for the aware there is much evidence: Vaccine side effect docs condensed Apr 26 2021 Jun 7 1994• HIV, History of data manipulation by the government. Nov 13 1997• "Fifty Years Later: The Significance of the Nuremberg Code" Jul 9 2007 • "Jon Rappoport interview of ex vaccine researcher" "World Health Organization (WHO) is a front for these depopulation interests." Aug 19 2008• Fauci, "Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic" Oct 1 2009• Fauci, "Predominant Role of Bacterial Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza: Implications for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness" Feb 5 2010• "Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic" Mar 4 2010• "Bill Gates Talks About Vaccines to Reduce World Population" "First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent." Feb 17 2014• mRNA, "Tracking How Memories Form" Apr 25 2014• "Addressing " " Vaccines are one of the safest and most cost- effective medical interventions in history.... The crux of the problem is our inability to demonstrate to skeptical parents that vaccinations save lives" Oct 1 2014• Pdf, WHO "REPORT OF THE SAGE WORKING GROUP ON VACCINE HESITANCY" Feb 3 2015• "How doctors can win back parents on measles vaccine" (Video is archived at Lots of lies that haven't aged well) Anti Vax called "" and blamed for the outbreak of measles (they claimed happened). Claims if you don't do it you're endangering others. They claimed a mere 102 cases across many states and infants most at risk! "The science is settled!" they claim. Feb 4 2015• "How To Talk To Parents Who Oppose Measles Vaccines? We Don't Know" "One of the amazing things is that we don't know the answer to your question. I chaired a meeting at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences on the subject of trust in vaccines. We brought in lots of people - from state governments, doctors - to find the answer to your question: What do we know about how to persuade people that it is in kids' best interest to protect them against diseases they've never seen?" Feb 6 2015• Mandatory, Herd Immunity Precedence, Invisible risks, "Are compulsory vaccinations in the interest of the greater good?" Image of child being held down and forced while screaming and panicking. "The balancing act works well so long as the 'herd immunity' - the rate of people vaccinated necessary to limit a widespread outbreak and protect vulnerable people - remains high. Public health officials say an effective herd immunity rate for measles is above 95 per cent..." "We need to make the point... that even though these vaccine-preventable diseases seem rare, they seem remote, that's not the case — that the risks are there even if we haven't seen them," he said." Feb 7 2015• "Anti-Vaxxer Disease Spreads To Europe" (Updated Jan. 19, 2021 4:26PM ET)? Feb 18 2015• "Anti-Vaccine Movements Not Unique to the U.S." WHO Funded report link in article (added as its own time line link): Apr 23 2016• "Ed Haslam | Dr. Mary's Monkey, The Polio Vaccine, and Lee Harvey Oswald" May 2016 • "The Root Cause in the dramatic rise of Chronic Disease" Sep 2 2016• History, "No Worries. Zika Probably Won't Travel Far in the U.S." Jun 28 2017• Gates, Mutant Strains Of Polio Vaccine Now Cause More Paralysis Than Wild Polio Oct 2017 • History of "birth control vaccine," WHO 1993 The pdf is archived at See also Tuskeegee Jan 4 2019 • Intro to mRNA science Moderna explains mRNA • Video, "The opportunity for mRNA as a Medicine" "mRNA medicines can go inside cells to direct protein production, something not possible with other drug approaches. We have the potential to treat or prevent diseases that today are not addressable - potentially improving human health and impacting lives around the world." Jan 18 2019• "Exposing Vaccine Contamination — More Results from Corvelva" Related: "The 'vaccinegate' of Italy" and Oct 18 2019: "Summary of data confirmations through interlaboratory analysis" Jan 29 2019• CNN carrot video doctor, "Wen goes on offensive against Trump administration" Apr 5 2019• 'Leaky' Vaccines Can Produce Stronger Versions of Viruses May 6 2020• Gates, GMO tomato as edible COVID vaccine? Mexican scientists work to make it a reality May 21 2020• "Scientists made a mouse embryo that's 4% human -- the highest level of human cells in an animal yet" Chimera mice: Chimera likely lose human rights? (Meme opportunity) Note chimera animals have been happening for years, this scientist is lying throughout the article to make this sound like a 'new' thing. See also: March 15 2021 article revealing FDA funding purchases of fresh human parts supposedly for these type of tests. Jul 7 2020 • "CDC and WHO Corrupt Financial Entanglements with the Vaccine Industry" "And CDC, frankly, is a vaccine company; it owns 56 vaccine patents and buys and distributes $4.6 billion in vaccines annually through the Vaccines for Children program, which is over 40% of its total budget" Jul 20 2020• "The True Story of the 1918 'So-called Viral Influenza' Pandemic" Aug 6 2020• "COVID-19: Vaccine 'Not Possible' For A Virus Not Yet Quantifiable" Sep 8 2020• (transverse myelitis? Possible serious Side effect of vaccine) Analysts assess fall out after AstraZeneca halts PhIII Covid-19 vaccine dosing to probe a possible serious adverse event Sep 14 2020• Spinal Cord Injury, AstraZeneka "NIH 'Very Concerned' About Serious Side Effect in Coronavirus Vaccine Trial" "Everyone's hopes are on a vaccine, and if you have a major complication the whole thing could get derailed." Sep 22 2020• "They've killed God; I can't feel God anymore -- my Soul is dead" after the vaccine ASTRAZENECA HALTS COVID-19 VACCINE TRIALS AFTER SECOND VOLUNTEER "DEVELOPS NEUROLOGICAL PROBLEMS" (Doubt this? Bill Gates didn't when he pitched it to Darpa) Fundamentalist Vaccine the "FunVax" Oct 12 2020• "COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective" Oct 19 2020• Drugmakers can't be sued for COVID-19 vaccine complications due to amended legislation • "Use of adenovirus type-5 vectored vaccines: a cautionary tale" Oct 20 2020• "Researchers Warn Some Covid-19 Vaccines Could Increase Risk Of HIV Infection" Oct 31 2020• "A Warning For President Trump - Open Letter From Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò" Nov 12 2020• "How Covid-19 vaccine can destroy your immune system" Nov 23 2020• NTEB EXCLUSIVE: VOLUNTEER IN PFIZER BIONTECH PARTNERSHIP OF COVID-1984 CORONAVIRUS VACCINE TRIALS DEVELOPS GRIEVOUS SORES ON BOTH HER FEET Nov 25 2020• Minimum day off required after second dose?! Side Effects From the COVID-19 Vaccine Won't Be a 'Walk in the Park,' Doctors Warn Nov 27 2020• Public needs to prep for vaccine side effects • mRNA, "Will an RNA Vaccine Permanently Alter My DNA?" Good article to counter the theory that the mRNA will not change DNA. Dec 2 2020• 70% sterilization Head of Pfizer Research: Covid Vaccine is Female Sterilization (Almost on par with SGI, Season 4 episode "2010") Dec 8 2020• FDA working list of possible side effects BREAKING: FDA announces 2 deaths of Pfizer vaccine trial participants from "serious adverse events" Dec 9 2020• Doctor on CNN: Don't be 'alarmed' if elderly die after receiving COVID vaccine Dec 10 2020• "Pfizer Covid Vaccine Trial Shows Alarming Evidence of Pathogenic Priming in Older Adults" • Sterilization, "mRNA vaccine blocks protein that helps formation of human