An Innovative Mechanical and Control Architecture for a Biomimetic Hexapod for Planetary Exploration M. Pavone∗, P. Arena§ and L. Patane´§ ∗Scuola Superiore di Catania, Via S. Paolo 73, 95123 Catania, Italy §Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Elettronica e dei Sistemi, Universita` degli Studi di Catania, Viale A. Doria, 6 - 95125 Catania, Italy

Abstract— This paper addresses the design of a six locomotion are: wheels, caterpillar treads and legs. legged for planetary exploration. The robot is Wheeled and tracked are much easier to design specifically designed for uneven terrains and is bio- and to implement if compared with legged robots and logically inspired on different levels: mechanically as led to successful missions like Mars Pathfinder or well as in control. A novel structure is developed Spirit and Opportunity; nevertheless, they carry a set basing on a (careful) emulation of the cockroach, whose of disadvantages that hamper their use in more com- extraordinary agility and speed are principally due to its self-stabilizing posture and specializing legged plex explorative tasks. Firstly, wheeled and tracked function. Structure design enhances these properties, vehicles, even if designed specifically for harsh ter- in particular with an innovative piston-like scheme rains, cannot maneuver over an obstacle significantly for rear legs, while avoiding an excessive and useless shorter than the vehicle itself; a legged vehicle, on the complexity. Locomotion control is designed following an other hand, could be expected to climb an obstacle analog electronics approach, that in space applications up to twice its own height, much like a cockroach could hold many benefits. In particular, the locomotion can. Secondly, wheeled and tracked vehicles are also control is based on a Cellular Neural Network playing inherently less robust than those dependent on legs. the role of an artificial Central Pattern Generator. Several dynamical simulations were carried out to test The loss of a single leg on a hexapod will result in the structure and the locomotion control. Simulation only minimal loss in maneuverability, i.e. in a me- results led to the implementation of the first prototype: chanical graceful degradation; on a wheeled vehicle Gregor I. Experimental tests showed that Gregor I is a damaged wheel could spell the end of mobility, and able to walk at the travel speed of 0.1 body length a damaged caterpillar tread almost always results in per second and to successfully negotiate obstacles more catastrophic failure. Finally, legged vehicles are far than 170% of the height of its center of mass. more capable of navigating an intermittent substrate -such as a slatted surface- than wheeled or tracked I. INTRODUCTION vehicles [1]. That is why the concept of a fully autonomous, The recent planetary explorative missions as well mission capable, is acquiring an ever as the scheduled ones for the next years put in light increasing interest in the field of space explorative the necessity, for planetary unmanned missions, of . using autonomous mobile platforms. Given the preceding arguments for the use of Mechanical structure is the first issue to be ad- legged locomotion in certain environments, one is dressed. Possible mechanisms capable of producing left with the challenging task of actually designing * Corresponding author. E-Mail: [email protected] an efficient locomotion control for legged robots. Marco Pavone is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of The basic consideration is that legged structures California, Los Angeles, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, have a great number of degrees of freedom, to be Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. Paper presented at the 56th International Astronautical controlled concurrently. Congress, Fukuoka, Japan, October 17-21, 2005.

