifi c dropwort , 59 SKOV3 cell , 667 Serpent garlic , 6 Skunk cabbage , 79 Serpent root , 76 Slender beard orchid , 21 Sessile-fruited arrowhead , 74 Slender onion orchid , 55 Sessile stemona root , 79 Slender scurfy pea , 69 Seven top turnip , 777 Slender sun orchid , 81 SGC-7901 , 236 Slimfl ower scurfpea , 64, 69 Shahada , 37 Slippery elm , 667 Shallot onions , 140 Small angled chives , 204 Shallots , 4, 109, 113, 130, 134, 147, 150, 155, 157, Small autumn greenhood , 71 221, 222, 254 Small camas , 22 Shampoo ginger , 88 Small duck orchid , 20 Shan Ku Mai , 50 Smaller galangal, 7 Shan Lian Ou , 56 Small-fl owered alum root , 46 Shan Luo Huo , 55 Smallfl ower umbrella , 649 Common Name Index 1007

Small Indian breadroot , 69 Starry leek-orchid , 68 Small purslane , 22 Stem turnip , 768 Small rhubarb , 73 Stick button , 655 Small snake orchid, 39 Stinking iris , 49 Small solomon’s seal , 66 Stinking rose , 210 Small taro , 455 Stink lily , 443 Small tongue-orchid , 29 Stomach , 246 Smearwort , 12 cancer , 161, 246, 247 Smooth-barked york gum, 42 carcinoma , 160 Smooth heuchera , 46 Stomach cancer (KATO III) cells , 666 Smooth leaf parson’s bands , 41 Stomach carcinoma SNU-1 , 880 Smooth sumac , 74 Strawberry , 249 Smooth sweet cicely , 61 Strawberry jicama , 67, 717 Smyrnium , 53 Stubble turnip , 777 Snails , 179, 311, 312 Subterranean Indian breadroot , 64 Snake orchid , 39 Sugar beets , 15, 690 Snake palm , 8 Sugarcane , 802 Snakeroot , 12, 41 Sulian , 35 Snake’s beard , 633 Summer greenhood , 70 Snakeshead , 13 Summer leek-orchid , 68 Snakeweed , 67 Suna , 34 Snap ginger , 6 Sunchoke , 89, 687 Soh Lah , 48 Sunfl ower , 45, 311 Soh phlang , 42 Sunfl ower artichoke , 687 Sohplong , 42 Sun ginseng , 535, 577 Solomon’s seal , 67 Sun orchids , 81 Sorghum , 500 Sunroot , 687 Sosnovsky cow parsnip , 679 Sunset hibiscus , 2 Sour gourd tree , 3 Sunset muskmallow , 2 Southern astragalus , 56 Sural , 72 Southern rockbell , 85, 86 Susni , 77 Southern wild rice , 88 SW-480 , 234 Soy , 457 Swamp cotton , 41 Soybeans , 155, 440, 468, 802, 843 Swamp hibiscus , 46 Spaccapietre , 14 Swamp lily , 81 Spanish oyster plant, 76 Swamp potato , 74, 96 Spanish radish , 72 Swamp taro , 32, 433, 438, 493, 494 Spanish salsify , 76 Swan greenhood , 70 Spanish woodbine , 49 Swede , 17, 761, 764, 766 Sparrow grass , 13 Swedish turnips , 17, 761, 766 Spatterdock , 58 Sweet broom , 45 Spear-leaved yam , 34 Sweet cicely , 57, 61 Spear thistle , 25 Sweet clover , 55 Sphagnum helmet-orchid , 28 Sweet coltsfoot , 64 Spider orchids , 20 Sweet corn tuber , 20 Spignel , 14, 55 Sweet fl ag , 3 Spiked rampion , 65, 73 Sweet iris , 49 Spinach , 875 Sweet kudzu , 72 Spinach beet , 15 Sweet leek-orchid , 68 Spineless Indian bamboo , 15 Sweet myrrh , 61 Spotted golden thistle , 76 Sweet myrtle , 3 Spotted hyacinth orchid , 39 Sweet potato , 48, 89, 458, 466 Spotted sun orchid , 81 Sweet root , 3, 45, 717 Sprawling bluebell , 85 Sweet snakeskin lily , 8 Spring beauty , 25 Sweet taro , 455 Spring onion , 300, 458 Sweet vetch , 45 Squawroot , 28, 64 Sweet yam , 35 Squill , 75 Swiss chard , 15 Star grass , 47 Sword , 57 Star-of-Bethlehem , 61 Syam Kachu , 84 1008 Common Name Index

T Thaso , 6 Tabal , 80 Thassap , 77 Table turnips , 766 Thick-podded salwood , 2 Taibai Shan Feng Ya Jue , 28 Thomson kudzu , 71 Taigun , 37 Thorny burr , 655 Tain Cong , 4 Thowan , 82 Taioba , 506 Thread onion , 5 Taiwanese yam , 36 Three leaf cayratia , 23 Taiwan kudzu , 71 T24 human bladder cancer cells , 239, 240 Tai Zhi Shen , 69 Ti , 28 Takob , 36 Tian ma Takuli , 37 Tian Xuan Hua , 28 Talas Belitung , 86 Tick , 310, 311 Tall greenhood , 70 Tiger lily , 52 Tall leek-orchid , 68 Tiger nut , 32, 89 Tall sedge , 54 Tiger orchid , 31, 40 Tamaka , 78 Ti kouka , 28 Tamarind , 464 Timpsula , 64 Tamboli , 77 Tinea corporis , 254 Tang Shen , 25 Tinea cruris , 254 Tannia , 1, 86, 465, 498, 500–502 Tinea pedis , 254 Taourza , 12 Tiny greenhood , 70 Tapeworm , 407 Tiny midge orchid , 44 Tapioca , 54 Tiny morning glory , 49 Tareng , 7 Tiny sun orchid , 81 Taro , 1, 26, 27, 433, 438, 455–486, 502 Tioughda , 12 Taro orchid , 58 Ti plant , 28, 628–632 Tartan tongue-orchid , 29 Tipsin , 64, 89 Tartar bread plant , 29 Tiqqenousine , 12 Tartar root , 510 Tjungoori , 81 Tartar scallion , 5 Tobacco Tarthuth , 61 cutworm , 439 Tarur , 38 root , 84 Tar , 16 Toddy , 458 Taumu , 474, 476 Todok , 874 Tawny daylily , 46 Tomato , 182, 323, 362, 372, 401, 458, 756, 820 T-cell human leukaemia Su9T01 cell line , 479 Tongkat Ali , 42, 89 T47D cells , 238 Tongue leaf plant , 44 Tea , 182, 804 Tongue orchids , 29 Telinga potato , 443 Tonkin creeper , 81 Temu Kunci , 16 Toothed habenaria , 45 Temu Kuning , 31 Topinambur , 687 Temu Kunyit , 30 Top onion , 5 Temulawak , 30 Tora , 7 Temu Mangga , 30 Tora alu , 54 Temu pauh , 30 Totora , 75 Temu putri , 50 Transformed renal cells , 668 Temu tis , 30 Treacle berry , 77 Teppo Yuri , 52 Tree-fern , 68 Tepus , 88 Tree of kings , 628 Tepus Halia , 87 Tree onion , 5 Tepus putih , 50 Trenggiling Mentik , 84 Tepus tanah , 87 Trichosanthes root , 82 Thagdi , 79 Tricolor donkey orchid , 40 Thagong-Yungsa , 47 Trout lily , 41 Tha lairu , 54 True taro , 455 Tha lairusa , 54 Tuba gunjo , 37 Tharai , 7 Tuba ubi , 37 Tharem , 47 Tuber ladder fern , 57 Tharmit tharve am haladhi , 30 Tuberous bitter vetch , 61 Common Name Index 1009

Tuberous Jerusalem sage , 65 V Tuberous nasutium , 83 Vaccinia virus , 261 Tuberous pea , 51 Vaj kand , 38 Tuberous rooted chinese mustard , 17 Vakenar , 80 Tuberous spring beauty , 25 Vanakanda , 80 Tuberous sword fern , 57 Vanilla lilies , 12 Tuberous water lily , 59 Variable midge orchid , 44 Tuber starwort , 79 Vegetable oyster , 82, 735 Tuber stemona root , 79 Vegetable oyster plant , 735 Tu Dang Gui , 11 Vegetable pear , 76 Tule , 75, 76 Veined donkey orchid , 40 Tulips , 89 Veined sun orchid , 81 Tumour cell line HepG2 , 765 Velvet morning glory , 49 Tumpeang , 13 Vesicular stomatitis virus , 261 Tumuku , 78 Vetiver grass , 24, 85 Tupe , 56 Videira silvestre , 2 Turban orchid , 29 Vietnamese ginseng , 63 Turmeric , 1, 30, 250, 322 Violet lily , 82 Turnip , 17, 18, 89, 764, 771, 777–780, 782–786 Violet romulea , 74 Turnip cabbage , 768 Violet-stemmed taro , 86 Turnip greens , 781, 783, 784 Violet wood sorrel , 62 Turnip kale , 768 Viper’s grass , 76 Turnip rape , 778 Virginia tuckahoe , 64 Turnip-rooted celery , 367 Voodoo lily , 75, 443 Turnip-rooted chervil , 23 Turnip-rooted parsley , 64 Turnip root fl y , 764 W Turnip stemmed cabbage , 768 Wapato , 74 Twining fringe-lily , 81 Ware sedge , 23 Twitch , 82 Warrine , 35 Two-colour greenhood , 70 Wasabi , 42, 86, 755, 789–798 T w o - fl owered marsh marigold , 21 Wasuregusa , 46 Two-leaved toothwort, 33 Water arum , 20 Two spotted spider mite , 324, 325 Water bladderwort , 84 Type B strain , 798 Water chestnut , 40 Water chinquapin , 57 Water dragon , 20 U Water dropwort , 59 U-266B1 human myeloma , 425 Water fl ag iris , 49 Ubi babi , 37 Water fl ea , 406 Ubi garam , 36 Water hawthorn , 10 Ubi kelonak , 37 Water horehound , 53 Udal , 80 Waterlilies , 59 Udo , 11 Water mallee , 42 U937 human leukaemia cells , 540 Water millet , 88 Uintjie , 56 Water morning glory , 48 Ulluco , 84, 741–744 Water onion , 10 Ulucuo , 362 Water parsley , 59 Umbu , 79 Water parsnip , 77 Uña de gato , 819 Water plantain , 4 Undulated leaf aponogeton , 11 Water ribbons , 82 Upright elephant ear , 429 Water root , 43 Upside-down tree , 3 Water shamrock , 55 Urahi Alu , 72 Water-shield , 17 Urushiol , 574 Water spinach , 48 Utah agave , 3 Water yam , 34 Ut-Kra , 68 Wauh , 35 Ututo ogiri , 48 Wavy bittercress , 22 Uva do apa , 2 Wavy-leafed soap plant , 24 Uyautia , 498 Wavy marshwort , 59 1010 Common Name Index

