Aviationn educaticon f eas i t ie!e^ B lL Minors'' return] unnJikely — z m a s m I...... , ------T“ t -Cla&sifigl e d Y o u r _ 5 1061 Kawasaki 13 Drilling C y c l e ■ ^ a r g a s- i ' - d/oss. low rrtlos; o 7 / 2 * ) / S « iTTdrr/^ eondlilon, Call 73 i/AR COPP-- j darv Of 733-1164 ov S h o p ? S 3BD £ source SALT C4 j H 9 — B1 r La

CopyrtQhlolM g * — > i W U.0lcV«Jl«yttaW.(W| 3 5 ^

• ______84th_year,8 4 m Np: l.Zg. ' TwinFalls,Its, Id ah o T hlursday. u n June 22. 1989 S h o ul i d b wriedr^W) i a s t e bye d u gf u p ? b u r nl ; i n g

ByN. S. NOKKENTVEY ED I------^------Tlmea-News writer ■ 's.^- FALLS-LikLike archaeolo- '• p r o t

1 1 (1 4 -BjrERlCTi[J-A-NDERSON ------...... — prograram.-Bush-promised-Idahoiho-farmcrs-during-u ------r...... ButTNEl Facility g'I< >-Idaho;— ------m_more_intoJNEL_wfl8le_ ------aDjfhinB_eR else in i^g rk u ltu ro ," Yeullor euI said afler a Craijjig's office Wednesday releasleased n June 13 letter — into-«on9truction of anothother. Jdaho — Meanwhileliie, th e .A p p ro p ria tio n s... StStnllingfl'ift.seeking a.^6'»60_mi!lipn : _ci„B5 d.dooioor meeting wth SeHalorai SteveSi Symms and h’e aer■eril~to“ H ills w hich s h aurply r p c7Tlicized"lufr ' ____ National Engineering LpLaboratory Committee! aapproved a S20 million' increase in for INEL wastele cleanup, HclMcClure ond Congressmenn Larry1 Craig and correspispondcnce with Galloht. project, and recommendecded a large increase foror the Fuel Processing and ai Spratt’s panel recomrnmended a Richard SUSlnllings. "InI my r opinion, you havc destroyed dei (the U.S.) ■■ incroa8e;in-wastc-clcanuplup for-U.S.--Restorationrgy sites, bringing.thee ttotal for that project to ■ The D epartm ent o f Enerjirgynsures t„al5iKrf:r from U.S. Trade R ep resenentativ t e C arla Hills A d m ininistration is willing to> give gi away the U.S. nationwide. . S75^” m 'illion.)n. ’ T he" FPR— under—Wl-were-approved—os—ppr a r t - o L a n ------to-EI Salviilvador-Ambassador_ErneBtCBto K ivas G allont dom estistic sugar program while gaininggai no concessions ■; • - A special task force ofif tlthe House constructionn iat the Idaho Chemical appropriations af bill that gcgoes lo the which slaitat^d that her office was/as “pursuing the from 0other sugar producing countries,’’ cov the letter Armed-SerrtCBH-eonnrritteeieercHatred-^oceaslng^i ;^yantf4«JioTC-facihtj;zzfu -fuil-Hou8c.for conaidffrcratinn-A— -cliniliiatioii ■aTn:''------— *'■ statea.- by Rep. John Spratt, D-SD-S.C., had forthe recoveivery of uranium. "HiTiouse — Armed ------—S firyices__ - Yeutter>r 'Wednesday said Hills' lettetter did-not signal Yeuttu tter said the sugar p ro g ra■am m will be dismantled reco m m en d ed a $75 inilliollioii cut for The commiimittee also recommended auaubcommitteo^ia to look at itho Spratt ~TtiI?55?5u)mmd~ln-Pre9identBuahlfl_Poj: policy on the sugar only ifif (other countricB follow suit.it. the,SIS, .leaving $83 milm illio n fo r a n o th e r $33f335 million for waste panel pc recommendations tododay.

^M ote~iprem O TritH iJree g n a n o UtS. mlothers^ i Pwnnl^ ol lirU«om cADOnn; leiycd percent recorded ininl985tol988. 1 The Associated Press to haveve higher birth rates, children fromm 1985 to 1988 w ere conceiv _ . □ Conc»>>»a, bul not t>om out al.Wi “ In a lll , th i; b u re a u sa id thle e nationali out of marrlirla^, up’frtfm just 'overer 30 ‘This shift'"mayy roflcct.thet opinion ofi — •.WASHINGTON - Twowo of every five fertilitlity rate was 69.7 births8 per.1,000p .percent whennTOj&measure was first tnkcB"Uili some womon that ththt e y m oy be better off in -American women giving biibirthtoTheirllfsl' women*en 'ag ed 'lS to 44 in that y ear.r. TThose are from 1970 to 191974. the long run b y relyirlying morc on the support nH rnlntiyoQ-fnr_Gnnnrinl___ children- weren’t marric•ried when they . considedered the prime childbearingn gages. ------—The-lO-perjrcent-^f-new-mothors-Vr;_v;ho—of-thoif-parcntajmd- — W n m e~ p 'rcg n an l; t hftJTflngp n s ^ B iircau '^enid— Fcrtilrtilitv rates Imve remained1 aat t about 70 co n co iv ed -o>utrof-wadlock-inclutic'd-,l u ' i-il,7--aad-cmotionaLaasisL iistaDce.than.by-entcring ___ ^ W o d n o s d a y ______birthss p.erp 1,000 women during thiithis decode percent who"got g married before the childch a potentially unstabk ThoHD fipuro.q show a rise risi over the past and lH5 gu ro"for’198ST6“ffljrroiTOifflldsred ^was born andid 28;3"p5feifnrw ho:w ereE B tiir B'olcly to preventTQri^ut^r-wedlock-birth,:^ ^n two decades. ------^------BlgnlficiRcaiJtly diffcrent'from'thc^li"7 iTtcordcd raimarricd'whc’hen the baby arrived; ------burcau-analyat-Amcmara-Bachu-said-in-the— • The bureau also foundnd a jump in the the yeaic a r b efore. ] T h e m a jo>r r c h a n g e 'w a s a m o n g ththat report. lt= birth rate ainong^omonjnJ n th e ir 3^.,^no^d . Butt cchanges have occurred airamong the sccond group,,p, tho women who were; sstill At the same tifnifne that the share of nerica. T'uhmorrTe'd wT;ivhen tbcT ?aby arriv e'd rTThe li y ' unwed-inothcra ‘wasQS rising, the percentage./ Hiat a m ajority of thq w"ovvoriieh having' a wotnen'Bh'be'cbmihg”ihoth‘em hi^m ^^ 1»T0.1174 1 » 7 S .tm , 1 boby in the year ending in Ju n e 1938 were ' For_\r women aged_15 to 29,_thethe bureau increaswl fromim 17.9 p c rc e n t o f all first-tii;-time lid m inorities te n d ' fo'un'ilsils“ 4 (r p e re e n t o f t h o i r"first'^rn fi'i mothers-in-tlthe early 1970s.to:the■ 20.3-21 —ScelMtOTHB{BRS on'Pogo A2 f t m'the work force, and said ■ I A-2 limos-Novva. iwiii.lvin.i'Qiiu. luuiio I nursoiiy. JuDLjf)u 2 2 . loey • —-______r ^ BBriefly— injured keepingorder'aflcrflcr oTight at a dance erupted Govcrirhor asfi^ f c d e n'al judgeC S ^ , S o» v i v iet^i^ e^nic d a s h e s s p r e a d |j into riotingr MOIOSCOW (AP) — Ethnicic d< is tu r b a n c e s sp re a d *Rites honor slainI civild rights workers dnesdhy to two other.tgwnwns in a Soviet Control — ^PHILADKLPrilA.-AIiiia_qq — Himdi-eds o f CiviT , a republic after rioters' kilkillecrthree people m- a ^ t o ^ r e j eeet-bidsj- to ^ h a khexeeuti - aens r; rights veterans nnd movon■voment newcomers g ath ered - fighting rampage, Tass ^ ...... , , , , four-.dr-dny arson and strcet-figl outside a oncc'burned rural rut church Wednesday to ' ov. Cccil-Andrus jury," AndrusAr Hoid in Hummarizlng;Ing other grounds he dcteterminud should gjjjj BOISE (AP) - Gov. 1. honor three youn;j_mcn whwho died 25 years ago in thc ' dings in the high court’s Mayla y be a d ju d ic a te d . Cnllillister took the ' on W ednesda/entcrccred the debate thc findir 'wo people w ere hurt in a clash< betwccrn ethnic struggle ^ to reg ister b lackk voters.vc )f Idaho'B deulh. 30opinior sam e a ctio n on a sU y forI condem ned ___ _ over the vulidity of 1 up-s in the Kazakhstan rcpu•public town of Munaishi . “We d e e p ly j^ g ro L w hhat-kttpppnL‘d a t. here 2C>.ycA£S------On Tue'uesday, the Legal Aid Clinicinie m u H e re r Uoniild Kenrnneth Fotterly. J ^ p e n a lty law. about 500 people rallied in'Zn'Zhetibai, Tass said!’ ago," ^ said ^Secretary of State Dick Molpua, u U niversity o f Idaho-law schoollool A rizona, backed byy 1Idaho and nine ___ He urged the slate’ite’s two federal at the Un: he official news agency repoeportcd no new deaths in Philadelphia p native. “We^e vw ish "we could brin g them Ryan to stay McKinney’s ppealed thc 9 th judges’ to rojoct attcrtempts to block asked R y’s other statos, hns app rby Novy Uzen, where thehe clashes began. But it back. j, Every decent persierson in Philadelphia and :ion fo r th e 1981 sla y in g of oxecutionB on grouncunds the law is execiitio I 0^ Circuit decision to thele U.S. Supremo reporturted more than 50 policee aand soldiers had been Neshoba ^ C ounty feels th a t w ay" ______unconstitutional. R o h e r t, lii.Hhop, B 25, of Pocatello, ^ so jCouft, but the high1 ccourt has not — ic a n d .the sta te law couldt^b© The. govc/nor’s unu,n u > u a l le tte r to ' decideS w h eth er to acccceptthiiLcnse.. m m jhly reviewed. U.S. District Judges0 » H a ro ld Ryon A n d ru s, h ow ever,, rmaintained in document, nie'd only hours otHers— and Marion Callisterr c a m e a s R y a n , ^ , “ , his letter to Ryan thnhat high court’s thc U.S. Supreme Court was reviewing a reque,u e st a stay the ‘I M ay 30 decision in _thche Florida case" • Contntinucd from Pago AlA l ------F or Hispanic-wom(n e n , tho rate waR oldor:ages," ag< thc rcportsaid.- d a s ta y o n a 7:2 vote, cited scheduled Saturda■day- mornini;- ' affirme'd earlier 'decisions di tho ofwomeinon conceiving while singlngle 30.6 pereent,'up fro:rom 26.7 percent Forr w< w om en aged 30,to 31, th e 1988 y the 9th Circuit Court nilinc ___ ...-OKacution ofmuniarar-orB,md.llt,ynn mtf-^-np.rprn n r cnid ■n.gfU ing- m H rrie d bofora* thatl —otH^ior. And ^rhit e-w ity polo wnn Sl ,C-birth K-por'-l will consider it in rulirling.ujJon_c.nses ______intlon A im ercuryiry Owners!” m ay sentence convictedtedcnm inalsto .constitutioitional .grounds raised by the.he involving thc impositioiion of thc d eath death without’ nny j.npyklrom ir a appellateite. decision as well as ono n sentence in Idaho," Andndrus wrote. M ag------,T JUST BBECAUSE YCrou OWN A i C entinucd n t from PagcA l [-^ T b d clay's we«gather— packed coicourtroom'. r . . . " I f thehere is a bedrock principl MERCURY. t i 5 c ? ■ ■ underlyinidngtho' First“Amendmontr FORYOU!- i ^ 0 4 a r e - ais-a-«uinim s cr- X I I S ^ — ------is ^ h n r-ri,“thc“B0VGrnn5cnfnnry“iitS= LWASHITF prohibitit the t expression of an idei d e a ' Ourwayofsaiaylng thanks to the peo)6 0 ple of Magic Valley. Twin FnlU. Burl bocnu.se so ciety finds tho idn its e lf off(iffensive or disagreeable, l » 6!00-9iOORH. D Iny. Hidhd in mid Thos A'Accu-wooihof •foroca»|.for9I P.M.,P.» T hursdoy, Ju n o 22 g - f FRIDAY BEVENING,JUNE 23^ . Pntily cloudy todny ___^ ______B rennann said» in hiR opinion for th , 708. Lijjhl windo.. PnrtlyP cloudy------____' 70 70 ■ court.' tonight nnd Fridnyny with widely I B R I N I Ulii I YOUR M EB■BiaiJBatMDi ------■^^TTffBtrered fliiowtrnr do^-nol-coiiseerate-the-nag'b thundcrahoV.‘crs. Low,o w 8 fro m u p p e r / / punishinging its desecration, forV i " W E ' LLL I W ASH IT FFl O R Y O U ! SOstojnid'IOa. IliRhiifiIII from 70 lo 7f). . r \C T ^O siSs doing so0 we V dilute the freedom tlu (/ I c l e a n . c a r f o r tlhe h c weekend! Camfta Prnlrie andanc Wood Rivor W this cherii;rished emblem represents,„t’“- H a v e a - VaUey: 1 ■‘-i f E n jo y p o pp^nd popcorn wwhile you wait! — y / M . Pnrtly cloudy todno d n y w ith hi|{hH ^ V \ m HUMID ■ atevens;ns, in A dissenting opinior ‘BtmuShrismi—------ThLtgtndCmtinmiinm... OurH^tatwn grmus noar 70. Pnrtly cloud)udy tonight und sa id , -"Sanctioning S the publi Fridny wilh wideldely ■’ Hcnllcrcd desecratiotion o f the flag will tarnish il ahoworH und nJow thundornhoworH.thi • value —- both^forb those who cheris ISENMIiOTORS L o w s in m id 30o. HiKhaKhB in u p p e r frf)». :S THEI 90 the ideasIS Ifor which it waves andJ forfo For Years and ViYears The Easiest Place In1 UThe World To Buy A Car N o rth d m U tah a nul d Nr evada: " , P I » 1\A/in F fllla 7a?u77no ------;------LIu Uj------Eaif ^AhroT rouR h tnnifihr, ■------;----- _ ------^------tbnseA hn riftfjirn In rinn the. rQ,bt»s.i Fnir to pnrtly cloudyd y F rid n y , Iy>w« FBOMTS martyrdonJom by b u rn in g it.” tonight in tho midd tot upper -iOH. In_a sepieparate dissent. Chief Justicstice ------HiBh«-todn.y-in-ih*-,* _ m ia - 7 0 .- « n d ------C«k»-)d------Warm— Siationary-100—_'— ------O-T0«TA«J.Wwsaitiornw:8 —Willifttn-H m en------j , FridnyncnreO. — by sueiuggesting lawmak'e'fS.us w J u s T n r i- N c v n d n — M oHlly:ly Hunny loday ■ ■ ■ ■ lion rather than punishmer ROSSr oxcopt for incronNinRHR cloudH in the . to ct the flag — engaged in " ™ J i oOUNIOR north in the afternoonon wilh u chnnce ■ U d m s s m re^rrettabably patronizing civicv ie s X of nhowors nuiir theIC IdnhoI border. L c 'rcu-Weath'er® '\ 'foreca:Dast for Thursday lecture." Fnir loniRhl oxceptn forf chnnce of RltOPEHS luist said it is not the court'u rt’s ■ h o wo r (i_ i n, _i h mj^nonh.. . Daytytirrie Conditions anand High Temperaa t u r e s Rehntiui LIKEE MOM 8 DADS "I PurtT^ldudyTnduyly iwiti) « chnncc ~ " . I —mio-to.adiadmoniah-'lthosc-rcsponsibilibic...... S ijyra — tn publicic opinion as if they wer/e r e " of nhoworn In.thc.cxtri;(tremo nortlt and Soattto 176^]^ — ^ ------northenrt-Hicht* lodn>dny nnd Fridny i■ .. ^ . tru an t scliccliool.cliildren .1------. QDALITV CRAFiRFfM im in tho mid 70« to mim id 80h; Lowm — m Also didissenting were Justice I.L LEATHER VRHP M AND TOP to n ig h t in tho uppr-S<>rvicw-in----- . , , ~I— ------ifustlCC!cm—Thurgood—Marsha^im il, ------I 3...... $4B“ W" ----- : _ H»rr.y-A-l^ Anl»nm C^nli,nijn ^ f f - Q cold uir romaini'd ovui■ver the northern I and Anthithony.M. Kennedy joinein e d 3 . 6 , ...... RockioB Wcdncndny wlwhile n ridjje of $49°^- Sail Loko C l l y | 7 F | DOLj Brennan’sI’s (opinion. hlRh pruHsuro romiiiniiined nlonR llie js a rt F 1 F r a n c is c o 18 0 ° I j While thithe ruling bro ad ly lim its. thithe M W oBt Coufit. ~ 1 • / Thc cold liir will iilowly Mir move to — po w er oof f the .state and federa thc cn«t ovrr lhc-ni‘-ni‘Xl-fow-duya ___ . / • * I g overnm(nents e to restrict evei *Mom andd Dads w hile the rid(?e of■•IliKh hi p rc sH u ro / ~ '[nonvor|'r|67^} ‘ olTensivee cdissent, thc decision doe:l o e s - ...... I buiIdH ovor Idaho.. M oH lly Hunny — not condonlone flag burning that' couh)uid L a c e1 up Ropeis Only, y $ 1 0 9 °" dny» und fair cool niijhliRhtB a rc in m ore , incite a no!riot. for thu ututo over tho.ho ncixt Huvcral h s ^A n g e lo s ] ^ s / (P.M.T-STOroRMSj Brennanlan said th a t th e re a re lawiaw9 daya. RccciVd or_m-«rf » r r u c o rd co ld______l_ against brbreaches of thc peace tha:hat tomporiitupi'H wor«-fr«- the rule outlaw incinciterhent lo riot, and tha:h a t ^ H b h MU h MB T hurtidiiy' moriiiiig those statiatutes are not affected b’ bognn over the iiinlc P a c ific I reported ovcrniKhl in the ndrthrrn O c e a n N . ^ Wednesdaylay’s ruling. — ———In - nnd central mountniim, M orninK Iowt> nitnio[iliod from 2T. al liaving a ------S tu n Je y to CI n t Low lst rtston. 1‘acntcllD ' ' S^ccu-W eatherjnc^^^ ^ 4 /eteran^^ t Bet n new record loww < of 30 deKrei-H itinued from Page Al breaking thi: old Inw of;iSHelof. In unti. Tho extended e) forocam for Htnte W cdneHdny waH 7fiI ddojrco, ,,1 • C o n ti: MoHt Iowa wore in the,c 30sa a n d -IOh. .SouthDm1 Idaho h — Sjilurday throuRh llat'crm an. Sodn SprngH{H reported tlicir freedtedom of speech, they shouldr SHC was reported Monday,•. p n r tly c lo u d y in lhr> eant ithpj_colde«t u l 'Jii doRreeii. jolly well1 hibe able to talk and identify ?ALE! No precipitation\ w :iry ^ I : ______. — — o v o r - t h o »ilal»i-W««in*'iln*‘**duy. -Ski»>H— nnd-fnir-in-in-the-went.-A-few-t.liowerK—— -— K l»e w h e r e -----tn-r-.th**-ir ----n o tio n ------"whnritisti-s thatrthey-wcre protesting.”' w ore moKtly Hunny in thet nortli and over thu ourtton ench day. IliRhd in the WcdneHdny, thc lilKhc.l Wnlker,r, who was upset when 'hhe e All Our R egular Bouthwent and pnrtlyly cloudy< ill tho- th.«-.i<>-oaMt-and.Uii: lun'cr.to mid Item perulure wa» li:i dsBroe,.de „i n 198-1, s a id he bore n no o P rlcsd M en's, Younijig ' . In were vitrinlilr HO:i iti the \ * • P « rk e r.~ A rrr.;.- n n d -P n lm^ -S p ,4 „ E . - , , onnt. Aftpmonn wndn v le went. I./)wn in the mid -10s ‘ ■ •.y toward Johnson.-burfclt in diri^ctioii rimcitu;ij: Ifrom T) to Ifi lo upper ,%<)».riO; ICalif. The lowoHt waH ‘21 T Men's* Boys':: “ .J‘. ------distatcfort)r thc m an’s actions.-- m p h . . ■...... riu--w^arriicH ar item pi-^ atu'r.- il. iKe'' 1LTikeTithoo. C alif...... 7C 47 ToOAy's sunset D 19pm oin an iniinlerview Wednesday withith SHORTS AND N a t i o n a l ^ U j" o; 7 oiam CNN, Johi)hnspn said, "I think the n I’cp lo>Ai>o«tei & point is-lha•hill people a re m iseducated SWIMSUITSS' H M»iiipiut. . . aJ l 77T . . . fUm Oancrtco 93 i d o h o AllaniJ'...... M ra a 50 50' ----- >.«:amiOi'nrn'------K?i7 7 79 ' -rjl------_and'indoc!octrinated'w ilh putriotic 74■4 i5 i Soe*an. 7Z • 74 40 " "Tdeology’fr■fronrklndorgartcn in this ChKMOO . aaIfl 717 .. W«h-«ir»M*iiMiwnouU-botwtmu.? und 10 u.nU.IU. o n ly .if------Sa.DQ.per.weckfeckL.H‘'!'J*'!ii fl.OO Pcr "fok- .Ma.lail still viaole,le.-still strong, still sound,"I. WoolrictirGordoif: ^ y o u d o jip l rvc*-ivi' yourr pa|)trpi hy 7 a in.. cnll the numjjm iier for y o u r «ub»eription»n» mr uil be pniiTin nJvnno^nnd anarcnva,lnb>_ gtil] Wcll." 11 ■ ” _j^om a3,.& Jantzen, « “ ■ ■ ■ arool — ;]'„«aly wherrcnrenrnrr delivery >> not inninUlnrd; “tt He denieilied that the Vulih^wns ir /M • ■ Jeromo-Wcndcll-GmnlrnKmR-nacermnn r,:Hi--20ar, ■ sunUay.msi.75 per monlh. $1*3.25 for 3 monUinJm. i-ia.OO • IL r L«n5 prr slap in the en face of patriots. : Durloy-Rupcrt-I’nul-Onklnklry ,T-u ■>Kr; for6monlh»,5i», 5117.00 per y c n r daily only. : G rsal wa Iking stiorts • r n T r iH monlh. $2.1.05. 05 forn moniha. »50.l0'for0mon1tinUi., -T he naglag is important/and if that « l i n M S Buhl-Coutlcford ..•I3-JG-JH j,oo20prryf. plus wild veaiia nen'; r year; Sunday only, $K.40 per monl Whnt perpeQple_believc,-then-they- Filor-RoRorflon-HolliHi^’C^ ------326-5&7r------i». M J ^0 fijr 11 monlh*: W4;«o-p«rr ^ S h o rn S Swim fm nIKS. ls EKSitSS ------T w n t'nlla and nli^lhor ii 73:i-08-M Student nndd aerriceman»e rot^. by mall only; »$77 .ftoper should flyi itil," said Weinberg. "That mjmlh fordoil>laily and Sunday. is the wayly that they affirm their,ir EicellenI selection- ______■J^Jews llMttcajiaii = = r =uclle£linrr If you hnvoflnuwH lip, oor r W »h to talk to Anmeone inn thi-t editoriiil m «U InformalmaUon dopartmcnC-atlHaa-O&S 1 New* (UPS «i314)«)> >• publiahadddaiiyaH32 li Walkerr ssnid he became angryTy — . . . ■ w e e k a n y B .’n j report InU)to Inow# nml iiporiii n-iiulto nftciftc r ,‘S:;i0 n n d ‘niW St. W..f.. T'Twin KalU. Idaho, R3301, by .MajlaipeVniiry w hen he-cacam'e-upon-the-proteflters- '™ FraopaAho' on wookcndfl, cnll 733-09^0931. Newapapcn* InInc. Second-elaaa poatsKO BiT»inKniia d csecratinng c the flag and chanting, by Tho .ea-New>. Ofllcial city and county n 'S- bohindTwin S M j M , RofMf'soption - Advertising mu uuk...k». Bd*fnnlns pumuanltoS«<> SactioD c c -io a ufUic Idaha Cudc. "Amcricn,!I, the red, whito and bluo,>0< - ' Fottsond I m ^ i X or' um your . If you wiBh lo plnco nn adadvertisem ent, call 733-0D31.1. ('In( c lin e d In hereby dpaisnatAd o i r aa tho day Ofthe wcrV on which w espilonyc1 you." ...... -BurtoySionis. |n |N ^& W - bankcartfo...... ndfl. call 733-0G2G Mondn;idny throURh Kritlay fmm 8 n.niI.ni. u n til 5 IfRnl n o tl«a . wiwill be publiahrd. ' •He gatherlered the fragments of thehe _____ ; olesic Bcnd chnncT of oJdrrsi funomwo; I.O.. ^ — - - p.m. and Saturdiiyn fromim I 8 n.m. until noon. Informntnntm n-nn------pie buried thom-occording to. • • - BorM S. T»r»nrtn I IdahtrftMOa.^ XS^BURLEY^RUPu p e h t b u h l diiiplpy ndfl is nvnjl^nlile« w«>okdnyB.ohly.w. 'AiTOyproceccedure. J l TW/WFAtt ^ ------J------■]

r ■ ■

' ' Tdui;iurDday. J u n o 22. 1989 Timarimor.-Nnw;;, Iw in Falls, Idaho. A-3 r i m E t J AA speczial reip o rt JPresssure healtcd pjractici:e of bturyingt radioi> a c tiv ^rwaste The later i;eah:y 1964-.-1970

By N. S. NOKKENTVEI/E D • appears{to to be as y e t i^o conclusive cv-ev- trenches' and floated babarrels and box- . . . 'nmcs-Ncws ivriler iacnce tha:h a lth is is th e case." es, some o f which brok~oke and spilled Undergirground pipes were laid downwn thcir contents outside! thetl w aste site. -IDAHO FALLS - Not jintil public without. aany corrosion ^protection at AA«r the floods, BrBruce Schmalz, , ..and .political..prceaure.ire w as. applied ..IN EL, known km then as'the Nationalial head of Waste managiigement at the i did the • govcmmenl’sit’s practice of Reactor■ TbkingIt Station. OfTicials aa-QSr time, foiind the water£rs liad moved ' •s.I I ______liuryinK trn n j.iin inilLimwnBle in Idnhn .qumod theIhp pinpq would not cQrrodgin.ifl—eomc .rfldiflactive pad atflp. the dry soisoil. B ut they did. the soil. He recommendid that buriaiof^^^^^l The initiall953 studyudy of tho “B uri- T ransuriuranic wastes - wastes con->n- long-lived w i^ te be stop ai G round" site a t the) IdIdaho N ational ■— i— « B ut in 1969, th e amimount w ast^-^^^^H Engineering Ldboralaryory had pointed.— 'C oDiTOsion i of the coming to Idaho fromim.-thc-govcm-— out the possibility of’waste wi contami- , ment’s nuclear weapcpons in nating the Snukc River 1 Plain drumms and ultimate! Rocky Flats, Colo..'incricreosed. Debris Aquifer, B ut govemmnment offlciala |leakage is from p lutonium fires atat the plant was considered th e possibiliibility of wnste senrtoINEL. getting into the aquifeiifer unlikely in 11inevitable.' Plutonium in some iforms will ig- . the d ry E nst43m idnho) enviroomer ent. . - 1966 National nite spontaneously in thetl presence of. Despite wamirjgs fromfroi scientists, oxygen, and on May 11 Bopie the government continitinued to bury ACclCielemy of SciencesS plutonium scraps cauaught fire at ------transuranic-waste in1 I Idaho during ^ __Rocky_FIats^The_f:re_j!_sprend. in t h e _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | _ the late 1960s.______report plant's plutonium foundndi^ but w as_^^^^H : Disposal sbndards3 ofo I h e ’ 19"5dr ■ put'oulT ini’ss'lh a n sixifh'ours I w ithdiit . , • aiid 1960s included disc!lischarging low- taminateded with plutonium or urani-li. serious injuries-. ------Icve! radioactive wastestcs to-tho cnvl-' ■ um - wen'ere buried in ordinap' steel;el ' .Hamaged equipmentnt and debris Ew Bfiw .ronment. Later studierdies, hoiwever, drum s onm the same assumption, thehe fnmi the fire, contamincnated with plu- BaM H w (]uestioned the wisdomn olof burying the report saidaid. Ionium, were boxed ammd sent to the ■ ■ I 'nmM.MM*T phOloM-S. HOKXeHTVCO long-lived tran su ran icc w astes, w hich , “Corrosicjsion of the drums and ulti-ti- Burial Ground. I — I wore p a rt o f th a t wostds for ccleanujp^~

^yN . S. NOKKENTVE’ED mine whetlhether chemicals arc actual- Times-News writer ly capturecured and not driven into sur- J____ ro unding^if ^ l, nnd to rcduce the ten- IDAHO FALLS - SScientists an^ dencyofthif the molten glass to form air engineers at the Idaho10 N ational Er)- pocketsI whwhen i t cools. gineering Laboratory,^ trying to fut- Anotheriier potential problem is the fill th e government’sit’s 20ryear-ol|i amount. of metal and large bulky commitment tO 'C lear a r transuranip items contlontained in the waste. Care - -"waste out^fidahorararc~ w orklD p'on~m ust boa takental that the' metal doesn't ...... ' th ree m ctHods to get thiLhejobdone. j shortouttJiit the term in als. Transuranic waste! •- waste con- Retrieval taminated with radiooonctivc moUils cffoefforts havejihq^ the posai- • , such as uranium andid plutom um - |,i|n y of digging up thc'-wastc, _ ~w as b u ried without inimlent.on of re- .„palave - been items are buriuried in boxes. up in the glass ond leached out. public hearlearings and an environmen- — Research is continuiuing to dotor- tnl impactsict s tatem en t. C lean- l a d i a t i oir i T t^ fo r i M r ^ p z z z - ■ * C o n tin u e d fro miPageXl' Pi the spreadd,of I rontnminn^inn diiring _ laler retrieval as a potcnitcntinlly v e ry retriev al, as well as alternatives to TW INN FALI^ - Radiation, oftenofl regarded as a •’ Alpha. particles - heavyivy subatomic particles "haiardous operation,"* tthe report digging uppthc U waste. sinisterr inviaible i force, is simplyply a form of energy madtide up of two protons andmd two neutrons. These Rta'tcd. Officialss says the waste will not be I ijlothiiftr. a sheet of pa^______Jhe panel concludedied that the dug up untilitil a method is dccide^on a s comim bnm a s d ay lig h t. . partirticles .will not penetrato^ch IJ^EL b u rial site waB1 nppropriate^o! nnd a pennirmanont repository for the V isiblet)lo.ond.ultraviolet.iight.-rai .w d io .w a v e a .a n d miT_ pfiLoLor-thc-outerjayera otliim — -tlStTJlntormirn-mif^aliorilon-wa 6-liin>t--w aiita iflopcipen.:- . ------p - —- —crowavesvoB-aU-nrc common forms 0 ;est«d,;howo.yor]..Uwsfi7hpnv;pnvy-pnrticl(aM:an-caufl« ------• dJTind very smal! amounjunts oF pluto- In tlje mcantime.:scjcntists me have- ^ -aUUifi^" ~ ^ seri'qiqi« cell damage. m'lim w ere involved. It might be increased tltheir monitoring of the [Q , High-c.i-cnergy radiation, includinding X-rays, gamma •' ]Beta particles light, fifast-monng particles. id-soil around the site in re- ^ _ ..saftrr to leave.the wastee irin place, the aquiferand-i ^ Gatherinc- O ------. _ r a y a andnd:fltom ie-pflrtjp|pfl, ts knn-mown aa ionizing.jra-_:Thoy:y.will pass.througlfpaper.)cr.but.ai:e.sloppcd.by n_ . ' sponse U) 11Ihe: panel’s rocommohda- pdncl said. • ~ * diatio nk blbecauso it is capablo off nrem oving olcctro n s ' fewr inche»-t)f-air.::Theyi; Brcieg,ieg3'hflrmfun.hirn^pKa however,' di- lions and concemsco over waste mov- ‘ .ITiat conclusion, hov _ . from aitoms. to Tho resulting altentcred atomic chargc parti-tid e s .______ademyofSci- ing into, the th ground beneath the 101*1 ■ verged from a 1966 Acadc informal m a y c fiatiange i the atom's chemical;al p ro p erties. ^^ a m m a ra y s - high-encrg}ergy electromagnetic ra- enccs report, which calledlied tho burinl waste site. The core of the inform■mation camc A highgh dpse of ionizing radiatiiiation can cause cell diatiction with a shorter waveivo le n g th th a n X -rays. .of piutonim n -and o ther long-livedlor ra-- - Sr-Geological^rvey-now—___fm i m J.a O O .p n g e fl.n r rranrd.q n r relnn.qpd —d am ago-itT^ plffnfg snd anim pW-^y:.by.chflngpng fhomi- Thryi-y-arc-liighly.pcDOtrnting g nrn n d ,p a ss t,hrfiHgh stfp!------^------dioacttve waste above I to The 'nmes-Newa after tho news- „ jiifc______snmpleB walw ater from ^ r e t h ^ 100__' CT t a ccirs nucleus. The ionizinizing ra d ia tio n can andi tth in lavcr.q o f lead. ThcY^icv are-Stopped.by-thick ------— ■- -• River P lain a q u ife r unsafe — paper .filed-n-fnnnni-rcq otmd -IN E L . ■ The—flibalJ— j 1 gcnctic informatio ^Trhc~rcs^tg h'e m ay kiti—igyerers of lead. — ■ And sinco the reviowrllrrlNEt scion- wells^rotu tho federal Freedom ofn I i i S L u ' n - of transuranic elementa 1 or causc an altered cell1 to multiply, ovontu-_ •’!~Nculrpgs~^ subniomic.,partfcles pai larger'than a • l^sts have found plutoniurlium particlcs amounta of Act. th e coll 0 htraquifer are from w ^te halfway to th e aq u ifer 58C580 below th e found in thtr ‘ The documents and“j-interviews ' >allyformrming a tum or.' i ' ' ...... betaa particle but smaller-tharLhan an alpha. Penetra- iraBto site...... - - w ater diflpoipOSCd of in _an_injection_— provide- th e M agic -ValloH o y -w ith -its-. . .R ad ioloactivc a m aterials give off!)fT four fo rm a o f ion- . Uon1 and.j biological .damagu.aiu_aM_grcater than beta______; The scientists now anare studying . well, not frafrom tho buried waste, ac- first intensivo examinaU(ition of wh a t .s iz in g ra'di — ...... partli■tides;--"'' — more-efficient ways of-o f-prcvonting'-co«Jing to U!USGS reports. - - -- lies j buried above its aquif

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A-4 ,TThursday, h Juno 22. 1989 TimiTimos-Nows. Twin Falls, Idaho ^ Q p iin io tn Farm}price ssupport'ts shotu i d n ' t lbenef iiIt feder^alfugiitives I not to be picky a b o u t th e ; sells for a few dollarsars a ton m ore th a n in the WASHINGTON-Whorhon last seen, Marc Thnt federeml in v estig atio n ought noto tto i be,too bankers tend no 'th e ir deposits, a n d ta x evaBiiBion rest of thc w orld. TThrough hn E E P , tho Q ich was aiivc and wellland ar living up to his Je rry Knightht difficult, aisince n^uch o f the story hasuisbceri , parentage ofthe IS w hat adultery is to th e I:, . government subsidizedizefl exports by picking up ipm c in Switzerland. . . spelled outlUl jo F o rb es m agazine. EveiIven a few.'.- ia to.the Swiss w the difference betweci//ccn the U.S. price and the ' A global trador, apecialiializing in oil but ' Not N< the one who renouncedIhia hia U.S. phone cnll£ills produce p re tty strong French, ovem m ent, on th e o th e r handnd, is world price", i f w heateat ini the U nited S tates is i^ e p t in m any m orkets,I, RichR once w as one citiZ'tizenahip a nd skipped thc coun'ountry to a v o id suggestion! id o n n rc.if Thc U.S. gbvc 0 accom m odating a s to keepp selling for $5 a ton momore than in thc world, erf th e richeHt mon in Ameimerica; nowheisone ixes, wire fraud and rackctceri’ering c h a rg e s. not kin, atit ithc very least cohabitatinf:ing. not usually so ai louth th at bites it. USDA E E P gives e x p o rterssrs Ia bonus o f $5 a ton to c f tho m ost wanted. A $500SOO.OOO pric e on his Mar.!arc Rich,'getting govemm^nti;nt subsidies? Preciscl;clyhow Richc9 is connectedxd to Riel? feeding the mou Undersecretary Richard make our products3 comCOI petitive. Tho bonus is bead and a amount indiclrictmentfgrcriminal ' BBi ut it’s pro b ab ly m ore Uinni'a a (coincidence m ay be triericky to tr a c e | however, givefivcnhia .• officials say Um w nothing about th c Richco , paid in surplus comminm odities, not cash. incum o ta x fraud and rolotd ated offcnsoa keep tlat b it Richco^ G rain haBjufficeB a t Ithc s a m e abijjtyto:lei;leap intern atio n al boundariiaries a t a Crowder know n reinrcndati------single siridride. He is, a lto r all, a prol'etjTessioiBlT ----- connection until a c a ' ' '■ATDutmi^ congr titiHli;sHlomilTUviow uf-tl;e------lg on the Export Enhancem'eilent program tu rn ed up3 RiRichco a m o n ^ th c 2 0 -B u t Rich’s refusal to payhispay taxes —or Corp)rp., M arc R ich 's m ain U.S, operatingopi trader whoho swapped his U.S. passporjort fo ra recent h earing o his is a new adminiatration,","a, i , largest participantsts in E E P. Richco has even show up for hia dayy inir c o u rt— . comjimpany. And w hen you call infoinform ation in Spanish om)ne nnd who b a rte re d aw ayly 1life in". Program. “This lentative said, ae if everythin!ing' collccted S65 m illion)n irin EEP bonuses since apparen tly is not proventirnting him from SUrram ford for'R ichco Grain, thele operatoro thcBigApfipple (and m ay b e thc big hothouse) for USDA re'preaent d duringthc Reagan-Bush - the program startcd-ir:d in l9 8 5 rw h io h ------collecting-millions in U.S;S .g ( o v e m m en t givesves you the sa m e p h o n o numbenber as when a chateaui iiin Zug a n d a country placeice on . th at happened d ' youlu ccall for C larendon. And thenicn Clarendon’s Spain’s Qososta del Sol. adm inistration)n rmight as well be tho faultt ofc translates into hundreiidreds o f millions o f . subsidies, le grain sales subsidized s - ~A House Agriculture subBubcommi^e has awittntchbbard o p o ra to ra slft, “RichUchco? Do y o u Mare Riclich's sudden Europeanizaticiition tho D em ocrats,ts. ; dollars o f profilable gi ; bythetaxpAyers. fg.und that o ver tho last foufour yearg, wantin tth e g rain d ep artm en t or' thetho fertilizer occurred si:six y e a rs a g o when he andd hh is The W hite HoiHouse is not overly fond of ; ' ' ' • The p relim in ary'in inq q u iry un d er w ay now a t . m illion in g rain export eubisubsidies has been dopopartm ent?" companies!s wore fa c in g civil ond crimriminal .export subsidieslies and may.be perfectly 70 USDA could lead to0 a fullI inspector g eneral’s ppid to an o u tn t called Rictlichco G ra in o f . .ThT hat’s evidence enough to maknake Glickman tax charges'CS over a n elnbferatc schemi‘me to willing to c a st ta a little bad light on th e ST70 )erhaps to suspension of Stam ford, Confi. ask-tk.theAgriculture Department'!n tw h a ta ta x > evode taxesces on oil tra d in g business.!. AAt thnt million-a-ycarErE E P expenditure. Findingg investigation arid perh )kic~Richcq from-the-profp•ofpim;ifanylaw3or ; -- . Hichco? The name sott offoil aJo rm s w hen it dodgidger-ip-fixile is doing feedingigatlhe a -time,Clore]rendon a n d anotiher related?d Ifirm, Marc Rich’s fingingerprints on th e E R F cooki eeh-violated^.. ■ showed up on a Hat of grain•ain su b sid y . loral trough. ______M arc Richvith-modc5t ^-homemakerst-F^gTCCTM^ '- h K^c:ure:3zr=t0.wardrparcnta gious child c are ond th a t the Senate over the queatiotition of chifd '' prproviders. U p to 30 percentIt iof th e m eans that oweow no federal income aasked by our constituentsjwhy v toward religiou lomemakers and non- care. It is n ot about the necineed for standards. ABCAI funds could go to admi:ninistering ' Uixes. federal child-care benefits.:s should not helps both hom ' child core in this country.y. •Trpatmibnt bn of religiou? d a y care; tho th system . P a re n ts may oor rm a y n o t The young-cg-child supplement would also a go to fam ilies th a t havave modest homemakers?rs? iOr do we want to p>lntlbn tha t is . - - - N or is it about whetherrthe th federal Manyparentfnts send their-children to get gc th eir f ir s t choice of a cai:are-giver; apply to familinilios with m o d e st. • incomes ii and young childreiren but m ay approve legjsla governm ent has a role to) play.pli T h e . d ay care sporjonsored by their church, - thisth would be determined bybythe. incomes havinving afleast one child not n have w ork-related childild-care regulatory, ontircHgio'iiSant and cu rren t controversy focusesiscs on how syhaBoguc oro r other religious • sUstate g ov ern m en t. under age 5.. T.The supplement would expense e because a parentotor other bureaucratic?'ic?W hen you com pare to expand th c federal govenvem m ent’s institution. SoSome religious teaching Under our. al^ternntivc, fed'cdoral equal SMO fortor one child and S750 f o r ___...relativen cares.foE.thtf!^diIdron-.Our ___ the.flexibilityaty.and bencfiti} pro.yidcd . ____role in.chiid.care...... ----1.-:: t: - ,:.--maybe:iavolvolved.-Tlie ABG:bUl, _funda,wouldigo.directly.toJoJow.ti:_z__:rtwo.or.mur(;:cl ;';cKiIdfch!^undec.thatage. ___altcnmliye_WDuldLflssiatthca ,heae ______by.ouiiMtematimtLvc.-thexejano:______-T here a re two approachei:hes u n d er . which has ais s its'cornerstonei the income im fa m ilie s b y makingglh i e Both tax credil?diLs would be paid in families f( through the young'ig-child question in m y mind. irx n 'i ______dircct^iaymmriT*nt r f to rpfitnHnhln— lulviincL- in ttieLtie parcnt's-pnyphock. _aupplfimeiit.______ai different a s night ond day.y. 1The care-givers,I, h as a constitutional and an adding a refundablc yououng'Child thereby makinking the money 'Hie question boils downn tot this: Sen. Bob PacPackwood, Oregon, is approach taken in thc ActitforB fo e^r— problem becaicause the F ir s t su;supplement tothe presenteeearned immediatelyy aavailable for child c a re Do D wo w ant to sp en d child-(d-cnre funds tiie sonior-Repulep'ublican on thc Senate ----- Child Caro (ABC) would giv are in the b e st position to knknow what component to jtheir bill, the . ~ jj ■ GRA.& *

^ 1 i -

William E. Howard - _ William C. -Bbko c m em bers o f thc cdiiorinl Aflwni^lng Dirocior JJL . PubliiJw board.»rd ond w/ritcrs of editorials ' Sicphcn l l.irtgon .arcJrc Stephen Hartgen and Allcii Wilson Hr - S e c [ a e l . Manogliig Editor - VWilliam E. H ow ard- - - . -Clrcukillon Maangcr - -—Summer-!

Letters/RReaders comme,tent on uariefy off iis s u e s — ^------Offers to clarify paclageant stoni 0 boards th a t sen d conteslanLsinLstothe I feel guilty forfor w luit.you did.. Whal I warvant to which will go to) prprotect the rem ain s of bad, but hns ju s t beenn uau.'ied tpp long...... ) Rodeo Idaho Pagoant; ...... klibwiswhy;y you n e v e r stopped or camcme ground sloths, sabmbre toothed cats, zcbralike rn i’writihg tliis letter torclmrVpSomo cic )ur view ers would lank you fo r allow ing me toi sutsutOie back?-1 know)w you felt it when you hit:him hi horses and otherir pliocenep age species urroneous sUittiments m adeJe ini recen t p ress ■ appreciate these change;nges th at would a dd a rd straight concerning Emery;ry becausc I heoieard it. T h an k s to you m y/d d( o g located there. coverage of the Miss Rodeo;o IdahoIi Pageant, fresh professional look)k tcto all y our nows and ' his m a tte r.' riow’hrisbnlyly one eye. Planning an intcinterpretive center and It w as reported in pressI co'coverage a n d by rsen's non-involvum unt in Ihis public service programnimming. :X)YD K ALBLIN G ER Tho pointI is.ii thc sp eed lim it is 35. SmSmall national park servervice em ployees on the Thc Associated Press that. ErEmery Petersen , CHUCK HRUBY y.go.out__iiroundiLlo.protectect thc.bcdfl.arc-an,cssential, __ofT.win.Eall3 nnd mvself werwere.tcying-tD----- ^------im pa______children.dci.ni.not.iilways.tp,okjv:hen.thcy.£ iLr-^Twia-Pail»===£ J ______in.thcjtrcett to-gct.a.to.y.-ltB up tf>-yo«» t< t o ^ ------frrstrstep. We opprpprecifltc liny support'ihat organize a takeover of the.MiJiIissEodeo Iduho _ . i ihs^msc2xsna— — 0 n yivers j muist~go~ slow on6i 2nd w atch for theihem so p lease dff: you m ay give to) tliesetli treasures of the past."L." ______• SUEROSS^^------^ ------aigfttd'------= " d a t e - - - — ------N am pu. In thithe past w eek, both a doj! iindm d n d iiid la - - a d d rc ss------Possible new useise of E = mo^ i Never once have I heardd E m ery T c te fs e n ' were; hih it by curs on 2nd Ave. E,,,cl,«to clu TmnFall. Please retu rn1 yoyour signed petition to the E = mc2 say h e w ants to move the MRlMR to ^ a m p a . Bickellel School. W hen m y dog wus8 hit,hi the c a r >(is-- Hagerman Fossilsjils Nationnl-Monumentr—----- —T liat idea wae-mine and mineline alone.—...... neverr s stopped o r c a m e back-to siee e c what th e y - Wnte tO-Ji-support fossil bed ------Scientist arensingEinEinstem’s’th co f^f ox i n , H agerm an, 10 8X^32. ------Ihc pn^.storieai}uotiidAl run over. Tho pgrsn n th n t liilil tilthe child______.The fbssilb1 beds need your support! Council, P ,0 , Box !• relativity to explain the•he n^ovementsof-..r • . H.L.“BURrH(•HOLMES ofColdwcll ns saying both, PetcreenPc an d did ^p_^______The lliigcrr;mian Fossils National objects through the heavieavens. ' ^ _mysel£.wantcd.thc_pngeantmit m pw djo___.___ .,_Thc.' le vet told m ej^ h n t jiidpng fromHw ‘...... ~Monument is;IS ir ^ c f ~ n ^ ih fjo s s ils n n~0 :_...... -— HugBimim ------______E stands for energy.y.3litandg Nl for.the______C___ “ ■ N am pa. M r. Pctcracndid not 8fiythat_to.M r’__dog's1 jninjuries, th e c a r th a t hit himm \wns doing secure, aren’t they?j______; ____ mnss_of the objcct. C.staistands for th e speed of * ^ Greenway. In fact, he sayss he w ouldn't know in exce;cess of S jm p h . T h e spcecDimiiimiti.s ----- No.lRe>Tere hot. D a m a g e is occurringniTSuc- Of®** “ P yollour set, KMVT light, squared...... ■vice To: Lee Wagfcr -Mr. Grconway if he walkedd inin the door. posted:d3S, i to the fnctthahat the N ational Park Sorvic ^______1 believe I have discqyicovcrcd g w ay to apply , ' th ere to-*— fi^neral-Marffigie ------iTrlOSSrinHkud tlic MiasrRodco Rt A m ciricn------I’snrinromny:fnmrporch thc othericrc\-cning ------:has no moneyBy to put^¥Enone-rangcrth( ^ EiiStein’s'th eo ry of rolnt;olativityto politics. - . . ; people to consider moving thcthe Idaho page;inl und wulmatched the cars going by: MoeMostofthem - prot«cllhem.n. , r •------^TV Station KiMV ‘ . -- - E would stand for cffec?ffectivcness. M would ' ~ Jte-River------were-go-going e n tire ly too-faatr-Tije-oii'j-ones doing------Senntor-tfiirnmeR-McGlurt.Min news se t... especially thoir “blind tru st." C woui the pag ean t in N ampa wouldild receivei b e tte r Whatla t is it going to ta k e lo get peoplepeo to • public outcry■y toi su p p o rt th e ir efforts in thcextremelydull,ull, alm ost colorless and would stand for thc -ftnanc!a}-9U|>portrand4>6tt«r-p>r-pr.©R«-cowraget— Hlow-do- i»Uon>miU«>eK^------^ .— ------—v«r-y;b^>.M.n-g-bacbackground..------^ ^ ------speed o fth cn n liticin ni’ ’Blib lipR whnn nppnlfinp ~ ~ W facii 1 Wflg to ld -it^ u ld -n1-not-b^moved o in—^som eonone-going-ljf-lmve-to-be-killed-ced-eroHHing—r^^t^This ii< a jwljwtition to R eps, Ralph Regu?gula ------Why-not-epend-ad-a couplo of-buckfta ndrodd—1— fora:favorite:3ubj{ict:*?n^£woul4TG^08ont tho-.:: — ■ 'ISSS.'my moisLrccenLst^gcfilicfitionwaB-io^ ------^ th e strciLreet before"unyone^pays’ntlenllenlionand . and Sidney R^ Yates U.S. House o f ' JT ' Bome'siniLandfipajparkle-witha-fuw ftiuIli--_-.i faces,'lo^fch the1C li]lips a rc attached, ’ re.itructurc the~MRI bdaf'd ofof> directors to thenho^how long would Lhat last? - Represcntativlives, W ashington, D.G. i colored photo-munurals of thcbeautiful With this thco|-y, 1 beliibelieve I could explain scenery we havei hthere in the T w in F a lls _ include input from all areasfl oftheol stato. This , Ihavwa______...... R0BEHTF.,JEH£NTJfT Z .. '______from’ ajl sections of thc stateLe anda fro m th e Kcoplee t-thnt hit h im l l hope you readjadthis and— Hagerman Foi•'olsila NatioTial nionumcntIt sites “them e" m usic is-alM lso gelling s£51?;h.'a not Jerom e S inins’Nmw, Twin Falisrld.iho— A-5—— *— ■ I . Naa tio n - Riatttul — ^ o u s c' w M. j | . # U(blieansl I launch % ^ ri3 [b e ■■"'it-'- ’ ( It s ^Tirm ih o , - WASHINGTON fAP:a p ) — fe tS o • knows it.” sion thathat he had sex with tho-girlir i a t • H jM jjjB f lM publicans, seeking tp defusei a politi- ■ The House ethics ccojnmi^c.-for; his CoColumbus npnrtmentr ' If c ai problem , toolTlKo'lh? unp rccedehtcd i j S m matiy the Uommitt^ee on Standards Novembin ber. Lukens, 58 Qn"a div b fci fie-'cu ® ~ step Wednesdi/y of' triggeringtri a n in- ; of Official Conduct, hadhi been Mpccl- is'oppejiealing the conviction...... vestigalion of one of}fthcirown: tl Rep. ed to investigate Lukiikens anyway. If -• Republican source, spcoki:aking Comee S e e Our 19i K-.' the com m ittee finds h 9 8 9 , ■ Donald E. LukensofO)fOhio. Mmto tavevio- „„|y „„m condition of anonymity, 0 r ! iQted House ru les . it t could rccom- C h r i s t i The action .on LukLukcns, who was edged that the move to Inun tm as Ornamele n ts ■ ,..... H . mend penalties ranginjngfromarepn- ^ convicted lost monthlth on charges in- hies -investigation of Lukeikens Salaturday, June 24th ■ : m and to expulsion.. volving sex with aI U16-year-old girl, . . was intentended in part tq removeIVC O 1 03:00 : a.m.-4:00 p.m. B ';' ■ Republicans have! BOt eftic. re- „ , cam o on a show of harhands in a closed- n that Democrats could hah a v e R e t r e H ' ' form in the House aai m o n g Iheir lop reshm ents will be served door meeting^ of the; RepublicanRi Con- gain st the GOP. B- prioriHpqfnrthp inwsLC ongreaa. And------^ereneerthe-opgftniMtia>tiori-of-a iH 3 0 P mtiuibor of tin* GOP~tinnltEltfCT:— ------1 ------their political o p erativiveshopeloea^.j^j R H ouse m em bers. lop. RobertWalkerofPenns: K italize in the next elececUoa» by point- Minority Leader• RobertR Michel,' sought to uso Wednesda: Andre3w's Halimnark ^ ^ H ing to the resignationsmofDomocroUc R-IIl., sought in a statement stal to por- y j||^ H also to turn up the heat < H House Speaker Jim W jlcValeyMan 734-> 4 - 0 3 3 5 : .tray.thejnove-aa.parlinrt nf n Rppnhli. WnghlofTcxas Domocra:rats. suggesting they mig H and Whip Tony CoelbItoofCalifonun U ' c a n “total commitm'ennent to standard^ :1 to put the ethics spotlighth t 1on - H in the face o f ethics a ll o f behavior for m embcnbers o f Congress lUegabons their ownwn b ad apples, H ' But Lukens' convicte b o n on May 30 “^ q ha which rcflect honorabl-ably on the insti- have taken that step of askiijkinc H in Franklin County, tution and the nation.” , Ohio, of con- for ori.iminvestigation," Walker said,id- ■! 1 • = However, House Sp' gam e paw n? quoncy of a minor, hatias Been an cm- to sugge'gest that the other cauciu cus JUST cans seemed to be tryitrying.to score ■a - bcrs:'-HiHe said any GOP Attempt Uto barrassment to his owiwn p^^ty. A ju ry ought lo ai lso be willin^g to do th e kindkir ~ poitticaf point-^appcpparently*at-the—m aktnjt-tJthicB 'a p n rtisan ’ issu e waswas—found Lukons guiltyf of thc misde- of. toughg h ; (hingVthal is involvedd 1 in ARRIVED! _ expense of one of thetheir own mem- “absoluteLite nonsense and the publicblic meanor charge basodid on its contlu- " t a t o»r.u r conference did today." Lithographs nt crime ^p 6 n ty " f Beach" — crimo will-rank-with■ foreign-counterpfoi h e field wiro a rc ^ y , .w Lion, gives *U)e FBI expanaed5^9—ollocating-raBourceg-to- able__ - • ...... int«lligencerl«rK)ri8m-i ction -to— -investigate— the^^responsiblliti^’'Se'ssio lions saia; M mxhiOtombinf of {TvarrliTTln— ------0 ^ ^ nizcd crime and whitelite collar crime killings) ofo; all state and local law po- ego driven by the wife of th 1^ The amount of timenc agents have a s m ajo r priorities offthe th FBI. lice officcHcei^. The FBI also has new of th e USS Vincennes, spent investigatingrvioliolent crime hns jSFramc&([ Gallery “With the ackhowledgedged 40 pcrccnt jurisd ictii:tion under the drug law n’t express Vith strong conlljn fi- - X Mr-. jjj. dropped “because of th'theothorpnjr^ : y - Increase ITi. Viblenlxrimrime,"the'Amori- • passed'b]‘by ConBrurj-iaat year to in­ wc. wilLsolvc_that. p a rtic u lalar .,1 _____ ^ 0 W ATTHELVmNWOOD rug tics that we have cstabl can public is understirstandably oul- vestigatcto murders related to drug ,bliBhed.Iant.c- cnmo but3ut I hope we will be a b lec tto ' raged by the growingng idisregard for trafUckin,cing. ipate this will hold thee line in any re- doit,"SesiJessions said.

------Fed boardTHm em bcr'H ellcrrT ^ragns^trjbnfarrC T eB it^rd^ I—^ .r rilpH hia gnvprnmpnt anlnrv>ry ppiittvp -viro prpfiidpi H eller, a m em ber o f the F ederal R e-- o f $82,50000 as a p rim ary reason for his based in San Francisiisco, where he ______serv o B oard, Said Wednesday Wei th a t d c p d rtuire, re sitting it representedted had lived previously. EBefore joining__ he was resigning to bcc

rSTREC:!EIVED * • '9^' ^ “TmMII SEipment 6fT989Lmccoj olns ! M For the first tintime il) many j'ears I have a Complete>letc line of Luzmy Uocolns on thei loLlnotryli 4 ^ c; Eicij Lineolirwill-be-sold-BnnToieg;dccrnrflSBHn^cosls, no hidden pricnces, sure fil Elf f i n g j f show you the invinvoice. Slop in today or call me herere 733-770371 or at my home 734-6M1.II. 111 be glad ^ tofiriveovertoyc0 your home 4 show you on of these beautifulbcai Lincolns Uxky. ’ ; y Sincerncerely, ^ i ' l ______

i ■ ■ i m m

i . ----^ i9i)89 LINC< P ^ c a r “ ' , • #0-8318 • AM/FM steroo • PowcrstooringS • Rodiai tiros i • Automnlic overdriverive • Pow er s c a ts , • A ir conditioningng • Interval wipcn .tranamisalon -----...... - - _ • Pow er a r it o n n nk -- - ...... Comrrinfrtiitnpsip s------•-P ull wheel,cov« 4 • DcauUrul Sultann,n WV> hito • Pow er w in d o w s •TiltfltocrinR • RcoT w ind6w' dderroH tcr * • Red vinyl roof • Speed control • Stylowhccla • Hnloson ho&dlii li g h t ' < • Loothcr Interior • Power door locksks • G.O litro V-a onginigino • Tinted glass 1 25%-5C;0% Off Speccial GroupsiOf < YOU CASUALL SLACKS-]DBJBSSSHI]IRTS 5 : ' - CHOOSE FROM ftftaffinad ', Johnnjly Carson-, B o tony y , Haggar , : PAY?*1l8 , S9 9 £ , LejcTigre*,' Ocew PaP acific- , PCH*, Geenerra-, Arrow-,, \Van Heuseri-, Zeppelin-', D tcha', R PM ', Farira h ', Levi’s -, Rou{iugh_Cut-, BuJugle Boy , AND IV!MANY MORE!

