Technical Realization of Communication Networks

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Technical Realization of Communication Networks TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT ••• WIEN • • • institute of Vienna University of Technology • e • telecommunications Lecture Notes Technical Realization of Communication Networks Course Number: 388.031 Part : Networking o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Hannen R. van As Institute of Telecommunications Vienna University of Technology 2011 2 CONTENTS 1.5.14 Adrnii;sion control 59 l.5.15 Flow control .... 60 1.5.16 Congestion control 61 1.6 Mobility 62 1. 7 Security . .. 63 Contents 2 Source and transmission coding 65 2.1 Introduction . 66 2.2 Source coding . 67 2.3 Linc coding aJJd modulation . 68 2.3.1 Binary coding . 69 1 Networking 1 2.3.2 I3lock <.'Oding .... 70 1.1 Network architecture . 2 2.3.3 Convolution coding . 71 1.1.1 Network planes . .. 2 2.4 Modulation . 72 1.1.2 Wired and wireless media 3 2.4.l OFDM ....... 73 1.1.3 Transmission . 3 2.4.2 CMSK .. .. ... 74 1.1.4 Switching . 9 2.5 System-related coding and tra.nsrnh;sion 75 1.1.5 Signaling and control . 13 2.5.1 PCM .......... .... 76 1.1.6 Network intelligence 14 1.1.7 Network management 14 3 Tuansmission 77 1.1.8 Service transport . 14 3.1 Introduction . 78 1.1.9 Communication and content services 14 3.2 Transmission media . 82 1.1.10 Technological layering 14 3.2.l CoaxiaJ cable 82 1.1.11 Geographical areas 15 3.2.2 Copper twisted pair 82 1.2 Protocol Architecture 19 3.2.3 Fiber . 83 1.3 Network protocols 23 3.2.4 Free-space optic link 83 1.4 Network availability 27 3.2.5 Frequency spcctmrn 83 1.5 Network control . 30 3.2.6 Microwave link . 83 1.5.1 Network control mechanisms 31 3.2.7 Mobile radio interf~ 83 1.5.2 Performance measures and measurcmeut . 32 3.2.8 Wireless intcrf~e . 83 1.5.3 Topology and routing management 37 3.2.9 Satellite interface . 83 1.5.4 Network operation policies . 38 3.3 Transmission techniques 84 1.5.5 Service level management 39 1.5.6 Buffer management . 40 4 Switching 85 1.5. 7 P~ket classification 41 1.5.8 Shaping . 42 5 Protocols 87 1.5.9 Policing .. 43 1.5.10 Scheduling. 44 6 Addressing, naming, numbering and labeling 89 1.5.11 Monitoring 45 6.1 lnlroduction . 90 1.5.12 IntScrv (integrated services) . 46 6.2 IEEE addressing .... 91 1.5.13 DiffServ (differentiated services) 48 6.2.1 MAC addressing 91 CONTENTS 3 0 CONTENTS 6.2.2 Address Resolution . 94 10.3 Intcrdomain Routing with MPLS ..... 179 6.2.3 LLC addressing . 95 10.3.1 Inter-AS Bandwidth Guaranlecs 180 6.3 Internet addressing . 97 10.4 MPLS VPN . 186 6.3.1 1Pv4 addressing . 102 10.5 Layer-2 MPLS VPN . .. 187 6.3.2 1Pv6 addressing . 106 10.6 Layer-3 MPLS VPN . 188 6.4 Internet protocol stack internal addressing . 110 10.7 VSAN (Virtual storage area network) . 189 6.4.1 SNAP (Subnetwork acces8 protocol .. 110 6.4.2 Ethertypes . 111 11 Network systems 191 6.4.3 Protocol numbers ... 112 11.l Network Systems 192 6.4.4 Port numbers . 114 12 Standardization 195 6.5 DNS (Domain name system) . 115 12.1 Standardization in telecommu11ication1> . 196 6.5.l DNSSEC (Domain name system security) 130 12.1.1 Standard organizaLions . 196 6.5.2 ENUM (Telephone number mapping) . 131 12.1.2 Fora ... 206 6.5.3 NAT (Network addre1>1> translation) . 142 12.1.3 Alliances . 218 6.6 OSI addressing . 144 12.l.4 Conoortia 224 6.7 OSI protocol stack internal addressing . 146 12.1.5 Centers . 226 6.8 ATM addressing 147 12.l.6 Internet Address Registration 227 6.9 ISON .addressing . 149 6.10 GSM addressing . 151 13 Abbreviations 229 6.11 GPRS addressing . 155 6.12 WLAN addressing 156 7 Network management 159 8 Services 161 9 Multiservicc networking 163 9.1 Multiservice Networking 164 10 Virtual networks 165 10.1 VLAN (Virtual local area network) 166 10.2 VPN (Virtual private network) . 169 10.2.1 Overlay Model ...... 169 10.2.2 Peer Model ........ 171 10.2.3 BGP/ MPLS VPN Network Topology . 173 10.2.4 Routing Information Distribution . 173 10.2.5 VPN-1Pv4 Address Family . 175 10.2.6 BGP Operation .. 176 10.2.7 Data Flow ..... 176 10.2.8 Quality-of-Service . 178 10.2.9 Scalability .... 179 2 Networking 1.1 N etwork architecture Chapter 1 Access networi<s (AN) Networking (Wired end wireless) Figure 1.1: Telecommunication networks (hierw-chical view) The architecture of telecommunicat,ions can roughly be divided according to two criteria: geographically partitioning in access networks, regional networks, and long-distance or wide area networks on the one hand and functionally partitioning as a layered model with two prime areas, t,ran:;­ port and network intelligence, on the other hand. 