Acid-Base Reactions in Organic Solvents. Behavior of Some
U . S. Department of Commerce Research Paper RPl900 National Bureau of Standards Volume 41, July 1948 Part of the Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards Acid-Base Reactions in Organic Solvents. Behavior of Some Halogenated Derivatives of Phenolsulfone phthalein with Different Classes of Organic Bases in Benzene By Marion Maclean Davis, Priscilla J. Schuhmann, and Mary Ellen Lovelace This paper, the second in a series co ncerning the use of indicator dyes to st udy t he re actions of organic acids a nd bases in o rganic solvents, deals with halogen derivatives of phenol sulfonepht halein. Spectrophotom etric data arc given for mixt ures of bromocresol gree n, bromophenol blu e, iodophenol blue, a nd tetrabromophenol blue wit h prima ry, seconda ry, and tertia ry aliphatic amines in benzene; and qualita tive data a re tabulated fo r chlorophenol blue, b romochl orophenol bllle, chlorophenol red , b romophe nol red , bromocresol purple, and brom othymol blue. Comparisons a re m ade of the p henolsulfon eph t halein s a nd t he bromo pht halein magentas. The st ru ctura l changes that accompa ny t he color p henomena a re discussed. Sugges t ions a re m ade regard in g t he use of the indicators in in ert solvents. I. Introduction occ urs during the second stage of neu tralization depends upon the nature of the base that is add ed. A previous article [ljl described in detail the It is differen t for primary, secondary , and ter tiary , preparation of the acidic indicators, bromo aliphatic amines.
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