youtubers life free no download OMG! Play on PC with BlueStacks – the Android Gaming Platform, trusted by 500M+ gamers. Overview Game Features How to Play. Page Modified On: January 21, 2019. Can you subscribe to my YouTube channel? Digital revolution brought along some peculiar professions these days. And with it, a very important role in the social media network in general: the digital influencer. And though there are lot of ways of becoming one of these people, the best of them will always be YouTube. So, how about accomplish everyone’s dream of becoming a popular YouTuber and transforming your channel into a real celebrity? Play Youtubers Life OMG! on PC and Mac with BlueStacks and live the life of a famous YouTuber who is shooting for the stars! Angariate your own followers, select a theme for your channel, upload interesting videos, interact with your fans and surround yourself with the luxury you always dreamed of. From crafting your own avatar to decide what to do with so much fame. Go step by step, invest your money wisely, develop your own planning and schedule and see how it goes! In the end, you have nothing to lose, only to win! Download Youtubers Life OMG! on PC with BlueStacks and, who knows, you might end up going for the real deal here! Good luck! Youtubers Life. Youtubers Life draws elements from both life simulators and business simulators to create a whimsical gaming experience that lets you live out your dream of becoming a YouTube celebrity. YouTube has rapidly and surprisingly become one of the best vehicles for young creatives and charming personalities looking to make a living off of their brand identity. But this popularity has brought a lot of people looking to get rich quick off of what could turn out to be a passing fad. Fortunately, developer U-Play Online seems to take their subject matter seriously. Youtubers Life is both well made and overflowing with charm, and there's enough content here to keep players satisfied for a very long time. Finding success on YouTube is harder work than it may seem to casual observers, but it's also a way for one to express their individual identities. Personalities have managed to find ways to monetize a seemingly endless variety of personalities and interests, and U-Play fortunately decided to focus on letting users express themselves through the game rather than settling instead on more of a rote business simulator draped in thematic affectations. seems to have served as a major point of inspiration for YouTubers Life. You start by choosing the focus of your YouTube channel, but the choices are unfortunately not that diverse. Users can focus on music, gaming, or cooking, and while that covers some of the more popular varieties of YouTube channels, it would be nice to have a few more options to choose from. As with the Sims, you don't have direct control over your avatar. Instead, it's your job to provide them with the resources they need to be happy and successful. That lack of agency creates an experience that's less stressful than it would be if this was more of an objective driven career simulator. That's not to say that there isn't a clear progression curve. You start out as a practical unknown living in a basement and try to work your way up to worldwide celebrity status. This is accomplished by creating new videos, uploading them to your site, and fostering relationships with your growing fan base. You also have to learn how to balance your professional and personal life, and a selection of newer and better equipment allows you to reach out more effectively to your audience. Players interact with objects rather than their character directly, but they have a decent amount of control over their trajectory. That's a good thing, since YouTubers Life gives you some concrete objects to achieve over the course of your time with it. There's a lot to do here. The number of options are astounding, and they allow you to build out a career that feels distinctly your own. Take into consideration the other career tracks, and there's conceivably a huge amount of content to dig through. U-Play Online. Youtubers Life OMG is the ultimate life simulation game in which you can become a famous youtuber! Launch your new venture from your parents’ house and gain your first subscribers, views and likes. Start sharing your life through social media and dealing with your passionate fans and haters alike. Soon, you’re well on your way to fame and fortune as a popular influencer. Monetize your content, sign with exclusive networks and customize your place with the coolest stuff. Grow until you can afford a mansion in outer space! History. We gave birth to the idea of developing a videogame based on the world of youtubers by combining our expertise in sports management games (Striker Manager, Basketball Manager) and the success obtained in our game Karmarun (available on iOS and Android), which was sponsored by the top Spanish speaking videobloggers Elrubius, Vegeta777 and Willyrex, among others. We felt that to begin with the best platform to capture the spirit of our project was . Our main references were , a game which puts