Waxlip orchids , 44 Wild hyacinth , 18, 21 Wax turnips , 761 Wild leek , 6, 103, 148 Webworm , 426 Wild oats , 84 WEHI 164 (murine fi brosarcoma) , 116 Wild onion , 4, 6, 18 WEHI-164 fi brosarcoma tumours , 242 Wild parsnip , 82 Weir vine , 49 Wild pea , 65 Welsh onion , 4, 116, 161, 246, 247 Wild pea adzuki bean , 65 Wému , 27 Wild potato , 77, 78 Western donkey orchid , 39 Wild potato vine , 49 Western marsh marigold , 21 Wild quinine , 735 Western sweet cicely , 61 Wild radish , 829 Western sweetroot , 61 Wild salsify , 735 Wheat , 323, 458, 468 Wild sugarcane , 74 White arrow arum , 64 Wild turmeric , 30 White asphodel , 14 Wild yam , 34, 35 White Burma mangrove , 18 Willdenow’s maiden fern , 31 White carrot , 12, 361 Winged bean root , 69 White clover , 82 Winged yam , 34 White dandelion , 80 Winter purslane , 56 White donkey orchid , 39 Wiregrass , 40 White fawn lily , 42 Witgat , 17 White ginger lily , 45 Wombat berry , 42 White ginseng , 510, 520, 521, 525, 527, 535, Woodland chervil , 9 555, 593 Woodland fi gwort , 76 White grapefruit , 160 Woodland ginger , 13 White Guinea yam , 38 Woodland sunfl ower , 687 White lily , 52 Wood sorrel , 61 White lotus , 58, 59 Woolly fern , 24 White mallee , 42 Wu Mao Feng Liao Jue , 27 White marsh marigold , 21 Wu Zhao Jin Long , 48 White mustard , 771 White paederia , 62 White prairie clover , 32, 64 X Whiterim scurfpea , 64 Xiang Ri Ku , 45 White salsify , 735 Xiao Cong , 5 White-spot giant arum , 443 Xiao Suan , 5 White trout lily , 41 Xylopyranoside , 527 White trumpet lily , 52 White turnip , 55, 777 White water lily , 59 Y White wild musk mallow , 2 Yabu ninjin , 61 White yam , 34, 38, 505 Yacon , 67, 77, 89, 717–728, 730, 731 Wild anise , 23 Ya Cong , 76 Wild arum , 13 Yacon strawberry , 717 Wild asparagus , 13, 79, 620 Yagniat , 38 Wild beaked parsley , 9 Yama gobo , 65 Wild bean , 10 Yamaimo , 36 Wild bryony , 18 Yama-No-Imo , 36 Wild cane , 74 Yama-Yuri , 52 Wild carrot , 33, 374 Yam bean , 62 Wild celery parsley , 53 Yam daisy , 55 Wild chervil , 9, 29 Yamp , 23 Wild cowpea , 85 Yampa , 64 Wild cucumber , 80 Yampee , 38 Wild fl ag German iris , 49 Yams , 82, 89, 433, 455, 466, 477 Wild garlic , 210 Yams kalung , 34 Wild geranium , 64 Yang Ru , 26 Wild ginger , 28, 88 Yan Hao , 12 Wild ginseng , 534, 574 Yannia leaf spinach , 498 Wild hop , 18 Yarpo esing , 20 Common Name Index 1011

Ya She Cao , 56 Yellow yam , 34 Yautia , 86, 498 Yellow yautia , 498 Yautía , 363 Yellow zedoary , 30 Yautia amarilla , 86 Ye Shao Gua , 87 Yautia tannia , 498 Yinbun , 83 Ye Jiao Teng , 67 York , 42 Yellow adder’s tongue , 41 Yoshida sarcoma cells , 540 Yellow bells , 43 You Sha Cao , 32 Yellow day lily , 46 Yuan Zhi , 66 Yellow donkey orchid , 39 Yuca , 54, 89 Yellow fl ag , 49 Yucca , 362 Yellow Guinea yam , 34 cardio crinum , 23 Yellow iris , 49 Yu Zan , 47 Yellow leek-orchid , 68 Yu Zhu , 67 Yellow malanga , 86 YYT Colon cancer , 479 Yellow marsh marigold , 21 Yellow milk vine , 54 Yellow nut grass , 32 Z Yellow ocumo , 498 Zamia fern , 17 Yellow onion , 5 Zanzibar yam , 36 Yellow pond lily , 58 Zedoary , 31 Yellow sand verbena , 2 Zephyr lily , 14 Yellow star-of-Bethlehem , 60 Zerumbet ginger , 88 Yellow sweet clover , 55 Zhi Mu , 9 Yellow turnips , 761 Zhu Er Yan , 16 Yellow water fl ag , 49 Zhu Gen Qi , 39 Yellow water lily , 58 Zogale , 56 Yellow wood sorrel, 62 Zucchini , 875 Scientifi c Index

A Adhatoda zeylanica , 3 Abelmoschus spp. , 89 Aedes A. crinitus , 2 A. aegypti , 310 A. fi culneus , 2 A. albopictus , 310, 755, 872 A. manihot , 2 A. nigromaculis , 310 A. moschatus , 2 A. sierrensis , 310 Abronia latifolia , 2 A. triseriatus , 310 Abuta platyphylla , 2 Aeromonas hydrophila , 481 Acacia Agave utahensis , 3 A. bidwillii , 2 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans , 259, 754 A. crassicarpa , 2 Aggregatum group , 186 A. holosericea , 2 Agrobacterium , 404 Acetobacter aceti , 130 A. rhizogenes , 390, 524 Achasma loroglossum , 2 A. tumefaciens , 324 Achatina fulica , 311 Agropyron repens , 4 Acianthus sp. Agrotis ipsilon , 119 A. apprimus , 2 Aletris chinensis , 627 A. collinus , 2 Aleurites moluccana , 431 A. exsertus , 2 Alisma plantago-aquatica , 4 A. fornicatus , 2 Alliaria wasabi , 789 A. pusillus , 2 Allium , 129, 142, 144, 148, 156, 161, 172, 176, 222, 224, Aciphylla squarrosa , 2 233, 238, 246, 247, 250, 252, 258, 262, 299, 300, Aconitum carmichaelii , 3 307, 321, 372 Acorus A. adscendens , 103 A. calamus , 3, 671, 677, 679 A. albescens , 103 A. gramineus , 3 A. altaicum , 4 Acrolepiopsis assectella , 110, 119 A. ampeloprasum , 4, 103, 105, 108, 110–112, 116, Acrostichum speciosum , 3 118, 119, 163 Actinobacillus A. ampeloprasum cv. group leek , 4 A. actinomycetemcomitans , 162, 578 A. ampeloprasum f. holmense , 103 A. pleuropneumoniae , 260 A. ampeloprasum subsp. euampeloprasum , 103 Actinomyces naeslundiis , 100 A. ampeloprasum subsp. halleri , 103 Actinoscirpus grossus , 75 A. ampeloprasum subsp. persicum , 110, 112 Adansonia A. ampeloprasum subsp. porrum , 103 A. digitata , 3 A. ampeloprasu m subsp. thessalum , 103 A. gregorii , 3 A. ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum , 116 Adenochilus nortonii , 3 A. ampeloprasum var. babingtonii , 103 Adenophora A. ampeloprasum var. bertolonii , 103 A. polymorpha latifolia , 3 A. ampeloprasum var. bulbiferum , 103 A. remotifl ora , 3 A. ampeloprasum var. bulgaricum , 103 A. stricta , 3 A. ampeloprasum var. caudatum , 103 A. tetraphylla , 3 A. ampeloprasum var. gasparrinii , 103 A. triphylla , 3 A. ampeloprasum var. gracil , 103 A. verticillata , 3, 625 A. ampeloprasum var. holmense , 103

T.K. Lim, Edible Medicinal and Non Medicinal Plants: Volume 9, Modifi ed Stems, Roots, Bulbs, 1012 DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9511-1, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015 Scientifi c Index 1013

A. ampeloprasum var. porrum , 103, 112 A. gasparrini i , 103 A. ampeloprasum var. pylium , 103 A. halleri , 103 A. ampeloprasum var. wiedemannii , 103 A. holmense , 103 A. angolense , 4, 124 A. hookeri , 5 A. angulosum , 4 A. iranicum , 119 A. aobanum , 124 A. kurrat , 103 A. arenarium , 210 A. laetum , 103 A. ascalonicum , 124, 218 A. ledebourianum , 5 A. ascalonicum f. rotterianum , 124 A. lineare , 5, 103 A. ascalonicum var. condensum , 124 A. longicuspis , 210 A. ascalonicum var. fertile , 124 A. macrostemon , 5 A. ascalonicum var. sterile , 124 A. martini , 204 A. ascalonium , 4 A. moly , 5 A. bakeri , 204 A. mongolicum , 5 A. bertolonii , 103 A. napus , 124 A. bodinieri , 204 A. neapolitanum , 5 A. byzantinum , 103 A. nigritanum , 124 A. canadense , 4 A. obliquum , 5 A. carinatum , 4 A. odorum , 259 A. cepa , 4, 107, 111, 113, 124, 130–134, 137, 145, A. oleraceum , 5 147, 149–151, 163, 164, 166, 171, 172, 177, 180, A. ophioscorodon , 210 185, 186, 215, 216, 218, 223 A. oschaninii , 5 A. cepa aggregatum group , 147, 150 A. paradoxum , 5 A. cepa cv. group aggregatum , 4 A. paucifl orum , 124 A. cepa cv. group common onion , 4 A. pekinense , 210 A. cepaeum , 124 A. polyanthum , 119 A. cepa var. aggregatum , 124, 137 , 155, 164, 186 A. porraceum , 103 A. cepa var. aggregatum (Aggregatum group) , 124 A. porrum , 5, 103, 106–108, 110, 111, 113, 116–118, A. cepa var. aggregatum 131, 215, 216, 218, 288 (Aggregatum group, shallots) , 128 A. porrum subsp. euampeloprasum , 103 A. cepa var. anglicum , 124 A. porrum var. ampeloprasum , 103 A. cepa var. argenteum , 124 A. porrum var. kurrat , 103 A. cepa var. bifolium , 124 A. pskemense , 5 A. cepa var. cepa (Common Onion Group) , 124 A. pylium , 103 A. cepa var. crinides , 124 A. salota , 124 A. cepa var. fl andricum , 124 A. sativum , 5–6, 89, 107, 110, 117, 131, 145, 210, A. cepa var. globosum , 124 212, 215–218, 220–221, 223, 226, 250, 252, 253, A. cepa var. hispanicum , 124 256, 267, 276, 288, 289, 298, 301, 303, 310–312, A. cepa var. jamesii , 124 322, 324, 325 A. cepa var. lisboanum , 124 A. sativum , 228 A. cepa var. luteum , 124 A. sativum extracts , 308 A. cepa var. multiplicans , 124 A. sativum f. pekinense , 210, 252 A. cepa var. portanum , 124 A. sativum ophioscorodon , 6 A. cepa var. praecox , 124 A. sativum subsp. controversum , 210 A. cepa var. rosum , 124 A. sativum subsp. ophioscorodon , 210 A. cepa var. sanguineum , 124 A. sativum subsp. subrotundum , 210 A. cepa var. solaninum , 124 A. sativum var. controversum , 210 A. cepa var. tripolitanum , 124 A. sativum var. ophioscorodon , 210, 326 A. cepa var. viviparum , 124 A. sativum var. pekinense , 210 A. chinense , 4, 204, 206–208 A. sativum var. subrotundum , 210 A. chrysanthum , 4 A. schoenoprasum , 6 A. commune , 124 A. scopulicola , 103 A. consanguineum , 4 A. scorodoprasum subsp. babingtonii , 103 A. controversum , 210 A. scorodoprasum subsp. viviparum , 210 A. cumaria , 124 A. scorodoprasum var. viviparum , 210 A. duriaeanum , 103 A. senescens , 6 A. durieuanum , 103 A. siculum , 145, 223 A. esculentum , 124 A. spectabile , 103 A. exsertum , 204 A. splendens , 204 A. fi stulosum , 4 A. syriacum , 103 1014 Scientifi c Index

Allium (cont.) A. longipes , 841 A. thessalum , 103 A. pisi , 855 A. tricoccum , 6 A. solani , 709 A. triquetrum , 204 Althaea offi cinali , 7 A. tuberosum , 6 Amana edulis , 83 A. ursinum , 130, 288 Amaranthus A. victorialis , 6 A. hybridus , 505 A. x proliferum , 5 A. viridis , 507 Alocasia Ammobroma sonorae , 8 A. acuminata , 6 , 1 A. cordifolia , 429 A. aphyllus , 8 A. cucullata , 6 A. bulbifer , 8 A. dussii , 454 A. campanulatus , 8, 443, 447–451 A. fornicata , 6 A. campanulatus f. darnleyensis , 443 A. grandis , 429 A. campanulatus var. blumei , 443 A. illustris , 454 A. chatty , 443 A. indica , 6, 429, 433, 434 A. consimilis , 8 A. indica var. diversifolia , 429 A. decurrens , 443 A. indica var. heterophylla , 429 A. dixenii , 443 A. indica var. metallica , 429 A. dracontioides , 8 A. indica var. rubra , 429 A. dubius , 443 A. indica var. typica , 429 A. galbra , 8 A. indica var. variegate , 429 A. giganteus , 443 A. macrorrhiza , 6, 429, 433–437, 439, 440 A. gigantifl orus , 443 A. macrorrhizos , 429, 438, 440 A. glabra , 8 A. macrorrhizos var. ariegate , 429 A. , 8 A. macrorrhizos var. rubra , 429 A. lyratus , 13 A. marginata , 429 A. mairei , 8 A. metallica , 429 A. malaccensis , 443 A. montana , 429 A. microappendiculatus , 443 A. odora , 440 A. muelleri , 8 A.. odora , 438 A. paeoniifolius , 8, 443, 446–451 A. pallida , 429 A. paeoniifolius var. campanulatus , 443 A. plumbea , 429 A. rex , 443 A. portei , 6 A. rivieri , 8 A. rapiformis , 429 A. sativus , 443 A. uhinkii , 429 A. sylvaticus , 9, 80 A. variegate , 429 A. variabilis , 9 Aloe , 322 A. virosus , 443 A. barbadensis , 253 Ampelocissus acetosa , 9 Alpinia Amyris balsamifera , 406 A. caerula , 7 Anacamptis A. calcarata , 6 A. morio , 60 A. conchigera , 7 A. pyramidalis , 60 A. galanga , 1, 7 Ancylostoma caninum , 312 A. javanica , 50 Aneilema siliculosum , 9 A. latilabris , 7 Anemarrhena A. malaccensis , 7 A. asphodeloides , 9 A. nigra , 7 A. cavaleriei , 633 A. offi cinaru , 7 Anethum pastinaca , 417 A. zerumbet , 7 Angelica Alstonia A. atropurpurea , 9 A. acuminata , 7 A. sinensis , 9, 625 A. macrophylla Wall. , 7 Angiopteris Alternaria spp. , 420 A. esculenta , 9 A. alternata , 405, 841 A. fokiensis , 9 A. brassicicola , 855 Angiostrongylus costaricensis , 676 A. brassisicola , 324 Anigozanthos , 9 A. helianthi , 855 Anigozanthos fl avidus , 9 Scientifi c Index 1015