^ 19891tE^getN ^— 19^9^gNfcESfeeM ^ — : i CONTriNENTAIJL [ARK VII • • Front whwl drive •_Auto overdrive ■ • Illuminntcd keyleeylessonl:^ » Air conditioning ______trnniimiBnion - _ j -______?. Aulo overdrivec______iP ow cratM rinif _ ’ ' •'nnlcdRlrwfl • Power BtccrinR tranamission ■ Power brakes ' • IntcrvnJ wipers • • Power brakes • Rndiol tires f.V ^eel covera —^ —» RemctemirrorB------t;------■ - . • SpeeTcoritror • Rear window de(lefrost^r ^ A ^_JoKcrdooLlocl««______« Powe r windowa I * • Tilt iteerinR • DujiJ power redi:d in e rs , . < ~ • Rear window dofroBloril«r • Power Antcnnn •Tower mirrorsJ • ’llnted R tn ir ► i*Air»ndiGohInR“| ------* Stereo Byfltam------•------7^Powcr windows"fB------"'P ow D rdoarlockB I * is oz. corpolin^ • Twin camrort loungoifjo *«au . • Power scats • Cornering lam ps ► • Wheel w v m .-- .. -. .tRjidijiltirea ______- - - • • AM/FM Btereo) systemsys • Power antenna I t ^ I N S BL d l C E I t S u re VIu t ^ i r s t i carw r ~yoii-thh e i n v o i c nsort's.______^ *2 ft£ JLegcntC Contiriues.... Our/J^putatum.Q EISEIItMOH aB , ‘ F or Yea rs ammd Years The Eas^siest.Place In The16 World-To Buy~AA-Oar ' , TUx^dllo Rentals "mm HOURS: r 7700 * Avail Mon,-Frf. untn fi p .m . I , ’ 701 M ain AveAl E. TWIn F alls 7 3 3 - 7 l i o y S a t Ul 7 p.m. >-5503 vial Sun. 12-5 p.m. (WlmloJ. m«r «iy br In Inm«rk

i g f l ‘ T i m 1 1 — ______

r ' T j j i

~B ici|rO iJT5TEP5 THme S '^ H lis THANK^arw ^?M AM I 1 - ^ ■ ^ L d T A R . 'T H E CROV v o•O' o ' • x / ^ ( I p o i n & t h i 5 ? I . A SPOTtlGwr^ i L ^ t h a n.NK k m . HITS CENTER ) I v o o ' G*;;' STA&E / . M lOH & 00 UOO HOC ooies uiKrel A ^ Ik = a y B A e v '^ acorreB ^ R SCORED / r rp ^ ^ ^ M AGAIN T Im ^ r f m - uM : f I \M f f l T T T r ' W m ^ ''JB 0CTT YOU coem R SPSP/rhlliS'T&"&ffEAT/'\ TwoQotltrtooiCOi Omnrr.. p.slrnngo (aollno CAhl'T WAIT ro ^B£■£ W^^AT I YOUP2 N B% T that wo'v« JUBIJBI been golno In circles." . A ^ M 'S i i O'JB Wi l l B £ J h sB f^£E! £ £ / J------j

fyy','My t ru‘ ySOTTCPA^.e (XAy.auT ru.ee. lyxj^ tM SAN I lfl meFiSSM' to.. /.PfWL-m-y. TAtI co-rrp/5- ic,TnitT)’00R I-M/JOT. H A ■ - -tOOPlStl't. AKX. . (UJNNINOA - . ,l • | r ' I tf K tfT M f iOU • i'c- ' U£ii.cmjai!0y '\ 7lpt0VIB Ca/WB/(£/\P L c ^ ^ rtp y s’... . OTMiX^. , mstlU.’ iospicensps ^ • ‘ D l l >CWW" — APAl^TAfiffT. 7H^. tOR-lWOCKi. G ,, 2 ; | CU>CK' . H PtPyjXI' PITAVTAL. ’ L ----- O *L*L A' •

S i r v g 3 ^ [

■ # S f S HOCOLATE C H iP"V a\ c:c:c>c'»

------f -----COMPL B T e C Y ^ ^ ' " L R E L A X

1 ■' ^ aEA.NlfcNiNS H-< ^ I SO50 in 1 . S'T HERE AWO OO | F aAU. *05' Co TMEN \ 1 U£Y/ DID Z S A y n i PICK. OP I • jKTj i c a»fAA VilLLs GO AU.iU. TOE• lEWOUS, AGOmZlNG 1‘IS PICK, up V4HAT 1 ____ M £ -^ MO.-AS A MA.T1IR Of / ■ - ■ - A Tusri UNNMG AND 0B<3A.HUING.. t TEU.-'toU TO, / ? 5 ^ , __ FACT. I.DIDNT-'GEf,^— ^ ' ______)rF^STW PLAN ------J — L" 'irvTC',lE-SOTS------■ ' ’<0W ’ttWVNQHrMWNCTUt . *,VJMT»WTWVr7=^ri^' r / i l l ______. V WORK.l DU6M C W IS ANO THE HAflD m S H C W X ^ <.RlG\«ri» ' IWG — .--— e g t>£crtC lS O U S . W J HME 1G 00 SHi O f T w r . _ ------. ..■■I f “ (^HW6IIWTTy WI0H w e IWP Y

U--^T-aJp.- r. I IslHLTBtir B g

s j ______j j | [^1_____

L n . A - .W e w e re SO y o u n g . ) _Ve£tfesand T Now weacan relax! WeVe ) ArAre you saying I' | : ------, s a t: oOUP l a s t _ J tr•ying y i -to ( too old'aTortm t-’^ i^ -d-dorftrneed^hi?—^ c -----H- o reunjn io n l • / ^ m m< a k e ____ ...... V ...... / ibiiiatiohXrw w fiF T V BuasliiEy," ' m n L ':^ r y h V im preiressionsI'-y^BT^^ B e a e c o M T " ^ 2 L 5 ’ O' tcp-cwe > 2 ^ Ei ) EMTITLE ‘^5*: ^ r ^ = - n ? 5) N lgA , 2 - o c p e w y ~ \ £ ■ ' i o o - ^ o A e c x L \ ^ n 1 ^ - cufz.^'im e'l i p f/6*^eeeai\p. f ( J l _ 7% ^::;^ ' im .ii ...... i. _ j M L 0 T

^ / m s• Si l P B N T a\s fc ___ 3 '-.--^ Ap(?oAI\P , Q U A'fLey cON/ ...... '

------V A OlATIOMr'AWP ~ ' ~ ' b w r ' ‘ j ' A ' : r / O N / - - ...... M r i i JS C O N ( 3 pe$s f 5 !$■ ifJ^ses^i * r / / A — IXW^I ANVgQPY—— — — —I / I N S T h e C O L ^M ^ T py? .4':'; I V - s J “r ^ iiTt^^ PuNM•«| H - ru A v g y - t x * 1 , I, , ■ ~ T ■ ^ ^ = = = = = A CRO SS ■ ■ 1 Filling rapsst e B oau ' ^ f l i < 6 - 2 z S ^ 11 Foratt worksr SYCDNEY } J •12 Stoollgr \'* ' ■ — ~ - 14 P a rd o n e d L^. [ o i v sSORTA SA Y ’THANKS. ” 20 Oee whiji ___ L_ 21 Snug j™ ilC A L fnt, product. Tnuruii,TV J,ibm pcrwonH flffurc. • ASTROLOGI! ‘ cvontuailyyto to bccomoI known nn'Splec Ib------23-R B m bl08 • I T C VIRGO (AuiAug. 23-ScpL 22): Deliiy Ih pnrtrt la n d ." 24 Orlnk too FORECAS! “I" «>!n“rio, iictunlly net works ta your ndvan- m u c h I F J U N E 22 IS YODRfl m im r o A Y u,p. J.eopiec youy rely upon miiy wiy. one 25 Lab burners | | you've Iwen liraKiint; “I'f.utI 'ri'ccnl_brvnk_ thim:,nnd.dn..iIn wlmcthinc_dH^_Mcn^fl,,Ltlk^_ _ "At. n dinrdinner party," said Somcmct 27 Point of law— 4," “ fmm th id itinn. Hituiitinn or'it•'individuHl. In rrcnUT chnrKc • M a u g h a mI, ,‘ot "one should e a t winely but not ------28-B»gg»(J(Jawfi“ tlIX Z 29 Planting pTT .luly. you’ll hnve vcrifioilionn Ilhat you did bUier Virgo in pictUR'.p too well, and talK well but no t too wise- 'n u h l ihint;.' Current cycic hiRliRhiinhU in d i- LIBRA (SepScpL'2;i-0cL 22): People might ' m a c h in e ___ at’s what " 31 K nute — • ■ pi-ndcnro. frrsh gU rt in new dirertion.dr A ro- '«'>• ‘Vou'rc UkinR Ul u-H by storm !' Thia in iiHy~EiiiphH5rtr'•^Inp^rtllnrroics•in p u r li ----- ;— -r? — r ------Sctrtosa-WithVith a b ^ - 5 0 species. — — ...... 37 T ee th m Ti. You can drink a fnst cupip of colTee but m cnU* cxporicnccd *n>cky rclnli'nlionship. You sC O IlPIO ( 41 Racotracks 0 (Oct. 2H-Ndv. 21); Spirit of not n fast cup of ten. That'stywhyBrili,h. 42 Middle East ^ flfl could h av e bocii scparnlcd frfrom them n t compelilion is jnvironmentalistji refer to nir seeee is iictiviiu>d. You want .lo Iw ers’ intcrcKt in ten is on the acronym ciuoTr S m O iCfum pf n tn lp ------)0 T.tbuy MWI.iiofYIC-rlDC____ early '»KC. Septem ber all smiles!c»! firsl in Iim:. YuiYuuli make iL Additional infor- ^ ^ y , Thny„na4ong^fch-ean) >-ea oid. A coil Hlnyn a colt Btsilons ' ■ rn i , Iv I. Ip i r [It. Cnnccr r rp - - - time Ui mnkeD youryr mnrJc.Kmphliiiis on inJi-ir •••—Pcnlnic-scn-iioan ar« jpa^gnnnt-.W ^ _5bc in cobncction wilh voivocation plan.^.• rr!otionnhip«idom do inalc. Focus on paymentji. no-rr TtD lim /rIr vlrl~ ^IndiN-idunl. prtrioufily indilTcrecrent, bocomi'n collections, nprt tirte rwt the hnppy hour, bu trap 19 NIglillghl before ^^PI|2U 54i11, III ■ b^n!. ,1 [ill I I nl igrtcment on budgel. Lunar po- . • 59 Actrasa ' 22 Poll>oIIIwog UJM p p. BIT ,1 cation.' nlly. nnv V -ii . bichhRhlights chnner to hit (inRncinl Gcologistflstfl aay1; a riv e r is pilhiir old o r ” %; Vppolntment H O U T EW ____ GEMINI_lMny_2Mune 20 Heckart 24 App jackpaL-ioUowjow-throuiih-on—hunclL_Kc)u - ______ncw..An.old-rild_rivcr-flowa.gcntiy-awi-tum.‘* ^ ^ — 4viSffil I' Icannc hom e, ^ r , • „ 6 0 “ W hat . b>ook------o o -----^ bI lI eM m cuiiccm cd wiUi proapccta of*lcn Do profcsfliomil baBobalf]llplnyom hnvo prncefully.. A newr river flows swiftly nnd •:• P ric e — 7" ' 26 Prof’rophets [TTniriHB[Ai r* *p yy' p p nl plum bing, pipen, re*cn Check y it rough? Hardly, tuiys a cli<:licnt. Tho sea- turns sharply.ply. 61 Charger 26>Oun>undert)»ad e L tl ^ A l M hnve enmed chtinRe of pnoe. Ji ...... AqUAIUUSLIS Ulnn. 20-Fcb. IH); .S:y._ c ry w orkday. . _ _ __ ogmde. ■ - and I" 36 ~ U »u ch ■______■ lA ltJsB TToisfniiii p* ■■jduiiUxtflto -tfl- - 3~£aatem aw*weet aorrow" • -• 0» 22iaB you q, m nv h nve been cnrrlfw, _____PiSC ES (FetFeb..l!^Mnrch 20): Rcatmint 7 SPICE ISLAND . ■ One in ever]ivery 10 serioua c rim es in c n i n ^ - t —— omewa —3eT3aVilava a p r in ------;— m uch 'fo r granlrd. You can 4 Cut. . 39 signIgn up again . ,n -Ull make day. TIbndency is to ■Icap bcfon!'J- "— Ono Sayyio S aid ruled Znr,anzib^Island TiiittcdByaw-na woman, .v* 5 Actor Howard ' 40 Murtlurderod - 44 Hikes ■ n m e n d s .'c o rr ^ miaUikM. n in th e mid-1800s. He decrceced that three . , L E O {July.23-Au{;.22):AU£nt^ntionccntcr, l«kinR,-Youmrequire iiddilionol informntion 6 Q Ia am B ...... - 4 2 -Moailo asy --- - 47-;Tenkei------ing deddlon. Viiillir>g one (Mn- clo\T-trees ' bc planted cveivery time ono Inventorr of tha first violin,'if« aaid. 'g ' 7 Deslraa . > 43 Mouilouthploco: 46 — tour aro u n d hom e, domcsUcity, mninarital BUtu«. P "°" ^ '" " '‘’"R 52 Markdown •nble publicity. fined.U) ho«piUiliUil provea bcncficinl. Youll un- palm tre e fell. & v v y fellow,)w. It waa thia waH a b arbnriija ria n nomad on th e EurflBlmi -T- 6 HoAl a bbbr. b r 51 Sp. monoy Chanco cxintji lo obtain favnrnb ------— oront ------• Youll rcccivc inquiry conccmirning your tJil- deraUind! • I order, largely, that cauMi«d Zanzibar Stcppcs- 55 - de mor % ' r I ' oy 57 Bom ursdav^ unQ g?. m n o Timn>-^miiNews-Tivin FaJlc, Idaho— A -7.-.' _ I I N a tt l i o fi I ■" - r B — ^------ROBOBIN W I L L I A M S ^ __ He wjj their Iropiratfon. Gourt quejls( ss t c i t e s ^ p)Oweri:d i rp u n ishll tiruthfiiid re p o rrting^ r •{A ft------¥h«—e u v o l Countj^SherifTs3 IDepartment. put the 18.000-circulation18 papct^ ouout Justice Thurgooilod Marshall,' '^ H | WASHINGTON spaper (A doesn’t Floridada law mokes it a crim ed Most hews oriir g a n iz a tio n s , of businesiless. H e r su it also nam ed the thi writing for the court, isaid the award Supreme Court gave;o thi a rape victim "print, publishpl or broadcast" thche including The Floridjda Star, have sheriffsI didepartment as a defendantant, violated free-press rights ri| protected Miuni DAILY7:10-9:30. added pfotcction Wcdmhed. n am es o)f f >victim s o f sexual crim e. policies against publiciicaU on o f ra p e but sho waswa paid $2.f)00.in n pre-triaLrial by .. tfte C o n s titu■ution’s i — F i r s t - l«|AYAT4j50-7^10-9^^ that a Florida riowspi:3 vote, limited The FlFlorida Star, a weekly:ly victim's names. The'D'hame of the settlementent. Amendmont. have 16 pay $97,500 tosh othe reporting ' nowspapeiper in Jacksonville,le, woman, identified in ccourt records A laww similar to the Floridi•ida H o w ev er, th e ru^•uling did nol ' jUlU . whose nam e it publishediation that i6 published;.d.o.rape i viclini’s name in its a s ___ B.J.F.. ___ w aa{___ p u b lis h e d _s.tatHt£_WfljvaB.ptopQfled_fQrJdah(LJiiiJlill __preclude.thc-poaaibiliility-thatjtatca __ The court, by a .6:3.'1. The three Oct. 29, IK1983, policb report, inadvertently, the new i spaper’s was tabledled during the 1989 sessionn oof may punish those whvho publish the sLot€3’f>ower U) punishcriticized i the The nantame had been obtained from»m lawyers said. . thc Lcgislrislature. The Times-News!ws’ nam e o fa sex -crim e vi I SffiJ'GWll;’ V’da« ^ of, truthful' inform al P*IIMlUOfflL swg g ______lawfully obtamed. 1 - CO-HIT dissenting jusliccs cr -. P cds: econl o m y ------efiy THURSI3 P A Y S O N L Y t AT 11:00 nds drug spenddiiig bill back grow ing, bi ^ Brie ^ UliUOUlooui wt o v (UO M SM ur nag < (AP) —;The Housc-on-\\rW c d n e s d a y 7avoided-a — House sencijht dvei’ anli-drug money,y, giving an emergency exercise caa u t i o n to committee for furthertaH^alks with the Senate. ■ J ' r a WASHINGTON-O}-201, thc House rejected a compromisec containing - WASHINGTON (APJ-') — The nation's HALFP PRICE HUUIHIMIUi nu^SUli > ___ _ec;^omy continues to g potential vettr fightng for veterans a n d o th e r proprograms. The $3;51)illion----- grow, but there . HO HOLDS ONLY . spending bill b ack aten-in-an-early-procoduto < dufcal-vote. avoiding a aro “ebbing rates off expansion”i in By a vote o f 218-20th e r to add the anti-d ru g spendingspi opposed Uy thc some regibnsriheTododoral Reserve ' said Wednesday in q -■ . em ergency spending! a report- that ■iJ. y CO-HtT m OQ s u rc - w o fr-beat(itta, D-Calif, ^ e chairmanlan of the House Budget_ suggests the central bbank need not- - —push up interestTotcsr— MEAL- |„% EH|GApjESi^ showdown on whpthe rSTEAL Republicana usVd the proceicediiral v o te ’in 'b rd e r to • president. sid en t w ithout v o tin g .dir|!(rpctly against the drug • .The survey of econofninic conditions A L L M E ^ H AVLF l PRICE TO NSUGHT ^lifLw m m c a T O .0 0 around the country indieated-thatir ,« W * T J « I ...... Rep. Leon Paneltnta'\vhb"objecU rd'to'6ther epeiipending items in thc bill fit, we’re serving dinn(ners that - CommitteersaidRep•oting it. growth is slowing andnd inflationary Every Ev Thursday night, M support their presidprise defeat for the newlyly installed Democratic p ressu res have eased inn response to an' -WOn’1n’t ti ____ : southwestematmosiDsphere ofthd DesertIRoom.------~PEPEtSEMETARYm______----- Earlier this- month; the-ic-Fed-casednip- — uiES' SroWMBHTUffc^ I. U .S. plansh^hhurftmrxccjiting-thre< I • siigntiy and m{ide a stsmall move to WciVexall'it our half pricricemea! steal/andititwoald ------Bibly c o n ," S e c re ta ry of 1 with Beijing “if. we possib ___ loosen its g rip on c^r^dt]dit in the belief bC-Cr _ W ASHINGTON cer (AI Ill.said.Wednesday- criminal not to take5 advantagea of the saviivings. B - Chat the'slowing cconaimy0 would help. ------sancfions ’to-punish^ y regret" the executions, e White House “we deeply r tam e price increo.ses. -lere’s a sampling ofF wwhat’s on tonight’s menum in - “— preserve relations w: i out in Shanghai over pleatcas for clemency by thc Consumer prices roseso n t a n an n u a l O Urrarious rv restaurants:s: S tate Jam es A. B aker mriT ncO T ither Western nations, rate o f 6.7 percent during:ng the first five WAS TON►NIGHT ^ 3aker said at the V lan Quayle said, “We're veryiry disappointed with the , m o n th s o f 1989, up mg iSSaoM itflli ti.M which were*carried oi p t o m p r i c ; S alinm eo n S t e a k ...... 10.95 5,5.48 — ta.-He rep«at«d4;.S..cal]ft-foiJbr-xostraint ______-J. -iTicrensGB-tjf^T^-pcrccn U nited S tates a n d othe opting new sancU ons'and askisking China to spare tho and 1988, b u t m any anoiTn^rSvr Brorelileff'Sea Scallops Tr. . .xo;9S"—s; Bl — ...... L_ Vice President Dan o rs sentenced to d e a th , thc} U nited S ta te s m uted its. that inflation may begigin to-level off' — o-OZ-1E.-PrimeRib ------...... 10.95 --S. BEST SUMMER MOVIE !J go vemmcnt of Chiga.- Ecutions. State Department3nt spokesman Richard and decline later this yea:ar.. _ . - . , • S h rimimp M editerranean Flamlim be...... 13.95 6.6.98 IW»UKOIANA JONES ANO THE One day a fte r a'Boptirrwas-no-plafHo-register-fl-f a-proteat-or-to-calMn-a-^------i h c s u rv e y , based ■on u e iim m c n ts ------Ftlet-Pit-M ig n o n -^ -.------lives of demonstrators ...... 13.95____6.98^6. submitted by the Fed’tJ’s 12 r e g io n a l ___ VcaLC reaction to the execu LOscar^^._._._.._...... 14.95 7.7.48 ff-SUM2:1M:40-.7.1P^4Q______^ ' banks, painted a puiictufe of un xjy 0 | IDoucher Boid th e re .wi S te a k & L o b s t e r ...... 18.95 9*: MAN-THE MOVIE (Peis) economy in which slowerergrovrth could 9.48 BATMM Chinese diplomat. nmemorates Beterlin airlift 3oot^Sn«:kbiradudo]. Nol flood mlhwilh other coupoiu or nronwUoni. Offerrruihycu, x D;DAILY 7:1 0 -9 :4 0 help case upward prcssijsure on prices lUMin Without cmUce. RanvaUoniitranjl■onjix irtommended. AP) — The photograph of GcGerman women staring caused by tight laborr mt a r k e ts a n d SAT-SUNSUM 2:10^:40-7:10-9:40 Exhibit comif sausagea i in a sto re windowow captures the essence strained factories. UlVENTURECoilTlNUES I jc-providcd-by^h(TWcsteniTl iAllies 40 years ago in ■ •“Econom ic activity foifor most of the ' WASHINGTON (AP;et-blockadeof-Berlin.— ‘ n a tio n c o n tin u e s to-ad.^ ,^AR TREK V fpe) d.vancc.._but_a_ ^ muLYjdtUflas______longingly a t a pile ofai8 to an exhibit that openedd Wednesday\ at the Air number of Federal Reseserve districts WI12aO-fc3S-4gO-7nO-9:28 — — of-the-aeriai-foodKnc-|n to ’com7nemonitc-theT40tlOth-anniversary-of tho:------:*-notc-cbbing-rate«-of-exixpansion-the- - — dcfiance-oftheSoviet-bIted a t the height o f th e Colpoid War by the United _jsurvey snid.______UnnrTFUJDPTSTUIiliY—------The'pKoto belongsl-Prance.-^-^- U ------—" ’ — — ^ “With some exceptionihs. wage and : . — GHOSHOSTBUSTERSIItpoi------ana’SpacTrMuseumtiinteed tho liberty ond survivvival of the free pnrt-pf ] 0iUtY7«»-W)5 ______price pressures ore nott accelerating.i tivATC . WI12:4S-fcS&4:SS-7-00^ Berlin Airlift, mountetlerm an Foreign M in ister Hailans-Dietrich Genscher, |Some districts said their C 6 c I SAT-SUm ... J tir respondents H StatoyEnglahd^nd-Fiibit. had not been able to paaass their inpiJt “The airlift giiaranttling B erliners as th e “Raisinin B om bers," the planes (costs increases throuilugh to- t h e i r ^ ' \v;v« ...... JB -Berlin," said West Genve the W estern occupied sectectors o f th e city during custom < ers." - ...... who opened the exhibitected by Soviet le a d e r J o seefS f I talin. The survey reported th at w'hile a u to S t I ^ Biffl Known by w elcom inj • ' "fsales have dipped, rre ta il s a le s ' " o f the airlift k e p t alive tS ! must re-pass; 300i bills g enerally are positive. mNQ Iln irr a n 2 '& 6 r a a 15-month siege d ire c t Manufacturing growtl/th is leveling l i 1ADUITS0HLY$3.50 Ark. (AP) —“Red-faced legislatorsle met in an me u re a s , th e 0^ 'SOOT OF CONTROL (F6) m t in the state’s constitution,3n. c ts-wanfc3fri2^7ao ______emergency special s< survey said. spending will halt July 1,, wwhen Arkansas’ fiscal s , ■, VOWI •« !» ? * HOVE spending bills that.wunless the legislators aapprove nearly 300 ^ The economic survey,, knownk as the S g S S k 4 0 « AID THE UST CRUSADE violated a requirementall over again. Tan Book, will be useded when Fed DUrT.-IO-frM Virtually all state sp policymakers meet July!y 5-6 to decid e «--»40______biennium begins, Arkansas un Supreme (}ourt ruruled that the General future f monetai;y strategy,y. The ccntral H H S appropriationsi^ins'allidid not pass with a three-fie-fourtha majority, as bank b tries to control infla 3>ACETWFnALRtOMmR its decision on how mucuch money it ’ STAR TREK V (rat The special sessiori's H5-year-old constitution.I. , DAiLrr.io-^ specially appointed Arf ------—makes-n availablo-to t>thei banking ___ ...V...... — ------—«T-»W|.m»-WEO—U — ------...... nonfjCASitKi.' Appropriation Act did ______'.s■ ,system :------•______- - ____ :- 1fcMim2:3H«-7.-1P-9:K— ?------required by.the state’s 1 FDULWEaiEim ------^------1 - FIEUlELO OF DREAMS (rai N e w C a ^ ^ 0AIUr72!0«20 SAT-SW-SW Aatt-iOMOMaa-tao l i e O n N o vw ! I TO£8-WEDSa0-7aO-9:2O WHODOYOUCAa... D e m o n s I S! A V E I HOST BUSTERS ii(ro) . DIUUr7i)0-MS S aas l ■ Jeep s ■ E a g l e s § SAT-SUN-TVES-WEO f M ^ l2:-Channel68-UH: vacation unhurried and^ug.” ine »«lM(fi«olon3|'S/!j*ff*wf»/’»:rfKr/ya/33*r(R*oioA3>CM*r;jMABAiohwuanlen'iUmorttl ' ' r . ' . ___ :Cei«ialAW 543-2253 ------hostofwtieracilvHlos fori9-24 Wtlltr (fl«olOfl 3) HtUonilOhfd TimeTi. fIMlen ConttH I m — ■<:25'B«rie|'(Rigioti4) BiiWSwa»•a Boti fttQtna ffntonji------^ - -iOAH InMra Cfljmpto/tjfl/pj C78-2333333 • I JufM-Aug.'14- Bout. 8uB-Vill»T (Region 3.7)•) 0.Ort-iat Womtn's avi^TELEVISION rlARTS — ■ June- CAiHwp* 345-RACE • 2 ^ I Ifrii;»DAY!iH+— __ a B June 19-2^

June 24- ' - I -----

____A -0 Tlmoa-Nowo. twvin in .Falls, Idaho Thursday, JurJuno 22, 1989______’ yrld J 3 eHemtited^ m I ^Soviet^troops^! legin ^

in Chinaa . 1 7 W Czecho)slovakiaiin pullout; jlovakia (AP) — . T h e vevehicles, including arm y • await tuiirn | 9 roops and 100 trucks,, wc would bc put on five trains ^ began leaving and takeiiken to Byelorussia, in the ' ^hina executed ...... B E IJIN G (AP) - Chil is w eek u n d e r w esternn SovicVi^nioa,So th e n ew sp ap er - y and u p to 17 three men Wednesday a ithdraw 50,000 said, othere were condemnecned to die for 1 jafltem Europe The finfirst stage of tho current ■ th eir roles iii Btudent-liit-led protests PRAGUE, Czechofllci/spaper— said ..pulloutjv.tu_wn?.com pleted M a r c h 17 ■ that challenged the powerpa ofthe About 300 Soviet trc " . when onene airbocnei batallion left the-^- C om m unist Party. attalion began Slovak citj - ______Tht>-p.rpe>tt7nnndon p a r k in g 'g a r a g e s wcwere packcd,-and police jr interest nitcs arc thetht lowest you’l l ' . ! - low er courts to deol.sv.swiftly ond night in thelhe city to beat the strike. NMany companies refusesedTo ease parking: resfri'tnctioris, saying it would"ay Islands for thr T-ftrvTn-pa«8enger—eacaaturnge more people to' ddrive into the capital,n. - i-s a g r e a t c o n In addition to the thoseoae sentenced ferries reporported business -WOS booming,Ig. _____ Howevcver^free parking was setct asidei tor buses t)?fTfgtilg~so______. 1 4 % w i t h a : rnich"Today~for ^ ~ to death Wednesday, III —- including gomo judgid'ges a t th e Old B ailey CentraUral Crim inal Ck)urt in comm m uters. ______T h e _ b e n cjatioo-on f our Visa packages.pa^ j • the three executedd — were spent the nightnif in their offices, and huiidrcdffhur o f ju d g e s, Eva/angelist Billy Graham1 alsoa laid on extra free more attracti\ condemned previously.—------lawyers andnd jurors walked or cycled,1. e:enabling 17 o f th e parkining at Crystal Palace, inI ,sisouth..London, whero-he- The Shanghai men wereere convicted 19(58urtroomoms to function normally. Am4n early sh o rtag e o f woa ppreaching r Wednesday night.h t. -g_. .— Visa 'IVvo. O ur of setting a train on fireire on June 6 stenogfapheih e rs fo rced s o m e judgesI to take th e ir o w n On1 strikesi w ere 75,000 rail wori'orkers, 18,500 o p e ra to rs of1. fin d ! . afler it plowed into a barbarricade set notes as hcaicarings got u n d e r way. LondoiIon’s re d d o u b lc-d eck er bub u ses and 10,500 su b w aTg y ------S ro p 7 b 7 ~ n r u p - b j protesters, kiltingriix si) people. Senior proiirosecutbTJohirBBV an cycleded Iforsevcral-miles workerera,'leBving-onIy-somc^riu Avate-suburban bus jxuitca_ more in'form a T h e y were shot to dealhith in front of through slowow-moving traffic, carryingg hish: g o ^ in. a b a g operotiUing in London, a crowd Wednesday afterer Shanghai'sJ on his back,:k, and he said he wouldn’ti lil like to re p e a l th e It was wi the seventh subwayy istrike in London in 11 • highest court rejected theiheir appeals, experience. ______weeks, s, but only the first by railII wworkers since 1982. a spokesman at the city’i:ty’s F o reig n CENTR/ AffHlrH^ffico"BaidrHe“SJ■-said-ho-did— EZb^^ZZZH n o t know other details andnd refused to lO.OOO peopliple in Jinan in eastern g D e m o n s i N e w C a F 7 . g iv e h is name. China's Shandindong province.______—— H - IDAHO "^1 The national televisivision nevia .....-lrdid-n'(5f■(5t give details of their B N Sl a i l e O n N o v>w! reported the executions3 bibut did not alleged crimcmes, but said some were I g " r_GEN-T:RAL ■ :| show them carried out.it. T h e m en given the dealleath penalty. Otbers_were_H CREDIT UNION - E were Xu-^Guoming—a--a-brew ery- giveii death'sh'sentences suspended'for H IS ■ J e e p s ■ E a g l e s wofker; Yan Xuerong,Ig, a radfo two years: withw the possibility of M -^Tftctory-workerrand-Biatlian-Hanwu— being-commuTiutcd to lifen n -p riso n p th e—H L S - M Q T O n( C O . __ ZZZZZZli w ho w as unemployed. radio reportec■ted. H 7A3-<777 ■ ^ , w . ------Beijing-radio flnidJ/LpfLPeOPle who [,j }ded China’s actions as p oshone St. ^ r» E-alls, L ynw ood’rM all a re a j j “flerioualy endangered pub3ublic order* necessary' lo put 3^wn''~a'H were tried in front of an ai 1 audience of “counterrevoli^olutionary rebellion.* ffl SAVE Toyota!y g E = U:S. soldier ^ ” f i - ' leaked secre''ets S h o r ^ R to E. Germa\ a n i ; I C N l W k FULDA, West Germanyny ((A P) — A R U.S.-serviceman who oncece had been X , ’ ■ '■ ■ described as a modellel soldier .BUY pleaded guilty Wednctn o s d a y to charges he gave defensee s e c re ts to E a s t G erm any. r . T < Spec. 4 Michael A. Perieri changed - - ...... his earlier plea of innocencentjusl as .. hifl court-martial began., s_a said. A rm y ■ ""4.-^'' 1 .Jpokesmai^M iai.S^ Taylor. Peri',‘21. ofLaguna T fi^t^el,Ca!if., couId.be seiitenccd to lifefe iin prison •on the espionage charge. Tlie-chnrges were -filedled against Peri after hc dis'appearedid fromI the JUh Armored Cavalry Reg Fulda in February. Peri also pleaded gi to charges of being absentnt without leave and entering a reatrictricted area _ ' near the Bast Germana n b o r d e r 3!.1' i p |i i p w ith o u t permisaion. -----Peri, stationed-in WestIt GC e rm a n y - - since March 1988, hnd workDrked as an i i electronics worfarc - B pecialiBt. • . . ■ M M i i i a i n

"O xford esteeie m s J u n e 3 0 & S iB ^D 0_& _U :00-p.in,- ■ ■■ —------USED^^______NEW -Sakharou-wi it t h ------^ ------TPCrWfCnCKERWiniUPHOLSTRY C tO U U flllfc=^ = z= $ 1 5 , $ 2 0 FAMIMILY ROOM GROUP BEORIORODMSET -honorary deg; g r e e Rliiiicatoqc'Co^vbcn' is ridjn’ in' lybc r two mcmornble nights. . . OXFORD,. England 'A P .' - ; c miss this c o u n try tKiy turiKdfflOEBEL i lh is ■ 5 S 9 ^ A ndrei' Sakharov receiceivod a • p,cmietrCr G.iI.TShou-room .appc.irancc. prolonged ovation Wednei ■■■■ nesdny ns .. Tickets:ititluiJc tw o drink's. Sc.iting& i . J u l y 1 ; . “ Oxford'Unrversity honored'*?d-*‘a-noblc“ — Titrsonflng-forrhg-lnrc-shw rbcg lELS------—chaanpioh-of-harmpny^y uua-bcgin.-Minor*.murt4>c i,-Cacci ocktaiLShp\ h o n o ra ry doctom tc in'scicnci ' ' ■ Tickotkots :i\TiilabIc .it CiiaufcPetc'-i a 'D ressed'in a scarlet ann n d -g ra y t 0 , $ 2 5 T w in Falls: Petersen's Wcsnr gown, the Soviet humnnnn rig h ts • • ■ ■ B arton’s Jewelry I’(Lyi inraJncWpot. A n d he'll oiily 1 activist stood in silencecc ns the • ■ * 2USEDSTEREC rome: iloss’ WcMcrn Vt'c.nr Bu c • TVenimendous sel< w -& -useci-app»pH anee*^ - ^ •7rbrpHHf>frQf:PootrY_P(jtcpter I.pvt ______^ ■ . CABIMETJMODE — —— ------B u d e y t T>ie-Buicd ihtcrtutional superst.ir in h described his work and worvords a s n “ ■ “ Z T I e M•tq^wn nra S i^ ^ fu i e s s t a r t i n g a s lo w a si ^$ 5 .0 0 p e r w e e k ! . , lii.ordcr j'kketflbyxrediri T iarW iigpr o f clnRmi^ * __ ng fpr- t|itf firsc s h o w begins at I $ 0 ^ S Sustained.applausc rangig throught ^ 80D '8^1'1103# bcgln.rflrl0:00 p:m rN o se.icln: - : till' -g iiulduiijm i Tlim tf(r fgr-.b r' KUvttnii ' ~ — ‘ j«»mparucJS^n-adulc. m inutes as Sakharov, recei'reived his „ :'-i and the follow ing locations: ilectlon of nov degree from Chancclloillo r R o y ^ M i CEImMWZT cstern-Vt'e.ir ( d o w n to w n ) , furniture anitappllanca Jeiikina. (Lyntt-ood M all) 7' 3: 3 - 7 1 1 1 Sakharov, accompaniedcd by his - B uhh Larry’s Qui<;k Scrvice -wifer;j«'on his first-trip to-Eo-B ritain ;— ------.2nd.Ave..N _____ 1 _ M(JT£LyCASINO*jACW The 1975 Nobel Peace Prizeze winner-. >. "T T■win « l F alls d ir M td. ciili coltfTccT will m e e t ^ m e Minister MtM a rg a re t _ Toif-lfoo: 1-fi00^21.1103.lnN


Novada; l-800-«2i^g35- Thursday. Juno 22,198989 Timos-Nows. Twin Fails, Idaho , ■ ObitUfiriesjsAiospitals B2 - ■-Idaho-B4-4-5 ------V faHl e y Valley life2 B7 f^NEL*ss OfteidefendiIs radrom otive^iodineirelease ~ JDND _ ByN.S.NOKKENTVEE'ED pro(rocess a t INEL. m anagesgement o p eratio n a t INEL, fromfn othor -^in the May 26ni26nrticlel'Thc article compared I Times-Nows writer TThe article reported thatIt iofficials chose INEL dot}ur tm i‘iit) wan t r yin g -TTfffelnlB-bufo-n rtlie-HCuryy went tu—Tim INEL'piujtiinjji'ct,' dubbed R u L a a fter for------;----- Laborotorys Twin lah F a lls office a t 1061 wceC. : infoform ation," hc wrote. p re s s ,, butb no one who couldd supply its product,t, radioactive lanthanum, Blue Lakea Blvd.. N.,N Suite 106, Ofte .wrote in resp.osp.oheeJo.a.May 26, T Tlh e original article.said the ti: information„infomalnation_about_thB_releaa iacfl_jviia_xdfiasedjibQuL2, iuL2.80Q.curica.over aix .y ears______------»-The ribbon-cuttin tingis setfor 11a.m. a Times-Newsljirticle3 aabout radioactive hadid been “assembled from fi a 1977 availableble a t the tim e. .. , . . . The eorly rurruns o fth e p ro ject,.h o w ev er,...... week from today. iodine releases from aa nnuclear fuel-refining enviivironmental impact staten;eme'nt on waste Ofle’s’s letterli correctly points out,it ah error ^ •See]kie INEL o n P a g o B2 Don Ofte, Idahciho operations office : m a n a g e r o fth e Dep3eparthicnt.of Energy, • wiil be the keynoteite sp e a k e r a t a special Chamber of Con'ommerce luncheon ‘ following the cvevent. The no-host Court corders HOfficifils sinvestiiigate souurceofgi gasoline - ■ lunchcon will beJ atal the Weston Plara - Motel, 1350 Blueue Lakes Blvd. N. ■ sta rtin g a t noon. contauminatinng welts ini Twin JFalls RSVP to the Twii'win Falls Chamber-of a contriractor ■ 'Commerte'af733^;:^3974'ByTVTondhy Timcs-Nowa writerwni - -Bus Driver's5 IRoad^o'pits------to-maBce-up^ - 7^;'”c - tw in FALL!iLLS - The Olivors have best wheelers:rs in state ' b een trying tojo getgc something idonc about TW IN FALLS -- EB us d riv ers will te s t |thc gasoline ininthoirw th ell. since 1973. . their skills againstist oneI another for the forbad:k p a y Tuesday and Wedneaday tbe local state tjtle. Thursdaylay evening during the o ffic e the .stalo Division of ' ■ annual Bus Driver’sir’s Road-eo. By MICHELLE C O LE Environmentalitnl Quality started doing ...... - - P a r t o f•day n th rce-dworkshop a for bus 7Vmes-A/^t?vys w rite r ' \ something about)Outit. • drivers and supervjrvisors, the Road-eo “So long wsfwas just a sto n d still, you’d - - will be held at the»e College< of &uthem -- -. ---GLENNS-FERRY--'--..A -farm —labor.— w o n d er if a nyWng^ould y ^ i ever be done," ______Idaho beginning aJ t t7 7 p .m . contractor must pay hisliis employees nearly' ' said- Mafic Oliver, 01 who with "her...... ------T -he^------W th -—— ^Annual------Pupi^l— ; -— $27000-in —back—wage»ge6—following-an ------^ —husbandr-Williflilliomr-hos-llv»d4a-thcjr ______T ran sp o rta tio n Supy=4he-— -It - ____ I H b 11' mW fttm O'Rorke, aI stotesi water quality __ J_1989.LegiBlatur«,------^ifartinez, who iB-al'etil'ao-known as Paul • • com pliance officefficer. ; A School Bus TraPrado and Equipment' Martinez, said he did.piI.pay his contracted KiLmW - “Hopefullyy fromfr m onitoring thdse ------l-S»w-i8*fll80-flchedu3duledHt-wilFbe-from ------— workers-minimum—waw ager-but—a—final ------‘ ' w ells,' wo'iuight"!] I 1:15 to 6 p.m. atit tthe Weston Plaza paym ent w as held u p bC'because a Mountain • gasoline contemiiamination is coming from," :^-Court3^r^d:------— Home-farmer-he'-had-co;-controcted-with-did ------— — —he'-said.------not give M artinez h is laist s t payment. ® — ; • ’ Tests showedved gasoline in th e w a te r I Heyburn cancicels June 28 Martinez said he hadd tto take the money from the Olivers'ers'w ell, he said, from his own pocket ass-a .a result of the labor T h e y first noticed noti the problem with : City CouncilI meetingn investigation an d c o u rt dcdecisio’n^ ^ ~ t : ------thelr^cll-w/ater ate w hen'thc' gaFoline ------^ I HEYBURN-Tho'he C ity Council voted He added that he plaiilans to file his own ruined theirr pumppi and it stopped \ ' 'i lo cancel ita_^ regiegulorly scheduled complaint against theI delinquent-farmer,"dc working. They:y replacedn the pump and ____ I mooting on Ju n o^ ^ so Mayor Harold ^ whft Mnrtinh?.' anvB tn lddjhcJ)epartment t of . . have since had.iad.a new well dug - at a • llurst nnd council membersm can attend Labor hc had.paid Martinitinezinfull. cost of $3;050rljO r& u t'th e -n e W 'W e ll-h a s— ______i ■| th e ~ A s s o c ia tio n1 iof Idaho Cities Confidentiality 'suriurrounding-"labor ' -- - gasoline Initas.was.well ------. -... ; convention in Boise.IC. complaints preventeded a department ■ The Oliverss hohope to recover, som e.of ------The next meetinging will be at 7 p.m. representative from disciscuaaing specifics of ■ m whoever is reaponsible " • J u l y 12. the case. But Leigh Powerver, a staff assistant, H fo r th e gasoline.ne. 1 1 said this is the tim e! oiof .year when the- ^ - - -“We’ll get it'backit'l if-theyfind the— ^Tllalley lu decidHde^>ond4ssuc ------— D«pactmont of I.nhor..ininvRfiHgn^B mnnv _ ^ source," she said.aid. .* for street imprprovements complaints concerninling agricultural ij 1 Across the‘ ail alley iro m th e O liv er's'. . ------employers. house is a smallloll gas stotion. J u s t down HAILEY - Votersirs here will go to the Any employer risks a lawsuit1 for failing stre e t is nnollmother. But O'Rorke is not : polls July 25 to decidcide if they want a $2 to pay minimum wage,gc, and he may be * ■ ■■■■■ -V w hether the:they are the source of the : million bond issueQ Uto pay for a major - ordered to compensate employeesen fbr_back_ ^ ^ contamination.1. • ■ ■ ■ street improvementn t jp roject. wages and pay an additiortional fine as well as Tim— Htwl pftoWAWONorAMKz “Itla im possiblisible tp determine right - . The polls will bebe open from noon-8 court costs. Power said.’ W illiam. M arie Oliverr 1have a new well, but.tlit . the w ater is contam inI n a t e d • See WAT p.m. at City Hall, 12 W. C arbonate St. VATERon Page B2 Power said Idaho haafias three ful^-time' 1— : Registered voters•8 liv1 in g in th e c ity in v estig ato rs, w ith th eJ fourthfc to come.on ;_Umit8.are eligibleI.e t to vote. Property ' board-soon. ' o w nership is n ot a recrequirement. Anyone wishing, to contact the The bond issueIC must attain the iroup disscusses a u^e forr Albion INormal Department of Labor shoshould write; Room . approval of two-thirdird s o f those voting. 476, Federal Building,, B ox-034,.5M -W eat ^NNIFERKAUTH interesteded citizeni( discussed the fateite o f the com m unity highgh andi dry in 1951 (when fhe _ F ort, Boise, Idaho 83724,t, or o Room New V™®'lea-News writer school Wed/ednesday diiring an'all-dayy sessioni school was closed)i^ed)." ■ I — - held'jilsfdd Officicils invest:stlgate crash Federal Building, 12200 S.W,S Third Ave., t"ddwn'therbadTr6ra‘thecamm pus...... Jim Kemptohiloni a local citizen who hos tfh it^ lo u d s” ^ = ...... — ' ------ALiLBION - Pigeons flyinin and-out of ^-The moonooting was called by tho3 iAlbion -bocomo spokoskosman-for-'tho - project,— - — rion-State-'Normal-Sch'ociool'8-brokch~CampusCe CentennialCommitteerthc s nriiliuii-$1.5-iiiillio n - wo uld-be ' . CLAY.TON - Fodojdcral officials have Co-mplaints'lbdged'with'itH"lhe'Department“ ^^^’® dows and vandals have taktaken even the _alumnL.afliassociation and the townn to soe needed to transfoinsform the. school into a field begun investigatinting the crash of a of Labor are kept confidenllential. Power said, wndo toiloti3ta and bannisters from whwhat was oncc whether• theth various state agencies>s would institution andi a cicamping area^ s m a ll p la n e in the t> White Cloud _ one ofo f Idaho's two teacher colleilieges. support suchsue a project. “Quite franklyikly, we can’t move in any Mountains cast ofr StanleySi that killed ut a group of tenacious localIo citizens No deciecisibn was" made durining the direction withoithout 0 sponsor in state J three people on theiricir way to a rafting alumni hopes'to change} aall that. The meeting.. ButB G lenn S hew m aker, the:he s ta te g o v ern m en t," KeKempton told the officials, tr ip on th e S alm on RiR iv e r______CSI, ISUJ may a„?“i ------g rp uup f wanta to clean up thithe run-down Parks and am Recreation Board’sI’s new “And the mostst 1(logical is the Parks and The Custer Countinty sheriffs officc ;bri‘cT)uilding8r add- cai:amping- and^chairman,n, saidI he_wou]d.bring_the_ggonoral -_£ccreationDepar1portment." , 38, and his wife Joy said Gregory Rost, 3fi begin prcogram - ‘“i■eational vehicle focilitiea8 eand tunt the concept of transforming the schoolal into a "Bul the'deportportmcnt is already-spreod ------R o st, 30', o f G alen a,I, Alaska, died in the . • school)ol into a “field institution"i" - H b a se for field instituititution to the b o a i^ 'a next menecting. tK in'ahd would] ncineed to add more hands if it crash. A third victictim ’s identity was .ural and recreational actictivities that "The stotstote-has'anloral responsibiibility to added anotherier project to its list of • being withheld WedWednesday pending in aeronaautics -I-Jd teach people about southtthem Idaho. this, comrimmunity," said Sen. DDenton responsibilities,ics, responded Yvonne S. . By KIRK M ITCHELL . notification of relativeLives. Abcbout'45 state and local olofficials and Darringtoi{ton, H -Dcclo. “It leftft this .Seo ALIALBION on Page B3 No one else was aboardal the aircraft__ TimcB-Ncws writer • when it craflhed Ttiirtiesday ofternobn, p o ssibiiy du(> to b add w eather. TW IN FA LLS — A n1 ar listen in g to heaping tho emotional burden of thehe c a se ‘‘A t th e oge you took your sons to Little ^ »Green director. —Aero8P*c_e;Science,-whicJilich ie co n sid erin g cloBinsng argumesta the d^.befonore -----:__: .... into thcir lai'lapB .-,.-______L- . - - - - 7 “ — L eag u e gam es and m aybe p im L o f t e r w a r d ^ n r : ^ — ; State park official:iala hope thal the 'form -f ing a joint a e ro sp a c e pprtjgram between The10 jury has already convicrictcd-rfamcB— Doputy-1y-District Attorney Rayiyraond Jim Marlow wasas bbeing ahot up With heroin : project will add a local flavor to tthe two schools, hired D

•i B-2 Timos-Nows. Twfrfwirt Falla. Idaho T h u r^ a y ., JJunol 22. 1989 rial - > Continued irom Pago Bl . - -Therhe only evidence that Cynthirr ^ ^ c r o m No one winccd, r le ^ ll v<'ote on ii€rcw fire ttru c lr^ ^ fman participated in the Novin irs,'stress'ed that ahee waa\ . "You will be• sitting aa the . Coffma iBcd on 1988.valuatiom), p ro p ere rty new truck w ith equipdpmcnt would cost Spears . B yD E N ISE T U R N'IER E ] 'Base 3r8efuL..not a.cold.blooilooded, .conscience ofthe_C(commt^ty, of our killinging is Mr. Marlow’s testimony." ers would be assessed aboutu n - e , about $165,000.-A ddiding on an aerial .-Timcs-News corrcspc•spondenl ow nert leress. society in generaj,'j," Haight told the Spearsors said. “And ho played games c e n ts:s per $1,000, meaning thatlat a device would incre•ease the cost by 1 us hero, in court. Anything he: »9in.«^nnro.fno. osecutor Haight said Marlarlqw jury. “You're goingig to be settin g the with us ------JEROME,rTii)-leBfl oou.7W4i.with-an-«xempUon-^&u j'OOO addition to th e firec ;S tation to h o ^ c . ^ rvotcrs ‘here wiJl deidecide oh il bond payatabout SB fl year on a f25'0( crime spree," “full partnersers” in punishment." a grainain of sa lt.” ■; e with a ?5,000 lot, Wrigley said,sa i the now vehicle aiand some olher „ issue for n nowr fifire truck an'd home v lovis killing, and that neitleither Marlow’s attomejley C raig took issue Hec saids his client, had beea 1989 valuations shouldn’t't beI equipment now in ththe county's rural • addition to the fire stistation. . T h e IS nated thc other - an argumwm ent w ith H aig h t’s fina!I rem r ark s. convicti,'icted of murder, but not ofthe protection distric^ct facility is • The City Council1 TuesdayTi voted to muchh ddifferent, he said, rjtble-only to-youf-Hmm»4t — 1-^------le new fire equipment coulpuia csLimniedwcDaru'^!p i*rS73, suspe^fiaTls threc*re.TmTdnrin-Iilinimn The" ig h t sp o k e o f th e w ay Novis No own conscience, to-xt-Mr._Marlow an4 ' “I prpray that you will find het •ove the city's fire rating, saviriving - In other business: p assed a resolutionion calling for on improv , ond of how thc defendaid a n ts C ynthia CofTman,"'Craig C said. slightlyhtly less blamable because she. iwner o f a SSO^OOO home $1^$17S17a • Auclaire annoiounccd that the . A u g ^ l bpod ele_ctior:ion, which would the owi ;edly killed another womiiman, He told jurors “justice could be..didn’tVt actually, physically kill. in insurance costs, he said.'T)-'The July'4 fireworks dispjp lay will begin a t f gOTicratc the fundsids'^necessary to year in I M urray.' tempered with m6nircy" ahd then told anyone,’)no,’ hesaid. t a x about 10 p,m, a t JeroromiHiBh ScMoi. I-)?''« upgrade Jerome’s CrcDre protection. increaease and decrease in ta hat sticks out in my mindind.is them socicty hadid failed to h£lp - Andnd he said Qoffman was. ncnts could'balance eachothc'ther The public may use-;D-Stadium seating The bond, noi to0 exceede 5400,000' pnymei thc defcndonts didn’t justat kill1 Marlow. remorseorseful.- • , p .. or the baseball diamtmond areas to the and requiring approvi•oval by two-thirds out, hele said. ictims to get rid of a witncf:nc83," “We a s m em bersTS o f t h a t so c ie ty “MyIy cclient’s conduct following her nd is . west of tho stadium.1, he said , adding [fJJ, - of votera. wou!,d be usiused to buy a new ' Anticiticipatcd intorost on the bond : ht said. “They enjoyedd tthe must also accept portpo responsibility interrofrrogation led the police to tho cted to be around 7.20 percen;cnt, that areas southcasQst of the school fire truck and equiptlipment and build cxpecte ig. They took pleasurere in •■for w hy he is here totoday." C ra ig said, vineyailyard where they foiind the ire station. w h ic hh means that oniicipatcI t e d will also bcToped ofTR"for spectators, j -„^'i an addition to the fire aning their victims." “W hat'd eg ree arc wcwe a t a s a civilized body,"’," SSpears said. “Because she did to buy meter lids . , Interested loijalal residents can principilipal plus interest would figurg u rc ’ • Coimcil voted to »r choirc-of..strangiilfltiQaina i,s—606i9ty7-D0;wa-8imfnply a ra d ic a to o ur- foal-c-o;compaBBion, -fthr-tnlfl.,thrm - ^i-to_fpr.Si.275.iind:yuiv> — :— amnax^ouneiLwofKofkragBBiair a i r rhaiiouc-flL ; fic^nt^he“H^ridr^You-havcivc“to—miBtakes'nnd'gD'on 1 tto th c-n c x to n c ? ’'— wherere to begin looking.', • for the water departirtment. Members bond election at.8t).mI.m. T uesday. • exist foifor up to 20 years, '• io kill your victim, to feelel th^_I Spears, in preaenijnting his case for ' Speaiicars told the jury there waa igley plans to draft a brochurbure also approved speni.nding S25,500 to The city should havlave market value Wrigl •ain from them."he said!'' CofTman, sought to0 irijecti a sliver of nothingling ho could say that-would y Monday so local withinn thot next week explaining• ththe buy sealing supplietCS for the street figures availablo by ^ 2n he showed the juryiry a doubt into mindjd s . o f th e j u r y minimizimize the death of Novis or bring department. And tth e y a g r e e d to . . property owners cacan figure their proceduidures. graph of Novis, face downn itin a members. -...... -______her back )ack. . ■ome’s new est truck fire tru c: k ii s s p e n d ' S583 to se share of thc bond rerepayment, Jm Jeron send -nve-nre- P ^„Eow grave dug in a vineyajyard He said the proseisecution’s freq u en t “Wefe hhave two cjead girls on our.. Ihief department employeyees to thc State shallow W rigley, o f F irs t Security Sec Bankin 12 yearsars old, according to Fire Chic San Bernardino, andnd a cross-examinationon of Coffman’s handS|aiS|already and we don’t need., Auclaire. He estimates thata t a F ire School in Boise tl.his weekend. Boise, said. J im Au igraph of M urray boundd aand relatives meant thele prosecution felt another,her," Spears said. “I'm begging I ______gagged,;d, h e r H ead 'stuck in a toilet toi, 'M arlow ’s fate wass ]io a le 'a : I t w a s 'a youtosp0 spare h e r life." ------r r-Q bi1ituaries tank, search for “somcthth in g b a d ” a b o u t —:___ — Thenn 1he sfiow e'd'them the^necRi3c[aie Coffman that perphplexcd Spears, he v MichS'chael Gordon is a reporter for ., ;gB-.~35, o f T w in F a lli, d iecd d Jerome. - 1 ^ . I SlO ggB used to0 kkill Novis. said. thc San I W odno.noB dny, J u n e 14, 1989, n l h e r ___Chatlei .£.~ Sams: S h10 e w na b o r n D cc. 31, 1953, irT TWIN FALLS - Chehnrloa Edwin . T ^ f t >xhurB,.Ki...thrv,dft>iBhtec_of_, Snm9—75.-of-Tw in- n- FallB -nT id------J p l'ih i - ...... G e o rgrge e Kolloy nnd Alberta E. formerly • of Good,d i n g . d ie d M cCflmone SuiRRs. Sho worked in Twin Wodnoaday, Juno 2U, 1989,-iiL the ^0Continued from Page Bl .small donated airplailanes, a trailer at • Pilot’ilot Iraining. 1^-- FnllaI fofor Univor«nl Froien Food#. . Magic Vnlloy,Region>nnl Mcdicnl After*r i spending!* n e a rly a weekck in th e a ir p o r t and a sismall university ‘Alrtlir traffic conlrol training, |fe k . T helO funernl ond buriol will be in C en ter, P ocntellcjllo, hom e o f ISU. and in TwinTw trailing center, • • • Airwiirway electro n ics train in g . K entuciucky. Locol nrrunscmcnte drc ' He WOB born Julyr ; 30. 1913. in F alls, DDe'Rcmer said-Wednesdiisday From that start,t, augmented by • Airway Air computer science - It tho direction of WJiitc_ & - - i ^ f I u n d e r *-9_ . Nooal^o. M o.,-tho Bonlof . OflcarH. that thehe tw o sch o o ls have up to”90- to” mi11fons~of~fedcraral dollars, the training,ing. w iry 'in T w in Fnlla. uL’i.-' '■ ' and Myrtle Smylhcc S n m s. Ho percent(It of ( the academic resourcLirce.s p r o g r a m h as gro\own to include • iAviation maintenance:, m arried Bernadinc. 1 fora program. •• ’sophisticated aiyplplane sim ulator managenigemeht. on M n reh 16. 1£M:. in B urlo Eldor Whittle - k Force. Chairrhan~'JblJo h n eq uipm ent, two largeg^buiiairrgs-and'fl CSI1 wouldw offer corc aviation. OAK)IKLEY - Eldoii Whittle. 87. of served in the U.S. A i an said a rocketing,demaiT'nn.d_90-airplane flee.t_tjJj?.flt_>.r>cl.ude£ a_ classes;s aiand general education.______- -O ukley, ey. diod'WodncBdiiy.-June 21,"! !.- -World War II n/i a comii.raidtr.:?; “ Izman ______19S9., ama ^o Minidoka Memoriala l q m irte r miiBler tr u c k compan,. ci He f°r n™"ronautics-trained professionaonals plane w ith Si million3n in high-altitude De' ReRemer saiH the soonest the' I H ospilniu l in Rupert. livod in CoodinR for GOG( yenrs nnd makess developing a progra;ram monitoring eqwpmeneni. colleges>es icouiS ofler'a'viation'classcs, • runBemcnl8 iiri~pendinB"ii'nd"l'd owned TingwnllH DepnHirtment Store. ‘extremel:iely a ttra c tiv e . T he aerospace projrogram h as a $100 would1 be the fall o f 1991. A lengthy^ " Doriald'RrBosostocfc” ■ “^7“ be announced by McCuIIocHh»b . Ho hnd lived in Twin FnllHF for the De R(Remer also is analyzii/zing million economic imjnpact to thc area applicati'cation proco.ss awaits them to,’ FILER - DorDonnid Richard ral Home in Burley...... ___... pnul 1 l/2yenr». — • whether(>r there is enough support>rt in _ s u rro u n d in g the uhiveiversJly. get stateate iapproval, he said:— — - • Bostock. 23. of FileriJer. died Mondny. Mr. Snnia wok invohlived in civic Pocatello in }u>ma. , 'Ho and Twin Falls for-suchach-a— T a s k fo rce men^•nibers and.De The! program.,wouJdpn not.need aJot aclivitieB in Gooding ai « t. 9. 1960, in F o n A n direw n M. Orth programm to get off tho g ro i^. ...' . R e m e r a re .d e v e looping,goals j for offundinjiding to g e t started .-It-co u ld be ____Ho WOB bom Oct. , pre»ident ofthe GoodingW Chamber or )ODlNG - Andrew Michncl aid North Dakota’s school1 wjwaJj e v e n tu a lly .offeringig associate,ond_started..'ed. with donated and leased Botvoir. Vn.. the Bonnon o f G o rd o n nnd G O O Commerce nnd the , in fa n t Bon o f PoU-rand R enee concoived by a busineinen6 baccalaureate degegrees in' five aircraft.ifl, IDe R e m e r said . r Dole Elizabeth Plnet:nelino Dostock. He Orth, in ^ Mcrchuntn Durenu. He n - ' - of Gooding wan ntillborn ?or w hose'real love was flyin ^ moved to Idnho att nrnn enrly ngo with Orth o Old Timc-Eiddlcrn contntesl to raise professor >ing. aeronautics speciullallies at the two “Theyley :have'to get cracking,"'he,; J u y . J u n e 19. 1989, a t th o S t. • hi»family. Ho lived;d ilin Tucson, Ariz., Mondu; money for ChrintmnHt tdecorntions The proglogram s ta rte d in 1968 withhtwo tv colleges, including: I said; nnd Scnttlu, Wtinh.,lh.. wilh hiB Aunt Benudicdicta Family.ModicHl CenU'r in uyninm Jucqucuni gj. Hci-ved nn hend of the S u rvrvivinK i are hi« pnronts of Mvornl yonrH, ^ rmy in GoodinR a i_fivp_bjQthi-ga ___ ^GoodinsinL^: griindourentfl._13cnm'-nnd_ a te r ---- - of Btihl. GrcK Sin' Boi[Jonjnmin- of-OooditiHi and []ontinued-from-PageBl—1------tnnks-have-Srmillillion 6f liability~the~prolirro b le rn T s fix e d th e y wifi., ...... -Jomio DoHtock of n m e m b e r o f th e Vi T Falla. Rundall Robertrrt nnd Dorolhy Orth of , Boatoek of Twin F ] KoroiRn WarH nnd lhc1C A m e ric a n now. hc1C fsnid. in su ran ce to cover .dailamages. continueue tot use c ity w ater, Bovtock of SvQttle'.f'. V W nnh., R ic h a rd P ortlunnd, n t Ore.: Rrent-BMiipiirenlH, Legion. He hnd hIho beic.•longed to tbo The U.S. Environment!irital T he O livers originallally put in a wcll .Moneyicy for the investigation has. Rny. Utah, nnd.. ! DirdBiill of Kelly Lnke,.M inn______Laiie_BQataduaC-&i‘ AmOll.I) ' "Nitlioniii uiiard for Bevor yeariT.' ' “ PrOtC'ctit:tion Agency recentlyha"has' bccausc-ditch-watCT^rw a s'h rrrd -to -g e t •' CO me" fr