placenta" Dec 11 2020• (Hiv side effect?!) Coronavirus Australia: UQ vaccine risk 'bigger than we thought' • (answer: who knows, we don't test for that) Could people still be infectious after they're vaccinated for COVID-19? • "CDC will monitor for Bell's palsy among Pfizer vaccine recipients, but sees no causal relationship" Dec 15 2020• Mandatory, "COVID Vaccine Verification - Electronic And Secure Through First Ever, Patented VAX Passbook And Passcard Technology" Dec 16 2020• Are strong reactions to COVID-19 vaccine actually a good thing? Doctors explain side effects from 4 vaccines • (New variant and Bell's palsy) New Concerns Over Biden Health Has Some Democrats Worried Dec 17 2020• FDA: Track Vaccine Recipients for Facial Paralysis • Tiffany Dover WATCH: Nurse Passes Out on Live Television After Taking Coronavirus Vaccine Video of nurse at 1:50 min in. Is she dead? 4chan thread with photos Simpsons fainting nurse meme • "The Mysterious Death of Vaccine Safety Advocate Brandy Vaughan (Video)" "Rest in peace to my friend and fellow colleague and Activist and hero, Brandy Vaughan founder of Learn The Risk org. Brandi was just found dead by her only son, who is a minor, at such a young age. She posted publicly many times that if she were found dead it was foul play." Related: Jan 13 2021: "Brandy Vaughan Dead: Prominent Anti-Vaccination Activist Dies" Her website: Related article March 10 2021: Dec 18 2020• CDC lists .15% vaccine side effects enough to stop people from working • "Anaphylaxis is a rare but expected potential side effect that is treatable and does not have long term health implications like Covid." Third Alaskan health care worker has allergic reaction to Covid-19 vaccine • Spin article on Tiffany Dover: Vasovagal Syncope doen't work the way they describe it (from someone with it) convient excuse. Incredibly rare condition so few will understand it. "During a vasovagal syncope episode, bystanders may notice: Jerky, abnormal movements, A slow, weak pulse, Dilated pupils" Dec 19 2020• (Probably anaphylactic shock. They add 30 min watching time.) Chicago-area hospital abruptly halts administering COVID vaccine after multiple reactions in staff members Dec 21 2020• "Biden, Some Democrats Say Trump Administration Deserves Credit For Vaccine Rollout" Dec 22 2020• (paralyzed?) CDC Report - 3150 People Paralyzed After COVID-19 Vaccine "Unable To Perform Normal Daily Activities" • "Beware the danger of 'vaccine euphoria' " "So far, any serious side effects of inoculations have been comparatively isolated and easily managed, but the vaccines have yet to be tested on children or those who are pregnant or lactating, for example." Related Tweet image Dec 10 2020: Dec 25 2020• MODERNA VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS, SWELLING IN PATIENTS WITH COSMETIC FACIAL FILLERS • Freeze Sperm Before COVID Vaccine To Protect Fertility, Says University of Miami Researchers Dec 26 2020• (Pick and choose who mates? Sterilizing "virus" makes life. Lots of evolution propganda) The Syncytin Gene: Viruses Responsible for Human Life Dec 27 2020• "COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease" "Many have raised the warning that the current epidemic of COVID-19 is actually the result of an bioweapons attack released in part by individuals in the United States government. Such a theory is not far fetched given that the 2001 anthrax attack in the US originated at Fort Detrick, a US Army bioweapon facility. Because the FBI's anthrax investigation was closed against the advice of the lead FBI agent in the case, there are likely conspirators still working in the US government. In such a scenario the primary focus of stopping a bioweapons attack must be to apprehend the conspirators or the attacks will never cease. Approving a vaccine, utilizing novel RNA technology without extensive testing is extremely dangerous. The vaccine could be a bioweapon and even more dangerous than the original infection." Dec 28 2020• (reads like snopes. No, however...) You asked, we answered: Do the COVID-19 vaccines contain aborted fetal cells? Dec 29 2020• Catch covid after first dose. You just need your second dose. Or no vaccine is 100% effective... "Dr Christian Ramers said: It's not unexpected at all. If you work through the numbers, this is exactly what we'd expect to happen if someone was exposed" Or maybe his side effects presented 6 days after vaccination? And he was sick for many days. • ER nurse tests positive for COVID-19 eight days AFTER he was vaccinated Jan 1 2021 • "VERIFY: Changes to WHO's definition of herd immunity haven't been 'secret'" Jan 3 2021 • ADE-gmo-cytokine storm, older people are extra susceptible. Video: "PROFESSOR DOLORES CAHILL: WHY PEOPLE WILL START DYING A FEW MONTHS AFTER THE FIRST MRNA VACCINATION" Jan 4 2021 • Death,"Perfectly Healthy" 41-year-old Pediatric Assistant Dies Suddenly After Injected with Experimental Pfizer COVID Vaccine • Moderna vaccine causes women permanent convulsions • Death, Sonia Acevedo, "Portuguese health worker, 41, dies two days after getting the Pfizer covid vaccine as her father says he 'wants answers'" Jan 5 2021 • "Rate Of Adverse Reactions To COVID Vaccines Already 50x Higher Than Flu Shot" Jan 8 2021 • "Mexican Doctor Has Seizures, Now Paralyzed After Taking Pfizer Covid Vaccine" Jan 11 2021• China's Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine has a total of 73 side effects, including loss of vision, says expert • "24 Dead and 137 Infected in Nursing Home After COVID-19 Vaccination - Previously, They Had ZERO Deaths from Covid" The Commons on St. Anthony, Auburn, New York • Death, "Miami Obstetrician Develops Bleeding Disorder, Dies After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine" ITP Caused by Autoantibody-Mediated Platelet Destruction Jan 12 2021• DTP vaccine from Bill Gates killed 10x more African girls than disease itself Jan 13 2021• Death, Brittany Hall Perez Image, vaccine virtue signal leads to death: Jan 14 2021• Deaths, "Over 20 people vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine die in Norway - media" Jan 15 2021• (anti-vaccine is terrorist) Recall Gavin Newsom Activists Threaten Lawmakers: "We Didn't Buy Guns for Nothing!" • "Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid" weaponization-of-medicine-amid-covid/ Jan 16 2021• Germany To Put COVID-Rulebreakers In "Detention Camp" • Deaths, "55 Americans Have Died Following COVID Vaccination, Norway Deaths Rise To 29" • "Israel: At least four dead, 13 develop Bell's Palsy after Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines" Jan 18 2021• "That number, clustered together, was slightly higher than expected for the time period" -- 6 people in one set is only "slightly higher than expected?!" California warns against using a batch of Moderna COVID-19 vaccines after allergic reactions • Wiki explaining "Antibody-dependent enhancement" ( ADE ) • More on Tim Zook. Wife can't help but still encourage vaccination: Jan 22 2021• "BREAKING: BIDEN Signs Executive Order Enacting MANDATORY ISOLATION, FORCED QUARANTINE, INVOLUNTARY CONTACT TRACING" Jan 23 2021• (incredibly long) Personal accounts and experiences provided via social media post images • Bill Gates: My 'best investment' turned $10 billion into $200 billion worth of economic benefit • the CDC does not provide a category for "vaccine deaths" to be used