The CANDIDATES: A LOOK AT Clark Atlanta University ■ WHO’S RUNNING FOR PantheR SGA OFFICE SEE INSIDE • “We’ll Find A Way Or Make One.”

Volume 1 • Number XIII Atlanta, Georgia April 11, 1994 WHAT A DAY! AUC Prepares Photos By Christian Gooden / Staff For Freaknic '94 By Tara C. Gunter For complete Editor-In-Chief list of the During the weekend of April 22, an estimated 180,000 college Atlanta Black students will converge on Atlanta University Center campuses and College Spring metro Atlanta for three days to enjoy the festivities of Freaknic Break 94 ‘94. According to comedian activties turn to Redman, who performed last Saturday, April 9 at Clark Atlanta Pll. University’s Vivian W. Henderson calls The Altanta Black College Gymnasium, last year’s event Spring Break ‘94 (ABCSB). raised nearly “31 million dollars," Acccording to ABCSB’s in revenue for vendors and local Executive Director of General business merchants. Planning, Virgil Rabun, the orga­ However, lack of an organiza­ nization’s “planning comittee con­ tional body, huge traffic jams, sists of students, two neighbor­ large crowds milling in small hood representatives- Midtown areas, Piedmont Park residents’ neighbors association and Martin complaints about unruly students, Luther King Dr.- three business and citizens concerned about this representatives and the Atlanta year’s events caused several Bureau of Visitors” and others. groups with vested interest to The comittee was formed ten merge together to form what it Continued P7 Pat Wilker and her daughter, Erica, a senior at Ceader Shoals High School in Athens, GA talk with a CAU instructor during CAU's General Education Parent/Student Visitation Day. Being Reviewed students should be proficient writ- Saturday, April 8, was a busy day at Clark Atlanta University. Candidates for By Lisa Flanagan ers and speakers after completing SGA offices officially began campaigning, high-school seniors and their parents toured News Assistant their required general education the campus for annual Student/Parent Visitation Day and comedian and "MTV Jams" courses,” said Henderson. host Bill Belamany held a concert at the Vivian W. Henderson Gymnasium later that The General Education Dean Henderson has held Curriculum at Clark Atlanta forums with students and faculty day. All in all, it was a good day. University may be getting a face to receive input about their experi­ ences, positive or negative with lift. the existing curriculum. The curriculum has not been Other areas that will be stressed revised since the consolidation of are researching skills, how to use Clark College and Atlanta the library effectively, computer University in 1988. literacy, natural sciences, and “We want the students at Clark computation skills, international Atlanta University to have positive studies, African American studies. experiences and a wealth of General Education will also knowledge when they enter the focus on the community service work force, said Dean Alexa Henderson, Associate Dean of program. According to Henderson Undergraduate Studies. “The cur­ the revised program will put stu­ riculum needs to be reviewed in dents in volunteer positions that order to see if students have the will relate to their desired field of ability to compete in society.” study. A committee was assembled The revised General last year to review the general Education Curriculum will not education courses. After deliber­ be implemented until the next ating for several months, a list of two years, so the changes will 16 areas of suggested areas of not affect students already learning were discussed. One of matriculating at Clark Atlanta the main areas the faculty University. Bill Bellamy performing his Candidate Terrinee L. Gundy approved is more emphasis on Dean Henderson stated the comedy routine at CAU. gets a jump start on campaign. communication. “Clark Atlanta courses should not be a repeti­ has to stress communication skills, tion of high school level courses. “We want to insure CANDIDATES ‘94

MISS CLARK ATLANTA UNIVERSITY Name: Tonja R. Edmond Name: Carrie Beard Name: Latonya E. Ephram

Experience: Junior Class Officer; 1st Eperience: Public Relations Society Attendant Miss Junior; Queens of America; The Advertising Club; The Experience: CAU Cheerleading Squad 91- Coalition; NAACP; GAE; Holmes Hall Panther newspaper (staff writer); 94 (Co-Captain); NSBE; Miss Texas 1991-92; Dorm Council NAACP; Freshman Orientation Guide Asst. VP of Texas Club 1992-93 Corps; Queens' Coalistion Reason For Running: "if elected, I could Reason For Running: "My greatest contribution in the role as Miss CAU Reason For Running: "I believe that serve as a liason between the student body and their ideas, along with faculty and staff would be dedication and service to my a person in a leadership position community, fellow students and above should always be personable and and their manpower. Together, we can find all, my University." approachable. A leader should be a way or make one..." willing to give their time and dedica­ tion." ______Name: Shuraka L. Ingram Name: Tanishia M. Grimes

Experience: Honors Program Experience: Honors Program; Big Student Chartered Organization; Brother/Big Sister Program; CAU-TV3; Panther Sigma Tau Delta Inf I English Honor Newspaper Staff (Features Assistant) Society (chair of Activties Comm.) Alpha Kappa Mu National Honor Reason For Running: "I want to offer stu­ Society (Co-Chair Comm. Service) dents my ability to effectively communicate their needs. I would like to enforce the to Reason for running: Clark Atlanta unify. Being Miss CAU is not just about hav­ University needs a representative ing a pretty face or holding a title, it is a ser­ that exemplifies the achievements as vice to my school, community and myself." well as the progress that CAU has made since the consolidation."