...... - ...... ' ^ w a r n m t = O im e m H o s T J i ttals——^ c — ^ mssit^m ssrmxm:. ------M A Q IC .VA LLEY REJTER- - . KrvitarnuiinufHr.vIryburn. - . . ____ . Jct^cboaj3omI 1 Kings.l2:26*29- DID YOU KNOW •: — A d m tttid —-----^ ------Birthfl licrc is only one name ; O pnl L ynch. M r». ClinK.tnion .Miner. Roland Bemcll Mod.'eii,Mc A dauKhior to Mr.•fr. and Mrs. Clinton Miner ofTwinof Falls; . i i ai U J E S T i O J NW O F TH E a y t v ' icrchy wc cnn be saved? fnd Mrs. Jeffrey Lacroix nncnd to Mr. and A c t s 4 :1 2 ______; Lom Price. Mr». Hobartt HiiKaln.Hi .leffrvy Kldon Ra,.nn.niuxheii. und t-onn to M r. ,-fnd W h at K ing in th e Old TcsTestament was known forjrhis w isdom ? ______Mro. Gilmnn StnnKer amiid .\trM..\ Rii.Hwtl W h«'eler, nilI ofo f Tw in Mr». Steve Kii-ldH.. bob o lh o fW e n d e ll, ------Fa»ffT<2httrie»^verett-iJaiHailtn-of-JcTniuirrJohn-Bmin Jnekpot, Nev.; EuRom'e 0nrown of Rup.-rl; Mr», .1*.Jeffrey CASSl331A M E M ORIAL H O S P IT A l ■>•■■■ sSunday: 9;50 a.m.n. , Bible Study ------Lncroif OfW anac>rrMr;r ry r-rm a------)t45-ttrm T-W orship-fly-aiid-^tOO-prniT-MV A^dnesdti-yi-TiOO-fHr Kcndle Kortncy StnllingHHofKcien, of , . K elsey B n rru a . AAlcario.Chnpn, VeroM clcluino, Lindn ■ _.__20D2 FiiRUer Ave._EastJtTvnrea arKl'NorOfM.*TSTTriH*, *11 of Burl»y. 733-7805 or 733-24837 Mra. Wndo Bond nnd1 d(dnuK-htur and M arjorier DIX udley. Rele«*ed both ofTu-in Fnlla; Mrs,fl, ID ean A nder-oii a n d dauKhiK'ht.T r.f C rnig Hobnon n nnd d Kimberly Hobwn. both of5f Rurl.-y; and You are alsoals welcome at the Chihurch Of Christ mcetinjiling in • :• i ...... Jerome rM arin-UnrthofBf-BuhlrM m.- D.inirl-t’umminlinn nnd - - Jrnnette RiRleyof•M Mi nltn. ------^----- Albion;)n,-BuhlrEdcn, Goodingng, Jerome-andJlupert.-t t ______^ dnughU'r of Hnnsen: Mrn.rn. S tove Kieldn a n d ’rton undnd Mrn. B lrtha JoBo Solvndor Gomez ondid cdaughter. Ixnb of Wend.-ll;•11; Mr». ' Hnbiei. to M r. nxnd n d Mrs, Eddie Nrvnrei nndnd lo Mr. nnd ______(W e offer frciree Home Bible Colorrespondcnce Coiibourses!)______•: - Robert Huckolt of Boiflo;lo; Ethol,SlokeH of.GoiidinKo k ; and 'Mra..Dnn Price ofBuB u r le y ...... Thurlur&doy. Juno 22, 1909 Timoa- -ISthM uurle\;Reggattabegmns tomonr o w B y D O N N A SCH0R2M3 MAN------B bat'Aissociatidh. sa “^his year we’re;‘re the racers. Tho Customm Car Qub will * “ “rgernian j cconsidersrdtjrpblM Times-Nows comspontKndcnt expectingin g 100 boats in competition,”in ,” also d isp lay ca rs a t theaeparit- ' By TERRIIRELL W ILLIAM S bwt sley said the Gooding Co says Bin{ingham. O n S a tu rd a y a a: n d S u n d a y 7Ymes-NeiWewa correspondent told)ld him Hagerman will have BURLEY - Grairand National...... The evievent kicks off on F rid ay a t110-monungB, 10 the Burley' ElksI Club wiU------...... ■,...... yeaear contract beginning.in.O5t in b o a rd cn duranco boats bo will be a a.m. witlatb a parade of tho boats andind sponsor a Racers Broreakfast at the HAGEfERMAN - Cily ofncinlsials lire considering havave not yet ogrced on a writ — — new-ettraction-at-thethe-lSth-Annual—racera-tl t“ihrotiglMlowiitown”Burleyr eyr—paricr-The-price-hflsn’t- j’t-been-aet-yet:— establishirhing-local-poHce-protection )n instead-of-paying-lhe—botli oth sides seem-to be-wilting lc Burley Regatta thiithis year, and The Magagic Valley Custom Car.CIublub The breakfast is openn to the public, county forfor enforcement of city ordimdinances. AAfter the city had its own p Regatta. Chairman TcT e rry .B in g h a m will partiirticipato in the parade, and admission tickets\a for tho ra c e s City CotCouncil m em bers on Tuesdasday discussed the two yeaears ago. Hagerman began C( sa y s th e s e boats arc imimpreesive. ' The tetesting and tuning for the:he can bo purchased a t thnh a t tim e. options buibut made no decisions. “WoVe haven't1 mode up our forir deputy service but that c ------I T h o y have uniimijniicd engine, racersI beginsb at aoon at the boataat ■. A d m is s io n .will, bellie $8 general mifMi on1 w hat we’re going to do.*.* A'Mayor Merle'Qwslev lastLStOclober. Without it. the coi unlim itca fuel and1 they’reth larger docks am^nd the public is invited freeree adm ission w ithJuds i:ir12 and under. $L said! ^ ~~onllly3 s ta te and countyjaw s for ] than a K*Boat by a couplccoi of feet in to thesee preliminaries.p No admissionion M agic V alloy people cai:an get advance In a rcre la te d m a t t e r , th e co.iin).lincil. responding to 0Ordinances to control dog: len g th a n d w idths ingham .B aid.. w ill b ei charged. c The testing wil)/ill tickets at Seven-Elovcven stores and vandalismsm a t th e c ity p ark , votedi to ofTcr a KOO rew ard re‘guiations g aren’t being enfo The Burley Regatt:atta is Friday probablyly go on until about 6 p.m. Mr. G as, both Twin F'alls al a nd B urley for informrmation leading to the arreirrest and conviction of 'citi:tizen complaints, Owsley saic __. through Sunday at theth< golf_course The corconceBsion stands will bo open)cn locations, and Wils(Ison Bates in anyotiedaidamaging city property. VVandolisrn m the city paj^ m arina in Burley.. The1 event is during thithe testing and the public haslas Burley. A two>day adidvance ticket^'" The city:ity shoiOd h a v e a public mcmeeting to discuss the' Citjily Supen'n’tendeht Richard sanctioned by the AmcAmerican Power | access-toto tho pit a rea an d can talk-to:-to w ill be $12.50. ‘ “facts and-nd-fi^reB " o f th e city policeice iidea, Councilwoman m oiore and more of it nli the Gloria Jazlazwick aaid. I prol■oblem is “ge^iing a little out t ______■ G ary GiGrissom said he and otherier local mcrchantij. he TiThe council voted to increase F i f ^ - h as talke prohibitivepi fo r the city. fasuBter response tim e. doing." p u rc h a ssed e services, supplies andnd awarded McGrow wiwith a Level Teater received a hike in hia equipmenie n t - a re frozen a t last y ear’sr’s Three Award Certifiificote for his - - 8alary-froin-$42;400I to-$44,944rato 6 levels— ------completion-of the'IdahchorAssociation------^ 1//^I I — percBnrincrcaflCT^------’We"^oidon'^oBd‘(moTa)-rrrW e’n're—of-S3- chooi"A dm ini8t r aa tto rs ^ P ro je c t " '• ~ . . . ^ 6 p c rc e n t raise alsoIso was given to trying t(to' put. thc-jnoney—into-tn I./»nrfprfthip P m g r f l t n __ Filer Senior High PriPrincipal Bob instructii:tional programs,” Teateror • Superintendent DDave Teater McGre’w, which raiaeiiaes his pay to said. presented a plaque to retiringre School $36,809. ------:...... W ithth(th e average 8.3 teacher wagego Board Member John*nHBraney for The middle school1 principalpi and increase,B, Itho base salary for a Fileror D n m e /s-n in e yeprs o f‘service. si ^ §Sl M b i o n [ ------• C o n tin u ed fromimPageBl 1 Meanwiwhile, Darrington is.stillill list, TO the school’s locacal supporters ' f e - J ^ w a c ] , Ferrell, Parks andid Recreation waiting; toU hear from the attorneysy ,. turned’their efforts\ toI the field | - Department director.______general’s’a ioffice- whetheE-the-City-of-of—inatitutiQaidea:------— r- Shew roakcr-said-fundimding-is-alw^ys—Albioa-or-l Southam.Idaho------one of the big “ifs"* andai that the .the asbestBstOs th a t has been found in and Idaho State University project would have! totc be funded-«ome^fr4frthe-buildinge—Fhe-sfeate- te—expreased-an-interest-irv in-helping-with— ^------40h3^S:A€ th r o u g h a specific ap;appropriation deedecithetheschooLto Albion in 1970; programs based there, from the Legislature. A sbestostos removal costs aro notot Kempton said the fi-of4he'- Commiesii»8ion^antrand-thfr-a!umni- ''^^e'd^atlijnfll-cfiurfiersucl reh-arh(^virthe~^^^H study focussed on funcunding, which associatiorion’s fund*raising efforts. , .Snake RiYerjPlain.wasis formed. Ho tfould bo paid for either cit by the The teat3acher school was .closed ia said the Albion-baaed T 0 R Y |E alumni associationon th ro u g h 1951 a fteter i a fire destroyed one ‘ could-roach-as-far-w-west-BS-the— donatlons'or'throughh aa'le'gislatTve’ building■'and’fundlh'g'w ar aF'^hke’d r l f ig H a g e rm a n Foasils Boded s fa r appropriation. The studiudy would cost reopenedid eight years later as the gm O N B about $15,000 if thele Parks and Magic VaValley Ciiristian College, east as the Fort HHall Indian □ Recreation Departmcnlicnt conducted which leaesased the campus for about.it Reservation. it, but could cost up to $50,000 10 years, Ho said it one of thtl e sc h o o l’s ^ 1 - through a private.contimtracjor, said The_towiiwn.appliei.for a Centenrual_ll buildirigs, could eycn!n house an “John~Crowc," m th"I" 1the Parka PaHr^ntintthiB:yoar,-but-flaccdTifUi~ h^ihterpi^iVc~cciit'c'r‘for' jr'the nearby ‘ Department. on th e P’arks a r Department’s priority.y C ity o f Rocks. ______1 I£ | X 2 - 5 p m SUN IZ - Spin NOW | H 1 / 2 PRICE | B HiREG. 29 10 39 YOUR CHOICE 0N L Y $ -|^8 H

REG. S19.99 BB S SALE PRICE ■ ■ NighttyShf l lotlbumanments $^2^8 H Sundarttmah TThuisitaif,JUISuimnmefiPiiflf ^ 4DIES & GIRLS — - ‘-Ist Plar r T be G rand SHORTS ■ — c a p t o) iall en tran ts REG. TOS20.99

— !------z r z z fiO V J $ - 1 ^ 7

U sum m et Sundayly through Thuisdayjy_at 7:00 p.m.; you Go For The Gii'randr'^^ \ M y SiSign-up b ^iiis at 6 : 0 0 p:^7aTthe3Ia^Oooth“fhthe — —StarlightCtCasincuOnlyJlOO.e:.entries_accept^_ead ichjjight ______= ...... =?SaM amentrplay=c<=consists=often45-niir iilnutE=rounds«n= firee-play';"TKiM GRAND" mmachines, fa additiono a if space is avail- able, youu

- EffCI ------;------RCSOBTOnCASiNCU-JACKPOTrNEUVU------: — Trmcs-Wowa.TwirVin Falls. ld.*>ho Thursday, JuJui n o ; 22 ; 198.9______,____ Ketch[lum Citty Couniicil rule!!S on usse of wiindows in consistruction stc h u m , a top p r i o r i t y of io c u l ...... By-ROBERT DOYLELE ______: -. told.th.the council he would hohold- would ^ u ire thatit the strcam bod ----- A boi>out—60—percent- of--local I -♦ Estabiisheiled ' nn - H istoric -Ketcl sidents responding to a survey of Timcs-Ncws convspt'spondcnt ]. T h o mnas a to that statement. TTl h e o f th e B ig Wood Riviiver be relocated, resideidonts attending a recent rc Preservation Comimmisflion. Anyone reside ______^ ___I______B tata-n■ nftrmnlly prnVTHpg f t, while interested in sen•rving on the five- conccncerns. “It should be out: No. 1 •iority," councilman ‘I'om KcT3 ~ KETCHUM - A requestwbyre Pella acre for , revegetation aftiifter elimination of daiiiiigerous curves about'It 40 opposed, Councilwo:woman member comraimission should prior W in d o w s to re v■ise ise a Ketchum comple:jleting road work, an amoalo u n t n e a r th c entranceto to L ake C re e k . Sue Wo■Volforxl s a id . contact Young. EResidency in thc said.id. • Agreed to pay o flat fee rather ordinance rcquirirring the use of the coicouncil said would nott I be To carry out ;hethi project, the In otlother acti«n, the council:'l:‘ C ity o f K etch:hum i is nOt a "A insuJotcd glass in nenew construction adequatLiate. ______Department of T ------th aBit-a n -: percentage-of construc^ an ^ in town turned into in a product Thee r revegetation projcct woui'ould would bring in-a:i rock,crusher, have ththe Rotary includeuded.in -.•'Authorizfid’.Yi,Young to continue ^costssts to landscape architect Gregg v ith - th e F o r e s t ' ^ , . comparison betw.‘tw een --major- come'<;‘on the-heels of a maj’caj’o'r which would manufiufacturc roadbed the parlaric n a m e , i f th e local Rotary Ro negotiations :wi' urdevant for work on ‘the h of material in an areaa a d ja c e n t to th c Club cocommits labor and niaterterials, Service to buy s(some property it rnanufocturcrs PelPella and Pozzi highwaivay reroute just north ( oposed W aterfront P a rk . Windows ol theJ Galloway and Choss VVanderbilt told WKA F T T i I • the council thoir stormst window ■ BmftkfirhmH . provided better insinsuJation than ES ------— s ta n d a rd insitlatcdglag la ss. Paul Brodshawiw of Pozzi pi fu • uJ I EC — —challenged—some—fi— oC— Pella’s-,- I ^ J . / / _/ / / l ^ tf ______I_ ! contentions. ■ 7^ th e p r o w d in^ ^ T " ie c a m e m'6re“ technical, completete with graphic J R j displays and samplee windowBplocalv ))//'.^ f l contractor Dave WillVilson, .who was I sitting., in the audiidienee, asked H . r h e t o r i i ^ y w hat thje e rdi na n c e . l i t o f n YOU-CAN WIN!' V\We're giving aw ay a In other m atters,rs. the council /K-<- Our Aiready wheelbanxiw loach approved a resoludot30n authorizing . Low Day In, aded with prizes a t ______Mayor ^rrv Youniung to sign a_____ I cooperative agreemeinent regarding------join tfie~SJn! $2255 rretail value— n o ____t h e - r i v e r - s ta b iliz a ti ation project, purchase necessaisary ^ provided the Btate -DepartmentD< oL _____ -li Transportation haveJ a revegetaticn ' plan once tbe projecti is completed. 1 ^ Transportation Proj 'roject Director Versa Lx)ung> g e / — Loren Thomas hao • departm ent will do0 “whatever* it -Stacacking Chair bockmst I, ta k e s . . . ’ And M ayorpr Larry Young ♦ CpasMied tubular stod tramo - ...... - • Vinyl sjm ps w m accBcoms»ip^in %i\\\ Special • COfTitamtofbbTy moidod moi ChOK» ol colors ondvl backI • -E o te aw3y-loc.oasyisy itoong-— ------• •OXM-K>ee o( 90k>^ 400CM1 Lra< A sv noia —Buhl-Hcetaring= ;h'^'’ 1 ' X 10"TCr4'-Appearan^3^^~- 4- 7 Limit 4 M .^>^i t«4---- Pine-Board-tl------:------s k il t w is t : \ ■ • Hand-selecte( will pxar A uordless ^ I * Kiln-dried forfor iuniform ^ Screwdriver c “ ...... — a p p e a r a n c e I Kack&Dechjcker LAWNFUTE 2B13K yyr school flFunds ML Jl ' Cordless ;^ < 5 H P 2 1 " Rear-ir- Latex Interioir i o r !T . K /\J ^r^lDischarge Movmer Paint I AT I V Mi • Mokcsdnvtng. for 199C0-91 MI n fomovinfl screws • Superior grass GOttocMT>on • Dries to an attra'ittractlve fli. ;r Z T « L I —U oaoor than owfif ______• Friocrep wl^ieol hci9^^ . .1 . . flat.finish B y M IK E L BENTON1 ' ' L " W * , I • Forwam/rcvDr^/(Xilcuttjr^( I n m I • (ndudos Pnjii>ps/ a iuiVt»fflod > JtJ-J slooed w • B ••nd-428ftiii BUHL - A public'ic hearing to Mffl j • •310S/9016 review thc school distiis t r i c t 's 1990-91 | | | l l I fisc a l budget will be aat t 8 p.m. June lill I 27 in th e middle schoolol library.1 |H I I - N ext year’s • tentailU tive $4,293 S i C iM v l4 8 i ------.tto•om—______\ ^ Z . ------million budget, an increcrease of about VborCholChok» ’ Msn $120,000. does not difdiffer greatly Aircap11/2 •ger Beawer'” i L _ . / - •• UmitZ—^— ------from —ihls-year^ i--a 'ac ccdr00. Tho increase; is mostly due C ordleless Phon^^^-~>- \{pg73 ^MeCUUOCH K to the addition of suchh programsp as .F^jnroonD ri rnr^gc from the alternative schochool. special b.ucun,t T i m b ^ s l y SyS»m cxovonS K K1 7 3 ' . programs and the hihiring of an . •,s«ui^s^ ** ufviu!hOfi;otixud Lisu . attendance officer. • , . Uic as a c f /y ■6' JDt Specific salaries forr teU a c h e r s and moon on ■ •Extra-'s adm inistrators have; not ni been set * ■ • Treated MJ • #601 because necotiaticition.s are ______• a slJD O M I------—m M 4 continuing. "y Oscillating RF an U n d e r the propo.'^ed;d budget the ,(^ . • Adjusaoio spe«Js ' ■ WT"« Oua fund for materials andd ssupplies and < J hy pcrtoct Crecze m — 4-Whee)------for capital outlay is c xt ^ ^ c t c d lo rise ( r ,c \ • Oson.-ites Of sa>-s to $258.564 from _$2_$23S.319_a ------V— ^ __ HandTruck/ ------randito:m oreA — D o B y ------i------All Diamond I ict C l r e S f l . th a n double-to.$90.&17-XnJzom.S^UJ2£l. I P “ D g h t Fixti ------♦-Use as har>d tn jc k Of— ^------respectively, Thi.s is5 1largelyj the -y ...... f o l d ^ i rack for . result of the one-timime monies ‘ ^ ' , ' " ' Wc/Vooden Kitchen trash bags ------expcctcd-fro in the-stater:;c7 said Pj-lcs;— Organizers-----:— • Lays down for u s e O f ! ■ as 4-tt^>eel doBy------— although it also reflects rci nn ____ t t ; l ! .»Docoraavc Oc jfx3 hjncaorai a d ju s tm e n t ol the utjlmues ci budget. ------fc;: —Q:■ Crnft^ in roal wood ------• Tubuiar sted franr>e ; i h e b o arfl-also d c^lOed c ii to sot ^ ;------has durabte rubbet------wheels A n p 00 ,, -Oi:nf ---- ^iuAonl . -rl —-•■*-tf04933G------registration, for.the S15<5150.000 over: U ride levy election. Pyleslee suggested to set the day during; registrationrc f _____s in c e .p are n ts, will i>e dridriving their ,y»SCW ------r "a — children to the school.1. 'The board ^ ----- '? S j I / . \ - intends_to publish dctflciails-of.lhe _____ intended use of such1 fundsf at’a la te r d a te . Bam boo \&rd RakB iL . - g M~~ 5g -Extensiorr)fl ------. Touoh Iteiihio 1B- hi.n-.K-y contract for auditing the district's H Igml P l i C o r d _ »«n _____ ^ - - • books to Mark Holmfetaalaad-Of-iTwia ------1 • -4a- tooTuerwj haiTJ.*ood • - for the first Hl^ j i • Stnndard-duty 16-3r ' • Choose from Falls, who bid $3,750 foi ••Supo^Flox_«0" P'JC y e a r of a threo*year comontract. The -.-Chandeliers. vanity_ extsfijion cOra , .—lighting; porch and . — bid-wira-$l,63S leas than“ tH o~Dext~'-: - ~ U ■Viy ? non*uoa,-9»*a*e-»T«y 'C\ ctiemicflis patio lighting and monore ^ 1 / •—lowest bid. Sonic B oai^i^^embers — • U so year round, in aH — favored awarding the corcontract to a w«ain«r i - •C L £ A R W C e Availabilitylity . ■ r varies by store ' » FluofMCarUjflxluresnot fl» included ' ~local firffl? ~ •______^ ----:—:7--- W ------^ : -

\ 1 V . ______...... Thursosd ay . Jung 2 2 .13B9 Timos-Nis-Nows. Twin'' Falls', Idaho 'b-5

I ddaho —Idaho^imust p<> ay^lr7( Armnstronq dcrinies lenieniicy plea forr McFarland POCATATELLO (AP) — Sixth1 DistriclD M agistrate thshat Ms, McFarland faileJJ lgnant w om an T W I N F*ALLS B u t S chilling ruled tliatJiat the people could be a guideline,g b u t i t w as not a he killed demanded thtl e s l a y e r ’s a lso h a v e a right to a fair fai trial, and part of stattale law, And therefore the,c execution. instead-ordered the profprosecution to Barnetts diddii not h a v e to prove Urnt,t Sean Patrick Cambibron,. 18, of p a y $1,763 in legal feps:s and.costs a to the propeiperty line m arker wasg Boise was labeled aa “c le a r a n d G lIGAINTICD t ^ d e f e n s e . “obliteratedtcd" ra th e r th a n “lost" by aQ .present danger to sociciety’ by 4th , •_____ “rt"appearB to mc that a ti under those preponderairanee of tho evidence, Dislncf Judge Deborahlh Bail as sh e - ; c irc u m s ta n c e s ...it wouldluld bc w ro n g • In anothcther decision Wednesday, imposed the sentence foror the Nov. 30- ■ .E lurt ordered furtherr shooting d e a th o f C^ierylryl H anrahari, lO E SAL ■ for the court and not in thet interest the cour SH __ of iufltice if the courtrt e murders is ' N'S AND sentence in first-degree „ONME^ ;r--.iprocedure “very even*hai-handed" and - lupreme' Court ordered ■ ‘‘w e ll th o u g h t-o u t," .dei 10 years in p riro n . further healoarings in'district court to ' ! s ta te ’s a p p e ^ from the pei ° Cambron pleaded guiuilty to first. B w hether G em C ounty was WOMEN'i■S:SHO£S I h a t ’^ a f t e r 8 degree murder a monthth ugo as his 2 J The court noted tl >y the fact-the-hospital-did— S ch illin g refused to excliui trial was set to begin. InIr return for - J medical indigency claim, . evidence, Thompson plea • -the plea, prosecutors didropped nine 1C county to pay the bill, to two drug countsta a n d w n s • additional felony chehorges and ^ radeadline. ' ■ sen te n c e d .______agreed not to press forbr the death ^ UP _ _ i ___ Idaho Soiicitorl'GeiieenerailLjiSr— Ghief~Jt -— penalty...... f A liigh-school dropoutlut, C a m b ro n . |Y I T h o L.ocatloni a L y n w o o d“Shopping Sh Center {T h o m a s 9 aid it was^aB_a_ra_re dissentedd from a finding lhat r— had-maintained-the-fihoolwling-WBs-an— ^ ^ >?eYQU... 733^6280______AiidliTcoiildij'Idijl.recall an Scnrhf»rry_\yjwa8jne^caHy_jtTd^^^ —uacddent._and _he askeked B a i l . 0 n 1 instance where the etatitate faced a from thee tim1 e h e e n t e r e d th'e 'n S Downtown^^l1 -148 Main Ave. S. “ Wednesday for the chammco to prove I sim il^sanction in the paspast. hospital foriDr treatment. Bakes said in 733^750______— The s ta te alw lost anotl ’ ,he ie not a m u rd e re r. nothor appeal -h fi opiriioiiofi, Scarberry-did-not—• ^atdaJUCbarga______Z ;on W ednesday. •. , , b eco m e indigent im until after he> Cambron said he triecled to rob th e Accountjnta Welcome _ ____ - : In a case involvingig the Land settled forr $100,000$ a -c la im ag ain stt store to g e t enough mom]ney to move ■ ;Board, the Supreme Courourt reversed his employe ith a friend. _ Jjdijw )yer's insurance companyf ..into an apartm ent will ;the C o u r t o f A ppeals,, holding hi for and then3n declared personal1 When th e .32-caliber pististoi w ent ofT, 1, he left thtf— assets. ' storeI w ithout tak in g a din Group criticlcizes ___ ^ ■■■■V______J______nucl&arfiM'T B itl " ------B O IS E (A P) - A nucleo:leor fuel bill •co-sponsored by Sen.len._ J a m e s __ ■'------..i • M cC lure would b«jLl9 bill!5illion.bailout ______j-for private, electric utiliitilities with 'n u c le a r p la n ts, a Ralph NaN ader g ro u p - " /c h a rg e s .______B u t a Bpnlc^Bwnmnn fof.tbtiHe-Seaato------^------J - Energy and Natural R e so u rc e s Committee contendsI thet: bill’s o p p o ru n ts a re trying toD cicripple tho 1 ^ p nuclrar industry. ESI G NERREVENlT! #00344' Pul)lic Citizen saysfB th e U .S . #33442 nuclear ind'tl^cy has runon 1up a d eb t Size A B C: S 26.00------_.-„Size.A B C $17.00 L _ ^ f m o re th a n $9 billion sinennce 1971 fo r ■ W .^uranium enrichment:t s e rv ic e s SIzeD $27.00 ‘.“provided by the Deparl•artment of. '.-E n e rg y . 2 The DOE has underdercharged \ u y2 : -com m ercial utilities forbr enriched ^u ran iu m fuel to run powerver plants, it ;say s. h ^ ' " ' w m * M cClure, wjth Sen. JJ. . B e n n e tt m Jo h n sto n , D -L a.ris sponfioflaoring a bill M M 1 that would forgive nearly•ly :all o f the n d debt arid allow the deparpartmeht to ■ ' " ^ _ - tu m o v e r th e profltablo partspa o f the t ^8yBtem-to~prlTflteinauBtrBtry,-Public-~ __ M - — ._...... ‘.^C itizen s a ya. ___ > That^"c6p8litute8“_o^one“ o’f“ th‘e ^ fbiggest'governni'^nioiloiilouts of the ;a ' ' #33021 p riv ate sector," Presidelident.Joan . #31342 ' * Size ABC' $23.00 •^aybSok said. '' mm S iz e A B C " ' b l . O O ; B u t M a rily n Meigs off ththe_Scnate . c o m m itte e said the groupp isia "playing ^funny g a m e s" with numbers - M e ig s s a id the three enienrichment ■ V4 ' a k ( itucky and e s plants in Ohio, Kentuc Tennessee were built for defense noods and only laterr usedu fo r commercial customers. The difference betwitween . the , ------^ ----- ______revenues^from-uranium-sin-aalea-and ------fe d e ra l appropriations for>r tlthe pla~nts is $364 m illion,.thc_amouilOunt o f t h e______"iebt** that would not be)0 forgiven,f she sa id . f ______

G unshoticau f e ------#33442------#33242------Size A B C $26.00 S iz e A B C ^ 2 3 .0 0 !. of m an 's-dece a t i i = p = — r • ^ --Siz&D~~=—— a m r ------S tz e 'D T — , $24.0P — j- -I landrfng, the P’arisj w ill send POCATELLO tAP) - A W i t h1 ’ y o u r $ 3 . 0 0 h a __ whose body_wo9 f o i ^ at.a.D.a.mountain th o ria ebatelcp u p o nI fifor you - and (O L G A w i l l cam pground near Po'caU^atellolast-• • ...... — — weelraied'ffom " 0 ^ h o t \ I your o rd er seleilection d irectlyly to you. - .the head. Bannock Cquntys r s e j i d . ^ Jim A lie n aaid. But he said the type of3f guns used and^hffTrambcTDHimeB-le s -th e 'm a n ------“ ■was shbtrom oinodunkaowIWIL n __' - ~ ' - — ------^ The victim, who re m a in e d - unidentified Wednesday,, wiwas found by.a cam per in a brushyf aiarea off a dirt road on Seoul Mountfintain. The fltjtA nf thpe_bftdy_and bi ______. ^ J p S r r . - ______' ■ '. J I _____ waa w e a rin g haa letiKvestijiBtigatorsto . ■ believe the body may haveive b e e r^ in ______..-_#004-12^^ =tho-ar«aBnc(8latfrl8«tfftll=II...... ;i - 7 ^------S i 8 .0 0 — ' S i z e S M L $ 1 9 : 0 6 ""' No identification waavas fo u n d & n e a rb y o r o a the m an’s bodbody. H e is b eliev ed to bo about 40 yeanlarsbld. An 12424 M ain St. N ., IVvIn FallfIf C(2 0 8 1 7 3 3 -1 5 0 6 C h a rg e iItl Instant Credit on yoi'Our Paris C harge W e alsoIso Welcome VISA, Am eric*ican Express, M aster C ard and Discover autopsy :.wa9.performed MdmTdndav--. --i ------

/ ...... R.fi Timo5 N. Twin FaI Falls, itinho Thursdny. Junojno22. 1900. - 5 H a EJKER*S iiiIHVIRmRYiSAiL£ t t ™ ; 3 t inith Sun] M b i ^ REFRIGEiERATOR- ^ ^ 1 freeEEZER ■ ^ SShades i * 22 0D o o r Protete ct Yaur Dash • F r oD sstF i re e ~ f r o m ~ ^ ■ leu. U.------' h e H a t S u n ! "'Sli^Suis 9 ^ t, . I ■ ■ H * 5 8B9“ Igloo Cool oler . *H®8; ------*-14ciI c u . ft------— Convenientnt16 RegiMster To Wii Quart Siziize FREE ^ $522 Q 9 5 P e r f e c t F t ^ M ic:rowai^e i Ovee it ! F o r $Q95 Summer Outl fimanci LLYEAR! 't i n g s ! 9 J M '^ L d°/o SING FOR 1 FULL S' Stainmasterr by , PATIOI FURNITIURE I EARLY BIRD SPECCIAL Dupont CARPE A m ana. 4BollsToChooseJhFrom ^ - - -AIR^CCONDITOiliERS-^ - =F ! __ ___ 5,ODD1BTU I to 18.000OBTU ______-21 ' Chairs______FROr DM AS LOW AS Swings ' 5 - ^ - ^ 5 Rockers J- 0% FINANIiNCINGFORI^ *299^® ' Umbrellas m . FULLLYEAR!

I I Generaral Electric WASHERR& JIRYER 1 __GeneraliI Electric__ $ B j1 8 “" MICROV)WAVES W asher Model MODELEL#JE3 #5600 Dryer Model ra StartlEting At #DES300 large Capacity ■ 1 "LaCycle •3-Wash & StratoLouiinger RECLI J * • 2 -nsa 0 Temperature r— *!d® 9E = — Goinfao' — SATISFACTION 0 90 DAY MOIlO N E r B A C K RANTEEDORYOUR ^R O M ^ OREXCHANIINGEOPTION MMONEY BACK! ■ i i p GeneralGl Electrir i c ' Fdmmily Size 2 1I Cu. Ft. 20" COLOR Trv Jpright With Remote ______Uj ____Contiol______FREEEZEBS MODEL #20BT421ihEEEEEE -B= ^ ( G EzVCI M0DELJVG750I] 6 9 “ f PROGRAMS * 3 1 5 * •2 WEEK PRDGRAMABI CING FOR I S BiFINANIHCIN6F0R1 REMOTE CONTROL 0% FINANC 0% FINANCItING FOR 1 FULLLYEAR! 1 FULL■ YEAR! FULLYYEAR! leneral . ^ Elec^ i c W ^ NO MONEEYDOWN!M O ™ VYMENTS^FORjaO - f e RflUNGE - ^FRIEE r Modfdel#JBS03 --- UELIVIERYt—b Rotaiary I n f in i te itSwitclies __^OPEN-Pl« I D ^ ! ^1 *“ fr > NIGHTSi^ lt # 2 9 ^ „ ------8PIV

‘ I }

______^Tiiuilursda/. Jutio.22_uiaa___ TimoFim-Pflllfv.-l-B--7------—Vc^Uey . FACTDRY DIRKT r PRKE5! J u st Sija y J n o ''tounuwantedI ihiruss i o n s ^ : D E A R ABBY: My .hualluaband and I . . - I ’M OK IN DEAliO: GIRLS: The answ er ^ both w ork, und dupng; thc dinner' A b ig ail OKLA]AHOMACITY YES! hour wc hnve our firat op]opportunity of . D E A R A B B Y : la m uu H-year-old ------— thii d a y to sit and talk. V an B u ren girl and just love your column.co Some DearAbl\bby'sCookbooklet inn We havc a very dcorr frfriend who i s " " D ear Abby of m y frien d s a n d I wererc talking coZ/ccfJonon offawrito rccipcs — all scm i*rctircd and works:s aal t hom e a n d , about different things, arand we have a tested, triotriod and tcrri/ic .' To order, i P liv’cs n e a r us. Whiic wee crenjoy our - question to ask yo u . Ciiama.girlget • scndjuurnir name and address, plus ■friend’s com pany, we find ^ p reg n an t w hen sh e “doeses it" w itha cbcck'or.mi.money order forS3.5Q , find it not so DEARAl ABBYiI have been a enjoyable when our frienciendarrives telemarkeU guy f o r th e first tim e? I iri Canada)Ja) lo: Abb/s Cookbooklet. leterforthe last 10 years, d u rin g d inner, pulls upJ a ch< air a nd a n d I thank - F O U)UR GIRLS IN P.O. Box: 447, Mount Morris, HI. ■ ;nk God e v e ry d a y for my ch ats a b o u t an^hing andmd ev ery th in g job. I havo i . CHARLESJSTON, W.VA. 6IC&i. (Postoslageisincluded.) ^e no o ther s k ills and do not " w ith no thought whntsoovi Imvc a degr — u rh ath n ro r not our dinnar “gree in an y th in g . I have oith m h ritig ; 'liigh bluuJ------plans have been interruptuptedbyher pressure^n ^ n d diab{!tGa,.fioJU!cdle6a.to ■ visitT H or vimta last ariywiyw herofrom sa y I could ild n ever h o ld do w n a ' 30 m in u tes to three hours,jrs. Our time factofyjob. Db or do w aitress work, a t hom e is precious.sinco-Ko-wo both A lw a y s i ys read y o u r colum n and " “ S o mre tim e } work an d m ust plan to fufit our house ®uaH> like ke your a n s w e rs , but you and y a rd work into ourrbusiness bu areofTthffv iff wall k n o ck in g people who | — schedules;------makealivii Wo can find no way to iving'telem arketing. I am a ^ single parerrent who inakes enough com m unlcatc this problen)!em to o u r m oney to su f e e ls ; a d foir i support m y s e lf and three friend w ithout ofTendingigherBincewc h children, an and this jo b k e e p s me olT arc-su re it never occurredTtd to hor thot „olf„n,. h e r v isits a r e oflen an intrinlraion.and lfpj„p|c, le a ren ’t in te ro stc d in what so m etim es spoil previousIUS |plana lh a t , • g, all th ey h a v e to do is say, n o r ie a s o n . wc m a y have had - whethia t o r . th e -No, thank y hnimn nrynrH i k you," a n d h a n g up.’I’m r iiw o r p v e ------,o rr y iH c a l _ __ ifjnoodia - arehopingthatourfricndindm llB M - call-so m e-fo lk sat an------arecausing;dp766jemmin.youTlife. or ot- — ient tim e, b u t regardless-of ^m eone you c this le tte r.a n d understandind th at not w h at they aa I care about, w e urge»you y> lo coll us for everyone is semi-retired w ?say to me (and I have Inform ation ab wifchoui you r ocrmission, i- 1 their h o m es. T h^nk you. irPcopie~^o _Abby.jQrJcLlofting m p ppf tMH nffmv ■ mako a practice of droppir)pmg m a nd p h e str , — 220 Shoup A venuo WostJl ; stay in g anyw here from 30:30 m inutes to th ree houra, and spoil yourour.prevjous.. . plans, can h ardly be calledlied “d e a r friends."'A hd if .you toleratrate this k in d ' V f l of “intrusion" (yo.ur word),;d), you'^re ■ ■ en couraging it. ------Jf-youRa-£lli3r-ls^yncttc—- 1%. Ford, Spencer Leo, Sonycnya M oss, mmitACON= i j Blake Neace, Rachellc.Pi ARTERS Wendy Spohn and Erin Taylo ‘ TH IC I EGGS 01 • 3.6 and abovo; Michellelc jAragon, I SLIC 1936S KimberKil!<^ ^ E l~ “K a tie B a b c o c k ; M'eliSBaa Barker, E o i Ds $2_M Greg Barnes, Randy EBarnes,. * LD. ? l r . . _ Thomas . Benavidez, .T . ra v is 1 3 a t - -BlnTTriTesrtinian-Buhlcrrc r p B lm tr — ------^ Burnha-m, Lisa Cochran,n, T' cv ian k WESTERN FAMIILY 'EkYenTBrH'd'EnosrTfi'ryryFaltcr,—; — Jarcd'Farnaworth, Ruth'Hh 'H am iin, IpTHROffM Shane Harrison, Rhondaa HHelsloy,' - 4R0URiflRACKAGE TISSUE 7( f ^ CnroI jHuber, Angie J Ja ack sp n , H li9ia8ah§63^ K am ron K eep ; LaNell; Lawlowloy, Aiigi - 't o uTNoluVi-L'iClTrBGckyttojd o /J, Jodi M a^oji,. Vixay Mitrsi, ( ■ ‘V A W T : i 'Murray, Erika Neff, RaNaiN ac~ 7^ss,' W ontiv N obY o.'R ced (>Hterte rm o ie r, Shane Ostcrmeior, Andy PPr rescott, fmm ' f C T MAW AVE. a. I \ fAUl.B>AHO ■ E va.R obinacin. J illo a Rob[loMnB^n, X - s s k - Ju stin R obison, DustirTScHolcBolca,'i;c^ ' — SS Shoolroy, Justin Thompsonson, M iah l'hompBon,-iiflyla Tolman.1. li Kichard Turley, D.J.] Winnctt, Jeff WoWong and *' Andy W right. 5

B-8 Tiniur. New;-., Twinwin F.ilis. iciuiio T hursday..Juno J l 22. 1909 ~ IlslllBEIBlBl 3jgjfgff3ffD fr0fr3ff3frJEM SISIBJaiSlG giBlBM BlBM Bl g

•— i _ ; • ~ ~ p - >5 ' . ' 11 I I = , - t — — -...... ^ain —- 1 ■ Pile»o ilescHo« m K j iAtf rttticon— . , I .ZZM_I _^_-__II - r a 1 I tffl MOHAWK GNIFICENTOBSESESSION ILLUSTRATIONSI S U I I MAGI Track Proof CarpetIt v\with Two T one ^ m B 0 3 Ujtiful. tif Dense, Soulptunu red £ Carpetle! with T o n e d ColorinjIng. Effect. . a ;_/ ■ -r ' ' ------E - r e g3.. !$27.95 f 'REG. $23.95 S t 1 NOOW Zl NOW 1I 6 ^ 1 ' 1 - jMOHAWK M ENHA[ANCEMENt TWIST FOREVEI'E R • i . Ej 'NewBeBerber with Softenedid C olor Special Yarn Construtruction gives E* [a ' Line WithWil P astel L ook. -.^High > P e rfo rm a n c e in Traffic Areas. [a — : i . _ -REG.-$-19.95-S - ^ ______a _____ BEG^5r.$24.95_S-^-C

D W — | tC NOW”, ! 1 6 " I NO MOHAWK-----^ I MOU»JNTAIN STATES J SENSUOUS— — — — >tured B^erTN ew estist Look in ^ High Quality Plush withwi Dramatic g I ^ Fashion Flooring. C olors. . REG. $24,95 v l - |I . ’^ggj NODW n 5 f — NOW^ IAWK------i - SEABBREEZE BAYSIDE-^---- I- 1“ Sculpiuiliured D esign w ith Higiligh j j Short Etched Carpetet \with Soft E r a D ensityity Good S e le c tio n ofif Color.( w Subtle Tones.

------3 ------R E G r$ REG. $18.9 5 ^ ^ -NO• w ^ i NOW I I P I I I MOMiAWK MOHAWK ra ----- _____ SHAWWHEE______IMPERIAL COURI R T b a E tc h eId d Soft : C olor T o n e s wilwith Tigfit"Plush witli Specleciaf-Stain ------S — g P a stell l £S h ad es. Resistance.

i R E G . $ REG.$24.9.‘^ 5 »

- I NO• w ^ I 4 ..... NOW I i MOHAIAWK ______^ MOHAWK m4- W- I I SUPEIERB MOONGLOW Ej Short Tl!Tight Plush. Easy Cara re . Saxony twisted Yarnn withv O ver 2 0 E E ! S m a rtt Look.b W. Colors To Choos Fron'o m . E m ------m - ...... R E G r$ 1 5 .9 5 — REG. $18.95 ^ J = = I Nawnh ' I NO)W II MOHAWKc I i RHS CASTLEI GATE a ^ Decorat(atof Color Palet with Soft Deep Yarn Systeiitem with Rich m ^ G u a rainteed n i Pricing on Anyly S ize. Plush Colors.

REG. $19.95 5 J i R E G .$$13.95 5 l ' ^ M ' W ■ NOWI I P s LU a I MOHAWK BANCHERO w ______- MMANQR ------— - J J = i = s “I, ;Thick. Plush with Lai-arge Tone on Tone^ SculpuipurecTwitTiTiigTi — ' E j C olor SeSelection Available. Luster Yarn. a ------0 ... REG.-S5 -$24 t9 5 - 5 - HEG.-$2 1 , 0 0 J - S ^

- n r ^ Z e t .. ------T W “ = r a NpwR I a - p ' F = _ i _ _ _ _ = - H ------

• Liberal Trades _. I -|^g| • i-ree Harking _ -•-Revolving ------s S C h a r g e ' C • Free-D ell^Sty j

___C e n t e r Uain Ave. ^ win0B Falls ^ BtLUOHDOLLlliAR BUYING POmR 733-7111 ^Q ualityf FurnishingsI A t Affoifordable Prices' --- S I n ______BllBJBfBfBJBJBMBMBIBEfBIi G s . PI

F * fi ______R Tc Ll

______R ...... r

since 1946 ~ T hursday. Jut?o 22, 1989 TitTimos-Nows, Twin Fatlj, Idaho ' ^ ^ B U | ~ A ± LdetailectpESH < iEV;w -of-w eekend^e'w e n t 5 — g a s

^ ■ Outdoor)rs C 4-6 Si wrii i m ------■ “ Business3 S - C 7 - 8 — ------c m in f H i i i i S i Good morning. It's It' Thursday, June 22. W ednesday's seescores

American Leaguejue — - - ChJcaroT, NswYorkt ~ ----- —Tit»»-10.-B»«*on a—• ■ • ■ Mlnnaaou B. a«>«l«ml 1 KanwiCltye, Mll»>uk*«0 0«tnilCmt04kliKl.IiM BalUtnor* it StaRji, lit* Torema at Calirornla. Uu National LeagueJ6 Naw Yorka.Momr«alO -San PraheiteoS, KeuttonO,0 Atlanta 4. QnclnnaU 9. l ______- Chicago I. PltUtnvihO ______Lea Angalai at a«nPI»r>.5.|«H |«l ______— ...A,

T oday n Z ------PBEPRODKO ------tdahn ftrala.HI«h_PtbMLap*n,4p.m. rocataHo at Jaroma m, ran *ren>a.»P-m—...... n-FalU M «ma>emoteB atal present ' * _ - D e s p l t ee-metnoiiies - n of-the-M agiglc Valleip'Cowboys, thetK return of m inor lea]eague basebaU-to-^Cwin-

1p.m. — Charwl «, POA.‘OA.Colf: Canadian Op«n. firat i t s i d e ^ . raundi ► rle a cj u ^ b jasebad l r t c yw r o i T l*a(ua baaabaU: UalUmora IVIinoi 7 p.in. — Chann.1 8, Majorior I. atCallfomJa. them has yet. The Pocatello By STEVE CRUMP sand dollars it would take to build a minor-league-clasB mi By moatn accounts, none of thei — Tim e'S'Newsaporle editor— ——------b allpark— ___ - ' • '______Gianta.ta_and_Idaho-Palls..Bfayes_^ces-of the Pioneer League, a - / ----- t^'Y ou figureI -you-yi have to have a facility;y t h a t is capable of -“short",t".A-rookie league, play in­in cityrowned facililies~that______, wney. Neither have been no­ TWIN F A L L S - I t ’s beebeen 20 seasons since th e la£a s t m inor seating 2.000 to 2,500," said Nelles. “Anytnything less is just were u;upgraded with private mom tably successful t on the field or at the gate. The Boiso league baseball playerr swalked ofT ’Twin Fails’’ field of noteconomicall;ally feasible." • ics, who play in the Class3 A Northwest League, have , dream s, and chances a rre e tht ere won’t be a n o th er GiusTrian- u Twin'Fallsdodoesn't have anything closese tot th a t a t the mo- Hawks ons at Wigle Field, which is J o h n s o n - t o} ir e p l a c e - . .dos, Richie A llen or M ickeckey R ivers back h ere soon,1. mont, althoughgh it once did at city-owne'med Hannon Park not strtruck it rich in two seasons id by the Boise school districstrict. But they moved into a _____ “We’d love to com e bachack to the Mogic Valley, bullUtit’s not where Pioneerr ILeague team s played forir tith e 30 years (1939 owned icility this 'i#pring that seats D exter-at-MM : i n i c o ------" going“w happen aTlong'ijg'a8'we'rein-Canadar“sait jid'Ralph—through-1969)-tl i_that-ihe-dLy_had_fln_entri itrv in the Pioneer privateiteiy ow ned $1 m illion facili n o r leag u e baseball 3,500,rcle^ ( y with a view lorpifiTng~irfrflnchlse-ln-the ga ------RUPERT - Toiryry Johnson, assistant Nelles, president ofthe! PiPioneer League, from his3 1Billings, League. Most. rerecent efforts to bring minoi r Field— the home Class/5 AAA P acific Ckiast Leaguejue when major league base- coacR>t Mtnico Highgh SchoolI for the past . Mont., office. “It’s 286 mniles ile from Medicine Hat (AllJ b e rta ) to to Twin F alls1 hihave focused on Frontier F B — w hich-can hold ball ex]}X])and8 w ithin the next fivovo jyears, y e a rs , h as beenI elielevated to the head our next-nearest city, Greoit Grt P alls (Mont.), a n d thiJiat’s jusl oT the College! olof Southern Idaho Eagles — oise -is th e kind ot' m ark et thath at in v esto rs a re interested posilion,-reports Athltthletic_DireciP.r Mike too far to.consider going.ng any farther west^tmlessa we lose 400 to 500 peopjjple. Bul Frontier Field was#as developed with “Boit causo of its size and its prosiroximity to other cities of its ______P riin g ______Medicine Hat." federal fiihds,, m in in g it'can’t be used by a for-profit oper- in beco -eaid-N elIeSr^Eecaus« of BoiBoise, Twin-Falls is a poten------' Johnson replacess CraigC D exter wfib TI6lwitHstanding~lhe -foitThanntnor-leHpicrbiiB fal trecbalhs—ation: ------lo, Id ah o F alls.and tiM sit^l work for him .’ finors^rrge Sifller J r. w as generalal manager of in gcores of cities from coast \o coasiast, hoa O f inhe < gam e _____ s a id ...... Tston-Salcm’s m ino r j^ aigue g r basebail become mom ajor league business, an< ,_JV insi “ i - r t ! - - By DAVID LIGI, I G H T M ^ _ _ ...... emembcrallthe teamm, he made sure~he'hosc')Scd~aowp ihe ’ trepreneursirs "eVcrywhererincluding- d innocent Whon one trie s to rem ' TheMsocialcdlted Press Gadd declared i . things that happened in ithe Twin area,a_undcf_the .wooden standtids afler each -ford,areea(eagerto cashin. T he W ashington PostJt Falls/M agic V alley Cowlowboy history in g amne. e Tho city.y a:nda th e G reater H artford C still -an’elem ent of show- We didn’t want anyone to) leave1( a light- ber of Como m m e rc e have spent $160,0('ra“fo^ T>'r COLUM BIA. S.C. -— Tom Gadd. for- the Pioneer League fronrom the postwar “W L... »♦» m anship mI mmuch of minor lea^e mer defensive coordin-dinator for the South boom era to th e d e a th1 oftheof franchise, ed ci|cigarclte there. You had to worry about studies that■mt looked into building a nei baseboU. "WcVc rnever a pproach the sbu- iree years ago, a report said Carolina football leaiLearn. w as acquitted • there probably are too0 manyn- individu- thingIgs like that," he said. dium. Three e fact th a t we’re going to lanager of the nor leaguele c lu b could moon as muchia»$3.r o »nwithttara Wednesday of two mismisdemeanor charges al seasons, gam es a n d pipersons to give Tot'oday, Sisler is general mai have a winmngling team ,” said.Sam Bern- umbus Clippers, a Tripriple-A minor million anninnually for the city’s econom; - - _ stemming from the‘ allegedal use and dls- 'it all justice. C olui j,' _ abe, general1 mmanager of the Triple-A 15,000-seat sta- , S o e i tribution of stcroidTv[Twithin the school’s leaggue u club tliat plays in a 15,i e BUSINESS bn Page ( Iowa Cuba in Des Moines; "People ” athletic department. f _ f want to be enteintertained.” ! n i l All over thhe e ecounlry, ow ners send in Larri Gibbs remainss iunfazed r i y F nr In n ^ ioilr^floon—years-ago^-ho pr ------~ ~ aisap p o m ie d n — ^ thrce-yaarfrit-wafrovefr- . • •• ” major leagvague teams had a Double-Al.“Seven~£ _ E aso ^-aurry l^ team.thaL.waii drawing_____ • ------fered guys wJwho_atejc>ver______The second w as th e• 19m .64era------S oi bmetimc8r'if8-:-tough'-Tnn:naking minor there duringIn g th a t s p a n ...... Ad team _bought.a sorrylople a night. ys who haven’t whon the Philadelphia-Pa-Phillies were - leagvgue baseball work. ' ___ ^ H e n ry“ Duke"^ Del Po, general ma ^ to 300 pcopl<^ if he re lie d on pure bn.'ic- j the hill or guys -providing the talent, spespending Bob AltJthough winning teams ancm d lively pro^' and p a rt oow w n e r o f tho Dodgers’ andlaimger G "He knew) broke,"if said Diablos Gen- • i even seen:n the hill. C arpenter’s m oney freel;eely (for that m otictions usually mean succcsslissful franchis- farm teamsma in W aterbury from 1973 tc» Iwll.he-dgobner Rick Parr. & ho started ; __ time) and sending a laargc rg numtter e f ______e s. thero tli arc times when t ^i formt^s-fail.fo says poorr attendancec is the main to r 1978, crarM anflgerE/ hnts. wri.‘?tbnnds and oth-______■ - - ; ; -- those “bonus babicfT toto thi e Magic Val- " E vvery e city is different. It’s up to the oper- the city no» 1longer nas a team. Anothcreason wxamplcs o f te a m s tindind places w ith is now inI London,Lc Ontario, and Glens Suchrazzle-dseventh-inninc stretch. In’ Silo; . . “ ■ ...... M ay b rT ranrank OTteefe is not happy. n e x t w eaek'B e k N B A d r a f t • Seo COWBOYSt)3 t > n P a E o C 2 “ cd as the sov,F-UN-on.Eago C3_ -Waterbury, Conn.. An Easiiastcm League • Sooc £S U C C E S S o n P a g o C ■------^------yf— ^— ~ ------^— ------t •' ; I f .

C-Z Tlmoa-Nowo,' Twin'In FFalls, IdDho Thursday, Jujno22. n e 1989 andw rititihgrfin! igerprini [its lin k 4 Mounttain Horm e tops B1 u h l,115-7 T he Timea-News — / Getting aslips o nn R e d s ______:______A m ericsinJU egw n ___ Rojs e to b ------tuu4—«;ts=3-3-*------BUHL — Mountainin Home pu.'^icd cmciN:INNATI (AP) - B aseball1 hahas that tho betting slipsIS — and tho ex* conm derer IiRose’s request for a tempo- Jiwuwn •Ki WLfP» jslraining order Thursday, acro ss eight runs in the fourth inning Wolverim•ines. a handwidwriting expert’s analysilysis port’s verification of Rose’s hand- rary resin horc Tuesday night enon :route to a 15-7 Darrelel L ierm an went 3-for-4 a t thothe g lhat Pcto Rose -wrote ouout writing on th em — giv[ive baseball tan* The betting boti slips are revealed as. non-conference Amcric.irican Legion “B" pintc' ,witwith a double, while Shanonne Twin Falls comi.pleies ng slips on games involvin;ving giblo evidence of Rosese's betting. ' part off Rnr <7< iM OvtB: C HchiM. tia lend in the opener, whihich counts in a. Bartletllett Giariiotti in state court commcntpfthe reportjrts. from Dowclowd to R oger J. M ak ley , one aho conference standingsgs. Eric Mord- . has maintjntained he never b et on basC' Rose’s lawyers sue(led Giamatti on of Rose’ss’s 1lawyers, Dowd confirmed Doubleheaderr jgoes to _ ' horal w as 3-for-3 in tho10 game, while ball. Hia9 laywersla also have said thai^ Monday in a tte m p ts to block a hear- th a t a hanoponer and the Region ■*B” *E American Legion basc*. '• 7t 1 H o u sFer,’irS6urce e r familiar withrith t ------, CCOVEITBENEFI IndiiiHs outlasted the WoWolverines in a ball seasoison here Saturday by sweep-:p- In the nightcap, Twin,n Fn Is went i,aacb»irs's investigation told'the AP ------five-inning slugfest in the I nightcap ingatwinlinbill from Malad. ahead to stay with a six-x-run th ird in- ^ AUCTION ______^afl3uhlJiV.ept.a..Sffylherhem Region "B'’ The I nndians ^ won 14-3 and 6-3. ' ning and lifted the Cpwbifboys to a 10-3 t t . i American Legion doublejbleheader here ’TrTlhee opener, Tioy Ruht^al-Bl^eod~Kor8en~wu8~?fo fort-ln-thar-H inn-h-school ------— IDAYrJUNE^;E^24HM9- Sunday, 6-1 and 17-16. lowed juis s t t two M alad hits ond struckck games, w hile A m es wass 3-for-3.I ^ LOCATES bom Fills: WC!wsl ol city on JJwy. 30 lo Clover Road,ad, 3 miles wesl. 3 souili, 11/2 WOSI. In the opener, which:h counUinthe< out.five.JiJa so n A llred w ent 3-for-3 forb r The loss dropped the WolverinesW to Y 'r iA o f 2 Ffom BulBuhI.S 1/2 mite soulhol Cedar Bedd Dump,Du 11/2 easl. ~ ______^ hile Jeremy Schabot was 2- 1-5 for the season and 11-2 in leag u e * U U C30 v . continues league standings, Schal:habot shut out Buhl, whii SAIETIWE:11:1:00 A.M. LUNCH BY tUTKERifHERWJ WOMEN'S MISSIOtlARY LEAGUE the Wolverines until the sixth inning for*3- games. Tho Times-:es-Ncws fm T-iar.II.lJ.WoodB.-r.rl and contributed two of Buhl’s nine In the2 five-inningf nifehtcap, John ’ CDO-U U I DONATE!ED ITEMS FROM LOCALXL BUSINESSESI * i Tim Fleming Karel's dcdouble in the .third inningng .. oumofi- ^ — W ednesday n ight’s sec-cc- IRRIE - ANTIQUES hiU.. Jphn Kare| and T L. • Homir. Culp rtl .od CX«.n; Nklwn. I JGATION EQUIPMENT - Al cach ha d two h its------...... broke a I ! 2-2 tie and sparke^ ^e '.u..AmM;Hwnw. ond go-rouround o f tho Idaho S tato High‘eh FURNITUIJRE* BIKES-TOYS-UGILIGHT FIXTURES , which was game-winrinning rally. :odco w as still in p ro g re ss at In the nightcap, ’Tnnr.il.tl.WoodH.T.r} . School Rod ’ SPORTIHG EQUlUIPMENT-MACHINERYRY-TOOLS-DISHES pla^dV y walkarBuWiiW look th e ic a d ------— «•»-1'------The-Times-es-NewB-press time.ir^------^ (•Ud 3 WwdRim fflOCD-a MAHYTffOIDRriTEMS~::77lLXGa0g[QrATID USABLE:------____ to sta y in second inningJng. b ut had to ____O.A .rii Hiid ^i-t* Wednesday's resu lts in Fri- IZII10).-H 11 I vr-OiTi. L— KuM. d a y s Time!nea-News. — EARirCONSIGNMENIm s I - hold o ff a series of cornelm ebacka by the d '=Tr»n; Ruhl»r «tid Wlnin*. ifR - Mtlid.• d. 2 Slorm windows * Air hocbctey • Clikb Schwinn bicycle -Sm. AquaAquarium • loys • E’icct. box lan * Lighl laturos-Artiquo Limp - ClChicken nests - ChkJicn Feeders - (lOO;(IOO) I'xGO" aluminnm siphon tubes - King szo bed sptcad - Aniig'ligoo tiuit Jars; Fish linder - Weber bajbcbjjbccuc y^ii^l-StoII * Cowbol>i;s ------Tupctwxa« Coincf end Obi lood processor - Antiquo kcjicerosine lamp - Picnic ptales - TV antennaenna* Rocking choir-Gas grill. • C ontinued from.m P ag e C l : was the mim ajor contender, represent-> trailed &-2 ag ain st somcoilone going th e plate nonow and he looks h ittcrishh, ," ------^ w hen th a t nem esis o f frcifree-swinging' ing,the Do()odgers, and the team s had into the bottom of the niniinthinning . Clementsi wwould intone. minor league play madeide its appear*, some m e»rpf rr donnybrooks which one night n n d won it 11-99.on ( 0 tw oi______EocKyea/ear.hc-woi^ld.append-'the— mmMmm tten)vrithno working girgirl's friend-to-the consid— ------ancfrin-TAnn-FalliHn-10&10M— — l i e l ^ - n tttcn t e d an ctr - - run homer {hitter forgotti Terms:s: Cash or Bankable Che}heck Day of S a le . television. But the Ilocal franchise started outs recorded in the half-iIf-inningaa ercdRomccneo ofthe crop. And Joe ' Auction Service. CLERK While television m ade'de the Magic heading foifo r the a sh heap when, at yet. probably’ wnawi the first to m ak e a n AUCTIONEERS Sal>ale managed by Masters Auc Lylo Ma&tois Tho Businoss that Sorvicorvico Built' C.il Harpor Valley franchiflc a liabilil!)ility, the first the m a jo)r r Ileague m eeting in Decem-_I- During th a t year, Weglghom looked adverb off fafast rhe comea in very d-makesthe-catch:^------______BuhUdaho^43i5227_^J ______Gary_Osbofno_ m ajo'r blow w as provided3c3 wHenthen- b er in I965i6 5 ilt was announcb'a'tHeTi--— like’a'can 't^ m iss'm ijo rleienguerpar:^ ------fastlyTind-n Mcbllo737-1616 Gooding. Idaho - 934-53505350 “ “ club ow ner M aury D oerrerr grabbed oneerLeaglague no longer would re- ticularly the night he fiasashed into the Rostassussured, however, thnt those tha Boiso franchise. In1 leavinglei Twin ceive C lassis s A w orking agreem enta. -outfield - g ra ss deep in thele hole be- w ere traderiemorks, not faux pas. Falls without a major lealeague work* Jewell,I, bby then the league presi- tween sh o rt and third, cairau g h ta ___ Baseballill announcing becam e a [ ------*ing agre^entrhe-nonethlethelMsirmn^— dentrimmemediately-leat^-into-the ^ W a o m aged’tb convince th eloicSTburghert cli breoch andindsavc'the alignmeiitFy Uien threw oufO ie base‘’nifiner n thiscountrjtry as'irplaycrbutTvas-re-— th a t th e franchise had finfinancial getting six;ix rookie w orking agree* FROM H IS K N EES. H ev! wondered leased afterte r 0 season and stay ed on worth. A local drive raisejised a bunch m ent comTimitments. n aloud why h is a rm hurt bbefore tho w ith a local:nl station. Denney m ade VIw c T ma u of money in the form of)f sistock shares. It just nen ev er worked trem endouslyy game the n ex t night. thejump fromfn Cowboy prcssbox to s u n / i M iER SPECTT A C U L A R 1 And one w ouldn't forgei'e t com peti- nighlly .“iporports ncw.s on the Phoenix with D o err getting the: cashca and tak* well for thethe Cowboys aflcr that. And E R Y S A L E ing off for Boise. in 1969, aIS s we' recall, the G iants saidI tors like Bobby Carmo. A team m ate station andnd was still doing it w hen F A R M IMACHINEI ______It JVas only then ^ tt someonem re* __ they!d.hav_f>Ye_no_p!ayere for Magic had ju st h it a hom er. Onn tthe first • . .we w erpiashist.thcn 18 months ago, S A T U R D A Y ^ n B. IDAHO M l :00 A.M.------alized th a t a) th e local fr^franchise Valley the:ie next year. pilch, the hurler put Camrmo.onhis The firstst 1biack player w as T eddy K S ® ® didn’t have a w orking agiagreem ent A few yey e a rs a fte r th at the city tore-e back with one aim ed a t hihis head. O n Tolcs and1 hehi appeared about 1951*52.i2. -SfflSirl7may.T<|h (W ry ^ lo n m wAfdl a nd b) D o err really hadd nnothing to down the• ststan d s, effectively elimi* the next p itch , Carmo rip;ipped a H c w a ssppeody e t nnd on prom otion fRACTORS, GRADER & 003DOSRS igpole in cen- nights theyey used to race him o ut a nd,d ™ sell beyond th e desks andind typewrit- nating any[ly chance o f a rebirth. homer dead over the flag] t- JOfIN DEERE 6630 tractor.. Diesel-0 Duab. AMfM radio. Air, healei;satei; Saseiies engine. Arliculaled po«r • eirs in the city-owned officifficeatthc' Inbetwei#een those sad arid happy lerfield. ^ c k a g a ininst s local quartcrhorses. -' ‘• steeiirx). 19.4>34 rubber. Clanan. P.T.0,3 pi. fiilch/drawbaf - 2- JOHNOHH DEERE 4650 tisclofs, 4x4. Diesel. city-owned ballpark. days,there:re were somo fabulous m o-' There a re legends thatita ro a till ‘’'Therewwas a: the nighl thnt Farrell Alr/haler.AWFM radio. IS spapeed poxtt shift. 1B.4x42 mbber. Duals.Is. wHwUh fronl end wcighls. Quick weights, N onetheless, the newN ststockholders m ents a nid d great, individuals, held as tru th in the areaI bbut aren't Bell rcachochod out of the stan d s an d - Quick hilcli. Enellenl conditionn •- 3- JOHN DEERE 4640 diesel Uaclon.ors. A4(4 Quad Ranges. 3100 & 2800 hrs. . pressed on happily — sonsome even Forinstastan ce. J a c k R adke, who true. jn Great Falls Manager Alj . Air.AM/FMfJd«o.3pt.P.lO,(wiquick atuch. Ensllenl condiiion -1-JOIINIOHN DEERE 4320 Okscl tractor. 4x4 3 pt. Irvjlic • 1- CATERPILLAR 933 crawlci/luci/liaclor With street pad tracks. 3 way . ' ' with nsions of dividendsds ini their played hertere in 1W6-47, still holds the> _ Like the continuing stoio ries the old- Roning. whcvho had just been e jected by P.T.O. Cib. Blower. OtuI H)dr» wilh-tfdortr blade. Roll bar- 1 - ALLIS — Bull Renna the umpire,'re,'to'precipitate’a' m ajor"' hyihaulic bucket. Electric start -1*- IHlEfiNAIIOIiAL TO 24 crawler wilh-l heads b u t cooler ones, likilike Denny record forir 1h its w ith"2Il ih'a'seiison. limers'like'tb tell about B ------CJJAlME(lSioidoradef-2-JCJOIIN DEERE 4640.wtieel.Iiubs.Up.SeU.SeUa.iU42.iadiaLdua!s.-_1;:.MASS^ irbroughnhc-QrcarFalls— ;------Hogue7real!icd the situaluation and ThafwasI rnir the d ay s when the ' " h ittingone in thc H aW onan P a r k ------b ra w n h n rb FER(]USON 180 diesel trador.ai3 PI- RTO. -1- FARMAa 504 diesel WUhwUh IFarmhand kuderGB 600 w/bacl^ ~ had th e fam ily pet dog'n:’a riamn e of- league playlayed 130 gam es, swimming pool one night.It. p lay ers intoIto the stands where they Aipj 730 »f/scrjpet blado-1 -JCHJOHN DEERE 4440 4x4 Iraclor. Duals. Cab.::ab.Air.84i42rubber t _____ fu e d to the certificates.s. Sometimeim e during the mid-1960s, a Not true, b u t here’s howJW the story were met. byb> equally ardent fans. , . SPRAYERJRS,TAHKSSFERT1UZER1:R EQUIPMEKT_ ____ ^ . - 1 A pitchcr;crnam ed Jim C hurchw ell ’ THe Cowboys got one0 of those------^Mapc-Vall«illeypileher-named Charlio'i‘ _gotstarted.l::- -.-__L:: .Z.H t-ACE'salnles steeisbo'oal.I. jprayefjrtt’bccnB'.i Eiallenl Condiiionlilon • I- BC A lediluer spreader truck, three-team working agreefreements in Hershberge■ger, a Chicago native, It was in 1&J8 o r 1W9 anind myself brought aI batbt \vith him, w hich drew, Wilh loimmarters,'6284 miles.!. ExcelME condition • 1* FetJilim 3a conwcomcyn.w/skle ameyoi lor belly dump which th ree te a m s wouldild be sending faced a Poc’ocatcllo Bannock pitchcr and a friend were out ‘shahagpng" our attentioition from the press box. Ass irailcr - 1- MOBILITY 5 lon totiertillRr spreada nailer. Dual axle. P.T.O..0. drivendii • 2- Stainless stijcl tanls. 300 players. T hey sent playeryers, but not named Edd JRosenquist, a lefty juat . balls (you got 35 cents forir each one" ' w e watched,ed, this old fan, m aybe 70 0illons-2-PlialcOnla(1) 6nlr1 trailer. 300 oil -1- BARBER (eniliier spreaispreader bed. Fits 2 ton Iruck. m uch talen t a n d the Cowbiw boysfell out o fth eI servicc.s« returned). R cnna h it a po\ow er shot to- • y e a rs old,, walkedw up behind him andid POTATO EQUIPMENTIT from tho lofly porches of Ifirst place Those tw(two grappled through 17 in* ward the sw im m ing pool,I. An oppor- bounced lishis fist ofThis back. C hurch­ M0(3 cuniv3t«. Eicelient condition -1-1- 6RILLI0N14'seed bed maker Pkw’kn* packers.| 6'& 8'- 3-Sections cham of_wnod:on-bnll,,not,alu-______taahow upon.u_nDn-promc)motion night_____That-woulould.have.to rank.as one of —.f...first was Joc.Clementa wb^bointro.-: _____ old crnck.ofj hatfwfj-l-abonomrollcrwploi>kJ#-,1-JOHN DEERE 2ffdtseiyilhlafxJemxJem ------'— But it was a ■very good)d Ileam w ilh the two b est games this writer saw' duced t m easurem onts *thaKainaugei~1.J01tND££nE-m.t?’.tle,Nc«dswo(k If a m inor longue toiiteam couldn’t “If we lostose Salt Lake, we'd certain-• days.( Satchel Paige.usedi toI pitch ev- the ground.'d. TRAILERS. TRUCKS use F ro n tier P'ield, the ow ners would ly look a t TvTwin Falla,” said Nelles. “Ai (ery day, but nobody doc;ICS that any* If it had,d, would il have found ac-c- 1- ttUllAMSON 30-triphs axle: van.vs Gooseneck hrota;!> lor pickup o64trHnc«i'c«-of-ihc .\JiK8o ula-oror Kali8poll.(Mont.>,-which.-ci-diviaioDS, a n d ..a t .the . m r»ml thnT7gnnH nd ult .Tnd vnitih <^nf^- yptiH hft na-more-logical-fit-^or-ti9-ge— r — asouthem-diviflion-ineludesea -P oca tpilg;' HjrubL is bas ill 1-MlSKINB'hydrauIic control brara scraper * I- Ba scraper. 3 p( -12- Rolls Hnrmon Pnrk oj^raphically Idaho Falls. Salt- Lake:e City an d tw een acti'ctive slowpitch softball RoHs4'snmt(cnco-1-F11 kader-3- • ball players who uso Hnr IK;,:______...... I ,, Sctj ci buck ciJifts, 10.00x20 --S-Senotwort-tBrnesas 2 - 2- Bob sleigisleighs (t) new -1- I5'x6* augor • 1- , —• or bgy^inriiHicrand^ffl~biil{d~Thg1r------G I eo gra pphy h ; plays-g-much-grcater—Ir-BullerMontrrwilh^those titeama-play— leagues and[id a highlv-auecesafully-ju-- IC-prggranititCSl .4:^ JiSIHDEEnEtJahoiBct F iislS?JTirSditdiais.;l5ii3a.cl3nE;C(L ^ j;cn.:_b.Scclion.scattoldinfl.-.AnliQoc. _ own lacility, w hich woiiliould npproxi- role than "itiT used to in m inor league; i;ing m ori~gam c8 within th« ___ _looi;. fbod lipte. weklir)o cotd.I. w weHing helmel. • WAYNE drill chuckk reamersrear • new Many.otto tiere too y-'. m atcly double th e cost. ------baseball. A hquarter century ago, the! Lthan against thc. northcrem..division . In fact, TwinT Follfl_nnd_ L ew istb^n lT nunwrowtoriBnlion. ------TTieiiriii-iloiihorwTrc'af‘■af'proptc'ourTPioncer'tinrjnrBuo"WEnrthroughT5en^ :—team r ■which-incbde*Mcdcdicinc-Hnt;— — -the-homom c 'o r fiv ctim e N A W na*a r~ NOK'TOwretruigwrwiin^itiwimiiinHToawiDnsoiiuiJihiarwWtf th ere w illing to take a chnihnnce pulling Hon or two•0 as a four-team league,, CGreat Falls, Billings and Helena.H tional chamimpion Lewis-Clart.Stale..te... is,.*tKrs B, an] is responsible lalor merchandise upon awarding d b>d.1 AucAuclicq company not responsible lor Et oquipn«fili(Ne(1t»d but not al saleale ste. J. a team in a city the sizsizt?' of Twin wilh Caldwcwell on its western fiank; “If we lose S alt Lake, I’m I’l suro the College —. aiare arguably the two beet " ■ Falla^'^ "sa id—Notlesr—But- and-BilUng«. — ^ n d -6 6 7L-other-8QUthcm.divisioa.tei —0 teama-would— :ibascballl.towns to! in Idnhn nnri-nt^ithflr- ffiake,Fco”iiomnn!cn.‘!P:““ —much-rathcr have Twin1 Falls than has professiosional team s. o'"' CASH OR CCHECK AT TIMIIVIE OF SA LE ii Nelles cxpee(s_.PionL’oneor Leupue “M ajor league le; teams don't want: Helena I; or B illing in tReirir'dinmonsr — ;;; r e e d n o r i B O B roomber Salt Lake City.y, which fuid players maklaking those kinds of tripsI said s Nelles. “Wilh expixponsion, cities like Twin REILEY ; 208-53S-733 Z 1 Z;08-624-45B O i 6 .. . Triplc-A franchises, in. the.I’CL.and.the .any more.!1.: said-Nelles. They'reI .A serious a tte m p t to bring bi minor Falls arc goinggoi to become more and,, “ 20S-53S-733 0 1 2:08-624-35B 0 f 1 the American Associatioation for 40 very partieuicular about ^ effects of' league It b aseball back to Twrwin Falls in more altractactive td people interested years before jo in in g the th( Pjpneor iravcl on :hethe physical'fiealth of their■ 1982 1: centered aro u ^ efforbiiajto form in operatinghg minor league teams," 208-356-3700«I • BOX 781 • Rexbunurg, Idaho 83440 League air years ago, will wil go back plnyer.'i. Inn the I old days, they didn't, a a new short-A rookie leagu?ue centered said Nelles."B. “Whothor there’s enough not reresponsible f o r a c cclaents i i : in suburban SaltlSke .Ci;pity’nnd in- int£rc.