the player in the role of a videogame programmer, and the all-time classic The Sims. Запланированная дата выхода: 2021. ДОБАВЛЯЙТЕ В ВИШЛИСТ И ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ ПРЯМО СЕЙЧАС! Об этой игре. СНИМАЙТЕ СВОИ ВИДЕО И СТАНЬТЕ ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЕМ МОДЫ! Создайте собственный канал и выбирайте, какой контент лучше всего освещать: популярные видеоигры, импровизированные стримы, профессиональные обзоры. Или все это вместе! Собирайте карточки, чтобы создать лучший контент, и выбирайте наиболее подходящую реакцию для каждого видео и ситуации. Записывайте, редактируйте и публикуйте высококачественные видео, чтобы получить первых подписчиков и просмотры, а также зарабатывать деньги в кратчайшие сроки. ОТКРОЙТЕ ДЛЯ СЕБЯ ГОРОД NEWTUBE! Записывайте видео или размещайте фото на Instalife, открывайте секретные локации, знаковых персонажей и новые миссии. Центр города, мэрия, порт: у вас будет множество мест для создания потрясающего контента — магазины, кинотеатр, тренажерный зал и даже дискотека! РАЗВИВАЙТЕ СОБСТВЕННЫЙ КАНАЛ И ЗНАКОМЬТЕСЬ СО СВОИМИ ПОКЛОННИКАМИ! СОТРУДНИЧАЙТЕ С ИЗВЕСТНЫМИ АВТОРАМИ КОНТЕНТА! УСТРОЙТЕ ВСЕ ПО СВОЕМУ ВКУСУ: ОТ ДОМАШНЕГО ИНТЕРЬЕРА ДО СВОЕГО ОБРАЗА! РАЗНООБРАЗНЫЕ НОВИНКИ КАЖДУЮ НЕДЕЛЮ! Вы узнаете больше о том, что нового и улучшенного в Youtubers Life 2, в нашей еженедельной серии видео на официальном канале Youtubers Life на YouTube. Обязательно ставьте лайки и подписывайтесь на канал! Вас ждет совершенно новая игровая механика! Новые каналы в социальных сетях, новые локации, новый контент, новые настраиваемые параметры, новые функции, новые квесты. Следите за обновлениями, чтобы узнать, какой контент наиболее эффективен в каждой социальной сети! Youtubers Life. I have always said that with just a tad more quality control, Youtubers Life could have been a much better game. Do not get me wrong, this is a fun little game and the idea is pretty awesome. However, it has been out for a few years now and it still has a few frustrating bugs here and there. If you can get past these then I am sure you are in for a fun time. I will say that if you have kids, this is a fun game to play through with them. Be A YouTube Star! The goal of the game is pretty self-explanatory. You want to create an awesome YouTube channel and have it reach millions of subscribers and make massive stacks of cash, all the while living a good social and active life. Games such as The Sims are probably the best comparison for what Youtubers Life is trying to do. The premise of the game is really cool, my son is 11 so kids of his generation idolize YouTube personalities so having a game that caters to that is a great idea. YouTube Mii. The presentation of the game is very, very charming. The characters have a kind of higher detailed Wii Mii look about them. Actually, the Wii game, MySims is probably the best comparison for the visual style. The characters all have a lot of personality and I love how expressive the faces are. The different homes you live in, events you go to and so on all have a lot of personality to them too which is cool. Content, Content, Content! Ok, so I am not a YouTuber, but I would assume that creating content is the main part of their life. In YouTubers Life, you decide what kind of content creator that you want to be. I decided to focus on video games so things like lets plays and reviews were what I would make. The video making aspect of the game is kind of like a fun little mini-game. The better you do, the better your video will be and the more traction it will create. Eventually, as you progress through the game you can move out of your mom's house, into a studio, higher more people, get endorsements, and so on. You even get to go to events and mingle with people who can help your channel grow. There is a great amount to do here and most of it is fun. The problem is that even after 4 years, this game can still glitch out of you in many different ways which can be frustrating to deal with. More Than The Internet. Another aspect of YouTubers Life is your social life. You have to go to school and interact with other people. You also have to eat and sleep, what I would do is make sure I did a little eating, sleeping and attend a class here and there to keep people off my back. Speaking of “people” as you get further into the game, you can hire people to work for you and get them to create content for you. It gives you more stuff to juggle, but I actually liked this and I never felt too overwhelmed. I enjoyed what I played here and think that Youtubers Life is a fun game. It is probably even more fun if you have an interest in YouTube. If you have kids who love to watch YouTube then this is going to be a fun game for them and even for you guys to play around with together. They are quite good at having different events in the game, but please note that the game does still have a few annoying bugs that can do stuff like make the game crash and even have things not happen as they should. I think had I not had such a great time playing this with my son I probably would have scored the game a point lower.