Department for Work and Pensions

Gifts Given over £140

Period: Quarter 1 January 2013 to 31 March 2013

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions The Rt Hon MP Date gift given To Gift Value

NIL return

Minister of State (Minister for Employment) Mark Hoban MP Date gift given To Gift Value

NIL return

Minister of State (Minister for Pensions) Steve Webb MP Date gift given To Gift Value

NIL return

Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Minister for Disabled People) Esther McVey MP Date gift given To Gift Value

NIL return

Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Minister for Welfare Reform) Lord Freud Date gift given To Gift Value

NIL return Department for Work and Pensions

Gifts Received over £140

Period: 1 January 2013 to 31 March 2013

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: The Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP

Date gift From Gift Value Outcome received NIL return

Minister of State (Minister for Employment) Mark Hoban MP Date gift From Gift Value Outcome received NIL return

Minister of State (Minister for Pensions) Steve Webb MP Date gift From Gift Value Outcome received 8 March Herbert Smith Champagne Over limit Used for Freehills LLP official hospitality

Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Minister for Disabled People) Esther McVey MP Date gift From Gift Value Outcome received NIL return

Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Minister for Welfare Reform) Lord Freud Date gift From Gift Value Outcome received NIL return