Riekey jrson gooes hoiin e Furn ------— F Hende • C o nitinued t i fVom Pago C1 l CJhiofs. “ When we firsrst promoted, . “When1 yiyou’ve been in .business is major leagues frownedcd on us and awhile, hov many, things can you . _____ NEW YORK (AP) -— Afler 4’/j till the endid of my career, but Oak-- seeking i a new big-moneysy contract to Buffalo, thh e slogan is “ every g a m e is called us carnivals. Thrh e n thoy fol- give aw ay?ay ?" h a askod. "And how storm y yo ars in Now YorYork, Rickcy land is wherlero I began. It’s a good or-• jreplace j the five-year dc£eal he signed anovent." da lowed us.” many diffeifi’er e n t 'k in d s o f foods can pnnHnrnnn ia pning hnmn.,0. - pnni7Jitinnai_and-l’U.havc_a chj^fj5/j_ to:__ _ iaftor boing acquired fro:rom Oakland. Tlmt 'meiaeaps-lht* return of-Elvia rih5uglrri3'tir-ytnrBi3H?‘yo■you'cim'nnakfi'irburgnniB ------Henderson, a Bay Areaca tnative who win a Worldrid Series and a char>ce toJ Hc 1 had told the YaiAeee e s ho would P resley (aa porformanco j by an iilViar ii TKcT)UBl~at5ll''Sf“a n r i lh. lure thofamilyoffour. good as Wendy’s W( or roast beef as • waa traded ,by Oakland1 tcto the Y an- g e t back honlome." not1 ro-sign after tho AllJl-Star break impersonaU:ator afler the game), South, ro Tho word "fqmily” ’ : reverberates goodasArb;Irb y ’s." ' kccs in December 1981 in ia six-play- Hendersorson, 29, set the single-soa-• and J was said to be seekik in g 38.6 mil- of th e B oirder rd Night (sombreros aro ;ht from coast to coast when wl officinls • But youIU ccan^lccep.lhe placo-clean c r deal, w as retu rn ed toI thithe A thletics .so n recordj withu 130 steals in 1982 a n di lion I over three yeara, about‘a al half- given, owajray) and Hawaiian Night re aro.asked why the mTmInors luivV oh- and cheap,p. ao n d so ho docs. - Wednesday for reliovera•a EricE P lu n k h a s 819 carcircorsteals. He also-brokei million i more than the Yankees Y had (free leis).'. COn'such nighta, peopio are h e joyed such a resurgence,:e;-"Mythcory and Greg Cadarct and LuiLuis Polonia, Bobby Bonlonds’ c areer re c o rd forr offered. ( asked to dress dr appropriately to the is.you havo to give 'em1 (clean, whole- "My philijh ilosophy is you’ve got to 0 part-tim e s ta r to r in loftft fiold.fi home nuislis leading off-tho gamo ear* "It was in my boat intnterest to op- Ihemo. in-, some fam ily ontertairunment. Let (the get the wonwomen to come,” Valentine • ."It kindof-shocked me.n e. I.th o u g h t H er th is seas3a8on with his 36th. ' prove ] the deal,” sa id Uenim derson, who N ot a ll1 clubs c are promotioo-con-. to* family) get in for $10) or-less. < You said, "andid tth o -ftTsman m ay not want _ I’d bft. a .Y ankee for a wlwhile,” said But Hendinderson, a career .292 hit-- indicatedi he will still seek se a three- scious. Whiyhile virtually every suc- rs, can’t go to Wendy’s or)r McDoitald’s to go if there th are unclcan condi- Henderson, b ascball’B single-season sin; ter, was batjatting only .247 with three5 year : contract from th(ho Athletics, cessful teaieam has giveaway days, of for that," said Southern1 LeagueI Pres- tions.” leader in stolen bases andind fourth on h o m ers, 222 RBIsF and 25 s te a ls fo r tho) -"‘Oakland was th e on ly placepl I would m any officiicials recoil at the idea of 8. ’ idem Jim m y B ragan saiiaid. tho all'time list. "I thougllUght, I’d s ta y Y ankees this th season — and was-i '- accept 1 a trade. adding sidcEieshow s to baseball g a m e s .' ------: ------^"You4ikek frto have o promotion tha a t - In Harrisburg, Cartertr showed off a !n NorfoU•folkT'TiaewateTTidos Gen- - ^ • relates to btbaseball, because it’s b a sle-' e -' thoroughly wholesome operation.6 He oral Mnhag- contests,” hc said, I&19 there were 59 league!^es and 41.9 a ^ e d to a new kind of relationship) notice. i ward th e sicsideshows. “You can neverer In Little Rock, Ark;,c;. Bill Valen------. - u can get the 'woman to million fans attending games.gan “The with minoror league clubs. The big; Baseball still was thehe all-Ameri- go too f a r• withw promotions," said'An-Jl- tine, Arkansas Traveleilers executive "If you < e ra l m anager, como lo th th« e g an jes, the men will war was over, and everyy townt< want- league teamams'would pay most ofaI can < sport, the field of ddreams that ihohy“Tex")x" Simone, general manag-g- vice president and gener ey proud. come morere oc fle n .” cd a team . So th e y p ut upLip iightI poles minor leaguiguer’s salary and had to) could ( blossom into an ururb an , renaifl- c r o f th e: 1Triple-A Syraciue (N.Y.)r.) would m ake Walt Disney _ and stands, and people came;“Theyea maintam ^player-development corv~£- sance, 8aid A lartin.^flukoudtz.-direc-.- .... ___ Eod cars but no one hadad TV," sajd” tracts withth ol least three minorr to t r of special p ro je c ts fo3 r"the r Natioh~' -John Pardon, a d irectorr of the Soci- league teomiims. al £ Chamber Foundationlin i Washing- .O lfC / .'ety for A m erican iBaseballall 1Research. Suddenly,y, minor league owners’’ ton. t tinued from Page C l hard Bcach, where tho . • But' as television creptept into arid chicf concen:orn was running their op- "It makes people avjware of an • Contir i sales, and "we’re-veriry concerned Old Orchar icral'Manoger - Guides playilayed,-advi8ed-any-city-in— ------, eventually took over rhoet.)Bt American erations, noflot paying o'feven.deyelop-“ area. fl They gofused'to-c"com iriginto- " T h e s e teamte. s are'fiy-by-ni gh te rsI," ,” • about;thc future,^Genci tcrcsted in i a m in o r leogUQ team to ' • living roiDms o n d the mlajor ajc leagues , ing players,•s. thatt area, and' it alsoi helps] swell he said. Gle31ens Falls still has a good)d G ary McCune said, I in a 35-year- “get local:1 ovow nerG hip, an d m ake e u rs------expanded, the minors reel'celed, draw- '' ■ AttenHancinco began to clim b , to 11.1I civicc pride,” he said. field, a n d wwiants 0 team, but O’ifeefe-fe -- -The team also plays i insisted, "Tl'T h e y will meet m y te rm sI,” ," old stadium thal h as nonot been kept there are! otl o th e r uses for your facili- • • including a (guarantee to sta y a t le ast s t up. Some of the Hoora hhave'sunk as ties." B u s i n e s5 i S ------five y e a rsI, , o0 r “ thoy pay me." m uch as 10 inches. —O rlandoido, Fla. The club d rew juBt s t —Phoenix. "The cityy should 8up-‘ . Formerr Guides> ovmer Jordon — : • C ontinued firom[P Pa age C l team, the'Cc'Couisville Redbirds, drew' clubc for $650,000. ^ 68,904 la s t sseason,'by far the lowestst port tho team more thithan it docs," Kobritz, thoithough, is a Portland-area p ppiH r.rfg ryimfl^vicc-pi.proaidont.and—busineBsmaa nafir-He-eaid-a-key^reason ------r7 r Scott C. Savin, a Fa:Farmington, nioro thaniIm 1 illioninl983 and6UllI The boom is a contr,tr a ^ the in-the DoulaublerA^utbcm-League^ " ^loqm'^atTFr^dcil'tinrs the Triple-A the team leftle fl M aine was th at it could ^==^nhirre6re‘6ta'le'drv^o'^' r.crowda:...... " “ T' 1 rBporrlml-® Oenemiral_Manager_Jamio Loweire general nianager o f jU ~riorniako~errenoughTnoneyto-operato ------Dillon Stadium T ask Forceirce Commit-' T h e eight-t[it-team A m eric a n A ssocia-• ^years ago, when the New York fn,e|y ncknknowlodged “it hurts us"s ” Firebirds. '■...... -major-leogue-its-fltadium^un ^D o rtly JiMiCfluse the city -{ee envision a^new 9,000-30- to 10,00(3- lio n , a Tripleiple-A league th a t,w e n t o ut; 1Times wrote that the mim inor league lo be locally loc owned. The team iia' a — ~ThirlB~a~cil> willi ui cited a num- would notit a llo w the stadium to be ^scat park, and^Savin hasIS beenb seek- of business!s ini 1963 and did not re>< ggame was mircd in "a pperiod of in- owned b y thith e M innesota Twins. aspirations, but (Jofns c in th at ha» - i f ( Ig attendance u.sod for somlome other events. : ing a franchiser form until 19TO,19 drew 3,6 m illio n fan s1 stabilitys and confusion 1 have 10 local investors,s, •' bor of factors keeping ly—;down.-One-i9 Uie-road.BjByetem. “The _lLHoTtford_.and_fllbet_c_fiitie9 .are last yepry. shattering its. prevjo.u5„d icnce.------^you-have -1C-10-people- who -are-highly*- and tho inter- Hc not onlonly built the stadium, but [learning that minor leaguejueballisno record by 800,mSOC “It was an area peoeople stayed and,d ' would havc contacts a nid d area is so spread out ar r, it’s tough to agreed toI paypa oll costs of ope^dng ; longer just a game. Nottot only a r e A t ih e- sa:same time, the value of■ aaway from," said Sal Artrtiaga, presi- encourage; peoplej ]o buy tickets. J_I state system is so poor, he said. and maintaiitaining the facility out of- . 'many teams all over th(the co u n try fran ch isesI hahas soared. Triple-A club^L _d_dMt.of_tho_NntionaL Ast^sociation of jon't have0 that'mucht Ieverage,"“heie g ^ people to the p ark ,” h -The-nvcrago~stadium rcvenuos:“ rev If'the'stadium' - ' • • • making money, but' theyloy also a re a r e w orth'at al Icait S3 million each, fProfessional Bascball-1 -- Leagues, said. In adciddition, Ihe-teafh is com-n- Another is the-hcatrl , “Now the minor league jr Phoenix daytime high is 1(S in July, wns unablelie tto m e e t all tho expenses, : helping crcate shiny newbV imagesii for and Double-/e-A teams should go for at le park is. a peting w ithIh Disney World and o th e r The Firebirds' tho city coulcould take over tho stadium. rihcircommuhities. le a s t $2 milliillion, said Robert Freitas, pplace people w an t lo g o .” . ^ attractions,s , and plays in w hat L ow/e e The a v e r a g low is 80. Tl arc trying to com bat thaila t w ith a sys- "H aving a club is liko0 gotUng g' the a c(w>wner•r of Baseball Opportuni- In Harrisburg, acrossitheSusque- I called a rou(>ugh part of town. hanna River from the Sti jr tcm that sprays a coo:)ol mist onto Thalhapp«ippened, and team officials,, . :anchor for your shoppingg mall,-saidnr tie8,abasebjeball brokerage firm. h jta te Capitol, _ K n o x vville, it Tonn. This is another ______u^blo to makeme money from the eta-' — .«-I)an-Li8piT^irector-of-ththe Hnrrig- Each mailinjor,league club_ha8 one CCity Islarid.was known fo f r Its drug mnjnr 1on;ntgiip-nwngd Double-A team1 . - some o fthe fans.______Hium, lookeciked for ways lolceep the •burg, Pa., riverfront rcde\development Triple-A andmd one D6uble-A affiliate, ttrade and other activitKtie s not con. ^nd also facaces, stiff compeUtion. Thele i ducive to family life. ie —Maine. Tho Triplple-A. Maine team in Maine. Ma When that proved 'project. a n d " a s joniong as there are only 26 d Toronto Bluiilue ja y s afTiliate m u st vie In the m id -1 9 8 0 s ^ . ScScott Cartet, jvith the U >e Guidos moved to ScrnnUlion, Pa., this impos.iiblc,0 , the team was,,8old to ___ ; Games have become cccom m unity Triple*A—ancand 26 Double-A teams, University of Tcnncssee_ moacmBnr- the/re-l.ke-:e-worka-of-art.--You-juflt--a ■—a-banker-who'-is-now-the- e-H°rnBbiirg-aMila_tcam im?rfo^lQ3^ly~and~ti^ cet t year. Jeri‘y'Plantc7lo^>n~roariaRerl)f~'ScrantohThtcm te f c B t^ '______~Senalorni president, saww the-poten*------—— nums who-lure customersre vwith danc- - can t-inake7ae.any more, Trcitaa.fiaia—S lial in baseball. Hc toure(ed cities and f ing girls ori dugouts, "carcarnivals in from his SanIanta Cruz, C alif., ofTice. ti ballparks across the counIintry, looking ^ f I parking lots a nd Elvis impenpersonators Yet in thehe late 19703, th e now -suc- b r ^ o r d cessful Tripliiple-A Paw tucket R ed Sox at a population growth, traransportation, A ik sets hleague Ihomer r afler the game. g otfored for S2»,000. The employment e stability, spijpendable in- ' The hoopla oflen meansans big sue- were being o ORK (AP) - Carlton Fisk Reading, Pa., team went ccome and other factors.I. He studied ^EW YOI — KansasAiS-C itji-6 ------CC89. Tho Buffalo Bisonsns drew 1.1 Double-A Re iri Comeclir-never saw,r his-record-settingh hom errrr — American tc in-a-new,-$43"for-a-dollarlar.” As recently as' five““ E Bridgeport'arid‘Da”neri'ii Milwauk ------million people la s t y ear in"£ - After th e baiball lefl his bat, he just putlit ukee 0 ,-ono-could buy-a-Triple-A - cut,c b ut ruled th em out. inillion stadium. Anotherler Triple-A years ago,-oi his h ead dow[own and broke into hia tr aQ. - MILWAUI-lUKEE (AP) — Bret Saber-. ditional snaim ll'slow home run trot------_ .WednoBday_night._as__.the Texas hagen pitchexhed-a-three-hitter-for-hiB— ------) Q “I don’t1 k know if it landed in the,e Rangers routed BosUjlon’s Roger AmericanI ILeague-leading seventh Reuscheel 4-hits5 HoustOim Astro last row o or r the first row," -the 41-1- Clemens in a 10-3 victotory over tho complete game gf Wednesday night yeur-old Chi'hicago White Sox catcher>r Red Sox. and the KaniOinsas City Royals scored , SAN FRANCISCO (AP)iP) - R ick ' “ ' four of five. , „ . soid. “ I juLst s t knew it was gone." Petralli had a doubleI anda four sin- four timesC8 in the first' inning in' Reuschel telegraphed his8 fifirst pitch- N atipional League Cone, 4-5, had allo w ed1 ai runs and p.,|^ et An American Leaguete glos aiid drove in two-nnms.-Hc.had_-pounding the Milwaukee.Brewers 6-.______'e s on T hursday b u t Houstoiston’s hdtters • 26 hits in his p rev io u s> five start. »r never had as many as fo u r hits in a 0. the opener• ofol Wednesday’s twi-night ^ r homers by a catcher couldn’t crack th e code. spanning 19 1-3 innings. Last»eai»n, L w,a„esdnyy night. and drove in throe,■e, major league gamine. Rafael Saberhageagen, 7-4, retired the first ider. . . h d=r in victo- hewofl2(W. •y -P alm eiro and Julio F rammco eachhad ..nine batters_5r8_befo.re Pau]_MoIitor sin;; _____ 7'The major-leagueicader 2-1, failed to sa v e a g am e 1 * u-*i *n thhe e White Sox’ 7-3 v icto ry Randy Myers pitched1 two hitto / Sosa added glod leadingling oit the foui^. Gary -— rica-with-aJ2:^record threwthi first- , ?hie-Recond:^iino-in-20 oppor-.— Jew York Yankees. Haroldd three hits and Sammy pitch strikes to all but two •“ innings for Ws ninth’sffve? ~ ,■....Biiines'brok*□ke^ M tiel/ith a leadofT^fr~hi8~frr8l“ m'aJor~league‘ie“ homer"'aff~^hefficld-sinisinglcd-in-the-seventh-and ______Bryn Smith. • 7-3, alli a -Texas boat the Rod SoxX for the first Paul Molitoritor singled in tho ninth'for ' batters he faccd, combinihjmng with X 'b ’Mnrr□rphy, the first batter to :ll?wod 0"L |„„„rnn-ththe eighth-and ignited’ a' —IhreeTiits in aeven-innin,ings. and-the -fivc.nininnii — - time-in-fivo games .in_i_Boston this the, other hithits ofT.Saberhagcn,.wh(L-^ nc'wly'acqiHred Steve B S rc opened the riinth' wtK a ming.------2-fl. four-hit shutout for thehestreaKing M ets’ Hrst n m w as u n e a m F isk h it hi,his historic shot to load offff season. pitched hisis fifthfi c a re e r two-hitter. dres Thomas also singled Smith hit Gregg JefTeio n e s m th a San Francisco G iants ovei inners advanced on Tom- _ d inning, sending starter tros. pitch leading on* th e fifthlandMookie i Andy Hnwki:/kins’ first pitch, a fastball j's sacrifice. Jody Davis yWilson's drive to rig h t fiifield popped The Giants’ Hfth straigh d intentionally to load tho outside, far into the lo w eI r \BURLE\Y B O A T R'tEGATTAi l was aided by W ill C lark’s hi oul of Hubie Brooks’ gloveve for a two-, je c , j„ I field. fl Treadway punched the base-error.. Barry Lyoni n s followed S n r n m m m •Kicksof,off Friday June 23rd Steve Bedrosian’s second sa into center field.' ^ new team. It was thcii w ith a sacrifice H y to rig h tory went to Mark Eich- —scoreless tier ------50to 5 ■ — EISSEZaZZIS — shutout in a row -over the A Atlanta’s third pitcher, concluded a thrcc-gam&^ri Clevelar.and 1 ■ £ 1 2 2 2 2 1 leia over iS -W hj^rked.d one scoreless in ning. ^ by taking a four-game le^a^ Los Ange!es 6 CLEVELALAND ( A P )-K irb y P u ck - dicing D m •PaitlBBAnHiIile...... - . - the National L eague Wes^. ^ n Diego 2 elt had thrchree singles for_his 32ndd excitmen«Tic)(ftsitU]«8ite« - y CiilcagooC ubsl i __mulU-hit game ga :of the season andd ^^orSeatlig , 4— P itts b itr t "vjK W D IEG O TA F) - I Shane Rawitivley won for tho first tim e —Atiania 1 irghO by Mffij Davis, JefT Hatamilton and - UEGH (AP) - Gres Mad- J han a month as the Min­1- I ^ T^kike time to stop at Cincinnati' 0 p ir r s B U E Eddie Murray helped thele LosMge. Twin, ^ttsburgh to six hits in 10 ins beat the Cleveland In- . ATLANTA (AP) - Johilohn Smoltz '’eld Pitt les Dodgers beat the , ‘ ”'“8“ diansMWe.i/ednesday night. id got the victo ry w hen P p adres 6-2 W ednesday nigl and three relievers combii.bined on n i'lS V ccl-lendon's sacrifice fly in - Puckett,tl, th e American League h itsI " ^ nine-hit shutout with 13 striBtrikeouts in Tim Leary, 6-5, s c a tte re d 0 hits .a h c95, had one of the Twins’s’ 1 r a c k o f s e llectcd e m erchandise ive tho Chicogo C ubs a 1-0 eight innings and Jay Howiw e llp iU W the nightcap after JefT Tr ’cr tho Pirates on Wednes- scoring singles off Johnn . „ 2 55% off two-run singly in the nint the ninth as Los Angeles:a snapped a M , ' 8, who has lost Bc vcn o f his“ 20% off all1 SSum m er Dresses ______won.the opener"and’ the« SF" two-game losing streak-:;-and ondedj,„, trj,; Li^,:jnserted.a8-a-pinch^-^ iecifliDPB^;------'------— J ------___ Bravcs.8wopt4V«dne6day’a- San Diego's ' iwcFgaihele winning ** the ninth inning, doubled . • Dcvon,J*ersonfll, Li!.m y & Joyce r o i n o i n ^ t i streak. double-header from the C lair, 0-1, to s ta r t th e 11th, ■ Texas 1(t o * S o rry n o lay a w a y s Reds 4-3 and 1-0...... 0 lead m the- „ — r ------1 ■ u thiril bn Damon Berryhill’a fly The Dodgers took a 4-0 — • no-aficrations-no ch:h a rg C 3 ------OVBUJMO!MO SH0PPIN6 CENTER Smoltz, 8 ^ , ollowed six first inning olT E d W hitsitson, M , on O O StonI ^3 ■ B a n k C a rd s W clcoo im e ______BURLEYIEY>.lD^J67a-7g44______:bred on McClendon’s sac- n li \A - ...... four walks and stru ck out si Lis the Cubs beat the Pi- two-run hom qrs b y D av ia,8, his fourth, BOSTON-■J (AP) — Gono* Petralli" Jicr pitthed j, j innings. Paul Aasenmachci 1 innings for tte second a n d H am ilton, hia sev en thh. . . had five hih its in a 19-hit a tta c k two innings, M ark Eichhon ___finol_two outa in Jh e eighth ^ ■ 7 ' Soever p itched'lhe ninth foi I- save as C incinnati's losin;sing streak \N eiV Yorl,rkMets2~~^ I ■0 - reochedfour g am es. Montrealia T T H E W r " ^ NEW YORDRK (AP) - D avid Cone ■ I CA7TCH ALL 7 Atlanta 4 allowed fivee hitsI" in seven innings for Cincinnati 3 his first victictory since May 6, and I »hnswghit=hifi-19th-hnmr> • I : - M __wfly:^twQ:ziin_3m8lp_off.^r Cincinnati run as the NewN( Yorit Meta heat the reltuf uci! John“FniiiL'u wit^iviUi oim nut ■^ontreal-fexpixpos !W-W«dno»ilay-— B h in tho ninth in ning gave the Atlanta The Met^B hhave won seven of their * f Braves a 4-3 victo ry ovor' th< tho Redfrin. la a t, 10. whilt[iile-thc_£xpoa^haYC.:lQati_^ t — ^ ~ - - :urdail^7r45 pP i i m .

^ Every TentTSIeep I n f l a t a t l e b o a t & ______w ater sxrr& dnced:! ■ ■ l i e O n 1 1 I : s a T Save20% to50°y1% a t our Annual GrealekO utdoar event! - E - : : S F 7AY ■ IS ■ Je e p s ■ Eagles—E — H I I T o y o t a s spftirport"-' — L S M O T O R C 4 O . I , I . W I L L ! ■TTHISW EEK:: SUPER SIXES, PR•RO STOCKS, ■I ' I ' 'Shoaoshone S t. W\ . I ■" MINI MDiDDinEDS & PONYf S! T O C K S " •TmcttliibcliiOa' 7 3 3 - B U Y - l ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I — * I______f ■. ■ ■______, v ______^______h_ _

7 /

Thurstfsd ay ;-Ju n o -2 2 n g 8 9 — Tlmos-N□5-NowsrTwin Falla.-ldaho- -C-4------'O u itdcK.[ > r s Roll cast< essenntial ' •- J - " .,^T f o r j ...... ' f l y

Casting technique isiis im p o rta n t for any I r. breed o f an g ler exceptptatroUer. a I Each style of fishing)ng h as a slightly dif- I ferent s e t o rcircum stantances in approach- | ing the fish. Two spin1 fitfish erm en wilh I identical gear will oncoiicounter d ifierent ^ _ ^ p r o b le m s ifono is fishinhing:ajjtroaioill______^ ■ the o th er a lake o r pond,md. Their casting tcchniquea will vary beebecausc th e fishing conditions vary.

r r e n ...... !. Schotloth _ ' 1V • vii' /'iiii/ 'Sl c y . I Fishinling ~ j

i iJeca»ise”o n iien c'arlyrlymfinitc variable’s” '"“B ' n fishorman encounters>rs — w a te r clarity ,. I depth, t«mperature, strcstream-flow, wind.. . I and climaclic conditionsons, sp ecies offish M typea oLhaita Jurcs.nnd.ind fiies — he must______H le a m U> p resen t his olTci(Tering to th e fish in I manyways.-,. ______Abaitrodcastcrniayiay be h ighly accu* H rate w ith a d ire c t ovor-tlir-tKc-shoiildcr cast I ■.b u t'if he is bucking a heavyhot w ind o r cost- | ...... ing below overhanginglg,branches, b his he* ■nmi^N«»* piwio^Rnr HOver cu racy is useless. Twin Falls Di>istrict Ranger Don OrOman views 6 nestingg Iislands in Shoshone EB a s i n P o n d The fly fisherman hasia s n e a rly all ofthe - dilemmas of die spin-amand-bait c a s te r plus a few unique to his styleyle o f equipm ent. In | ordinary circumstances,:es, the fly line is I ------lifled-up-andback-over-t‘r-theshoulderofthe------J ct uniI te s jC iattlennen,_ssportssineii_ ; novice fly caster is Rroje< caster. Tho mark of a no . his inability to throw^hethe line v e ry high______—Effoit-to-pm tee3ePSheshene=Bai^sm-Pend-in-the tzaM anolved — ...... he'crops'his back-cast;”Jt:” ...... „ By LARRY HOVEY ...... T-hatt iis the recurring refrainn (Oman and I I i b e d s becom e deepe:eper, the wj\ter table natu; Dropping thc back castcas is n ot only slop- ^ .Tlmes-Ncws writer_____ othor agency0 | land managers hear h w hen roily drops. Thee ddesert moves in,,as the ' py and inefTicient, it can:an be hazardous to - ..... • ' they broroach the possibility oTn'cwcw practices JjBtM parched meadoww v vegetation dies or loses — — *SceSCHOTHer B row nlee Rescr- p P ro' d u c e . And it olTei-s a o f w h at new man* • ' Fromn , the''strictesf sUmdpopoints, the' - But Oman.saidid i attitudes on both sides voir. “s“show -m e" dem onstration o f ' ______ha.YC_ci>xcs.c^d_romremarkably, a good ni'any — 1— Thircffnrribut!eins-thcthcnrsnnBtallmcnf------Qgement-and Uchnology-mi|m ight-provido-on—Shoithoni conditioiions that livestockmen, e.spoiism en since last fall. on $11,000 pledged by the gro u p , an afiili- the countr/s public lands. nd manager hate most. “The thing is,I, wo w have been ablo to a te o flh e Idaho S tate BaiBass Federation, Its goaljs lo let both livest'estock and recre* and land Shoshone Pond, the cenlcnlerpiece of d em o n strate on a] coupleco o f sm aller projects ;• The first phase of proproperty acquisition ationul mlerests- see thatt betterb manage- The S oject. is located eight mileliles west of th a t a change in maim anagem ent p ractices can : involves purchase, andid thoI second is de* ment can result in more for both and still the proj' vith a better prod* Magic Mountain N' on the Rogersonon road at a improve these lands.nds. It h as taken ua a while ; velop'ment'of access'andmd'a'boat ramp us- ™re w a rd the land stew ard vrith spot whchere the Shoshone Creek NiNorth Fork . i . to convince the alloiallotment holders that this "able at all water levels.Bis. The final phase uctat uc the end. IS thc first levels of whatL bbecomes a ■ ^ y is indeed part ofr a F1 orest Service national Z involves enhancementsits of the existing Its prim ary benefit couldId.lead .1 to an eas- reaches ing of the current polarizatzation caused by m uch laila rg e r Shoshone Basin to thcthc west. ist the idea of one forest or n p a rk .______in ------lIR h e "grazing fr'eij^by‘33" CCcoiiipuign* -being— -it-is a unique-nrenMn tharoight;ht-streams;.r a jn lu jg iJBU—onc-district-ranger,gcr,'L0man_Bay8._!ButJt ______sponsored by various environmental most peilerennial water bul some lhthat dry up h H fllso^means that-noi-now we have to produce.------r F&G seeks fisherermen's a id ____-groupe.'-That-raises an undeiderstandable rifl on hot-si-summers such ns last year;ar. comc~to~ 1gK B |nH |H |j~ T h c Western Stockgckgrowers (which controls — -rin order to conduduct survey bebetween liveslockmen andnd sportsm en as ,Shoshoniine,„Creek in about a mile and one- the Rock QreckCattIbattle Allotment) arc giving H W us what We wantt on this project. It’s up to ” BOISE — Anglers arere 1being sought to neneither faction sees a lol of gray in any of half rea(■ach. In one a rea, three stn me- ander out oi of mountain canyonsis fiow ■ m us to make it work.”•k." -assistthc Idaho Departm•tm ent o f F ish and the other's positions. The major trouble withth land manage- throughh a meadow within a couphiple hundred T he pro jcct has18 asa: its highest profile tho : G am e in a s ta te w d c coopooperalive fisheries _ ^ ment right n o w js^t it is impossible for yards ofDf e ach other. Shoshone Basin PorPond, a several-acre lake " su rv e y . ------anyone to understan'a howw (good or'baB'’il Nofononly water now.qdownhlII“ — that ranges from a fow-inchosf to suLfeet-in. - Involved, a nglers willi ll rccord informa* •wosrijrortran-be^------In the.icJate_summcr.,when the hihillside has ______-nm«»-N»w.ph<,i(viAnFrr MovEYmc depth. It has been;en there .for a couple of e rs and sizes of fish ' tion on ^eciespnumbers No one alive saw thc RodLock C reek Cattle turned 1brQwn, the water largeBoly d isap . C a n a d a . ly ------ycars-This-year,-th•,-the-Eorcst.Scrvicc._get:______)ok provided by the ^ la goose protects family caught in a survey book Allotment in its pristine condondition. By 1890, pearedI ini: higher elevations, thec cattle c me- ~ ting a big helpingJ handha last m onth from 110 ks, w hich will also -department. The books, on virtually a year*roundI basis,b the area' ander ininto Uiis natural conccntratration area, courses as thethe cattle take the b e st w atcIte re d vo lu n teers for a worlivork day, is w orking to put angling diary, are " serve as a personal an w as b ein g used by 175.000I c ca a ttle and 80,000 And in A ugust, th ey all m eel onI ththis four lo and green “carcan d y " first and then push ouout. th e pond within a fcfenced "cxclosure.’’ That • ■ av ailable a t d epartm entnl oc ffices 6lat*wide.- - —sheepJEhcr.ej5.no j- pnnorarhiimic video tape Id” six-thoususand"acre‘meadowIancll ■ - ■ Watcr_iouH>urso3~aro~becomlng deeper-r and -mcansrthe fence5 is to'keepjcnttle 'out.jiot • ioB-wnrk o rs .s p o n d a— __ —- -.yjepartmeDt fiehfixioai ^^vF^r^n-faetrno-W flck-akranti^fc'hltczplwz^WJiatr trhn!;n‘t~rii.»;npppnrpri hv~t}~ thpni^soon wid e r as thele robt'systcmsi~aii~tP~holii~5i r I Burveying fish pop- - - ? - big sh are o f th e ir tim e su to g ra p h s o f any real use. does undndcr thc attack of a large: numbern of tion or solidif;dify existing banks, blue gigrass The pond’s prinioimary rcason’forTxialijnce a ev alu ate our man* ' ulations and anglers to e^ That fosters the psycholojology that "that’s . caltlp.. w ith ils two-iro-inch root network crowdsIs out is to maintain as highigh a water table as pos- —ngomcnt—progr»m.4 nnd.od.identity!jecdB,L _____ Asay’R-Twin^liU—^4M mini'hnnVw hnrnrno HpniiflpH •■mcfldowlnndgrJt-fillBonly - ■ said resident fisberyss nm a n a g e r Al Von ■ q j D is tric t R anger Don Oman.1. tion di.Hii.sappears outward from the ll water reaching twokvo to three TecfdcepT Strcream S 6 c P R 0 3 E Vooren. “The Idaho anglmgler is a Iremen- »JEC T^ Page'C6 dous source of informalmation which we’d — like to tap. Anglers whok’ho-pintiripatc-will | • help ILS focus our managnagem ent elTorts in / t h e a re a s ofgrcatfiSt noodood;...... — I------Meetinigs addiressfiiishing rules,r diepredeation — - Magic Valley Bow>whunters “ ^ By T h e Times-News restrainining order jusl before thelhe opening Wilh thc currentcui c^ontroversy surrounund- com m entfl from thoe floor."fia • will hold South HillsHi shoot of th e ggeneral fishing season. EaE a rlie r thie ing tho numb^epredation wa com- “ - Bowhuntorfl'will hold theih e ir South_Hills Ski . ... be_m ajor,topics a t two specpecial meetings in mile siritretch o f B ig Wood R iver* irinto artifi- ter, those atteitlending the CSI mectincg arca plainUiJiad bcenJwndjindled in the past, give Lift Shoot' at Magic M Mo ountain ski area " , thcM agicVulley today.' ' • ~gntT~lanirg^fishing'onljrTt'itlr r vstri lat no "discussion of things ththat the number of complaiplaints broken down by ------SaturdojHind-SundttY,— ~ FntFCisiricl Judge Phil^hillip'-Ucckcr will size-relciIatcJhn~rvestiimits...... irfd'wluirihc~rough"ouP There will be competitijtition in menls nnd____ announce his decision inn HHojley today on . The S ilv e r C reek fly fialungkinljnly stre tc h _The meb'tingings are designed to lelanypi/one ...com e of th ose rem[iedjaj_n^mpt3 edi accom- . ___ women's unlimited, limitmited and barcbow ------‘ —whcthor-a-lemporary .resr e s tr aining order; a n s gidiidendedJlYe-milcs.dQitnatte LteamJfrom_inlcre6ted_expr x p rcas.an idea o f how tlw cqrom* plishcd. ^ as well as varioua di^fivisions to r young*' ’ _:prohibilinfi.thcJdnhoJ2efinapartment of Fish The Natnturc Gonscrvancv prtiperlyrty. pen sntion proyirogram- could best serve tlth e " sters,“aa well uh m ullignn^nns nnd a masters’------nnd Game fronrcnfSrcing"ng-newbBltTBcar— A-lirr' siiieii a i id ia n d o ^ o r " “ ■We c eru iin iy donllont know^whufUTlix^ " ■ c lass m oney shoot bothI dadays. ' and limit regulations on1 Big B Wood River Wood River R Valley anglers coicomplained Carl Nellis,is, Region 4 supervisor for tlthc~pect," he said. “Butwe;-we will bo there during r — Rgglgtnition-rmil=begieein=Pt.,a;3Q_ajiL ______I -^nd-Silvgr-Crock------______- - t h a t ’the he .'rGStrictivcrTcgtilatiDDs: Ils«iid_thaL through-lat« -TueueB -^-tho-advertiscd timcB.-]CB.-It is poBsiblo-w o-w ill^ _____ loach day, with the first-rst-rbund shuol.rlft : ------Meanwhile, in meetingsJ8 ar t 1:30 and 7:30 family-o'•oriented lishmg opportunitmty in very 3u:^nly”fourur persons had pre-registen‘red have two sessions of very little activity, the morning and tho sect;econd*round sboot- ______IP .m . in thc ^Sffcn Room .onon th e CoIIprc of ncce^^.gjbiihlo nrenH._____ ' for witness time.tim He added that while prprc- But Tve seen meetingsings that appeared to be Southern Idaho campus.:, tJthc departmei^_ If J^cker decides to dissolveIve the re- registering wjwas preferred, il was nnoE very~iow key c-tpni^ S-for adults,-i6 for------Registratit)irfco-i5-S7-fi - will bc.gatHcring the publiiblic's suggestions stroininjing . order., thc dcpartmcoi'ni \\Tll.mi-"mandatory. “ “ youngsters? S16 for coup)upl68 and S20 for - ' J for ways to make compcnsansaiion for winter medinto'Ujly befrin.enforcing the tievlew rogula— - "Wo -will "askask fw bplo-asnhey -comb into' in' tyTiveiy,‘'{ob7''' .families— ,. ~ big game depredation wolA A. . — ------tio n s ;~ - — - th e m eetingJ iil f th e y would cnre to Baym ' - ;r will be available ^ Soft drinks and water v EaB ically ‘wJvit B eckerrw w ill be deciding - 'if Beee c k ^ r m bvee'the Girder ton:ontrp'ctjna- someUiing," .. Nellis.i-aaid,--and—schcdu N i u l e -. T h e CSI mpptingflJfl aren part of aix being ic M ountain Lodge on tho range and Magic 1 is w hich. o f two sportsmlen en 's faction.“) has nent injinj'unciion,_he probably alstIso will bo them if_U>oy.dy.do. It_nlflo_is_very_poasibible_ conauctcd-throughoutout the state before at- will have meola available.llo. ' ■ ! ncing a d ate perhnps a s carlarly a s th is th a t once thcic registered r people have test!sti* tem pts for establishiiishing final disposition can be obtained by ^ * , the better arguments. announc Further information car Tho Idaho Sportsmen IncInc., obtained the . fall for• a full-blown LriaLon thc mom a tte r .____ ficd that wee v will call, for any ^diliom)nal procedures are enncteccted. • ■ . ______L -:lphoningClayton.Niclsenain a t7 ^ 7 2 8 0 . Thi'hursday. Juno 22. 1989 Timosmos-Nown, Twin F alls, Idaho C-6 — Snnake sal[lmon rum remaii i n ^ ^ 1 T heH mmca-Ncws c crosscd Lower Granit(lite. Snake Hi'Hivcr dhm.s iitid b arg e them F ish e rie s B ureau CChicf Stove Huf- below BorBonneville, su rv iv al haii ^oen :j ______BOISEQR — yiftgpitp ^nVIy in^iridim- 'fakor-ttaid.tho low nmru size js —poor------' 'J tions thflth at B onneville Dam couniDunta alarm in g . Brood neec!cds may not be I - would cmend-near thc average nmjiiji.fiize m et a t all hatchoricies and' natural Manyly ciiinobk n e v e r m ndc il - 5 ^ -of90,000rO O r ^ p o r titm o f th at' Hin'n'go-~apuwriing will likely bbo ro d u ced rT h o ” -thrQugh'tl:'h'theTirst-poofto collcction fa- f c ing to thetho Snake R iv e r is very low.w. consequences a re u'disappointing u cilitics I a al Lower Granite* Dum. T hatL hhas led the Idaho Deparpart- setback to th e gains mmade in rebuild- Those thathat were collected m ay nol )f F ish and G iunc to poalponpone ing spring chinook; runsi in Idaho hnvo surviurvived tht* t^tros!? o f collection — y p la ru foror apring chinook salmon sea-set since 1984. We were; .very optimistic und bargitirging. . . , ■ . Idaho in 1989...... that Idaho salmon fi:fishennen could ChinoollOok counts at all dams up- u{ being to e n jo y m ore: fiahing opportu- To olTscih'sct the effect o f bnck-lo-back streamI from Bonneville on , thcth nity b eg inning th ia yei■■ear. Loss of th a t 1987 undnd : 1S)38 droughts, tho depart- i Columbiabiu und Snake rivers are :low.lov opportunity is very dislisheartcning."fi m o n t willwill do e v e rjlh in g possible lo ’ Prcdicatiiations a re fo r only 12,000W Ito Fisheries personneli61 attribute the maximizeuze survival of fish returning 14,000 sprspring chinook to cross Lowc3wer stock failu ro lo evenents of tbf 1987 to Idaho,10, IHuffaker said. No commer- e Dam. Fishing season havhave, drought when.juvenihdie m ig ra t^ n to ic a l flsheriiherics for apring chinook were ' ______been posiflssiblc in recen t years whovhcn . the o ccn a w a s very popoor. Deapile cf- held thislis vvear on tht. lo w e r Columbia ^ ------25.000 C^JJ.UUD gpm ttf 61unook huvtuive Jorts to co llect chincinooK smolts ul Kiver. [lukar gi{roup heolds WOIjrfesfiibp The 'Hmc!nes-News quail, for a meeting andnr reception lo ench stateiiate and •strotegize on how, focus private resourcirccs and public best U)J snsave or increase exisiting' El ^ BOISE>E — Tho C h u k ar Foundotiontion, policy o n Idaho’s onijily native quail population:lions. on Idaho10 nonprofit corporation dediledi- species. Fundingling for the workshop is being j catod to..tO- enhancing-the long-lcracrm “The mountain quaillil has boonilist*. raised thrthrough donations and-con-; ______K l r t P a [>am er holds one of thche record-book bucksIC heh< ivill have on display ______productm:ivity of sagebruah-grasatancland cd os a species of spececial.concern in ta c ts withith |private businesses, m fish andi vwildlife habitats, has orgar ^ - Idaho sin ce 1976,” said so foundation ‘‘The costs cos will be abouT*S4;000,’' nizcd a mmountain quail workshopp inii spokesm uri Ed Rol)crt'rtson of Boise. Robertson,son said, “a n d th o u g h we hope; Multe id e e ^^ sh o w -pplannee ------B oisetoda>day through-Saturday:------“Sincfr-it-will-be-featunjred-onthecen— to-raise-*-large lai donations-to-cover-it;------The Idaldaho D epartm ent of Fish ancand tennial year upland bbird staihp in we certain!jiinly wouldn't t u m a w a y ony- The Times-Newa record-bi-book bucks.' show co-founder and UtUtah author Game iiosiias been compiling informama- 1990, it s e e m s fitting ththat the founda- one." T h eI UUtah Hunter’s Federation is Lee Nelson. He said exhxhibitors re- ,,tion and1 listingli reported locatioius ofol tion should focusc its atattention on thc SPRINGVILLE.3, Utah — The sponsorioring tho show’s class buckck ceived discounts on bootloth space b y mountainin quail in p reparation foifor perilous situation ofthiihis bird.* Contribu:ributions m ny be m ad e to the world's first muloe cdeer show fca- display,y, a collodion of 60 of thehe displaying large mulee dccr tro- the meetiniting. Robertson’s effortsi 'will bring to- Northw est Resource Information luring hundreds' of trophies will biggest3t im ule deer ev er taken. phics a s p a rt of their cxhiihibits. The woifvorkshop will bring togcthei;her gether biologiats fromn Idaho, Wash- Center. InInc.. for M ou n tain Quail; take place, July 14-16 14- a t thc-S alt The I Utah Taxidermy Aasocia-ia* “The pu^se of our■ ssho%v is to profession)onal^iologists, including two ington, Oregon, Nevadjida and Califor- Workshop,lop. Box 427, E a g le , Idaho, ______P alace in Salt Lakeke ( C i ^ ____ tion is} sjsponsoring a display of thehe prom ote quality mulo dotJeer hunting recognizedzed authorities on mountainloin ’ nio to profile thc statusus ofth o bird in 83616. Called the Rockyl{jTMounlain Mule besfbucl¥ckTlaKcniriT988rThe'Utah-Qh“ in~th^ -Rocky-Mountain-in-statea-by ------• Deor Expo, .tho ahoihow will feature irophyi aixhcrya hunstcrs will prc--c- exposing sportsm en to hihundreds of the m ost trophy muli lu le d eo re v e r as* sep t anin exhibit o f bucks tak en in thc most magniHccnt bucksbi ever ^tregrin^ J to Boisis e B ^ l t ^ __ sembled at one placeacc at one time. the^elveIvet with bows a nd a r rows. ta k e n .”, said Nelson’s p.artncr_Dr. pa ______?s comc The three-day shoshow will feature ^In addiddition to trophy mule door,!r, Ben G ard n er. He addedd the\ R ocky BOISEE (AP)( —-T hree fem ale pere-;re- d ay. A ndra s nnd other■Lofficials wei- c a tc h andnd killI th eir ow n p re y , such: the world’s biggest•st buck (accord- the showlow will featurc exhbitis byjy M ountain Mule Deer ExSxpo proba- grines hav'c ha< grown accustom ed to corned th c falcons to their home as pigeons‘ons, blackbirds .and mead-; ing to Boone and1 C:Crockett record big gamtme guides, taxidermists andid bly will becomc the annunual gather. their neww homeI atop Boise’s 14-storyory amid bright sunshine, ' .owlarka.I. book), the world's be;best-known mule a large:e assortment of compam'csCS ing place for mule dccr• hihunters na- Koy Finanlanclnl Center wUh'thc helplelp The B oise peregrinesOS were moved • d c e r'’huntcr in Kirt Kii Darner (11 providinjling goods and serv ices to lo lionwidc. of Gov. Cetcin content, covered on or the East Coast." Theiroir out of their temporarjiry home and leased on'ton 'to p o f lhe Idaho F irs l Na- , . again CriDrimson, Regal, Arrowlcafaf Over the period^!' a yyear, p ro tein ' num bers! werew decim ated by the pea-e?~USk5"lhclr-flr5rflightrh -hc-saidrBank—tional-Bank- ank-Plaea; ------— PINTALA, Ala. -— While some Osceola,, WV hite Dutch, Lxiuisiana S-1>1 levels in this clovcr wevere tested to ticide DD":IDT, which softened theircir customers will be able!to U wotch th eir people may argue theireir taste prefer- and otherer clovers commonly plantedcd average over 20 pc«jrcent, every eggshells,8. • progress throOgh a cclosod-ci.rcuit OfTlciolsals hope the falcons will; _ _ ences for burgers andid colas, white- inAmcricf•ica. m onth o f the year, higheher th^^her "They don’tdc look very Inrge, but-t)ul-TV. ------...... mate. Thehe {goal of the peregrine re- " tail"deer have scttled-ed”on their fa- -The newGw clover also was field test-.sl-. planlings’wc observed.1. The consis- they are rcircally strong,” suid Gov. Ce-:e- While th e y 'liv e - in the lb hock bp5f..^covcry progprogram is to -p ro d u c e 15 lo - o r broWBer'------e d b y d cECQnd. c r turkey-huntcrs-olong-f’P'ltcntly high-yonr-roundI Fprotein level—cii Andrus,us,-who woro-a blue-T-shirtlirt-. ih c-falco n s-fced on qiutiiail. Withiii a 20 nesting.pig paire_of_poregrine falcons According lo lest reeresults just re- side otherer plantings normally planl-ll- is fl'c n ic ia l'fa c io r in lh(tho rilitntional conim cmlorating or their release Mon-on- monl'h, th e bird s aree cxpoctcB" to in Idaho by' leased by the Whitctailtail Institute of ed as decr de attractants. Includeded developm ent of Whilctaitails, particu- ____ ----- North A m erican, thc veivcgctation-prc* wcro oats,ts, roygrasB and seed what, la rly in a n tle r devclopmcnent;------r ^ - Q - - Terred most by deer is at new clover “Until wiwc tested Imperial, a clovcrcr In addition to attractiiting deer, the known as imperial whitelitetail clover. lhat wouldlid sta y green and highly nu-lU- new clo v er has proven to be a b ig h it * iGplam^ f r o u t!stream1 center According to Ray SScc colt, institute iritious much mi of the year was un-m- wiih wild turkey, too. ;s-News bed just downstream1 designed to Donationsions may be s e n t to thc Ob- president and foundercr of the Baas heard ofr byb; us o r othor wildlife peo-:o- The clo v er has another« r unique foa- The.Times-l hold d ev elo p in g tro u t og)jggB. ; se rv a to ry■y Account, A First Interstate Anglers Sportsmen Socii3ciety, tho new- pie we talklik ed w ith .' tu re. U nlike other clovever, Imperial BQigE', l' — A man-made trout)Ut B a n k , 1400400 Vista A v en u e, B ox 57, : ly- devcloped-clover• byI CalAVeat “While} tthe whitetail really prefere r does n ot require the meileaay inocula- . , lanned for th e wildlife inter-cr- Viewing w inds will be provided in Boiso, 83707-1707-0006. Seeds of California canan help revolu- Imperial1 Whitetail clovcr," Scottlit tion process at thc time ccnter at Vish and Gomono areas with cobblestone1C and rubble ______lionize the sport of deer;er and hunting continued,:d, “the real b eau ty o f tho10 It is prc-inoculalcd will rtcrs in Boise will give visi-si- bottoms w h ich will hole)ld aquatic in- and improve the overalirall quality of clovcr is} itits long growing season. It coasting, before it is ahi unique opportunity to view2w sets to support naturalI feedingft and a III I thc species, particularl;arly ontler de- keeps pro>roducing all year-long in conveniently ready to' ’oCpl ''bv‘tho t»“ teun tream-frnm.a fishy-angle___------juveail&jcaring^irca.— ~V5lopmentnnd'fnwn-qual[uality: ------manyTillmImatcff'and'doeBn’fn o rn iH llyly—hnnter~wlth'=ftill^loniii " ■ “W M tetaij-deer-are-ji‘-jusrlike-pco--jieed annumual • reseeding.—W hen-the-le—lions. ------■ -■ Th'cTBbTstjTseniivcrrObservaloYyirflr“fl." ■'“A 'v io w 'd cck ‘'wiirprov;.Vide. ,00. ■ HUNTIImilG SUEMJESL&_ _ pie. They know what foofoods they like other cloveivcrs peterout in the spring,g, - )gacy p rojcct o f Boi_se Cityty spaw ning fish. Thc atrctrcam will be Gl to cat and they’re a ttraacted c t lo them,'’ form seedid heads! and loso their tastete Thc W hitetail Institute■to i. looking G U N R E P A I R ons Incorporated, the ofR-11- m anaged to allow troul.utatvoHo,. said Scolt. ‘Our tests3 aand the field ahd becomiime too tough to chew , Impe-e- for serious-m inded, dediidicoted -food Vallef t Rdoadlsg Keadqnrten. nization sponsoring tho cele-le- atanges o f devclopmcnl testing by scores of huntershui across ria! Whitcttctail remains lush and-tcn-n- plot" a n d “doer pasture rthe state centennial in Ida-a- served on one visit and the country have prove)ven that deer • der year-ro-round. It’s always good nip-p- h u n ters te be coopencrativc*ra"t o"'n*1d field .trotionorth , „ id can support / U< ital city. Thc observatoryry occasional p lan ts o f fialish which are ft ^ prefer to browse this clovdrbyuptoclo' ping for deS WASHINGTON (AP)~’) — Environ- cncd spcciccTm” lisrth a riff'n p p a rc n tlyy- -' Opal-Creekt-the-Brcitcal: .nhnah R ivor lo Stacy Geljcbirds. Region 3 supervi-'i- "F or e d u catio n , toururism promo- THEAMAZHG 30 GAL. MAGNUM menlalists warned Tuesdesday that un- dependentit uponv old-growth forests. ;and C olem an Rim in Oregon,- Oi and sor. "Gebfi^arda bases th e estim ate oiT”•n liotTor jiist helpTiig^dahdhoans become Far morelore accurate, less kick. ; Ies.s .C ongress acUf to slow sl' logpjig, . AuCpin_s1 said, his proposals would.!d . Higgins. Creek and the Whitcchuck V the numlwrcr of< people already reserv-V- aw are o f th e s ta te ’s resxsourcos, the lesspowxjwder, bettor ballistics, ____ . within five yonrs-tharg-W ■33m:c.onxnvimnmcntnlista—a_Slver.in.WaflhingtOD.______ir ^ space at the adjacent municipalal observatory is destine to t< be a huge than othc3thor 3 0 c a l. m a g n u m s . ____ _nny_np_thipg loft" of thc:hc old-growth and th c indii ^ s t r y to negotiate^__ •____ Evans urged members'•8 of the sub- park. ~— • ------GofG om e in a n d - s e e , ------forests of ihc Pacific Nortforthwesl. ~"FranEly,ly. Pm tired aiid have had aQ committeesi to (ly overfec[ederariands ~ Guarartieedieed gun smithing, rebljjeirTgr ream will originate in a . . However, industry rcprcprescntatives bellyful fro;‘rorii the hotheads on bo^tl ini the Northwest and loolJok for your- ' The strca 0 Funding is being souglIght from cor- rebamlingsling, custom stock building,...... lnrhBffTingT)f^ide8;=TAuG(iGointsaid^ohd'ay,...... —. '-i 'self. W ft-nm certflirLtbhfiht'ynii will spring-like2 setting,Si fed bv recii'culat------counteTca"bcftwnr)olnr k-PQrale,andjndiadi]aLap jun repair and choke'woric ; tw o House subcom m ittesea ithat cutting.. Hearingg testimonyI Tuesday werec comc( te understand, as ai wc too ing and puniumped water. Thc apring; thc first donations of $ back logging of old gngrowth could the nationalnal parks and public lands-B~ ipainfully do, that-withininUbout five__ orjnlet,ppol,lol, ^ 11. provide habitat forLr_from_Bfli 80 _yallcy Flyiy Fishormen_._ ith Aye W .» 733>0990 mean economic ruin forbr thc region, subcommittiittce;of the House Interiorr years ' all thc remaining unprfiCcctcdu: adult troutt withv a gravel incubationn nnd N-Tel C o rporation. cspccially small loggingg Utowns. C om m ittee,!C, and thc forests, familyf ancicnti forests of giant tntrees will be ------T hetestim ony c a m e aasD s e m o c ro t— ^onnS-t*'^'^-:id energy subcommittee off__w__/n»gmcnt«.£Lj»nd_c.u i ,c.ut_up_by ______ic Rep. Les AuCoin, wilhilh the nppar- the ‘Agriculture A Committee. cicarcuts ( and logging rroads that ~CTTl bluaaiiit;' ufH h e-N oijrthwGBt rt con- . Evons. a vice president off theret will bo literally nothih in g lo ll." = 1 F w H IL ! l ! inal Audubon £Mcietyriold"“r G eorge Fram pton Jr., pipresident o f \ 0 ' gressional delegation, sasaid hc wos Nol*™ IVith F arm Innsurance Crc•oi> H ail In suurance... r ------prepared- to—offer—M-Mvoral so- 4" ; . 'hearing that .Congress} tthc W ilderness & cicty, waivants a n im> m i n g h a n d ! ------callerridora-to-thc^lntcjatcrioLappni- stauld .nipnpose a Tialt to loggingI rmediate 25 pcrccnt dccretrease in log- Y o u hhold th e w in: prialions bill. But the OreDrcgonDoino- plans jjrth■^e"laTgorand'lca5t-fnig=~8 — g in g -o n » th e - national foribreata.—"W e...... ------W e-O ffer— y aporifirq mcntcd trac■acts o f ancient f o re s ts ... a tL t preserving what'sI left1 of the. rC a s h nndent foresta of the Paciicific North— ; . ★ D isco u n t for ( a ly sisism a d e .” vw est is in th e best interestssla,of-the re- /V ^ n ------“★"tnterestFree-B-Notes------who asked not to be idcnjT n S 'S id ryondomil, the atands-of-okbgrowth-i_:gionrboth-TOM-tOPPEff 7 ^ em p o rary in- “ NalionaHyfHy Famous • Superior Quality. '■ : ' Callyoy o u r L o c a l A ( ; c n t T O>DAY I IV in Falls:: 7J7 3 3 -7 2 1 2 " ' been ablp to securc tem Buhl; 543-643>438 . . junctions. blocking_3alc oof f tim b e r on 5 2 2 AMdlson ll Ave. W. •d=4378 ____ - fcderal'lahds...... JKu^.FarrnBureae a t / ...... - H a i l e y : 788-31J-3529 ■ . . )tcct thc spoV Thoso bans are to protc( 73'33-952B Bmily-of Insuraneo Sorvico'iCOS G o o d i n j r i3.< ’ ___ ^.i^d.owl, n,candidate forr thcti "threat- I m h MI . * ------C-C nmos-Nuvvs. Twin FallFalls. Idaho Thursday. JunoJ 2;22 , 1909 “ BackccOTntry 1conditfobnsimp>rovc siitcadily fbr cannpingrth i k i n g ^ ved per elp v atio n s and riveiver and stream campgrourrounds have been renovated TheTimcs-Ncws • . the snaller streams. (Crews have that mounLmtain bikes are not allowed been working on the Ba5ald Mountain in the Sowawtoolh wilderness; accessess crossings are running’ h high. a n d a ro o■ p i nprovpd fishintr Furtherher information can bo ob------r“TWTNTAl:I:S^Backc:k c nuntr>-cnn=----- 'ar conditions 'in the Failairfield Ranger tained byby calling the SNF office in -ditions Tor cnmpinR andnd liiking con- tacular view of the surrounding stock traveivel. Hikers into Alice, F ar sed Districl;' All compgrouounds are open Twin Falls^alls fti 737-3200 d uring busi- p— to improve ihrougho(jhout tho Saw* - country.- Moantein txail.11.bikers have ley.imd-ToToxawny lakes are adviaed up- and sitcfl a t JBowns andid B aum gartner n e s s hoursiurs M onday th ro u g h Friday. tooth Nationnl Forcat..- recently cleared 25 mile;les o f tra il (in th at snowV remr ains a l som e o f tho up- Deer Creek. Post and p51)51e wood per- ^ nger District,- - ■- ...... -» ' * f ______^ ■ In the Durlcy RnnRe m its will bo sold a t the th Kctchum )6on Flat and ^ Rocroatlon ronds into thu Tiiompsoi Ranger District ofiice Friday. 1 For hoth — Laku Cicvcland areas remrer ain uniitu- other information alwutlUt recrcation _ - R e p o rt ' tinucd from Page C44 j------ble,'These arena, aa wellL*Il aH the road nnd trail conditions in thtl e K elchum * C o n t u d. to the Indepenedence; LLakes trail HHHBI district, a Ji't-hour infornrmationnum. equipment.nt o r the back o f your head, either hits the water behindnd head, are not expected t personal use nnd for postt b e r is availalbe: 622-8027.^ . ' - -T h e line eitl k W a r r esn's r W ays :attails ort^ichlgh bankjn-n- ■ able until liie first p a rt o i nre available at the Twina In the Sawtooth Natii'tionoj Rccrc. you.tjie cat Ih thistles'that c a t flies andid Torest outings, ciiinpera ii strict office on .Kimberiyy ntion Area, more and molore trails are- feJtcil with iresenLotions to big rising alternate sitea at Clear ( to group site at Ix)wer Pen-I- opening. to hikers an d mimountain bik. totroy pre; lett and iJi-nnelt Sprir,nngs camp- .tempnCanlampground i.s available forr ers,, Trails are open Iiinto. Norton, ; problem is lh a t even if youmu gr»iir»lH.______i^ B u k e f nnd— Bw w i—- I I .V . . T ill,, , Tlie b ip p lop'ii now ac- , hnve cln«»i.lalc style and a nigh Dack Accghh to the Fnlla Ranger thrnughmitlit tlie dililrict aro provided.,,'1...W illiam s Creek-Fish Loo; lay not be high enough to . Dislrict is available byy wv ay o f Dry ^ on a firrt?R^m e , first-served basis, ceasible. Fourth of Julyy Creek' Road ""'J growth behind you. ' • Creek and the Oakle;icIey-Rogerson .* The KetcJjtchum Ranger District re-• ' is now open and Valleyy creek Road dear the gp case you, the fly caster, Roati. Jlowcver. .Monuiinument and ports thatat Dollarhide and TrailI and ; Decker Flat-s RoodI iare suggest- Inlhmcni ' must alterir your technique. Tradition- ■ Third Fork Roads remainain closed duc Creek sumnmmib nre now open. SnowV ,ed good rides. wili employ the roll cast, an 'lo snow drifla. Woodcuttlulling in the level remaiilaiiUH nt the 8 ,000-foo|^ eleva- Trails into the White CCloud moun- nlly..you wil and pretty m aneuver th a t district is in full awing,ig, with most tion; high1 lakek basins n re still .snow-- tain1 s .should be accessibible in a few elTicien am cations in many situations, cutting arena now accesressible. Per- covercd. FishingFii is reported good on1 1 more days. Visitors an,re remin'dcd hasapphca In fact, I vrillvn! go so far as to so y if f e l you a re not.ot adopt a t roll castfng butI t . ... can cast 100100 feet cin.s8ic style, you Tag fees; could h€elp fight ddepredati!______t in- ofsixconduiduclj^'d throughout thu sta te! lard,I Idaho Falls regionalal supervisor ' The roll a IDAHO FALLS (A P) - ^ It has multiple applica-______3 ' x ------croQEO-orrhuntinf-iiccnseHses'o rtagB to~"in'thc~\^akc'kc'ofSH-million-in-claimfl—f I—forthe-IdHho-FlHh-ond-fla >ame-Dopnrt— tcch/licitiejj tions in the10 Ifield. Not only is it useful■ul S :amc animals filod by landindowners afler marauding: mt cnt. buy land to wean big-gair in presentiniLing a fly, if you.have a n ob-lb- aw ay Trom farm groundid wasi ono of wildlife desleslmyed property last win- d onto farm - «tniction behindbel you, it is used in the suggeations aired Tu(luesday at a ter. The animals crowded, St.. wiljbcabloible to lengthen y o u r casting lintcr rnngo, avoidinBdrsdrag, providing n maxi- normal lifting back cast depredation hearing heldleld in Idaho Wildlife' h has always been a prob-• 1 land that onco was wir } by utilizing a ro ll c a st to graoreiicre .1 mend when,»n you have a long c a s t andid line and fly lifl ncneatly ofi'the distan ce by Falls. I'em on privaivate land, bul with th(Plasl, PollardI said. By olTering ! rod in.stead o f sc^veral aeriol □ nlolope, tjic m ust coverjr Ia lot of w ater. Likew ise,!, water and much quicker:o rlK anifJ ' lo ad tho rod An 11-mnn, one-w om(inn nr negotiai- two yearsi oof drought followed by a tlo feed doer, elk and an sts,-you wiH-add-the roll cast cn oir tilled ndown.stre.i■earn mini-roll cast will of- h M ^ im p ly trie d to bockcklift-the-line— false casts,- 0 hearinp' hi mildly seve:vero'wintor. the situationI p pressure' could bo taker ing commitlce hold two h ten extenditliedragfreedriaofa tl in a traditional manner..{■ to the essenjsential a rse n a l o f eiTective the University Place in townto' as part reached itsits limits, said Herb Pol- ffields and haystacks. techniques. dry longig 1enough to induce a Tho results ofthe moran o u v cr.b c c a stin g tccli I don't know th e b a sic roll ______strike. sides a v o id in g the snaggfflcd or If id somo q uiet w a te r and c...... Ono o f mTiy y favorite uses of the roll drow ned fly, includo a bibonm.By CBSt.nndM !. It is alm ost e s s en tial th at ; ^ Project - ____ •______cusl.ia.tQ jitratraighten oul.my line on___------picking-the lin e ofT the iwaterwon.r,—w Practice..ll dice on w ato r a s th e friction ; • Continued from1 PoRoP C4 time OmanOn feels he %vill definite- rmen, hunters, outdoorsminon and peo- tho surface:e cofthe watersolhat 1 may3y I req u ire fe w e r fiat castfiuFmovctbc youpractici ne nnd w ater p u ll ag ain st tho ------from-Bpring--runoff.-lL-us(•uses nojie of ly be nble-Uutojjhow grazing-intcrests ,phi F whn ju st w anted to be p a rt of il, efficiently? Hilift a longline inlo th e a ir^ _ line upstream and backi t I o tho origi- o r th c lin e li fluid, steady.action.that- . the water currently inn tho North that streamsms'beds have raised|ji:han- sset the posts, noiphed1 the poles, and repla.cecethefiyonthewat^rwith n ' mil easting point. FewercrfalB fcasts - ro d ia a n u . ho cast work. I t is n ot very Fork,' duc to downstret.ream water nels narroW'owed. Banks beginnihg'lo'• hham m ered spikosj’ drov<)ve in Steel a minimumm (of false casting, m oan m o re c a s ts with tl:the ny on the m a k e s tho c torilydone on grass. ; - righUi. show somee (of the undercutting lhal pposts, strung w ire i(nd builuilt fences. As a n exnixample, on waters with a waler, honey potentiallylly m c'e fish. s a ^ f a c to n l asic roll ca^ is easy. ; ______From an outdoor standnndpoint, the p rovides cooyjplor .water, bettc(r water Since then, members 0o f th e Twin lot nf crosss currents,c it is sometimes T he ro ll c a s t is uaed lc y n\ako an o rd in a ry cast so ; pond provTdeS' som e wuteutcrlowl and quality. Thai’hat the w ater Uible will tFall.s Wildlife Foderalionin have con- necessary’ to throw abundant slack ' pose in a n o th e r comon si is exptcndcd s tr a ig h t in front' ; '■ wetland denizen habit^ittand.'ns-lhe a againhavene nicadow vegetniicm push- Itributod' another 'work'dday. Oman into the linenc in o rd er to elim in ate - ...... When flat w ater crosscucurrents arc <,fy„„,A]l„,Ulowingthe line to remain • ; ---iiiioltfgistfl-sny. if tiiejinhitff)itn ris -th c re . inL'the deserscjt ljack. . ______ssny.i he witl cnll for o ther work par- dragging the fly across the surface. e n co u n tered , it is somelietim cscn-cc- watci'ater, raise your arm slowly ' ; nature will fill it. O m an 'declines dei to esCnrrjile in- ~ tlc ll ^ b ccuusu ■thc-pond-e;«xcloBure-iB— If-lhtt-watcr.:pr in i^nirly fnst — o r if the--— tivfrrto-w adfirdiroctlybdiiplQw.naing ______.j ■ ------ThisTT)ring-a-eanada-goi-goosc-famil^r-creaseTiTforiorage. h 5t”yct completcT area I nm ■fishing flT i.s just above tlTrbu- fish and to cast directly i position ju K tab o v e and be- ; that includes six goslingings calls it _ "When wcMC put the area back into "We won't hnve any callIttle in there lent w ater• — I do not w ant to contin- As th e fly co m es over th( this year but we'd like lo have that ue the drift[t o0 f the fly. ir shoulder. ■ homo along with a m allanlard pair and grazing rolailiation. il probably will be ll , line is co m in g directly totoward you Allow the nino ducklings. No one has seen any nn n two on, two olT basis, We will fence fi dono as early as posossiblc so we It wouldi bibc sucked under, drowned the rod tip to fall slightly______?■_ -and.crcatipg.alack. - rvcTtlcal'plnccrWhGfftlrc progeny from the severalsl (Cinammon want to get‘t thet livestock in here oar- caaconlinue c with manage?ement wiilv and possibly)ly snagged. 11 it is ^ 7 ------^utsldinrvc- If you le t th e line andd flyI come line formstis a loop th a t s o m e s behind • • teal or green wing teal pap a ir b ut this ly jn the_y(yLe a r nnd get th em off while 0oiit any delays in the ffuture," he drowned.Jl.ril.m ny not float pro p e rly ___ — down-stream too far, youou must let the th e rod,'simsimply mako a normal cast- '• - mBeaT teaTHabiLatT’rh ereire are coots, ihere’s still1 titimo for the vegelntion to s s; a id ., for the nextxt drift,( Ifsnagged 1 may lino p a ss below you in ororderlopro- ingmotion.'on. The line w ill m ak e a •; various shorebirds amand cattail j-egencraleJ s sufTiciently to a rre st sil- . Oman is aware thal thi:his is a rela- use it or bo0 fforced to wade through vide resistance againstt thet rod to la rg o loopip anda) g ra c e fu lly extend it- •; - ncstcrs like redwing blackl:ckbirds. . tatibo the fofollowing spring. We feel titively small, project. He rcrealizes that the lie of thehe fish to retrieve the fly.' tiiake a n o rd in a ry backc.kcast. s e lf back< oulout in front o f you. . • . ; Oh, yeah. There’s also3 tlthat beaver under that: regimen,rc we nol only will jijust hia rangor di.striclI alone has In any cnsrase, it would cost me time By u tilizin g the roll cacast, some- Practiceice iuntil you lia v e th e basic ; lhat moved in on one of the man- provide exce:ccllont forage for the graz- many n smnller problums.tlithnt are cor- anil more effective'caslsoff over-the __ ■ times several in successission, you can roll cdast pc — made-neating-ialaridB ancand immodi- cra-but“wc-•c-will-see-eoiUinuing-im——roctahlp, r ------^------______w aterJxlioo.loose-to-csh::______J it,perfeftiy_m.n.stcrcdJEbcn':___ regain controfofThe linenc and put it you a re reacready to a d a p t i t to those sit- ; ately began “harvosting" the I willow pmvementolL of the rip arian zones," By makinging a tight, fast roll cast r back in the aii-quicklyarand efficient-. _ u atio n s Uiat:hal require a little more______;__ sprouts Oman and othersrs triedt to.es*. Oman saidaid a beneficial step in the . "Bul." he.cautioned.“we.ve also have shortly afterLer the fly has passed o v e r . iie technique. ; tablish on the islands andnd shoreline. Western Sto3tockgrowcrs‘ attitude to- some s very big problem:m s th a l wc the trout, I1 energizee the line and takece th a n basic t( That beaver may becomcime a tran.s- ward the projcct pr came when-about have h no idea how to solve.'e.” out m uch oflof the-slack that was delib-J. As you b eco m e adeptit \vrith the roll ______plant candidate for anotherh e r reason. 90 volurileen■ers showed u p to help in- erately useded in the presentation. c ast, you w ill bc able toom i ake deli- •n ; Oman harbors the hopepe th a l if lhe „tall the fjincincing. So you lake care of wh,'hat you can During thei; lilime tho line is rolling calc lip rolls and lilerall;illy walk your tV'/irron StScboth operates a /7y projcct reachcR - expectnl:tntions, the The ForesTest Service went first handily h and pray for helppon ( the rest, through theele casi 1 quickly mako a • line a n d fly a c ro ss tho water,wi you shop'in IVe/iiIVcndell. : state of Idaho will allow ata t least par- class “fromm a sccnic standpoint" on tial recharging with Northrth Fork wa- the centralI ppart of thu projecl,'going ter. Currently, the statee has1 issued U) Targheee IFflrc.-Jt^for sev eral loads orders against^that. o f j)ine pnlofile.s and posts. 'Idaho Fish Last year the pond spilipilled ju-sl a and G nm e Department, D. from tho up-___ Illassifieci few days. ThiS' year, ilI aspilU'dTtTrlHnd bird arand m igratory wntcrfovvl ____^over two months. B u t w/hat ha puts the , state stampp Ifunds, provided just less v p p y df~every otoccasion ~\ beaver a t .risk is the probaibability that than .half ththe funding for .that and it and iLi fnmily could someday sor ex- other materii'rials, • • ------0 ' tend the dam a few feetcl south i and The ' Western Wi Slockgrowers ^el lhat special pipcV.son know jusisl w hat 'K,„ If • east. North Fork onlyIy aj few feet provided thetho semis lhat toted the • away and if the beaver dnrrlammedit.it materials to the site and then 5 pair \ y .o)u'rc u thinkin^i wiwith a Linique, hf i i n #«ilt / .s; would put the p rojecl inI contraven-c „r dozer-moulounted auger.'^ to dig tlie liled for any happ>ipy occasion, / : lion of sUUe w ater law nncand it would post holes. \ s u i t have to go. The Stock;ckgrower.'i also provided . \ i's easy to do! Siidimply ca llo r coitme inlo No m.ittcrrThcrc-‘fr-anot:nother So«th-.:ill,e_h(.t*r,_UitUie couki_[\nd the Dutch ir office. O iir ad-\J-visprs will haa p p y to .. .Hills,rancher.wlio is asking:ing the For- .ovens th a t m;made the piisl-work party ' est Service to transplant'nt any such mealn realI Tcfeast., ■ . sist-you develop jijust the ri^hllmcs;issajic. nuisance henvers in wate aters above Meanwhileile, thu volunteers, fisher- , 111 the-coupon oul his place liecause “we'vee i had O r if it's easier"fill • the mcacjow.s we h a d helbefore they id wc'Il do the restjsl. Just rem em ber ------trapped the beaver out off th e re ,” . But tlie pond really isn'tVt 1the m ajor — ^ 5 . 'Ctxssvfie-cCSbi7z(h,ppy J^ij£sk . . . item in llie projecl. It'.s lhehe exclosure UJNS" of cattle from the variousIS reaches r of BUY «• SELL « TRADE ‘JF crrrE:.iZ-uaty O acdss i c m - ! Y o ____those eight stnnim s.______( 0 f ■\Ve have pntved lhal we Clin raise -IDJfflO------— ■• B i r t h d a y s • A n n i v e nr.sar>’ 7 stream buds by uilowini:I- vegetation v pfllU to catch tho fiillation.i Omninan said, UlHnN GALLERIES • C<)nf wiHbeno ----- j'razing-fyr-tini-nBxUtwo-j — —H appy-nA ds-i^4jrtin-T im es=- I '■ { NAME: ------:----- , N e w s - C l a sisifieds s under - ■ ! ADDRESS;------' classificatii:ion 004 daily. E ,Z IP :______------I m M j CITY, STATE, PR IC E PE R DAY:/. I DAYTIME PH'■HONE:------I I B o rdd e r a d s ] i'W ant My Hapiappy Ad To S ay : ------1 EXPERRIENCED I '2 13/16" X 2" (4 col,3l, in c h )...... $ 2 0 . 0DO 0 I ______' ' , ------r : 2 13/16" X 2 1/2"' (5( col; inch)...... $ 2 2 . 55 0 0 ] g i___GCf l i r ------2-1-3A16^-3- 7 0 0 ^ ' •j Mail Coupon to limes Hn NewsCias.?iiied l^C^ 0 . Box. 54 8 T w in -fn lls; Id 8 3 3 0 3 ,'7 3 3 -0 6 2 6 | : and Altcrati'tio n s / 0 0 j-6577 - - ETFTma ■ X ' I, ^ ■ - ■ ■ -- •V Thur;ursdoy.'Juno 22. 1989 Timwn w N crw s. Twin Falls, IcJaho C - 7 •