on death certificates 181 Dead in the U.S. During 2 Week Period From Experimental COVID Injections -- How Long Will We Continue to Allow Mass Murder by Lethal Injection? Jan 24 2021• Vaccine shortage? "Plan to turn Citi Field into COVID vaccine site this week may now be up in the air" • "53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections Started" • Gibraltar image meme: • Death, "Californian dies hours after receiving vaccine" Jan 25 2021• mRNA operating system explained by moderna. Will you be updating your "software of life?" • (having an allergic reaction because of taking a vaccine and dying is not the vaccines fault. Don't be so quick to blame. They say "there have not yet been any deaths associated with the vaccine.") No Link Found Yet: Auburn Woman Warns She Saw Grandfather's Aid Die After COVID Vaccine • Death, Gregory Michael, "Another Person Dies After Receiving COVID Vaccine" batch blamed and recalled. Many severe reactions Jan 26 2021• "Merck Scraps Vaccine, Says Better To Catch COVID Virus & Recover" Jan 28 2021• Death, Tim Zook, "California health care worker dies days after receiving COVID-19 vaccine" Jan 29 2021• "JNJ Shares Tumble After Reporting Vaccine Effectiveness" • Bill Gates warns the "next pandemic" is coming after Covid. MSNBC screenshot • "The CDC also is investigating 16 deaths in Florida that occurred shortly after the individuals received their vaccination. Those individuals range in age from 56 to 94, and 13 died within two days of receiving a vaccine. Only one had received a second dose, according to reports in the national Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System." COVID vaccine reactions: People report what happens when they get the shot, from mild to major adverse effects, • (Kids, necessary for "herd immunity") Fauci Sees Vaccination for Kids by Late Spring or the Summer • "after mRNA injections have been administered to cats, when the virus arrived once again into the body, it arrived like a Trojan Horse, undetected by the cats' own immune system" All animals die upon reinfection ( "pathogenic priming" ) • "329 Deaths + 9,516 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show" • Mandatory, "Under Federal Law, Can Your Employer Make You Get the COVID Vaccine?" Jan 30 2021• Regardless of vaccinations there will be no return to normal. Two Years To Stop The Spread? Some Countries Will Close Borders Until At Least 2022 • Vaccinated Congressman Tests Positive for COVID-19 Feb 2 2021• What it's like to receive a surprise coronavirus vaccine (video) vaccine/2021/02/02/2da8e6f1-8b00-4f1e-925a-80028c8f63bd_video.html Feb 3 2021• "31 Reasons Why I Won't Take the Vaccine" Feb 4 2021• "It's not just the elderly: 19-year-old in hospital ICU after second dose of Pfizer coronavirus vaccine" • Convulsions, "Kristi Simmonds: North Carolina nurse latest to suffer uncontrollable convulsions after mRNA shots" • "45-Year-Old Italian Doctor "In the Prime of Life and in Perfect Health" Drops Dead After the Pfizer mRNA COVID Shot; 39-Year-Old Nurse, 42-Year-Old Surgical Technician Also Dead" R.I.P. Elisabeth Durazzo, Luigi Buttazzo, Mauro Valeriano D'Auria Feb 5 2021• "COVID jabs given to millions of Brits are safe -- despite 143 patients dying shortly after immunisation." • "Dr. Fauci reveals 2 coronavirus vaccine side effects that mean your vaccine is working" • Death, Drene Keyes "Virginia woman dies shortly after Covid vaccination, though no link has been found" "Virginia woman dies hours after receiving COVID-19 vaccine, health officials investigating" "A Virginia woman from Gloucester died within hours of receiving the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, according to her family. The Virginia Department of Health said in a statement Friday that preliminary findings indicate that the cause of death was not anaphylaxis, which indicates a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. The state medical examiner is investigating the incident and officials say it may take several weeks for additional information to become available." Feb 7 2021• Death happens, "Statistics show thousands of Minnesotans will die after getting the COVID vaccine, but not because of it" • Deaths, "Two sisters at Villa Hills monastery die from COVID-19 after 28 test positive" Update: 3 dead. Feb 8 2021• (Set up article: Vaccines are Trump's fault) 'The Americans did this very well': Trump administration's vaccine effort wows the world • "It's time for Africa to rein in Tanzania's anti-vaxxer president" (Bill Gates calls out Tanzania President before his death) Feb 9 2021• "Biden Team Fears: No COVID Herd Immunity Until Thanksgiving" • "RNA-based COVID vaccines have the potential to cause more disease than the epidemic of COVID-19." Immunologist: Pfizer, Moderna vaccines could cause long-term chronic illness • (vaccines) Archived Feb 9, from May 2020? "WHO offered me 20 million dollars to put a little toxic in my Covid-19 remedy" -- Madagascar President exposes WHO • Fact check for alt "perspective" say-interview-who-offered-him-20m-poison-covid • Death, New York Man Collapses and Dies Minutes After Receiving Covid-19 Vaccine Shot • Efficacy of single shot reported at only 66%, "J&J CEO says people may need annual COVID-19 vaccine shots for next several years" • Death, Pilla Lalitha, 100% side effects, 1 out of 8 die, "28-year-old woman dies after taking Covid-19 vaccine in Andhra Pradesh, autopsy report awaited" "Till February 4, as many as 16 deaths of health care and frontline workers had been reported from across the country following coronavirus vaccination. However, the district or State officials have clarified that all these deaths were unrelated to the vaccine. Most of these deaths have been attributed to cardiovascular problems or stroke." Doctors begged in January for transparency on the autopsy but the government refused. Feb 11 2021• "Vaccine side effects are actually a good thing" "learn more about how your immune system works and why you may actually be happy to feel a bit 'meh' after getting your shot." • CDC: people who have received two Covid-19 vaccine doses can skip quarantine • April is open season?! "Individual and societal benefits of avoiding unnecessary quarantine may outweigh the potential but unknown risk of transmission (among vaccinated individuals)," the CDC said. Meanwhile, the nation's top infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, said he expects the pace of vaccination to dramatically increase by April, he told NBC's Today show. "By the time we get to April," it will be "open season, namely virtually everybody and anybody in any category could start to get vaccinated". • Death, Doctors suspect COVID delayed immune response in young surgeon's death (Dies of MIS. See FDA side effects list Dec 8 2020) • "Dr Sherri TenPenny - You Will Start Seeing The Effect of The Covid19 Vaccine In 3-6 months in-3-6-months_hD6uNbdmXCuaRRI.html • "COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines" Feb 12 2021• F.D.A. Agrees Moderna Can Increase Vaccine Supply in Each Vial • Biden Administration Threw CDC Director Under The Bus After She Said Teachers Can Return To School • National Media Pushes Vaccine - Coroner's Office Never Saw Hank Aaron's Body • 653 Deaths + 12,044 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show • Deaths, "Found 929 cases where Vaccine is COVID19 and