Police Reform and Transformation Board

Minutes of the meeting held on 5 September 2018 at Broadway house, London Security classification: Not Protectively Marked Disclosable under FOIA 2000: Yes Author: Alexandra Campbell Force/organisation: National Police Chiefs’ Council and Association of Police and Crime Commissioners Date created: 19 September 2018

ATTENDEES Name Organisation Katy Bourne Police and Crime Commissioner for and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire, Chair of the Mark Burns Williamson APCC Alexandra Campbell Police Reform and Support Officer Simon Cole Chief , Police Richard Cooper Chief of Staff, NPCC Nina Cope Director General Capabilities, NCA Jacky Courtney Director of Police Reform Development Mike Cunningham Chief Executive Officer, College of Policing Chief Executive, Office for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorothy Gregson Cambridgeshire; Representative of APACE Susannah Hancock Chief Executive of the APCC Martin Hewitt Assistant Commissioner, Service Charlette Holt-Taylor Head of Law Enforcement Transformation Unit Michael Lane Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire Rebecca Lawrence Chief Executive, Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime Chair, Police Reform and Transformation Board, Police and Crime David Lloyd Commissioner for Hertfordshire Scott Macpherson Director-General, Crime, Policing and Fire Group Chief Finance Officer, Office for the Police and Crime Commissioner Jayne Owen for Greater Manchester and Vice President, APAACTS David Peet Chief Executive of Derbyshire OPCC , APACE Sara Thornton Chair of National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Paddy Tipping Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire Adrian Wight Law Enforcement Transformation Unit, Home Office Sir Thomas Winsor Chief Inspector, HMICFRS Giles York , Sussex Police

For specific items: Jo Ashworth Programme Director, Transforming Forensics Phil Brownsord Programme Manager, National Enabling Programmes Owen White Chief of Staff, National Enabling Programmes James Vaughan Chief Constable, , SRO for Transforming Forensics

1. Welcome and Introductions

065/2018 The Chair welcomed attendees and noted apologies from: o Ian Dyson, Commissioner, City of London o Dorothy Gregson, CEO of OPCC Cambridgeshire representing APACE o Martin Surl, Police and Crime Commissioner, Gloucestershire o David Lamberti, Director of Policing, Home Office o Lynne Owens, Director General, o AC Martin Hewitt is attending on behalf of Commissioner , MPS o Simon Duckworth, City of London

066/2018 The Chair welcomed Giles York, Chief Constable of Sussex. He joins the Board, replacing Chief Constable Steve Kavanagh on his retirement from policing. He is the SRO for the Digital Policing Portfolio.

2. Police Transformation Fund 18-19 Transforming Forensics

067/2018 James Vaughan, Chief Constable, Dorset Police and SRO for the Transforming Forensics Programme reported the progress being made to determine the long-term delivery vehicle for the Forensic Capability Network. Acknowledging that the Programme had explored a range of options, the Board supported the Programme pursuing discussions with the National Crime Agency and the Home Office to ascertain if the NCA could provide a long- term sustainable solution. An alternative approach should also be considered in case this did prove unfeasible. In the interim, Dorset Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset will continue to support this aspect of the Programme. Responsibility for the grant would move from West Yorkshire to Dorset.

The Board asked the Programme to report back on progress and set a transition timetable for the long-term hosting and delivery arrangements to be in place by March 2020.

Action Item 82 – The Chair of the Board and Chair of the NPCC to jointly write to the Transforming Forensics Programme reflecting the Board’s decision.

Action Item 83 – The Transforming Forensic Programme to regular update the Specialist Capabilities Oversight Board with progress to achieve a delivery vehicle with transition achieved by March 2020. 068/2018 Specialist Capabilities Programme

The Board considered and supported a proposal from the Specialist Capabilities Programme for additional in-year funding to support two tranches of work for the Specialist Capabilities Programme. The funding will support an extension of the scope of the data dashboards from the pilot forces to full national coverage. The second tranche of work, which will run concurrently with the first, will explore options for a national data function which will develop a business case for extending the dashboards to other capabilities and how they then operate on an ongoing basis.

Action Item 84 - The Chair of the Board and Chair of the NPCC to jointly write to the 2

Programme reflecting the Board’s decision and sharing this correspondence with the Home Office to ensure that the recommendation is considered by the Policing Portfolio Board.

National Enabling Programmes

Two full business cases associated with the National Enabling Programmes (NEP) were reviewed by the Home Office Portfolio Investment and Change Committee (PIC) at their 069/2018 meeting held on 30 August 2018. The Board noted that PIC’s consideration was part of the revised portfolio management arrangements which will see police-led programmes with whole life costs in excess of £20m being reviewed, at least annually, by PIC.

The Board noted the Executive Summary of the business cases provided in the agenda and that PIC has supported the programme thus enabling progress on procurements critical to 072/2018 the delivery of the Programme. The good quality of the business cases had been noted through the PIC process. NEP had been a commissioned programme by the Board.

The Board agreed the revised portfolio management arrangements, subject to the 073/2018 development of an MOU and a review in 4 months.

Future meetings

The Board agreed a follow up awayday soon to consider issues raised at its awayday held on 5 September 2018.

Action Item 85 – The Chair of the Board and Chair of the NPCC to agree the date and content for the next awayday and inform Board members.

The Board’s next meeting will take place on Thursday 7 November from 13:00-16:00 at the Digital Policing Programme’s Boardroom, 17th Floor, Portland House, Bressenden Place, London.

The 2019 dates for Board meetings are as follows.

 11 January 2019  14 March 2019  6 June 2019  12 September 2019  7 November 2019