Author’s Blurb TK Lim (Tong Kwee Lim) obtained his bachelor’s and plant products into and out of Australia from and master’s degrees in Agricultural Science and for the Middle East and Asian region. During from the University of Malaya and his PhD his time with ACIAR, he oversaw and managed (Botanical Sciences) from the University of international research and development programs Hawaii. He worked in the Agricultural University in plant protection and horticulture, covering a of Malaysia for 20 years as a Lecturer and wide array of crops that included fruit, plantation Associate Professor; as Principal Horticulturist crops, vegetables, culinary and medicinal herbs for 9 years for the Department of Primary and spices mainly in southeast Asia and the Industries and Fisheries, Darwin, Northern Pacifi c. In the course of his four decades of work- Territory; for 6 years as Manager of the Asia and ing career, he has travelled extensively world- Middle East Team in Plant Biosecurity Australia, wide to many countries in South Asia, East Asia, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Southeast Asia, Middle East, Europe, the Pacifi c Forestry, Australia, and for 4 years as Research Islands, USA and England and also throughout Program Manager with the Australian Centre for Malaysia and Australia. Since his tertiary educa- International Agriculture Research (ACIAR), tion days, he always had a strong passion for Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, crops and took an avid interest in edible and Australia, before he retired from public service. medicinal plants. Over the four decades, he has He has published over a hundred scientifi c taken several thousands of photographs of com- papers and several books: ‘Guava in Malaysia: mon, known and lesser known edible, medicinal Production, Pest and Diseases’, ‘Durian Diseases and non-medicinal plants; amassed local litera- and Disorders’, ‘Diseases of Mango in Malaysia’; ture, local indigenous knowledge and books and chapters in books, international refereed journals, has developed and established a close rapport conference proceedings (as editor) and technical with many local researchers, scientists, growers bulletins in the areas of plant pathology, crop pro- and farmers during the course of his work and tection, horticulture, agronomy and quarantine travels. All relevant available and up-to-date science. He was also a reviewer of scientifi c information collated on more than 1,000 species papers for several international scientifi c jour- of edible, medicinal and non-medicinal plants nals. As Principal Horticulturist in Darwin, he will be provided in a comprehensive reference and his team were instrumental in establishing series fully illustrated with coloured images to the horticultural industry in Northern Territory, help in plant identifi cation. This work will cover Australia, especially on tropical fruit, vegetables, scientifi c names, synonyms, common and ver- culinary herbs, spices/medicinal herbs and nacular names, origin and distribution, agroecol- tropical fl owers. During his tenure with Plant ogy, edible plant parts and uses, plant habit/ Biosecurity, he led a team responsible for con- description, nutritive and medicinal value, other ducting pest risk analyses and quarantine policy uses and selected current references. Additional issues dealing with import and export of plants information is provided on the medicinal uses T.K. Lim, Edible Medicinal and Non Medicinal Plants: Volume 9, Modifi ed Stems, Roots, Bulbs, 890 DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9511-1, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015 Author’s Blurb 891 and pharmacological properties of plants. This food nutritionists, agriculturists, botanists, work will be of signifi cant interest to scientists, herbalogists, herbologists, naturalists, conserva- researchers, practitioners (medical practitioners, tionists, extension scientists, teachers and lectur- pharmacologists, ethnobotanists, horticulturists, ers), students and the general public. Medical Glossary A A D Allergic airway disease, an infl ammatory reductase (Complex I) activity of mammalian disorder of the airways caused by allergens. mitochondria. AAPH 2 , 2 ′-azobis (2-amidinopropane) dihy- Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) Enzyme that drochloride, a water- soluble azo compound catalyses the biotin-dependent carboxylation used extensively as a free-radical generator, of acetyl-CoA to produce malonyl-CoA. often in the study of lipid peroxidation and the Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) Is an enzyme characterisation of antioxidants. that degrades (through its hydrolytic activity) Abeta aggregation Amyloid beta protein the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, producing (Abeta) aggregation is associated with choline. Alzheimer’s disease (AD); it is a major com- Acne vulga’ris Also known