Name: Latanya S. Ferrell Name: Jennifer Miller Name: Helena Lafaye Webster Miss Senior Experience:CAU Cheerleading Reason For Running: "I am a firm believer that I Squad (Co-Capt.); Inroads Atlanta Reason For Running: "I feel as can do anything that I set my mind and faith in God to (Summer Activities Dir,);Therrell High though I would represent the do. I feel that I can represent the Class of 1994-1995 School Tutorial Program (Secretary) Senior class well. I would like the as Miss Senior because I am a positive individual with opportunity to represent my a need and desire to lead, follow, and learn more Reason For Running: "if elected school and my class." about the Student Government Association and my fellow Senior classmates." to office, I planto contribute my time so that the requests of my class mates be fulfilled."

Name: Tonya Dionne MISS JUNIOR Wonnum Name: Kristie N. Jackson Name: Michelle D. Roberson Reason For Running: "Holding the office of Miss Reason For Running: "in Experience: Washington State Senior would allow me the today's society one must be Club; Student Locator; Resident opportunity to become extremely well rounded in order Assistant; Seattle Times intern more involved in my universi­ to achieve ultimate success. I ty. I would be proud to rep­ want to display that intelligence, Reason For Running: “I would resent my class in this capac­ poise and strength are all key like to act as a median between ity." ingredients to achieve that suc­ my Junior class and the SGA, cess." therefore giving me and my class a solid voice.“

Name: Tra'Niece Ratchford

Experience: Secretary Sophomore Class; Marketing Club Member; Queens Coalition

Reason For Running: "My social sonsciousness as reflected by my community service and my performance as a student makes me eli­ gible to. represent what the class of '96 is all about."



Name: Jamal I. Coleman Name: Carla Yllice' Lewis Student Government Reason For Running: "The reason I Reason For Running: "I would am seeking to obtain the position as like to hold the position of the Student Government Association Undergraduate President in Undergraduate President is to imple­ order to continue the pro­ ment new and creative ideas, and grams of student involve­ form a more perfect union at Clark ment, adequate student rep­ Atlanta University." resentation to administration faculty and staff."


Name: Jerome Farquharson Name: Samuel Bell Jr. Reason Name: Tanya Renee Mitchell For Running: Reason For Running: "The main Reason For Running: "The office of SGA Vice reason for wanting to hold to Reason For Running: President holds much prestige on campus. My office is there is a real need for goal is to use this clout to benefit the students. male leaders dedicated to There are issues that need to be addressed. supporting his fellow students." Even if I don't win this time around, hopefully through my campaign and platform these issues will be taken care of."

Name: Roderick J. Walker GRADUATE PRESIDENT Reason For Running: "I want to hold the office of SGA NAME: Philip Dunston Vice President because I want to be directly involved Reason For Running: "I have the in making CAU a better insti­ necessary experience. I have Campaigning began tution. I also want to worked in student government Persuade the student body for five years. I have excellent to get more involved in leadership qualities and I love April 9 CAU's affairs." serving students." and ends April 18.


Name: Terrinee L. Gundy Name: Tanya Renee Mitchell Name: Michelle Jones

Reason For Running: "I would Name: Devin Williams Reason For Running: "I like to be CAUSGA Treasurer want to hold the office of to aid in improving and Reason For Running: "The treasurer because after uplifting the current condi­ office that I'm seeking is a working on one of the tions of CAU. My other rea­ trustworthy, dependable, treasure's committees, I son is to help the students responsible and dedicated know that this job communicate with the position and I'm the one I requires hard work, Administration." know I possess these attrib­ determination, and man­ utes." agement skills. Through education and experi­ ence I feel that I can do the job." CANDIDATES’^


Name: Angela D. Burns Name: Kenneth L. Harris

Reason For Running: "it is my Experience: Varsity Basketball desire to be secretary because it Team; NAACP Chapter; Allied will allow me to illustrate my out­ Health Club standing clerical abilities. I am truly dependable and thrive on profes­ Reason For Running: My great­ sionalism.” est contribution to the student body will be always being consis­ tent in what I do as I try to employ new standards within my chosen office, with dedication, hard work and scholarships.-


Name: De'neia Mabry Name: Paulette Mitchell

Campaign Slogan: Public Campaign Slogan: Womes Basketball Relations Student Society of America- Team; Honors Program; Volunteer Team; Pre Alumni Council; We Deep Productions VP; Advertising Club; TN Club; CAU Panther newspaper- Staff Writer; (Guest List Coordinator) Atlanta Association of Black Journalist Scholarship Committee Reason For Running: "I believe that as a young adult at Clark Atlanta University, we Reason For Running: "I believe in have duties to fulfill in the community and on campus which are not being done as a involvement. By being Vice President, I would implement pro­ whole class." grams and activities that would get the class of 1995 more involved and active in campus activities.”


Name: Cedria V. Davis Name: Kelli Ingram Experience: 1993-94 Orientation Guide Corp; Pre-Alumni Council- Experience: Atlanta University Mentor Chairperson of Saturday Science Program- Secretare Forensics Society- President; Acadsemy; NAACP Honors Program- 2nd VP

Reason For Running: "I want to Reason For Running: "Holding an office in hold the office of Junior Class VP the SGA gives me an opportunity to give back because my ambition and deter­ to the University. I want to help change Clark mination will encourage others to Atlanta University for the better." become more involved in junior class activiities."