1 In this paper we describe the design of a six- allows an arbitrarily large number of actuators to legged robot aimed at space explorative missions. be controlled concurrently and thus is particularly Strongly believing that a bio-inspired approach can suitable for legged locomotion control. Further ad- largely benefit the design of an autonomous legged vantages are ease of implementation, robustness and robot, we took explicitly inspiration from cockroach flexibility. experimental observations. Biological results inspired The implementation itself is advantageous since both the hexapod structure and the control system it just involves analog electronics. In space appli- architecture. cations, analog circuitry could hold many benefits. In order to replicate at least in part cockroach’s Analog circuits provide a very high bandwidth sensor- extraordinary agility, each of the three leg pairs has a to-motor signal transformation and avoid any time- unique design: front legs and middle legs have 3 de- consuming conversion between analog and digital grees of freedom and a kind of pantograph mechanism signals; thus analog circuits allow actuator outputs aimed at facilitating obstacle climbing task, while rear to be rapidly modulated in response to sensor feed- legs have 2 degrees of freedom and a piston-like back, as needed for autonomous planetary explorers. design suitable for powerful forward thrusting. Our Most importantly, analog circuitry appears to be more main concern is on the mechanics of rear legs, that robust against space radiation. For example, Single appears to play a crucial role in obstacle overcoming Event Upset (SEU) (i.e. radiation-induced errors in and payload capability. Moreover Gregor I exhibits a microelectronic circuits caused when charged parti- sprawled posture, able to guarantee a statically stable cles lose energy by ionizing the medium through posture and thus a high margin of stability [2]. Dy- which they pass) in analog circuitry just causes a namical simulations and experimental tests prove that, graceful degradation in performance, while in digital thanks to the careful linear/rotational actuation and to circuitry can cause bit flips and therefore result in the sprawled posture, Gregor I is able to successfully catastrophic failures by placing the device into a test negotiate obstacles of considerable height. mode, halt, or undefined state [9]. This paper is organized as follows. In Section II we The methodology adopted in this paper for legged discuss basic biological observations in and locomotion control took its inspiration from the bio- we review some previous hexapod . logical paradigm of Central Pattern Generator (CPG) Then, in Section III we describe the physical design, [3] and was firstly outlined in [4]. In insects, the while in Section IV we discuss the locomotion con- activation of the appropriate muscles in the legs and trol. Simulation results follow in Section V. In Section their coordination take place locally by means of VI we show the physical implementation and, finally, groups of neurons functionally organized in CPG in Section VII we draw our conclusions. modules. The basic units of the adopted artificial CPG are here nonlinear oscillators coupled together to form II. BIOLOGICAL INSPIRATION AND a network able to generate a pattern of synchroniza- LITERATURE REVIEW tion that is used to coordinate the robot actuators. Cellular Neural Network (CNN) paradigm, introduced Gregor I design is based on biological observations in [5], provides a framework for the implementation in insects. In this section, firstly we outline some of these nonlinear oscillators: each oscillator is simply of the most important results coming from viewed as a cell of a CNN. This technique has been experimental observations, with particular emphasis previously used to control the locomotion of sev- on the cockroach Blaberus Discoidalis. Then, we eral different bio-inspired robotic structures: simple review some previous hexapod robot in literature. hexapods, octopods and lamprey-like robots [6], [7]; here this technique is extended to the control of an A. Structure of Blaberus Discoidalis hexapod in which each leg pair has a unique design. Most important structural features of Blaberus Dis- A direct VLSI realization of the control system is coidalis from an engineering viewpoint are: possible: a chip for locomotion control implemented • leg structure; by a CNN-based CPG is introduced in [8]. • leg articulation; This approach, thanks to its intrinsic modularity, • body structure.

