2008 Kutztown University Football Schedule
2008 FOOTBALL 2008 Kutztown University Football Schedule AUG 28 ST. ANSELM 6:05 PM SEPT 6 CLARION 3:35 PM SEPT 13 at Slippery Rock 6:00 PM SEPT 20 *at Bloomsburg 1:00 PM SEPT 27 WEST CHESTER (Family Day) 1:05 PM OCT 4 *at Cheyney 1:00 PM OCT 11 *SHIPPENSBURG 1:05 PM OCT 18 *at East Stroudsburg noon OCT 25 MILLERSVILLE (Homecoming) 1:05 PM NOV 1 *C.W. POST 1:05 PM NOV 8 #at Indiana (PA) 1:00 PM *PSAC East contest Home games in BOLD CAPS kubears.com About Kutztown University History: Library: Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, a mem- Modern, spacious facility; 517,000 bound vol- ber of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher umes, as well as thousands of maps, periodicals Education, was founded in 1866 as Keystone and microforms; Endeavor integrated library Normal School. It became Kutztown State system; numerous Web databases; Internet; Teachers College in 1928, Kutztown State Col- electronic full-text periodical databases; 191 lege in 1960, and achieved university status in computers, including laptops; 527 network 1983. Today, Kutztown University is a modern, connections; seating for 800 patrons. comprehensive institution and is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Special Facilities: Secondary Schools, PA Department of Edu- Wireless campus, gallery, planetarium, obser- cation, NCATE, NLNAC, CSWE, NCACE, vatory, TV production facilities, 50 student- NASM and NASAD. accessible computer labs containing nearly 800 PCs/Macs, cartography lab, early learning Location: center, smart classrooms, curriculum materi- Kutztown University’s picturesque 325-acre als center and Pennsylvania German Heritage campus is located in a Pennsylvania Dutch Center.
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