Marion Garden Rose Garden

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Marion Garden Rose Garden Marion Garden Rose Garden The Rose Garden is a work in constant change to demonstrate how to grow and maintain a variety of roses that are suitable for home gardens in the Willamette Valley. Selection of plants has been based on suitability for landscape use, resistance to disease, repeat blooming, and availability to the home gardener. If we find that a rose bush has a lot of disease problems or does not bloom well it is removed. The visitor will find mostly hybrid teas but also floribundas, grandifloras, shrub roses and an English (Austin) rose. There is also one upright climbing rose named ‘Antique’. Two clematis vines (Viola and Asso) have been planted on either side of the climbing rose trellis. Clematis are a good compliment to large climbing roses and add interest and color to the garden. All the rose bushes have ID tags which include the name of the rose, type, any awards it has received, name of the hybridizer, and the year the rose was introduced. There are a couple of roses that do not have ID tags because they were donated and names were not known. They are good disease resistant plants with a good bloom habit so are used for cuttings for rose propagation workshops. There is also a Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle, January jasmine, or Chinese honeysuckle) growing on the northwest corner of the rose garden. It has fragrant white flowers in January and February. It was there when this garden was started and is a nice shrub for the home garden. It is pruned in the spring after it finishes blooming. It also is a good specimen to demonstrate proper pruning of deciduous flowering shrubs. Definitions of the types of roses in the Rose Garden: Hybrid Tea: flowers are high-centered with long stems, generally one flower per stem. The plant is rather upright and narrow and produces flushes of blooms every six weeks or so if deadheaded regularly. It is the classic rose for cut flowers. Floribunda: high-centered flowers are produced in clusters and bloom almost continuously throughout the summer. The plant is usually taller than hybrid teas. Grandiflora: these plants have high-centered flowers held either singly or in clusters on quite tall plants. Otherwise they are similar to hybrid teas. Shrub: these plants vary widely in height and habit. Most have many more canes than the others mentioned here. Most produce blooms continuously throughout the summer. English and Austin roses are also in this group. Good sources for more information on growing, selecting, and showing roses can be found on the American Rose Society, Northwest Rosarian, and the Salem Oregon Rose Society web sites. A drip irrigation system has been installed to supply water to each plant throughout the growing season. Those working in the Rose Garden learn proper pruning techniques for each type of rose, good deadheading practices for repeat blooming throughout the summer, water needs, nutritional needs of roses, how to control rose diseases without the use of chemicals, what to look for in selecting roses for their own garden, and how to prepare the plants for the winter. Roses growing in the Rose Garden are: Antique (Climbing) This rose is also known as ‘Antike 89’. A beautiful rose with large, full 4 ½” blooms (50+ petals) cluster- flowered, in large cluster bloom form. Flowers are pink edged in red. It has no fragrance. Its foliage is dark-green. It blooms in flushes throughout the season. A vigorous, upright bush growing 8-14’ tall by 3- 4’ wide. It can be left free-standing or tied to a pillar or trellis. Remove spent blooms to encourage re- bloom. It was hybridized by W. Kordes & Sons (Germany) in 1988. Chicago Peace (Hybrid Tea) This sport of 'Peace' was discovered by a gardener in her backyard in Chicago. There have been many sports of 'Peace', but this one is the best. The ‘Peace’ rose was bred in France in the last years before World War II, and escaped as unnamed cuttings in the last American diplomatic bag to leave the country before the Nazi conquest. Like its parent, this rose has large, 5-6” high-centered flowers with about 60 petals. But instead of being primarily yellow; as 'Peace' is, the blooms are a blend of deep rose pink, light pink, and apricot, with yellow at the base of the petals. Bushes grow 4 ½’ -5 ½’ tall and have leathery, dark green shiny leaves that are prone to black spot. It is very winter hardy.It was the All-America Rose Selection award winner in 1994. It was hybridized by Stanley C. Johnson (United States) in 1962. Fragrant Cloud (Hybrid Tea) It is also known as ‘Nuage Parfumé’. Large, full blooms of deep orange-red ageing to geranium-red have a fragrance that is sometimes clove, often spicy, definitely sweet and mostly