2 Each cockroach leg is divided into several seg- B. CPG and locomotion gaits ments. The leg segments from the most proximal to Most insects exhibit a hierarchical locomotion con- the most distal segment are called coxa, trochanter, trol and use a modular organization of the control femur, tibia and tarsus; the last one is indeed consti- elements. The activation of the appropriate muscles tuted by a series of foot joints. in the legs and their coordination take place locally The complex musculature coupled with complex by means of groups of neurons functionally orga- mechanics confers upon the joint between body and nized in modules called Central Pattern Generators coxa three degrees of freedom (DOF), much like that (CPG). The output signals of the CPG control directly of a ball and socket joint. The joints between the coxa the effector organs. Distinct periodic patterns of leg and trochanter, between the trochanter and femur, movements, called gaits, are due to patterns of neural and between the femur and tibia are, instead, simple activity within the CPG [14]. The CPG receives one DOF rotational joints. The joint between the stimuli from the high level control layers that monitor trochanter and femur makes only a small movement overall locomotion and take decisions about the high and has often been referred to as fused. Each tarsal level task for example by changing the locomotion joint has several passive DOF, guaranteeing agile foot gait. placement. Finally, a claw located on the end of the Three different gaits are typically shown by tarsus can be raised or lowered to engage the substrate hexapods during walking: fast, medium and slow during locomotion on slippery surfaces for climbing gait. They are adopted under different conditions to [10]. perform high speed locomotion (fast gait) or ex- Although the segments are reproduced in each of tremely stable and secure movements (slow gait). the three pairs of legs, their dimensions are very The characteristics of these locomotion gaits can be different in the front, middle and rear legs. Therefore, rigorously defined through the concepts of cycle time, front, middle and rear legs are different in length, duty factor, and leg phases. The cycle time is the time yielding a ratio of front:middle:rear leg lengths of required for a leg to complete a locomotion cycle. 1:1.2:1.7 [11]. Leg pairs with different length provide The duty factor dfi is the time fraction of a cycle agility and adaptability. Cockroach legs articulate time in which the leg i is in the power stroke phase. differently with the body, with the front legs oriented The leg phase ϕi is the fraction of a cycle period almost vertically at rest and middle and rear legs by which the beginning of the return stroke of leg i ◦ ◦ angled posteriorly of about 30 and 50 respectively lags behind the beginning of the return stroke of the [11]. This configuration confers a sprawled posture left front leg (L1), chosen as a reference. Basing on able to guarantee a statically stable posture and thus these quantities, a precise gait classification is shown a high margin of stability [2], [12]. Finally, body is in Tab. I: divided into three articulated segments called pro- TABLE I thoracic, mesothoracic and metathoracic segments. CLASSIFICATION OF FAST, MEDIUM AND SLOW GAITS Anyway, dorsal flexion is seldom accomplished [13]. Fast Medium Slow Legs perform different functions [13]: 1 3 4 ϕL2 = 2 ϕL2 = 4 ϕL2 = 6 = 0 = 2 = 2 • Front legs – are mainly used to push the body of ϕL3 ϕL3 4 ϕL3 6 = 1 = 2 = 3 the cockroaches over obstacles. They also play ϕR1 2 ϕR1 4 ϕR1 6 = 0 = 1 = 1 an important role in turning and in decelerating. ϕR2 ϕR2 4 ϕR2 6 = 1 = 0 = 5 • Middle legs – act to push the cockroaches for- ϕR3 2 ϕR3 ϕR3 6 = 1 2 = 5 8 = 9 12 ward but also push the body of the cockroaches dfi / dfi / dfi / over obstacles. • Rear legs generate the major part of the forward motion. They push directly toward the center of mass and the contact point is far behind to C. Hexapod robots in literature prevent the cockroaches falling on their back Major issues involved in hexapod robots’ design when climbing obstacles. are:

3 • leg design; front, middle, and rear legs. • actuator selection; An example of robot with 3 DOF per leg is UIUC • locomotion control. Robot, discussed in [11]. Legs are divided into three First question to be addressed in leg design is segments, corresponding to the three main segments the number of degrees of freedom that each leg of insect legs: coxa, femur, and tibia. The coxa should possess: many DOF imply better agility and articulates with the body, the femur with the coxa, and flexibility, but a more difficult control. An example of the tibia with the femur. Each of the joints between robot with just one DOF per leg is [15]. Robot leg segments and between the coxa and the body is structure consists of a rigid body with six equal com- a simple hinge joint. The length ratio for the robot’s pliant legs, each possessing only one independently legs is 1 : 1.1 : 1.5. The coxae of the front legs are attached vertically, while the middle leg coxae are actuated revolute degree of freedom. The attachment ◦ attached at an angle of about 75 from horizontal. points of the legs as well as the joint orientations ◦ are all fixed relative to the body. Basically, spoked Finally, rear legs are attached at an angle of about 30 . wheel concept is exploited. This very simple design This structure, taking into account the most important guarantees surprisingly good locomotion properties, features of a cockroach, confers to the robot a high but lacks of the agility needed for more complex stability and avoids a useless complexity. tasks. An hexapod robot kinematically similar to Several hexapod robots reported in literature have Blaberus Discoidalis is Robot V, discussed in [1]. legs with 2 DOF; one example is Sprawlita [12]. Rear legs have three DOF, middle legs have four DOF Sprawlita has 6 identical legs with 2 degrees of free- and front legs have five DOF. Leg design attempts to dom each. The primary thrusting action in Sprawlita capture in detail all cockroach leg features, but the is performed by a prismatic actuator, implemented resulting robot is more useful from a theoretical than by a pneumatic piston. This piston is attached to from a practical viewpoint due to its complexity. the body through a compliant rotary joint at the hip. Actuator selection represents a fundamental issue This unactuated rotary joint is based on studies of the in robot design, since the shape, size, weight and cockroachs compliant trochanter-femur joint, which, strength of an actuator and its power source provide as stated above, is largely passive. In the prototype, the greatest constraint on robot’s potential abilities. the compliant hip joint allows rotation mainly in the Biological organisms have a great advantage over sagittal plane. These active-prismatic, passive-rotary mechanical systems in that muscles, the biological legs are sprawled in the sagittal plane to provide actuators, have a favorable power-to-weight ratio and specialized leg function (although all legs are indeed require low levels of activation energy, compared to identical). Servo motors rotate the base of the hip any actuator [1]. with respect to the body, thus setting the nominal, or The most frequently used actuators are electric equilibrium, angle about which the leg will rotate. By motors and pneumatic/hydraulic cylinders. Electric changing this angle, the function that the leg performs motors are the most commonly used actuators since is affected; e.g. aiming the thrusting action towards they are readily available in a wide range of sizes and the back, robot accelerates, on the contrary towards are very easy to control and integrate in a hardware the front robot decelerates. Sprawlita is fast and able scheme. However, electric motors have some disad- to negotiate small obstacles, but can not perform more vantages: they can provide just a rotational motion complex tasks due to the lack of legs’ kinematic and, most importantly, they have a low power-to- dexterity. weight ratio. On the contrary, pneumatic and hy- Another interesting example is Boadicea [16]; its draulic actuators have a high power-to-weight ra- legs use a 2 dimensional pantograph mechanism that tio and produce linear motion. Unfortunately, pneu- produces linear foot motions, with the advantage of matic/hydraulic cylinders are better suited to “bang- simpler software control. A second advantage of the bang” operations, need a complex mechanics and re- pantograph mechanism is that it provides a large quire a sophisticated control; furthermore, pneumatic leg workspace with a relatively simple and compact actuators need an expensive and heavy compressor. mechanism. Like an insect, Boadicea has different Recently, many new types of actuators are being

4 introduced like Shape Memory Alloys, Piezoelectric As far as mechanical details are concerned, all Motors and Electroactive Polymers. In [17] the fea- segments are simply modelled as cylinders whose sibility of a worm-like robot actuated by IPMC is weights are reported in Tab. II together with the discussed. physical dimensions (radius and height respectively). Referring to previous robots, RHex is electrically actuated, Sprawlita, Boadicea and UIUC Robot are TABLE II pneumatically actuated, Robot V is actuated by means COXA, FEMUR AND TIBIA PROPERTIES FOR FRONT AND of McKibben artificial muscles. MIDDLE LEGS