! S m e » s w .

1 m m sm riM kiM iaftiliB flH Stock markettlo se s 3 straigiht^0 K CHICAOO(AI’lAIT — I-i«ui» I radk-B oojrw Q*ap» Mif- onlie EBtwigtwigaV«; MlMCAPaeKAP) —VlTaalmnoaipav*(niaqr77e.a tVTTwAMociaiaoclaiedPr«aa l*ar ^ M. QXlrowtMt eaan iradaigbeelamtfwrgidtra Mactadworldt■or Id gsW pr loa nanajiy: The Associated Press the-counteiiter maricctv-tbtalcd 201.2121 gaining since NWA’s5 recenti agree- Q w ' Low SiRla Oq0 _ e Owi t Prkaa intfanaid 10 (ta>tamt. KtngKcrgliUBi«»:Cttto,oniica m illion shashares'. ment to be acquired foror $121 a shore. cAme 1*1. icfcfcinrthamordlnaryltpfipm*ln4.ZAn9mlnal' London tnomincommg ruiTB-*30J->tt rft 10 to 4Jt%remlralls«Jl%. London aftamelamconlliing: BBtaClonnn ------NEW YORK-Thee stocks m arket The dolllollor fell Wednesday afler-ir- NWA shares ro. 7US Tita T ia 71.7J —41 Upartanl.i2n>nBmli«M2 %ii>n>nlr«ldMn2toa; U taat.gO aWiML _ X parxert.4»Wl»«.a»im2lo*:K; Mperaw«.44t%.U7% NYHandyAHa'AHarmaiim tOiorlBn . r a te s .. I fac e ir ■ 5mithK]ine'Beckmoilan rose to , 7146 714S 73.tt 733D — JC $1,000 in ta value, increasing their JU0 72J0 71.* 7110 _ -JC j5 (MK; l8pW0W«.4.41%J.44%a3itt3wn2l>9; Up*raw«. NYEriQ»»>*rd;M:CS7.17.cnt>n The Dow Jones averoerage of 30 in- yicsldstothI the 8.33 percent-8.35 percentnt 61’/*. The company said sa ils shar(}- a;« 71.75 71.75 71J0rHriJO un.ifitfangidlotenli T7paroarow<4J2%>ml trr'Cngrtianlliwd l^kaled: S309J1 on tlTl' a 17,« Ml 1tardt.kninawln«8r4J3%n:> ronkwl . MY QznoiI (ptd vm moilh ckae V^*d trzo. ID. ta - -dustrials-droppcd .7.9797 to 2.4&1.91, range. holders will m eet July 2 1H a7.su. tfl K7. Uimao.Mi lhanlw nar4j:^r% ran Inal ifCMngid H*. RipublicNilicNeIUn*IDar*4pm Md 0712.4) IUS. . b r in g in g its loss sin c e ththC{9tart t of tlie ' ~ Many W all-Streeterl lately hnveI'e ■ p r o p o s e d m e r t r e r lhh°Bn°Z° wi a m i ------No. Itardanbwdurun' Mllllin4.a4JM.eO: l»nnlnalUlr>- 44.co7*)a.:e*r*iM tia rb ------l^lnaM .4airia.un------week lo points ^ ^ ^ecuJateJ«1 that stock prices mightfit Bcechflm Group, aiJB a tja aas7 aixo —x awVidtDftiwnl Nunbar traded:ed: Hillfing lOeart; Ep ctar. Hiji Lom ani* C»0. Declining issues outnuitnumbered ad- be due foror a pause or pullback afterer Harcourt • Brace- Jovuno\'ich am , , ai.toaij)aaooaoo» _ e IraM mliJlflg 1 can. ort oraM aaaakMaanoguoteMlrv- I 00.0 e ae no? sxao «aj7 _jQ —jc m«sl«.no«a*OuUtn.Olaoai.rti :;(BllanpwlnvcB. vijnces by about -i to 33 irin nationw ide their stron,'ong advance siocc late lasts t g a in e d ** lo 14’^ o n £of»4 J o r a 3 ’/4-poinL.. ^ at.t7 aijo a a n 0007 —z aS7A 380X03(7a)37Z4D .0.10 trading, of Now York>rk S to c k E x - year, jum p Tuesday, when1 thoI c o n ip a n y ' j« i. atjo atJD aaso a ix 7 ..k » CbmMi.lyalk»2Jr«dCMn1'*. 373S0 .0.10 aa4o aa40 ao40 BBntc C*laNa.2taary 1.(0nml(«l-Zf7it'7inrlay Aug 30B.SOX7aa)38ai7D»S.7O .&I0 . __cl^nge-listcd stocks, willkvith 6 1 7 u p . 8 4 2 A nalystssts said a Fed report on eco0- announced plans lo sell‘II its-six them e ' JJJT ______aatJ eats sits n.H - js caraai,ay*arige4iaManira«J’BnMwrfttuelZa-- . Oi______37inaaojos7uo3n.B *0.10 a. No 2 lead barley MIrv Da; a7S.1038&0>a7l03384.» .02) ■dbwri‘a:nd 495 unchan^d.;ed.” ' '■ nom ic conc]onditions around the country•y parks to cut debt andid focus on its Tuil*al«I.»i ij ti. imiai**.n)ttt nM(Eilli ra i»aa:'Dululh 20B btda-ui*»n^ W Feb asicD3nto3SUD3ea.9o t^oo Volume on tho floor>or o f th e B i g helped easease m arket concern that the,ie, publishing and insurancnco businesses. Hcm"****”" ny* Mil 2 U ronlnal tnnroKl;id^NalzCSnemlnalun- Apr aa7JD3(7.B30rO3BlB «0.40 tfargal An 907J0 *8J0 B o a r d c a m e to 168.83 znillion m il shares, ccl^al barbank m ight need to drive in-n- As measured by Wil^ilshire Associ- 3o.co>«».:or«awtapwb. 40.S «S7 «X0 40J7 —SB . Fl«NBln»»iota. OIJO •OJD a g a i n s t 167.65 m illion in tthe previous terest rate!ites-higher bul didn’t-inspirere ales’ index of more tharan 5,000 active-' — '■ 4ajo 4K00 40.00 4i a .,,Q .a a>»«aaaHiiy«it»r7.s'*w'*. S 4CU0-.«» , «j)*4joe»*txo —.a_Q aj«lmrM«k^liiinioartN*nono^JSa. OiC 4KLO -.BJD session. Nationwide, consolidated c stock-buyinyingenthusiasm. •ly traded stocks, thee market lost ob , ...... F« ______40?JQ4tt5140J04ac.*UO. ... ; volum o' in NYSE-listed:ed iMues. in-' Tho repcepbrt, known ns the T)eigc;c $514 billion, or 0.16 peilercent, in val- f* ,...47JD4UDOJQ«7* -.* ) . ; . . . . Apr 4IU0 «7XD Apr'' M.47 J4.0S 44.47 4 4 f ♦.!? EataaiaaxiaaixiaxLTM.‘iiai*aia74...... -1 e l u d i n g tr a d e s in th o see sis to c k s o n r e - boofc.’ indicidicatcd th at growth is slow-—V-— u e :------Tua.'aopannvini3B.4ai.onat3. ^ ___ gional ,e«chnngnfi nnd.ii inflaUonaiX-P'’C3suroa ^ v e'e _ The NYSE's composilsite index of a ll jui m>n t»w\ mm 48Aann nis-droppeH-.31 111770 ■ eased in responserei to an anti-inflationin ~ i t i l i s t c d c o m m o n , s t ^ iWaM«.>4»877. .______SILVER ^^W IR^^B-eainpaign-\’Ti"\viiged'by'thC"Pcd. ■ ------rcncvettia Iway dWrlciij-dHtr------M CO Ir^aa.^ •rtapwb and: Jiai oao tao 923J a u *s.i Loser?I amonga the blue chips in-V Standard & Poor's iiidiidustrial index «•«*»;»«» x s H « 33.42 a s '-.a—M P«aloaa;OanandnenataAlelily(lygDed.eawalalrty Ari S34 93U8}t0 BU *4J eluded US>JSX, d o w n ’/4 a t 36’i'4; M c-:- fell .81 to 366,56, and S&3&P's SOO-stock Am X3D X40 31 « 33J7 —.»_.B IW».Martiattafileanone*iVHIy»ly laMr. otrian abcw Aug 8M3 CHICAQO (AP)—a n h indKytMM h 5 ia 51J0 a.40 sa4s -—jr J 7 Baady.fiMallncftor49mlntnim(n.Per(Ml.Mally 9 ^ SSSS4US&S9BJ *47 ckvd tarroriy mbMWidnMdty enon Ihthe B e Id D onsld's,, d14A lew HJO; S Mar lh> cM rv t lor to Juir tt tlNDj«abJ2?m ' bide, downivn % a t 28^4, a n d G e n e rall l ''dex for the over-the-coiountor market 4ajO 48190 4BJ0 4S^ —_ n7S blllm tUD.imiew1KD;80b.ca■ carmTMCa&CO. ***/ !74g5?4J)!JU)J7J.4 .4.7 4.7 j u b r i u M . M : M otors, dowio w n 5 /a a t4 0 . . . dropped .72 to 443.86. TiMiiataLcaiLQS. uiyhitWandbw; **< s&o uzo sat.o at3 . oat* S'* (anti t» n anU la w•rwKhJulyetllJla «l ^ m , Tua-a(*«injr t 2a.c«a.«nar. Dl aO K m ffloatty 3ixa eeeeelei«itaraDyNtfwrandtMr- ^ eau .4.7 butfid: i^rtMra Mn Jonti IcwMrtolSoLhlghaf ta 1 Two tlOtnota,blo e x c e p tio n s tei the c T. a a ltfl>l7A moity 17A leal*«taJO; tO-Boimliv Dee caooxoflAoec&a .47 e07« *4.7 wilh July « ■ bwM. dow ntrendid were American Tele- — ' HnKni7X[>t7AaorrMKAi*wlt ■ UaAltiOtraXoBalonaliytUOrJO: LLS. I XD b w ie. Mer am .47 * phono & Telegraph,Tel up I at36'/4, andd ■ btffiw iM ii a;cr-n J>.|4mmoa«lyUA Ti»-a(»ianWInW».37«.ofia7. Intemationional Business Machines,' up aknllyb>ar:iO(xmHrnwnn» rT T T n n ^H >/«atio9^t./4. d m Hit lew Ocaa C7« ---- »4r>d------JflJJI24«,>»).}u«0i7i4u«i—7.c«la«tcata.corTvbarl^ ^ UUII. 2aua3H313»UI2X.t)-e.u Mane VDkcna LaM Ov ^ !' «)dK»|^wn.pM n AKwtAKun i i T w m ; i s —'* Coors 19*I9'ft + ’’h Tj internarn atio n al...... 3 2 ^ ” tzpctprcuin 4<} aTaltatiltwlhaUatiyWtiWnnm ■ U i B f l H l I.2B4AO .«V% . '* TJpetpieteln 4 tt OKttilcrairelOiI ldih»pfkaacsll«l«d waUyby Oten HUPnyiLcatiia Oift M7^a " I^.TCa » ’* —SU Duff & Phelps 8’e'-u ■ 'u Universe!a ! I Foods 35 — __ ldar1>rK»ft>»m«>ilnjt»»______- juirwriwi.ua, u a OipenmM d Afl-laillvrfcPrto^™a CRtJOCOIL ______i,io.oco a - r * r-TTHimii«-H^-»»naMia~lM'>.tltl.l : : tcoPtfarnbis?i-^nH ~ ~------X - Flrstr^-B ar>k--S’.S>/4 . ’A , Valhi 16 + ______------.■.tavaoo-sw-n. Upclptolaln AM ~|lMnltitnlai>n■anOa cha row a«lee cu r rvit cn Jun* s. nrisT T M rT Jr - ~n%Hidp»— - H.-JrH0 fnz------5iZVa ? ------— WretOne-ET0'BanArp~38^^— —:------»pop.cUln 4J* PfedM*« trading on tn* NawI May HBO 17.« wd Qna Ejrdw ^ WM. r hM TUMdiy. June XL Wnmr pigi ACfrttCM loa Uemba «&(a-7Qai >fcrwi «.W-3.75-3Ua HaWabibullwdWtifcahw An / WOO 17.16 HK^ tA i aenie Oig laS^atStMKiaiVMcaMi WOMBOMgsxo he«L CatTvnarelil K Ilflr OM* 47AITXMI.TS. Oittar-cam COM 40A«.a:L M SUQARMCRLDI H elfm ta avCD ^n BafilMr tkiinallle gJMUOi Haletain etewi IP ROtUD; «DOD ■>. BXMUD; OMCO Aug 10.n irtaewb be. n OMUO; SD703 tk. (U>740:}; raX&tCDD tm. auD-eOJO; (Mr tOBta. IV427S.IV4 Chalea iteere xe-es ta a^, i7« a07 tUO 1287 UOS ..tS »0-t11iD: «MCDBt.nO»rBUZ>;: 60<60MCD KB. »La)-»tCD; CDTCD ta. TUM&Ck«00; 70MOO Ko. noo-aoo: SO-CIS ta. Oet UB 13.1# liao 1307 .JO 7X00-Tica 0»M >ieH «s9D ate(liL. (tiMUO; SM09 Ra. 7tP K a ;« D -PP t t a . P ja-7Bjg Ftwnana: 170 ’.U High Lowo^^^O oB^^aSige , l7ai7it-4.44 ------M o^^oSno^y Jut ------17.10 17.» ------a m i m z c D 't i a — «- 7tt57------ffl.85-1.85------70-12______^ 3 5 ______NATI04AL STtCKYAm III (AP) — h Tua-aaaMXff.iat. May ttt t 1217 11.»4 12.13 .JS Aug.. Ilve'cattle . l023M9Dti4ia.4UD:M29»nb4UI> 4anSa»oSD?5»«ilw^ -ZB i> 4U0«JD: m a ) e 4U047xl' Tufc-aopm W 2tSJD7. on 4,3B1. 73.06 72.50L50 7Z77 i -.25 __ aaw:.X«MCO»«tMi)^bJOtM;.o»e(JB»e(JC0b«eedy4_l‘aaHCCbXSAll];aB;»»f3CDI»3USha.01______HEATING oil. l e OcA. livecanie ______cei ______^______11.C -C7 I______61.50 80.671.67 81.00 ' -.3 5 • - Osartre*«rXObJ7JOiun«raDb»II “ aaS(ptroaraaper^------f . _ Mayt__feedQr.cattle_ cattle M cMMi» * i a ^ y anflBitepnmarllrcrf 7 49.001.00 49.07 - .03 cam : breeding uirilly ena ginimtdatt^ y i-2«.CMa00: hVvyiM nvaitiam . «J0 4U7l07.4&J14a?7 .{CO _njOAnt4 July jive hogs bcninaullllty l^eoaWUD; iM laM»er«ect«l*r«A«iCa r* sap 47JS4ieBLea47JD4&C7 .1.» 1t^(nitB.' arai|nipw b. - - 4.01’A 3.931.93 3.99’4 - + 3’A Btrih: YO 1.} 12D-1.BBI>f7A4ia;0; YQIIewYC ijeo>tjaob«tm Oa 47jD4as13a 47A 4tJ2 . t.n SB a s 2U2 2130 2131 —Qt July wheat L(B4U)«f7 .tja Vfa 2 6 5 ’/2 -VU o e s uoiN ea low (AP) (uajAj—Or*CMnd u a rnaat t r«ae on V M i^ : Uo> - 4Uoioo S.M 22.es 2204 Z2M —OtS2 July._ com ■ Eteadbeat mwvTHnt Mdmurri IV^ t 1 rroJarata. prtaB B ■** Ok 40.40 nt»«JB»ai.iJ3 n 22S 2U> 32.S 22JS —Jt .32 7.38’* + 2 ’A mwt. lanend erM at«pli« MM rwemd on JW) 40.40 9US14S««S077 .IJ3 hur July soybeans 7.43'& 7.32 trim if5baml2preawCobw«i««linen ImMid enee bated beef culM Vika o< OiMa1-3ia»7D3laeareMl1UBw>-Od Fib F 4Aeo«n.n4oeoni7.10 mm S 3 WM _a; -533.50 534.00.00 529.0a -►•.06 •- OansKLnMBOki 1tiadBA:oM la An J / IdU3 Mtfar. eutteratat oafoeaeee etaady te 1.CB Mtfar, tredi Tial tala 1«J31. 504.00 495.50.50 501.80 +7.70 • ■low, dunand madme en U9* to madmoawaaeWrln».biw^ utility W 480 »ataidniTBJOtaoabenlnautiillYi-? I _ Tua-iccanlraSB.ia.xi 1 A — Jul. platinum — «DtBandtvSl(54|C0.hW*r. ______« 42,(00 gal; eania par e«l Is------92.42------92.26-.26------: -B 2 3 0 ------.09 - - - - «dm«) hero oramijf HM9y m I tmnunttiiiiiinibaUlee te IJU abw . Jul SUOtt.«.« 97A an~-.o7 ^ Sept.— Treaary Bills U A n& 2 hoo earoee* M'fncad A laI aei«p»r e Iwndred «*V*. dviurd 1I(K mMwnentanlgnarlrgiii^lsrnakr-mn AAug »S)J7X0xoisJoseB i 95.31 95.11I I 95.27 + .0 7 eta. Iretfi pork leira t* .u b iaco.t12XDitUd IrtonrrMd 'lU Iftfi 14-MCb ttlA ^taaaO;Mnnadr«r«17.at>«4a.aMt 99 v -aCSMOI103 9270 waa .i3 . asnwrnawtaaill«aB«-yl4^m,»dBr-nSAo-. Jun. Treas. Bonds (» e^ a e a d ta e balliM V-M *■ OMUX'W-taBBKOI. ------. Cca suD ji.n.n so aitit ..7a S.CO.mla>nilSS.- " Sept. D-mark 51J7 5a54.54 51.32 -► .72 ndK teitoral mepeetlen: catlti tX m o ViVarAo.hcaa30tma3X0a a nU m 4BJD4U)J)4U)4ail ..ai Wheat prIcM araira gl g ^ dally by nangwi'a. Oh*r grain .29 59.47 + 1.11 KANSAS crr r. UX (AP) ~ Q M kratv n k> V iM M y : caCtM: tla«wr n twM a e a n total aaonparad la M DOm 4U0OJBJO 409 4ica . tXB pricaaaraaneireriweragatf maral Magic Val lay daeiar gue-^ Sept., S-franc 59.55 : 58.29 MMaeday ata^lar CM 1.C0 MZCSN^} en neeanal tfort « «0 1 ^ . M r Eat wlaa isja. Tua-aaatae uetl.I. t4JDOiMdrAtL»all. **mtm HiTM by FtMdOram Ql kl uotatlons from Sinclair andand CO. UObeteady: 14XM09KSJD; CMCO t TUa.'aepen n 03.771. ort tes. gppdwa.______Q ljc

ceepwa 1 1 4 1»9K ..’<< Q 1.» O ttt HI* LaeEn .ta ■ t»2CDB . vtt QilaGEUO 11301 3B'«.% ^ UELIFE 1.40 11310 43'*— '* Sa^irtTTa ii«7B3) .1 cemina.n ttiZOSTV-^ ' d Ones SMS 7% ' 'LtfinnlJt* - Z& Q'4-k- a n 2 i2xaeso%***% QerM^t44 18141198% Mhrlpl 1.10 2liaM3D'*'.t% k CNECK.aOa 24 1«M•* 'k' .9CANA24a 12140J)’*-% \ —V—V — .. ' MtVImn 101 im a 3t%— '* 0r%n t2KSSt'*.s aOtf>ae t.40 «tgS4« Llllya IJa ■ IBfflB t% ' SOvPlgIS) 17S73»4'a.1 ■ Vi/lanJ8 ,W 7oaj% -'i. tenCh* t) « 7 « > * 't aO art«i.eo • mc57 7r*.-’k •- LWNiriw leaw si'u.'*• Ormco.ca • • 17X 13% J Varlty 1310J38 2V -% • . Wiltt*.a| 11488 48%. % CWnEn2JD 4 3t> *~ S 01OljrFn S7BMe.1-« LltWi 1J3Sau88».» V,> 0 SCW47’*—*.. Ortord S) as 4 t2S'* SballP J) 83017 44’*—f* WM)U 1.« MS8 48'*-% - i- O - O — QIOtnoJOa lOiaSl'k. V. ' Um t V1HS107*:— ’* JS SHSrml.* UTH 73% I VMMrt 2 a aa 3 0 '* —'* vwv«g .40 21 )a a'*—% DPL U t flXE79*—S <21GkM« ' UmODZXk Lraart.a3 UBis^i Saari 2 18«S3«— '* • WkmC .n 3t123S8ES%—%% • vw«th 1J0 qM7aB3%-% O ra ^ l.O 10149 4l< i.’>1 OOdrUli 2 TSOI SO'*. irra2«a I 10882 38%.% tKretlprMBtorNMYoriiSMliEi- 6e * ^ uw 7% ■« — IOMaCki-______D L IT ^ '* ag e d y r^ t^ LlUrt 1______ PlcE« i4»__ 0 0 4 « % - .%'*__ 9ywin.,TO._...... t2«i3jr*... •m *e 3 8 037 7*'*-%% —X—Y-Z— erwnelauM ~ BBuato JO itx n m i - " tj^ a r^ ------'* »yllr« .48 0171 t7 - S _ PE0tlaU«C7e ouiHniM (X twatfk.^ IOaara tJO t » n S - 1 OlOtAtPc 'jO m04 « ’*->* LiMra t 7 O 28V»- V,I Pa*3E 1.40 130271-a-.-'fc— r —W l i------noBTa— OaitaArtJO MBS 70'*.2 OioitM iJD -U-M- PwTall* t4«03ffS . waigE240 l i w a a w s% . Zw^ttC B)ai)1«-% — A—A— DDoemeitjo « e a i« ^ s i at»aa>%.s f t ftra 1 1802 3*'*.'* AMR B06r« ZTH MCA m 373«BaD'*. S• PKlkpZTa t211»4 4CP»—<* mpB.1 m n a i . t _0fa»ti_lJ2at _____ 14CB 3BW.%__.«DU.-L4J . .. ..-11.Bja7W»*'* IM n y .41 3K774 B .t '* OrQnm 1 t472 2t'*»’* MirHnua 3iaaao'*—sI PriC J 8517 S'*. '• OomfhUD t1M 74»*'* Otonsnit 80112 Ifh * ’* i4n»in 4 S r<— %• PtiGon .70 tatausu'*—>. <* M allLB Mfl337 « '* -% Abll.afe t.« TTanSTS—« BDrt«My 2 tO B C W i* I % OMPS 233 t i e t i r * — % A aW .ll» ' ttKCB'**'* DHarrk JB ’ 17sesy%—<* Uana JXm IBB O'*I PnsDi 3 aM ao-k-S I. NEWYCn((AP) —VlBd.4am. na- • vjAigW ...... • BO tw aD rfto tvM*------lUJlUrk"- J aim* ISO -HKUMJBI Hi ------444BT3%.-%---“ I«yro r c ‘{— T2TOr«v,i.'’j.“,“ P ^ M I •• 211788 W *='4- — IWwrprfcaaWAniilaii-BtarErjr—---- GCkiag'.«------aa s - % _ A ^ ^ I B _____ » m \ V — O-C — iOu^t tJS 11>t7Z'a»*a MM b 1J4 WI7«S2*.-S Maytag.Bla N ltae4S!l! 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I* OertfJiJJ 13307 29%-%S MKNG a 17% M f IJ) >®W4!W^ OlOilPSIJO • W 8 —<* fFafrW 30401 *W<* ICIId "ifli* “ Ittjyao'*.'* - 1*to^27l 13Z3H49**'*-- PSEOtOlI --- -«S»28'*-%% TaiUlllia 8M8i3l'* % -Nipen.tsj 91} ^ .% - ktof^t.ea SBoaoo'*.'* i % Twrtiw t »w a»% — %-' DolrPh » H4«33J% ' Anaonp tJSS OiO n p ln t.« 73>lM%*H tFaifecaJD 104BH'*-'* «yKA « 71 aVi I ftflUP t7» »a03 2 S .'* DoiMH JM at 11%—'*% NIIRry 1.2)1 X f W ’* FkNJ 1.a IBBeB.«V-1'h IK Uortn .D 101130 « N . % Ipym 0SSS7t1’*.% Ar«>rt< JD -a iC T JI'i^ ’* . Ole*K^.1J* -__ai8tiz^-'* F • 3*ao^^|« I % TmMIr 1 1 7nB 4JS -S OrKngm 112 2!%.%s MYTIm 4* 18Sia3:^% ArtiaiB .n 174*10'*— '* OlOmrrCta*------4ta-#fT%——Frmal f ------;------1«-J*M-»___ll« ortii______2 aa»w 3 Mono ai______X,17%> %■____ AnmrV* 44 QlOIVk OlOaea ZJt «W 37% -« F ta i^ tJ4 1772 *1___M> — oaroTJD------*B B S 2 » mW s— n y ^ ______13433 3^*—% -tJtts e ia o ------it*a «s%—*»— — Qiaa)-.a>------3ost3 17^*.1'* CaTEngi* 148« O '* - % Numac a 7%—% -JAfrfChTKb— O'OWttKZW------f <* Tom bCZTB 4'*— % Arrwo.lO* 7T7D - Ch —faioae MO------« W 41 W * — a ---- gtaa)MP>>'»—I- • to e t - tnwo^T'* --I Q m n .3 ______atBTIflBWV . -_CarTCr.4Cfc...... KD» aj%=r>_.>•_ C«l «•* 1 ^ _____ • AmiWl 1.06 ltaB}»V*% 0>OirlOTJei . . . «7W«V^^7F IntFtw 1JB tfiffi:S2 INCB 135 ____ 151830 S4'*— W (Oi^m as273s%.'* CFCM .« MsaOitg. '* 'cx>u«i.» ‘■ia ioVi %'" F«Pa 113510%.''* IrtUW lr«J I I316?S 4I'S--- »NiraO * ------11130217'*—*« % > raw o tJl ' ' a8B42%T%'“ - - Btw % - - .A**root«9 • SJ17.»* OlOiryilr 1.S SteB2f%—k.- F ...... Trarart®--- -13 a» ^ .—%_-._ io t€n-.: " r - r »i n ~ AifOle 1 taM Si*—^ OrOrg ^ J ----- . —m w iis:— — o « 4SV-S—t>*f-h*PH»14l------aB7 4JS^W—f ■ Fia»ten,7» a a g a g w ^ . it» tA W fl_____ 11W 1 ^ « S InLC JO) . a 73. g**. <* .. ■ JJ.PlrKJ./' , OTPU«l«»—^ ___Ol \ —arm ..... aaA—% • PTilP ______8231 WV-'^ ■ .. .. Ailaaa _ S Z Jt1%»S Cn Fvasa.w aejTTS — T S B srre------nTossTO TN — ...Oarvinaa 1731 7%«, P*)Oa” 13 89 O'*. % / B iy* -OlCMti£------^aais>k FFW»rBl* . 11317*^'* jn JD B(D(2r%— «> rNalFOitX ' t33tt » '* .•* RarudI 3t27 M —«• — Diwfat— ------—a*-f%»-%—^———— FlaCtei W4 I 't . '* Jtf¥Uni1.ia Jen teBBI4l«to—s . Nil. tan t ^ - % naviOI S i m ff%. I*5 V l S w J ^ i - Ocae 1.0 ' 170137^^ "a— AVMCO.eS Cttw CK IJt F t U to - - a*3 o%. %- .Tit — ...... ijm.2%. _ .. .. ,A»efy JB . M4tia>.-». - (M Ol U .« M1Sr7 4CK F A f .« 3CXTWM1 .<* ..Jtfi.Jarina .jB.MW.'* tNeanl- B9H -naiTO-22r— “ I ioHafl75’* - s “ fMlO ^ e « twi* JU M M « 2 r* » % 7 ______7T4M 8 — '* (^wci itatt-ia • .::.LU O -...... OeiiW .18 W73BO% .'*u. __ T*IOt* J8 - IdlEB 40%- >* ___ _ !7W4»^’i_0»O x aciiji ______I H IWLQi BTSSt 13l'<^1% IB---- T«*acn ------—— 883-1% %------AKm t ----rrjCMyjc ee------F B---- □CT'iaS C s JT*— < 4 TaiAIr SZ3 MV-% Ardkne « « !? % •'* 0 Q9I « p t.4»i ttBBHt'»»'. FFiptMc IJCk OSDS'* ternKmart 1 « * w»4a%. RnaAMI J7 M a7 37%—<* Oijllei .72 0 2 3 3)%. % st37«3t<* vfftttra « •. 12070 30—%•% LNCtnc iS I 7% « Thrira 3)8}1M.% - a - o - Q on )lte 2 ' 90049 Kw^ gokis • % tttwfUa a * UCR3 210 » ttB 0 > — % EcrnOyJ7 a«Ol u% . % CWir»^ ,4t ssXa 17% 'Or-OTtCn J ■OJI’* - 1* 0om 2M tSM1S4%.1% Kotti KQ ua t» a2 W k tKMPU3 13tSC8 II'*— '* FMwlr .71 72X0 22%. <* Erefcm . ta s’*k TdPw JO eitJ7 27%. % OrreRIXB 2tW M I%.l’k .Ker mub Ul ncetjs^s FkHMat.Uf •3880 9 I'* -'** Lmn 3«S S'*—'* ) TWQy U 70 t . . ... jta n » » v -.'* _ Qmm te o Kmtx tM . t1t»(3I%*'k » * UK 1J0 t3tseoi3aN.—% DCCO «1XD 3 B M e z iO ftZDTT —*» ■ Om« On »■ w m s fk . .a. Oicetp A iiiM> «% t ^ -• Mlur n n . 17* to * o B % -- »wrM.tte - «ot aa^%. iw>-f ...... » « o a a w « . ______. y ______._H4%-% ___ Omtcti t e s n i T w <* KMyin K« is a z A ^HaitULTS) . ■ « « t2 W• Iterw-XT ------W1031 37%-%fe. UM .I. . .iK77iai'^% DneOvIM tO O JTW * Q Qr rw m ia^- « » » * - '• O * utci«-3--- - Toaaa%- FAiaPr l a 3433 a . '** ■ unocipja »■»%-'* DWY IS Bwwwn, ceraEdl*! cor tttN tt O CkCyn 1 7XB DS KeUvgLTS Kell ^Hfln>tt2 F bw " WD 7%-<* UFcodA \ a s tli . " l » e i “XW------» ■ ^— Ker -KenMctaB---- ^H1K7<»*—%__^ _l»*|}ajjaa ___ s w s a iii— '** u m e 2 J) 13080 77%-% Fk*a JD .• 18,47 ZJW % tMiAm-JSe------Q rC d if------^------aVk— O — Foratt.------!— Z7»aB%—>*—4,__USCeU______S3 «’»»_'* ...... QajKti 1.H T76MB'H-'* QnNOI.71 Or 2 1 tt» 0 > -^ Q Q M U JI s s m —% KmOUD Kkr 13279101’^ ' * “ ^fE w T ntom JD tnno25%.'i ^ Unrf^ 7111 r a - Oitnal JO 13323090-% Kn^1J2 Kr« at3n«S«% Mnal h MO »KB 43%- % * i a S r i i ------^ — FnjIIU ;• -01170 11'*. <* Deuar M 107IS t1\* > Qnrall Or IJ) M n s Q - uw M iia 113307 n% *i ^ w w ^ .18 . 4an a%. <* OyiA]|«.« 1XEMMV-«> fxw Ot 07X1 fW I S 13Mtt<7N-S QrM Qr IS) 'tOMmtlS a “"r c u - a LWTii t s aoCTt a ♦ i « wtwfd • - ta tv - '* ■ ~ ■ OvifCO U> tiJeov-» m o» e p M ) • 1777 It—H a GM6 J l tOWeBS*’* vV CBdPwtm.. ;?K iir2 r* ~ i. flpsricia a ' S3iC8»4-t o r m u ------' ■■ • a ^ ' OPU IJ O - ItZTCMO'k.S r Laa s ; . , ?CM£d IJa 181737 31— '* aFiPcp-6 ■■ J tc n a '* .’*- —QUinr 1 o a s 44%• VWliglll __ •*«B9d9-% ^ OviQtU.I^ 7 7S QOeta Qt ' ««2r*«'* a * upjrfr, « ^ c - 8 - TimoD-Now3,TwinFin Folfs. Idnho T hursday. Junono 22, 1969 usiness e^ p ro g r; ds-millkons-to_f[ederalcdefidt_i FHAhiom€-mlortgage am-add -J 'e a r iind When the^FHAiA has u cash outflow — be-. WASHINGTON (AP),p) — The government'fi ^ HousingHe and Urban Dcvelopm)pmenty th e FH A ’s tributcdjd largely to the problenlem, officials diminishing,ng, losses Uie rest o f th is yei ith profitability retu rn in g in^1991. 1 cauBo it poys ouUnorc u t r forjn^uranc^clain^s —•------largest prograrri, forr ii insuring ih o m e-m o rt—parentagency.- pa - - ...... —------...... - a g r e e .- in 1990, with 3, which than it collectsJ in in fees — that adds, to the” ” gngee has been'losingg nmoney since last year, The net worth of thc fundmd for tho FHA’s> Tho HHUD official term ed the loslosses a "sen- A reportrt i in Thc New Y ork T im es, HA officials as sa y in g tn6 agency a budget deficit. Converacly, O when housing -- adding millions of dolla)l!ars to the federal bud- ' memost popular jnsurancc prognjgram , th e M utual oiis aitujtuation," but said the fundid was not in quo'tcd FHA ’nough money to c o v e r five months n markets are hot)t ondo the FHA is undorwrit- get deficit, goverammment officials said Mortgage Mc Insurance Fund,d, slippped from danger.'r.o f exhausting its net worth, wo which had only eno , is incorrect, said William'G■ Glavin, ing a lot o f m ortgartgagcs, its fee income jum ps’ Wednesday. $3.4S3-. billion o t the ond of fiscaseal 19OT to about would requirere C ongress to step in and rescue o f claim s, is and it actually’ helpshe to jeduce the budget The Federal Hoa^iaa^ing Administration, S2.8 S2. billion at the end of 1988198 and has de- theself-sf-supporting program. a HUD spokeokcsman. )uquctte deficit. That happeppened in 1987 when the FHA • • ------which insures S247 billioillion worth of A m erican cliid ined below S2.7 billion so0 fifar in 1989, oc. , 'There;re’s nothing wo see at tWslis Btag^^t Howeve£,jir, according to Dennis J. Du ongress' liad a profit of SlOlflOl million, according to th e ' m ortgages under its programpro for single-fnm - cording coi to a HUD financial olTolTicor who spoke would put pi iiB in that position shorlort of an ab^ ' of the GenornoiSrAccounling Office, Cor r o f con- HUD official. rhe The GAO, which tra c k s FH A ______ily-hom cs, lost $369,I, millionm in fiscal year on on condition o f anon>Tnity. solut£lyy severe regional downturnam for a bus- au d itin g w!nfAng, thc losses aro a m a tte r c I if they finances on a somjmewhat e different accounting 1908, which ended Sept.:pt. 30, and $149.5 million "Mortgage I defaults, particrticularly in the tained five-to-six-year f period,"’ tthe official cem for fedeederal budget w rite rs ev en i eaten thc m ortgage progran:im’s net basis from whatit theU agoncy uses, showed a in the first six monthsJi3 of fiscal 1989, ended Bouthweatemboi sta te s sufToringng 1from a depres- enid. do not threat ------iMnr ch 31, UTTnn llT irig Ju3ti7,- hBve-con’------The ofiieial-predicted-conttntanfof ine. olthouch worth. —

31 1 1 1 iT

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. • ^1- ::

V - i : - - - : ^ ThuhufGday. Ju n o 22. 5909 T.mor,-^nr.-Nowo, Twin Pniln, Idaho

t r Al The.decision o f the highgh (court doesn't ■I ‘ : ' I ' J and experience to offeo ffer advice. To make • ■' end thrbattleovcr arbitrattration c la u s e s r lt------: ------J-,- — - matters-worae.-it'a often-toughofl' to-tell the------• ' L .1 - J .5 docs, though, sh ift th at buttbuttle from th e -r ...... r - good from the bad. “This is esBcntiall;ally a buyer-beware ; courtroom to th e nation’s’b lclegislative . ' , _ I _ I ■ ' I , I . I . < ; bodies. ' . APLaMrpheto situation," says Robert)crt Dolibois, executive - Most b ro k erag e contractacts — the s o r t i director of tho Amoric;irican Society ofjiom e _____ that you sig n w hen you opciopen an a cco u n t i JBasic transts p o r t a t i o n Inspectors, based: in W ash in g to n D.CT “T h ere are in tho noigloighborhood of 10,000. » • with your b ro k e r — containtain in the sm all i M o d e ls 0 h o w o f't f ai customized'M ercc■cdcB jBonz Hamburgrg, West Germany. The T cor sells for people around the eoucountry who dabble in j print the provision that,, if Jyou have a limousine, featuringtnff a red, heort-shaped. tbathtttb. It approzimfmately $540,000, not inclu:luding shipping to the aw. und there's almoat - dispute with the brokerageIge house, you .. was on display rccen;e n tly a t th e 'A u to v isio n ' c a r sh o w in U n ite d SS te tates o r d e ^ e r p r e p a r aitio tio n . this sort of thing now. • agree to slibm it your claimaim only to . ' no licensing and reguloju latio n ," The field has _ ■ binding arbitration. _ faced g 10 to. 15 p e■rccnt rc ( increnso in the - - - “j .Uhancos a rc you will i^ovliover h av e's , number of home inspecjpeclors in the last two • problem with your brokerer nnnd that, ^believee^in tlT^; personaartoucfi“ y ears, ho estim ates. I through carefu l planning,g, tlthe two of you The growth of the home inspeclion ’s that minus fieef sales, he is the dollars in sales),"s)," he said. . * will achieve a m utually proprofitable' ByJ/JENNIFER C. KENT year, says , u industry has been-esvespecially rapid in 0 dealer period, althoughI irindustry Cherub-faced;ed Fred “We're Dealin’ ' • relationship. Butthat'snot.not always th e ' he Associated Press. No. 1 auto , Southern California,ia, according to Alex accoun'ts arand rankings vary. Ricart is a localcal celebrity in iHe country's • case, • ^pH.Kuczynski,..preaidcrdent -and-ownor-of------'------Hes com petitors who includfude fleet 26th larg est autolto market, although much o • • Mistakes are made, UnrcJnrequestfid COLUMBUS. CC Ohio — Fred,id.Ricart’s 127 He chide ° Econotny Inspection1 SeS erv ice Inc,, a 6-year- a-record-24,000-sales whenen tallying up their sales3 figures.-thefi guLtar-toutirIting auto, mogul’s.buainesi • trades a re m ad e and requeiquested tra d e s • salesilespeople m agged to-soll.a-r old company baaedr i in n L os AngclcsT Two“ • ’ icludes only automobiless sold: to ' comes from outit oo; f town, ' arenotmadc. Disputes can arise over fo™5rds last year partly becauseise ofthe zany Ricart incl , yeara ago. thero werefro ' 75 to 100 inspectors confessed ham individual1 customersc for caah. M anyofhis’61s'66 telcvisiontommcrcial! w hether ybu actu ally gaveive iinstructions -anticitics of their boss, a self-con in the aren, today therele re n re 500 to 1,000, he mcommcrcials "Otherss say they’re the biggest,'St, but 1 feature Ricart fdrum m ing his six-string a m • to your b roker. It happensnsthousands t o f - * whoho pitches cars in televisionATE No. 012 showing a list ol n H v oreign m atter and fiuids inithcsyatom. th comprcHBora, a - passed m ak in g them illegalignl, ufueturers.-model-numberHrfc Without the pistons a nd vmlvcsuscdina ah a v in g by Such leg islatio n was introitroduced last r conditioners using scroll coi stattandard compressor, a scrollrollcomproaiior I, and more- ______year in the H ouso of Represircsentatives. s t show ing the electricity savii , opeperates quieter and more vibration-frce.vib This fjrtriilr roll compressor/ but no action w as taken. It Ihas been re* By the time th« gas errlvesves at Actually, during optperation, all • tiling a high-elTiciency unit, a 3 an advantage both foryouTOTrid-ySIf i •addressed i introduced th is y ear. Its proprospects a re • . ' . the center port, dischargege six gat pastafl»*_artt.liliovarlouti------T------iledHnformation'ornhFsc rolF — ha« b e m ; ^ ^ ed:------lltfges ol eompretslolion a t a ll ______ieighbo_r8, ______,------• enveloae include Sl.OO and a self-adc ------uncertain.------>f a scroll timH, resulting In ncnearly con- TThe operating principle of a •lope. ------• Organizations such os the SW oppose ______tinuous suction andiddlKharge. { .-r gon.om pressor ia sim ple. Two spispiral-shaped 'aR c 0 2 • S e e P O R T E R onn P ag e D2 ’ • See DULLEV on Pajj« {:■ S a tM flw # a « m . in q m