as chronic acne, ponent of the extracellular plaque found in AD usually occurring in adolescence, with com- brains. edones (blackheads), papules (red pimples), Abdominal distension Referring to generalised nodules (infl amed acne spots) and pustules distension of most or all of the abdomen. Also (small infl amed pus-fi lled lesions) on the face, referred to as stomach bloating often caused neck and upper part of the trunk. by a sudden increase in fi bre from consump- Acidosis Increased acidity, an excessively acid tion of vegetables, fruit and beans. condition of body fl uids. Ablation therapy The destruction of small Acquired immunodefi ciency syndrome areas of myocardial tissue, usually by appli- (AIDS) An epidemic disease caused by an cation of electrical or chemical energy in the infection by the human immunodefi ciency virus treatment of some tachyarrhythmias. (HIV-1, HIV-2), a retrovirus that causes immune Abortifacient A substance that causes or system failure and debilitation and is often induces abortion. accompanied by infections such as tuberculosis. Abortivum A substance inducing abortion. Acridone An organic compound based on the Abscess A swollen, infected, infl amed area acridine skeleton with a carbonyl group at the fi lled with pus in body tissues. 9 position. ABTS 2.2 azinobis-3-ethylhenthiazoline- 6- A C T H Adrenocorticotropic hormone (or corti- sulfonic acid, a type of mediator in chemi- cotropin), a polypeptide tropic hormone pro- cal reaction kinetics of specific enzymes. duced and secreted by the anterior pituitary A C A T Acyl CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase. gland. It plays a role in the synthesis and A C E See angiotensin-converting enzyme. secretion of gluco- and mineralo-corticoste- ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone) Also roids and androgenic steroids. known as ‘corticotropin’, it is a polypeptide Activating transcription factor (ATF) A tropic hormone produced and secreted by the protein (gene) that binds to specifi c DNA anterior pituitary gland. sequences regulating the transfer or transcrip- Acetogenins Natural products from the plants tion of information from DNA to mRNA. of the family Annonaceae, they are very Activator protein-1 (AP-1) A heterodimeric potent inhibitors of the NADH- ubiquinone protein transcription factor that regulates gene T.K. Lim, Edible Medicinal and Non Medicinal Plants: Volume 9, Modifi ed Stems, Roots, Bulbs, 892 DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9511-1, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015 Medical Glossary 893 expression in response to a variety of stimuli Adipocyte A fat cell involved in the synthesis including cytokines, growth factors, stress and and storage of fats. bacterial and viral infections. AP-1 in turn reg- Adipocytokine Bioactive cytokines produced ulates a number of cellular processes including by adipose tissues. differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis. Adiponectin A protein in humans that modu- Actoprotective Increasing the body’s physical lates several physiological processes such as performance. metabolism of glucose and fatty acids and Actoprotectors Preparations that increase the immune responses. mental performance and enhance body stability Adipose tissues Body fat, loose connective tis- against physical loads without increasing oxy- sue composed of adipocytes (fat cells). gen consumption. Actoprotectors are regarded Adoptogen Containing smooth pro-stressors as a subclass of adaptogens that hold a signifi - which reduce reactivity of host defense sys- cant capacity to increase physical performance. tems and decrease damaging effects of vari- Acute otitis media (AOM) See otitis media. ous stressors due to increased basal level of Acyl-CoA dehydrogenases A group of enzymes mediators involved in stress response. that catalyses the initial step in each cycle of fatty Adrenal glands Star-shaped endocrine glands acid β -oxidation in the mitochondria of cells. that sit on top of the kidneys. Adaptogen A term used by herbalists to refer Adrenalectomised Having had the adrenal to a natural herb product that increases the glands surgically removed. body’s resistance to stresses such as trauma, Adrenergic Having to do with adrenaline (epi- stress and fatigue. nephrine) and/or noradrenaline (norepinephrine). Adaptogenic Increasing the resistance of the Adrenergic receptors A class of G protein- body to stress. coupled receptors that are targets of the nor- Addison’s disease Is a rare endocrine disorder. adrenaline (norepinephrine) and adrenaline It occurs when the adrenal glands cannot pro- (epinephrine). duce suffi cient hormones (corticosteroids). It Adulterant An impure ingredient added into a is also known as chronic adrenal insuffi ciency, preparation. hypocortisolism or hypocorticism. Advanced Glycation End products Adenocarcinoma
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