III. PHYSICAL DESIGN Segment Weight g Dimensions cm 0 5 × 3 Biological principles and previous hexapod proto- Coxa 50 . Femur 50 0.5 × 3 types guided the structure design phase. Our main Tibia 30 0.5 × 6 concern was to replicate the cockroach features that are mainly responsible of its extreme agility, adapt- ability and stability. We also took into careful consid- eration fundamental engineering issues like actuator selection. Before the structure design is started, it is necessary to specify what Gregor I is intended to do, since the final task deeply affects the overall design: e.g., as far as leg design is concerned, if the focus is just on horizontal walking, two DOF per leg are enough. The goals of Gregor I include efficiently walking on uneven terrains and climbing over obstacles whose height is at least equal to robot center of mass (CoM) Fig. 1. Front leg structure (not in scale). height, as well as payload capability. In this section, we outline the various steps that Middle leg design is identical to front leg design led to the final robot structure. Our major concern except for the α axis (Fig. 2); this change allows here was on the design of rear legs (that seem to middle legs to efficiently provide part of the forward play a crucial role in obstacle climbing and payload thrust. capability), and on center of mass placement. A dynamic robot model was built in a C++ envi- ronment basing on DynaMechs libraries [18]. Dy- namical simulation of the model allowed us to assess structure and control suitability, as it will be discussed in section V.

A. Front and middle legs Front legs have to provide enough flexibility to guarantee an efficient obstacle approach and an ef- fective postural control. Toward this end, front legs Fig. 2. Middle leg structure (not in scale). are divided into three segments (analogous to coxa, femur and tibia), articulated through 3 DOF rotational As far as dynamics is concerned, both in front and joints (α, β and γ joints in Fig. 1); in Fig. 1, middle legs joint α allows leg forward movement, rotation axes are depicted. These rotational joints joint β allows raising movement and, finally, joint γ clearly require a precise control, but they do not need guarantees roll and pitch angle control. The γ joint high actuation torques, therefore they can be actuated plays a fundamental role in the attitude control, but by conventional electrical motors. is not needed for basic locomotion; therefore, as far

5 TABLE IV as basic locomotion is concerned, γ joint is kept at BODY PROPERTIES the constant value 0.5 rad from the vertical. Mass g Length cm Width cm Height cm 260 30 8 3 B. Rear legs In rear leg design we bring the most important TABLE V innovation as far as robot structure is concerned. PAYLOAD PROPERTIES Since main function of rear legs is powerful thrust, Mass g Length cm Width cm Height cm we considered a robust and compact design that could 50 9 5 2 allow the use of a “bang-bang” pneumatic actuation. Rear legs are divided into two segments (coxa and tibia respectively); coxa segment is articulated with D. Overall structure the body with a rotational joint (α joint), while the In order to confer a sprawled posture with a pitch coxa-tibia joint is prismatic (d joint), as shown in ◦ angle of ϕ ' 20 , legs articulate differently with the Fig. 3; α joint provides forward movement, while the body; articulation angles between leg and body are d joint provides raising movement. Thus, rear legs shown in Tab. VI. possess a peculiar hybrid linear/rotational actuation that could allow the use of a combination of electrical TABLE VI and pneumatic actuators. LEG ANGLES FROM HORIZONTAL AT REST Rear legs are considerably longer in order to fa- ◦ Front legs 90 ◦ cilitate obstacle climbing. Both segments are simply Middle legs 60 ◦ modelled as cylinders whose weights and dimensions Rear legs 20 are reported in Tab. III. As far as dynamics is Position of the CoM of the fully assembled robot is TABLE III critical for good performance, as observed in several REAR COXA AND TIBIA PROPERTIES simulations. Therefore, we studied in detail payload Segment Weight g Dimensions cm placement through an iterative process. Assuming a Coxa 50 0.5 × 1 body reference system with the z-axis aligned along 80 0.5 × 12 Tibia the body longitudinal axis and the origin located at the body mass center, we finally placed the payload mass center at the coordinate, along the z-axis, −4 cm. With this arrangement, CoM of the overall robot is placed across the dorsal-abdominal part. Simula- tions proved that in this way speed and stability are enhanced. The overall structure is shown in Fig.4 (dark part represents the payload), where the sprawled posture, the peculiar leg articulation and the payload place- Fig. 3. Rear leg structure (not in scale). ment are evident. Overall, robot weight is 1090 g and robot CoM concerned, joint α allows leg forward movement and height is 4 cm. joint d allows raising movement. IV. LOCOMOTION CONTROL: C. Body and payload CNN-CPG AND LEG DYNAMICS Body is modelled by just one segment with paral- As stated above, Gregor I locomotion control takes lelepiped shape; we also considered the presence of a its inspiration from the biological paradigm of Central payload, similarly modelled as a parallelepiped (dark Pattern Generator. The basic units of the adopted part in Fig. 4). Weights and dimensions are reported artificial CPG are nonlinear oscillators coupled to- in Tab. IV and Tab. V. gether to form a network able to generate a pattern