Name: Makeeta Nash Name: Elizabeth Pauley

Experience: Inspirational Voices of Faith Choir- Experience: SGA Vice President and Student Miss IVOF; Alpha Mu Sophomore Interest Group-Co- Rep. (Bellevue Community College); Black Student Chairperson; Track Team; Organization of Social Union; Eastside Moving Company; Volunteer Change; Gourmet Services Volunteer Services Coach- Central Areas Youth Assoc. Little League Cheerlead Squad Reason For Running: "I want to hold the office of Junior VP because I would like to bring the junior class together to support the SGA. I feel that by Reason For Runningfi would like to be Junior interacting with a lot of Juniors at CAU, then I could Class President because I feel I am qualified to rep­ bring our ideas together to become more active at resent this class. Due to experience as well as a sin­ cere desire to see that the needs of these students CAU." are accurately met." CANDIDATES ’94 SOPHOMORE CLASS PRESIDENT

Name: Lez'Lee Ne'Kole Gerren

Experience: Key Club President; Varsity Cheerleading- Captain; Afrocentric Student Association-Senior Rep.; Mayors Youth Council- Rep.; National Council of Negro Women- Youth Coordinator; Big Brothers/ Big Sisters- Advisor

Name: Jamila R. Smith Hear Candidates Debate Check With Student Election Committee for a date and time.

Name: Algenard Herring II Name: Angela Yvonne Johnson

Freshman Class Secretary; Experience: SGA; Pre-Alumni Experience: Freshman Class Treasurer; Tri-State Club Council; The Student Activities Volunteer Team Treasurer; Spanish Club member; International Language Society Member; Pre-Alumni Council; Freshman Homecoming Committee Reason For Running: "I feel I Coordinator; SGA House of Delegates Member can give the Sophomore class a strong voice in SGA. I am an ener­ Reason For Running: "I would like to hold the getic and active person who will office of Sophomore Class President because I bodly represent the sophomore have a genuine interest in helping and guiding class and their ideas." my class in becoming active on campus.”


Name: Albert Terence Brownlee Name: Elizabeth Pauley

CTION VOTE: Wil I Be Held yvu MaKé-TlIe. April 26 DUfftRChkX. n Thayer Hall Local Beauty Salon Linked To Tokars Case By Warren Woodberry, Jr. tend to spend more money in the Charged with murder that of media attention. er two years ago. He said he got Staff Writer AUC epi-center purchasing tee December was Fredric Tokars’ Criticized for the fancy cars the impression Shear Magic was shirts, books and food. business associate Eddie parked outside its doors, and the owned by a drug ring from gener­ Business is so good for one Lawrence, along with triggerman fashionably well dressed people al talk on campus. On a nice warm and sunny establishment, that it attracts a Curtis Rower, who confessed to who went behind them, the beau­ “If they (the media) don’t semester day, Fair St. and James number of AUC students along the murder and kidnapping of ty salon was labled a haven for have proven facts agaisnt them, p. Brawley Dr., the two main the Brawley strip. The Shear Sara Tokars, in a Cobb Country drug dealers by the media as a then it’s nothing but hearsay,” strips in the Atlanta University Magic Beauty Salon, located Superior Court. social gathering place among said hull. “People are going to Center (AUC) can be found lined across from the Robert Woodruff Sara Tokars was beleived to AUC students. talk and draw their own conclu­ with cars and crowded sidewalks. Library, seems to lure a distinc­ have evidenece about malicious “It just so happens that some sions regardless.” AUC students are intereacting, tive crowd outside its doors. business dealings between her people at the AUC have nice After bombarding questions having conversations, listening to Because of the image, Shear husband an Lawrence, that could cars,” said Will Bowman, 25, and unsuccessful research, jour­ hip hop music, and lounging on Magic has received some criti­ convict an end their careers barber and head manager at nalists discovered no connections brick walls. The atmosphere is so cism when it was poorly linked to according to People Magazine. Shear Magic. He said there are between the Shear Magic staff live that it seem more like a an incident that shocked Atlanta Ironically Lawrence, a real many college students that are and tokars, and reportedly left the block party than a college cam­ during Thanksgiving weekend estate agent, leased the renovated quite wealthy, and that they just shop alone. pus. When the weather’s this 1992. Cobb county housewife house in which Shear Magic so happen to seek business at his The real estate agency owned nice, many students can’t resist Sara Tokars, 39, was brutally resides. The house was sold to shop. by Lawrence no longer collects the urge to skip a class or two slain in an alleged murder plot, Lawrence by Fred Tokars before Ken Hull, 22, a junior at the rental fees for the shop, just to take in some sun and fresh which involved her suspected the murder incident. During the Morris Brown College recalls Bowman said, and the property air. husband Fredric Tokars, 40, a first two months of the investiga­ Shear Magic Salon and Fred has been seiged by another reali­ For AUC businesses, students successful Cobb County lawyer. tion, Shear Magic received a host Tokars being on the news togeth­ ty company. NATIONAL NEWS Political Violence Sweeps South Africa