Patient Died" Feb 13 2021• Death, 28-year-old woman dies 5 days after Pfizer vaccine • Wiki explaining "Cytokine Storm" Feb 14 2021• Death, "Woman dies after receiving COVID-19 vaccine at Cal Poly Pomona; no link to shot suspected" Feb 15 2021• "46 residents in Spanish nursing home die after receiving COVID-19 vaccine" • "5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the covid vaccine" • "Evidence Builds Against Bill Gates For Crimes Against Humanity" • Video, "Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING - Do Not Get the COVID Vaccine" vaccine_WT6vJskV1FrtPHO.html • Another link same video? "DR LEE MERIT: THE VAXX IS PREPARING THE WORLD FOR A MASS DEATH EVENT" event.html • "JAB SAFETY 143 Brits died shortly after their Covid jabs but vaccines 'didn't play a role', say regulators" Feb 16 2021• (archived) "4 to 14 months before we see the full havoc of what is happening to people who have been vaccinated" • (Mark Zuckerberg has concerns the vaccine changes DNA. Video exposed by Project Veritas) " CEO Mark Zuckerberg Takes 'Anti-Vax' Stance in Violation of His Own Platform's New Policy" • "They didn't isolate the virus," Feb 17 2021• "Young nurse suffers from hemorrhage and brain swelling after second dose of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine" • "Third shot may be needed to combat new coronavirus variants, Bill Gates says" • "Washington Post fact-checker gives Harris 'two Pinocchios' for 'starting from scratch' vaccine claim" • Image: Vaccine designed in hours in Jan. • "Remarks by President Biden in a CNN Town Hall with Anderson Cooper" • "Biden Claims 'We Didn't Have' a Covid Vaccine When He Took Office" • Video, "CARE HOME DEATHS...Following the Covid Vaccine..." deaths...following-the-covid-vaccine....html Feb 18 2021• "Fauci: There's evidence COVID-19 vaccines don't just protect you - they may stop you from spreading the virus to others, too" • Death, Karen Hudson-Samuels, "Former Detroit news anchor dies after getting COVID-19 vaccine, husband says; cause of death unclear" ★ "Don't Go Down the Rabbit Hole: Critical thinking, as we're taught to do it, isn't helping in the fight against misinformation." Feb 19 2021• "U.S. Will Reach Herd Immunity For COVID-19 By April, Johns Hopkins Doctor Says 'Scientists shouldn't try to manipulate the public by hiding the truth.' " • "Pandemic will be with us until EVERYONE on earth given Covid-19 vaccine, says Merkel after G7 summit" Feb 20 2021• Warming centers asking if people have been vaccinated before entry "Woman is revealing what is happening in Texas Now on 2-19-21" v=U7TpzX79dV4 • "White House working with Facebook and Twitter to tackle anti-vaxxers" "We are talking to them ... so they understand the importance of misinformation and disinformation and how they can get rid of it quickly." The Biden White House is especially trying to make sure such material "does not start trending on such platforms and become a broader movement," the source said. "the extent to which social media platforms have become a critical organizing tool for movements such as the anti-vaccine drive, that spread misinformation and disinformation." Feb 21 2021• "Australian Open crowd boos at mention of coronavirus vaccines and Victorian government after Novak Djokovic's win" • Video, (Fauci says there will be a surprise outbreak during the Trump administration, in 2017!) "Dr Palevsky - There's Something Different About This Virus" different-about-this-virus.html • Video, "Whistleblower Video Footage of Forced COVID Vaccines in German Nursing Homes Goes Public - Attorney: 'We're Dealing with Homicide, Maybe Even Murder'" Link with video (caution): covid-vaccines-in-german-nursing-homes-goes-public-attorney-were-dealing-with-homicide-maybe-even- murder/ • "Doctors warn that COVID-19 vaccine side effect could confuse mammogram results" "Swelling in underarm lymph nodes is a known side effect of the vaccine, occurring in about 10% of cases" "we don't want people to be afraid" • Death, "Sara Stickles: 28-year-old has brain aneurysm, dead five days after second Pfizer mRNA shot" • Dr. Dolores Cahill, GMO people? "Professor of Molecular Genetics issues 'chilling warning' on Covid mRNA vaccines..." Dr. Expects 80% of elderly vaccinated will die when contacting wild virus. Feb 22 2021• "Crist calls on DOJ to investigate DeSantis over coronavirus vaccine distribution" • "Synthetic mRNA Covid vaccines: A Risk-Benefit Analysis" • AstraZeneca, aspirin a day ahead and two days after to help with fever, stagger vaccines or staffing issues. "France considers slowing vaccine rollout for hospital staff, with many unable to work following jab" In the university hospital of Brest in Brittany, during the first week of the vaccine rollout, 20 to 25 percent of the recipients of the vaccine had to stop work because of influenza symptoms including bad headaches, high fever and sore muscles. In one hospital, half of the physiotherapists were on sick leave at the same time after having received the vaccine. Feb 23 2021• No return to normal, "Unhinged Lunatic Dr. Fauci: Even with Vaccination You Should Avoid Theaters and Indoor Dining... WTH?" • "Immunologist Warns Pfizer and Moderna Coronavirus Vaccines May Cause Neurodegenerative Disorders Such as Alzheimer's" ★ "Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination with a Covid-19 vaccine distributed under an EUA" • Deaths, "Health Officials Push Pregnant Women to Get COVID Shots, Despite Known Risks" Similar information also explains how they get the efficacy numbers (ps efficacy math is quite a misrepresentation) • "Refusing to be vaccinated in spain incurres a 3000 - 60,000 euro fine" • Mandatory, "Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination with a Covid-19 vaccine distributed under an EUA" Feb 24 2021• Gates, "No-fault compensation programme for COVID-19 vaccines is a world first" Also Funding Vaccinations for poor countries: • "High-End Medical Provider Let Ineligible People Skip COVID-19 Vaccine" • "Lawyers Promise 'Nurember(sic) Trials' Against All Behind COVID Scam" Feb 25 2021• "Pentagon reports ALMOST 75 PERCENT of troops turned down Wuhan coronavirus vaccine" • "Following Lawsuit, CDC Removes Claim 'Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism' from its Website" Same info, earlier article: • "A third Pfizer dose? The Covid-19 vaccine maker is studying booster shots." "We believe that the third dose," Bourla said, "will raise the antibody response 10- to 20- fold." • Mandatory, "BREAKING: Israeli gov't to share names, personal info of anyone who refuses COVID vaccine" Related: • Anecdotal Death, Feb 26 2021• Gates, "Flying Syringes, Bill Gates Wants To Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes To Inject You With Vaccines" • Deaths, "9 elderly care home residents die in Spain days after receiving Pfizer's vaccine jab" • Mandatory, "Israel enters the era of vaccine passports as crowds of up to 300 pack into bars and nightclubs" "Only those with a 'green passport' are permitted to enter certain locations as the country tries to reopen following the Covid-19 pandemic. People who have received the required two vaccinations receive the green passport which allows them greater freedom." (note photos. Masks still worn) "Anyone unwilling or unable to get the jabs that confer immunity will be 'left behind,' said Health Minister Yuli Edelstein." " 'People can't live their lives in the new world without them,' he said. 