6 (a) Side view (b) Front view

Fig. 4. Overall structure

of synchronization that is used to coordinate the the CPG neurons. This can be done by establishing robot actuators. In particular, the dynamics of each suitable connections among the nonlinear oscillators, oscillator can be efficiently exploited to control the as discussed in [19], where this approach is applied leg kinematics of an insect-like hexapod robot by to a robot equipped with 6 identical legs. carefully mapping oscillator limit cycles into the limit Gregor I actuation is more complex, since each leg cycles performed by legs in the joint space. pair has a unique design; anyway it is still possible to Cellular Neural Network paradigm provides a adopt a CNN-CPG with identical cells, basing on the framework for the implementation of these nonlinear following considerations. As far as basic locomotion oscillators: each oscillator is simply viewed as a cell is concerned, we can just actuate the α and β joints in of a CNN. front and middle legs and α and d joints in rear legs, The following equations describe the nonlinear os- since the γ joint actuation is needed just for postural cillator (CNN cell) acting as a neuron of the artificial adjustments. The key point is that, although different, CPG: legs have to perform similar limit cycles in the joint space (alternating forward and raising movement). x˙ 1 = k(−x1 + (1 + µ)y1 − sy2 + i1 + s I1,s) Thus, we can still consider, through ad hoc trans-  x˙ 2 = k(−x2 + sy1 + (1 + µ)y2 + i2 + Ps I2,s) (1) formations, a mapping between CNN cell limit cycles 1 P where yi = 2 (|xi + 1| − |xi − 1|) with i = 1, 2. The and leg limit cycles. terms s I1,s and s I2,s represent the sum of all the In detail, Gregor I CPG is composed by six neurons synapticP inputs comingP from the other neurons, i.e. (1), each one controlling through its two outputs y2 represent the interconnection with the other neurons. and y1 a leg (respectively: the α and β joints in front For the choice of the parameters given in Tab. VII, and middle legs and α and d joints in rear legs). The system (1) admits a periodic solution with slow-fast CNN outputs do not directly control the actuators; dynamics (in particular the outputs y1 and y2 perform they instead undergo a two stages transformation in a unitary and square-shaped limit cycle): these regular order to fit the peculiar leg design. oscillations provide the rhythmic movements for the In the first stage, the identical and unitary limit robot actuators. cycles performed by CNN cells are mapped through the maps Z , Z and Z into three dif- TABLE VII front middle rear ferent unitary limit cycles. These transformations are CNN PARAMETERS graphically shown in Fig. 5. After this stage, the µ s i1 i2 k following new outputs for front, middle and rear legs 10 0.5 1.2 -0.3 0.3 3 are obtained:

front front During a step, legs perform in the joint space ζi = Zfront yi   a limit cycle, therefore it is natural to map the middle middle ζ = Zmiddle y oscillator dynamics into the leg dynamics through i i rear rear  suitable transformation functions. To coordinate the ζi = Zrear (yi ) movements it is necessary to properly synchronize

7 layer of neuron i times ; in particular ε = −0.6, i.e., synapses are inhibitory.

Fig. 5. CPG signals transformation. Fig. 6. CPG neuron connections.