Annona squamosa , 312 A. speciosum , 11 Anopheles stephensi , 310 A. tortuosum , 11 Anredera A. triphyllum , 12 A. baselloides , 9 Arisarum A. cordifolia , 9 A. simorrhinum , 12 Anthriscus A. vulgare , 12 A. cerefolium , 9 A. vulgare subsp. vulgare , 12 A. nemorosa , 9 Aristolochia rotunda , 12 A. sylvestris , 9 Armoracia Antigonon leptopus , 10 A. armoracia , 746 Antiotrema dunnianum , 10 A. lapathifolia , 746 Aphis craccivora , 440 A. macrocarpa , 757 Apios A. rustica , 746 A. americana , 10, 89 A. rusticana , 12, 746–748, 751, A. fortunei , 10 755–757 A. tuberosa , 10 A. sativa , 746 Apium A. sisymbrioides , 748, 757 A. graveolens , 10 Aron colocasium , 454 A. graveolens (Celeriac Group) , 367 Arracacha esculenta , 361 A. graveolens (Rapaceum Group) , 367 Arracacia A. graveolens var.-Gr. rapaceum , 367 A. andina , 361 A. graveolens var. rapaceum , 10, 367 A. esculenta , 361 A. rapaceum , 367 A. xanthorriza , 364 Aplectrum hyemale , 10 Arracacia xanthorrhiza , 12, 361 Aponogeton Arracaci xanthorrhiza var. andina , 361 A. distachyos , 10 Artemia salina , 435 A. elongatus , 10 Artemisa brachyloba , 12 A. fenestralis , 10 Arthropodium A. lakhonensis , 10 A. millefl oru , 12 A. madagascariensis , 10 A. minus , 12 A. monostachyon , 10 Artocarpus , 322 A. natans , 10 Arum A. queenslandicus , 11 A. campanulatum , 443 A. undulatus , 11 A. chinense , 454 Arabidopsis thaliana , 324, 756, 795 A. colocasia , 454 Arachis , 320 A. colocasioides , 454 Aralia A. cordifolium , 429 A. cordata , 11 A. decurrens , 443 A. ginseng , 510 A. dracunculus , 12 A. quinquefolia var. ginseng , 510 A. esculentum , 454 A. racemosa , 11 A. incurvatum , 12 Araucaria bidwillii , 11 A. indicum , 429 , 672 A. italicum , 13 A. adhaereus , 655 A. lividum , 454 A. chaorum , 655 A. lyratum , 13 A. edule , 655 A. macrorrhizon , 429 A. intermedium , 655 A. macrorrhizum , 429 A. lappa , 11, 658, 660, 662, 664, 665, 667–672, 674, A. maculatum , 13 675, 677, 679 A. montanum , 429 A. lappa subsp. majus , 655 A. mucronatum , 429 A. lappa var. edule , 655 A. nymphaeifolium , 454 A. leiospermum , 655 A. peltatum , 454 A. majus , 655 A. peregrinum , 429 A. ruderale , 655 A. phalliferum , 443 Argyrolobium marginatum , 11 A. rapiforme , 429 Arisacontis chamissonis , 493 A. rumphii , 443 Arisaema A. sagittaefolium , 498 A. concinnum , 11 A. sagittifolium , 498 A. curvatum , 11 A. vulgare , 13 A. murrayi , 11 A. xanthorrhizon , 498 1016 Scientifi c Index

Asarum B A. canadense , 13 Babesia A. caudatum , 13 B. bigemina , 309 Ascalonicum sativum , 124 B. bovis , 309 Ascendens , 103 B. caballi , 309 Asclepias B. microti , 309 A. speciosa , 13 Babingtonii , 103 A. tuberosa , 13 Bacillus sp. , 260 Ascosphaera apis , 253 B. anthracis , 255 Asparagopsis sinica , 620 B. cereus , 162, 254, 256, 257, Asparagus 405, 786 A. cochinchinensis , 13, 620–625 B. cereus var. mycoides , 855, 856 A. cochinchinensis var. longifolius , 620 B. megaterium , 255, 448 A. dauricus var. elongatus , 620 B. polymyxa , 255 A. falcatus , 620 B. sphaericus , 255 A. fl agellaris , 13 B. subtilis , 116, 162, 251, 254–257, 405, A. gaudichaudianus , 620 436, 448, 578, 646, 668, 669, 728, A. insularis , 620 754, 855–857 A. lucidus , 620 B. thuringiensis , 116 A. pauli-guilelmi , 13 Bacteroides sp. , 590 A. racemosus , 13 B. ovatus , 256 A. sarmentosus , 13 Bactrocera cucurbitae , 485 A. sinicus , 620 Balsamorhiza A. terminalis , 627 B. hookeri , 14 Aspergillus spp. , 253 B. sagittata , 15 A. , 672 Bambusa A. candidus , 856 B. pallida , 15 A. fl avus , 163, 208, 250, 252, 253, 259, 448, 449, 728 B. tulda , 15 A. fumigatus , 208, 250–253, 259, 578, 856 Bancroftia A. glaucus , 253 B. decipiens , 361 A. kawachii , 155 B. xanthorrhiza , 361 A. luchuensis , 252 Barbarea derchiensis , 777 A. niger , 116, 119, 163, 208, 249, 250, 253, 254, 257, Barnardia japonica , 75 259, 324, 386, 405, 425, 436, 448, 524, 669, 706, 728 Basella tuberosa , 741 A. oryzae , 438 Bauhinia A. parasiticus , 250 B. glauca subsp. hupehana , 15 A. parasiticus var. globosus , 163 B. hupehana , 15 A. tamarii , 163 Begonia fagoproides , 15 A. terreus , 253 Bemisia tabaci , 485 A. versicolor , 163, 164, 253 Beta Asphodeline lutea , 13 B. vulgaris , 15, 16, 89 Asphodelus B. vulgaris Cicla Group , 15 A. albus , 14 B. vulgaris cv. Crassa Group , 15 A. fi stulosu , 14 B. vulgaris cv. Group Garden Beet , 15 Aspiculuris tetraptera , 312 B. vulgaris cv. Group Spinach Beet , 15 Asplenium B. vulgaris var. conditiva , 15 A. bulbiferum , 14 B. vulgaris var. esculenta , 15 A. unilaterale , 14 B. vulgaris var. rapa , 16 Astragalus , 672 B. vulgaris var. saccharifera , 15 A. fraxinifolius , 14 B. vulgaris var. vulgaris , 16 A. membranaceus , 14 Bidens biternata , 649 A. propinquus , 14 Bifi dobacterium sp. , 303, 320, 590, 672 Atamasco atamasco , 14 B. animalis ssp. lactis , 704 Athamanta sicula , 14 B. bifi dum , 729 Athyrium B. longum , 256, 877, 878, 881, 883 A. brevifrons , 14 Biomphalaria alexandrina , 179, 308 A. fi lix-femina , 14 Bipolaris sorokiniana , 420 Atylosia reticulata , 14 Bistorta bistortoides , 67 Aureus , 436 Blastoschizomyces capitatus , 251 Azadirachta indica , 311, 312, 436, 437 Blautia sp. , 665 Scientifi c Index 1017

Blechnum B. oleracea var. gongylodes , 17, 768 B. indicum , 16 B. oleracea var. napobrassica , 761 B. orientale , 16 B. rapa , 780, 783, 785, 786 B. serrulatum , 16 B. rapa/B. oleracea , 830 Boehmeria nivea , 16 B. rapa cv. Group Vegetable Turnip , 17 Boerhavia spp. , 16 B. rapa Perviridis Group , 18 B. coccinea , 16 B. rapa Rapifera Group , 18 B. diffusa , 16 B. rapa subsp. oleifera , 778 Boesenbergia B. rapa subsp. rapa , 18, 780 B. pandurata , 16 B. rapa var. quadrivalvis , 777 B. rotunda , 16, 50, 89 B. rapa var. rapa , 18, 777, 778, 782 Bolboschoenus B. rapa var. silvestris , 778 B. caldwellii , 16 B. rapoasiatica , 777 B. fl uviatilis , 16 B. rapoeuropea , 777 B. maritimus , 16 B. rupestris subsp. gongylodes , 768 B. maritimus subsp. paludosus , 75 B. rutabaga , 761 Bombax Brochothrix thermosphacta , 256 B. ceiba , 16 Brodiaea B. malabaricum , 16 B. capitata , 18 Bongardia chrysogonum , 17 B. coronaria subsp. coronaria , 18 Boophilus annulatus , 186, 311 B. douglasii , 18 Bordetella bronchiseptica , 857 B. grandifl ora , 18 Boscia albitrunca , 17 B. pulchella , 18 Botrytis cinerea , 119, 186, 253, 324, 436, 709, 855, 861 Bromelia Bowenia spectabilis , 17 B. caratas , 18 Brachychiton B. karatas , 18 B. australis , 17 B. laciniosa , 18 B. diversifolius , 17 Bruguiera cylindrica , 18 B. populneus , 17 Brunoniella B. rupestris , 17 B. acaulis , 18 Brachystelma bingeri , 17 B. australis , 18 Brasenia schreberi , 17 Bryonia alba , 18 Brassica , 372, 753, 765, 766, 771, 772 Bulbine bulbosa , 18 B. campestris , 786 Bunium B. campestris subsp. rapa , 777 B. alpinum , 19 B. campestris subsp. rapifera , 777 B. alpinum subsp. atlanticum , 19 B. campestris var. campestris , 777 B. bulbocastanum , 19 B. campestris var. napobrassica , 761 B. chaberti , 19 B. caulorapa , 768 B. incrassatum , 19 B. cibaria , 777 B. macuca , 19 B. gongylodes , 768 B. pachypodium , 19 B. gongylodes subsp. asiatica , 768 B. persicum , 19, 89 B. juncea , 17 Bupleurum falcatum , 19 B. juncea subsp. napiformis , 17 Burchardia umbellata , 19 B. napobrassica , 17, 761 Butea B. napus , 766, 842 B. frondosa , 19 B. napus cv. Group Rutabaga , 17 B. monosperma , 19 B. napus Napobrassica Group , 17 Butomus umbellatus , 19 B. napus subsp. napobrassica , 761 B. napus subsp. rapifera , 764 B. napus var. edulis , 761 C B. napus var. napobrassica , 17, 761, 763 Cacopsylla chinensis , 323 B. napus var. napus , 765 Caenorhabditis elegans , 178 B. napus var. rapifera , 761 Caesia B. nigra , 830 C. alpina , 19 B. oleracea , 17, 768 C. calliantha , 19 B. oleracea convar. acephala var. gongylodes , 768 C. parvifl ora , 19 B. oleracea subsp. caulorapa , 768 C. parvifl ora var. vittata , 19 B. oleracea subsp. gongylodes , 768 C. setifera , 19 B. oleracea var. caulorapa , 768 C. vittata , 19 1018 Scientifi c Index