'We must take the vaccines. We must.'" includes government doxxing "Israeli lawmakers on Wednesday passed a law allowing the Health Ministry to disclose information on people who have yet to be vaccinated. Under the policy, names can be released to the ministries of education, labor, social affairs and social services, as well as local governments, 'with the purpose of allowing these bodies to encourage people to get vaccinated.'" (speaks of a program called Covax from last april 2020 run by the WHO) • "CDC caught shaving DEATH's from VAERS System!" Feb 27 2021• "HUGE EXCLUSIVE: US Dr. Ralph Baric Was Reviewing Moderna's and Dr. Fauci's Coronavirus Vaccine in December 2019! What's Going On?" • "The coronavirus jab's most tantalising side effects? It may help fight cancer, chronic pain... and even Alzheimer's" • Trials for kids between 11 years old all the way to 16, "Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla calls Israel 'world's lab' in interview to NBC" Testing for children as young as five to be complete by the end of the year. In the comments, the article writer compares vaccines to traffic lights. It's not a punishment or a protection... like the masks. Link for comments: worlds-lab-in-interview-to-nbc-660349 Image: • Tiffany Dover, "Viral Fainting Vax Nurse Makes Cryptic Instagram Post After Two Months of Silence" "Meet me on the other side of paradise ❤" Feb 28 2021• Bill Gates started to buy his way into WHO in 2009. He bought himself a sovereign State! He's immune against all criminal activity. Watch that 28 minutes video, and prepare to get angry and maybe frightened about the future? through-gavi-world-vaccine-alliance/ The video can also be downloaded from here. • "WHO INSIDERS BLOW THE WHISTLE ON TOTAL IMMUNITY OF BILL GATES THROUGH GAVI - WORLD VACCINE ALLIANCE" • "Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns" Mar 1 2021• Video: Kids run from forced vaccination in Africa 88c3-0bb0429a3c16 • Baby Death, "3 Dozen Cases of Spontaneous Miscarriages, Stillbirths Occurring After COVID-19 Vaccination" • "Number of Injuries Reported to CDC After COVID Vaccines Climbs by Nearly 4,000 in One Week" • What President Trump REALLY said about the vaccines, not just "go get your shot." Trump's CPAC speech transcript: Related: "go get your shot" Hill article, Mar 2 2021• Pfizer's shot causes "mortality hundreds of times greater in young people compared to mortality from coronavirus without the vaccine, and dozens of times more in the elderly, when the documented mortality from coronavirus is in the vicinity of the vaccine dose, thus adding greater mortality from heart attack, stroke, etc." "There is a mismatch between the data published by the authorities and the reality on the ground" "Compared to other years, mortality is 40 times higher." "Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID 'Vaccines' " • "In Mexico, whole towns are refusing Covid-19 vaccines" • "Military to Discharge Soldiers who refuse Covid-19 vaccination" knew-it-was-coming-here-i/c/ Archived at • Pneumonia, "VA-led coalition embarks on combined effort to prevent hospital acquired pneumonia in U.S. hospitals" "VA has successfully shown patients who brush their teeth a few times a day can dramatically reduce the risk of pneumonia," ... "the prevalence of pneumonia in hospitalized patients has not changed and continues to be the most common health care-associated infection" See also Fauci's study on bacterial pneumonia deaths. "What is Mask Mouth?" "Wearing a mask may impact the type and amount of bacteria in your mouth, which can cause plaque build-up and advance that to your gum tissues." Mar 3 2021• "'Orders of Magnitude Higher Deaths in the Vaccinated': Israel's Vaccine Data Reveals a Frightening Picture" Meme image, percentage of deaths. Mar 4 2021• Mandatory? "New York Tries COVID Test Result App" result-app.html Variants cause vaccine to be less effective, "Dr. Fauci says more vaccine injected into the body is one way to tackle them." • "California coronavirus vaccination site gives thousands wrong vaccine dosage" • Deaths, miscarriages etc. CDC gets royalties? "Whistleblower Reveals Many Pregnancy Complications following Experimental COVID Injections - Vaccine Leaving a Trail of Devastated Mothers" • Video: Wendy Williams on Dr. Oz, "No I'm not getting the vaccine" • "5 ways they're trying to trick you into taking the Covid 'vaccine' " BRIBERY, CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS, FORCED "SCARCITY", FAKE "POPULARITY", "RESISTANCE IS USELESS" • "Alarming images reveal how Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine can cause painful skin reactions up to 11 DAYS after vaccination" (See personal accounts for "rarity" or lack thereof of this condition) • Doesn't prevent transmission, "British and Israeli government data confirm Covid-19 vaccine risk: Infections INCREASE in fortnight after jab" Original link for comment section: confirm-Covid-19-vaccine-risk-Infections-INCREASE-in-fortnight-after-jab • Rappaport, "Zika was a warm-up for COVID; it didn't fly" Mar 5 2021• Death, Dr. Witold Rogiewicz, "Doctor who mocked coronavirus vaccine refusers dies days after getting jabbed" • "UK: 35 people deaf and 25 blind after taking mRNA vaccine shots" • "Fauci: Military personnel opting out of vaccine are 'part of the problem' " • Resource, "UPDATED - How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing?" "most governments are now doing everything they can to ensure that all criticisms of vaccines are banned. Depending on where you live it is, or soon will be, illegal even to mention that vaccines might not always work or might make you ill" • "A Betrayal Of Trust: Anthony Fauci & The Swine Flu Hoax" Rappoport and Attkisson working on this since 2009, fits with interview history • "EXC: Bill Gates Foundation Funded Genomics Firm 'Mining' DNA Data Through COVID Tests." Mar 6 2021• Anecdotal, Mar 7 2021• "Unethical? Webster's Dictionary Quietly Changes Definition of the Term 'Vaccine' Due to COVID-19 Injection" Mar 8 2021 Mandatory Lawsuit, "It's Here: First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination - Attorney Interview" ★ • Normal Bribe, "CDC says fully vaccinated people can take fewer precautions" • Death, "One Nurse Dead and Another One Injured as Austria Suspends AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine Inoculations" • "Volunteers door knock in Phoenix, working to register a neighborhood for COVID-19 vaccines" • Malpractice, "Ohio man, 91, who was accidentally given his second Moderna vaccine shot TWICE within four hours is 'recovering' after his body went into shock" • Tweet, CDC says you can still catch covid after the vaccine. • "Archbishop Viganò: COVID agenda aims to destroy national sovereignties and the divine mission of the Church" "All of this reveals the collaboration of the deep state and the deep church in an ugly combination whose purpose is to destroy national sovereignties on the one hand and the divine mission of the Church on the other. Disturbing connections are emerging with the American electoral fraud, with the virus created in the Wuhan laboratory, and finally with the commercial relationships of the Chinese dictatorship, the primary supplier of masks (which is not compliant with CE norms) to Italy and