Annual Report of the Board of Harbor and Land Commissioners. for The
' If 5 1 f* *^P I ."^ ^ ?^ ""f ?*f^T f foil u IV .©ov Doe COLL Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2011 witii funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries littp:// Public Document No. 11 THIETY-FIFTH ANNUAL EEPOET BOARD or HARBOE AND LAND COMMISSIONERS. For the Year 1913 I inn^rtv I wioy/iH,i^i.^uyi LifilMlii GOV DOC ecu BOSTON: WEIGHT & POTTEE FEINTING CO., STATE PEINTEES, 32 DEENE STEEET. 1914. Approved by The State Board of Publication. ®()£ (JommontDeaUl) of ^assatl)U0etts. REPORT. To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts. The Board of Harbor and Land Commissioners, pursuant to the provisions of law, respectfully submits its annual report for the year 1913, covering a period of twelve months, from Nov. 30, 1912, being the thirty-fifth annual report of the Board since its establishment by chapter 263 of the Acts of 1879. The present organization of the Board is as follows: William S. McNary of Boston, chairman, George E. Smith of Swamp- scott, Charles C. Paine of Barnstable. From Dec. 1, 1912, to Nov. 30, 1913, the Board has given 185 formal and informal hearings, and has received 178 peti- tions for the improvement and protection of rivers, harbors and foreshores, for licenses to build and maintain structures, for privileges in tide waters, great ponds and Connecticut River, to dredge material, to remove material from beaches and for other purposes. One hundred and seventeen licenses for structures and privi- leges in tide waters, great ponds and Connecticut River have been granted during the year; also 22 permits for dredging, the removal of material from beaches and for other purposes.
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