Regular Session - 2013
FLORIDA LEGISLATURE - REGULAR SESSION - 2013 SUBJECT INDEX (Boldfaced bill numbers, followed by a chapter number or "vetoed" notation, and bills preceded by an asterisk (*) all passed both chambers— Some entries may not be in final version. Adopted one-chamber resolutions also boldfaced) ACUPUNCTURISTS A ACUPUNCTURISTS See: Licensure of Regulated Professions, General Provisions ABANDONED OR UNCLAIMED PROPERTY under HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF ABANDONED OR UNCLAIMED PROPERTY, S464(2013-34), S492(2013-172), H263, H583 AD VALOREM TAX AD VALOREM TAX ABORTION See: Property Taxes under TAXATION ABORTION Generally, S1056, S1072, S1636, H395, H845, H1129(2013- ADMINISTRATION COMMISSION ADMINISTRATION COMMISSION, S1004 121) Infants born alive, S1056, S1636, H395, H1129(2013-121) ADMINISTRATION, STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION, STATE BOARD OF ABORTION CLINICS Generally, S1262, S1764, S1770(2013-60), H909, H1055, ABORTION CLINICS H1107, H5401(2013-54), H7011 See also: Licensure of Regulated Entities, General Provisions Hurricane Catastrophe Fund See: EMERGENCY under HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION AGENCY MANAGEMENT Licensure; regulation, S1056, S1636, H395, H1129(2013-121), H7151 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ABUSE Generally, S244(2013-229), S298(2013-230), S606(2013-173), ABUSE S844, S852, S934(2013-176), S994(2013-18), S1096(2013- Child Abuse 35), S1118, S1410(2013-183), S1696, S1808(2013-71), H7, Death review committees, information held by, S1680, H725 H137, H181, H183, H619, H667(2013-144), H883, H939 (VETOED) (2013-150), H1225, H7001, H7077, H7115, H7151 Definition, H353 Rule 62-304.300, subsections (3)-(7), F.A.C., St. Marks River Dependent Children See: CHILD DEPENDENCY Basin TMDLs; rule ratification, S1864, H7157(2013-156) Hotline, S1162, H757, H7129(2013-219) Rule 62-304.330, subsections (10) and (11), F.A.C., Pensacola Human trafficking victims, S552, S1644, H1325(2013-98) Bay Basin TMDLs; rule ratification, S1864, H7157(2013- Lauren's Kids, Inc.
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