(Lacertidae) from the Eastern Canary Islands

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(Lacertidae) from the Eastern Canary Islands SHORTER COMMUNICATIONS 769 Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 769–772, 2003 Copyright 2003 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Sexual Dimorphism of Gallotia atlantica atlantica and Gallotia atlantica mahoratae (Lacertidae) from the Eastern Canary Islands MIGUEL MOLINA-BORJA Departamento de Biologı´a Animal, Facultad de Biologı´a, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain; E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT.—I examined sexual dimorphism in the lacertids Gallotia atlantica atlantica and Gallotia atlantica mahoratae from Lanzarote and Fuerteventura Islands, respectively. Mean body size was smaller in G. a. mahoratae than in G. a. atlantica. Sexual size dimorphism was greater in G. a. atlantica than in G. a. mahoratae, but relative size of several morphological traits was not different between the two populations. In both subspecies, head and body traits scaled to SVL, with head size of males having a positive allometry, indicating a disproportionate increase of this trait with the increase in body size. Relative size in hind-limb length was greater in males than in females in G. a. atlantica but not in G. a. mahoratae. Analyses of morphological and behavioral traits of mahoratae, north of Fuerteventura). In the first habitat, conspecifics from different geographical locations often vegetation was mainly the herbaceous Launaea arbor- reveal within and between population variation. Liz- escens (Compositae) and Kleinia neriifolia (Asteraceae), ards in the genus Gallotia are endemic to the Canary Is- whereas the second habitat had a few dispersed lands (Arnold, 1989) and seven living species have been L. arborescens and Lycium sp., as well as plentiful lichen described. Comparative analyses of this supposedly Ramalina bourgeana growing on lava stones. monophyletic genus may provide valuable information Lizards were captured between April and September about local variability and help us understand possible 1998 and 1999 using 5-liter can traps baited with small adaptations as well as evolutionary relationships. pieces of tomato and banana. About the same number Given the variety of habitats occurring on a single of individuals were captured in both habitats with the island, opportunities exist for different selective factors same number of traps and sampling days (see sample to act on different populations (e.g., Losos et al., 1997, sizes in Table 1). Traps were closer together for G. a. for Caribbean Anolis). Although some species of Gallotia atlantica than for G. a. mahoratae; thus trap density was have been studied (Thorpe and Brown, 1991; Bischoff, higher for G. a. atlantica than G. a. mahoratae. 1998), few detailed analyses have been carried out Lizards with a body size (SVL) greater than the comparing morphological or behavioral traits from two minimum size at sexual maturity were considered or more species or populations (Bischoff, 1985; Thorpe adults and were included in the analyses of sexual and Brown, 1989; Molina-Borja et al., 1997). dimorphism; that is, the smallest male having easily Gallotia atlantica is the smallest lizard of the Canary evertable hemipenes (G. a. atlantica 5 59.5 mm; G. a. Islands and two subspecies have been described: mahoratae 5 52.6 mm) and the smallest female having Gallotia atlantica atlantica from Lanzarote and Gallotia enlarged ovarian follicles (G. a. atlantica 5 57.0 mm; atlantica mahoratae from Fuerteventura (for a detailed G. a. mahoratae 5 49.2 mm). description of the species, see Bischoff, 1998). Both For each individual, I measured snout-vent length subspecies are omnivorous and as they may live in (SVL), body mass (BM), pileus width (PW, distance several different habitat types, there is a potential for between rear lateral edge of both parietal scales), head morphological variation to be influenced by local depth (HD, height between rear edge of parietal scale ecological factors. Therefore, I selected two different and lower borderof the jaw), fore- and hind-limb lengths habitats with different lizard densities, one on each (FLL, HLL, distances between groin and distal end of island, to analyze morphological variation in each longest digit from each limb), and the number of right population. lateral blue or green spots (NLS). Gravid females were My first objective was to analyze sexual dimorphism detected by palpation of the abdomen. After the mea- in two populations of G. atlantica living in very different habitats. I predicted that the degree of sexual body size surements, all animals were released at their capture site. dimorphism would be different, being larger in the Traits were measured for all individuals in the field Lanzarote population, which has a higher lizard with a caliper (to the nearest 0.01 mm), or spring density. My second objective was to determine the balance. (to the nearest 1 g). Measurement errors, scaling relationships of different traits to SVL in each calculated as the inverse of repeatability values (Zar, sex and population and to examine these relationships 1984), varied for the different traits: 0.05 (SVL and BW), between the sexes and populations. 