LEORA F. KLAPPER The World Bank phone: 1-202-473-8738 1818 H Street, NW email:
[email protected] Washington, DC 20433 web: https://www.worldbank.org/en/about/people/l/leora-klapper USA skype: leora.klapper CURRENT EMPLOYMENT • The World Bank, Washington, DC Lead Economist, Development Research Group, 2011-Present Senior Economist, Development Research Group, 2002-2011 (Young) Economist, Development Research Group, 1998-2002 PRIMARY RESEARCH FIELDS: Consumer Finance; Digital Financial Services; Behavioral Economics; Measurement COUNTRY EXPERIENCE: Argentina, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Latvia, Maldives, Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania FOUNDER: - Global Findex Database - Entrepreneurship Database AWARDS: - Accion 2018 Edward W. Claugus Award for exceptional leadership and innovation in financial inclusion - World Bank Group Team Awards 2014, 2016, 2019 EDUCATION • Stern School of Business, New York University (1993-1998) Ph.D. in Financial Economics Fields: Corporate Finance, Financial Institutions. Dissertation: Essays on Collateralization - The Dean’s Outstanding Teaching Award for Graduate Instructor, 1997 - The Berkley Center for Entrepreneurial Studies Fellowship, 1996-1998 - University Doctoral Fellowship, New York University, 1993-1996 • State University of New York at Binghamton (1986-1990) BS in Economics and Math (with Honors) PRIOR EMPLOYMENT • Salomon Brothers, Economic and Market Analysis, New York, NY (Part-time