rose. Bring them inside and they will fill the room with heavenly scent for days.The average diameter of the blossoms is 5” (26-40 petals), borne mostly solitary, cluster-flowered, in small clusters, high-centered bloom form. It grows 30”- 5’ tall by 2’ wide. An upright continual blooming bush which blooms in flushes throughout the season. The foliage is glossy, dark green, with a reddish tint in late summer that persists long enough to give the plant an extra shot of starch that insures hardiness even in cold winter areas. It is somewhat susceptible to blackspot and mildew. The introducer withheld this rose from the market for five years for fear it couldn't compete with ‘Tropicana’. It won the Portland gold medal in 1966, the James Gamble Fragrance Award Winner in 1970, and the World Hall of Fame Rose in 1981. It is one of a handful of roses that have won the World Federation of Rose Society World's Favorite Rose Award. It was hybridized by Mathias Tantau, Jr. (Germany) in 1963. Grande Amore (Hybrid Tea) Other names this rose is known by are ‘Walter Sisulu’ and ‘My Valentine’. Dark red, pointed buds open into high centered blooms, set against dark green, slightly glossy foliage. It has a wonderful sheen to its petals. The fragrance is mild. The flowers are 4” (26-30 petals) borne mostly solitary. The plant is extremely vigorous, upright, and well branched, producing dozens of long stem roses all summer. It blooms in flushes throughout the season. It grows 31-35” tall by 20-28” wide.The blossoms are both rain and sun-proof. Its resistance to blackspot and powdery mildew is outstanding. It is one of the few hybrid tea roses that have won an ADR (Germany's trial for health and performance without the use of chemicals, and the inspiration for the Earthkind trials in the United States). Awards include five international medals, including Golden Rose at the Hague Lyon, Rose Hills International and the ADR award and the International Gold Certificate in the Portland International Rose Garden in 2012. It was hybridized by Tim Hermann Kordes (Germany) in 1995 and introduced by W. Kodes Sohne in 2004. Habitat for Humanity –Passionate (Hybrid Tea) Jackson & Perkins introduced three roses in a special series to honor the organization, 'Habitat for Humanity' during that organization's 25th Anniversay. The three roses known by the name Habitiat for Humanity are: ‘Passionate’, a double, medium red, hybrid tea -2001; an orange floribunda -2003; and a light yellow shrub rose - 2004. The one in the Marion Garden is the red rose ‘Passionate’. It produces mildly sweet red, long, pointed buds that open on 18” stems; the buds develop into 5 ½” blooms (25 to 30 petals), born mostly solitary, are high-centered, reflexed, with a ruffled bloom form. Blooms are continuous throughout the season. Its foliage is glossy, dark green, and leathery. It was hybridized by Keith W. Zary (United States) in 2000 and introduced by Jackson & Perkins Co. in 2002. Hot Cocoa (Floribunda) Its color is described as cinnamon, brick, russet, smoky, and rich chocolate-orange with a purple- burgundy cast. The color seems to vary with temperature, time, and the eye of the beholder. It is very healthy, vigorous, and holds its color in heat. It has a mild, fruity fragrance. Flowers are double 4” (17-25 petals), cluster-flowered, ruffled bloom form. It has lush, healthy foliage and blooms in flushes throughout the season. The bush grows about 3 ½’-4’ tall and wide. It was hybridized by Thomas F. Carruth (United States) in 2002. Jude the Obscure (English) It is named after the character in the 19th century novel by Thomas Hardy. Flowers are apricot, cream shading, lighter reverse. Strong fragrance with a delicious fruity note reminiscent of guava. The 4” fully double blooms (40+ petals) are large, cupped, mostly solitary, cluster-flowered, in small clusters, globular bloom form, typical of English roses. It blooms in flushes throughout the season. An excellent short shrub with strong, upright, bushy growth and medium light green leaves. Very disease resistant. It received the Corona Regina Teodelinda Perfume Award in Monza, Italy. It was hybridized by David C. H. Austin (United Kingdom) in 1997. Just Joey (Hybrid Tea) The huge apricot double blooms are 4- 6” across, composed of 30 large petals with frilly edges aging to buff when fully open. Buds are large, elegantly pointed, and brandy colored. Its fragrance is a deep fruity scent. Both the flowers and their fragrance are long-lasting. Leaves are large and glossy, and stems are prickly. Plants are rather squat and spreading, with a moderate growth rate. They are fairly disease resistant. The flowers are particularly outstanding for indoor arrangements because of their large size and long vase life.
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