Cakile Caltha C. edentula , 19 C. bifl ora , 21 C. maritima , 20 C. leptosepala , 21 Caladenia , 20 C. leptosepala var. howellii , 21 C. caerulea , 20 C. natans , 21 C. carnea , 20 C. palustris , 21 C. fi lamentos , 20 C. palustris var. barthei , 21 C. fuscata , 20 Calystegia C. gracilis , 20 C. japonica , 21 C. quadrifaria , 20 C. pubescens , 21 C. tentaculata , 20 C. sepium , 21 Caladium Camassia C. acre , 454 C. esculenta , 22 C. colocasia , 454 C. leichtlinii , 21 C. colocasioides , 454 C. quamash , 22 C. edule , 498 Campanula C. esculentum , 454 C. javanica , 870 C. glycyrrhizum , 454 C. pyramidalis , 22 C. indicum , 429 C. rapunculoides , 22 C. macrorrhizon , 429 C. rapunculus , 22 C. mafaffa , 498 C. rotundifolia , 73 C. metallicum , 429 C. urticaefolia , 22 C. nymphaeifolium , 454 Campanumoea C. odoratum , 429 C. japonica , 874 C. plumbeum , 429 C. javanica , 870 C. sagittifolium , 498 C. lanceolata , 874 C. utile , 498 Campylobacter C. violaceum , 454 C. coli , 405 C. xanthorrhizon , 498 C. jejuni , 405 Calamus rotang , 20 C. lari , 405 Calandrinia eremaea , 22 Canarina canariensis , 22 Calathea allouia , 20 Candarum Caleana C. hookeri , 443 C. major , 20 C. roxburghii , 443 C. minor , 20 C. rumphii , 443 Calla Candida sp. , 163, 321 C. badian , 429 C. albicans , 116, 162, 163, 249–253, 255, 257, C. gaby , 454 259, 405, 425, 436, 448, 507, 578, 668, 669, C. maxima , 429 728, 754, 856 C. palustris , 20 C. glabrata , 251, 253, 259, 669 C. virosa , 454 C. kefyr , 707 Callicarpa C. krusei , 251, 259 C. rubella , 20 C. lactis-condensi , 856 C. vestita , 20 C. macedoniensis , 707 Callirhoe involucrata , 21 C. parapsilosis , 251 Callosobruchus chinensis , 485 C. pseudotropicalis , 707 Calochilus spp. , 21 C. rugosa , 251 C. campestris , 21 C. tropicalis , 116, 163, 251, 253, C. gracillimus , 21 405, 669 C. robertsonii , 21 C. valida , 855, 856 Calochortus Canna C. gunnisonii , 21 C. achiras , 22 C. nuttallii , 21 C. bidentata , 22 C. venustus , 21 C. edulis , 22 Calodracon C. glauca , 485 C. heliconiifolia , 627 C. indica , 22 C. jacquinii , 627 C. lutea , 22 C. nobilis , 627 C. orientalis , 22 C. sieberi , 627 Cantharospermum reticulatum , 14 C. terminalis , 627 Capsella bursa-pastoris , 22 Caloscordum exsertum , 204 Capsicum annuum , 233 Scientifi c Index 1019

Cardamine Christella parasitica , 24 C. armoracia , 746 Chrysopogon zizanioides , 24, 85 C. concatenata , 33 Chrysosporium queenslandicum , 163 C. diphylla , 33 Cibotium barometz , 24 C. fl exuosa , 22 Cichorium intybus , 24 Cardiocrinum giganteum var. yunnanense , 23 Cirsium Carex spp. , 23 C. arvense , 24 Carica papaya , 819 C. japonicum , 25 Carlina acaulis , 698 C. oleraceum , 24 Carludovica palmata , 23 C. tanakae , 24 Carota sylvestris , 374 C. vulgare , 25 Cartonema opaca , 25 C. parvifl orum , 23 Citrus hystrix , 322 C. spicatum , 23 Cladosporium Carum C. cladosporioides , 408 C. carvi , 23 C. cucumerinum , 773 C. copticum , 322 Cladosporium C. gairdneri , 23 C. colocasiae , 855 C. kelloggii , 23 Claytonia Catha edulis , 269 C. acutifolia , 25 Caucalis C. caroliniana , 25 C. carnosa , 374 C. megarhiza , 25 C. carota , 374 C. perfoliata , 56 C. daucus , 374 C. tuberosa , 25 C. glabra , 374 C. virginica , 25 Cayratia opaca , 25 C. clematidea , 23 Clerodendrum C. trifolia , 23 C. chinense , 25 Cedrus deodara , 311, 312 C. fragrans , 25 Centaurea , 662 C. serratum , 25 Cepa Clostridium C. alba , 124 C. botulinum , 321 C. esculenta , 124 C. nexile , 256 C. pallens , 124 C. perfringens , 704, 754 C. rubra , 124 Cnesti , 322 C. vulgaris , 124 japonicus , 25 Ceratocystis fi mbriata , 471 Cochlearia Ceropegia C. armoracia , 746 C. bulbosa , 23 C. lancifolia , 746 C. candelabrum , 23 C. lapathifolia , 746 C. cumingiana , 23 C. rusticana , 746 C. tuberosa , 23 C. variifolia , 746 Chaerophyllum C. wasabi , 789 C. bulbosum , 23 Cochlospermum sp. , 25 C. bulbosum subsp. prescottii , 23 Codonocarpus Chamaescilla corymbosa , 23 C. attenuatus , 25 Cheilocostus speciosus , 28 C. cotinifolius , 25 Chenopodium tuberosum , 741 Codonopsis Chiloglottis C. bodinieri , 874 C. diphylla , 24 C. javanica , 26, 870–872 C. formicifera , 24 C. javanica subsp. javanica , 870 C. palachila , 24 C. lanceolata , 26, 874–882, 884, 886 C. platyptera , 24 C. lanceolata f. emaculata , 874 C. pluricallata , 24 C. lanceolata var. amurae , 874 C. refl exa , 24 C. lanceolata var. emaculata , 874 C. sphyrnoides , 24 C. lancifolia , 26 C. trapeziformis , 24 C. pilosula , 25 C. trilabra , 24 C. pilosula subsp. tangshen , 26 Chlorella protothecoides , 707 C. tangshen , 26 Chlorogalum pomeridianum , 24 C. ussuriensis f. viridifl ora , 874 Chlorophytum tuberosum , 24 C. yesoensis , 874 1020 Scientifi c Index

Cogswellia C. indica var. rubra , 429 C. canbyi , 65 C. macrorrhiza , 429 C. cous , 65 C. montana , 429 C. geyeri , 65 C. mucronata , 429 C. nudicaulis , 53 C. neocaledonica , 454 Colchicum C. nymphaeifolia , 27, 454 C. autumnale , 26 C. peltata , 454 C. commune , 26 C. peregrina , 429 Coleus C. rapiformis , 429 C. blumei , 26, 699 C. tonoimo , 454 C. dazo , 26 C. vera , 454 C. parvifl orus , 26 C. violacea , 454 C. tuberosus , 26 C. virosa , 454 Colletotrichum C. vulgaris , 454 C. gloeosporioides , 186, 709 Commiphora C. lindemuthianum , 855 C. caerulea , 27 Colocasia , 454, 470, 477 C. neglecta , 27 C. acris , 454 Coniogramme C. aegyptiaca , 454 C. emeiensis , 27 C. affi nis , 26 C. intermedia , 27 C. antiquorum , 454, 471, 485 C. intermedia var. glabra , 27 C. antiquorum f. acuatica , 454 C. japonica , 27 C. antiquorum f. eguimo , 454 C. jinggangshanensis , 27 C. antiquorum f. oyasetage , 454 C. robusta , 27 C. antiquorum f. purpurea , 454 C. rosthornii , 27 C. antiquorum f. yamamotoi , 454 C. simillima , 27 C. antiquorum var. acris , 454 C. taipaishanensis , 28 C. antiquorum var. aquatilis , 454 Conium arracacia , 361 C. antiquorum var. euchlora , 454 Conophallus C. antiquorum var. fontanesii , 454 C. giganteus , 443 C. antiquorum var. globulifera , 454 C. sativus , 443 C. antiquorum var. illustris , 454 Conopholis americana , 28 C. antiquorum var. multifolia , 454 Conopodium majus , 27, 89 C. antiquorum var. nymphaeifolia , 454 Consolida major , 28 C. antiquorum var. patens , 454 Convallaria C. antiquorum var. rosea , 454 C. fruticosa , 627 C. antiquorum var. rupicola , 454 C. graminifolia , 633 C. antiquorum var. stolonifera , 454 C. japonica , 633 C. boryi , 429 Convolvulus C. esculenta , 1, 26, 27, 433, 438, 454, 458, 461, 465, C. arvensis , 28 467, 471, 473–476, 478–482, 484, 780–485, 502–505 C. chinensis , 28 C. esculenta f. ebiimo , 454 C. erubescens , 28 C. esculenta f. rotundifolia , 454 Coprinus comatus , 577 C. esculenta var. acris , 454 Coptotermes formosanus , 821 C. esculenta var. antiquorum , 27, 454, 462, 463, 485, 486 Corcyra cephalonica , 485 C. esculenta var. aquatilis , 454 Cordyline sp. , 28 C. esculenta var. esculenta , 485, 486 C. amabilis , 627 C. esculenta var. euchlora , 454 C. australis , 28 C. esculenta var. fontanesii , 454 C. baptistii , 627 C. esculenta var. globifera , 27 C. cheesemanii , 627 C. esculenta var. globulifera , 454 C. dennisonii , 627 C. esculenta var. illustris , 454 C. densicoma , 627 C. esculenta var. nymphaeifolia , 454 C. eschscholziana , 627 C. esculenta var. rupicola , 454 C. ferrea , 627 C. esculenta var. stolonifera , 454 C. fruticosa , 28, 627 C. euchlora , 454 C. fruticosa var. ferrea , 627 C. fontanesii , 454 C. gloriosa , 627 C. gracilis , 454 C. guilfoylei , 627 C. himalensis , 27, 454 C. hedychioides , 627 C. indica , 429 C. heliconiifolia , 627 Scientifi c Index 1021

C. hendersonii , 627 Curculigo ensifolia , 29 C. jacquinii , 627 Curcuma C. javanica , 627 C. aeruginosa , 29 C. metallica , 627 C. amada , 30 C. nobilis , 627 C. angustifolia , 30 C. reali , 627 C. aromatica , 30 C. regina , 627 C. australasica , 30 C. sepiaria , 627 C. caulina , 30 C. sieberi , 627 C. domestica , 30 C terminalis , 28, 627, 632 C. longa , 30, 250, 310 C. terminalis var. baileyi , 627 C. mangga , 30 C. terminalis var. boryi , 627 C. phaeocaulis , 30 C. terminalis var. hedychioides , 627 C. pierreana , 30 C. terminalis var. petiolari s , 630 C. pseudomontana , 30 C. terminalis var. sepiaria , 627 C. purpurascens , 30 C. terminalis var. sieberi , 627 C. zanthorrhiza , 30 C. terminalis var. ti , 627 C. zedoaria , 31 C. ti , 627 Cyclocodon lancifolius , 26 C. timorensis , 627 Cyclosorus interruptus , 31 Cornus offi cinalis , 878, 883, 884 Cymbidium canaliculatum , 31 Corybas Cynanchum C. fi mbriatu , 28 C. bungei , 31 C. hispidus , 28 C. caudatum , 31 C. montanus , 28 C. forrestii , 31 C. species A , 28 C. otophyllum , 31 Corydalis solida , 43 C. wilfordii , 31 Costus speciosus , 28 Cynara cardunculus , 31 Crambe Cyperus C. cordifolia , 28 C. bifax , 31 C. orientalis , 29 C. bulbosus , 32 C. tatarica , 29 C. cyperoides , 54 Crinum C. difformis , 649 C. defi xum , 29 C. esculentus , 32, 89 C. fl accidum , 29 C. esculentus var. sativus , 32 C. viviparum , 29 C. jeminicus , 32 Crocus sativus , 29 C. papyrus , 32, 485 Crucifera armoracia , 746 C. rotundus , 31, 32 Cryptococcus neoformans , 249, 250, 252, 405, 425, 507, Cyrtosperma 578 C. bantamense , 493 Cryptosporidium , 309 C. chamissonis , 32, 433, 438, 493 C. parvum , 309, 310 C. cuspidilobum , 493 Cryptostylis sp. C. dubium , 493 C. erecta , 29 C. edule , 32, 493 C. hunteriana , 29 C. ferox , 493 C. leptochila , 29 C. intermedium , 493 C. subulata , 29 C. lasioides , 493 Cryptotaenia C. merkusii , 32, 493, 494 C. canadensis , 29 C. merkusii var giganteum , 493 C. japonica , 29 C. merkusii var. intermedium , 493 Cucurbita foetidissima , 29 C. nadeaudianum , 493 Cucurma longa , 1 Cyrtostylis reniformis , 32 Culex C. peus , 310 C. pipiens pallens , 406 D C. pipiens quinquefasciatus , 310 Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. incarnata , 60 C. quinquefasciatus , 310 Dahlia pinnata , 33 C. tarsalis , 310 Dalea Cullen badocanum , 69 D. candida , 32, 64 Culmorum , 116 D. gattingeri , 33 Cuminum cyminum , 310 D. purpurea , 33 1022 Scientifi c Index