By Gomotsang Seema Staff Writer Bophuthatswana - one of the ten tribal homelands in South The Perfect Solution Africa, erupted in violence recently ago after the overthrow of its President Lucas Manyane Mangope. The popular uprising took place after the homeland leader’s refusal to allow his 2,5 million citizens to take part in the coming When You’re elections. The capital city of the homeland called Mmabatho, was no longer the same after the violence. According to a native of Mmabatho, Ndumiso Cingo, “I wish I was there to witness the uprising.” He also stated that it has In Between Grants been long overdue that Mangope be taken out of the office and let the citizens vote during the elections. In an article written in Washington post, Bophuthattswana was created 17 years ago by apartheid engineers whose grand And Could Use design was to make South Africa’s rural Blacks citizens of for­ eign lands or tribally based homelands. About 56 percent of South Africa’s Blacks live in the homeland. Bophuthatswana is part of the “Freedom Alliance” which was formed by the right-wingers -AWB, Inkatha under the leader­ ship of Gatsha Buthelezi, and other parties that oppose the elec­ tions. The alliance was designed to oppose the elections with the hope that both Mangope and Buthelezi stay in power. According to Clayton Ntloko, a graduate student at Clark Atlanta University from South Africa, “There is no telling that the rate of violence is going to decrease after the elections. Most TurWArurwnA RaxtizT i\t of us are worried if we will be able to obtain jobs after gradua­ tion.” He further sated that people like Mangope and Buthelezi do not want to see a democratic South Africa. “What’s funny In a publish or perish world, nothing beats a little financial security. Which is why Wachovia’s about Inkhatha freedom Party is that when it was first estab­ BankLine is a smart idea. It’s a credit line attached to your Wachovia checking account, and whether you lished, the motive was to unite the Zulus and not fight against use it for overdraft protection, quick cash or an unexpected emergency, other progressive parties. It was then after Mandela’s release that they changed their focus to opposing any progressive move­ you’ll find it’s one of the most convenient banking services you’ve ever had. Applying is a snap, so stop by today and we’ll help you get started. ment,” Ntloko emphasized. Lee Street African National Congress leader, Nelson Mandela, is not Or give us a call at 756-3050. Wachovia BankLine. One more reason to threatened by any of these homeland leaders. bank where you work. According to an article in the Washington Post, “It was short­ ly after the overthrow of Mangope’s leadership that he visited Mmabatho to ensure the citizens that they can take part in the ______WACHOVIA voting and be able to exercise free political activity.” Mandela went on to mention that the Transitional Executive Council, which is an alliance established by the government to monitor the elections, sent the South African troops to depose Mangope. “The dispatch with which the executive council brought down the obstructionist Mangope should serve as a warning to other “Toy tyrants” in the country, “ Mandela stated. With reference to Kwazulu Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi. Mmabatho’s damage was estimated to $60 million after the looting at the famous shopping center called Megacity. Students’ Achievements F reaknic Recognized At Continued From Pl Awards Ceremonies months ago in Atlanta to help Atlanta Black College Spring According to senior Sociology plan events and that a number of Break 94 said ‘there is a lot of major Sirena Herbert the different By Sledra Cooper city officials and the Mayors aversion regarding the name and names convey different mean­ Contributing Writer office had been involved in the that Spelman College President, ings. “Freaknic seems like a fun, initial stages. Johnetta Cole said the name is full-fledged black college, teenie Clark Atlanta University recognized 150 students on ABCSB is a non-profit organi­ deriding to all black women.” He boper event. As opposed to zation that has no revenue behind added that he believes ABCSB Freak Feast, which seems like a March 22, in the Student Awards for Excellence in it. The organizational structure succintly exemplifies the event commercialized version of what Achievement ceremonies during Convocation Week. lies under the Atlanta Student itself.” an all black college weekend The program honored people in areas of academics, ath­ Forum, which was formed in According to the Hill, the used to be with a white and letics and musical and artistic excellence. It was held at the October of 1993 and was char­ name “Freaknic” is being used bourgeise touch. So what was Virginia Lacy Jones Exhibition Hall in Robert W. Woodruff tered last January also as a non­ by: once a black thing you wouldn’t Library at 6 p.m. profit organization. The Forum is understand is a white event, According to President Thomas W. Cole Jr, acknowledg­ comprised of students from the •Pactrick Hill (who currently where (whites) are making ing the students is a "special" part of Convocation Week. AUC. Part of the students’ resides in North Carolina), who money...and once again calling shots because of their involve­ “It’s one of the most important things that we do, and responsibilities are to execute and carry out programs that are to be ment. It is just like everything that’s why I enjoy being a part of it,” he said. “We need to a part of the event. “There is a lot of else we used to call our own, now publicize more of the student’s accomplishments and this is According to Rabun, the run by white philanthropists,” she one way of showing the students how proud we are of Forum’s goal is to bring together aversion regarding said. all participants and its objective them.” the name (Freaknic)... Police Protection Juanita Carter, Associate Dean of the School of Business, is to maintain a festival and try Some concerns about last said the administration hopes