INDEX. Volume 1
INDEX. Volume 1 Aalborg, 53. Cochin, 73. France, 20 c., 1848, 116. Afghanistan, 149, 170. Collection of Essays, The, 185,222,264. ------ Foreign Copper Coin in, 30. Almaguer, 53, 73, 121. Colombia, 13, 31, 37, 53, 96, 150, 171, Franz Joseph Land Stamp, 248, 289. Amalgamation of Stanley, Gibbons, 2 11, 277. French Colonials, 287. and Co. and C. J. Phillips, 3, 272. Confederate States, 190. French Congo, 279. American Notes, 16. Congo, 211. Frontispiece, Our, 271. American Philatelic Association, 16,48. Cool Proposal, A , 244, 287. Antioquia, 73, 96, 121. Costa Rica, 13, 53, 73, 97. Gadiatsch, 75, 281. Anti-Surcharge Association, 47. Cuba, 234. Gambia, 121. Argentine Republic, 13, 30, 50, 72, 9s, Cundinamarca, 172. German Envelopes, 146. 120, 149, 170, 210, 233, 255, 276. Curasao, 53, 74. Germany, Postage Stamp Printing, &c., Arzamass, 99. Curiosities of Philatelic Literature, 67, 135- Auction, A Dutch, 92. U S. 145- Gibbons, Mr. E. S., 271. Auctions in Relation to Philately, 84, Customs Duties in the United States, Gibraltar, 31, 54. 200. 245. 287. Gold Coast, 97, 151, 212, 235, 279. Auction Sales, Reports of, 19, 38, 82, Cyprus, 48, 53, 74. Great Britain, 10, 14, 27, 28, 31, 49, 132, 160, 198, 245, 268. 7°. 74. 93. 13*. 147. 151, 168. 172, Australasian Postal Rates, 135, 161. Danville, Virginia, 190. 207, 231, 253, 274, 288, 290. Austria, 13, 30, 50, 72, 95, 120, 149, Deccan. See Hyderabad. ----- Descriptive Catalogue, 131. 17°. 233. Denmark, 53, 121, 151. ----- Embossed Envelopes of, 288. Automatic Postage Stamp Machines, Descriptive Catalogue of all the Postage ------ Reference List, 10, 28, 49, 70, 117, 265.
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