Son Excellence Monsieur Laurent FABIUS Ministre Des Affaires Étrangères Et Du Développement International 37, Quai D'orsay F - 75351 – PARIS
EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, 07.05.2014 C(2014) 2609 final PUBLIC VERSION This document is made available for information purposes only. SUBJECT: STATE AID SA.38182 (2014/N) – FRANCE REGIONAL AID MAP 2014-2020 Sir, 1. PROCEDURE (1) On 28 June 2013 the Commission adopted the Guidelines on Regional State Aid for 2014-20201 (hereinafter "RAG"). Pursuant to paragraph 178 of the RAG, each Member State should notify to the Commission, following the procedure of Article 108(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, a single regional aid map applicable from 1 July 2014 to 31 December 2020. In accordance with paragraph 179 of the RAG, the approved regional aid map is to be published in the Official Journal of the European Union, and will constitute an integral part of the RAG. (2) By letter dated 16 January 2014, registered at the Commission on 16 January 2014 (2014/004765), the French authorities duly notified a proposal for the regional aid map of France for the period from 1 July 2014 to 31 December 2020. (3) On 14 February 2014 the Commission requested additional information (2014/016613), which was provided by the French authorities on 11 March 2014 (2014/027539), on 25 March 2014 (2014/033926) and on 2 April 2014 (2014/037495). 1 OJ C 209, 23.07.2013, p.1 Son Excellence Monsieur Laurent FABIUS Ministre des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international 37, Quai d'Orsay F - 75351 – PARIS Commission européenne, B-1049 Bruxelles/Europese Commissie, B-1049 Brussel – Belgium Telephone: 00- 32 (0) 2 299.11.11.
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