that recognizing these students and serve as a body that will pro­ Spelman College year’s Freaknic were the block- vide a community service. long, two to three hour traffic will encourage other students to see the importance of work­ Despite the Atlanta commit­ President, Johnetta jams, students milling on side­ ing hard. tee’s head start, there have been Cole said that the walks and in streets, loud music “We want you to be a beacon of light and shine wherever complaints of poor and slow and inefficienct crowd control. you go, to let students know the importance of academic planning. In the March 27 issue name is deriding to The city was not prepared for excellence,” she said. of the Atlanta Consititution the all black women.” the onslaught of visitors and the Scholars such as graduate student, Justine O. Osa, article “Freaknic Planning Slow,” police department was ill- expanded on the tardy progres-- equipped to handle all the party­ received a special award for achieving a 4.0 average in sion of this year’s activities. -Virgil Rabun goers. Library and Information Studies and in Education. Osa said However, according to Rabun Executive Director, The This year some Atlanta Police she realizes the challenge of maintaining her grade point disagreed. “Because efforts were Atlanta Black College Officers say they will call a “Blue average. undertaken late, we were given Flu” the weekend of Freaknic to Spring Break '94 protest lack of overtime pay, long “I’m happy, and it’s also a challenge to keep it -up,"she roughly three months to plan the event. Whereas, if we had 12 hours and lack of growth oppor­ said. "It's a challenge to be able to maintain my average, tunities. 50 or so officers met months to start, we would have and next year I want to be here again,” she said. reserved the name “Freaknic” with Mayor Bill Campbell on had nearly^everything in place.” with a license only to do busi­ Janell Hargrove, a sophomore who was recognized for Thursday, April 7, to air out Confusion over the name ness with it grievances. The result was not her performance in Psychology, also said the awards cere­ Many students have com­ positive, many officers left still mony was an incentive and challenge for her to do better in plained about this year’s event. •Ronn Greene, a local Atlantan, set on boycotting the activities. the future. A concern, as one student who has a trademark of the A flyer that read: “Don’t worry about being the only one According to Connie Vinson, a sophomore, it is an honor asked, is “Why has the name derivative “College Superfest Freaknic ‘94” that he can only out, Worry about being the only for people to be awarded for their achievements, but she changed this year?” “Freaknic,” was coined back in 1985 by a use for and on apparel. Greene one in,” was posted on officers believes that it should occur more than once a year. cars. group of students who gathered will bring Freaknic to Coca- Some students said this is a “I like the idea of recognizing students more often on a Cola’s Lakewood Amphitheater in Piedmont Park to barbeque and desperate act formed on the basis weekly or monthly basis, for example, in order to award stu­ have fun. in the form of concerts and par­ of racism. Calvin Briggs, vice dents for their efforts,” she said. Over the years, the small get- ties. president of CAU’s Student The ceremony also commended three people for their togethers have exploded into a Government Association said, quietly untapped source of major “People are using Freaknic as achievements in athletic and musical and artistic excellence. revenue for the city. It was not Some AUC students said the leverage for their own purposes Terry Beckham, Ryan Turner, and Iyabo Shabazz were until last years’ complaints from different names add too much and black students are caught in confusion and are unnecessary. the middle. When all those white acknowledged for their success and persistence in those concerned citizens that the city and major sponsors began to take According to CAU Junior people had a (recent) smoke-out in Piedmont Park, there was no areas. notice of the capabilities and Political Science Major Geno attention given to it. If the funds generated from the Spring Bonner, he would rather the name (police) can’t handle Freaknic, stay as Freaknic. “I’d rather it be break activities. then what are they going to do Some students said with the Freaknic because that’s the way it when the Olympics come?” economic thrust came the overt was in the past and that’s how it commercialization. Entrepreneurs, should be now,” he said. Scholarships they say, saw Freaknic as a great Another CAU student Omar Rabun said that the Altanta investment, hence the rush to Rowe agreed. “White people Black College Spring Break ‘94 picked (The Atlanta Black captilize on the name itself. This committe’s funds will go toward year marks the first year that the College Spring Break ‘94 and scholarships for AUC students. name will no longer be exclusive Spring Feast ‘94), now, it’ll be “Proceeds will go into a general to one particular entity. Many bozo-the-clown and a money­ scholarship fund and serve some students believe this is not a good maker venture, whereas before it idea. wasn’t,” the sophomore Political of the needs of AUC students,” Rabun said that he under­ Science major said. he said. He added that it is his stands students’ confusion, but AUC student Necia Smith future goal to help students legalities kept ABCSB from con­ said, “Freaknic brought out the inherit the 3-day event. tinuing with the event under the biggest amount of money Atlanta “Hopefully, it will endow and name “Freaknic.” He also added has seen in a long time- they empowerstudents so that they can that sponsors were weary to put didn’t know black college stu­ inherit and continue on with the their products behind a name that dents could spend the same event and develop it into a for­ money on events as white college is derogatory, particulary to malized structure.” women. The Director of the students.” PERSPECTIVES------