many other nations. It seems to me that we have gone far beyond mere clues." • "One Nurse Dead and Another One Injured as Austria Suspends AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine Inoculations" Mar 9 2021• Anecdotal, small town hospital full of second dose recipients seen-hospital-so-pack/ OP Image txt conversation related to post: • Lighter Symptoms Claim Debunked, "Outbreak of DEATH occurs at Canadian nursing home following mass vaccination of patients and staff" "You can have transmission even when people are fully vaccinated," Henry told reporters. "The illness seems to be milder and doesn't transmit as much [and we] won't see rapid explosive outbreaks." As it turns out, the exact opposite of what Henry claims occurred at Cottonwoods, where those who took the injections suffered horrific adverse events, including death. Meanwhile, the rest of BC, much of which has not been vaccinated, would seem to be doing just fine. • "W.H.O.: Countries Should Not Require Coronavirus 'Vaccine Passports'" • Infection? "Health Minister in Critical Condition just one day after receiving Covid Vaccine" • "FLCCC Alliance Applauds International Group of Medical Experts' Recognition of Ivermectin as a Safe and Effective Treatment for COVID-19" Source: • Praise the Syringe, "The invention that made mass vaccinations possible" Mar 10 2021• South Park to make Vaccine episode. Vaccine concerns grouped with the craziest conspiracy the media can muster. " 'South Park' Looks Set To Tackle QAnon With 'South ParQ The Vaccination Special' " • "Nine Reasons Why I Will Not Be Getting The COVID Vaccine" • Deaths, "Operation Vaxx-All Deplorables: Codename; 'Satan's Poker' " "The evidence collected in Israel points at a close correlation between mass vaccination, cases and deaths. This correlation points at the possibility that it is the vaccinated who actually spread the virus" • New normal, "Fauci Unable to Explain the 'Science' On Staying Mum If It's Safe for Vaccinated People to Travel" • Death, "Utah woman, 39, dies 4 days after 2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccine; autopsy ordered" Censored vaccine image Utah mother dies 4 days after vaccine Image only: OP: • "USA, Covid. Looks like it's done." Image Coin show canceled in Cali for summer to surging numbers? Mar 11 2021• School closed due to too many teachers out sick from Vaccine side effects. "The second dose is affecting many of our staff members with a variety of side effects. We have approximately 125 teachers and support staff members that have called in sick today. Unfortunately, there are not enough substitutes to cover the absences of our staff." Confirmed on school site: image Comment section reply says also in West Liberty, Iowa • ADE, "Immune Enhancement: The Dark Side of Antibodies and Implications for COVID-19 Vaccine Development" ( "antibody-dependent enhancement" ) • Deaths, "Italy, Norway and Denmark stop giving out AstraZeneca jabs over blood clot fears despite EU and UK regulators saying there is NO link" • "Eight European nations pause AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccinations after reports of 'serious' blood clot" "Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Italy and Iceland have halted administration of the vaccine due to this deadly side effect." • Death, Kassidi Kurill, "39-Year-Old Mother Dies After 2nd Dose of Moderna Vaccine: Family" "Seemingly healthy" Inability to urinate. When taken to hospital, liver failure. They considered a liver transplant but she deteriorated too far by the next day unable to speak and died in the morning. "KUTV led an investigation into COVID-19 vaccine side effects and found four deaths were reported by families and caregivers." "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) told The Epoch Times in an email that as of March 8, more than 92 million doses of mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 had been administered, with 1,637 deaths occurring following the injections." "The CDC states on its website, "To date, VAERS has not detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines." • Mandatory, "China Demands to be in Charge of Global 'Vaccine Passport' System" • "Aussie Navy In COVID Jab Cover Up After Mass Adverse Reactions?" "Mainstream media pulls original story of Australian sailors on HMAS Sydney suffering widespread adverse reactions to COVID19 vaccinations." In the comments: "Yesterday/this morning, the Daily Mail article could be found archived on the Wayback Machine. Checked 12 hours later to show a co-worker, and it is now even scrubbed from there." Mar 12 2021• Death (Bulk Pdf confirming article) "Report: 28-Year-Old Physical Therapist Dies Two Days After Taking COVID Vaccine, Cause of Death is Unknown" • "YouTube removed 30,000 videos with vaccine misinformation" Mar 13 2021• Mandatory, Business requires vaccine proof to enter: begins-/c/ Yelp, instagram, website contact etc down for business? Bistro St Germaine, Seal Beach, Cali Image only: • Death (on compilation pdf) "Physical therapist, 28, working at a senior living facility in Indiana dies two days after getting the COVID-19 vaccine" • Death, "BREAKING: Boxing Great Marvin Hagler Dies - According to Reports He Was in ICU on Saturday After Taking Vaccine" Most media articles do not mention the vaccine at all in relation to Marvin's death. • "CORRUPT: WHO Investigator On CCP Payroll Blasts Bannon & Media For Asking Inconvenient Questions... Admits He Refused To Look At Wuhan Lab Data." • "Former Gates Foundation Vaccine Scientist Calls for Halt to Vaccinations, Predicts 'Wipe Out' of Populations" • "Half of Republican men say they will not get the COVID-19 vaccine compared with just six per cent of Democrat men, poll finds" NPR infographic, half of Republican men not planning to get vaccine NPR survey pdf, Questions like "will you choose to be vaccinated?" "Prioritize controlling the virus, or restarting the economy" Remember this is an NPR survey. Filled out by people who actually read NPR and respond to a survey. Mar 14 2021• "Chuck Todd and Dr. Fauci Call on President Trump to Urge His Supporters to Get COVID Vaccine; Fauci: "What Is the Problem Here? ... I Just Don't Get It" "47 percent of Trump supporters are choosing to not get a COVID vaccine." See also video march 15 "Fauci Begs..." • Boxer controversy (This death was too big so and too obvious so they have to work hard to cover it up and spin. One article even says there haven't been any deaths from the vaccine and another says you might have side effects that stop you from doing anything for a few days but they should go away.) "Marvin Hagler's death sparks wave of attacks against anti-vaxxers" Alternative reports vary greatly: • "Israeli anti-vaxxers submit ethics complaint to ICC - report" "Many" were killed, injured and severely damaged by the vaccine, Anshei Emet said in the suit, adding that the Health Ministry "openly admitted that 41% of police persons, military, education and medical personnel who were vaccinated suffered severe side effects." The Jerusalem Post was unable to verify whether the ministry did this." Article spins at start with "Despite the suit's claims of severe side effects and deaths allegedly related to the vaccine, only about 0.25% of Israelis who received the vaccine experienced any side effects." Mar 15 2021• "Virologist: 'We Are Going