Damalinia caprae , 311 D. pulchellum var. paucifl orum , 33 Daphnia magna , 406 Dichopogon Daucus D. fi mbriatus , 33 D. allionii , 374 D. strictus , 33 D. australis , 374 Dioscorea spp. D. blanchei , 374 D. aculeata , 34 D. brevicaulis , 374 D. alata , 34, 505 D. carota , 33, 374, 376, 385, 389, 390, 392, 395, 402, D. anguina , 34 405, 406 D. belophylla , 34 D. carota f. epurpuratus , 374 D. bulbifera , 34 D. carota f. fi scheri , 374 D. calcicola , 34 D. carota f. goodmanii , 374 D. cayenensis , 34 D. carota f. roseus , 374 D. cayennensis , 34 D. carota L. subsp. sativus var. atrorubens , 391 D. cayennensis subsp. rotundata , 38 D. carota sativus group , 33 D. cinnamomifolia , 38 D. carota subsp. hispidus , 374 D. cumingii , 34 D. carota subsp. sativus var. atrorubens , 381, 382, 391 D. daunea , 34 D. carota var. atrorubens , 408 D. deltoidea , 35 D. carota var. brachycaulos , 374 D. divaricata , 35 D. carota var. linearis , 374 D. dumetorum , 35 D. carota var. pseudocarota , 374 D. esculenta , 35, 433 D. carota var. sativus , 408 D. esculenta var. fasciculata , 35 D. communis , 374 D. fi liformis , 35 D. communis var. pseudocarota , 374 D. gibbifl ora , 35 D. esculentus , 374 D. glabra , 35 D. exiguus , 374 D. hamiltonii , 37 D. gingidium , 374 D. hastifolia , 35 D. glaber , 374 D. hemsleyi , 35 D. heterophylus , 374 D. hirtifl ora , 35 D. hispidus , 374 D. hispida , 36 D. kotovii , 374 D. japonica , 36 D. levis , 374 D. laurifolia , 36 D. marcidus , 374 D. luzonensis , 36 D. maritimus , 374, 381 D. macrostachya , 36 D. montanus , 374 D. macroura , 36 D. neglectus , 374 D. membranacea , 36 D. nudicaulis , 374 D. mexicana , 36 D. offi cinalis , 374 D. minutifl ora , 36 D. polygamus , 374 D. nummularia , 36 D. pusillus , 33 D. opposita , 36 D. scariosus , 374 D. oppositifolia , 36 D. sciadophylus , 374 D. orbiculata , 36 D. strigosus , 374 D. owenii , 36 D. sylvestris , 374 D. pentaphylla , 37, 38 D. vulgaris , 33, 374 D. persimilis , 37 Debaryomyces hansenii , 855, 856 D. piscatorum , 37 Delia D. polyclados , 37 D. fl oralis , 764 D. polystachya , 37 D. radicum , 310 D. prainiana , 37 Dentaria D. prazeri , 37 D. diphylla , 33 D. preussii , 37 D. laciniata , 33 D. pubera , 34, 37 Depressaria pastinacella , 423, 426 D. pyrifolia , 37 Dermanyssus gallinae , 310 D. quinata , 37 Dermatophagoides farinae , 582, 755 D. rotundata , 38 Dianella cubensis , 627 D. sagitatta , 38 Dichelostemma D. sansibarensis , 36 D. capitatum , 18 D. sativa , 38 D. capitatum subsp. paucifl orum , 33 D. schimperiana , 38 D. congestum , 18 D. stemonoides , 38 Scientifi c Index 1023

D. tranversa , 38 D. imperialis , 627 D. trifi da , 38 D. inscripta , 627 D. triphylla , 38 D. leonensis , 627 D. tuberosa , 38 D. lineata , 627 D. villosa , 37, 38 D. lutescens , 627 D. wallichii , 38 D. macleayi , 627 Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii , 38 D. magnifi ca , 627 Dipcadi erythraeum , 38 D. metallica , 627 Dipodium spp. , 39 D. neocaledonica , 627 D. atropurpureum , 38 D. nobilis , 627 D. hamiltonianum , 39 D. porteana , 627 D. pulchellum , 39 D. pulchella , 627 D. punctatum , 39 D. pulcherrima , 628 D. roseum , 39 D. reali , 628 D. squamatum , 39 D. regalis , 628 D. variegatum , 39 D. reginae , 628 Disporopsis D. regis , 628 D. aspersa , 39 D. robinsoniana , 628 D. pernyi , 39 D. rothiana , 628 Diuris D. salviati , 628 D. abbreviata , 39 D. sepiaria , 628 D. alba , 39 D. siamensis , 628 D. aurea , 39 D. spectabilis , 628 D. chrysantha , 39 D. splendens , 628 D. dendrobioides , 39 D. sulcata , 628 D. goonooensis , 39 D. terminalis , 628 D. lanceolata , 39 D. troubetzkoi , 628 D. maculata , 39 D. utilis , 628 D. pedunculata , 39 D. warocquei , 628 D. platichila , 39 Dracontium D. punctata , 39 D. paeoniifolium , 443 D. striata , 40 D. polyphyllum , 40, 443 D. sulphurea , 40 Dracunculus vulgaris , 12 D. tricolor , 40 Drosera auriculata , 40 D. venosa , 40 Drynaria Dolichos bifl orus , 40 D. baronii , 40 Doryanthes excelsa , 40 D. fortunei , 40 Dracaena D. roosii , 40 D. alborosea , 627 D. sinica , 40 D. amabilis , 627 Dryopteris dilatata , 40 D. argenteostriata , 627 Dysdercus cingulatus , 323 D. bellula Linden and André , 627 D. brasiliensis , 627 D. casanovae , 627 E D. chelsoni , 627 Echinacea purpurea , 307 D. cooperi , 627 Echinophora spinosa , 40 D. coullingii , 627 Edwardsiella tarda escherichia coli , 481 D. cuprea , 627 Eimeria papillata , 309 D. douceti , 627 Eisenia foetida , 485 D. dracaena baptistii , 627 Elaphoboscum sativum , 417 D. esculenta , 627 Eleocharis D. ferrea , 627 E. dulcis , 1, 40, 76 D. fl emingii , 627 E. kuroguwai , 40 D. formosa , 627 Eleusine indica , 40 D. fraseri , 627 Eleutherococcus senticosus , 40 D. gibsonii , 627 Elymus repens , 4, 82 D. gloriosa , 627 Emex spinosa , 40 D. guilfoylei , 627 Ensete D. hybrida , 627 E. superbum , 41, 57 D. illustris , 627 E. ventricosum , 41 1024 Scientifi c Index

Entamoeba histolytica , 250, 307, 437 Farfugium japonicum var. formosanum , 42 Enterobacter sp. , 260 Fasciola gigantica , 312 E. aerogenes , 728, 856 Ferula E. cloacae , 855, 856 F. asafoetida , 250 E. faecalis , 256 F. assafoetida , 42 Enterococcus Ficaria vederna , 72 E. faecalis , 668, 754, 856, 857 Ficus carica , 755 E. faecium , 256 Fimbristylis Ephestia kuehniella , 110 F. kysoor , 42 Epidermophyton fl occosum , 249, 250, F. subbispicata , 42 253, 728 F. tristachya var. subbispicata , 42 Epilobium angustifolium , 41 Flavobacterium sp. , 481 Eriochilus cucullatus , 41 Flemingia Eriophorum gracile , 41 F. procumbens , 42 Eriophyton wallichii , 41 F. prostrata , 56 Eriosema chinense , 41 F. vestita , 42 Erodium crinitum , 41 Flueggea Erwinia carotovora , 324 F. anceps , 633 Eryngium F. angulata , 633 E. campestre , 41 F. japonica , 633 E. maritimum , 41 Fockea Erythrina vespertilio , 41 F. angustifolia , 43 Erythronium F. edulis , 43 E. albidum , 41 Foeniculum E. americanum , 41 F. azoricum , 43 E. dens-canis , 41 F. vulgare , 43 E. japonicum , 42 Forsythia , 662 E. oregonum , 42 Fritillaria Escherichia coli , 116, 162, 247, 250, 252, 254–257, F. bifl ora var. bifl ora , 43 259, 260, 405, 436, 437, 448, 449, 578, F. camschatcensis , 43 630, 668, 669, 703, 728, 754, 794, F. lanceolata , 43 855, 856 F. pudica , 43 Eubacterium sp. , 590 F. verticillata , 43 Eucalyptus Fumaria bulbosa , 43 E. caesia , 42 Fusarium , 116 E. dumosa , 42 F. culmorum , 119, 252, 324, 755, 855 E. loxophleba , 42 F. laceratum , 252 Eudrilus eugeniae , 485 F. moniliforme , 386, 861 Eulophus ambiguous , 64 F. oxysporum , 163, 186, 250, 253, 324, 405, Eurotium 577, 755, 841, 861 E. amstelodami , 163 F. oxysporum f. sp. apii. , 369 E. chevalieri , 855 F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici , 186, 250, 855 Eurycoma longifolia , 89 F. oxysporum f. sp.lycopersici , 324 Eustrephus latifolius , 42 F. oxysporum f. sp. pisi , 855 Eutrema F. solani , 386, 649 E. japonicum , 42, 86, 789 F. sporotrichioides , 420 E. japonicum f. terrestris , 789 Fusobacterium sp. , 590 E. japonicum var. sachalinensis , 789 F. nucleatum , 147, 754 E. koreanum , 789 E. okinosimense , 789 E. wasabi , 42, 789 G E. wasabi f. terrestris , 789 Gagea lutea , 60 E. wasabi var. sachalinensis , 789 Galactia tenuifl ora , 43 Ezehlsia palma , 628 Gandola tuberosa , 741 Ganoderma , 546 Gastrodia F G. elata , 43 Fagara tessmannii , 813 G. procera , 43 Fallopia multifl ora , 67 G. sesamoides , 43 Scientifi c Index 1025

Genoplesium H. esculentus , 687 G. archeri , 44 H. hirsutus , 45 G. fi liforme , 44 H. maximiliani , 45 G. fi mbriatum , 44 H. serotinus , 687 G. nudiscapum , 44 H. strumosus , 45 G. nudum , 44 H. tomentosus , 687 G. pedersonii , 44 H. tuberosus , 46, 89, 687–689, 692–703, G. rufum , 44 705–708, 710, 720 Gentiana asclepiadea , 756 H. tuberosus var. subcanescens , 687 Geodorum sp. , 44 H. x laetifl oru , 46 Geotrichum candidum , 252 Helicobacter pylori , 162, 257, 258, Geranium solanderi , 44 261, 404, 566, 568, 578, 673, Giardia 795, 821 G. intestinalis , 307, 437 Helicoverpa armigera , 324 G. lamblia , 250, 307, 309 Heliothis zea , 426, 440 Gibberella Helleborus niger , 46 G. saubinetii , 646 Helminthotheca echioides , 65 G. zeae , 710 Hemerocallis Gigaspora margarita , 383 H. fulva , 46 Gingivalis , 258 H. lilioasphodelus , 46 Ginkgo biloba , 548 H. minor , 46 Gladiolus Heracleum G. byzantinus , 44 H. lanatum , 46 G. communis , 44 H. sibiricum , 423 Globodera pallida , 325 H. sphondylium subsp. montanum , 46 Glosocomia Herminium lanceum , 79 G. hortensis , 874 Heuchera G. lanceolata , 874 H. glabra , 46 Glossodia sp. , 44 H. micrantha , 46 G. major , 44 Hevea brasiliensis , 795 Glottiphyllum linguiforme , 44 Hibiscus Glycyrrhiza H. divaricatus , 46 G. glabra , 44 H. diversifolius , 46 G. lepidota , 44 H. heterophyllus , 46 Grifola frondosa , 676 H. sturtii , 47 Gynura bicolor , 44 H. tiliaceus , 47 Gypsophila davurica , 45 H. trionum , 47 Histoplasma capsulatum , 249 Hitchenia caulina , 30 H Homalomena aromatica , 47 Habenaria Hordeum bulbosum , 47 H. conopsea , 45 Hornstedtia scottiana , 47 H. delavayi , 45 Hosta plantaginea , 47 H multipartite , 45 Houttuynia cordata , 47 H. rumphii , 45 Humulus H. sparsifl ora , 45 H. lupulus , 47, 671, 677, 679 Haemodorum corymbosum , 45 H. lupulus var. cordifolius , 47 Haemonchus contortus , 312 Hyalomma marginatum rufi pes , 311 Halopegia blumei , 45 Hyaloperonospora parasitica , 324 Hansenula anomala , 855 Hydrophyllum canadense , 47 Hardenbergia retusa , 45 Hydrosme gigantifl ora , 443 Hedychium coronarium , 45 Hymenolepis nana , 309 Hedysarum Hyoscyamus vulgaris , 47 H. boreale , 45 Hypoxis H. boreale subsp. mackenzii , 45 H. fi liformis , 47 H. mackenzii , 45 H. hygrometrica , 47 H. occidentale , 45 H. marginata , 47 Helianthus H. nervosa , 47 H. annuus , 45 H. pratensis , 47 1026 Scientifi c Index