'fhcrcby, fixed, mobile and satellite communications play their important role in all geographic network parts of the world. AcceM network Metro network Wide .,.. networll Metro network Access network Figure 1.2: Tclccommwlication networks (end-to-end view) 1.1.1 Network planes The layered structure of the transportation network is further partitioned. Transport consists of all ta.-;ks, which arc necessary for switching end-to-end connections. They are considerably coined by the switching technologies and commwtication protocols in the end systems. Similarly to the OSI rcf­ creucc model for protocol layering the network architecture is subdivided into network planes. In the center the switching plane is located. Here, the network components of all switching technologies are to be found. Within 1.1 Network architecture 3 4 Networking trical end equipments particularly long distance are the SDH Transmission I Network Intelligence I Systems (SDH stands for Synchronous Digitally Hierarchy). They form an Networ11 ln4llla1111 ...... autonomous and flexible tra.rn;mission network with fast reconfiguration in case of failure of nodes and optical fiber cables. The staudardized trans­ mission bit rates 155 Mbit/ s, 622 :Mbit/ s, 2.5 Gbit/ s, 10 Gbit/s, and 40 I Swlll:hlng - ll'llnsport I Gbit/ s. I SDHnetwOli< I Reg Iona I Metro Figure 1.3: Layered network architecture ADM:~ muhlplexer I SOH: Synchronoua clgltal hierarchy I. DXC : Dlgltal er-. switching plane the three hicrarch.ica.l network areas: access network, regional network (metropolitan area network, MAN), and long-di&ta.nce net­ Figure 1.4: SDH network structure work (wide Area network, WAN) located. Between all network compo­ nents transmission takes place, whereby all communications equipment and communication media can be allocated either to the electrical or for op­ --e byte• 261 bylea t • O · ~ - tical transmission plane. In case of circuit switching, nodes communicate RSOH 3 ----·:r with another over a fail safe, independent network. This is the signaling _, Payloed-: Vc-4 e• network number 7 (SS7, Signaling system number 7). Over this signaling MSOH g "' plane also all communications between the switching, network intelligence, _____J_ and network management planes takes place. ls 125 ... 1st row 2nd row 3rd'""' 1.1.2 Wired and wireless m edia ""'""' 1.1.3 Transmission STM·l transmission frame; duration t • 126 ps .I In the access area transmission occurs over copper wires, coaxial cables, Figure 1.5: SDH Frame format: STM-1 radio channels, or opticaJ fibers. In the long-distance network transmission takes generally place over optical fibers. The exceptions radio relay links and satellite links. However, when fiber is used, optical transmission needs also electronic end equipments. Therefore, the electrical transmission plane is always linked with the optical transmission plane. Important clcc- 1.1 Network architecture 5 6 Networking I TribularyPlone l 4 x STU-1 ••S~ 4xSTIM& 4xSTM~ l 1 1 l Low-order "'"' ST~1 STM-4 STM·16 ST~64 STU-256 oommomomm•• I Palh plane I High-order Jl'lh DDDDD ............................ .. ........................ ............... 155 MblWs 622 Mbllls 2.5 Gblts 10 Gbilla 40Gb1Ws Figure J .6: .Multiplexing in SDH 4 x270 I --• x 9-l-•x 1 4 x 2llO :I ----- --- -----=--=Physical medium ---------- -----1= ------~-::~ ~~ 0 f 3 SOti Figure 1.9: Architecture for mapping of PDH bit streams 1 p p 1 P P 00 00 4xC4 II rows -- H H H H 1 1 2 ll ~ 5. SOH ·' 1 ' 4 xVC4 l • 125µs T3: 45 Mbllls Figure l. 7: SDH Frame format: STM-4 with block-i nterleaving E3: .34 MbiWs SOH 4 x 270 i.-. x9-l 1 t-3 4 x 260 :I 0 t 3 SOti ·1~ E1: 2Mbit/s 1 p 1 0 AU Adminla1rative unit ••~ Tt: 1.5 Mblt/s - Fbred C4-'4c trows H AUG Admlnlatrative unit group 1 , TU Tributary unit 5 SOH TUG Tributary unit group r Ma~lng c Container POH VC Virtual container l 1 Pointer VC4-4c h125µs Figure 1.10: Mapping of PDH bit streams into a STM-1 transmission Figure 1.8: SDH Frame format: STM-4c (Concatenated) 1.1 Network architecture 7 8 Networking Europe North America 214·.ZllelVa • ... 71111Wa T3 7 T2 4 T1 .. ,24....... Figure l.13: PDH (plesiochronous digital hierarchy) C Conlal.., VC Vlrtu91 cont•IMr TU Tributary unit C-11 Tl: 1.5 llbitls TUG Tributary unit lllOUP C-12 El: 2 llbltls AU Admln18118tlve unit C-2 T2: 6.3 Mbltla 4 AUG Admln18118tlve unit group C-3 T3: 34 Mbitla STM SynclV_ lr9...... module E3; 45 lllbit/• ... .e Concatwwted C4 E4: 140 llbltla Figure 1.11: Mapping of bit i.treams into STM transmission frames SOHETISOH 01N: TmnlPOll~ Flblr ID+I Re181Ubltfal 1'11ivloed (Ublllsl STM4 11.840 50.112 Figure 1.14: GFP rnapping scheme STM·l 166.62 150.336 STM-4 622.08 601.344 STM-16 2'488.32 2'405.376 STll-64 9'953.28 9'621.604 GFP header GFP peyl<>11d STM·256 39'813.12 38'486.016 P9yload GFP p,eyloed lenglh ......
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