to Pay Huge Price' for COVID Mass Vaccination Campaign" "We are currently turning vaccinees into asymptomatic carriers shedding infectious variants." Slides from his Vaccine Summit presentation "Why should current Covid-19 vaccines not be used for mass vaccination during a pandemic?" • FDA, "Judicial Watch: Federal Court Slams Potentially Illicit Sales of Body Parts of Aborted Fetuses — Orders Release of Additional Information on Organ Purchases" "In June 2020, Judicial Watch uncovered records from the FDA showing that, between 2012 and 2018, the FDA entered into eight contracts worth $96,370 with ABR to acquire "fresh and never frozen" tissue from first and second trimester aborted fetuses for use in creating "humanized mice" for ongoing research." • "More than 800 people in the Massachusetts State Police refuse COVID-19 vaccine" "Thirty percent of the Massachusetts State Police have yet to be vaccinated, despite being eligible as emergency responders. Other state police units are reporting similar trends." Mar 16 2021• "AstraZeneca and blood clots: Without causality, experts say reports shouldn't rule out a vaccine" • "Is your age group most likely to refuse vaccine?" "according to the U.S. Census Bureau's Household Pulse Survey (conducted Feb. 17-March 1, 2021)" 23% of 18 - 24, 26% of 25 - 39, 21% of 40 - 54, 15% of 55 - 64, 7% of 65+ Image meme: There are two entries for "Standard Error Table 6. Reasons for Not Receiving or Planning to Receive a COVID-19 Vaccine, by Select Characteristics" under the Health Tables headings, the downloads are: It's actually got some interesting info there. e.g. the last two columns for "Reasons" are "Don't trust the vaccines" and "Don't trust the government". • "Data Leak Shows Regulators Had Major Concerns About Pfizer's mRNA Vaccine" Specific information related to the acceptability criteria is confidential. mRNA truncated? "and the amounts of a potential protein produced by the truncated mRNA would be too low to constitute a safety risk." "Conceived three decades ago, RNA based therapeutics have long inspired imaginations for their theoretical potential to transform cells of the body into "an on-demand drug factory." But despite heavy investment by the biotech industry, bench-to-bedside translation was constantly hindered by the fragility of mRNA. Over the years, researchers attempted to resolve intrinsic instability by encapsulating mRNA in nanocarriers made of polymers, lipids, or inorganic materials. Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) were chosen by Moderna, Pfizer- BioNTech, CureVac, and Imperial College London for their COVID-19 vaccines. This has attracted the attention of specialists in the field of pharmaceutical biotechnology, some of whom have raised concerns about further unknowns. In a rapid response posted on, JW Ulm, a gene therapy specialist who has published on tissue targeting of therapeutic vectors, raised concerns about the biodistribution of LNPs: "At present, relatively little has been reported on the tissue localization of the LNPs used to encase the SARS- CoV-2 spike protein-encoding messenger RNA, and it is vital to have more specific information on precisely where the liposomal nanoparticles are going after injection." Mar 17 2021• VA newsletter. Included an image of a masked woman next to the words 'Get Vaccinated,' Don't Mix Vaccines: You'll need to wait at least 14 days between getting a COVID- 19 vaccine and any other vaccine. • "Infants receive Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine in new trial on children as young as six months" • "WHO recommends AstraZeneca vaccinations continue, says benefits still outweigh risks" "On Wednesday, the WHO issued a statement in which it said that "vaccination against COVID-19 will not reduce illness or deaths from other causes." • "Trump Tells Supporters 'It's A Great Vaccine, It's A Safe Vaccine'" • "Israel Faces Hague for Vaccine 'Holocaust' "It's terrible what's going on here. People get sick with paralysis. And the media hide it. It is a real slaughter. A 34-year-old woman, mother of four, cannot move half of her body. She is in a wheelchair. They vaccinated 81% of the Israeli army indiscriminately. We don't have a choice about what kind of world we're going to experience for our children. We have to fight." "The horror stories are already coming in at warp speed, but the politicians are not the least bit concerned; the medical establishment is brushing them aside as unrelated or negligible; the media is ignoring it; the drug companies are steaming ahead at full speed and those who raise a red flag continue to be bullied, censored and punished. ... I will not be their next guinea pig in their laboratory. I will not risk being the next "coincidence." Mar 18 2021• Money, "Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Could Become Most Lucrative Drug in the World" • "3 Ways the Pandemic Has Made the World Better" "We got our vaccines very fast- the previous record for vaccine development was four years, and that was set in the 1960s. This time, we developed multiple good COVID-19 vaccines in less than a year. Luck bought us some of that speed" "This is all new. Neither Moderna nor BioNTech had a single approved product on the market before 2020. Each company essentially designed its vaccine on a computer over a weekend in January 2020 - BioNTech's took just a few hours, really. Both companies had vaccine candidates designed at least four weeks before the first confirmed U.S. COVID-19 fatality was announced, and Moderna was producing vaccine batches to be used for its trials more than a month before the World Health Organization declared a pandemic. In 2021, the companies together aim to produce billions of stunningly efficacious vaccine doses," How can you have a vaccine for something before anyone has died of it? Mar 19 2021• "Fauci Says Children 'Probably' Need COVID-19 Vaccines for Herd Immunity to Be Reached" • "Norwegian media says some people 'have to die' from coronavirus vaccines as a sacrifice to humanity" • Mandatory, "New military policies coerce service members into getting COVID vaccines" "The unvaccinated have restrictions on the following: leave and travel, access to off- base events and establishments including restaurants and bars and access to gathering places on base at chapels and theaters, with requirements to wear masks, test for COVID and participate in contact tracing. The memorandum specifies that proof of vaccination is required to have access to public amenities" • Deaths, "CDC Ignores Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths, Injuries Reported After COVID Vaccines" CDC refuse to respond to reporters questions and emails. J&J "The first Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine was administered in the U.S. on March 2. As of March 11, nine anaphylactic reactions associated with J&J's vaccine had been reported to VAERS. As The Defender reported earlier this month, the J&J vaccine contains polysorbate 80, known to trigger allergic reactions, The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines contain polyethylene glycol (PEG), also known to trigger anaphylactic reactions." Pregnancy #'s "As of March 11, 289 pregnant women had reported adverse events related to COVID vaccines, including 90 reports of miscarriage or premature birth. None of the COVID vaccines approved