The Freaknic: An Example of Clark Atlanta University A U C Select i v e Apathy Panther By Ed Blakemore about their cause. They Our priorities are shot. ments. Editorial Editor certainly could not get one- When any of the varied Freaknic is an event all fourth of those persons to organizations which assist students should attend at Tara C. Gunter/Editor-In-Chief K.A. White/Business Manager Once again Atlanta is come for a meeting, orga­ our people from unlocking least once. It is always preparing for its annual nized demonstration, or the manacles of oppression great to see so many black Freaknic festivities. Having rally to support any cause. call, we suddenly are too people in one place where Commentary the advantage of hindsight But all of these supposedly poor to donate money or nothing negative happens. due to last year's event, I poor individuals suddenly even empathize. But let Unfortunately, nothing truly feel this party reflects a find money and time anyone even passively men­ positive happens either. Being Real Gets very interesting phenome­ enough to bring their hypo­ tion Freaknic and not only I have had an entire year na. It provides plenty of critical selves to Atlanta. does much conversation to think about last year’s Real Votes insight about how black It is interesting that we begin, but enough money experience. Freaknic truly people prioritize their continue to allow selective suddenly forms in the pock­ represents how young black Is anybody else tired of actions. apathy to rule our commu­ ets of these “poor” AUC adults have prioritized their phony people trying to get a If anyone was to organize nity. It’s every difficult to students to rent a car, drive actions today. What does it vote. SGA elections are the only some type of action to cor­ find anyone black who is of to Atlanta, spend a weekend say about us if the only time time, besides Christmas, when so rect any one of the many college age, who has not at a hotel, buy enough we can organize our ranks heard or plans to attend liquor and marijuana to in mass assembly is for a many people are sickeningly ills of Black America, never could they get over 100,000 Freaknic. intoxicate millions, and eat huge party? nice. black people to even think Many of us are truly lost. at several food establish­ Get real, you can't buy someone's ballot with a sudden "I like you" personality change— DÌ 1 with some food maybe, but not W Me with fake smiles. Besides, it doesn't work. Students are well aware of phoniness. We've all heard the talk: "So and so doesn't ever speak to me. Now because he or she is running for office they sweating me." Or, "I'm tired of people asking me to vote for 'em." A lot of time, energy and money is invested in campaign­ ing. However, candidates should remember that they do not have to compromise ethical values to win a position. Candidates need to realize that students are not fooled by pretentiousness. Being real gets real votes and staying real keeps Off-Campus Student Woes real supporters. By Chandra R. Thomas experience. The ride is frightening­ watching television in Features Editor Several of us start our ly reminiscent of the Thayer Hall, sleeping day with a wild ride on Middle Passage- in the library, socializ­ Off-campus students public transportation. African-Americans ing on the steps of As we await the num­ piled atop one another. McPheeters Dennis, or ------Staff have it hard. ber 13 Techwood/Fair We desperately attempt just wandering about. News: 880-8077 We sometimes wander St. bus, our senses are to maintain our balance If a book is left at around aimlessly like News Assistant: Lisa Flanagan We encourage letters to the editor. bombarded with what as the bus approaches home, we don’t have Features Editor: Chandra Thomas orphans searching for a is referred to as “The its various stops. the luxury of running Features Assistants: Stacy Adams, Letters should be 200 words or less, place to live. We Tarsha Burton clearly written or typed and double­ Five Points Ministry.” However, before you back to a dorm room to Entertainment I’hotographer: Rondre spaced. All letters must include the meander through build­ Summerville These screaming can spell Metropolitan get it. If the tempera­ author's full name and signature in ings, hunting for a lunatics, stand in front Atlanta Rapid Transit ture suddenly drops 35 Personals Editor: Kimathi Lewis order to appear in The Panther. The place to lay our heads. of the MARTA station, Authority (MARTA), degrees we can’t just Photography Editor: Rondre deadline for all letters is Monday of We are essentially Summerville each week by 5 p.m. Letters will reminding us of the the bus has reached the grab a sweater in the Graphics Editor: Jamal Caliste “homeless people with Adviser: Sabbaye McGriff run according to date received and evils of “the white Atlanta University middle of the day. We amount of space available. The homes”— away from man” and just how Center stop. Students are forced to plan for Business Panther reserves the right to edit for campus, that is. soon we’re all going to disperse in many dif­ each and every possi­ length, grammar, and libelous mater­ The troubles of fresh­ burn in hell. We are ferent directions to ble occurrence. Business Manager: K.A. White ial. All submissions once received, men and transfer stu­ become the property of The also constantly classes, appointments, Finally, as the day Panther. No letters will be returned. dents are often harassed by street ven­ and work-study jobs. ends, we board Advertising Address all letters to: acknowledged, but dors pushing their But this arrival poses MARTA once again rarely do we explore Advertising Manager: Franchella wares. And no morn­ another problem: What and prepare to repeat Slater the hardships of tran­ National Advertising Rep.: ing is complete without to do in between class­ the same crazy process Redelia Shaw sient students. Yes, we an overly friendly es. Not having the lux­ the next day. Local Advertising Rep.: Alex The Panther are the “mavericks of Waldron motorist honking his ury of returning to a So next time you see a 240 Janies P. Brawley MARTA,” the “Thayer horn at the lovely dorm room, we rove transient student roam­ Opinions expressed in The Panther Drive, Box 329 Hall travelers,” and the female students. the campus like ing around, be nice. are the opinions of the writers and Atlanta, GA 30314 “refugees of the recre­ When the bus arrives, nomads searching for a Remember, all we want do not reflect the ideas or opinions ation room.” Whatever of The Panther staff. All rights we crowd its stairwell, place to study, sleep, or is a little shelter. reserved. Reprints by permission of the title, we all share a like a herd of sheep, just relax. We can the editor and adviser. very unique collegiate hoping to get a seat. usually be found Just A Thought My Personal Experience in Apartheid South Africa by De’Kembie’ Rampe’le’