0.18 (pileus width), 0.30 (FLL) and 0.13 (HLL). Traits were not considered for statistical analysis (for example FLL) when their measurement error was greater than MATERIAL AND METHODS the difference for that trait between sexes or between I selected two different habitats for collecting speci- populations. mens, one in an abandoned agricultural field near Data were analysed using SPSS version 9.0. When Punta Mujeres (G. a. atlantica, northeast Lanzarote) and data did not meet the assumptions of parametric tests, the other in the lava field of Malpaı´s de la Arena (G. a. nonparametric tests were used. Sexual size dimorphism 770 SHORTER COMMUNICATIONS was calculated following Lovich and Gibbons (1992; mean male SVL/mean female SVL 1). Multivariate analysis of varianceÿ (MANOVA) was used to detect possible differences between males and 24) females within each population taking into account all 5 N traits. Regression analyses on log10-transformed data 0.12 (2.0–5.0) 0.58 (49–61.5) 0.06 (5.6–6.85) 0.07 (5.24–6.92) 0.17 (16.13–19.73) 0.31 (23.81–30.72) 0.14 (7–10) were performed to determine patterns of isometry or 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 allometry between head and body traits and SVL. Reduced major axis (RMA) regression was used to correct the associated error to the measurements of the independent variable (McArdle, 1988; LaBarbera, 1989). Deviations from isometry (slope of 1) were tested using a t-statistic described in Clarke (1980) with degrees of freedom calculated from his equation 5.1. Comparisons between the slopes from male and female 26) f ( scaling relationships were also computed with a test 5 described by the same author. Comparisons of the N relative size of the traits (residuals on SVL) both m( between males and females within a population and between males or females of the two subspecies were done with a t-test. Significance level was set at 0.05 with 0.29 (3.5–9.6) 3.6 0.94 (53–69) 56.8 0.13 (6.08–8.54) 6.2 0.18 (6.15–9.6) 6.0 0.35 (16.87–23.31) 17.6 0.42 (29.08–36.78) 27.6 0.2 (7–10)the 8.38 simultaneous Bonferroni correction applied. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 female (range in parentheses). 5 G. a. mahoratae RESULTS For both populations all head and body traits increased with SVL in both sexes except HLL in male; f female G. a. atlantica and number of lateral spots 5 (NLS) in males and females of both populations (Table 2). The sexes did not differ significantly (after Bonfer- roni correction) for any of the trait to SVL slopes (t-test of Clark, 1980). Only HD in males of both populations exhibited statistically significant positive allometry 21) (slope . 1; Fig. 1; Table 2). Interestingly, variance in 5 trait-SVL relationships was greater in females (as N indicated by lower R2) for all traits in both populations. 0.37 (5.4–9.4) 6.1 0.74 (64–73) 62.7 0.09 (6.6–7.71) 7.4 0.08 (6.98–8.02) 7.8 0.63 (12.68–22.27) 20.5 0.78 (24.34–35.38) 33.5 0.47 (6–12) 7.85 In both populations male body size (SVL) was 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 significantly greater than female size (t 5 9.8, df 5 32, P , 0.001 for G. a. atlantica and t 5 5.3, df 5 51, P , 0.001 for G. a. mahoratae ). Sexual body size dimorphism was higher in G. a. atlantica (0.323) than in G. a. mahoratae (0.113). Relative trait size did not differ between the sexes for all traits, except for HLL in G. a. atlantica where males had relatively larger HLL than 5 , 25) f ( females (t 3.08, P 0.01, Fig. 2). 5 Taking all traits together, males and females of each N population differed significantly (MANOVA: F1,39 5 m( 61.0, P , 0.001 for G. a. atlantica and F1,47 5 35.03, P , 0.001 for G. a. mahoratae) and also when considering each trait individually, except for the number of lateral 1.2 (7.4–27.9) 6.7 1.4 (69–96) 67.0 0.18 (7.98–11.9) 7.2 0.29 (8.53–14.39) 7.5 0.43 (24.1–32.35) 19.8 0.7 (38.8–52.6) 31.2 0.29 (6–12) 9.0 spots (Table 1). 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 G. a. atlantica DISCUSSION Sexual size dimorphism in body length (SVL) was present in both populations, but was greater in G.
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    BóHMB, W., BISCHOFF, W. & T. ZtEOLER(eds.): HERPETOLOGIA BONNENSIS, 1997: 285-295 Recovery plan for the giant lizard of El Hierro (Canary Islands), Gallotia simonyi: project outline and preliminary results VALENTÍN PÉREZ-MELl..ADo, BEOOÑA A.RANO, GERMÁNAsTUDILl.D, DANIEL CE.runo, MARcos GARCÍA-MÁRQUEZ,GUSTAVO A. LLORENTE, RAFAEL MÁRQUEZ,JOSÉ A. MATEO, NURIA ORRIT, MAR.ISA ROMERO-BEVIÁ & LUIS FELIPE LóPEZ-JURADO Introduction Toe Giant Llzard of El Hierro, Gallotia simonyi is one of the most endangered reptile species of tbe world (CORBEIT 1989, 1993, MACHADO et al. 1985). Toe first scientific news about a living population of G. simonyi dates back to 1975 (BóHME & BINGS 1975, 1977; see also BISCHOFF et al. 1979). Toegiant lizard, widely distributed in El Hierro in the past (BóHME et al. 1981) is presently restricted to a small area of the Fuga de Gorreta (fig. 1). Toe Canarian Govemment prohibitecltbe accessto this area which now is declared "Paraje Natural de Interés Nacional" including tbe Roques of Salmor islets (DoM1NGUEZ­ CASANOVA 1994). During the following nine years, sorne limited studies on tbe situation of this population were sponsored by the ICONA (Spanisb National lnstitute of Conserva­ tion of Nature)as well as tbe Viceconsejeríade Medio Ambiente (Environmental Agency) of tbe Autonomous Govemment of Canary Islands (DoM1NGUEZ-CASANOVA 1994). Finally, starting on 1984, a recovery plan forG. simonyi was devised (MACHADO 1985a) and the firstbreeding programme was startecl by the biologist CARLOS NAESLUND. Sorne information conceming the natural history of tbe giant lizard of El Hierro Island canbe extractecl fromthis first recovery plan, as tbe identificationof severa! threats forthe natural population and its very small size, that puts tbis species in the list of the most en­ dangered reptiles of the world.
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