Jurnal Populika Volume 7, Nomor 2, Juli 2019 Solidaritas Anarkisme Suporter Bola PSIM DAN PSS Tera Puspita Werdiyanti Prodi Sosiologi, Universitas Wisya Mataram E-mail :
[email protected] As Martadani Noor Prodi Sosiologi, Universitas Wisya Mataram E-mail :
[email protected] Paharizal Prodi Sosiologi, Universitas Wisya Mataram E-mail :
[email protected] Abstract This research is located in Sleman, Yogyakarta. This research was conducted when researcher saw the solidarity of anarchism of football supporters. Factors related to the solidarity of anarchism of football supporters and the empowerment of football supporters, especially with PSIM and PSS. This research wants to describe more clearly how the solidarity of anarchism is, the factors associated with solidarity of anarchism and the empowerment of suporter in PSIM and PSS football clubs. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive research method. Data was collected by Snow Ball sampling until the data was at its saturation point. This method was chosen because the number of actors is large so it could gets more accurate data. The results obtained in the solidarity of football supporters anarchism prove that there are improvements from the supporters. Then the factors related to the solidarity of anarchism are still trying to become supporters who are more loved by the community and the empowerment of PSIM and PSS football supporters has not received training from any party. Keywords : Anarchisme Solidarity, Football Fans, PSIM and PSS. Pendahuluan. lebih lanjut dari legalisasi komunitas Sepak bola adalah olahraga yang pendukung suatu kesebelasan. Oleh karena cukup populer dan digemari di seluruh itu, munculah fanatisme dalam perilaku dunia.