Before I go into what happened to me, I must first explain that in South Africa any attempt before the year of 1990, to change pro quote apartheid often resulted in imprisonment, banning or death. Either to the person trying to bring change or to his or her family. As a rising star in the African National Congress Youth League, my mouth as well as my political activities often landed me in jail. This often resulted in my American mother coming to the rescue. In July of 1981, a government plan to reduce activity was put into action. The plan known as “Operational clean sweep” resulted in raids in all of South Africa’s black townships and tribal homelands. This resulted in countless arrests and killings of blacks. On August 4, 1981, while attending an anti-government rally in the South African coastal city of Durban, police raided my home in Soweto, killing my wife and two children. I wrote my experience not to gain sympathy, but to address all my brothers and sisters in America about certain stumbling blocks to democracy in South Africa. Although South Africa is on the verge of true democracy for the first time ever, the problems of black on black political violence, unemployment and illiteracy pose a real threat that undermines the very security of South Africa. Also white radical elements within South Africa’s police force, along with other radicals, also threatens to disrupt the April 23-26 all race election. Let us pray this does not happen.

Amandla! South Africa will be free...


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Seeks interns interested in •Classified ads placed in ATTENTION STUDENTS !!! CARIBBEAN NITE Promotions, Productions and CLARK Atlanta Every Friday Night the personals/classified Public Relations. University Head Start at CLUB PAN -AF Program announces Experience a Plus, But Not section must be of a per­ Required. HEAD START sonal, noncommercial 4974 Buford Highway, For All Inquiries call Volunteer Week. Chamblee, Georgia - (404) 753-9808 Or 752-1901 Volunteer, It's Fun nature. (404) 452 - 9886 For more info contact (Buford Highway Karen Grier 696-9585 Help Wanted Flea Market Plaza) ext 110 Make your Fridays atiite of •All classified ads are cash * EXTRA IINCOME '94 * with copy and must be Gourmet Services, Inc excitement and fun as we The alternative to present you with the BEST in Earn $200 - $500weekly campus dining CARIBBEAN MUSIC including placed in person or mailed maing 1994 Travel brochures. For 1100 Spring Street REGGAE, CALYPSO, SOCA to: more hformaiion send a Suite 450 and Disco. self addressed Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Non-Stop Dancing from The Panther stamped envelope (404) 876-5700 10pm 'till ???? to: 240 James P. Brawley ADMISSION $5.00 MOREHOUSE SCHOOL OF Travel Network, MEDICINE Ladies with college ID $4:00 PQ Box612530, Drive PROPER ATTIRE REQUIRED Presents Mari, FL 33161 Atlanta, Ga 30314 Symposium for Black DIRECTIONS: Approximately Women 1.4 miles South of I-285 make CRUISE SHIP JOBS! or call Presenter right after the Buford Highway Students needed! Earn Marimba Ani, Ph.D. Flea Market sign. $2000 + monthly. 404-808-4420 Summer/holidays/full time. Author of Yurugu: An American-Centered World travel, Caribbean, Hawaii, Critique of European Internships Europe, Mexico. Cultural Thought and Deadline Behavior. Tour Guides, Gift Shop Sales, PEPSICO, IINC. Deck Hands, Casino Workers, Time: Saturday, May 7, Attn: Personnel etc. Tuesday noon 1994, 9:00 am - 12:00 Noon 700 Anderson Hill Road No experience necessary. Place: Morehouse School Purchase, NY 10577 CALL of Medicine, Basic Medical Sciences Auditorium 914/253-2000 (602) 680-4647, Ext..C147 THE POETS ' CORNER Alas, Beauty.. FROM DUSK TILL DAWN Death of a Black Woman (IN TRIBUTE TO ZELONDA McNEAL) Alas, Beauty has come into being, a Queen The rising sun awakens the ocean. has arisen Feel the new day coming in? Tears upon her face Her glory is often heard in my mind, just Oh, how I’ve awaited this moment with no soothing place to go listen when life can stand still in a picture frame Her heart ached with pain Because it is quite possible that the and yet continue with every soft ripple that rolls leaving a deep and burning sore thoughts I think onto the shore. Eyes all cold and vacant As my eyes blink could be manifested like I sing wind songs as I’m caught in the melodies by thoughts that can't be found the gloss covering mink. of the breeze. Her body absorbed by hurt Soft. her life no longer a crown. Alas, beauty has entered the cipher called Cool. by my name Refreshing. Drops of tears keep falling And in expressing feeling for this princess Alive. they roll so sadly away I bear no shame Non rhythmic notes that flow freely - They go about their journey Whatever she asks will be the guide of my From the heart... to the heart. with no sure place to stay. actions There is no need to open your eyes to see the And for her to ever mention my name light, my child Touch of a vicious gun from her mouth For you ARE the precious sunrise. captured the life she knew would cause eminent satisfaction I go with the flow as each wave Marred by an outrage qaptures the serenity of my mind by the apathy of