De^esperatte mom1 req u e ists hellp with Ibirth aontrol sen d SiW and hope Pcrcy Ross is a Minncnpoapolis millionaire . pregnancy, so30 I’m going to g ra n t your D ear M r. R .: You''ou'vc got it all wrong. If I known intcmntionallyforlu:r liis m f request. M y onlyor problem is I havo no> . didn't send you momoney for new shoes, then th a t the request is real, lysen ignore the letter bumaniLarian and philiinthni(/in)p;c activities. g advice o r gemm of hum or to accom panyy nm y I’d w arran t your ppray ra ers. T hat's becausc for tho best or com pletely ij • Percy 5 0 nnd hbpedfor . P cny Ross’ fn voritc pastimitime is Helping check w hich willw p'ay for your.iyisband’sJ’s I'd be a cold, uncariiirin g , selfish, m iserly old b y throw ing il away? touch, but over the '■ others —by sharing both bis money and J h f l ■ Ross vasectom y. man. As for me, 1 sent the S50j ru led by.m y heart '■ 'bis philnnthropy-with them.•m, "He w/jo g iv e s — •So,-here’s to your good h ealth , w hichh isii so____Offer your p ra ytfers e r to th a l kind of p e rso n .... th e best. Coll mc a soft-louc __wl}ilp_hcjiycs ...jilso k^ I »'.9u7iercit/roo3.'' necessary toe:1 care for the children^o.u__ Afl for mo. offer vouj■our,frii!ndahip.becauiic. .. yearsJ’ve learned to bu lok.ruli . . . ______e and the one you a re carryi:rying. my check for new’ shoessh is on the way. nnd not b y my pocket book.ring in m y English ±ays'R_oss^______vasectoctomy. The ch eap est wo cann fmdls^fi already have i ------$350; wlwhich ia totally unaffordablelie 1because— tctVhcFpc-thric-opcration-takcs:------Percy: As I waa studying iir^- ihp ______: - DoarMr. RoBSi'Lastycarcar I had a baby. . he iusts t igot o-ioh h f in n m r m p ______» b ^ f M r . Ro ssiI J need 1 m oney becauHp -3200<«urf»rl-c«me-neroflft-l me myfads ore homclesiless.-They arc in ^ e ______ht o f you. —Scntt, ' wcighing^^’c r 10 poundsT^jS u3«f-healthprob!em8r------_JThp^vda«LariLJiiuiQccrLaia; n»-woighod-almost— -We-ai» nr? hiHo nnHid_nowLwitli n __ and os you’vee iprobably hea rd , people liklike Jtt^eetfr-ealing out of garbage cana. I want to are so poaitivc.' I thought o cH ' help thenT eat to' stailay'alive. j 1 need 1 ~Chaltanooga, lenn^ idTntprossiontirsay ^ ------' nine pounds. M y doctor oldtold me I shouldn’t this babjaby on the w ay, we can ’t affo!fford m e only rocoi.^)i,vo a sm all allow ance each a rs haVe no p icture to) cacash a check with, so I , Dcar"&OltrA"pToftranctTr.fnll bi'fore or afler . have anym ore childrcnsinccince I develop . a n y ^liing n ex tra. I don’t t r u s t any' otlo th e r form month. I’ve bci3ceri:herc for o v er four.yeari )u"sen‘d caah.'ir>’ou'ecndT’'.“ 'the least"Howc\T!r, unt to r e s nlo t oblijigated tto offer statuiIS at leaist everi,y 3 yea\rs cuListomeijrs sp e ccial salees price Q: Howcanatazp;ixpojyor find out if _ p ro p e rty and an nddildilional 180 day.? Q- [ re c e n tly purch ased a suimmor m r lounge chair from I all tho Social Sociirit]rity contributions ^2!!!:arla L azzareschi in w hich to complete^thepurchaso, a localsl1 s to re fo r $20.00. A fow diajm ay la to r, while ih tho ^ B e t t e r th at have boon takonan out of hor — — W hen you enter escscrowforthe same et p Business's' ..... Tpaychodchave beonjan p a id to tho tnm sacaactioos? W e h ave triod to readBfld sale of your initial pn)roperty, you , ^ ^ j®*feel I was over-chargod. Couldn'tC01 I expect a B u r e a u government, and thath a t th e ...... aflm ucluch a s wo c a n about these should advise your rereal eslalc broker refundi f(f o r th e diffonm co? vgOTemmoot haa accu:curato rocords of oxchanjangos, b u t a ll o f thie is still ' aa'well as your escro\■ow officer that A Thirhis is the very nature of a '‘‘8ol{*".“ M any sto res ^ tbeao paymontfl? • p retty;y emyrtifying. For example, y ou intend the proceed’eds of the sale to w illallo'How th e salesperson to infor[form the consum er th a t 0 bo p ut “on sale", in a ^ 1- A: It ie worthwhilelile to find out thesoI transactionstr eeeme to go byia a go into a tax-deferred:d exchafigo. - certainn mr e rch an d ise is going to bi sale. Comparison shoppingngforpjice f and quality [a the _ s not required to cio so, • ------every fowycnTB’whetlhether your Socia! 'lotofdi;‘difibrontnamoa. Ifyoucould-Id This is a voryimportfrtant matter, and few daysjys.'The store however, is ni best w ay to know it it's a“gbbd’deal. goc ...... '• ; S ecu rity account iaI a t th e level it clarifyfy this,t wc would bo grateful.1. ' a statement of your inintentions should nor a ree Ith e y req u ired to issue a1 refundre for any Beginning in lato April,1, BB< etter B usiness B ureaus in ehould'bo.nnd believeovc il or not, there • A: WeW( will tr y to clear m attersI up be included in th e offliTlciai escrow differenc>nce. over 30 statos were delugedfed by individual tolcphone . a used c a r and signod P' _ ia a fairly easy wnyy to check. The for you,)u, but, please understand, tax­ox- inatructions. Equallyy imi portant is Q -MIy y h u eb an d an d I b ought a u inquiries from Puradyne torgets.tor BBB’a responded to man assu red us th a t if s a m e procedure willill oalso tell you deferrccied exchanges are a the requirement thatt youi n ever tako the "ASS IS“I c o n tra c t T he saleam aj consumers with a report froifrom the Nashville, Termeaseo bring it back an d th e y ''g j ____ _how. m uch you can cxjcxpect to.receive___compIiCjilicaled subjec^t and you will ...... posse.a8ionqf_thc_prpcijceeds from Iho anythingng went wrong, wo could br BBB describing the firm's's opoperation arid problems it ------" from Sticurilyu.y upon prubabl; ip ftly . IfyuuU u,— wtodd-taJiflk o -cara o f Wo BBlydrm od to g ot Uie d ealer to , retirement. Simply■call ca l-SOO-937- ' — specil2cifically nn "accommodator"r" the tax-deferred advai'antago oftho whon theiie c a r stopped. Wo phonod I The U.S. district courtinIn Nashvillef issued a fore proceeding, 0 c a r ba'ck, b ut he refusedd to do so. Why c a n t wo , , 2000. This toil-free nunnumber hns been — befon tra n sa c tio n ia forfeilec,cd. tow tho c temporary restraining order•der against the Processing ------sct-^8ido-oxclu8ivoly-f(ly-for telephone , Firststof ( all, lax-deferred B ecau se ofthc strictict regulationa forco^thoho d o o ler to keep his w ord? Centor’s use of the mails and conductod a'hearing. )rol promises are not worthrth the “a ir il lak es to Smi ' req u ests for Social SeeSecurity Form exchanginges, also known as Starker■ ' surrounding tax-defori;rre d exchanges, A. ’Ors Whal ever the outcome, officifficiala aay it will be 30 to 45 ,nges b ecau se of a famous legal e th e m ” is nn appro p riate3 adage.ac There a re . SSA:?(tol.-TersonalII EarningsE nnd exchang' :gal you should get help fro'rom a qualified . breathe t days “a l b est” before th e mail,m ai and money ia released, If you have • cnse on)n tthe su b ject, a re available J implied warranties at timemes, but it would havo jj- , Benefit Efltimatc." If 5 third-party "accommonodator^ before certain ir If the order is made permanilanent by the courts, or sim ilar ty p es of proporty. Bsolvcd in coyrfor bindingig aarbitration. Your difficulty getting throurough on the lino, .,onlyfor! a tte m p tin g one of Ihesijse transactions, to be resc consum ers m ay expect toI ha'have thoir money relumed al&curity You majloy exchange a piece of fl of winning are slim, butt wew would suggest , „ try the general &cial i Y o u r re a l estate broke exchangenge of a principal residence for ThG.most important;It service tho believed'iid 'it, ask in g the salesm anI wlwhy he would verbally md Tenneasee, where the! cciictimpany haa officea. number and a few othcther questions, a pieceE ofol incom e property. Tho law lict w h a t it said. w accommodotorpejfomrm s is contradict Puradyne'shig innovation,ion, o f course, w as the use of complete it and mailI it b ack to the outliningngtho requirements is te m p o ra rily taking pososscssion both Q. WeD rreco iv ed a p o stcard th ait t lookslc liko an official ' :ertified.mail costing $l,06.a:6.a piece.to.mail, giving the __ — ^—rnddrcss-that-accompanpanies'the^om;— containccned-in-Scction'1031 of the - ...... jm otice -with the beading■ "A w ard N otice' a n d a _•/ ...... ofthe'propertyyouinteitend to b u y and ‘ doliveryn litoh far greator believabiiit)ility than the bulk-mail ratos ;T he Social Security AdministrationAdi Internalal RevenueI Code, which is why ve from the "Claim ChC hock No.* We se n t in $3.00.00 and signed tho ^ 'hy o f th e funds you receivc tsually u sed in sim ila r nationtional promotions. . . w ill then send you a listinglist of your Ihese trairansactions are sometimes en su re t hal you *Claim ChC ^ c k ”, m ailin g this in to) tht£ e sen d er for first property sale to en T he P u rad y n e prom otionin is unusual b u t not unique, 'Social Security-qualifieifi^ referredid itb as "1031’e x c h a n ^ " " ets. ' * immedla^!a^' delivei^bf our *Awarderdod Item ", (a voucher n e v e r tou'ch thoso a sse t Cvery day millions of Americericans arc notified by mail :_____ [employment earnings,js.nnd n expected_____ U nderor legislation1 passed inlW ,, a_a ___ J!or-addilional infornrm alion, s e e ____ for.t200),UXtowards.purchaee.ofnatioitionallyeold_...... hat th e y a re eligible to receiAceive valiiable producto o r------re tire m e n t benefits. seller hasims 45 day s a fle r the close of vice merchandndise. Now we iind out thenlere is additional r In te rn a l Revenue Servii ash. But th e com panies aire re coften m erely using the • If.you think there is a0 n e rro r in the escrow' onor the sale o f hia initial publications No. 17, "Y

/nspeci ------• C o n tin u e d ft*om.mPogeDI i„spsrti„„ ions. They realize lhat theirlir Jack Deal, ownor of' a 20-yoar-old foils to nol4loto this in his report, sincenee considering give you)U refereticea. says it can ca do the job in three- nlonsified and—long-t&rn^rm-reput'Qtions-depend-on- >n— Hou9ton-bttsed^»me-in!inspection-firm—teehniealf )44-y—moi>t-i nspecto7&-arxarjs—Good companiea.wonlt.X-coaaidar-this—quartcra_nj q of nn hnnr ” w nrna Thuck comers are being cut b it by some. The buyers: bbeing happy about the10 bearing his name. The;lose inspectors obligatedd to cover only theIhe a bother. C la rk , who whi operates 11-year-old most frightening dovel velopment, say propertyy theyt p u rch ase. And they’d’’d .ten d to b e vory loyal to0 the Realtors, structural•al, mechanical andind Consider choosingI ai n in s p e c to r C la rk Hon--lome Inspections in Falls oetablished inspectors,•s, is the strong r a t her los ^0R,e an occasional deal thanin so as not lo kill the deal.ll." ' eleclrU al 1 ccomponents of the house,ISO. with.memborship in tlthe American Church,'V,'Va, Som e'-oL^he'm ost'■" •tendfi'ncy- for- some le player® to to’ehcourcurage a cover-up. They don’tVl Reilly,' the Ballirimore home Obviously,ly, the tree comes underl e r Society of H om e InspC' aecnmmnHntP pectors. In the importantnt aspectoi of an inspection, -lifthlty.. .iigent-,waDt-a-bu;buycnto-be-£ori£tontcd_wiULa_ a -inspector, says he’.^ snreen “appalling none of thoslose catogories. absence of licensingng for home such as thetho analysis ofa drainage or rather than the buyuyer. In this surprise J e S4.000 b ill fo r a new roofof work" on the part of so m e a re a FrTl'ffBSlrliretanctnrf-lightght—inspectora-sl prove he’s had extensiv \ com pany in Baltim ore in J in 1980. "Whal w ith defecfects,” says Kuczynski, thee Some light inspecti:tSrs fail lo standard1 1 real estate contraclTris experienceTOhlyirsmal rpenJfour-Pendl------'the hell is tho point nt of a home Los Angeic;eies inspector. Experiencedd uncover probloms'bececauso their require, of home inspectors_ inspection if you're goin iJioid ASHI.... .andJBBuild i oing to get the really pepeople realize that fullII inspections arc simply toot< brief. But So how’s’’s a home buyer to knowI'A’ membership, same cursory. handa-6fi •off inspection dieclosurejre-of a home's defectsa other, more unscrupiipulous ones whether he'slo's R e ttin g a c o m p a n y lhlat at Find out how long?n . would-be Y ourEr Estate jrauy get from an apprais raiser?" through'a1 an inspection can helpp in ten tio n ally fail to disciiciose obvious will do a sol:solid inspection ra th e r th aan n inspector intends to spiipend on your cvcnti we'd .ill like to avoid ---To understand the dynlynamics here, mitigate thi their liab ility in the event off probloms they’ve identifiified. issue a rubbibber-stamp report? Realtyity inspection. A thoroughgh inspoction ath and taxes. Eacinc well, look at.the typical r q lawsuit. I real estato t. “Their judgment cn:all may bc specialistsIs a n d establisheded should lako two to foio u r h o u rs o r ‘••xctciMunvi«H iiiid.Mayinj; away from '• ----- transactionrThc-rcnltytty-agcnrtns-a ------^ h c - h o r tomirtTi5pcctor-is-anothcr'“ir—colorod-by-thB-dosiro-not lol-to rock-the- -inspectors! ofoffer these suggestions:------possibiy-longerrRealtyiyagcntrdon’r- :o.po5tpv'nc> onc,_buc.caxea_ __ strong interest in a Iroubl I hard 10 shiikc. The trtck is luble-free deal, pocket to> digdi into,” sa y s Kuczynski. ideal,” . says' John J'.. .. Heyn, an Selcct you•our inspector on the basis-jis- like to wait through a Ion ong inspection the tax laws to avoid or A thorough home inspiispection is a ’While mmost realty agents andj inspectori who acta as spepokosman for of recommoTiondationa from satisfied cd (most feel obligated lo5 beI present), jcf^r taxoaxcj until you, not the IRS, time-consuming procescess, and the home inspejpeclors. operate ethicolly, a1 tthe American Socicty ty of Home customersa 1rather than relying onDn but good ones will. dcciJ.- [.-< p more problems found,i, thet greater small minoinority of them are creating I t.-'^r ik-fcrnfcrred utitil you'decide to Ricart admits hc couldijld n ’t c a rry n som eone silly sill on TV nnd then come The service center i: is op en 24 We’ro m ore re concerned with thee looking for moro spaco,}, highI quaii- rc;:civt.- itit atid:ir pay taxes, tunc in the back of a pictjick u p , but "I in . nnd sec st som e' snub-nosed hi hours, but if you’re slill1 ttoo busy to human factor,.or," sa y s R icart. ty workmanship, and onorgy 01 ofli- Acmthcrler reason r to defer taxes is . really am a pretty gotgood guitar salesmiin. W . We w ant lo m ake it fun." take tj in tho T-Bird, a1 323,000 cioncy. T ho m ajority of'buyers b' pro- ,h;it you>11 havei use of all your ------ployor.:!— :...... for four or moro bedroi ------Parfiitsci< cun-Hoon-shop-for n new-■ didiagnostic~vaTrwill”puil' IH n to -y o u r — f ' J f rW 't roome, with ID compound - diirinfj defer* ------_P«api&-tell-liim-hi(^t(^t-e-l*H4Hi«n— H ol-of-^hweeltt-while-lhei-r-ehlldren—dl l f f e y - ono to bo usod as a dodon. Buyors • t 1 ’ rt^ —drivewfty-or-ofilee-parkin^ng-Jot-K>nd-o ■Tilsirwarmnnsttjrbodrutruoms'lti Uu ~ -uu._iL.sjuiiJikc_an inli;rL-sT.frrc- l.in» ___ ------pitchesTirc-Ti7inoytnfrrt>7tmrRriTirrl play^videoi■o'gn'mes a t K icart's day Cetech n ician , clod in coal‘d """ . Contiminued from Page Dl ------soparaifrTnyrrtnrTtroiirciroTin?nh~ - -^rnin-the-!he—IR-^r-For-cxamplcT-Ti------believes they actually enenjoy them, care center,;r, now under construction, f fl; ix il th e re . homo, with a soparato vivanity a ro a SIOO.OOO)0 iiu'cstmcntii compound- and a c c o rd in g to the tfaleales figures. Customerss whov arc ever-fearful of Ricart admiLs his pricosOS aren't the Q-Itavohch o a rd th a t Bomo statos and two sinks. Most pre?rofor sopn-. anc-at_12_pi -xato-walk-irj-ctosots'imr they c e rta in ly rem em berr thll e m . th e a u to mechanic ni can order a lowest. lo He says, however,r, hisdmlor reqmro nmoktjk c a la rm B th a ta re - - nh'tj m a sto r 30 years- will wi Krow to $2,995,992. bodroom. As for storagogo s p a c o in T i m ^•.nlc ■ A S30 million inventory,ry, including videoliififofof liny1 r e p a ir work done on also al fixes mnny cars forr froo even POworodbylxiMth b a tte rie s and tho kitchon, tho wolk-i .me investment, taxable K-in p a n tr y ,. ,,.1,..1iir III 28 percent; Rroivs to his nearby Van Land, sprsprawled out. their cars, wwl hon t h e y ’re no long(ger under regularhouseso e lectricity . Since these! placos high on mool II: lists. Most ,)niv Sl1,20I.-}14. 2C a whii^ping on 77 a c rc s on Colum bus'us' east side ' "People ju,stju,s don't tru s t mechanics, wwi arran ty . oporato contintinuously, will thoy bo buyors also.profor.ailoas:ast tw o a n d ‘ ' f i i , such luxury 51.794,578578 dittereiicc! Sincc the m akes R icn rl Ford look; morem like a You don’t knowkm if they do what they hich culled oxf™ivolooi> oporato? S. B. a half bathrooms 'and su Success magazine, whi foaturos as raised hoaoarths and haveivc onlyi l>ecn deferred, tiie sm all cily th an an iiulo den! iealcr.'jfiip, say they're.di.•.doing, .so lA’e'll videouipe him hii the biggest dealer of,.f American A-Thcomoilount of current usage is modia rooms. If forcedi tot chooso lliiiai .ircc taxableta in the year you very low andd theti operating cost is botwoon spaco and qjafl'antynsayors Ji-cidc t.)o convcrtc. the invc.stment negligible. Therhe reason for requiring chooso quality. Thoy cacan always cash. IfIfy, you are in a 28 percent ------two power souiources, baltories and add moro spaco lator. Porter — GEM STATE RE/=ALTY is' ■ "‘'■f':'"”'nl hrncket, you'll have houso currcnt,nt, is th a t people often lol d m a in ta in •'f’o u i an ..n SHI0.8H7 tax hill. • Continued from Pa(:Pag e 1)1 investors to} decided. how to pursue del plodgod to furlhor ond deleted from your contract. the batteries3 nrun down. They plan to Iho hfohost othical siono n d a r d s of :r, that still leave.. the leg islativ e rem edy, siiyiiiyinnthat if their complaii laints." he s.-iil^^^^^^ LJIuD jyU u i l im i- a------jibjectionebj rinnsn't lead.toatg-< itdinaTily ilcdicaicd to pay g-dolot»oni-----proridcs no uKpiutuLtiuiir" rpropur.Q uidancii'' UVUiy-JiH .. iairredresr£Hrou(;h arhiirn:tration, dispute ariscM, roker find find requirements, req too: . smoke alarm18 s o< ffer a hush control. . .0400. Enjoy tho long Fourth F of your invcstnestnient incomc. sharpen ' ~~a valiiabic tool. But iTiey art; •. . tiuL.whethur.yeuyuulre.aubj e iH ^ -----^ __ULv’ou-Cool-KtfonBly-on&-Wf — T hiraliowb yuu — -Julz-wookondt------— ■ your pcncii-neil-nndrmhmnnlrthirllr^ ------should not bc the only tool.l.That^ T arbitration. If Ifit's iKit c le a r, a.sk your, other oth about the aj-bitrotionI issue,ii tempororilydeidecrease the sensitivity TTio NAHB group of ntnow-homo tic cxcrci.^c:i.'\c. You could wind up orgatiizalions's pro.sidcn^,, Jo h n C . law yer to go O' buyors look for spaciousJS intoriors ' ) over the contract. entrfvd IS71' —forced arbitration nndrin-doidoing-so, - luippy witharb arl^thition. fine': If ' YoarYoi Afoncy sections of Thee Times-' ' Ro^vlgrccn DriDrive. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1445 A dldlB on AveB E .“^ ' ' “ ” MnnbfiNn.r Nn. ter* ac ti Irc restore the right of Americarcan you're not, see!' mtM Invn^ir Piwnsim Cofpiition eek‘to have th e clau.se NevNews. , 45241. . . tJ-Qli Froa 1-800-345-466S

~ ...... - i [---- a : " - .••1 ...... '..I',' _____ Thursday. Juno 22. 1000 . Timos Now::, Twm F.illr., Idaho D-3 .egal^Lei•gals-Legaa l s

LEGAL NOT)TICE LEGAL NOT)TICE LEGAL NOTICnOE LEGAL NOTInCE LEGAL NOTIiTICE L E G A L NOTI)TICE LEGAL NOTITICE LEGAL NOTI)TICE LEGAL NOTICE in ' t h e d is t rRiCT ic 'S ourco poor and to hoardi aat t th o IN AND FOR THENE -twin fallsS Deputy. Magislratoto CCouft^ phono (M S ) 737-21C>100, All Plal Ifiorool. rocordod roc< porotion. as trusloo. lor ------COURT-OMWe-R■FIFTH Poyelto Piver. ^ u th ------CostrNcr741554— ^------PUeL-ISHr-Thunu r a d a y . b id s *wi41 b o " prublioly u l ------trr-Boak 1 of-Prf-Platsi—BwbenelirTind socurity ol— JUDICIAL DISTRICiIIC T O F Proposed Prkirirority ' C/Grog RudcJoll. Chaima irm an TWIN FALLS1 NOTICE OF PETITTITION Juno 22. 29. Julyly 6 G. ond o p e n ed n n d road aloudale at pago 7. recordsIs olol said 'THE IDAHO FIRST NA­ THE STATE OF IDAHO.ID/i May 15. 198989 Planning and Zoning.CigCom- CosoNo. 41486 FOR CHANGE OF N/NAME 13. 1989.______1 11:00 n.m., Junono 30, Counly. TIONAL BANK, a National . IN AND FO R THTHE PirtcuolUoo<0 m ission NOTICE OF HEARINCNG , In R o : IN T H E DISTRICRlOf 1989> in tho Thirdi South: THE TRUSTEE. HAS NO Banking Association, as COUNTV Oj F C om m encino o t thithe up- PUBLlSrf: Thuranding pasl.tho si On Monday.'tho 23rd jos at GIVEN Thol.Bonnii n i o J o FA LLS COUNPiNTY bo obtainod byycaUino c S C R I B E D R / In Tho M anor ol Iho10 E slato ' common to S . 3'31 “ 3Z ol Octobor. 1989. atBt R ouw 2. Box 5644. 'Twin O lm sto ad hos on tho thc 7lh M AGISTRATE DIVIJilVISlON M a rc H a r r is o n at t (2081 ( PR O PERTY . 3UTFOR BUT NANCIAL SERVICES by a t a point in T9N. R7 of said •*»ho. proposirsing a d a y ol Ju n o . 1089.. Medlil o N O T IC E O F SHERiERIFF-S 737-2019. Inslructioilions lo P U R P O S E S O)F F COM- C Assignment ol Dood ot h o u r ol 10:45 A,M. of , WITH Trust, rocorded July 16, DOROTHY C. BPWLWLES 3) 6oVt Lots 3 9 _day ot tho Twin-F lrom_ Petition oddrosso^loL'ojho _SALE ______* biddors includo oilII sinlu- : PLIANCE . V\ Docciocoasod (NESE). Kotoh a b b v o ^ n tld o d Courtirt pray-| S laiow ido Coltoctionsions, Inc, biddiruj' roquiiurrumonis- IDAHO CODE,E, SEC”£ 1906 as'Instrum oni No.. .. NOTICE IS'HEREREBY— Amount ond Poriodd.of o u s o C a n n li o f° T « ln '’ FflP jj IIp ’ p . S c h u le r hos .boonin fikxl' ir>g that said Courtrt claimcl s ^ n d o n t bonoiits. unw o l h o a rd a t such timo as os tho tho abovo-onliilo Ci n P U B L IS H : T h u rar a d a y . S a id a alo will bo50 mador FOR THIS OBLIGA- - situatod in tho Count) ' mont againct tho0 di Juno IS and 22, 10B9 ’ will bo torovorbarsarrod. 'ho Idaho Wotor Twin Falls, Stato of1 IdiiJihb. court may opp^nl.I. ond within ten (10) dayst ^ tJant h e ro in , on tho __ without covonant or Claims must prosonicQniod to courco Board will ncnot bo doscnbod a s folicfollows objocuons may bo filo tho ostaistato at rogarding thoso opi Lots 1. 2 ond 3, Block-.1,04 such objoctioftt. shov J l l ^) n'grioht li- Tnle 35. C hapter 5; olg tho to satisy tho obligatioiation 00- *''9 'fio tailuro to pay whon Jiophan. tions. Instead, wn ’oason 1989. tho law ollicos of Slop b u h i t o W nISI s i t e ' tho c ourt a good roc . , bo, in to ro st and clolc^m ol Codo. the lollcallowing cxirod V/ ond pursuai Kvariig. Groonwc-iw o o d ; com m onts oro soliciulalod at Twin Falls County.itv Ida- oBn'hot such a chongir>gool DATED this 7th do:o o y 01 (jotonc(an(_ of,I, irin nnd a s o u m o d o r fictiltilious tho power ol sole ( " SSSir'"D“ d'’l!i Stono & Troinor.r T1 w in l^is timo, Tho Idaho occonJing to theitin o f. n a m e. Juno, 1969. lo tho lollowing desekificribod n a m es hnvo occurodod wilh forrod in th o dood1 ot of tmst dalod Docombor 23, 1982. Falls Bank & Trustsl Com-C partm ont ol Wator r.oi ro- WITNESS nw, handd and Roy A Nollson / to-wii: c h a n g o o l o w n o rshship of executed by RAfRANDY in tho amount ol $210.00 REAL PROPEflTY. tc JB'AND each for Iho months ot pan/ Building. Twinin fFalls souroos will hold o ho S c f'S .‘'B^k°'l of soQl 0* sa id District Court C by/CIinlon E. Minor Kimboriy townsito.} LolsLi 1 ^^0 b u s i n e s s lorrrrmorly WAYNE HOLCOMB . ------r W a h o ; o r flTod wri ith th th u rogarding- tho-opplico rocof*L ‘hioeihdayolM a/.-191989.... rw/8ront H. Niolson_ Falls—t^Own_rv«j.KompJ_RpResinu- JULIE ANN'HOLCOrnM R -January, Fobruory. Marchr i^ o i^ Plats7paflo_T7rroc< —------ft-a^ -B k x * 3 0 . Twin -COMb,_Apn|_^r^.May-i989.-AH— ______C o u rt ' - _____ at a fuluro limo.------______ol Twin T o l6 Cou>)ijnty. HEPWORTH, NUIUN G - A nom qy for Polilionor N.nn C ounty. Iciaho.'C om n HUSBAND AND WIFE ^^-^ESIEBALEZAMIZ—------_-PUSU&;Jhuisdo/„J St^8on--STATE OF.IDAHO)_)----- .. tO- STEW ART_TlTLETLE OF dolinauent payments oro___ tf a y T r r - ^ ^ ir m ^ j^ roy -known atrr233 Mad inAHQ now duo; plus'dccum'u* May. 1989. Commonly known addriddross P on o lo p o Porkor, KlmcflBw— i5,-22'and'29rifle9.—'• EasTHrmborivTraaRo: - -; 89—IOAHO.--INC3-AN-IO; . TW IN F A L L S BANANK & Idaho Wator Rosoisource ggV 9th Averi^ e n u q R ichard A. Ponco. Ctar I c e i s c o u n ty oI Twin FqIIss) ) .• CORPORAtlON,>7 as laio'dra'd^ch-orgosTpllfs— Board IN THE DISTRICTc f ------PUBLIC NOTICE TRUST GOMPANY North, Buhl. Idaho.10. s/P o g g y On" :ic t h ' h e r e b y GIVEN: ^ Thi a l on Mr, l x b - COUNTY O F, HAZEL DRAPER, Falls. Slato ol Idaho. I IN AND FOR THEHE sourcos lor a chonguigo in cutod ^ FREDERICKCK P. TWINFAas -nnr/w4 obodionco to saidid COldor b usinoss of Hawaiianin Gar- THE ABOVE GRANT(>NTORS ioiland LOM BARDI, a sinsingle MAGISTRATE DIVISK ol S a lo . soil a t publicblic auc- «^on. f o rm o rly knowi>wn as ARE NAMED TO> COM-C( Dalod May 26. 1989 COUNTY OF= tho points of divorsion SION NOTICE IS H ^E ION 45- TITLE AND TRUST COM- TWIN FALLS> ■ places of uso of tho^ WQ. man. as grantor lo TITLETil Coso No. 4306 ^dor *^0 hinhost;t bibiddor Korno's Restouront,'t, con- PLY WITH SECTION k tribu- AND TRUST COMPAIPA N Y ,. NOTICE T O CREDITOroBc GIVEN lhal Iho und lonoy ol duct'od a t Twin FnlliQlla in 1 5 0 6 ( 4 ) ( A ) . IDAID A H O PANY, Trusloo ' Proboio No. 4331 • ton: of Birch Crook t signod hos boon_ ; lor. c a s h , law lul monc RESEN' ^/Mobol Rodwino ' NOTICE TO CREDITOITORS tary to oinks and oroart ro- l*>ho corporalion, “ In the Manor of tho Es rnnrn UnilOd StalOS, Oiloil Inght. Twin Falls County, Stai o CODE. NO REPRES FED- ol - . - . . - . pointod porsonal ropro-rop titio.Jntorost_and.daii ! nnmo TATION IS MADE~ THATTl Trust Officer ------fn-tho Manor of tho-Es- Esiato—cordod-ln-tho-casia s o ond FIRST F£ daim-ol—oIJdah'o.-undor.lho n R-ARE-PUBLI6H:-Thuraday,— ol; al -vs- ’ERAL~S'AVINGS-Al-AN D - AUBREY KILUNGER .... -sontatlvo of thVaboibovo*-- Iho ab o v o --n am edI'dolon- ' dc and stylo ol 180.N'Norlh~THEY-ARe:-OR-/l A gnos B. Ror;o, ot al. LYRE-' 15. 22 ond 29. DARYL O. LAYTON^ J.R. Richards, ot al.1 d dated LOAN ASSOCIATION)N |OF Oocooeased nam od ostalo, HA2lAZEL dam. ol. In andI to Iho Blue Lakes Blvd., which* n o t. PRESENTLY I Oocoocoasod Soplombor 6. 1922> 'inin 9 lh TWIN FALLS, a s bdonofi- o n NOTICE IS HERElEBY DRAPER,_diodonA' April nbove doscribodj REALR namo or ciesignaiioniteas- it SPONSIBLE FORRTHIS T 1089.______NOTICE IS HERER E B Y District Court. Count;unty ol clary, dalod Februaryry 17. GIVEN thot tho undndor- 1**. ^909- MlotoIto has_ P R O PE R T Y to caiislyisfysaid.. sumed or lictidoua orrmd [3 OBLIGATION. NOTICE O F ...... ' GIVEN Thot Iho uncjndor- Fromont, and rocordoirdod as 1976. rocordod.. Fobru.bruary signod: has boon, 1a o - boon fikKl in tho FilthhJudi- J judgmont togolhor WithWil oil not Iho Iruo and roal1 n ^ o ■■ Tho ddlault for whidhlich lhis JR U S T E E -S SALE signod hns boon', 17. 1976. as Instrumiimont pointed porsonal ropo o ro - cial D istrict ol Twin1 FmisF costs thnl havo ocauccruodor or n a m e s of oil panicnios or <^lo is lo bo m ado is On Monday, dio 2nd doy pointod Porsonal RocR opro- 3°2-006> docrood to) Wood V, NO. 692108. Mortoaleono sontotivo of iho-abcbovo Counly. in and loror tho mayaccruo. p a rso n s having an inuniorost failure to; ' ol Octobor. 1989 ot tho sontotivo or Iho abckA:M,, ■ ■ n am od docodont. AllMl |por- priority 9-10-188 ANDREW G. LECKENIE N B t p ro so n t thoir claims wiwithin c l a i m s w ith in lo uu r r (4 ) Shorill of Tw in Falls3 Coun-O lily to th e following lociacts; original loan amountjnt 1wos IDAHO-locatod at 311 10 prosont thoir ^ai:laims Walts (T2165), prioritypri. a n d DANA A. LECKE;KEN- four (4) months oltor)r Iho (TWrtlhs oftor tho datatato ol ty. I d a h o .. 1. T h a t tho dosignonotion." $ 3 2 ,1 5 0 .0 0 logothoror wilh» -Socond Strool North, City within lour (4) monthsiths af- 5 -1 0 -1 ^ 6 for iho di- BY, h u sband and wifo.ifo. by d a te of th o first publicaication the first publication olol this liuBLISH: Thursdraday, namo or stylo undor. whichw interest ihoroon at tho 1rato of Twin Foils, C o u n ^ ol tof tho dato of thoIO lirsti version ol 1,60 ds.ds. Assumption Agreomont2ni ro- of this notico or s.s o ld no tico . o r sa id jdaimsrss will Ju n o 22. 2 9 ond July Jul 6, our b u s in e s s is. or.i.r is to ol. 9'A%-per-onnum.um . o s Twin Foils, S lato ol Idaho, publication of iFils notic()tico or 32-0093 docrood to E d- corciod A ugust 11. 1983. 19( claim s will bo foro'■ovor bo forovor barrod. ClaClaims 1969. bo. conductod. is asos fol* ovldoncod In Promissn isso ry TITLE A n 6 TRUST COM------said-dalms-will-bo-fofCfcKOvor------word—M.—Kaufman 14932. , hnrrnri Clnims-musLoaniihnf must bo prosontod loto El- •T n e ' lQws;HQW oliitri-GardQr. 181987, PANY, on Idoho Corporo;___ barrod. C laim s m usttoilhor oil 216S). priority 5- Mortgogo Rocords of i TwinTv bo filod wilh tho Clorkjrk ol don u ra^ r, poreonal r TOE FIFTH JUDICI/ICIAL 2. i>iot th e true or roa r Poyrt^^rtia arQ-in-aaoTDUTI tiTr UOn, OS'B0CBO55BnrDBtOO; bo prosontod lo (holO [ por- 1886 lor 1.60 c(s.i. Falls County. Idaho. tho Coun or bo prosononiod rosontairvo ol tho osti lull n a m o o r nam os olof Iho lor th o m o n th s ol NoviNovom- __will soli 01 public auction, SI?‘, DISTRICT OF THE bor of^to Iho highosl biddor. tor _ sonal Roprosontotivctivo Ol 32-0068 docrood'to, WoodW Tho bonoilicial iniorost'osl in to tho undorGignod otJt tho c/o H olland & Hnn. P ST A TE O F IDAHO.10 INI party o r p a n io s conducJucljng bor and Docombor Bt re- low olfico ol Poula BrcJrown Ollico Box 2527. §ol 3UNTY .or tran sac tin g o r inloni ry a n d cash, in Lawful mor>oy of tho ostato at tho lawaw ol- Livostock Co. (T 2165),21 sold Dood of Trust t d wim a n d FO R TH E COUh - • flcos of B ruco R. BacB acon...... priority S-10-3687}87 for CO rdod os Instrumontnt ^No. Sinclair. 303 Shoshch o n o Idaho 63701, o r filod V to conduct or transactct^BOii F e b r u o ^ ol *1989 Tn'°in' the the Unitod S tato s, all pay< - P.O. Box 362. Twin.FiuFalls. . 3.20 cIs. 692108 was assignedinrt tf» S tro o l North. Twin FtFalla, tho Court ______g______businoss,-or-havlng-ar r— n ------TWIN-FAtfcS- Inufng fho lollowing'^oscrlbod ------{daho*e3301'096&roHij'rfifod—aS-0089-doerwrd-to- JU DICIAL DISTRICT C Ju n o 22, 29 a n d July“'S' SENAULT ^ 835 Ouincy #2 hereon os ol March PUBLISH; Thuradti d o y , w ard M. Kaufmanlan (T cutod by ANDREWW G. THE STATE OF 1DAH( ilondant ' Twin Falls, Idaho 8330301 1989 in tho amountunt of County. Idaho, occord- = ------Ooloni >r diem to the plat thorool Juno 22. 29 and July 5-10- LECKEN&Y and DANAN A A . IN AND FOR THE ’ ®®!n TH E DISTRICT;T ,_____T H E-.STAT£_O F_lD/S n PUBLISH: Thursesday. $1..3G6.98. Tho.por ci 1989,______...... LECKENBY.-hU5bandnd-nnd-— — COUNTYOF' ------C" O U R T O F T H E R F T JunollST.zra'ndrgOj1989, Is ta .2 B 4 7 3 . All dolinqutinouont rocordod In Volumo 11 ‘p™. SEND-GREETINGS duo to* o l P l o t s , p a g e 15, INVITATION TO BIDa in — 32-0061 docrood lo0 .Jor- wifo. a s orontor to TITITITLE TWIN FALLS JU DICIAL DISTRICT C THE ABOVE-NAMED r TIM- p a y m o n ts a ro now duo T ^ AND TRUST COMPAN ilON THE STA TE O F IDAHl iAW . g e th o r writh ony latp 1cht choro* rocords ol soid County. Tho Twin Falls Housiousina 0*^0 P- (T ■ »ANY,_ MAGISTRATE DIVISIC ooT'or—ThoTrustDirharno-knowl------Authority-wilMoeoivo-6 12 YOU ARE HEREBY tO O 'TH NATIONAL FOR-Ft OS. acJvancofc loo¥ trusloo and f^ST ”^ED. f^E NOTK^TOCREDITOFORS COUNTY OF wno^^l EST OFFERS THE EYEYRIE c o s ts a sso c ia to d withrith this odgo ol o m oro particu- for tho Pionoor Squa TIFIED That a comp £ lorockssuro, ond thoho I bal- lar doscripiion lor the Flooring Projoct unlil1 2:? no 32-0091 docrood lo iEd- ERAL. SAVINGS a AN n d In th o M anor ol tho EDlalosu t w i n FALLS ^81 YOU SUMMIT RESALE 'L f lh t w ord M. Kaufmnnion |T LOAN ASSOCIATION- C MAGISTRATE DlVlSlC l o l tho DATED: Ju n o 7,1989id once owino os ol thislls d dote obovo rolerencod real SION K x s f a r ' o ' , loeuiod pjopony. bm lor ram- fimo on Monday, iho 1^ Crook TWIN FALLS, as bonoo non- EDM ON T. KIMBALL Caso No. 4319 •t ol Iho RELEASE: Immodiaio10 on tho obUgalion socu ■ADC Ju d ic ia l District ol I DIS- by-said-dood ol irustirust is plionco wilh Soction _ day ol July. lO&O. a t 2 Birch clary, dalod Augustit 10.1 Docoosinsod NOTICE T O CREOITOF S tato o f Id a h o , in ancl and for BURLEY RANGER I 5-01- 1683, rocordod August 1 £ B Y In th o M anor ol Iho Esb Sum- $33,454.64. Includingling in- 60*113 Idaho Codo, . North Elrn.Slroot^Tvi‘V S C-oi P.I»rSy=!! SI 11. NOTICE IS HEREE ESialo m o C ou n ty o l Twinri m F ' TRICT,.. Tho Eyrio S 0 costs Iho trusloo tias boon Falls. Idaho at which1 tii ------■'901 Iw 0;50cfs. 1983. as InstrumontI No.N GIVEN that tho undt d olain- niil c o m m o rd ai timbor)or ro- torost. but excluding co ■ by th o abo v o -n am o d pl Q Bur- ond exponsos actuallytally in- inlormod ihol iho stroot placo nil bid s will bo1 piniih. abovo rights areiro dl- 844993, Mortgage reconcor^ signed has boon ‘o^p^'W a kUAMcT^IPPEN till, a n d you a ro horoDjroby di- “ '0 'S lo c ate d on tho I r o n d vorto d within tho NWIJWNE,- of Twin Falls County,- Ida*Id pointed porsonot RopijDro------Docoas within cunwJ in onlorclng thothe ob-1 oddress ol 220 Maxino licly oponod and rd. l ^ Y ° wriiton r or in ' U n e .’ Kimboriy. Idaho, ______aloud., ______NESE. SENE, Soc, : _ x -o .0.1ativ .o ..o f.lh tL 0 luL NOTICE IS HEREE - S o c ^ " n 1°5^‘and"''1 16 ligations iherouncJer or 'CM~NENErSocrT4rNESJESW,^ Thd'dofdiiirfor'which'thh this named Docodont. All p G ivEfTTh'tinhTnnni; mQtoim~T13STT130E:rB0l50-Q-f^o.— {his-& nk),-ae-trusioo’sJliJ o( o s _____Ia_sofnolimo8.a 86ocl-___ Proposod lorms of Cc ciofonoo"to soid compl mniy ' and/or roasonablo» allollor* otod with-said-real tract D ocum onts. includiludlno S o c , 11. T ION. R.,.. 2 29E; c a lo is to bo moOo iSS fall- fa cons having cFairiims siQriod has boon o dnysol ridian. Oneido Cour SW SW , S oc. 29, NWNWNW, uro to pay: against tho Docodont„ 0, pointod porsonnl ropi0 ^ : s surn- Idabo, S o o io d bids willwill bo noy's lees as authorizocrizod in „ property. P lans ar>d Spocilicatioi n m . s o n t o t i v o 01 tn o ooo ]lo so* Said salo will bo macto aro on lilo at iho ollicoi,ift oi S o c . 32. T ION R,, 3 o tjc o or s a against you is on ,ic.iction o l , D o u g I a s - l i r timimbor PUBLISH:Thursday. ENE’ {2) Monthly payment! claim s will bo lorov I cios- J u n o 1 . 8 . 15 a nId d 122 BOURN ond JANET K. A Public Works Conlr:ntroc- SESE. Soc. 24. NEN a d d r e s s In d lca to d , fill lor Divorce, m arked o r olhorwiso .c • BOURN, husband and 29E- collodion chargos and la; barrod. Claims must oiil^ Id nnd Ig .n ate d fo r c u ttin g.T .] h o 1989:______tors Liconso lor thb S Str tato S o c . 25. T. ION. R, 2< : h 2 with tho Clork ol tho Coi oilhor WITNESS My hand 1 — ------wIlQ. g ran lo rS -ta JIlT L E ____ ol Idaho will bo roquirodrod 10 SWNW. W'/iSW';WV„, c h a r g o s . In c lu d in g> tho th or gjinj jp bo p ro so n to d lo tho undi the soal_of_5aid_Dis;nirixicj __fninimum. lum p-sum bid ------NOTICe-OF — ; 19 paymoni duo Juno ' ^iftL-filgnod.ot the oddrros in^ AND TRUST COMPANY, all biddors prior lo0 tltho SESW, SWSE. Soc. , ir*dl— coufTthls 1st day of^f^jino Ju the tim b er is $12203.33. JO. TRUSTEE-SSALE'•-fc on Idaho Corporation, as award ol tho Conlract._1 SWSW^ Soc. 29„NE!Ve m h __ taaa.Jn iho-amoum « catbd or filod wilhM ll h o ,9Q9 ' Additional lump-sumTl do* On Monday, lhe 2nd c S o ? S 5 0 a ,6 2 . on dood ol .tnj; C lerk of th o Court. - trusloo. tor tho bonofit and____ • ------Attention io 'callod too“ thDtl ^^N W y4. SENW. Sc P .O . Box 1882, Twin Ril — R ichard A. P o n c o posits roquirod-j- aro or Octoborr-1689--oi-lL®‘rl']®~4«ftO'iirorSHERWOOD-5 ------W‘/4— »ooor<)o<^«ft-lf»strumoc ^"^--O atod thls-l2th ooy- $2061.54 lor slosh c ------pfovisfona-for-oqoal-wil_«n^^_30rWV.EV4rN>ANW‘ ^ o n t—raflfiS-e3303-'l682, Clork 1 dis* hour of 10;45 o’clock A.I i - ROBERTS. INC..-0 Wosh------ploymont opportunity. aiand SEM w . NESW.Soc. 32 f No. 844993; ' DATED This 26ih day Juno. 1989. Bonnio Haycock posal and $1380.0010 lor of said day. in Iho lobby p aym ent ol not loss thithan lONR, XE. and tho balanco owing o Ronald W. Crippon rood maintonanco. A bid Iho offico of SECURl J and TO BE CHANGED AS ol lhis dato on tho obligt c/o John A. Doorr Bday, doposil of $700,00 mmust title com pany ( tho minimum nalnrios ai T h u i.d 1979, rocordod Juno IS. w ag o s a s s o t fonh Inn tltho FOLLOWS •lions socurod by said.sai Routo 2 . P.O. Box 366 Juno 8. 15. 22 nndnd 2a.' acc o m p an y oa ch bid, IDAHO-locatod at 3 T ho w ator will bo divott/Oftod D o o d s o l T r u s t i Twin Falls. ID 83303 :iliod Socond Slroot North,t ' > C ! ,' 1979, a s Instrumont No, Spodfications, Kimborfy. Idaho 83341 1989. Thero are no spocili 76094S and ro-rocordod ______No_hid-fiiiallJ>.ojy.ii!viih- within the SESW, Soc.:e 34 S2S.891.20. plus intoros 123. (208)733*5463 ' roads jn this salo. ol Twin Falls. Counw drawn for a period ot : 'CIark‘“ *ato-chaT g05-and-lortrck tja v — — 1N-TW6-DIS-TRICT.01 ~This is O"rosaicrof-o-fl-do— Twirt-FoIlarSlaio-oHdol d a y s s u b n o q u o n tt o3 t)tho Counfy. and iisod to0 [rrj.ii su ro co sts, PUBLISH: Thursdafay . Ju n o 22. ^ a n d JulyIlv .T H E FIFTH JUOiCIAI9'AL la u lto d tim b o r so lo cicon* TITLE AND TRUST CO th o u t n o to 960 ocro withinn Iho1: DATED: Juno 13.1989. ______' • DISTRICTOFTHE sl0'’«> » IDAHO HOUS- oponing ol bids witho Junoe. 15and22. 1989,39. 1989. HE icnol, Tho original ppur- PANY. an Idaho Corpo IMG AGENCY by Assign* tho co n so n l ol ifio Twin Tw SESW. W’/aSE’A^SEJSESE. TITLEFACT. INC.. Sue ------• IN TH E DISTRICT?------STATE O F IDAHO.?; If11^ c h a se r o r any allilioioslos of lion, a s trusloo. will soil ty. S o c . 12. T. 8N, R. 31E; 31 c o s s o r Trusloo IN THE DISTRICT ^ AND FO R T H E COUN'UNIT BoW purchaser are Inolnolioi- public auclio->, to tho,.“2 hl{ monl ot Dood ol T aist ro- Falls H ousing Authority. CO U R T O F THE FIFTt- “ "'O p:, cordod Ju n o 15, 1979. a s • TWIN FALLS HOUSINSING NVaSW’A. SE'A. Soc.ic. 10. by/R ichard 8, Stivors, C O U R T O F THE FIFTH •O F O F ' b le f o r b id d in g onI tlthis ost blddor,.lor cash, JUDICIAL DISTRICT 01 Unlhlrf In slru m o n i N o, 7 6 0 9 4 6 ^ ...... A U TH O RITY ------SV«NWW.,.SWW.. Soc^. ______JUD1CIAL.DISTR1CTOIOF ----- t h e ST A TE O F IDAHOHO TWIN FALLS ...... lowlul m oney ol U10 Unit NVaNWV.., Soc. **14!' 1 PUBLISH: Thurdoy. JunJu n o THE STA TE OF IDAHO M AGISTRATE DIVISICISION T h o F o r o s t S orvico0 1ro* Slates, all payable at i Mortgogo rocorcds dl Twin Charlos Capps ‘O ' IN AND FOR THE I”® Falls County, Idaho. ______E VaSEV4 S oc^ 1. T;.__8N, . J 22j,„29. July 6. and 1213. • IN AND FORTHE COUNTY OF Caso No. 4278 so n /o s tho right to rojoct roi tim o of sa lo . tho lollowi ------“^ P U ^ I S H - : —T h o f a d a - ______..B O U N T Y OF____ Notico to Croditore . , . „ „ _ 0 W _.nad_nlI, Bids, A „r.nlo.r. ..doscribo,cLf-aflLpr.op.of'n r . J ’ t h e AB0>^ GRANTORS I "^“ wvsSEy-.’^c. 6. T.-e■-•8N, IN THE DISTRICT ^ W I N FALLS------jo^==frniily-‘.'\'>';:®'~PLY-W ITH-SECT10N'-45:------___ _ R .3 3 E . B.M.______„CQUei.OEJilEJ=lin'H.J H MAGISTRATE OlVlSIOrON Caso No. 17169 lormation Mnceming-j-tho Twin Falls, Stalo ol ld.if NOTICE O F MINIMUM□M Any proiesi ogainstt a ap- JUDICIAL DISTRICT OFO F Caso>Jo, 4286 ------ANOTHER-SUMMON6-p HILDA T H A E T E .^ _ timbor. th e cohdiiionsns ol n n d doscnbc?d o s lollow INSTREAM FLOWV proval ol iho atx>vo pro- pr THE STATE OF IDAHO,^0. AMENDED NOTICE T O Statow ldo CoIk>ctk>fts Inc :<3a5od ip> “P- Ranger. Burioy Ran£,n g er WILLIAMS ADDITIO BLE FOR THIS OBUGA- submittod an applicatioa tion tor Rosourcos. 150 IS CosoNo. 4303 CHARLES LOHMAN.NN VIRGINIA GARONE 10, or Twin Fnlln Count'u n t y . TION. ipnri- Shdlip. Sulto 15. Idali bovo" Idaho, lof pormil to tho Dopn; daho NOTICE TO CREDITORS>RS S N Y D E R a n d ELIZ;iZA> sp o u so isor. Idaho according ‘oto “U 0 The dotaull tor which this ircos Falls. Idaho, 83402, on3n o< r In tho Efltato of idnnt n a m ed o sta to . All poreooreons , Twin Falls. Idaho, moni ol Wator Rosourcc BETH E. SNYDER Dolondai pbt thoroof rocordod snto is to bo m ado is bo-- proposing to oppropriatriato boforo July 3. 1989. GLENDENE L LEHUANNtNN Docoosoisod , Tho Stato ol Idaho Son i5t tho PUBLISH: Thureday, JJund t Volumo 5 of Plat sofni ' •eds o i failuro to pay whon walor for a minimumn in-ii R. Koith rtgoinson Docoasocisod NOTICE IS HEREB'BY groolings to the abov Riv Director q S i ro d t r p r o T e n t m^ ctronm Ilow in Payollor Ri> NOTICE IS HEREBY;BY GIVEN that the undoilor- namod defondants, NOTICE OF ------s^i °Coun ty° ‘e x■CEPTC I f u n ^ r D oSd'ot ^m cT N oll------utary PUBLISH; Thursday, JunoJur GIVEN that Iho undor iii„H 'ctalm s within lour ( or. North Fork a tnbulai dor- signed has boon op- op . You dro horoby nolllio T R U S T E E S SALE: tho Northwost 20 fo'ooi dalod Mny 30. 1979,_in____ , op- 1 S a n d 22. 19S9.______ap* pointod porsonal roproir o - .. that a complaint has boo m onths nftor-IhO daiQ- 22nd Ihoroof. ------lo Payotto Rivor. Tho ap tho llrct publication ol2 ll iT.ir O n -T U E S O A Y rrH E 22 plication Is lurthor dod o - NOTICE OF ^o?ntod PorLnol°f?opropro- sontatlvo ol tho abov>vo filod a g a in st you In tho dii ^.^S_doy.oLAuausLJ9a3.aLliLlho-JLhoJnuyoO-h-’n.noJsnov a______snntotiviLflLlho-ahova..va^namod-flstotoST-AII-po'i B"of “ noiiee-or'9atd-elaims-\ scribod as follovrt;. ______PUBUCJiEAHINQ_, i«'p— trfcfC D urt-of ihO“ BtatO"t fiour ol 10;00 o'clock A.A M odgo ol a moro panic January, Feboiary. March, I. ----- Nc>licojs-horoby.eivon.tin b y —nam od-ostoto. All porsons£ns senc..having claimms-.Idaho, in and for-lh,U_ bo forovor b a rro d . Clair CO of lar doscriotion for tl • ••• APPLICATION No. ■ /:„ must oithor bo prosenl ■ ol coid d a y In Iho olfico 5 ^l^'l May. 1989. Ali - - 66-13050 Iho Planning and Zonin)ning ' having claim s against thetho a g a in s t tho said docoasQisod county_gf_Twin Falls, (i 'ITLE a b o v o rolofonccjd3 roairo ,dolinouoni payments aro ityof—oaid docoasod aro ro- aro.roqulrod 16 pros^ lo ERNES5l-T«AETe.-ft SO U R C E C om m ission lor Iho City • ont iho MagistratoUIvlsIo — now duo: pTD'g~neeufnit------PAYETTER RIVER:t; Twin Falls. Idaho, lhatlat a c iu iro d to p r o s o n t lh<)lilOir. Iholr claim s wilhln louour Ihoroof) by tho abov ^^16 ADDI^N a v e:NUE_____p w lia n c o 'w itb S o c tic ------N5Hh"Fo?K------p6iilic"h“darlnyWili M UW hdm od PIn ol this thi a ro d iro cto d to nto a wri IS t w i n FALLS. COUNTNTY. , tho irustoo has boo Qor noticQ or sakl doima wi boon 1988, ot which tho socond’ • " May-Trig89'-'r-r- ?:0O--ptii>Lrtatinn nf itiK nnllctLQl will ton a n sw e r o r writton mc J w.lh .,jjA H O . informod that tho stro<8troo l hall is duo nnd payabto; ------P fa cc ^ f-y a o ------o'cJ^i-P.M ^r'ia tho-Cowoun— uki4:l^lm£-wilUM-lorevoijvor—be..l0fBV0f:barfda.TCCSIiW SMB=rUofrW^Toi«oT3nW^ ...... STEWART-TITLS^I^•-•••-■• - pchlroc s :o cg titlo, pos- po: socurod by said dood of Amount and Poriod ol usou so z o n in g regulations withiithin DATED this 2nd day ol DATED this 31si day ol 0 ogoinst you os prayodd I.In rocolvo s o o io d writtonnbids bi< tho'lollowing doscribiibod sossion or oncumbrancoancos trust Is $29,910,44 plus 400 CFS from SoptomboiIb er th o City of Twin Falls AroAroa May. 1989 May. 1989. sokd complaint. : Radiology. Radiographaphic roal property, situatodd in 10 solisly tho obligation>n so-tn accruod intorost at iho 2. through April 30. of City Impact, Linda F ay o King Sandra Muollor ' Tho natura of tho dairlolm a n d F lu o ro s r:o p lc Equi:qulp- Iho C o u n t y o l TWIWIN cun>d by and.putsuanlml Ito . rato of 7.500% por annum. Purposo o( Minimum In- A com plolo dosiwptiortm isi Poreonai Roprosontativo,o, • PorsorwirRoprosontOllVOi '“ ' against you la an occoudsunt n+ont-until 1 1:00 a.m.-a.r FALLS, Stato of Idohaho. tho powor ol oalo con-^cor DalodMay26, 1989 r.troam Flow on filo wilh tho Twin Foil=0113 PUBLISH: Thuraday,ay, PUBLISH; Thuniday, Juntmo a sslg n o d to tho plaindlff iolor MD.T. on Juno 30, ^BO,19G and doscribc^ ns follov.OWS. lorrod In th o d o o d ol■ ^ tru; 8]-- m L E /VNO-TRU9T COM------___ aocccaijc£LJH«!thfftrcJi?h'li?h— - Oily-Plonnifvj-arwJ-Zoninining -Juno.1..8. J5 andrZ'z, 15 2 2 a n d 29. 1981 - oo ^ ^ n £ — - - at tho offico of ftp Acdmi ------oxooui4>d-by-«ENJAM{l _ ory mninlonanco._ancinCSi&fr«il6lr^5T5r%t-City-Hat HaC-^ooa-' -- ZZ' :------IMTHEIJTSTRICT----- l-of-f^iEM M ONar-Ttn —------u liiai ig i u j g o p o n d oonl n i -321 Socond Avonuo Essi:asL ' IN THE DISTRICT C O U R T O F THE FIFTHH soal < 5 ^d iistrirt cTuIourt gional M edical Cento■ntor. TWIN FALLS TOWlWN- H E L E N M . LEM M OsRsi' N S s ss r'" '’” '— ' 735-2267, C O U R T O F THE FIFTH•H JUDICIAL DISTRICT INN • lhis 1 2 d a y o lJ u n o 1989.19. P,0; Box 409. 650 Addi-Ad< S IT f.'T w in Falls Cououn- husband ond wilo. granirant- PUBLISH; Thursday.' Application No. Any and all porsons do- do JUDICIAL DISTRICT O3F F AND F O R THE COUNTYPY Richard A. Ponce, Ctorkk ' s o n A v o n u o W o s t. Twin Tw 'ty.- Idaho, occorcingfl to ors to TITLE AND TRUSHUST Juno 8. 16. 22 and 29. • 65-13060 siring to comment moy op-ap THE STATE OF IDAHO.O. O F by/Hamilton Falls. ID 83303 -0 4 0 9 . lolo-lol tho R n a l o n d Amendexlod COMPANY, o n Idaho1 Cor- Coi 1089.