I Kluyveromyces Icacina K. cicerisporus , 708 I. mannii , 48 K. fragilis , 707 I. oliviformis , 48 K. marxianus , 707, 708 I. senegalensis , 48 K. marxianus var. bulgaricus , 731 Impatiens balsamina , 843, 861 Kunda verrucosa , 443 Imperata cylindrica , 48, 89 Imperatoria major , 48 Indoplanorbis exustus , 311 L Ipomoea Labichea buettneriana , 50 I. aquatica , 48 Lablab purpureus , 50 I. batatas , 48, 89 Lactobacillus , 709 I. cairica , 48 L. acidophilus , 255–257, 578, 668, I. calobra , 48 704, 729 I. cheirophylla , 49 L. casei , 256, 754 I. costata , 48, 89 L. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus , 704 I. digitata , 49 L. mesenteroides , 106 I. eriocarpa , 49 L. paracasei ssp. paracasei , 704 I. gracilis , 49 L. plantarum , 106, 254, 255, 257, 729 I. graminea , 48 L. rhamnosus , 877, 878, 881, 883, 884 I. mauritiana , 49 L. , 754 I. pandurata , 49 Lactococcus lactis , 481 I. pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis , 49 Laminaria , 546 I. polpha , 49 Languas I. polymorpha , 49 L. galanga , 50 I. racemosa , 48 L. javanica , 50 I. staphylina , 49 Lapathum I. velutina , 49 L. alpinum , 50 I. violacea , 49 L. aquaticum , 50 Iris L. sylvestre , 50 I. foetidissima , 49 Laportea , 439 I. lutea , 49 L. aestuans , 507 I. pallida , 49 Lappa I. pseudacorus , 49 L. amplissima , 655 I. setosa , 49 L. arctium , 655 I. vulgaris , 49 L. bardana , 655 I. x germanica , 49, 50 L. communis , 655 Ixeris chinensis , 50 L. communis var. major , 655 Ixodes ricinus , 310 L. edulis , 655 Ixora subsessilis , 50 L. glabra , 655 L. kotschyi , 655 L. major , 655 J L. offi cinalis , 655 Jaltomata procumbens , 50 L. vulgaris , 655 Jatropha macrantha , 812 Lasia Justicia adhatoda , 3 L. merkusii , 493 L. spinosa , 51 Lathyrus K L. linifolius , 61 Kaempferia L. tuberosus , 51, 89 K. galanga , 1, 50 Lavatera plebeia , 51 K. pandurata , 50 Lawsonia inermis , 312 K. rotunda , 50 Leichardtia australis , 51 Kavalama urens , 80 Leishmania Kepa esculenta , 124 L. donovani , 308 Khadia acutipetala , 50 L. donovani chagasi , 308 Klebsiella sp. , 256, 260, 481 L. major , 180, 308 K. aerogenes , 255 L. mexicana , 308 K. pneumonia , 255, 436, 856 L. mexicana amazonensis , 308 K. pneumoniae , 162, 256, 257, 259, 260, 708, 728, 857 L. mexicana venezuelensis , 308 Scientifi c Index 1027

Leonurus sibiricus , 51 Lupinus Leopoldia comosa , 51 L. arcticus , 53 Lepidium L. nootkatensis , 53 L. affi ne , 801 Lycopus L. bipinnatifi dum , 801 L. europaeus , 53 L. chichicara , 801 L. lucidus , 53 L. gelidum , 801 L. unifl orus , 53 L. kalenbornii , 801 Lycoriella ingénue , 323, 757 L. latifolium , 51 Lycoris L. meyenii , 51, 89, 801, 802, 805, 810, 811, 813, 815, L. aurea , 53 818, 819 L. radiata , 53 L. meyenii subsp. gelidum , 801 Lygodium microphyllum , 53 L. meyenii subsp. marginatum , 801 Lymnaea acuminata , 311, 312 L. meyenii var. affi ne , 801 Lypaphis erysimi , 323 L. orbignyanum , 801 Lyperanthus sp. , 53 L. peruvianum , 801, 822 Lyperanthus suaveolens , 53 L. weddellii , 801 Lepironia articulata , 51 Leptosphaeria maculans , 792, 794, 798 M Leucocasia esculenta , 454 Maclura pomifera , 697 Leuconostoc Macrotyloma unifl orum , 53 L. mesenteroides , 457 Magnaporthe grisea , 324 L. paramesenteroides , 457 Maianthemum racemosum , 77 Levisticum Malassezia furfur , 163, 251 L. offi cinale , 51 Manihot L. vulgare , 51 M. carthaginensis subsp. glaziovii , 54 Lewisia rediviva , 52 M. esculenta , 54, 89, 465, 504 Ligusticum M. glaziovii , 54 L. scoticum , 52 M. utilissima , 54, 505 L. sinense , 52 Maranta L. striatum , 52 M. arundinacea , 54, 89 L. wallichii , 52 M. dichotoma , 54 Lilium , 89 Marattia salicina , 54 L. amabile , 52 Mariscus sieberianus , 54 L. auratum , 52 Marsdenia L. auratum var. platyphyllum , 52 M. australis , 51 L. brownii , 52 M. fl avescens , 54 L. davidii , 52 M. viridifl ora , 54 L. japonicum , 52 Massoia , 322 L. lancifolium , 52 Matteuccia L. longifl orum , 52, 574 M. pensylvanica , 54 L. superbum , 52 M. struthiopteris , 54, 55 Lipaphis erysimi , 485 Medeola virginiana , 55 Liposcelis entomophila , 757 Melampyrum roseum , 55 Liriope Melanthium cochinchinensis , 620 L. gracilis , 633 Melilotus L. spicata , 52 M. albus , 55 Listeria monocytogenes , 162, 255, 256, M. offi cinalis , 55 754, 881 Melloca peruviana , 741 Litsea cubeba , 52 Meloidogyne incognita , 325, 757 Lomatium Menyanthes L. californicum , 53 M. palustris , 55 L. dissectum , 53 M. trifoliata , 55 L. hallii , 53 Meriones unguiculatus , 404 L. macrocarpum , 53 Merremia hungaiensis , 55 L. nudicaule , 53 Mertensia maritima , 55 Lotus siloquosus , 53 Meum athamanticum , 55 Lunaria Micrococcus L. annua , 53 M. luteus , 162, 857 L. japonica , 789 M. lysodeikticus , 646 1028 Scientifi c Index

Microseris Nectria haematococca , 855 M. lanceolata , 55 Nelumbium speciosum , 57 M. scapigera , 55 Microsporum N. lutea , 57 M. canis , 163 N. nucifera , 1, 57, 574 M. gypseum , 163, 249, 250, 425 Neowerdermannia vorwerkii , 57 Microstemma tuberosum , 55 Nephrolepis Microtis sp. , 55 N. auriculata , 57 M. parvifl ora , 55 N. cordifolia , 57 M. unifolia , 55, 56 Nervilia fordii , 58 Millettia speciosa , 56 Neurospora crassa , 856 Mirabilis expansa , 56, 89 Nigella , 322 Moghania philippinensis , 56 N. sativa , 180 Monascus pilosus , 273 Nothoscordum Mondo N. andicola , 58 M. gracile , 633 N. bivalve var. bivalve , 60 M. gracile var. brevipedicellatum , 633 Nuphar M. japonicum , 633 N. advena , 58 M. longifolium , 633 N. lutea subsp. polysepala , 58 M. stolonifer , 633 N. luteum , 58 Monochoria vaginalis , 56, 649 N. polysepala , 58 Montia perfoliata , 56 N. pumilum , 58 Moraea fugax , 56 Nuytsia fl oribunda , 58 Moringa Nymphaea spp. , 59 M. oleifera , 56 N. alba , 58 M. pterygosperma , 56 N. caerulea , 58 Mortierella ramanniana , 116 N. edulis , 58 Mucor sp. , 252, 324 N. gigantea , 58 M. racemosus f. racemosus , 855 N. lotus , 58, 59 Mucuna glabra , 56 N. lotus var. pubescens , 58 Murdannia graminea , 57 N. nouchali , 58, 59 Musa N. nouchali var. caerulea , 58 M. balbisiana var. balbisiana , 57 N. odorata , 59 M. domestica , 310 N. odorata subsp. tuberosa , 59 M. ornata , 57 N. pubescens , 58 M. paradisiaca , 57, 477 N. rubra , 59 M. rosacea , 57 N. stellata , 59 M. superba , 57 N. tetragona , 59 Muscari neglectum , 57 N. tuberosa , 59 Mus musculus , 248, 249, 400 Nymphoides Mycobacterium N. crenata , 59 M. smegmatis , 257 N. geminata , 59 M. tuberculosis , 254 Mycocentrospora acerina , 408 Mycosphaerella arachidicola , 186, 250, 253 O Myrciaria dubia , 813 Oenanthe Myrrhis odorata , 57 O. apiifolia , 59 O. javanica , 59 O. pimpinelloides , 59 N O. sarmentosa , 59 Napus rapa , 777 Oenothera Narcissus O. biennis , 60 N. alba , 218 O. elata , 60 N. x albus , 57 O. erythrosepala , 60 N. x medioluteus Mill , 57 O. glazioviana , 60 Nasturtium O. hookeri , 60 N. armoracia , 746 Oncorhynchus mykiss , 821 N. offi cinale , 679 Ondinea purpurea , 60 Necator americanus , 312 Onoclea sensibilis , 60 Scientifi c Index 1029

Ophiopogon Paeonia O. argyi , 633 P. foemina , 62 O. chekiangensis , 633 P. lactifl ora , 62 O. gracilis , 633 P. offi cinalis , 62 O. gracilis var. brevipedicellatus , 633 Panax O. japonicus , 60, 624, 625, 633–647, 649 P. bipinnatifi dus , 62 O. japonicus var. caespitosus , 633 P. ginseng , 63, 510, 511, 514–519, 522, 523, O. japonicus var. elevatus , 633 526, 527, 529–535, 537, 539, 542, 544–546, O. japonicus var. umbrosus , 633 548–552, 554–557, 559, 562, 563, 565, 566, O. merrillii , 633 569, 570, 574–580, 586–588, 591–593, 625, O. ohwii , 633 644, 646, 648 O. stolonifer , 633 P. japonicum , 519 Orchis P. japonicus , 63, 545, 562 O. mascula , 60 P. notoginseng , 515, 520, 544, 588 O. militaria , 60 P. pseudoginseng subsp. himalaicus var. O. morio , 60 angustifolius , 519 O. palmata , 60 P. quinquefolius , 63, 545, 574 O. pyramidalis , 60 P. quinquefolius var. ginseng , 510 Ornithogalum P. schinseng , 510 O. gramineum , 60 P. schinseng var. coraiensis , 510 O. luteum , 60 P. verus , 510 O. umbellatum , 61 P. vietnamensis , 63 Orobanche cernua , 61 P. wangianus , 63 Orobus tuberosus , 61 Paracaleana minor , 20 Orontium aquaticum , 61 Paracoccidioides brasiliensis , 253 Orthoceras strictum , 61 Passifl ora quadrangularis , 63 Oryzias latipes , 756 Pastinaca Oscillatoria perornata , 821 P. sativa , 63, 417, 419, 421–425 Osmorhiza P. sativa subsp. sylvestris , 424 O. aristata , 61 P. sylvestris , 63 O. aristata var. aristata , 61 gossypiella , 324 O. claytonia , 61 Pedicoccus pentosaceus , 256 O. japonica , 61 Pedicularis O. longistylis , 61 P. carnosa , 63 O. occidentalis , 61 P. kanei , 63 Osmunda japonica , 61 P. lanata , 63 Ostrinia furnacalis , 439 Pediococcus acidilactici , 709 Oxalis sp. Pediomelum O. corniculata , 61 P. cuspidatum , 63 O. corymbosa , 61 P. esculentum , 64 O. debilis var. corymbosa , 61, 62 P. hypogaeum var. hypogaeum , 64 O. deppei , 61 P. subacaule , 64 O. perennans , 61 P. tenuifl orum , 64 O. radicosa , 61 Pekinense subgroup , 326 O. stricta , 62 Pelargonium australe , 64 O. tuberosa , 62, 89 Peltandra O. violacea , 62 P. alba , 64 P. sagittifolia , 64 P. virginica , 64 P Penicillium Pachyrhizus spp. , 89 P. cyclopium , 163, 253 P. ahipa , 62 P. expansum , 856 P. angulatus , 62 P. frequentans , 855 P. erosus , 62 P. griseofulvum , 116, 163 P. tuberosus , 62 P. italicum , 119 Paederia P. martensii , 856 P. foetida , 62 P. oxalicum , 252 P. stenobotrya , 62 P. rubrum , 163 1030 Scientifi c Index