for Emergency Use Authorization has been confirmed safe or effective for pregnant women, although J&J said earlier this month it would begin testing on pregnant women, infants and the immunocompromised." Youngest death from Vaccine reported now 18 years Mar 20 2021• Mandatory, "Israeli Jews Petition International Criminal Court, Say Israel's Mandatory COVID Vaccines Violate Nuremberg Code" Mar 21 2021• Catch Covid, "Pakistan Prime Minister Khan tests positive for coronavirus" "two days after he received his first vaccine dose" • Infant Death UK results, "Number of women to lose their unborn child after having the Covid Vaccine increases by 366% in just six weeks" • "Why posting your COVID-19 vaccine card may lead to fraud" video: Op: Related, Vaccine card: blank, Image link: • "Covid vaccines: Why some Americans are choosy about their jab" From Article: image comparison of vax storage requirements: • "AstraZeneca R&D Oncology Chief José Baselga Dies at 61" "died of Creuzfeldt- Jacob Disease" Related: "rapidly progressive, invariably fatal neurodegenerative disorder believed to be caused by an abnormal isoform of a cellular glycoprotein known as the prion protein" What is "Creuzfeldt-Jacob Disease" Mar 22 2021• BRIBE, "Krispy Kreme will offer free doughnuts-all year long-to people with COVID-19 vaccination cards" • "FDA clears first AI device to spot hidden signs of COVID-19" "a rapid test that uses CRISPR gene-editing tech" Many claim the mRNA does not use CRISPR and therefore won't change DNA. See Nov 27 2020 article on the possibility that reverse transcriptase could incorporate mRNA into DNA, • "World Champion Tennis Player Djokovic Set Up and Blackmailed by EU Elites for Speaking Out Against Coronavirus Vaccines - THEY PAID A MODEL $70K TO RELEASE HIS SEX TAPE" • J&J "Concord Cancels School Due To Bad Reactions To COVID-19 Vaccine" "It was related to vaccine shots," she said of Monday's school closure. "We received notice from a number of staff, teachers, education assistants, and district staff who we were sick, so we were unable to open school in a safe manner." All the staffers who were vaccinated received the single dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. List of schools closed due to Vaccinations • "America Is Now in the Hands of the Vaccine Hesitant" "Whether they turn out in the coming weeks will determine the future of the pandemic." Setting up the blame. Op: Mar 23 2021• "A New Generation of Vaccines Is Coming, Some With No Needles" "Stealthy" nose spray? "All that spike protein production can trigger an immune response that can result in stronger side effects" • Mandatory, "Amazon Delivery Drivers Forced to Sign 'Biometric Consent' Form or Lose Job" Related article: • "AstraZeneca Cherry-Picked Data, Misrepresented Vaccine's Efficacy, Independent Medical Board Alleges" Mar 24 2021• Resource, "Wikispooks COVID-19/Vaccine page" • "12 prominent people opposed to vaccines are responsible for two-thirds of anti-vaccine content online: report" "Social media is enabling anti-vaxxers to recruit millions of Americans and indoctrinate them with fear and doubt. If Big Tech companies don't act now, the pandemic will be prolonged, and more lives will be lost." "Robert F. Kennedy Jr., , Ty and Charlene Bollinger, Sherri Tenpenny, Rizza Islam, Rashid Buttar, Erin Elizabeth, , Kelly Brogan, Christiane Northrup, Ben Tapper, and Kevin Jenkins" Mar 25 2021• "Jeanie Marie Evans: Kansas woman dead hours after experimental mRNA shot" "'Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences.' That is a meme going around on Twitter." ... "Ms. Evans immediately suffered anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, during the 15-minute waiting period after the experimental shot. She was transported to Stormont Vail Health in Topeka, where she was pronounced dead. The family immediately published an obituary that states her cause of death." Media says still under investigation. Mar 26 2021• Mandatory guidance, "If your employer or school is mandating the COVID vaccine, contact ICAN..." Mar 28 2021• "Young People Are Now Dying Following the Experimental Johnson and Johnson COVID Injections " "The vaccine is being produced in Belgium, by the same company that in the past produced the anthrax vaccine that destroyed the lives of so many military personnel." "32-year-old New York stagehand Benjamin Goodman, and 25-year-old Connecticut educator Desirée Penrod." The former expired within 24 hours of vaccination. "Benjamin texted his father, Jeff Goodman, and told him he received the shot. The family was not happy to hear the news. Soon thereafter, Benjamin had a severe headache and started feeling ill. He fell asleep, hoping the symptoms would pass after some rest..." • "Trump accuses Fauci, Birx of 'trying to reinvent history' on COVID-19 response" (Fauci says the vaccines were his idea) • Mandatory, "Real ID Exposed: It Is Worse than You Think" Mar 29 2021• Warning, Graphic Content Imagery, Possibly Steven Johnson Syndrome? J&J "Goochland County man suffers 'rare' severe reaction to COVID-19 vaccine" Related: rash after AstraZeneca vaccine, • "The Great Unvaxxed - A 'Fictional' Look At What Lies Ahead" • "How mRNA Technology Could Change the World: mRNA's story likely will not end with COVID-19: Its potential stretches far beyond this pandemic" "More than 40 years had passed between the 1970s, when a Hungarian scientist pioneered early mRNA research, and the day the first authorized mRNA vaccine was administered in the United States, on December 14, 2020" (Not a new technology at all. Newly allowed into the consciousness of greater mankind perhaps.) "The dream of mRNA persevered in part because its core principle was tantalizingly simple, even beautiful: The world's most powerful drug factory might be inside all of us." Do you really want your personal factory hijacked inside your body and forced to produce whatever they want? • Mandatory, "Rutgers will only let vaccinated students attend classes this fall, transforming its campus into a medical experiment" • Mandatory, "The Fourth Amendment Is Being Dismantled as Big Government Is Expanding NSA Data Gathering and Surveillance and Preparing for Vaccine Passports" • Dr. Michael Yeadon, Death "It's 'entirely possible' vaccine campaigns 'will be used for massive-scale depopulation': Former Pfizer VP" "I think the Geert Vanden Bossche story is highly suspect," Yeadon said. "There is no evidence at all that vaccination is leading or will lead to 'dangerous variants'. I am worried that it's some kind of trick." Op: possible-vaccine-ca/c/ Mar 30 2021• "Introducing 'Vaxzevria': AstraZeneca renames Covid vaccine as firm fights off controversy over drug" • "Amish community in Lancaster County reaches herd immunity from COVID-19, medical center says" Mar 31 2021• "BREAKING: Dr. Fauci Admits COVID Vaccine May Not Be Safe" • Blisters, "Mother's face, arms, chest, back and legs erupt in agonising red rash after getting AstraZeneca's Covid vaccine - as 41-year-old claims she is still in unbearable pain two weeks later" "My skin was so sore and constantly hot," she said. "I have never felt pain like this... and to say it's been the worst time of my life is an absolute understatement." "a few thousand Britons have also reported suffering rashes after getting that jab"

The additional items have been moved to a second pdf at