= ^ r — ^ " 7 . ■ I -V V — ' a"-^ - - 7 . . - J _ D-4 Ti'mi)r.-Nows. Twinin FFnlK. irtnho T hursday, JuJui n o 22, 1989

^ g a l S ’A n nnauncem e n ts -S c iic p te d o ffe f r s ~~0CT2^007

LEGAL NOTICIICE LEGAL NOTICICE 002. Loti & Found 004 Happy Adi j004 H ippy Ad» 007-Jobs of intarsst ,-j— lH>e»-F#}doyT7:l-9-yoof-ol«)iilil [F[''iiiiw ;iigM w iiirT]7^ Iftsm » s- nc m « l - |------Ua '^izu inis. sih ony ^ Po&^/hns bod hoort. HasHns n local wookly motoTLIvlLiving . 1 ^ 1 — • : TRUSTEE'S SALEE Juno. 1009. a rod bow on ono oor. Nomo ••quwlers.>enlafY. 436-403 SSIFIEP :! day Richard A Ponco ----- i:------On Mondoy. tho 23rd di Ta Susie. Roward. Phonoono t tho CLERK. Now hiring pon-limo,, mmust I I .1.—II ■ p 07777 t Homo Em .rtalnm .nl of Octobor. 1909, Qt tf 423-4893 or 734-2308. I HAPPY 70 Communloallon Davloa. h o u r ol 10:30 o'clocK A.M. A> /s/Rochol Vandorpool bo 10 or older. Ablo toowwk wi flnnoarnwm i e n ts o?o c ;. of cold day at tho TwTwin DEPUTY CLERK Lost>'June 19; on way lo como days a n d som o9 oiOVO- 70 AppUanoa. Foils County Coufthous'3USO, PUBLISH: T hurtdad a y Twin. Falls lolls,-black boat nings ond wookonds. Api SO H.allrio & Air Cond. n i l s , Juno 8, l&. 22. a n dj 2 29 lowing tube with black and botwoon 2 a 4 p m , Maxiloxio* .pQ, no»i»t» 01 Furnllura & Carpal. i Couniv of Twfn Fnlli 03 Oullding Ma|*iIol. ■ « ■ Slofo ol Idaho, TITLEFLE-, 19S9. ■ lod covof. Olloring roward. PInn. 170 Bluo Lokos.:------. - 002 t ^ t A Foundw OM E s-----: 733-0476 or 733-7&S. I . 00303 Oaiso.C Oala. ■ - FACT. INC.. on Idaho cco o r-' IN THE DISTRICT 6 0 ^ ISU oducational talealont 003 Special NoUm i 04 Tool. 004 ^ poration, as b u c co oDGor sc COURT OF THE FIFTI-r r u Losi: Rowardl Btondo lomalo coo/ch progrom h a s positiosition 004 H«0py A d - opening for roenjllor/eouniXJnso-- OOS M«fno(UNolJc.U o ~ ______. O05 " ®OloreUa ------irusiDO.-will- soil ol publi■ut.Iic —JUDICIAL D ISTRICT'O Ol F - Cockor Spanlol. sm I yr old, 00090 Flrawood------F ------auction, to the highest:bid-, bk THE STATE OF IDAHOn IIM 6-1-89. Answers lo Saydoo. I Edythe lor. (Porl-limo position),), Re-F 000 Paraonala OS7S7 L»wL o*Oa»dan dor. for cash. In lawliwlul -AND FOR THE COUNTfirY Cnll 536-2991 or 636-6i32._ sponElbilltlos; Idontilyy andaj — • " ■.II— oaaM VVarlaty Fooda assisi disodvonlagod yoi monoy ol iho Unitoi te d O F ,. S s l o c t a d dOffers oooM p PaUASuppliaa S tale s, oil payablo a t: thoth TWIN FALLS 003. SpoclBl NollCM and drop-ouls. from lotv i Craallva Wold ' como lomilios to ontor po; ' timo of colo. tho followin'wing MAGISTRATE DIVlSlOf S y. » AucUon. ' . ' doccribod roal propofty $500 rowotd boing ollorod socondary oducatidn.: € R i m B e 9 B 9 9 B S jrty, CnsoNo. 4297 oiling ‘ 007. Jo b s ol Inlvraai cituotod In tho Countyy eic NOTICE TO CREDITOR! lor information loading lo tho , ----- sponsible for counsolllr - lunctions ns'ilTOlotos to theIt 000 Sata* P'*optm F qarmgrat rr M arket • Twin Folio, S lato of Idahoaho. In tho Mallorol tho EsiaiSlate arrosi and convlalon olptw-f"; od7-Jobaol Interest 007-Jobso(latere3t ' nnri dnficribod nfl follQwa son rosponsiblo for ___ m oc^ica ol admission,n, 6ob- 009 Adult C ar* S «r . . lO-wiU .. ___ . . GRANT* '^oimeToTogtn wanioa pari af r 1FtJ Tvld iia rib V o 7irlo.a n oeS.F LotSolQ ullici Hoiflhti]hts Docooso and lull-timo 01 Burloy lions, salary plus bonus. Cal Vanlod 000KS F.F»»mO*iad ^ Subdivision, Twin Pnlli-alls NOTICE IS HEHEB•BY Wondoll. Contact Gooding;!'’0 *Heoda and T h ro n d i", 733-2128 lor nppl.______Iho lofont soarch officoso at. yvai j o r - County Shorill's Ollico. 934- ■7T ISU. Involves Iraining inir, tl- 010 EmpbymonlV^WTanlad 00717 Hay.H Oroln « Food . ■ ' Coiintv. tohOj_accofdord- GIVEN thnt the undoi _Gua;antoed wage. Call; _____3J. l _ 5hi|i._djHoroniiol ’owor- Ou»ln»*»Oppopwlunllla. ooala FarmaFl for Rani - . ' ing to ifib tKorcrarodi signod fins b'bon Qp ap ■ ‘4421. ---- ^ ^ ^ ------—- . _678:i23aor>3,>-///r. I'lt".- -co«ntio*-ol-Bannock.-Powi __ Bi'CT roliremonl. Moals mci ond Bingham. MustI bhn 010 Inoom* PropvM•ny 00910 PaaluraaP vo- oquippod corido.in McCall, O'” skjllod in counsollino, advi; of Plats, pogo 53. 53 oonlolWo ol iho above ■fgL musl hovo own tcrels. VeryDry_ Conlor. Chris 886-2228. ' Inj rjw ififlftry «tiiirinnte, “ r ’ 021 Mof».yW.nlodMl______t ot11 AnirrtalA Oroadlng ------^------rocords ol.-catdCounty:nty: named docodentr"All~poi Commonly known oddroctrose sons having claim ^P- Monagorrtroinoo Ior a smalTjall well os obilily lo work wil 10313 O.Oalry Equipmont — p^ 'O t Kotchum AutomotiveIVO pi2za and ttaliail food res-res- sodal sorvico agoncios, hig Is 775 Foils Avenue'lu o a g a in s t ifio d o c o d o nit t oro or call 726-8259.______104-M- HKocMai Wost. Twin Falls. Ida- Ida his ostato are requiredd to»t 006 Porsonals __ taurant in Hailoy. Idaho. Wil:Will school and post cocondar:,51S5.. “ “ 103iS HHorM Eqvtpmonl Exporioncod m ochanic withith train tho right porson, muslrust porsonnol. B ^ S dogroo rc O Swina • ho.- present ihoir ciaJm s wiihlithln . ; f o r ^ t e . Said salo will bo m odeo d o lour (4) months oftor th' loadorship abilities noododod bo quick, oHiciont, and do- quirod. Exfxirionco'Milh ' ------R immodiatoly. Call 324-260000 ponoablo. Sond resum e to:■o: TRIO.proforrod. Solarilo ry . f 0 Poulby J. nabU la ranly rogardi'ng (I'tlo. pos->os- of this noti'co o r s a id claintafr? ------ANONYMOUS ------— :aavyor324nmx>'OPcs. — ' §oy'B.-Hn;iov.'Idah'6~S3333.~ rangojjl}fi00jo_^12.0(x.o c o ._ — "twsslon or oncumbrnncosCOS 'win bo lorovor barredo d ------Call-733-8300------Managor Closing dato, Juno 26!6 oot - 030 Open Houm* I 1133 F*FarrnA r^noh Suptle. ------toaatisf)rth&-0bli9Qtk5n-90--so— Clolma-musl'oithor-bo^epre~ -Gonlloman would like.to.:io. — .E X P E R I E N C E D ___— -VaniiyrO Jrapporol storo,-is_is_ .nooi}_Sond.covot_Iottor-an'-and— —oao-wom »» For-S4»ualfl------1----^1M-F. 'iQr ro su m o to D a v id A yarroirro . 031 Oul-ol-Town HoHomo. 110B FaFarm Work W antad curod by and pursuantI .lo to sontod to tho Twin Falli■alls mool vory spociol sonsuous'J* . M I L L W R I G H T S now taking of^icalions lor -lady,-25-40 lorJriondship. — -iho-monagw-position.—Thorho- -Waho-Sloio-Uniyorstiy-Bo.B 0 X _ ___032. O.ilil/tnlat-Hotna ~ ; forrod In tho” Dood of Truolrust noy'^b'flico, 3ox My intorosts ore; curating II. succosstul opplicanls nood,od 8345,-Poeaiello. ID, 85209.09. 033 Klmb.»ly/H«n»« TCivatlonal “ ‘r>0 Need oxporioncod Mill- , yriih 034 J.rO m » H om o. oxoculod by: ROBERT L.L- 126. TwinFalls, ID 83303103. imy s u c c e s s f u l b u sin o ss , wrights lor repair of usod)d to havo background in solosJos Part-timo clork/socrotory vnil HOWARD and CHERYL:YL or lilod wilh the C lork( o ol horsos. winter spons, oul- n . oxporioneo. Apply ai Vanitylity bonolils lor Livirw Indopon 03* Ooodlno/Wond.idoll Homo. ^ ond installing now oquip- Iig0 030 n .a l E .ta ta Waii/anl.d • ^ 7 HOWARD, husband andind the Coun. doors. spur-oMfio-momonl ,'monl, W agos; $8.-75 toEo in tho MVMall.______donco Network Corp. LINC 3 Aviation wifo. grantor lo TWINMN DATED this 30lh d a y ■ oof dinnors. 4 quiot timos. Sond Qj. Accomplishpd at grootin)iting ™ S13.36/hour depending onin Mochanic wanlod. som o ox- ,ln“ 030 Ac/a.0«* a Lot.r - !“1* Boat.,A S: M orin. Ilon^ FALLS TITLE 4 TRUST1ST May.' 1989. kiltor & photo to: Sundnnco od people and answorini 2 Sporllno Oooda oxporioneo... porionco in VW s prolorrod. J ■ " 030 Ou.IfiOM Ptop.ilarlv ’ 22 Sp COMPANY, as tmstoo lor Bonnio Bruning Ranch. PO Box 964. Twin but nd nocossary, ‘ phono, clorical and ollico co 1231 QkO un. and Ridoa tho bonolil ond eocutity of 0 Falls. Idnho 83303-0964. p., 040 Com.larv Lol. ’ ol Porsonal Roprosontativo — Applications aro boing.g Call 734-5890 or opply Ql; ol: ordination skills. W ord Por,044 V.oaUon Piop.ci.civ t SnowVohldo. ' • FIRST FEDERAL SAV-iV- PUBLISH: Thursday HOTLINE- 733-0122>2 taken throuogh Job Sor-r- DGS Motors, 264 N. Wosh-jh . lect working knowlodgo. lyp i Ttavol Trallora . INGS AND LOAN A S S>0- O ­ Juno S. 15. nnd 22. 19B9. 040 Mobil. H om o. F — A problem is not 0 prob­lb- vico/Twin Falls Idaho. ingion. Twin Falls.______ing lillno, otc. Sign language ) C am par. & STi.tl. CIATION OF TWINFALLS-LS IN THE DISTRICT lom w hon fiharod. Monlaltal o plus. Send resum e lo: PC .. 127r MolorMe H o rn .. rocordod August 16, 1971, MEDICAL OFFICE CLINIC Box 904. Twin Falls, IC “ ■. 120I UiiUlUlly Tcatlara 71. COURT OFTHE JUDI-]• Health Association.'5pm to Ecnial O p p o rtu n lly AIDE/RECEPTIONIST OS Instrumoni No, €23519, CIAL DISTRICT O F THE■ E 7nm. 24 hourn en wknds.^ Employer M/F______83303. or pick-up opplicatloritiOT ‘ R e n t a l s Mortgago rocords ol Twin Full or part-limo position and job doscriplion nl lOOJ " in .STA TEO F IDAHO, IN Exporioncod plumbor nood-i- ovailablo. % »nish spoaking 1002 i — = " Fnlla Counly. Idaho. AND FOR THE COUNTYr v OVEREATERS Shoshono Sl_E,_TF_733- _ f l u t o ------^Thodoloult-lof-which-lhi&.his------OP ------ANONYMOUS------— ed.- Planso call 734-8778.^*—“ -nbiWy-roquirod.—$S.01/hpur.~ q“ 'Uob’uoscrtption'ondntopbca'"• J z i2.-£ifilorflflco-0ivon.ltooM salo Is to bo m ndo is fail.- -TWINTAIL'S ------— ...... — 7 3 3 :9 n 3 ' ~ ' 'fcxporioFeoll'sTptron'tub’o" nr equally qualiliod individuodual OSl Unluml.h«>d Hou 7 and P'P^ irrigator. Callill tion al: Family Health Sor- I Aulp Sorvlo* Caso No. 4324 PREGNANT-NEEO HELP? \ic o s Corp. 542 Main Avo. wilh disabilitios.______052 Forn. Apt.. « Ouj>u^«*o. 131 Au - (1) hfonthly paymonts NOTICE TO CR EDITO RS)S Froo prognancy lasting : .054 Untom. A pi.. &I CDupLxo. 132! Au Aulo P o it. & AocoSMrlo. coIloctJon chargos, tax ro- - - S.. Twin Foils. 734-0451. C ydo. ft SuppCoa '0- SHIRLEY MAE CHRIS-S- 734-7472. 24 hours a dav. bonolns. I Apply in porson ot Saturday. Tho Oasis, 1007nAT 0S7 n .n ia l Mobilo MoHomo. 135 Cyi os. including tho payment ; compuior billing, insurance.. iBononlar 130I HflHeavy Equipmont i"' TENSEN . ______• ^ JMogic Volloy Roiroodofs. Bluota^BlvdNo. . OSa OttbM & B udnoss duo Ju n o 1, 1989, in thoho Docoasodod S9lcf€to■_ 540. Twin Falls. Id. 83303. ___ lim es yearly, 326-5880 ' Impoft/Spocl. CAtv^ - oi thifr-dato on Iho obliga­ signed hovo boon op-p . - , I ^ - 003 Wantod lo RonlI . . . 142. tion CO curod by said Oood = ply-Sloro-In Koich'um. Con-- Id s ooa Mobilo Homo Speipoco 140 ■4«4'.AATVi4«4 - pointed Co-Porsonal Rop- suuction oxpor. holplul.J‘ Mon and womon wanted Ioror Postal conlroclor noods ol Trust is $9,558.41, plus lo’ 007 Jobs of Intorost phono-salos ol concert tick-k- wookond driver to transportgort Aniiqua Aulo. ‘J® rcsonlativos ol tho abovo- ' Full-Iime. year around, Call Aulo. • AMC intorost, lato chargos and nam ed oslnio. All p o rso n s H ots lor noxt 6 wooks. Mon-n- mail Irom Twin Falls to Sun foroclosuro costs. hQ 2 salospoopio wanlod lo soil Barbara | ai 726-3180 or sond « 0 1S2 Aulo. Aul ' Duick fiaving claims og a in st the rosumo to: KLM Inc. PO Box,, day through Friday. 5;30 pmm Valloy. Ouolilicaiions; musllusi - - M e r c h a n d l s i OATEO: Juno 13, 1089 q : YoIIow Pogo advorlising. ! 154 Aulo. Aul -'CadlVao said docoasod arc ro- 2190. Sun V.nitov, ID 83353. to 9 pm. {4.50 por hour. No10 bo 25 years or didor, oxpori- ______tSO-Aul-Aukw.-.ChryBlar .. . _____ TITLEFACT. INC.. Sue-^ __quirod to prosont Ihoir,lr ono in Twin'Falls, one on Iho ■ j- oipor ni>e ^ imn- - oncod truck driver, chaul-:'i: 11 -nonhsido-ExcollanLCQmmh:. JFull or part-limo cosmotolo- S— I0ur:e-4icen60;-ct0en-driving “— cro7ffi5^iirTnnour-t4r F loachor, coaching holplul. — lonod. Sond toiler ol a ^Jj] i - We now have opejpenlngs for the right. Amoricon Gooding C is looking (or on RN RN and LPN chargo nurse THE STATE O F IDAHO:0 tive. I Contact Kon Black. Suparin- calion lo; W anda Alsup. Rl.^1. self-motivated indiIndividuals to sell the - SENDS GREETINGS TOO PUBLISH; Thur*doy.y Tamponiry Servicc* lull li or parl-timo, lor d a y shiltI londont. Hagorman School,1 posiiions in a progressiveZ° 3, Spring Crook Drivo, Twin THE ABOVE-NAMED DE-E- Juno 15, 22, ond 29.^ ‘ Wo nood poopio who wantll chargoc nurso: also LPN[ Dir,tricl. 837-3777.______gorialric soiling. Immediate Falls, Id, 83301.______'i'l full line of Toyota,)ta. Jeep, Eagle, and • .. FENDANT: 1909. to wo'k, sVitiM S unskiltodd pafl-iimop evenings. Good ~ rull-limo ond part-lim o posi- - used cars att V Wills Motor Co. _ laborers. working ts condiiions. compoii- Needed lmmodialoly--two0 tions ovailablo. VariousJ o Pan-timo o r full-timo salos YOU ARE HEREBY NO­> ------ins porson. Inquire at Bannor Experience pre^referred but not TIFIED Thol a compliantnt Hnnouncam onts EOE. M/F/HAT. live, Ii wagos. Contact Mciri- CNA's, oxporioneo prolorrod5* shifts. Throe 12-hour shitis Q[ has boon lilod ogainst you m No loos. 734-6452. loo Ic Slovonson. Diroclor ofI lor evening shill. Ploaso call11 worked rocoivo'salary equaljal Fumiluro. 127 2nd Avo. W. necessary, In. tho District Court of tho10 ------* A motor route carrior isS NursingN nt 934-5601.______Allon Slovonson, Diroctor ol'< to 40 hours worked. $25050 Part-time teller positionm See Vince DIMaggagqio or Greg Wills ' Nurses. 543-6401. . bonus payable alter 90 available, starling 7/17/89. Filth Judicial. Disuict-oMho-l«------=• . noodod bylho Idnho Stales--'• GroonG Acros Caio Center is - % ■ > Stato ol Idaho, .in and for man nowspapor lor an os- n Noodod: LPN, lull-limo orr days. Compotitivo u b r y andnd Apporiximalqly 16-20 hours W ills MMotor ( Co. oo2_Jj}9Li.Found_^ ____ — occopling applications lor ■tho“C ounty ol Twin F a lls r — -lablished molor-rouloiin tho> nnursing-assistamcr-Training-- _ pHfl.lffyin Ifif riinrgn niirrrt2. bonolils-C Qniaet-Elniso-so - pof..wook—Exporionco_prD-_S______L 2 3 6 ^ h o>shonB-St._W._ sh ______by tho abovo-namod plain- 4 -Wondoll, Gooding. Bliss &1 available. a Conlact Merrileo position in gorialric caro se l­- Olsen ONS, Burloy Carere lorrod but nol required. In-3 -rvtln Fallrails, Idaho ’• Fomalo Shophord. block & ling. G ood working condi-• Conior. 1729 Millor. Burloy.)y. . quire ot Washington Fodoral. - titi, a n d you oro horoby di- ion, lost nonr 100 block 8 th.k Hagorman aroa. Alpplicanls5 Slovonson.S 934-5G01. _ roctod to lilo 0 writlon a n ­ n nood to bo ovor 18. havo an _ , tions bonolits. ona oduca-- ID 83318. 678-9474.. 140 East Main. Joronnp. V Avo. E. Hoidi noods hor oye tional opportunilios. Conlact swer or.whtton motion in modicntion. 733-0978. oconomy auto S bo bond-. MMilkor noodod; 2 yoars ox.-. . dolohso' to said comploint - ablo. Anyone'inloroslod in) p> porionco', most spoak En- 'Moiiloo-Slovonson, Diroclor within twonly (20) days ofo Found; Niniondo c a ririd g o® Ihis oarly morning paperr (jl glish.C.nll 324-5825. plNursing^934j601._____ tho sorvico of this sum- on Washington Street Norin.*' routo ploaso contact: Frod m Noodod; Exporioncod siphon If Cnll733.Ql52.______' Mountain Viow Caro Conlor morts; ond you oro lurthor — Robinotto lor furihor inloima-' r\ in Kimborly is accepting i^ - lubo irriqnlor. Call 423-6229. 'notifiod thot unloss you doo Found; Womon's goldd lion. loavo m essage or callI plications lor nursing assis- Need oxporioncod person lo so within tho timo horoinn wolch. aroo ol Sandpiper.r. 1.800-632-8082. CirculationI lalanis. Molivalod wilh good install and repair doors. Must spociliod, tho plointiff willII Cnll 734-4444.______Doot. c;caro-givor skills, conilication be i knowlodgeable in wold-1 ElCViC:iE e iyiid i E toko judgmoni ogolnst youu Found;.Loigo Alaskan Main-- jioUQfluifod buLholplul^ -ing,.earpofllry,-and-mochani—-i ------as-pmyod-ln-aotd-compit—'t— -muiorvofytrtonaryS'oontlo:”p - -Afo-you-ofl-HTNrfoady-ter-a-' (3ood starling pay. Coll Carol ilo fcm.-ilo Bliss School Districi is t.-iking m Repair, romimodol. lix-up ■ “52 ro 12S1______. applicolions for Iho lollowing: III ■ ■•Doc" Jo h n^tlon733-5M s : l J 734-864-8648 for froo osltoiato. | IN THE DISTRICT ■ 2, Shophord X. biown & tnn malo pup. A socondary social studios COURT OF THE FIFTH , loachor. and an olomomary I ...... - JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF '3 Dingo. t:iinOlo S wfiito lumolo. lonchor. Musl havo Idnho ■ ' THE STATE OF IDAHO. Conilicalion. Conlacl Won­ IN AND FOR THE doll Andorson. Suporinton- iH ■ m s m m m m _ .EcLAdcpllon______. WANT!SYOU! I CO UN T V ^ r = :d o n i? O llc s^o h o o l DlstrtCT~ ------^ c c u r i t r e f f l c c i " J • A sh ^il driveway A parkingpar! | ------■ — —CARPET-LAVINe------■ ------234, Wo oro an EOE. Call Coll s ie v e ■ C a so No. '2 2 mnir?r- nnd 1 (omnlu • PBX O perators J Ioi pnIching.733-06M . m. J S J Londsciacopo. Tree & ■ . ____Lnb :<:„bincl<______35?-4445.______^______436-5379 .. g ------AUAS-SUMMONS------— -^^*Roonv=Attendain ] ______— * r.Qfinklf>r Bnrv MICHAEL SHANE CNA or NA"^"proidr*"oiipo7h" ' • I lor senior dtizeIzens. 734-3305’ | ” LOCATED ' oncod, compolitivo salary • Poker D ealers ■ ' OONOHO, DOE. Posilion opon at Mngic ■ WESTERN PAVING: st plalfiiitf,- 139 flih Avow ..: • Kcno Runner/W'Writers I i: soal- ■ • Opon 5-7 pm only Valloy Manor in Wondoll. _ coot, patch n n d ropait-pair. ■ '______! ■ OENA R DONOHO . Monday ihiu Friday Cnll < Jonnotto or Louiso 536- • Vault-Soft CourLint T e a m Members ■ | Froo ostim atos..736-1•1107. It I Troo trim, hailauling, power ■ 6623. EOE.______. rake. rato. ooniQnerafcbanup. ■ -ROTOTILUNG .R< ■ dofondant.' • Cashier (Horseseshoc Dining Room) I | THE STATE OF IDAHO 733-0060 oxt. 204 ny. 734-3322_ " Lots & nordon spots ■ janitor, hours 5 a m .to 12 cnance - ■ ■ ■ Arnolmold Moln733-5792. | SENDS GREETINGS TO: _ 1, H npr r r. - D E N A -R -O O N O H O ;--thu - _ _noDnj G d.lvr. n wook £4 00 • Slots/Floor Castshier • -J brouoht in ovory hour n n d r abovo nomod dolondant. “ por hour Apply 10 houso- • A ccoiintinjjC lciIcrk'^------^— J f! ------YO U A R E H E R E B Y . SOLD OR D ^ T R O Y E D Ikocplng dopt only. Wu-Slon * ! ■ — iR c r I Air-conditioning & coolor,lor I NOTIFIED That o Com- nhcr 48 hours, ploar.o cnll Plara, I lormoily Holiday Inn, • Account Manafii ■M Summor servicmg & repa or vir.it Iho pound d;iily to rno phono c.illr., r.oo Boily epatf •_ • m m m m rn m m ■ plaint has boon lilod • Accounts Payabible Clerk I■ 423-5314 a lte r 5 pen.P*n. ■ Lawn m ow ingng. roloiilling, 5 ogalnst-yotrin-tho-Oistrict-. .c h c c k _ w h c lh Q t.y o u r,p Q l_- -Convonieni.£io(o-man.-tg«>(_ .( - H iiiSliH a ■ has been pickod op. This | — - -•-Sccrctary/Rccqp!ptionist~"------■ ------— ------■ ------yard wwfr-and c l-S-TREe-«-t:AWNOAHe------1 ------C ourt of^,Iho Fifth Judicial , lor Twin Fnllr. r.ioio rJiould ______■ - Phon«73734-4431 _ Tfog, . h.ivn ptpvipus bookkoopinq Evcellcnt workinpp conditions nnd _l roo ond shnjb trimming _ ho. in o n d for tho County ^Muod d^ft^^aro hard lo and rulail oxporioncorSono " - i ----- HANDYMAN: Li'alil.oloooloclri- ; ■ * landscodscaping. Call 734-5719. ■ ol-Tw.n-Pan6-by ttw abovo-_ ^ dof.crihn como lo tho - tnewmn lii 7^ ^ Fallg-MaO— -_bcnefmLindudiD c±lj-dcnlth/IVnml/I.ifg _ | ■ -ca),-plumbu>g^paintinfl,. oosil o ------Rosponsiblo poporson isooking ■ ^ ^ purpose ol obtaining a Do- Ihoro, Como and pick o u l Fnlls. p Idaho 83303. males. Call 733-4762. ‘ loro, pdlnting. " Tree 4 shrub topping & ro- I , a puppy or.lull grown d o g . - Employee bus from Tvtwin Falisand Filer-. _ * work; lawn cai ^iue“ol“Oivorce,” covering* ■ ...... 1 flonoral malnltnionanco. olc. I • /al, boo osl. John Mo- ■ . JH E V .WOULO-LQV£..t S- ± Applirnrl,^r.<: ' ab5otutoiy.--tlig'UuiiLl3 ut , /ailablc-at-Hcilscn— ------ler783-09Wr7343a65-—LJ ~ " r." T — man-irnany-now-QXisilng' -HAVE-AHOMEI-'tl ...... - rSSj'W c sim E- - --nsst-mgr-rSalarj-SI200— lCon5cruc'ciorr.CQ7IinItI - [thn.ynwoodTla2a,_ j | botwoon you hnd I'ho JJEROMEDOGLOG 1Sl400.'mo. Also, night cloan- Plainlilf nnd dotormining AVAILABLE FOR ,, For more informati;Cion contact tJiC I ...... - ___nri brush or wn-tl tnhn Inr____ - ______. 1:30pm-2 30pm ^ -733-5163-----1 jrioo...... Call 734-3305. ■ YOU AHE HEREBY DI­ .-ind shoot met.ll nKfchamc. ■ Crano i Rigging. 733-1231234. ® H ouso PaJnloilor^orior ; RECTED To lilo n wrilton Shollor Sf iocjiiud on 1 m ilo cjpoiionccd ^ in sorvico woik. I Inlorior. FrooM Estimates ■ nnswor or wniton motion woslw, road, uso tho on- pay E, is no()otlabIo. Phone- V i r r - i " ?^2762 g -7oi-3Sa-e675 or aticr 5jm. in'dolonco to cald'Corr?~-n-:TnmTxrnrSvWOT-piTTin I'. J— --- plaint-wrttiirrtTrCTnty~t2 0 )“ 'a-across-|ho"iond i (rom 702-972-G210. Ii ______^ ______■ B B Aiyr. ot the sorvico of Ihis KARTfp Riidio. HOME HEALTH nN — ' Aitns bunvnons: tino ------:------TTuTuii- r ’p^rfrTimii, a.vyi. n » .i- ~ H ------Intsrlor palnO ng, brush”iisfTa j Houso Poimonor. Exiorior | Tlrtdd otof Duar? Lyman DusI ■ -YOCTARE FURTHER 'I0B9 '10 dog liconsos may bo t3k5 hours, bccasion.il week­ _ roll, roasonabk) ratos.JS. _ Intorior, Froo>0 Estimates » Control.trol. Call 7 8 ^ > 3 U < » ^ Z ti\ ■ Froo ostim alos. 733-9441W48 ■ Phono 73^ NOTIFIED That unless pofcJiosod po at Iho City W n- end. ot Pfim.iry caro nursing. '34-2762 ■ 800-952-952-6457. Road Olllngl ■ you do so within Iho tim e tor Ollico. C,C.lll 324-4301.0x1 273 :■ I ■ spociliod. Plainlilf will 'tako lmniodi.noIn oponing lor oxpo­ judgmont against you as Coll 324-S43C rilrioncod m ilkor. Call 487-.-. EQUAL OPPrORTUNriYtY EMPLOYER M/mHV _ ®■ ______- I D ______Dfavodln said Cornplnini I .. Iln o n n 9 w o r.324-43i3 2IC 21 I or 407-2615, 1 = UTm m m m m m m ■I '■'"■"Ml'HI ■ ■ ■ ■ \I - - ^ - Tnursday, Juno22, 1989 Timos-Nows, Twin Foils, Ifl.iho 0-5 rielecfed fl*Kffcrs-Ree c ti e sta tite~Rentai«ls“J*fcrclfh a n id is eJ------— 0 0 7 ^ 0 6 7

Homes t or- St a l e m m f m m SlittllllilBi— p j U

007-Jobs of InterestM t_____ b07-Job3oflnlefe8t[51_____ 026 Music LessonsIS 030 H om es For SoloIlo 039 B u d n e tm c5p«iy— ^ a 051-UnfurnlJhad1 HousesHt 054 UnfurnlshsdJiJlpts. 054-^UnfurnIshidJ ApApl*. Mobifo Homo Space ^ - • PART-TIME WORf w a rn e d at Lli - — & D uplexes '& Duplexes - >; Parl-limo work avail'alloblo. County Swimming P. LESSONS: Bass, rh) B110-$2o6. Nico ^area, 0 cute ______* ___ 1 mobile home bl, fenced, in - ovonings and Saturd ■iiS? load quhnr. Alsoi pla p f f i . " ’ OWNER ANXIOI INDUSTRIAIIAL’ t bdrm. sppla, corplorpotod’, 3 room opt, 1101 I : 7ih Avo Atlroctlve 1 4 2 bodroombod Joromo, $75, Call 324-3430. : . molo or lom olo. WillS t e . _ DonCfil{|.734-0&i; 40-X 72'InsulatodI bl buIWing yard, som e utia pd.I- oast. Apt A, Slovo 01nnd roliig o p is, w /o p p is , DW. nico Hagormnn/Tuttlo oroa. mo- Jl TF in- Etwood-Evana Prop'rop Mgt includod. $150/mo. { qualifiod applicant. No expo-i 008 -Salos PoopioI Gullar and banjo lossossons, bemt, roducod to $30Qn°S8? #Jning on 2 lots In ' . J50 dep, yard, closo lo ahophopping.- bSe homo lot. In counlry. $65 ;• rionco nocoscay. Call; boolnnnr or advnncod. w.OOO, d u o trlo l po rk . P rorb a a o n tly ______734-i 401!______Cnll 734-81B7 cr 73434-0376 . ronlnt ossistoneo. ovajobfo, ova mo, 733-4952.______r makootforlCaURay^ •; Mr. Vliwoni i t 7 3 3 ^ ____Idoho-Monlana con ^aTl 734-5732. _ y- _____ u so d robricat- B114-$310. Nreortita-titar-nuvy- -Ai422rCDio’8ioaia'tfl'opi.Tor' E.HOrWnndoitr536=g< Traitor cpacos ter ronl, $75 Ihts d ty i:^ ld o n ‘ Modollion ho ;• ’ RN-LPN. TlfOd of dtiviiITivino to L»*lui. ul P u i ). wolor & Atirflcilwo cinnn 1 bdrm,-t mo wiih all, riry rnntirea p»e IST r o ^ 34-5B38:~ carpet, oppls. elf St>t pnparking, vidod, Hanson. Also smaller Joromo or Twin Falls?s?Como ( Proi^ucto: Anchors-l ' lor nowlywods or rod strive lor '’ufs-screws. Esiablishcshod L. ^ • • • ■ ^ olirooBl nnifihod OTficos. Addidditional loncod backyard,I.gordeti g. Three M PfopertyIV Moml.I no d o is ,^ 9 5 , 733-2S4-2546, 2 Ixfrm Jiomo, $150 Includos join our toam 09 wo siri' . ■" S h o r p , c t o a n , DOLL D ground con bo bebought spot.garooo.wator/sai oxcoloneo al Maolcic Valloy “ ccouols. FESCO alIt 185 1 W______i _ A1539. 2 bodioomm duplox. immaculaio 2 bodroorIroom no o“ city sorvicos. Call 423- ! d lS j700S, SLC.UT.S411 ------HOUSfe, 2 bdrm, wood-w eoporatoly. WouldJld con. Elwood-Evana Propropntgi stove, carpeting. \ Manor In Wondoll. C all, •la Slovo, thermal wind I. w ashor pois. toaso onlv, 734-e;>4.8725. 4018 or 423-5150-. Of whoro 030 Hofnos For Sal# idows. sidor loaso lor quolu o lllio d ______734-1401------dryor hookup, waior olio or Loiiiso, 536-66-6623. Looking lor a caroor ' ______n o w c a rp o l, n o w siding,sl< tonant. ONLY $56. TOWNSOUARE AP POP- 56.000. 8l1»-$225.2bdmiw,n w/sunny laiion. $235, 734-585 M »rthandl.« . ' - you can wiiio your owf -207 C h e stn u t Sl.-Kimb< loncod^patlo^toi^ ca^a- -CaJI-Roy-for-showlng, irl-tlm o C.hpck? Wo are a no ng,------bock pcrchrbsmtrap^spp5s,-cor— - T h r e e M P ^ p e rtv I RN or LPN for porl- , 2600 sq, (t. custom brieE ’i ohod, ofjCY $34,300 __ potod, W/D hook-yp. y; rdTb-drnf" ----- ; ovoning shitt, w agos»s rwoo-r toorsuppllerkMkiftg loi bdrm.Tboth. lamlfyili& livina s u m a b lo F H A lo a E kSS;, *" 2 “t's onlod this a p u , lrom $195to$26!$265 plus ______• . ■onof.ls. pf’onlaiod Po^lo_who SABALAREAIALTY Elwood-Evane rtoprop Mgi will rocoivo a • : tlablo, oxcollont bon< ■ . ^ 1 - room! don. 2 firoplacos.n n , Rv 9'/^% . C loso to scho< 1 . ^4-1401 deposit, availablolo nenow, Pioaso coniao AllonI Sloven-St< ^ succosslul. Wo 0 Roducod shoppir)g. CoO flay to ------bale. M ost havo ACVC lor Iho CoS 733-2717 Klmbls. Sky., ing, must solll 934-5446 at- :: Sail Avon. C al 734.92a55ce ----- Jocolarea.nodiroclM180J03, 2 bdrm homo, co carport $57,500; ^ 22 ‘-y"- 733-8948, 678-729291 0 $276/mo, $150de|«®P' como: EHO. Cnn733- s ' ” ™ ' W »XIBM , 733.1156. Dots ..Coll 734-4504. 2 3 |5 - K.pa:?33.AEg:7,______lor 6 pm, 934-4436, BronI- • Sorvko station mochan ------: Iol, garage. Now $27.C '^—T z — MAPLECROVE Al Air conditioning unit for “pparol Cull Merld Brown 543-50L5075 m ust SELLt 3 bodn»oom. 1 ------Joromo: 1, 2, 4 3 tjdrm p o fh ap s Twin Falls I work in Hailoy. Idaho. I !5'i“S » 058 O in co -5 Busino!slnoss Exconent condiiion. ;• wago & gooa commkw - -- ' both, liroplaco, lull b 045 Mobile Horns#9 houses. CaH 324-2841, ToloDy socure, 1 and Barker Realtors** mont, oxcollont oroo ol I Ronul Paid vacations. Modicadicii in- '" 9 “PP li“ »'on lof PO Call 543-4371. Noar Lynwood, cloan do 1 apt. availablo Juno 1. > o Rny f’O”* '“H part-tlmo 0 I Only $34,500. Call 733-;^ ^ 9 5 14 X 60,2 bodroom. 2 voior pro- ■''0 gorago, otorator,. ------All Your Pool Supplios cumnco availablo. P.O. into.Ap- -Apple 01 My.Eyo- • 2 ^ h . bdrm, Yord caro. woio 2197, Hailoy. Idaho, M833 3M siaslic salos consullamt (0 days or 733-7187 ovos, 1 _$3500 or bost olfor,or. Call vjdod. No pots, dop,00 lelor- for oppTs included. I corner of Repair, rocovoring, cues nity MV -C o rafo rtab le , spoclou: OPPORTUNITY CutoIto 2 -3 324-1140 or 543-6831- 336 $33 5 plus doposL F' So”r.m „sigton, ap- BOWLADROME 733-0369 I' Tank wagon driver =noc5 : a / ' " ’""” " “ bodroom. 2 cor gara iii------• orwos, $240,734-6336 ■ ptoilmnloly 1832flqiq fl.ft. high - Wrm homo on Presidenlon* SI. t4 X 65 Concord. 2 , Coll 733-2717 Kimt class 1 liconso & ccur u rre n t — ------sprinkler systom. covoovorod Ownor will soil on g 2 ^ - Nico 2 bdrm houso. Ic S fallbor.o.MI«3-6;3-6202. Compulafavo woler refiner, ' ■ 0®®'^ .room s. 1.bolt).,on.olocli bawmonl.-$276-plu6-II,] Nursery, a sk for Ek j^ u o . -010-Profosslonal— — patio. Only tis.eOO------iorms“ lo” lho right poi avo mos-~ 'C nim pod-nood new„ •n.TMi'?sp - guoranlood lo.work^Cost—_ oxpor. Must bo willina ti Jorson, bo moved-Coll a24^g»i2 ^ ^ ' doo, 734-9565 after■4o^ 4oi -Koroo of-Jock'of loav 51395 new, sell for $350, 'Bnllorm------S«rvic«i------“ 7 ------istn tin irE m D rN V ru n i MounlaTfvVIow’Hoa,6S,,rS£i=25!5= ~T4 ~ )f 7 0 ‘~Aeadomy~n^mobtkr smoIl 1 bodroom1 hh< o u s o , w ood Eniororif.0: ,4 grovp hoolili ins. ijicl, p hom o, 3 bdrm, 2 both, 1 AMERICAN------7 3 4 -1 89B _____ SA C R IFIC E doublo garago. tone " Washinfllon Sl, 733-06S>-0692 DP Ultra Pak 11. like ' -orago about $2500/mo, 1 e<9n & storage shed Includ u d o d bockyarcT pasluro. “m ont d Ir'iS " E t o l i o n , 2 M m . urn TO P«f»onnol & Temporporory Bolter conslructlon,1, 0oco- Bolow costs to build. 5 •> patio, laundry hooko’kup no Doluxo ollico spaco. 1 lact Al Pork Potroloum, >1 sum- sq fl homo, supor ortfy $6000 i,oo,.M Ea.44m : Box 2877. 702-738-8446 nomic warmth, cool si 780-3263 oltor 5 prr 34-m31 7 otilcos, confernlerenco a"yJ . P"L------rve you* mors. 1916 sq fl. 2/3 bdrbdrms, officiont, Hugo ma: Smoll houso in count room, rocoption qroa.10. approxa) Electric hordwood lloor bull- •; TEACHING P 0 S m 0 ^ E 2 bath. 2656 Eliiabothlh Btvd.B bodroom .'S bodroomr s.l? /! ______------r- ront. 1 Vi bdrm. 1 bait 3200 sq ft: 2nd su4ooof of ollic- or. good condition. $35, ' !• Elomonlarytoochinopig po s i; *Twin F a lli______.734-34-6452 Ownof 733-4756 A733-743-7464, baths. 28x40-3 carir'gd- 1976 14 x 70 Govern » . f r c K , i ? a OS. approx 1000 sqCQ tlf air Small oir lighl wood slovo, tions opon at Sl Edw: 'B oiso...... 322-'22-5*55 Brick 4 bedroom, 2> babath rago. Coll Irwin Ro; SW Jerom e, 14 ocro feH r°7'a.gt cofl^onod. parking:Jng: Coll £125. Call 326-4262- - ■ :- Grado School for tho0 1989/1 ‘N am pa...... 467-. inco oi 734-6500 or Miko McfS l ' turo, horse born. 3 t 734-8944 or 7i4.7339,09, Elna TSP air eleclronic sew- ■/. 199qschool yoor. S within walking dislanct Coll S37-6246, - Send -Fruilbnd...... 452-.52 S57f now pool and Sowtoiwtoolh roy 734-4243,______. cv ' Prime ollico space, utils util pd Ing m ochlno with extras, -.covor lollor ond .resumeufTio 10:. •Elko,NV_j_...7D2-738-38-1595 School Disirict,-foalurosiros-tilo Y o u r d r e a m h o me e - : no 1962 14 X 70 Wostlio^ m S OUAIL CREEK East, $ 6 ^ . Call 734-8009,______Principal. St Edward's Gi «Af r«;i 1286 Addison Ave. East s Grado -winnomucca .702-623-: foof, foncod yard, nowrw flfloor, tjioinlonanco lor tho marlan no Flootwood, 3 bdrms, 2 ^500 2 bed.. 1 - bath, noa po.h!.rHoi.llv,734;;a4.29M. Excolloni condition, 4-6 por- :• School. 139 6lh Avo■0 EEasl. »KOTnnwick.... 509-736-I36-0^35 and window covorfngs,}S, and1 spring or loll cleaning forfor Iho a w u p in aduti parti In c 'd P7i i ' laundry room wilh wa sonspa.$850, 734-8577, TwinFails. 10 83301. chiloct Twir> FaDs, Skirted, pori ■ ■■■■- dryor includod. All opi°PPl5. in- nun moro. Ownor Is ageagent, woman, 4300 sq tl. arch ^ fiior W endell- 2 bdrm, sic )r.$350/ 060 Warehouso Extra nice coffee loble. TEARSHEET/DISPATor a wook(33-8765 Kimberly, c .'cafpon. m onth . 2 0 7 B luo Lt .Hospitol-b«Jr-*>oCr-no-sido— » ______1flfl9 GQvf)mor_ld-it_7C Jt 7 ' ■' •~SouitrCHir733:3a35~ —i:------IhIs.posillonj£.a pormaimanent- -Applo“ Oompnrtii"Uay ' rrjVT” Hazolion, By owner, 4I bbdmi, add-on. 3 bdrm. oppts, ■6' roils, good condiiion, $200, L S Avaiabto July 1st. 5.0001.000 foot Call 733-4696 atior 6. I ' parl-lim o jbb. w orkingIng Sot looking lor iSilo poopfo iS I ° COUNTRY CASU/iHr.*;: 2 boths, dblo carport, singlesi eond. $16.000.734-821IlS SDupUxoJ THE FALL and Sunday Irom aboiiboul 5 ootod In fun activilies,OS. orts 'iExcollont 6 bdrm. 22, b b a th detached garooo. dWe*0 61, 1985 Nashua, 60 x 24 ■ li-to commercial retail andnd ware-v Lincoln portoblo woldor; am 10 9 am, Addilionalal hourshi and crafts, stories, dancoda homo on 5 ocros, plur umishod. APARTMENN io houso. Paved, seci 8 ,0 0 0 pound warn winch. $ 3 2 ,5 0 0 . Must,h collont condition, mu:l l i id. $250/ . 8 6 4 Quincy • lor- vacotion - fill-in-maynay-.bo- good quaVly-caro.-i.icoiiconsod bdrm, 1 both apt. ovor B Lonz m ovod, $30,000, 734- / foneo. good localion, £1 Coll 423-4855 or 432-5220. ' - ovailablo. Starting pa expori- O^i'ogo. firopfaco. covoi mosit. 1 a n d 2 bdrms"0_____ oor monih. Cnll 73^ poy is n homo wiih lols of ex S-SSSS )- ftBcf a om. 734-3722 da 4-5516 from $230-^ h — ^— PASSAP knitting mochino S4,50 pof hour. Youu mustn onco, oxcollont rotoronronces! po^'o 1973-Buddv,'24 x-48, ntrally lo- uritil ond ol I Spaco demo, DM-60 wiih or w/oul havo a valid drivora liconeo, licet fair ratos. " broakfast,.lunch h lions.B-11, 032 Buhl/FIIer Homes fr' SiXi: A-«ioanJ -b^m, contra "I 066 Mobilo Homo Spi Pioaso apply in porsor •» condition, $10,000 oror otiorr< 5,50 ♦ $80 depdoo C^l ' - Onti Bonnie Ooco. lorm comp,. 4 color • rson to and snacks Indudod, Please Pli Call 543-5^9,______oop, -— _ _ j 3 4 ^ e o o no. $75. changer & molor, DiastlcoBy Tho Tmos Nowa. 1321 3rd3ii SI call: M aryJano, 733-539 M E S Country Cozy_Juet Lit 734-9263.______1 for ronl in Jotome. 5399. _ ROBERT JONE o o d ^ Ctoon-10 X BO 2 bdrm, ------— ------.einpio wide. 324-3430.--30.- - - ■rodueod/734-9721/324.0900----- " ' ■Babysiltrng"ih‘my"ho ' Excopilonaliy tondscopo T rane IV B u s e s h a s bdrm homo. Pasluro. gaiaorden carpel & drai ■ a s a n lencod in yard, largo in 5 0 0 0 I ^ S . o r b « t olfor. Fc 1 m orilh/5m i socurilyso. rgo mo-., pbyroom, 1 moal inclu and greenhouse. $40,( oponing lor a lull chargo 1 — •term otion eall 733-8234,Z bldg. Hoot-pd.-Now-. cnanic with dioc^l and-nd-gos -iioxiblo hnurs. reason/ Ca]lKafna'543;05e7nOT ~ i - r - 1 bdrm opt. 203 4th S ■; oxpofioncor-MwsVlornorn .sh - mtos,-734.Q735nnYlfme.r “'“ - ^t:eOO:&'2.5W.1 —Barfter Realtors, r s -Excol contfilioni 19811 S - 734-6752. own lools. FuK'itmo saiajilruwd Babysilling In my hho S S J : ------E x T .t^ r t ';______C all 543-4371. n i.-3 bdrm. 2 baih, oss toan,own7yt8,32i-S9:SM9*" Furnished traitor, has o . position wilh gonorous5 w.fringe R o a so n a b lo and roliailiablo. ' Drive by or>d soo this ott in Kimborly, 733-6294, '■ bonolits. Apply ot: 1300jO H Hours Itoxiblo. 324-8853. Nk» 14 X 52 Govemo !53 FARM HOMEE tivo homo at 6 0 t Sawli IP Twin G o ttin g your a p o rtr ;; botly Rd.. Twin Falls. in Buhl. 3 bdrm, oxcol a sot up ot Cameo MHP. twoon 8:00 om and 5 :0M 0 1om' Babysilling. my homo,nSSiT ^ BUYERS! » l„: FaUsT H as skirting, cai roody 10 rent? Gol holp O ^ : day through Saturday. largo Iol. foncod yard, H , 1 , ^ 0 Iho ^ rv ic o Directory,IP CLAS!SIFJED ORIIDER FORM ;; wookdays. An Equol Opj 2273 utils all hooked up. Kl ^ sonablo rates, meal provid-prt This 3 bodroom hom10 o hash lorosiod. call 733-22 luniiy Employer,______’ right in. very goodj'c ci e n d in Timos-Nows Classilio ------ed. 6 years oxporionco.». Call o carport and sloro' Lo 1 bdrm: £155, 734-41 l« you are uiunable to call or comome hy the Times-News - Wantod: oxporioncodid foodli 7 3 4 -1 ^ 4 onvtimo. p o t^ g ------w arranty, $5W5, ______shod. Haa now carpoti B ro c k m an 's Mobile Ho :, loi person, rido pons and on and in b o droom s and hallwiIllway. 034 Jerome Homos Homes Looking lor a houso or o ftlce, simpnply clip and m all ththis order form to our Bo-Poop Klndorgorton _____ 734-3167.—324-420 Coll OOILICI, 733-2940. oraio oquipmonl, rolorenart ^ Daycaro, Siaictured clasK s ” This is n must-soo homhon o. ------roquirod. Wrilo Mrs., POjOBox I siale liconsod, 733-5097397 ' N o d o w n p a y m o n lss a n d 4 bodroom brick home,, klarge O w nor soys mako on < Lra 1 bdrm. indudoss hihom s Classified dei[epartment that wee ccan get your ad started 239. Shoshono 10 833S2, — monthly payments b bas a so d tamiry“TOom.-|orgo shahaded 19e3C onyoncn»t 24 x< w oler. c o rp o it:£140/1 ,-1. ‘Doo Doo's Daycare now a?.°* wlthBut.delayjy . ’ ‘ Wontod:~oxpenenced~lrr onJncomD-iO-qunlili'lilio d tot, underground sprinkJ-ikJers. bdrm . 2 baih, ca/pon.’• s doo- Rots, Coll 734-294 ' "2 oponTngs, hot'm oals" buyors undor FmHA’sVo in-~ g o ra g o , carp o ri.~ stonago- ri -dock.-air-condiiioningr- to^ & tractor oporaior, ho snacks. Comb nnd seo 00,- -cond.-Prlco-reducoi siM ro i------• P l Brasa S print cle^lynnlthrda^encirorpen di otovktoil. S43-494S ovos, torost crddil prograiir a m T Ehod, ro ifu c ^ to $45,000 Jtas incl. _ — now play aroa for iho-rn Pricod at $24,750.i. FF o r , COOK REALTY•V $21,000. Call 737-5025. Wantod: oxporioncod1 FiF w d.on.DooDiio.734rr>pa- Anv aoo. Call 734-9629, _____ acros, 2200 sq It. 3 bdm " J 2 R e d u c e d to -$38,000. : tor and laxmhand. 2> .bdrm b< j ^ i n Folle Fun Club, wf T P both, deck, 2 i x 40' L^ro'rk- wi 56- Km, 6* walU, 3 bdn 054 Uhfurnlihsd AptApts. p r i nIted t i below. ! * houso providod. Roquiro^1? toamlng is FUN 4 kids Iruit tuUh, hoai pump, elocti cnl rotoroncos, 543-M41. I r GEM STATI* shop, garden aroa, Ir — 81. $7 day. aoos 1-1212 yrs. REALTY troos, shade troos. 30000 S ‘‘i'' cioanor, corport, coviMverod S Duplexes s l loo'^r CPon Sool 11.W & 3 4“4^ 4 . 734-0400 dock. Insulaied shop, in nice ------Whon you’re looKIiTg' ------soniof court. Call 7 33^2 ;;;— [ Pleaseie run my ad inI ciassificationc 1 <* month loaso or parino "0 '" r— ORTOttrFHEE- 1 & 2 bdrm apts *' baroalns. Chock tho go' E^lS 03S~Roal Eatit»-Wanl0 Jl _ schodulos aro compalat 1-800-345-46SS ext Ell lie d -- -TAKE.OVERJ»AYMEH[ENTSj- — QUIETUUXURJRY ------j------M ------Mfoa advortlsoo— ------o r m ako us on oU orn99 f o r ______Twin Falls, Burioy or Joro claaaUlod. Cnll 733-0626,» ‘ FOR SALE BY OWNER Want to buy homo to me ■~-i;a-walk-ln-clai;Qi5-;;5j ^AC { t F ------daws. I Z nirports oknv. Call 438-41 ------4 .bodroom, 2 bath, dout move, X 66 - Broodmoro, 3 bdnxjrm. £ Laurel Pork Aportmo' 1 or low 2 story, prtprofor bath, 12 x 7' oxpor ^ n’?'^ rtPrint-one.cha[wad^per space please.se. Including blank spaces,) | W o-0/0 still looking loi gorogo, auto sprinkler,• pg of vakjo for us< Room in liconsod homo, 1 ilonai your d ^ paymom on our lumishod Including DW and }______Must rolocaloto Elko. High School/Sawloolh tuoo. ar( Ownor linandng, addilio disposal. Uundry onn proml-pi ' } Nevada. Conlact Al Park,rk sonal caro. family atr woll kept 3 bdrm homo,10, bigt land available,- Nonh of,5^ J mobilo homes. 177 , Mhoro. Cnll 734-3S37.- ' B rockm an’e Moblla HorCornea sis. Childron wolcome Petroleum. PO Box 2077, ------y a rd s . $ 4 7 ,0 0 0 .3 7 3 MaM od- omo. incomo, — i — -- Call 702-738-8446, , , . ronoN , Coll 733-6207 y ■ 734-3167.—324.4203203 p o tsr Ront t»sod on Ino 0,6 Empl.,m.nlW.nlanlod ------:------COOK REALTY C a aa G m nde Apartmctm enla | ------Wo aro still tooking lor gc 324-1289 R e n ta ls ------326-4053. EHO.O. . I poopio lo lill thoso posiiiosiiions: H ouiecleenlng: will olsoilso do 1 bdrm. uiiliiy room.fl. Iiin Iri- I lino cook, back-up cot windows ond rentals. CliCloan • • • — ptox.ot 249,Polk..Sl.;i. $260/i I ______cashior. Apply In poreorson dopondoblo, RoaS' ION} 03a Acreage&UH ____ mo. all utils paid. $75 Mon through Thurs. 9'■ lo o s. obloralosTHavoroforonccWC03.' LOCATIONJ LOCATlOt 734-8977 aflor 5, wkday! £ ! ; i H a m e ------T ravelort' Oa«i«, justI nonorth C»ll 324.5573. )OTH acres, cuto 2-3 bodro W A^KJO SAWTOOT 050 Fumlahod Houaolaea 1 bodroom duplex,. toro ld g . I A o o r e s s _____ 1«ny/stato/zi[ WHITE HOUSE NANNIE '^ '" 9 buildings. Wondoll/Good.xling T bodroom. carpol. firopli $1B5.'No poia. 733-173i r Placemonls yoar round. I ^2222.. • pool. This ottraclivo hon area, £70.000- 934-8238, —-. nos 4 bodroonu, 2 botl 2 bdrm opt. noar CSI. n I Phone Numbi im w / 17.9:actesr,full «oIor. hil(L___ i^ s ♦ dooXai! 7^959 304 K onsin^n. Missou nrrd-laroo family room ’ firoplaeo. Attachod gara(aTaJo view. $20,000, 324-2671. t a « m w ( Molagtc^leyarea-only)-' ! li Montana,59QOt,orphono15?^ OpporlunltlM 051 Unfurnished HoutgUM, 1 ^ )" ™ 1" 1-406-721-1142. — ^— & fo n co d yard. Now listinglistir 2'/£t o c ro s lo n c o d , 3 be _ _ 2 bdrm basomont opartnjutmom. G M y c h e c k< or( money o rd er is enckicIosedforS ______I ot $51,500. You canin boI room, 2 bath ranch-st; Womon and mon wantod 0001 1 I’omo in Joroi■rome- $165 plus doposil. No 1 firci IF YOU H u n n v i homo. £89.500. 733-00 n, new Range and rolrig. 734-SfJX ' Q Bill my VISISA or M aster C harge) (Circle(Ci ono) j Z light delivery lor nexloJ i'°b' d o n u t s h o p . days-or 734-5660 ovea. largo Wichon and don, I - wooks, FuII-timo, Mondandny Twin Falls top locatlc corpol and paint, $165,.5 , Call 2 bodroom unlurnishodhWTiT . -Crediidit Card Num ber______through Friday. 9 omI ,0to 5 Cnll 734-4020.______HAMLETTREALT'L T Y Beautiful 1 n a o (ol for„1 t ° 32i:S0S7.______ptox wUhgaroflo, 1244144 lOlh E x p ireiration Date______1 to 9 ------O F F IC E ...... 733-40;-4079 in GroentonI Subdivision. iftd ro- Avonuo East, TF. $25 - ____pm or part-limo. 5 pm to ______duding plans ior-3,017 sq,w f t . _l_ b d rn i.. wilh_s!ovo.oftd ____pm„Monday through Fridj=riday. 023 Invostm onU - lulrool monlh Indudos watortor nnd ~ ■*■1" ______mnch homo. Call 733-098 $4,50 per hour. ShouldI knowknc ______S i - . .flathafla^.$7S.claaniftg,ins Jo.- Pi lie * a y S o i i e d f u l e Twin Falls ond surround!jndina BUYING...... Roal Estalo Vacant corner lot. MMi ^n , bodroom. stovo andr rSn fS : posit^ a u ^ . ^ ^ ovo area. Slart immodialoly.V CCall c o n tra c ts, m orlgogos, n Strool h Filer. $700 or b 5 d u a 2 bodroom. waior and i ,oen9 Doods ol Trust._____ ROOM TO BREATHE r bost orator, i» po«. $165 } n |^ Humber ooi t D ays Charge per line ' Larry at 733-3478 belwoer offof. Call324-2109, _ dooosit. 0^1^7297.r ^ tailon lumishod. $175. am & 5 f m.______Loren M ccoy, 734-20ee068. 3 BDRM HOME in counI N.Woshinaton St, 733-5 ■ subdivision. Fn>o-«tandi< -.fS - -J.-P«wto»0- 2-bdm),_op 1-3 days...... $2.50 per line Jiroplaco. carport or W/D hookup, noar cityy park!'p Cloon, panlal!y_lum .11 bbdrm 4^7“days...: >4.00 p e r line fnncs. $29.50 $33,000. ^ r o larm acros“ .!» t;»o. pima«i.733-ofai531- b sm l o pt. downtown oi ____ I 02s fnHnieUw ------S : 43waler.CaIB29.5180. ; ^ r o a . 8-15 days...... : 16.75 p e r line - . - 025 tnitnietlon - • =-IzBDRU;HOUE.with.-Aiaj r rr r -$aa5,-Weoihori2od-2-t2-bed- $20fl/ma-Mosl.ulilaInd.. -■ I extrs9:-Walk-ln pantrmtry MobUe homa tou. AduH room house, go* »H»t, 'vi -----Foster UanagetnentSrt“ :: ne^odays -■ ;..-;:.^2.00 per line ; ~ slomgo shod, now w wol olor lamily. 'of™ . FHA & VA ^ paid. 191 Jackson.I. CColl 1720ActdleonPTO3-0; gPS ^ FFnpn_____hooi(uu»nflaiy.-Ol!irionL( provod. Call ^4-8943. _____ -23^1.148. ■weninoa.------OaytigtU"baint'Opt."2I bs bdmi. # 4 l n e a ------t S / l l n e ------n^AINEi D oaving$W 's, f^lco gardeordon Price r^Juced lo eell: 2 bdrm , w/slove, rofrig.0 icar- waior & aonltatlorulon In- ■ ...... S u b t o t a l T ^TBAIH FOB NEWEWEMPIOYMENT.NOW:W — —ond-huit-1rTO5.^Call:to-«D-soo. ,7.roskiot)ttaibuMngk)ls^ -potrdrapos.-6roplaeo.Soi -3I>5edrO«o«He-8hio4j^-Lokos— ------1.900. Indian Trail Subdivisk>n __ _ Ihis ono now^^ $34,90 -2B2.Ramago._$275 .f_c^ (Joo Moll, $225/monlh, - ______Eor_each-SurundaY-insartion, addj .5.$1H ad is 5 = 1- -6-BDRM3 in this-2-sto-story Twlrt FollBTJactsldtr-Wi N o pots. Call ^3^H)7SBr_wi.v------M9na_o*n>*nt F AUTO0 6 D I E S E L homo, 1 car garago,. pk plus £7,00 to $8,000 each. N 1720 Addlaon C733-07g!on9 or less lines;i; add $2 If ad is SorDr mt o r e l i n e s + ______unfiniehod basomoni d n t . $5,000 to $6,500, W>g ^ ct 3 bdrm In Jorome. $300 f ______^TECHS H N I C I A N S i?.!!:. ■SOQ]ritvtfooosrt. 324r343n o ro o . lo a rrg g e 2 ______. ------Noar-fltorofi ond achool:-ol:------«W«»f-offer-on-ol-7-oH ■homT bdfm'. all utililios'mcluccIudo3^ ______' HilArW ELDERS INDUSTRI - - - - $26,oa1,000, kMs. Farm C redit Servloiloee, A1S84. Sharp 4 bdrni hc $260/month, eall fRkA). 733-2577, 2 both, w/lamlly n>om,;i r Foater Min«jem«nltonl 1______:______' T o la l 3LE TO TEMPORARILY . AMERICAN REAL JTTa kitchon. $500.734-5858. M U S T B E A B U L Repo aoreage. Luxur) 1720 Addlaon ^733-07J.Q739 Moll y o u r o r d o r formorm to: ------REL-OOAT&TOe UI oj: _ T hr— M Property Mqrr — bdrm.-dbl^torsgo, $ 5 2 j^ ...... Duplex. Nico. apaclouaDua, all- • ^ r o R16-12 G - MONTHS ^ 734-56^'^ A ce Realty. 733-5217 Sarago. M ^ it y o u quafityTTOU rr 'Temporary housing - ' - D oug Vollmor. Brokor xJrm, 1 fl Mary A kkom ian 734-3883 ^2 039 Business Proporty.ly . JO N ES WE HAUllU L Duplex situation, 2 bdm _____ I %vin movo you both, nico oppls, nenew ly Alda Strong 733-0905 !?qq 2400 sq tl commorical buibuikf- ANYW HERE Ibr t o ^1 thanth. pointed, nexl to LineIncoln L d M H l M I S i S p ™ ‘ME o o n is Vollmer 733-9199 a rg o ronting a truck. 1-eoo Lowoll Wills 733-6562:go Ing. 1/3 ocro wilh tar school. $270/mo. RO. Box 548 ____ - ABCTECHNICA.SCHOOI-S \oKod \n area. 321 Woi/oA- FREE ESTIMATES:S F o aler M a n ^ m elent n t : TWIn Falls. IdahoID 833038 inoion St. 734-6832. C oIW»4-3490, 1720 Addlaon ^733-073-0739 1 = L 4 1 "- “ ■ V ' ” ... D 0 T im w Nown. tw«in in Falls, laaiio Tliursdav,/, JunoJi 22, 1909 '^chahUilise-Farmners^ matirket-Reiicreaftonnai 0 6 7 -1 2 7