Peniocereus greggii , 64 Pisum sativum , 218 Pergularia Plantago major , 66 P. fl avescens , 54 Plasmodium P. viridifl ora , 54 P. falciparum , 308 Perideridia sp. , 64 P. yoelii , 309 P. gairdneri , 64 Platanthera Persicaria P. delavayi , 66 P. bistorta , 67 P. mandarinorum , 66 P. vivipara , 67 P. sparsifl ora , 45 Petalostemon candidum , 64 Platycodon grandifl orus , 66 Petasites frigidus , 64 Plectosphaerella cucumerina , 324 Petroselinum crispum , 64 Plectranthus Peucedanum P. barbatus , 66 P. ambiguum , 64 P. edulis , 66 P. canbyi , 65 P. esculentus , 26, 66, 89 P. cous , 65 P. madagascariensis , 66 P. eurycarpum , 65 P. rotundifolius , 26, 66, 78 P. geyeri , 65 P. scutellarioides , 26 P. pastinaca , 417 Plesmonium nobile , 443 P. sativum , 417 Plodia interpunctella , 757 Phaeoisariopsis personata , 861 Podolepis jaceoides , 66 Phaseolus Pogostemon cablin , 406 P. adenanthus , 65 Polianthes tuberosa , 312 P. coccineus , 65 Polygala P. rostratus , 65 P. japonica , 66 Pheretima posthuma , P. sibirica , 66 437, 450, 482 P. tenuifolia , 66 Philodendron Polygonastrum compressum , 633 P. nigrum , 498 Polygonatum P. peregrinum , 429 P. bifl orum , 66 P. punctatum , 429 P. falcatum , 66 Phlebotomus papatasi , 310 P. multifl orum , 66 Phlomis tuberosa , 65 P. odoratum , 67 Pholisma sonorae , 8 P. odoratum var. odoratum , 67 Phoma P. offi cinale , 67 P. betae , 855 P. sibiricum , 67 P. lingam , 792, 794, 798 P. vulgare , 67 P. wasabiae , 792, 794, 798 Polygonum Phomopsis , 324 P. bistorta , 67 Phragmites australis , 65 P. bistortoides , 67 Phrynium P. multifl orum , 67 P. capitatum , 65 P. viviparum , 67 P. pubinerve , 65 Polymnia Physalospora piricola , P. edulis , 717 186, 253 P. sonchifolia , 67, 717 Phyteuma Polypodium vulgare , 68 P. orbiculare , 65 Porphyromonas gingivalis , P. spicatum , 65, 73 162, 259, 578 Phytolacca Porrum P. acinosa , 65 P. amethystinum , 103 P. acinosa var. esculenta , 65 P. ampeloprasum , 103 Phytophthora P. cepa , 124 P. capsici , 709 P. commune , 103 P. infestans , 324 P. ophioscorodon , 210 P. parasitica var. nicotianae , 861 P. sativum , 103, 210 Picris Portulaca P. echioides , 65 P. australis , 68 P. evae , 66 P. intraterranea , 68 Piper methysticum , 66 P. tuberosa , 68 Scientifi c Index 1031

Potamogeton crispus , 68 Pterocarpus soyauxii , 505 Potentilla Pterostylis spp. , 71 P. anserina , 68 P. abrupta , 70 P. discolor , 68 P. alata , 70 P. egedii Wormsk. , 68 P. bicolor , 70 Pouzolzia P. boormanii , 70 P. sanguinea , 68 P. chaetophora , 70 P. tuberosa , 68 P. coccina , 70 P. viminea , 68 P. curta , 70 Prasophyllum sp. P. cycnocephala , 70 P. brevilabre , 68 P. daintreana , 70 P. campestre , 68 P. decurva , 70 P. caudiculum , 68 P. fi schii , 70 P. dossenum , 68 P. hamata , 70 P. elatum , 68 P. hildae , 70 P. fl avum , 68 P. laxa , 70 P. odoratum , 68 P. longicurva , 70 P. patens , 68 P. longifolia , 70 P. rogersii , 68 P. longipetala , 70 P. solstitium , 68 P. mutica , 70 Prevotella P. nutans , 70 P. intermedia , 162 P. obtusa , 70 P. nigrescens , 754 P. parvifl ora , 70 Propionibacterium acnes , 578 P. pedunculata , 70 Proteus sp. , 260 P. praetermissa , 71 P. mirabilis , 255, 256 P. re fl ex a , 71 P. vulgaris , 855, 856 P. setifera , 71 Pseudeminia comosa , 74 P. truncata , 71 Pseudomonas P. woollsii , 71 P. aeruginosa , 162, 163, 251, 254–256, Ptisana salicina , 54 259–261, 405, 436, 448, 481, 578, 668, Pueraria 728, 856, 857 P. edulis , 71 P. cichorii , 722 P. hirsuta , 71 P. fl uorescen , 258 P. lobata , 71 P. pyocyaneus , 162, 254, 855 P. lobata var. lobata , 71 P. syringae pv. maculicola , 324 P. lobata var. montana , 71 P. syringae pv. phaseolicola , 324 P. lobata var. thomsonii , 71 P. syringae pv. tomato , 324 P. montana , 71 Pseudostellaria P. montana var. chinensis , 71, 72 P. heterophylla , 69 P. montana var. lobata , 71, 72 P. jamesiana , 79 P. montana var. montana , 71 Psidium guajava , 69 P. phaseoloides , 72 Psophocarpus P. phaseoloides var. phaseoloides , 71 P. palustris , 69 P. stricta , 71 P. tetragonolobus , 69 P. thomsonii , 72 Psoralea P. thunbergiana , 72 P. argophylla , 69 P. tuberosa , 72 P. badocana , 69 Pyricularia P. canescens , 69 P. grisea , 649 P. cuspidata , 63, 69 P. oryzae , 728, 855 P. esculenta , 64, 69, 89 Pythion campanulatum , 443 P. hypogaea , 64, 69 Pythium P. tenuifl ora , 69 P. helicoide , 325 Pteridium P. heterothal , 325 P. aquilinum , 69 P. irregular , 325 P. aquilinum L. var. latiusculum , 69 P. myriotylum , 468 P. esculentum , 70 P. ultimum , 325 P. revolutum , 70 P. violae , 325 1032 Scientifi c Index

R Rheum Ranunculus fi caria , 72 R. nanum , 73 Rapahnus sativus Caudatus Group , 72 R. palmatum , 667, 679 Raphanis magna , 746 Rhexia virginica , 73 Raphanistrum gayanum , 829 Rhipicephalus R. (Boophilus) microplus , 311 R. acanthiformis , 829 R. pulchellus , 311 R. acanthiformis var. raphanistroides , 829 Rhizoctonia R. candidus , 829 R. cerealis , 709 R. chinensis , 829 R. solani , 186, 324, 578, 646, 709, 861 R. gayanus , 829 Rhizophora mangle , 73 R. macropodus , 829 Rhizopus R. niger , 829 R. oryzae , 448 R. oleifer , 829 R. stolonifer , 252 R. orbicularis , 829 Rhodiola rosea , 73 R. radicula , 829 Rhodotorula sp. , 116, 163, 250 R. rapa , 777 R. mucilaginosa , 679 R. raphanistroides , 829 Rhus R. raphanistrum subsp. landra , 72 R. glabra , 74 R. raphanistrum subsp. maritimus , 72 R. vernicifera , 574 R. raphanistrum subsp. sativus , 72, 73, 829 Rhynchosia comosa , 74 R. raphanistrum var. sativus , 829 Rhyzopertha dominica , 757 R. rotundus , 829 Robinia pseudoacacia , 756 R. rusticanus , 746 Romulea bulbocodium , 74 R. sativus , 72, 829, 830, 834, 835, 837, Rorippa 839, 840, 842–844, 847–850, 855–856, R. armoracia , 746 859–861 R. rusticana , 746 R. sativus cv. group Chinese radish , 72 Rosa laevigata , 74 R. sativus cv. small radish group , 72 Rotheca serrata , 25 R. sativus f. raphanistroides , 829 Rudbeckia hirta , 698 R. sativus Longipinnatus Group , 72 R. sativus subsp. esculentus , 829 R. acetosella , 74, 667, 679 R. sativus subsp. oleifera , 835 R. hydrolapathum , 50 R. sativus subsp. radicola , 835 R. obtusifolius , 50 R. sativus subsp. sinensis , 829 R. sativus var. acantiformis , 839, 841 R. sativus var. hortensis f. gigantissimus , 846 S R. sativus var. longipinnatus , 72, 829 Saccharomyces R. sativus var. macropodus , 829 S. bayanus , 856 R. sativus var. niger , 73, 829, 840, 842 S. cerevisiae , 116, 130, 163–164, 251, 254, R. sativus var. radicula , 829 257, 288, 425, 436, 707–708, 855 R. sativus var. raphanistroides , 829 S. fermentati , 707 R. sativus var. sativus , 840 Saccharum spontaneum , 74 R. sinensis , 829 Sagittaria , 1 R. taquetii , 829 S. chinensis , 96 Raphionacme S. doniana , 96 R. bingeri , 17 S. edulis , 96 R. brownii , 73 S. hastata , 96 R. daronii , 73 S. hirundinacea , 96 R. splendens subsp. bingeri , 73 S. japonica , 74, 96 Rapunculus S. latifolia , 74 R. esculentus , 73 S. leucopetala , 96 R. spicatus , 73 S. macrophylla , 96 Rehmannia S. obtusa , 96 R. glutinosa , 73, 624, 625 S. rigida , 74 R. lutea , 73 S. sagittata , 96 Reichardia picroides , 73 S. sagittifolia , 74, 101 Reynoutria japonica , 73 S. sagittifolia f. sinensis , 96 Rhamnus prinoides , 73 S. sagittifolia subsp. leucopetala , 96 Scientifi c Index 1033