me and you Alas, beauty has been refined in the prism A precious life of beauty for Black men to see EASY! EASY! has faded into the air Quite, mannered and sexy is the aura, but The sun grows stronger, the ripples grow louder While those who shared her virtues whether she sees me is a mystery And each represents one more layer of strength must live henceforth in despair I hope with all the effort that my soul and which never mind can afford surpasses me. Drops of tears keep falling That you will receive the love my heart Do you hear my cry my child? they roll from day to day has stored I bathe in that which has not yet overcome me. They go in search for Zelonda I do this for you. the Queen we took away. Alas, beauty is embodied in the grace of an Rise my child. original Black woman For as you stay strong, I will dwell on By Brother Artis X Apparently, the contour of her body is your energies and await what is near to over­ adequate to make a dead .man stand come me. In memory of the girl who was the Or raise a God - King like me to realize that Time after time after time after time. victim of a drive- by shooting near the I am never alone It is near, you are here. Garage night club. As long as the vision that is you is never I weep in the glories of the heavens above. gone. We are one now. Darkest Man ... But why do you depart so soon my child? By Jimmie Ophelia Woods, Jr. Shine a little longer! I can feel the energies slip through the winds as Go ahead, look out for the waves the Darkest Man; He has a look that move to the lands beyond. the world can't stand. I Once Dreamt of A Queen Do not feel sad - we shall meet for eternity. Go easy. He is cool, but could Come back easy. be deadly; and for I once dreamt of a reflection in a small pool the world he has the key The sky was orange, the earth I knelt in, damp and cool Easy come. Easy go. He knows not much about 1 only visualized and realized that morning that I am a Kin; the book on the shelf; Because the image which laid before me was Queenly And what is that cool glow that eases my every pain? but He knows all that He says of Himself. I once dreamt of a Queen so royally accented Makes all waves of troubles move to far, far away lands? 1 complimented, and I submitted because I knew she By Rodney E. Mitchell represented Gives peace and serenity in mystical ways? The wisdom of my grandmother, the compassion of my Answer me!!!! oh, answer me!!!! mother For I am in your shadows that reflect from the top The love of my wife, and the caretaker of my seeds of the skies Are you creative? Alas -1 am secure. Need an outlet to express yourself? I once dreamt of a Queen that delighted blind men I...... I...... I...... Or, just want to see your work pub­ Then astounded those who actually saw, when... I am home .... my father. lished? She entered the temple and the Gods became silent For the gloss of silk-covered black skin, commanded... By Rhonda L. Terry If so, then we'd like toprintit. GAZES 1 once dreamt of a Queen whose dark eyes allowed a glance Please send all into her soul Slow drips of water glide down the sutmissicns to: Without a word, or gesture to cajole, I was “stole” shell in your hand 1 only have to offer, the things which I possess on to the sand where my toes are buried. The Poets' Comer A truth I attest, lest, I suggest... offering knowledge, compas­ The sky is placid azure above us and the sand sion, and understanding The Panther is warm cotton below. 240 James P. Brawley- No Kingdom do I own..., other than the universe As 1 grasp the shell, it falls to its home Box 329 1 think it a meager gift hardly worthy of your purse inside of its love. Atlanta, GA 30314 For it is true, that it is for you, I am gladly made a hand And we gaze into eyes; each mirroring the servant anew same passion. No sutmissicns will be returned; so, Only because The Queen I once dreamt of, is you... And match our breaths and please do not submit orginals. Submis­ sions will appear in the order they are By Jimmie Ophelia Woods, Jr. By Redelia Shaw received. Schedule of Events Thursday 3 PM - 8 PM Welcoming Party AU Center/Entertainment/ DJs/Information

Friday 3 PM - 10 PM Welcoming Party AU Center/Entertainment/DJs/Information

NOON - 10:30 PM Festival Concerts Atlanta Civic Center Parking Lot Vendors/Entertainment/DJs

11 PM - 2 AM Comedy Show Atlanta Civic Center Auditorium

Saturday NOON- 5 PM Piedmont Park Vendors/DJs/Videos/Entertainment

6 PM- 7 PM Concert Piedmont Park National Recording Artists (confirmed acts are): Lords of the Underground, Outcast, Alkoholiks, Terri and Monica, Dred Post Society, Diggable Planets, Prince Raheem, King Just, 3 Steps from Nowhere, Biggie Smalls Souls of Mischief, Tag Team, UGK, M.O.P., A-Town Player, Shaggy, Black Fist, Shyheim.

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When: April 22 & 23, 1994

Where: Atlanta's Historic Sweet Auburn Ave.

Featuring: DOMINO, Def Jam Records; SHADZ OF LINGO, Rowdy Records; 69 BOYZ featuring 95 SOUTH, Rip It Records; BLACKGIRL, Kaper/RCA; DONYALE, Platinum Atlanta; SHAGGY, Virgin Records; AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!

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