' 067 MIscollanoous 070 Appliancos oas Garago Salos -038 Variety Foods 030 Poll a Suppllgi)■ logo Pall & SuppUaaas 104 Hotcas 114 Form Implsmtntsin ts I 121 O ooisa " For Sal" ■!------7— Maiino Items _____1 _30‘ M o g ic _ C ^ I oloclociric Mulli-lamily. .Moterni)rnity Cherries ro^dy. BaggcgetiG Bl^ck Lab puppios. 7 wow ook^ Rogislored paperod BoxBoxor. 1 HORSE SHOEING.I. C a ll D onahuo owathor trailor.lilor. l i k o ______— H— RoHin5iho:-j2'x-4Z-w;o:w'oap. r-ungo. avdca'tfo, good~«n»nd.‘ -cioihosTxaB'cioihos.-tun-tumfr -fOTorviow-ofeiuvarz-m:•m f£r Tinaiioni'nuntorsr J20r:or734- -nrafornSi^rszocrfXTffach” ftocom rranv ...... 734^w rarr nowr-sair6n^orJ2!-J250O T -OoTISSg'SoaswrinRSnis-nro— : vncl-cpood, 3-jaw chu(hucT, $150. C,all 733-2581. luro, lots of odds a onds. ond of Cloar Lakes Bridgo. bibring 0795 aflor 4 a sk for Philtihiltp. 734-7219- 734-2158 ahorahc 5. Quoon and Princoss dotidthlng Call 436-6192.______Instock. 1988 pricos. ------Tom 'a Marina 4 Sport Gda. .■t t : h c o p h lo . looling, $J750.^ •. 3 yoar old hoavy dutyT h 1- ^ T Friday only, 8:30-5:00.I. T. 724 own cenlninom. 543-6987 Doa grooming for oil bre lor goWing, 5 yoars, 114-2. B u y - S e l l - T r aid d e -' - ■ '436-4013.______• Now chost (foo2or..6 cw I hor 5 Avo W ^ a ll :^ -7 9 5 9 . cw It... rtrivn tfnin. 733-3681 nhor _____ pound, Pickod-60 conlss |per too. still a boby. 3 yonrs i Froo lill. U-haut & load, loai 7 woll-btoko. smooth oaijaaod. Consign ront lo own...... $9.00 wo pound by tho lug. Kelley/ nlsD 3 year old Bluo Cop( milos WOSI ol WondolL11. 1100t>3, $2000.543-521 istrial 122 Sporting Goods T •Usodfolrifl...... $99.'S 5 I ' r 22ii_ Farm and Industri 084 Tools O rchard. 2 miloff wost ol3l IFil- Conuro. 407-2735. ------Cnll 536-6693...... • Rog. Thoroughbrod man • U«kJ olocuic r«nflo$1G9.i c a l l b a n n e r s . 733-1421, ------or, 7 milos north. 543-53: Flying G Kennela nowyM ac- yrs, 16/2 hands, swoolrjis® - Eqiiipment* 3 whool oollc.aiL 436-3121." " Now compuiof toblo,$69,^ 1 Milwauk» concroio coro cor Also availablo ot Ketloy Inlor W o n t o d d o a d o r o l•IIVO l v dni)_ )J«, now., wilh 4 ‘ and Z copling limited numbo/bo^ol 096 Form Sood position. 733-54^5, koop Intermountoin Dive Shop, ; • Now oninnniomont conloi "0 2 Garden Center. 734-851818 Irainonj or hourly lossons.ms, ______S O U T H W E S T • ...... :..:,$69.<69 95 ‘rV'8 * appliancos . bii. Cnll 934-5821. ______lino or toavo messaoo,, 559 vvosi Main, Twin Falls. TV D octor. 734.9189 Tho Berry Patch;h - Cal|43g.Sl7a. Allalla sood lor soloiolo by Rog Thorouflhbrod goidjSiS' EQUIPMENTCOC O . 734-9224. Opon wook_dpyr. _ _ — Tablo saw. AMT modo i'.p -d/; -WninpOiH UUUUblUairccr con-. 5634 vatuo, soli lo can't erol varietlos ol alfolla ct W ade troo, 5 inch canlto,lk,"Ki R o x G o lo y ...... 734-M1-4443, Lae Heider, 'tirjg band saw wilh foodi ' First'dolivery July 1. koop 7Su4°470,° “ Bob Homlllon. 734-35 hom o Owner a Intlructor.______smnd. Cnit 734-0234. ditionof, oxcollont condiiftdi’ion. $600. CnltS43-B013 tS^ -3 5 8 7 , baskot stamp, black rnwfiw fik Jo ------H50 C;JI733.3ae9,_____ •Tr;: Call 543-4660 ovoning: Fioe: 10 month old lom;3 733-1477 or 734-5091,L------trim, sterling silvor conctDctws, J o h n D ooro 8 3 0 swrathor, ath Quoon-sizo lloolation air Now oloclric frying pan, $2< ------Vortical plywood panol sav tor Intorinnlion a lo ordo '4-3566 mattress, novor usod. $35. Inbln $150, Call 423-5510 22L. Torrior. Cnll 733-0372, . . O n e o f a k in d t Excollollonl. good cond. $2500.324-3f , ' Now Salion Yogurt rnakolakor, 081 Furniluro & Carpoli U-PICK STRAWBERRIES ------097 Hoy, Groin & F•Mdg« . condilton. Call 543-4270.0;____ jjirg o fronl.end {oodor-for> Ic-r CO ^•■11 njior o ihOi iiiCiivlut' conirollodr'iafsors-a- * " — |?f--aCTJl!lHnil,Z»».:372l...... dei Bicycles ------■OrTvo“ picirt«fO lnnlng^a , TT Warn 10 buy all kindsds ol t’P* tractor, $1000bo5l • Irds. $20. 733-0471.______4 rooms good usod carp< ____ Juno 10.6 am 10 12 pm, . FREE KITTENS, 7 lo 9 >]50 ion 1st culling In ctt ioddlo te r . C a ll 3 2 6 -4 9 0 1 .” o aor1y 123 GunsfiRINos ) wocks old. Many colois.5, ForF oood nllnlla hay, 734-4384M 1 horsos. Also, good sad ______Ncw.Soars sauna unrt. 6 kv kw. A sso iio o sty lo s a cofor (w - Oirodions:.4 mL.uast.a.3J horsos lof'solo or trado. . mornlnB or ovoning, __ ; S100,tost otlor. 734-4796. Chrome dirt biko. New-' r-\y- - moro infpcall 733-2012.— ; “^m"CoB"Sauof-iUicF-^— ;__ ;____ gaOvolis. Call934-4g32. $ 1 8 9 .'asking $100. or bosibo5l milos nonh ol Buhl or ' L zi:::' iSO ion 1sl w lling hay:':‘y' a 3 M ;B ;.r a 3 M 5 0flS 5 ___, Now Holland 2100 chopi Now WhlripobI~dKIiwaslioshofT- '5 pioco living room cot.-goc9 ™ ' OffOr.-L-ikff-nftw. S36.2202,> miles wosi ol Iho Pololmlino- Free kiitons. black a whiiwhito, porlon C nll423-fe71. for loaso. By day, wooK. scopo and'sling, liko now. up- condiiion, $175, Soo al i41 ?TT ' BluoLakes-lni«s«clion..lhcihnn roady lo go, 821 Mounti , ^ B 2 5 -5 1 7 9 ._ . . . • $350, 2 t loot tioozor. up Ono 12-cpood Pougool bike 150 ton first cuttlnfl.ig.no 105 Horse EquipmentIt m onth. Call 678-1184. - 1 tttjht. $250. W asher ond1 dry.dr> 6ih Avonuo En-st. TF, • r"l" 3 1/2 mitos nonh. ■ -ViowDtlvQ. Cnll 734-3750:^ — ’Etoom. IM gunlity dairyIry hhay. - *i_r,------GunaJirm prices. Browning ■—- in oxc condl Appraised! ot BRING CONTAINERS, NH Bolt-propollod 1283-b or. $276 pair. Rololillot'Io n Antique oblongo table, >. Froo puppies;-6 wooks: oklol Call 825-1^179. ______1981 Klotfor 4 horse Irai™or. or. mint condition, swar BSS-sido bv cide'20 gougo' - 1 0 .3 $200. Will lako b e st otiorlll 1------Black'Lob*-W5h-Soilor.-C. : . $)C5. CflU 324-7426. ____ Jaavas.-/or.up.la~l2.-Aleo,-w.-o- Call-733-4620ran5Worfngrmff- — •.-CaJI- 30 foh'orfif8f‘crop hay,'$Y;$ear 92950^ctforr634.Si6 ceotorraorod'for'6'yoSvoaij^ -^Jneh:-$495r-Bro>vft»ng— __ No * ollorino Willow lurnilun lituio chaire and bullol, oxcoJIor>™nt machine on 24 hours. — 7-34^5471-______j— - 'Olia2S-5234,------______19S4_Channoc-singto a axlo- Gohl 320 lood m lxortE"- • r daisoc.~Kiaiom i5 a>o ptbpro- condition. $375. 1 rodinoliner...... -” — 090 Pels & Supplies Froo to good homo, lonj 7SA0n 2-horeo Irailor, $2650, Call C hoovy duty pull t y ^ Iraili : - vidod. Chair. $75, Lovowalw ai. vinyl. $25. Call 733-6562. ___ hflirod malo klttono, Ca 066 Flfowood S ° i 536-2206. ovoninos. ____ modified tor TMR, scalo -ApproKimoioly-60-yard ------1-Mnmrkitton7-$25rC?jl — J-— ’M FEATNhHLIIhI ------etearv-unitr*1974*Ford-70( ~ cnllTnrn, 733.5967.______Appro*. 36 to n s 1st cuitl ___ usod carpoi, color browr)wn,' TREE REMOVAL a FIRE-RE- 487.2B28.______Froe lo good homo, smt eeie^' All otuminum goose neneck with C at engino with a h ; ■ RoliAishod baby (uinituro,:uro, $100. You haul. 543-5563. no bloom. $80 T. 829-551: 0^*01 ohell reloodor, $350. 3. WOOD for f.nlo, 734.4776L__ ,irti black doo. nuolorod-'mal< 2212i_ horso trailor. 1 4 'k>wor dock,do stack rotriover, cloan* un 734-4797______' - Horns ond cloihos al tho __ oood w/lSs. 432.5501. Approximotely 18 ton.. 1« >80« T vrido, 8 windows/73g-707007 Call 324-4068:______. , Boaulilul wovon aroa mg. — 7 ^ GUN SHOW • : Lollipop Fprm .Gll Mairla m 6 x 9 , multl-cclorod ffoworivors 088 Lawn & Gardon ^rs G o rm an S h o rth a lr/L a b ooson- Aluminum or oalvnnizod)d or Tractor liras 16,9x38 on 1 . . AvoWotl. 734-4537.______2 m.aV) Lnbradcr Rotriovors ^ ss'o.aga,'a'a/°“’ ^ 15 July la n d 2 ___ on tan background. $100IOO.' • ___—^ 1 chocolate. 1 black. 0< puppios, bom May 3rd, $3 — stool traitors. Wo trtido'.i, i wo dual rims. Catl 326-4017.i ------The Virginian Motel • Cnll 734.1710aflor2Dm.J___ Ono nonrunnlng 2 hp Lnwn wooks old. AKC. oxcellonbnl oa^. Can 733-34^3. C ustom G r*«n Choppinjplnfl finance. Famiors Exchnncinoo, Usod hoy baters. Now He • : TROy-BILT TILLERS vinn Chiol mower selling for $25. ^7 " JoromoW ondoll aroa, 'H o i- . - Jackson. Wyoming ’ Couch and lovosoal.' nyloi •25. btoodlinos, call 734-4883. __ Parakeeta a Cockeltela oa. Twin Falls. Idoho. 733096961. land S upor 777 with englni a quaFiy collectors show ol ; - F/oo hiilor-lurrowor wilh pur- ' CotJ 733.4620. answering Avo- Pickett a S an a, 536-290 nglno. volvot, $299. 6 wook old Chinooso Sharlar- -Locally roisod. 253 7th Avc Aitontion rodeoers. irayI rtid- $495. 2B2. 283. 425. 290 ^: tho Wosiorn Unitod Sintos. -r chaso ol lillof a bumpor.“ 0 BANNER'S. 733-1421. mnchino on 24 houra. onr- - nue-Enal or-call 733-6954.4 East ol Twin oxcoPont da slant Wfing. Frooman 100T, M a • - Bosi prico ol yoar. Savo up poi. quality mato. oxcotlon 0™' humors: 4 horso sit dimw Modol 1889. lover aciion, Plantasia bodding plants. 50 podigroo. lown horso coal>ai, PU PPIES: G oldon Rotriov 350 trailer wilh 16 fl living arcaroa ^ Forguson 124, wind ro - 10 $3e7 nl Gardon Country.V Gold velour couch ont t e ^ Savogo 22 high powor. '■ kjvosoat. $175, G reen “J‘ ve conls por 6-pack, 867 Filor Solid longue, moat mouth.Ith. or/B lack Lnb X. Excellon — balhroom, rolrig, AC, ho.hoat Hullor, tnick sido bole loadt ' • r 1-DOO-447.8769 , AveVV, Oatt 734-7959. Break down modol, Colloc — lo u r chair, $75, Coffee ta ___ full cuilod laii; tight oars, lov-ov- btood lino. Roady to go JulyJul For sato: 1400 bushol otbiof bar- now tires. $9500. PhoilOno Ofl rubbor, new hay oqui; to rs liom. oxcollonl condl- iblo Ranch King with roar bag-ag- ng disposition, $800, Cal. toy ot $5 M r hundrodweigiweight, 326-5881 or 733-2506. ____ mont avallabte. 324-5858, . I 063 Computors b le whh matching ond lablo :all 6th. $25 oach. Coll: . tion. $700. Call 886-7793. $225. Call 733-5106 01 on. Kolchum, 726-59t1 ovos. _ 324.7546 after 5:30. ____ CallS86-fr01.______For Salo: New a-used-slouock- Wantod:-ao.ft-hoit>-bod-wiid-with- -Smilh-a'W osson-30,-Dan----- 324.230,9. weekdays alter;,V 5 7 Delia P( ^ 0 S tn rp ri^ ^ Q K o ___ 8 wook old loirols. sablu col'si- Purebred Alaskan Malaala'- Heavy Monlano bortoy doliv-del & horso traitors tealiiring ____ or wrlhout truck, 324-2056.!§§:____ W asson ??. Dan-Wcsson____ ------Wardiawnmoworrusod-1-i'l* cr~Cniranortr~733:799g:—------mutoirrB-nrenihs-oiarssi$50" 'orD drtiopporB onom iraniIfollor, Logon Uoach'. Financin’>ng- W an to d fmmodlatety: Iront Iroi ,357. Horringlon Richardson $5.80 por 100 woighl. Ai - Tandy 64K Coco 11 w/diskliTT Groon plaid couch, makeI anar summor. $100. Call 734- AKC rogisternd Scoiiish Ter-^ oach. CaU 676-4301. . Am- W ado Zollingor 438-8125S or ond loador lo lit small Mas- M a 30-06, Inlorarms Mark X J 4 olfor. Cnll 733-2735,______1710nltcr.2_pm,______— rior puppios born April 66, , Puiobrod Cockor pups, lirs bross Farmo. Wondoll.11. ID.I .Linda wkdnvs. 678-2266.:___ soy Forguson or Ford iraitrac- .22-250, All 100V. condition, • drivo. prinlor. color m ouso & p^! Call S36-S332.______po!lwnro.$r>00 733-082B Hojidmado grandlathoi 734-8310 atlor.6 a wkonds. , shots nnd wormod. no pa ______Nino good, usod soddlolios: tor. W antod: small plow5low . all with some, accossorios, — clocR. solid 3/4 inch CherrySr^ 088 Vorloty Foods ' AKC Rottweilers sirod by POrs. $60. Call 543-4661. High quality cubes, boggiiggod ono hoavy roping soddto. disk. slcWo mowor, fiostI hotohoi C.ill733-6fl3»...... vtrood. Wostmlnstor chimos, or‘bulk. Call 733-5423, ______Sushine Loalhor. 423-623535. diggor, a n d backhoo otiactttoch- - *- 070 Wanted To Buy ’n f' Alroady pickod sirawrborrios.“ Am/Can champ WildernessISS Puiobrod German Shonhai __ solid brass movomeni, Kobuk v: Forsiwnid, Hipsps pups. Pick yours now--wilwill Nood custom farming help? hel( _Ono now Australian saddl00^ ^X50~ Cnll 733-6131 brand now, $150. 7^33-7223, ■'w- - o u o o m ir tr S u o iy p o s t u3 f 1 - ^ Polo Line Road. 4 milos N.N m onts. champion bloodlines.IS. Purobrod mlnlaluro Dachs-ihs- woods. 100 1b. boles. $3.5 ;iul{c loavo mossnqo on m.achino, ^ dollars, coin collodions, olc. podic box springs and mnl-«il* 3/4 milo W. call 543-6083. ■ $200. 736-7259 aftor 3om, chund pups. $75, 536-2655.55, pnrbnlo. Cnll 423-4343. ~ WE REBUILD Hydrauli : Ido^io Coin G alloflot Iross, oxcollonl condiiion. ‘------106 Swlrw Ja ck s a t ABBOTT's AUT ol pairs. Call 536-20855 eor 108 Shoop/Goals ■ 115 Farm Work Wanteded AC, exc cond, $1500 or bost 7 om 10 11 pm I 324-8181. n<:k ter Judv. otter. Call 733-5657.______r' Sundays 7 nm to 2 pm. S o la a gold chair, reclinor. ------198 9 ow o tom bs a rar 3-wldo hay slacking. Cal — All in good shapo. oxcolleni 1967 Torry,21Vi'lrnilor. • 102 Cflttio tam t» tor salo. SulloIK doojcan 543-4760.______duot axlo, soll-contalnod. •• Nighteraw lera. 612 8lh Avovo cond, bosi ollor. 324.4168. ____ rogistorod a non-registerod ■ W. Joromo. 324-2727. rod. 4 Froom an: soll-propoBod. Z3 wilh oqualizor hitch, good 2L Toblo, with matching hulch, : 2 springer hoilors from ABSAB! Qualily brooding, welohlnilin^ ^ i n g b a l w s ^ s w m hayingying. condiiion. $2650.324-7421. - Waniod; swam p cookir, roa-)a- $150. Tablo with 4 captain ■ brooding. $600 oach. ColColl 95 to 175 lbs, /Uso, Sulloll ' sonablo prico. Call S36-2991 ------1971 1 9 'soll-cofitainod trail- 91 chairs, $300, Bulloit, $75. : 1-366-7339.______yearling owos. 2 yr old owe; All gro.und work, plant Of 536-6432,------__ 'Cornor hutch. $75. Ollico a cloan rogistorod yoartlnj o n t, o r, oxcollonl shopo. $1750, . ' Al Holstoin hoilors opoi "“0 throsn. chop, manuro haul.taul. Call 733-9290. chair. $50, 734-4797, f f l . . m e n 324.5563.______Randy W oavor. 543-6886. • ^ 072 A nliquos ’ and bred to 7/m o fancy kind 1972 22 loot Prowtor with Twin bod Iromos. $20 tor . .90/lb. Your choico. CalC all For salo: 5 milking goouois. Baling, 2 string. Call Jim — bolh. King-size headboard. Jim air. oxc cond, $3500 or bost -----3 Hoosior cupboards, good • S43-893B, ------___ - good milkors. Call 324-461! 615 Wells. S37-652S, ____ ottor. Call 324-4125.______^ $40.CnllV-4849, : ABS brooding Holsioin hoilhnil. loavo mosfiAOA. ------condiiion.-Coll- aliof-4-pm ___ Thabaatofthebeali ' 1 9 7 3 2 0 'Terry, lully so il- ' : - S32-4153 • ' ors. Jiforox. 450 bs. $350350. — 082-BuMngMatorUlt-. Barloy. v^hoot, com ihrosh- c om atood.^ t i ^ om y le, liko - . Joromo'fi Anilq^uo Moll - COU365-7339. _____ ,. - -110 PoulUy-4 Ribbil*—----- tnflrGloflnor-N-Srotoryr^------Todd Jen'Setr73y2l6g;------■ 3.000 sq ft ol Aniiquos, Buyuy Gordon lattk», 4‘x6', $8.95 ' Angus butts tor salo. bint- - r 1976 24' Nomad, good con- ; a coin 324.8106-133 E Maini£L CDX plywood. 1/2', ; woighls a olhor porlorrhanct Custom hay stacking. Coll dition. Call 733-2S97. Musi sacr licol Booulilul oakak 4-x8’. $7,95 . dola aval. Rartge Raised 8 — 324-3547. ’ Range Rendy, Springcovi ------1978 18 H Wildemoss, soll- upright p ano and aniiquoJO WettEndSaleaCo. Cuatom Hay Swathing. ,0 Call 543-6455. ; Ranch. Bliss. 352-4332<'\32l 112 Irrisatlon ' sowina machino. Phono ■—352-4202iQ52-4374------__ ll's woll worth vour .calfPlor lor j3695.'caUM “4^2 da°l’' _ . 734-9553 ask for JoAnn. _ Post holes, rough lumbor. 22* usod .219 $9.95 por Itft, OidilY work and a Compdu'-OOV- o r 733-5367 ovoninns. . 2 oak drosoors, Korponin rounh boams. 324-819t. Angus bulls, somon tested, Rocky Mountain Induswios:os livo prico, Scolt BaggalL . 324-2600 oarlv or Into. 543-5130 orS43-&)65.r 1979 18' Loylon tilr, tandom - lovosoat and rocking chair. 2 REO CEDAR, siding, inlorior ___ Joromo. 324-2142.______— axlo, sell-conlainod. vory washboards, sol ot jars.s . wall covoring. D-P Lumbor Beef & Dairy Salele 550 ^ 4 X 60 inch lubes, 14 Hny hauling. 326-3379. ___ nood condiiion. 324-8474. ----- :-larao unlinishod wardrobo. 0. 3?44>120. Eves/wookonds EVERY FR lbA Y ______Now_Holland-.2100-ctK)ppor)por- -1983-TBuru6-Torry-5tn'------_ _ _ C a lU llo f .6.or-OtLHOchcnds... . —Dalry sa lo bogths oi 11 am I tor loaso. By day. wook or . 734.1557.______^ . CONCRETE DITCH < o r wKool, 24 It. loadod, wiih ox- — 083 Garoga Salos- m —With, boot £n!Q.lmmQdiatolytoly ------.R E P A IR - m onth. Call 676-1164. ___ tras. porloa condiiion. Call following stoning Ju n o 30. A sp h a lt S y a te m a o f ID. Siloago hauGng wantod: 10 ______7334157S. — ;.^-074.- MuslcnlJnsliumonls‘ 6 family garago sniol Fri.rT M anager- Bin Vorin, ^ whoo7truck8.6Vl184. 934-S123...... Bob Ballov...... 733-4013. 2 1 'Holiday Rambler, suit — ^ -10 pioco doublo boss -Tamn— and Sot,. .9-4.p m -491 Parknk ______- GATEDPIPE Swathing, baling a stacking.Ino. contained, dual axlo. good ^ Torraco. Lets ol misc.______Goodlrtg Uvaatock - . drum sot. soat, 4 cymbals/ Commrasion Co.. New and Usod C all...... 326-4485.189. condiiion. $2500.324-3644, : slands, casos, 423-5045. Antiques trom primiltvos s to So, you'veve finally deci:ided on a Mnrk Loo. 834-4479 Underground pbo - 30' Spanan. soH comainod. ‘ Baby grond plnno, noods to-~ storling. Lols ol misc. Fri, Custom labricalion Rg,g . 1 milo oast ot Buhl. Hwy 3010 ======Bauor Broihors Grand piano. (dairy). Call 733-5795 asksk 543-4777 “ BUY FACTORY DIRECT ■Cnll lor inlo, 734-6342. • tots ol misc. Thursday and ANO SAVE II — Fridny. 9.5.2l70sfiorry .attic! TheI ttiming couldn'I't be better — 120 Aviation ' Dundy Alio sax. oxcollont i ___ Lwhlwoiphi. supor insulated. Lano. Twin Falls.______Dsn Wright UvettocKI 114 Form ImplomonU 19'50 Pipor Pacor, PA20, ox- SCAMP libornlass trnvcl condition. $3&0. Phono Fri ; a Sol. Juno 23 i 24. /eather is-warmI Tranaporlatlon__324-3407.107 ------733 3999. T. ... the we. and sunny ^ collont condiiion, $12,500.30. irailors, 13'. i f . i 19' 5lh ------— 1145 Utah. Gooding. Organ, Day old calvDS lor sak> (buDs 1972 O.B. Hay, modol LB, Possible trado on molorlo r whools. Call loll Iroe 1-800- Early Amorican Ynmohao ,oloctric goll cart, rocliner,?: and garage>e-salers are reaady to buy. ond cross brood heltors). '*■ homo, 423-^67, Donny^ __ 346-4962 tor Iroo brochufo. console piano. $1100. Call i $35^''‘^ 'ltS ^V g 2 ‘*'’'°"' II lawn mowor. misc cloihing & Cnll 536-2189.______lip, Laylon Irailers a 5th wheels. 32C-3314 nllor 6 pm.*______housohold I ooods, 9-5.______t Let them i.SateJti,-J3, f=U>li ?4 nti_____when they/ mayi browse yc'Our stuff by Don Tnbor. a66-g427. 121 B o a ts & BERT HARBAUGH - OlJor uptinlil pl.^no lor salo. 'i ’- Rock Lodgo on Hwy 30. 9-S RoQislored Angus yearlingilJJ somo Now Lockwood 6- - Marino lloms MOTORS INC good cond . $450 733 41G5— pm, Troes. books, houso-^ adveTfTsirrgTg~wi t h-t h e-G ar-age—Sale—a -buflsrAHIRjiorlermonoo>00- —raMLboan-windroKCfajtilL WondoD, Idnho SludiO uprigtil piano. $475' f notd itoms, barboquo, smok- rocords. Cal 734.4897. In cralo at closo-oul pric­• 14 ll aluminum boat, 40 h ^ -536-6323-nmr63^41(M>ni__ C.nII 326-5110aHorGpm. . , or. lots of clolhoo. misc. Deal in tPieie Times-:News CClassifieds. o s. Conlor a n d ond cfumpP jol. dopth lindor, gas tanks,1r'nvo mnn«;. Dubois. 7:30 to 3. Thursday. plus dams, rogistorod andid Kimborty Hd E, Twin Fallss $1600. S o o at .646 Wyomingog’ Ploasuto Sookof lonl trailor. Poilnblo typowfiior. script.■ JJuno 22. Idontifiod grados. 733-1545 Stroot, Gooding or call 934-14. slo*bps 6, good condition ?J0 Cnll497-2fl2)i JT, ■ Ida-G o ld F a rm a. R ogor Nowton ...733-2684.}. 4255 nItor SpmT ~ ^700. Cnll 5S6'?G36. L J^£mslJxu£fllfl_jidingJjKii_ ------ronar ------bavin CopK.'r, m odfl 50S07 mowor. n desk, maplo diriing1 I ^ TB' liborgloM Tjoat, with'SO'' ---- iuil 5trvict;(J,.oxCuUonl.con.- — r,room sotroihorfurnituro, ____ Rox G olay...... 734-4443,}, hp-Chryalor. run good;d ; - -1 2 6 —Campors & Sholls d.lion Call 73-1-1100______t, __ homo0 $1000. Cnll 934-5821, . biko, loots, dishos. typownt- “T 10' ovorthoi, sipv'o. Ico box . jJts-NojoomJnjuiwJjouso— . . 3 bar txwt and boon nniva-1-. ifi'-r-tiborglass-boat-w/. 077 Homo fcnlonatnmonl 5; ~ 1 0 3 “ DflIry Equipmonl tor. 12 fool Eversm'art cori- ■pOTtmTiotfy*n'nd-ctc—5600—_____ 538 9th Ave. E.. Gooding. I- Johnson 40 hp molor,/• Call 423-6120. ' . Fiidav Juno 23, 6.im-6pm. _ oalo oponor. 324-2056. _ 51400. 734-1401. 423-:63S5. 10 ton grain tanks, $500 RENT A NEW TV! Own a S ^ 45 hp Allis Chalmofs tractor,r, 17 tool Coloman canoo nnd■j .11 It ovorshol c.im()or. r.oll- ' nuw color TV bv loniirio No Moving tale: Everything oach, fl) 2Va Ion grain tank. ® contained. $1000, cr irado ' m u tt go l Furniture a houso- $200 Cnll 536-6300. 1000 hrs. liko now, ovor-tiio0 pnddlos, oxcollonl condiiion, cr..'diiorr. clK'Cfcod 204‘Wa.n. — tiros, powor adjustod $350. Cnll 733-6378. "• tor irnilor. C.ill 733 7349. Av<.Nnrih 7.13 7111 ■ hold goods. Thursday & Fri- dny.8-5 2221_Lo_nj]bow Dr whoots. liquid-fillod. 3 point" 17 tt Colom an canoo, $350,'0 ^ "69 Travel Oucon 10' pick'up' ' 104 H o n a a hilch. 7 ll box scrapor, eahor cam por, rolrig. luronco 079 Appliancos Moving S.ik). June 23rd and k j ;f Phono 734-4444, ir 4HIR * I I yoar old maro. oxcoltont— sen with or without tractor. - pon-n-pottv. 825'517Q . ______24ih. 8-4. W ashor. hido-a- C.->ll 324-ti763.______' 18' Southwind jot t>ont, bur- Combination Microwave/ bod. carJi rogister. sioro dis­ roignfng horse, drills, pa­ - gandy a silvor, 454 engine,I' '8 ' c a ^ v o r cnmpor, quoon- ' convection oven Mont- play racks, nnd misc. 205 rade. jamboroo. 8 yonrs wilh[ih 8 row Liiliston boaarow , tondem axlo-trollor, good ^ r s h o t , stove, ico box. s flomory w.uds 1 5 cu ft.. 3 E;Eastland Drivo. Twin Folb, TF Shorill's Possoo. $1000.0 cui.ivalor. Call'862-3343J condltlon;--$6SOOr-670.732O- - ye.ir old. oxc cond. Har. ^ Call 734-4014 nflor 6. dnvs Or 862-3876 ovoninns. . nfter 6 or 678-2172 days. 8Vi' ovo/sliot cntnpot • Sportsmans oslato sate probo. 2 sholvnn. $200. ,, 12 yoor old rogistorod Ouar- 910 NH swather with condi-.; 18' irl-hullboat, SShpEvin-^ sloops 4. good condition' __ 73'1 3711 or 733 G022 d.ivs. (lishing nnd hunling).-'Friday, f. tioner. Good .machine, will ’• $500 Call j? 4 M?-i . SniuKwy, nnd Sundny, 9-5. .torhorso moro. woII-broko, ^ rude m otor, trailor, runs 'Excotiont conaiiion'wrnto 33 ------. i ..good dlpositlon, usod on,n . sw iih lots ol hoy yet. 1 Va ml'* pood. $2995. Cnll 734-9652.-. • ;8 ' 6lido-in c.il>-ovor cnmpor 333 'M om6o Placo. a ao S s " . . soulh ol Filer. Loonnrd Pod- Irom-CSl-garaqQ.fifltft.-nlfio — cows. 436-6862 nftor 6om : -1887 G rogoc-m odoU H ,-13-3 j 736-0S87_d.^r.; ' ' — TOW.-326-4897.— ------e x 's a a q a ia uvunlnni;:^ • ------•WCNOELL.-Ffi a-Snl-E-^lh.— 3 yoar old Kingdom Koy - toot. 9.9 tvinrudo niotorr ; Fof s.ilo larno FrigicJalrc ro- _ - m are, out of AAA'producino,n -Boos-rotirod. Still'roady to1 e a sy 'lo o d trailor, 2 ‘ swrvol3I '-WANTED TO BUY;>. Clonn •- — ii_30iaiw_wuK_ifo«»/-0iii -SERVICE SPECrALTV^' ^boufiW.:^-6oW.^Wfl--buy- ' beard/oulboanl.-120hp.-yotr^J27-.M otor-H om os-:v' 11011733 4335/733-1807. killor hofcoa. Cnll 733-60SS. ground^grninorlos'wlih' good condiiion, wUh doubto 8 1873 Wnnob.130, mini motor •, Gtor.on rolrigofnior. $150 IN TH IS DIRECTORY Appnloosa yearling, sorrol frnmog.dnit 733-2269. . axle, o a sy toad .trailor. H as J C Intornatlonal Ifocior w/' tots ol o x tro s,'$6500 or win* hom ^ o. 55,000 mi, vorv 1,'xcijI Wc.'.iintjhousa older model 2 Ptjcoa p., undor Iho ho*dlng ot with blanket. Cnll 734-4446. 1st $6900 t.ikoi 734-JQ2J o/.,-n r,iov.,.. 5125. Both 10 ■!' " bonn cultivator. 934-5784. trado. 543-6028 ahor 4pm, • yourcnolcol • - - N ow Througjgh Septembei?r 30, 1989 fRog Morgan Staltioa vory. i 2?' 1974 W.npcb.igo, low oxcollonl conditiof>. Call gontk) and oasy to hondlo,, Fmmatl M 'tractor,.-Ive hy- 2Z jet boot ond traitor, twin t 73-l-l710.illor2pm ______kids can rido him, $1500. droulic. 3 pl hilcK singio onginoS,-,roconlly over.- < 25cOllc.1i condhiioh ' Your ad will reach 22.000 , $14,000, Cnll 734'55G4jiliL.r "' ' ' Ono w.ishcr, $99, fairfamlllos ovoryduy and lha d>ri'(Private FMrty Aorsa and an ox-. Cnll 825-5136. koop irvino,. Rlor-326-3193. - lotJfljrantl ono ol ourfrlond- collonl 4-H prospoa. coming3 For solo: 6400 Hosston with 24' Kayot pontoon boat, 50- ^ 1975 24'Dodgo Monoco ' n.'Cliiifi usod, $159. 'O'* ^ vory clean, full/ w ll'com ' ' —8ANNgR^r-?a;^-1-43>. lyAaiVUo£i^(LJL9lp_i;OU_ ‘ 326--^ cob. f4 It toador, $4800. hp Merc, trailor,'$3000/ottor/ woTd your td so mat ll will • •CnH7 34r3S50Tif B37-64S0. -{J Slovo, fiido a-b«d. and oasy b hn a .m o al oKecilvo and bring r tOCTlt pr tradS'^Kl^S"^^ Ch,Tr,-*0O-fer-n»-ot-w;il-dt- vou tog. Oua/tofhorsos. 4 yoirr Gohl Mix-nlt 120. oxc cond. 7 hp outboard motor. C al1 Ofo OQunlv.aluo. 7aB 0.1/7 ^ -’ - -o ld liily.-wotl startod. Top vicfo -tMKl ollnr 543-lfl69. . /looklnoqoJ lor. 32441628.------. - ; 7197r 23-GM(J Msbilo ScoJt ' ’ Two dryors, $Q9 eac h . q u ^ brood maros. AD rea­ Ntoo 17* Iborgloss boat with rr sonably pricod lof immodiato , V molorhomo. Gfincf.iicr, AC- BANNER'S. 733-1421. 7 3 ^ 3 J 50 to Johrtson plus'oxtros,. CB.C cAblo TV hook-UD ■ soli or trado. 788-9457. | [eomosoo.Call733-1458, acniiso. $10 000 5j3 : . - i, - r - - ...... '

ThursosOny. J u n o 2 2 , 1989 Timos-rI03-N0WS, Twin Fnilr., Idaho 0-7 to m o tiv e! 1^7-142

rTHE a c e : is ON bridI>GE BOBBY WOLFF ___

"h is a great mistortutttunc not to pos- N O R TH MJ.A icsssuf/iclcnl wit tospispeak well, nor ♦ 7 4 2_ '■ su/ffcientjudgmc^td',id'kcdp silent:- " ■ r q e - - La Bruycrc. • ♦ a k q o s 4 >e 4 2 WEST EAST “Nol through me."e." excIaimcd ♦QB ♦ J 1 0 9 3 West when South led a dc ia m o n d . Al- V j 10 9 83 4 4 V K 5 3 ■ Roy Raymnond has just inegotiated th^ho purchase off 125 new Festiitivas, E scorts, though Wost wns thinking thii other ♦lOS ♦ J 8 4 4 ■ Rangers ands Tem pos fnrom Ford Motoitor Co. Through - thoughts, he had Just. m.m ade the only' .♦ Q 10 6 3 + J 9 ll fe c ia l arrantingem ents with play to beat the game.le. ' . SO U TH ■ Ford, youu can now gett t h e B E S r d eeal, a w ith the B1BST l paym ent a n d t h e West’s heart jack wa:was covered by - . ♦ A K 6 5 the queen and king, amand South won V A 7 2 ■ seiection I o f t h e B E S f sieH e ing vehicles!s in th e w hole w« o r l d ! - his acc on the third roun>und. If you a re ♦ 7-2 f - U U U V ¥ ^ R ^ O N &Ll ANtJ UliLi Iru n A LIMITITED TIMEiT play when Soulh Ie; leads a low Vulnerable:le: B oth d ia m o n d ? H R e m e m ber, e every newr I F o r d c o n i e s s Dealer: Soutouth Standard with 6 year, 60,00t00 m ile pow er A lazy diamond fiveIve doesn’t gel The bidding:ng: ■ train warr;r a n t y . the job done. South will/ill insert dum -“South WcWest North East my's nine for his best chancech at four.. 1+ Pa;Pass I ♦ Pass diamond tricks, andnd the game" 2 NT Pa;Pass 3 NT All pass I s o MUCH I . c o m c s .h o jn c ,.E a 5 t g eIts ts theI diam ond ------Opcnli:nlng lead; Heart jack ------ICAR FOR SOLILITTLE MONEY!yF] #1 SELLILING CAR IN THIH E W O R L D ! jack, bul even if Elasi>l h a d h e ld an- ___olhcn_hcart.-South-woul■ould slin have ------WR.IP WITH THS ACES ~ had nine wirjncrs. Soulh holds Ids; s-n-B FlSTfVM l 5 8 9 West was making jokesjok when ho ' l 8 9 E S e S RI ! f c ? 9 9 “ — p u t up h is d ia m o n d 10. b ------— iJ. b u t he'w 6Q ia~ ' - ■ d o w m ^ ------PflW never adm it il. South's'h’s discomfort — — W B DOWJf ~ , ♦ A K Q 9 3 f¥T loid him he had madeide an uncon- ______scjausbL£ftQd_play.------♦ 8 4 2 S oulh w a s n o w stu c k . I k.Illhohcarls Nonh So,S outh - 1 , were originally 4-4. it ’ it was best lo 2 4 ♦ duck. I£. Ihe^ were 5*3. 5- ducking 2V ’ would mean a quick SCLscL Soulh won iNcwPD. in dummy wilh vague! hopesho of a 3-3 Three hearts. A little break, bul when thatlat tailed, he lowever, North's twb-heari found h im s e lf w ith o nlyoiBhttricks. ly < luld p ro m L se a six -c ard su it. ■ ( When praised abouto u t h is a le r t Stnd brldc«f qooiton*qi 10 Tti* Am'. P.O. Bo» ■ equipPI^wiWITH... EQUIPPED WITH play. West was modesti;stly silent. He 11, 1T n » j 7SMS, *llh »tll-jiddrc»*cd. ■ >1.3 liter 4 cyEvllnder engine • 4 spei e *1.9 liter EFI1 OHCI engine • Manual knew when lo keep hisis moulhr shut. irr lope for rtply leed m anual overdrive lal transaxle with t»l. m t. UkxxI r..lur» Syndicil* transaxle • MHacPhersan strut (rontnt suspension * Frontt overdrive • Froi’ont wheel drive • 4-wlicwheel Independent M stabilizer babar* Power front dlsc/riAeaLonim brakes * suspension •»14 1 Inch w hee l s & tlresres * Powar front ng fuel filler* Side wind ______disc/rear drunr — 127—M olof-Hom os------jidowdeffl^er^ riprakreXMalnlenancancefree Kaiiery------nS-Cyelot-a-Suppllos'—— 140—HoavyTfucks/Somls------•TranflilglRiliack reclning bucket s I • AM radlo^FullI foldi down rearbench:ch seat • Removable 1973. 20 ft. Sportsman Miniini 1976 Kawasaki K2 900. loww 1 9 ^ Konwonh Convontion- ' • Electronicc AM/FM stereo radio1 »with Integral clock coiclior keyed cargo area1 coverco motor homo, now rubbor.>r. milos. oxcollonl condilion,1, al. 3 5 0 -Cummins ongino wA • dosh & roof a ir. Qoll Jako brako. Ennino & roar Sail Price S66SI PlusJS Sale Tax. S500 Facloiy Re&ale PluPlus $89 Cash Down. 12 Paymenisnls Sale Price $7B45 Plus Saleale Tax. $750 Faclory Rebaie PiusIS $9!$99 Cash Down. 12 Paymenis • lainod, B Irack & TV, sloops 1984 Kav/asaki KX 250^ ox- onds tobuih oxchangij Idss $69,46PavmcnlsS17171.31 PerMonm, 1-110% APR. 0./0.A.C, Total Paymcnis. 59,290.88J8 S99,48Paymcnls$191.5i1.50 Per Monlh. 14.-10%,APn,0 A.C. lolai Paymcnis.'S10,380 6. havo lo coo lo opprociato, collont condition, $1300 V lhan 2 yrs, Hondrickson sus- • S6S00. Call 438-4756. - bost ollor. Call 423-5270 or3r pension. Also 1978 42-ADoy 1974 W innobago. low'W 734-G202.______llaibod iroilor. Soil soporato S O . I D A H O ! milos, rool oir condiiioning.'0; 1964 Yamaha YZ 250. ox­“ or logoihor, 436-3957 aftor 5 I THE BEIEST VALUE IN S ~ THIS ONE WILIL L WIN YOU O V EERWITHSYTLE! R gonoralor. Call 734-0676 or ovontnns 734-6940, collonl condiiiof). $800, CallIII 1076 IHC cabovor pololo - 766-3382, truck. 290 Cummins. 10 spd 1 9 ^ 3(^ Nowoll^oach. vory. 7- 1985 Honda Shadow. 7000 with 4 spood Browning, vory ^ -cer$1995r19»1-Suznklr35(rO- -ooodHifOT-ond-painlrcloan:------lR A N 6i ", cc. $625, 1903Kav/aEnkl.i. 19800. Coll 324-2182. nino. shown bv appointmont n o o Spodro. $1395. 19811 1904 30' hoppor bot lom. only. Cnll 733-6259. ovos, ^ M O N T H _ Honda. 750 cc. $7S0. CollII foll-ovof lo/p..exc 5 Speed transismlsslon « Rear anti-k • Interval windshield wl 56,000-milos. du3l-oir.-6 ,5- - ■lock brakes • Gauge!------AM/FMradIo—1 — KVV-{j0 ft0 f 0 l0 r^-V*eBli0 n - - _ .OQOtl, mn?i flpgd, m a tlrc a ,' ------r-packafl8— - >-Tinled glass^(Complet( roady. First S13.700wlns,;, K aw asaki M: 1979, g o o d ­ window defrosts t • Power Ooor locksD0f0ci.->l0 m . Cnll 733-3513...... *9489 p.ins lofsolo. C.nW34.o/eo 1988f, Chovy SIO, standaid ^1986 Nissan 300 ZX, black. 82CHEVYK-10 4X4 4 PICKUP #40480...... „ * 4 4 8 9 87MERCUIRYSABiB LE #30685...... Chov 235-6 with clulcti . bod. b( -4 cyl,-5 spd. sloioo. 29.000f milos. 1 ownor. ox­ ...... *9789 S250.C.11I-733-0076.' t.nko tn over pvmnls. 733-5716. collonl g condilion, $12,500, 8 4 MERCURY TOI Call 734-4982 days, or 733- JPAZ, *30749 ...... * 4 4 8 9 86 CHEVY CAPRICICE CLASSIC, #30758...... *9889 ... Roll bar. Iiis lull-sizo short 1977 Doisun king cab. with S3fi7,nvoninfls. c- ______bod, $50. Gom custom top- sholl. at- £1200. CalI 734-1401. f; 84 DODGE PROSP;P E C T O R P I C K U P , #4 I-800-3GS-374? ^ 86F0RD ESCORTf W A O D H Toyoia_.lW9-.SR_i_EU.-5. .ai >89F0RDTAURUiS##38183 ____ tpood,-74.000-mite..-$l3a5_ -Ci ^LINCOLirMflHl 135- CyciD5:&.Sup p i)o s r 7 gCnll-734-5441 ovnninog------^ m cv i.«30724...... ;z z i -78EXEC.-U>PALM

■ I ' . I ------

b -8 Timor.-NDWf., Twinvin F.niin, Id ah o . , T hursday,'. JtJu n o 22, 1989 _____ 175-Auto,DeaIef3 I 175-AutoDflalera I IT^AuloDealsra I 175-AuloOeaJsrs . I 1 7 ^ A u to D ealers u i o m o t i vp e ^ r4W-17i

' iSB 'Aulot-Chovrolol ' , 166 Aijloj- 146 4x4 '# 4 A T V ’8 146 ATV'a ------p 1 Mo/cury i Lincoln)ln jsi of- _ J ______1______1963 GMC 4x4, runs nood' go Want lo buy: Jo o p Scram- S c 1973 Nova. $300 or bosi < bodvs' lair, mako ollor.. ■ btor will) nulomaiic transansm is- lor. Coll 934-4232.______1981 Lynx GL. PS. PB. ------C920- good, $300. CnII 733-4348, 5760 good eondilion. runs 1979 MalibuClosaic., PP: S , • 1082 Lynx. 324-8909. S o o . Call 32^5647. 148 AnUquoAulos AC. PB. Must soil! $180IBOO! 1985 Towncar, oxeollo ■ ■ ■ .Call733-7826onorS, • 1974 CMovioIol Qlosor.Jf- ox- 1956 Chovy Bolair, 2 i ___ cond. loadod. 52.0pp-mili 1 . 0 0 0 eotkwl eondilion. 324-362i ovor- 1002 Citallon, 4 door,, Aa t . wtiolosakJ pricod-$9525, C K ^ § 2 8 ^ hard lop. 327 4 3 Spd C 734-2144 or 734-4035. low Involco'F^^^^^^K 1876 Joop Wogorioof. aD >ox- drivo standard irons. Nooda N( V-6, $990,324-3005, . tma. mini cond. 734-4g43.?43. complolo rosloralion,' $2800%l ------1978 Toyolo Landcruisyjs(jf_ or bost ollor, 733-6162.I— ,.160 Auto.^)ody , 168 Autos-OIdtmobllo 52300, Call 733-8593 Irontrom 9 1960 Thiindorblrd. 56. -J q 1969 Olds 442, 326-4152, 12A------______nciual miloB, Call d a'S, y s ,: 324- 1987 Dodoo Co« 01. A< 1S79 Bronco, looks anddlU n. ns 2907 or niphlc. 324-4963963. P S , PB , AM/FM COSiOltiiolto! 1980 Olds Siortiro, 2-dc oroal. 351 V-0, CGtlrarir a n s . 19G2 Buick Skylark. 2 2 door i dofrosl, liko now, $68C>6800 h a tc h b a c k . 6 cyllndor. 89 JEEP GRANDm i l A ^ E E R . J Roneho cosponr.ion. chroihromo hardiop, V8. good condredition, Coll 366-771-7794 spood, AM/FM cossolt 89 T0Y01)TA CAM RH DR I fipoko whools with oxtnxtras. runs good $1200 or bos _____ spotless. $1950. 733-6831 Auto.. Air, Cassstto T h is luxury 4*w h8el driverlvehMBlltheoptlORSl | S4S00. Call 7B6-S011. ______lor. Call 734-4848. ------162 ,AtJlo»-Ford L I S T DEMONSTRATIlATOR e A M r% Mt* I 1979 Joop CJ-7, j cylipdlindor, lof,? Pti,mniith Hnlvftrff _____ 1?2 Aiilfli-RmiUflc------___ USI___ nSlUlMfiXllAXOB— ------SALE PHICe 133^' 2-door sodan, 440 GoiSokJon 1974 Fo,d wogon, with 35 s a u p S c e 12,995^ 1 *2!2 9 ,1 5 9 (Includes Rebaabate)—^3 24B— | 1079 Toyola Lond Cruisruisor. C o m m a n d o .o n g in o. , b b o B l, ciovoland ongino. low mik 1®82 Iron* Am, rod, TS lu j >16,121 65,000 original miloa.I. roolr( io.v.onablo ollor. 67S^393P032. ago. (ransmiBsion noodnnHn loadod. oxcollont condHic cloon unit, asking $40C4 0 0 0 . jjno ,0 fostorol1 1946 1i work, $500, CaH 829-5749,49 47.750 mi, bost ollor, ov E S T 16000. Cdl734^!. 734-2144 Of 734^035. ’ oood mpo.iSeOQ, 436.4474470' 19B3 Eaglo station wo( a ; - 4 ^ ^ , ' AM/FM storo- = OTA SR V-6 4X4 PPIC K U P— ^ 89JEEPWAGIIGONEERITO------4x4, Cloari and in go Sporty 1979 tod Plymou 89^^ 0®o® c 0 B6 0 it0 . luggogo ra c k This fully e quipped vehicle:Ie eeven h a s pow er s e a t s & “ “ ■ j W Chovy Silvorado■ Suj^ Si. rJ.npo.C«IIS36-648_7, V, Horizon-$1995.733-4177.i_ raiiiimtoptrI tra c k In te n n s of miulpmeEn e trt w a'w e w a r - Tli ■ urban, oxcol cond,-/t/( jnanV-OXI/flfl. o;6,043 (lnc^«^ ______mUoaoo..$65C)0 or bosl.olli,ol(or_ .(do/h.rod-molollic), Boautinutilul 4^ 44M Z *20,857 733-1327. ' ______car. woB lakon caro o<, Ca jm ,, - nro'tooso rdum s with mor d ^ 324-S34-4.______oplions. Look ond run liii 1066 Chovy Silvorado. — ^ 166 Autos* now. 1988 Miisubbhl Mirog ion. 454. loadod. k)w mil i54:Auloa-Ca^liilBC Morcury & UncolnIn 4 -d o o r, only $4485. 196 •aoo, 733-0107 ovoninns.' ____ Ford Tourua 4-dbdr. onl - ...... -'1965 Jo o p C horokoo, sP P! S - 1966 Codillac so dan doVioVito" 1079 Morcury Zophyrhyr. $5685. 1987'Pontiac 600 ' n . PB, V-6. olr. now rodial oxcolloni c o n d illo n , loolooks 68,000 onalnol milos. runs rum 4-door, only $5485, 198 ^ ana many opHons. fflint CO now. 70.000 miloa..$2200JOO or good. $750 cr best oHorIfor. Buick Conlury, 4-door, onl dliten. Call B37-C635. ------bost ollor, 837-6631.- - Call 829-S107. ovoninos, $5985, 1086 Buick La Sabr 1986 GMC Jimmy, oiceollo Limited. 4-door only $6985 I®®'* Cadillac Sovilte, m ust 1961 Lincoln Mork VI. oxc 1 ■ conditior), all powor oqui| . C a ll cond, $4000. 733-8534,' 1987 Pontiac BonnovMo <1 soli. $8995 or oHor. C ------door, only $7485.1987 Por mont, low miloago, SlO.&OI S 733-4177,_____^______c M r L I F T B A C K CoP-^34-5564 ohor 8 pm i _____ 1986 Cougar, oxcolloni con' lioc 600t> 4-door LE, onl I 89T0Y0TiTA CRESSIDA4 DF 8B9 ! TOYOTA CELIcS 734-3722 dnvr..______dUion. Anxious to col. Call Col J 64B5. ,988 Ponlioc 600 ly remartcabta— ThisI W idely acc la im e d vehicle;IelncludM Ii Aweej)^aIr..tilt. -— 156 Auloi-Chry*lor ___ AM or PM, 837-6594, ^ I ThlsftagshlpolI of th s T oyota lino Is tniljr r \ ___ 4-door, only $7385. 198^8,7 g _____f l o t t o j to-sesjB nd drive th is fin a « u -c ru ls e rc a s s e ttB rp o w s r winwindows, locKs & morel . - -19B0-Suhurban..4x«t^ 1987 Lynx-OS-vragcmrTnccUXC OuOuu Cull 2-Jooi. unt )~s~~ i9 7 0 ’ C6idoba^ all oplioi”5^1 cond, FWD, low milos,lo s , $2985. Coll toll Iroo 1-BOC 1088 ChoroKoo Pionoor.or 4 non o n ic o r. $ 2 6 5 0 . Ci C o l S22-7142. Idaho Falls. Lk)ud I lis t Clari. 734-6428 or 7 3 4 ,9 0 3 3 ^ whokwaio pticod-$4625..CoII *w 1 i s M dr, AT. AC, auir.0 , lill. Clai ------734-2144 or 734-4035. dolors Unlimitod. S A T C ^O W r______' A s on. Roally shnrpi 734-5789. - B *24.663 - 1988 Chovy, 3/4 Ion StlvofJ 158 Aul08-Ch0vrbl«l_ . do, 350 luol injociod cngin(0'!]°' 1954 C h o v ^ ta ilo n w a— g o 175-AuloDealera I ^ A u l o Dealers 27.000 mi. taXo ovor -Z pai ik- imdoJof-fidino.Iawn mow monlB. CqH nncr'7pmr32t w/nrass calchor. 487-2828 HERDKEE REA . 3174ask.lor Coiy.______lEFROiviaigI989JEEE.CH ENTAUINItSL -7 -7- 19G9 Camo/o, oxcolloni cc 1988 DodQo Rndvr 4 .tJl- x ' dnlon, can bo so o n a S H Allequlppeped with: Pioneer THESE UNITS 2.6L, 5 cpood. Fully toadoc 4ih Avo. e. Coll 734-0954. oll«road packngo, 5 yos « Package, powerfulpi 4.0 literr • cur- 1973 Chovy Nova. oxcoHot FIMfll L I S T F O R - worranly, Musi soil lor eu Call condition. 7 0 ,0 0 0 o rloin K 6 cvllngider, automatic oiiios, $ 1200, Cafl 7 a u 3 ig —ROLLIM “ .726-4310of 726-8505, D.-iv. transm lssioi short <988 Chovrolol Corsic Ion with oveldrlser; :i088 GMC 4x4 S » (. shoi M u r [ B R A N D N E W box, 13.000 nia. V-C. 5-spc-spd cruiso. aulo, AM/PM ‘ica l l INDUPII K air, tilt, crcruise, cassette, s 4- lor sollo. $7845. May Qccopl oldor 4x4 lo H trailer towiwing picg., tach, ~ irado. $13,400. 733;p477.7 NORTHSIDE AUTO NOREflflSONflBLE = p ^ __ aaojyuinJVeauJaraint r ~ ------rsS'RanncnrtrS-spdrPS -K -vlslbllity-grisrauptexti^^uiet_ PB.$59gQ. 326-4790 ovOG.. 324.7380 Of e37-_asi0._Tzr ™ fcised- -OFFERH B i n s u l aation t l & more! ^ 1 7 t 3 9 0 ^ ■ - -'86 Jocp Chorokoo, 4-dooi S-tpood. AC. lill whool 5 SALE ENEIPS1ULY1ST hilch. 4 cylinder, oxcullorllonl lion. Call allor 5, 734-1637. condition. Cnil 430-5056.^_____Chovy Ciiation, AT. AC. 0 ... . BoauUiul, imm aculalo 198'1905 col condition. Coll 324-36216 CONPPAULOS rod & eromo Ford SionC'onco For salo: 1979 Comoro, CHEVROLI XLT, lull'Sizo. pcrlw;! condondi- sp o o d . buckot s a a ts . nc •l« n , loadod, 45.000 milo:lilos, whools a liros. $2500. C GMC TRI *13.500. CaU'423 62(3/. 934-5476 or934-5776 g j 3 8 0 ^ . 175-Aufo Dealers 175-AiiIo Dealer#

i K " t o " r a R ! ^ C o m es & T e s t; D riv e thel e 1 9 9 0

L lJM l I N iA , a n d Rle < g iste r 1f o r a

_ _ F e e e-T J V ip-for-iJ4 - t o ^ ______—

.JDI[SN] i t B ^ D R A l w i n g r E G 3 J L l l B J , ^ I ^ O I N - O S ^^ A T O R D A T = or th e.------g r a n I) D P R I Z E DRAI V W i N G 1990 CHEVRI'ROLETLUMINA 1 9 9 0 GEO PRUU ZM 198S19 GEO M ETRO LSISI and 4 DOORSI SEDAN «o 4 4 DOOR SEDANN« o -3 2 0lOOR 0 COUPE «9 2100 ^ E N J O Y tH O T D O G S 60/40 cpiii bunch soaloal • 3 1 hlto multi-port fuol 16 1( valvo ovorhoad cam luol Injocijoctod ongino • Luxury modedol • lots ol oqulpmont • luol injo'njoclod injoclod V-e cngino) • auloni.mc Irnnsmissiof) lolots moro oqulpmont. ongirw ■ 3 yoyoar 50.000 milo tsumpor to bunBumper ' and w /ovordrivo • am /lm'Im oar.sotto sioruo • air warrnnty. _ A P P L E PP I E U N D E RI condllionlng • crulsoI controlco • till stoorlng whool • carpotod lloor m ats5 IrontIrc & ro.ir, ^ O U R I T E N T RETAIL PRIR I C E $ 1 5 , 4 8 4 RETAIL PRICE $1$ 1 1 , 3 5 0 RET/FAIL PRICE $8048

^ S j b i i S I Q ~}VA.Goo^wU*ta^^ w m ' 1989 CHEVYnr CAMERORS 1989 1 CHEVY SUBUi 1 9 8 91 CHEVROLET S-10 ------2 1 } 0 0 RCOUPE « (0-359 — HlfHEELDRIVTii# 9 -3 5 9 ELL PICKUP W 5 9 ^ ____; Fuc~l inrocloa V 8 orTC ongino ’-T-top » Oomo » 'All ttio oqulpmont InOudlnfl roarr airaif coryjllioninp Fuol injoCTodid 2.5 litro Tocft IV cmgino • 5 spoodsp - aulomalic lyranimisslojslon w/ovorO'ivo • pow or orand heavy duly trailoring pack,a c k a g o • g ro al" transmission"*nw/ovcrcfrivo:------w indow s ■ Ml wIiL’ol■ol • c ru iso control • a ir sosoloclion of Suburtjans. condilionmfi • lo.idod.

RETAIL PRIRICE$15,030 RETAIL PRICE $25 2 5 , 4 2 4 RETAAIL PRICE $99011 2 @ ) g J ' k i n HO PRESSURUREiHOHYPE!-^JEZZU ||J - |- -^954 Blue UkiakesJJ,^at Eolollno H d ^ ~ h m m r r z M osaleprice^2^; p¥c?699l _ j i 7 ■

. • ^ ------t ^— i I i