S. sagittifolia var. alismifolia , 96 S. subterminalis , 76 S. sagittifolia var. diversifolia , 96 S. tabernaemontani , 76 S. sagittifolia var. edulis , 96 Schumannianthus dichotomus , 54 S. sagittifolia var. leucopetala , 96 Schwanniomyces castellii , 707 S. sagittifolia var. longiloba , 96 Scilla S. sagittifolia var. subaequilonga , 96 S. chinensis , 75 S. sinensis , 74, 96 S. japonica , 75 S. trifolia , 74, 96, 97, 100 S. scilloides , 75 S. trifolia f. albida , 96 Scirpus S. trifolia f. caerulea , 96 S. americanus , 75 S. trifolia f. heterophylla , 96 S. californicus , 75 S. trifolia f. subhastata , 96 S. grossus , 75 S. trifolia f. suitensis , 96 S. lacustris , 75 S. trifolia subsp. leucopetala , 96 S. microcarpus , 75 S. trifolia var. angustifolia , 96 S. paludosus , 75 S. trifolia var. edulis , 96 S. subterminalis , 76 S. trifolia var.leucopetala , 96 S. tuberosus , 76 S. trifolia var. longiloba , 96 S. validus , 76 S. trifolia var. retusa , 96 Sclerotium S. trifolia var. sinensis , 96, 99 S. cepivorum , 324 S. variabilis , 74 S. rolfsii , 324, 386, 505, 755 Sagittifolium , 462, 467, 502 Scolymus Salix daphnoides , 74 S. hispanicus , 76 Salmonella sp. , 255, 481, 561, 755 S. maculatus , 76 S. cerro , 256 Scopulariopsis sp. , 252 S. dublinii , 255 Scorzonera S. enteritidis , 162, 255, 256, 258 S. glabra , 76 S. enteritidis serovar typhimurium S. hispanica , 76, 89 (S. typhimurium) , 728 S. humilis , 76 S. hadar , 256 Scrophularia S. lindenberg , 256 S. ningpoensis , 624, 625 S. montevideo , 256 S. nodosa , 76 S. nikolaifl eet , 256 Sechium edule , 76 S. paratyphi , 856 Sedum roseum , 73 S. typhi , 162, 163, 254–256, 448, 630, 855–857 Selenastrum capricornutum , 821 S. typhimurium , 176, 247, 248, 254–256, 405, 437, 526, Selinum pastinaca , 417 591, 664, 668, 754, 774, 795, 820, 855, 856, 881 Serratia grimesii , 754 Sambucus javanica , 74 Shigella sp. , 255 Santalum murrayanum , 74 S. boydii , 436, 630, 881 Saprolegnia parasitica , 754 S. dysenteriae , 260, 436, 448, 630, 668 Sarcina lutea , 436, 646 S. fl exneri , 260, 437, 448 Sativum group , 325–326 S. sonnei , 260, 448, 856 Sauromatum Silybum marianum , 76 S. guttatum , 75 Sinapis S. venosum , 75 S. rapa , 777 Saururus chinensis , 79 S. tuberosa , 777 Scabiosa japonica , 75 Sisarum germanorum , 77 Schisandra Sison amomum , 77 S. chinensis , 644, 646, 648 Sitophilus S. sinensis , 625 S. oryzae , 323 Schismatoglottis S. zeamais , 323, 757 S. calyptrata , 75 Sitotroga cerealella , 324 S. wallichii , 75 Sium Schistosoma mansoni , 179, 180, 309 S. cicutifolium , 77 Schoenoplectus S. sisarum , 77, 89 S. americanus , 75 S. suave , 77 S. californicus , 75 Slateria S. lacustris , 75 S. coerulea , 633 S. litoralis , 75 S. japonica , 633 1034 Scientifi c Index

Smallanthus Stemona S. siegesbeckius , 722 S. australiana , 79 S. sonchifolius , 67, 77, 89, 717, S. tuberosa , 79, 625 722, 730 Stephensi , 437 Smilacina racemosa , 77 Sterculia Smilax S. foetida , 79 S. china , 77 S. urens , 80 S. macrophylla , 77 S. villosa , 80 S. megacarpa , 77 Steudnera virosa , 454 S. ovalifolia , 77 Streptococcus sp. , 590 S. pseudochina , 77 S. faecalis , 646, 856 S. zeylanica , 77 S. mitis , 405 Smyrnium olusatrum , 77 S. mutans , 100, 162, 256, 258–260, 405, Solanum 668, 669, 754 S. ajanhuiri , 77 S. pneumoniae , 255, 668 S. berthaultii , 77 S. pyogenes , 448, 630 S. candolleanum , 78 S. salivarius , 256, 405 S. curtilobum , 78 S. sanguis , 256 S. demissum , 78 S. sobrinus , 162, 754 S. fendleri , 78 S. thermophilus , 704 S. jamesii , 78 Streptomyces S. juzepczukii , 78 S. griseus , 257 S. nigrum , 253 S. scabies , 405 S. paucijugum , 78 Streptopus amplexifolius , 80 S. tuberosum , 78, 310 Stylochiton S. tuberosum. subsp. andigenum , 78 S. lancifolium , 80 S. tuberosum var. boreale , 78 S. warneckii , 80 S. verrucosum , 78 Swertia bimaculata , 80 Solenostemon rotundifolius , 78 Symphyotrichum novae-angliae , 698 Sonchus oleraceus , 78, 507 Symphytum offi cinale , 80 Sophora japonica , 671, 677, 679 Symplocarpus foetidus , 79 Spathium chinense , 79 Synantherias sylvatica , 80 Spathyema foetida , 79 Sphaeralcea coccinea , 79 Sphenostylis stenocarpa , 79 T Spiranthes Tacca S. lancea , 79 T. involucrata , 80 S. sinensis , 79 T. leontopetaloides , 80 Spironucleus vortens , 307 T. pinnatifi da , 80 Spirulina platensis , 574 Taetsia Spodoptera T. ferrea , 628 S. exigua , 440 T. fruticosa , 628 S. frugiperda , 440 T. fruticosa var. casanovae , 628 S. littoralis , 485 T. fruticosa var. ferrea , 628 S. litura , 439, 485 T. terminalis , 628 Spondias tuberosa , 79 Taphrina deformans , 649 Stachys Taraxacum S. adulterina , 79 T. albidum , 80 S. affi nis , 79, 89 T. offi cinale , 81 S. chinensis , 79 Telosma cordata , 81 S. sieboldii , 79 Terminalis fruticosa , 628 Staphylococcus , 436 Tetranychus urticae , 323, 324 S. actinomycetes , 116 Tetrapanax papyrifer , 81 S. aureus , 116, 162, 163, 251, 254–260, 405, 437, Thalia geniculata , 81 448, 578, 646, 668, 669, 703, 728, 754, 786, 794, Thanatephorus cucumeris , 649 819, 857, 881 Theileria equi , 309 S. aureus S-6 , 855, 856 Thelymitra spp. , 81 S. epidermidis , 578, 669, 728, 855, 856 T. carnea , 81 S. epidermis , 630 T. circumsepta , 81 Stellaria jamesiana , 79 T. cyanea , 81 Scientifi c Index 1035

T. fragrans , 81 Trichoplusia ni , 440 T. ixioides , 81 Trichosanthes T. megacalyptra , 81 T. japonica , 82 T. nuda , 81 T. kirilowii , 82, 625 T. paucifl ora , 81 T. multiloba , 82 Thelypteris interrupta , 31 T. tricuspidata , 82 Thilachium Trichosporon , 250 T. africanum , 81 Tricoryne T. panduriforme , 81 T. acaulis , 633 Thysanotus T. caulescens , 633 T. banksii , 81 Tridax procumbens , 308 T. baueri , 81 Trifolium T. exilifl orus , 81 T. pratense , 679 T. patersonii , 81 T. repens , 82 T. tuberosus , 82 Triglochin procera , 82 Tinospora , 322 Trigonella foenum-graecum , Tiricta daucoides , 374 298, 843, 861 Torulopsis , 250 Triteleia grandifl ora , 18 T. colliculosa , 707 Triticum repens , 82 T. gropengiesseri , 288 Tropaeolum tuberosum , 83, 89, 742 T. lactis-condensi , 288 Trypanosoma Toxoplasma gondii , 175 T. brucei , 307, 308 Trachymene T. brucei brucei , 588 T. glaucifolia , 82 T. brucei gambiense , 307 T. incisa , 82 T. brucei rhodesiense , 307 Trachyspermum ammi , 312 T. congolense , 307 Tragopogon T. cruzi , 307, 822 T. australis , 735 T. evansi , 307 T. crocifolius , 737 Tubifex tubifex , 450 T. dubius , 82 Tulipa edulis , 83 T. hybridus , 737 Turbina racemosa , 48 T. longirostris , 737 Turraeanthus africanus , 813 T. porrifolius , 82, 89, 735–739 Tussilago farfara , 83 T. porrifolius subsp. porrifolius , 738 Tylosema esculentum , 83 T. porrifolius var. cupani , 735 Typha , 1 T. pratensis , 82, 737 T. angustata , 83 T. sinuatus , 735 T. angustifolia , 83, 485 Tribolium T. australis , 83 T. castaneum , 323, 485 T. capensis , 83 T. ferrugineum , 757 T. domingensis , 83 Tribulus solanderi , 82 T. latifolia , 83 Trichinella spiralis , 180, 307 T. laxmannii , 83 Trichoderma T. muelleri , 83 T. atroviride , 186, 324 T. orientalis , 83 T. hamatum , 252, 855 Typhonium spp. T. harzianum , 119, 324 T. angustilobum , 84 Trichomonas gallinae , 307 T. brownii , 84 Trichophyton , 253 T. bulbiferum , 84 T. erinacei , 252 T. divaricatum , 84 T. mentagrophytes , 163, 249, 250, 253, 425, 728 T. roxburghii , 84 T. mentagrophytes var. asteroids , 425 T. trilobatum , 84 T. mentagrophytes var. granulosum , 425 T. mentagrophytes var. interdigitale , 425 T. rubrum , 163, 250, 252, 253, 507 U T. schoenleini , 250 Ullucus T. simii , 163 U. aborigineus , 741 T. soudanense , 253 U. kunthii , 741 T. tonsurans , 253, 425 U. tuberosus , 84, 89, 741, 743 T. verrucosum , 250, 253 U. tuberosus f . albifl orus , 741 T. violaceum , 250, 253 U. tuberosus subsp. aborigineus , 741 1036 Scientifi c Index

Ulmus X U. fulva , 667 Xanthomonas U. rubra , 667, 679 X. campestris pv. campestris , 324 Uncaria X. maltophilia , 257 U. guianensis , 818 Xanthosoma , 1 U. tomentosa , 819 X. appendiculatum , 498 Urtica X. atrovirens , 86, 498 U. dioica , 671, 677, 679 X. atrovirens var. appendiculatum , 498 U. tuberosa , 84 X. atrovirens var. hybridum , 498 Utricularia vulgaris , 84 X. atrovirens var. kochii , 498 Uvularia sessilifolia , 84 X. atrovirens var. moritzii , 498 X. atrovirens var. panduriforme , 498 X. atrovirens var. versicolor , 498 V X. blandum , 498 Valeriana X. edule , 498 V. ciliata , 84 X. ianthinum , 498 V. dioica , 84 X. jacquinii , 498 V. edulis , 84 X. mafaffa , 498 V. offi cinalis , 84 X. mafaffa var. blandum , 498 V. sitchensis , 84 X. maffafa , 86 Vandasina retusa , 45 X. nigrum , 86, 498 Vernonia amygdalina , 505 X. peregrinum , 498 Verticillium dahliae , 855 X. poeppigii var. mafaffa , 498 Vetiveria X. roseum , 498 V. nigritana , 85 X. sagittifolium, 86, 363, 463, 465, 498, 500, 503–507 V. zizanioides , 85 X. violaceum , 86 Vibrio Xenopus , 570 V. alginolyticus , 481 V. cholera , 162, 481 V. mimicus , 436 Y V. parahaemolyticus , 436, 481, 786, 794 Yucca brevifolia , 86 Vicia faba , 756 Vigna V. adenantha , 65 Z V. lanceolata , 85, 89 Zamia V. luteola , 85 Z. fl oridana , 87 V. marina , 85 Z. pumila , 87 V. radiata , 85 Zantedeschia virosa , 454 V. unguilata , 40 Zea mays , 755 V. vexillata , 85 Zehneria indica , 87 Viola japonica , 85 Zephyranthes atamasco , 14 Zingiber , 1 Z. amaricans , 87 W Z. aromaticum , 87 Wahlenbergia Z. cassumunar , 87 W. agrestis , 85 Z. chrysostachys , 87 W. gracilis , 85 Z. montanum , 87 W. marginata , 85, 86 Z. offi cinale , 87, 310–312 Wasabia Z. ottensii , 87 W. japonica , 86, 755, 789, 795, 798 Z. spectabile , 87 W. koreana , 789 Z. zerumbet , 88 W. okinosimense , 789 Z. zerumbet subsp. zerumbet , 87 W. pungens , 789 Z. zerumbet var. amaricans , 88 W. wasabi , 789 Z. zerumbet var. aromaticum , 88 Woodwardia Z. zerumbet var. zerumbet , 88 W. japonica , 86 Zizaniopsis miliacea , 88 W. unigemmata , 86 Zygosaccharomyces rouxii , 163, 252, 856 Wurmbea Zygotritonia W. biglandosa , 86 Z. bongensis , 88 W. centralis , 86 Z. crocea , 88 W. dioca , 86 Zymomonas mobilis , 707, 708