The range of motion of each DOF is just as important as the number of DOF in the legs and their V. SIMULATION RESULTS basic dynamics. Therefore in a second stage the new outputs are differently scaled and biased in order to The dynamic robot model was tested in a C++ achieve suitable range of motion: environment based on DynaMechs library [18]. The library efficiently simulates the dynamics of robotic front αfront = afrontζ2 articulations and provides a comfortable framework front βfront = bfrontζ1 to translate in C++ the control system architecture. middle The overall C++ program is available upon request. αmiddle = amiddleζ2 The outputs from the simulation include the joint middle βmiddle = bmiddleζ1 torques, the body motions and the ground reaction rear αrear = arearζ2 forces. The body motions of the model are not inputs rear drear = brearζ1 and therefore are a good measure of the success of the simulation. The joint torques are used in robot Scaling and biasing factors were selected basing design to size actuators. on simulation performance results and physical feasi- bility. Actuation parameters are shown in Tab. VIII. A. Environmental properties

TABLE VIII Environmental properties to be set are: Ground Normal Spring Constant kN , Ground Planar Spring ACTUATION PARAMETERS Constant kP , Ground Normal Damper Constant γN , afront bfront amiddle bmiddle arear brear Ground Planar Damper Constant γP , Coefficient of 0.45 rad 0.9 rad 0.4 rad 0.7 rad 0.15 rad 6 cm Static Friction µs, Coefficient of Kinetic Friction µd and Gravity Acceleration. Synchronization is achieved through suitable con- Spring and damper constants are used to define how nections among the neurons depending on the adopted the robot interacts with the surface. The values chosen gait, as discussed in [19]. In particular we considered for Gregor I are typical values for a hard terrain. a fast gait and therefore the synaptic connections Coefficient of Static Friction and Coefficient of depicted in Fig. 6. A synaptic connection of strength Kinetic Friction model sliding across the surface.  from neuron i to neuron j (represented by a line The chosen values for friction parameters are typical terminating with a dot next to neuron j) adds to the values for a normal terrain. All values are shown in 2 first layer inputs of neuron j the output of the first Tab. IX. Gravity acceleration was set at 9.81 m/s .

8 TABLE IX Coxa L1 Coxa R1


2 2 −5 −5 kN g/s kP g/s γN g/s γP g/s µs µd

75000 75000 2000 2000 1.5 1 Torque Kgf*cm −10 Torque Kgf*cm −10 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Coxa L2 Coxa R2

0 0

B. Integration algorithm −5 −5 th Runge-Kutta of 4 Order was selected for Gregor I Torque Kgf*cm −10 Torque Kgf*cm −10 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 simulation as it provides a good numerical approx- Coxa L3 Coxa R3

imation with acceptable computational overhead. A 0 0 −4 step size of 10 s was found to be appropriate −5 −5

for Gregor I simulation, as values larger than this Torque Kgf*cm −10 Torque Kgf*cm −10 may cause the controller to become unstable. All 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 simulations were conducted on a 2.8 GHz Pentium Fig. 7. Coxa torques during walking (on the x-axis time in class machine, running Microsoft Windows XP. On seconds is shown). this machine, 2.8 seconds of dynamical simulation correspond to 10 seconds of computer computation. Femur L1 Femur R1 2 2 0 0 C. Simulation experiments −2 −2 −4 −4 We tested the structure functionality and stability −6 −6

Torque Kgf*cm −8 Torque Kgf*cm −8 in two conditions: horizontal walking and obstacle −10 −10 −12 −12 climbing. We also studied the maximum achievable 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

payload in presence of actuators able to deliver 11 Femur L2 Femur R2 Kgf · cm. Our main focus was on the determination 2 2 0 0 of the joint torques in order to size actuators. The −2 −2 model has a total of 22 DOF: three translations and −4 −4 three rotations of the body, three DOF in front and −6 −6

Torque Kgf*cm −8 Torque Kgf*cm −8 middle legs and two DOF in rear legs. In particular, −10 −10 −12 −12 12 DOF are actuated (α and β joints in front and 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 middle legs and α and d joints in rear legs). Fig. 8. Femur torques during walking (on the x-axis time in 1) Horizontal walking: During horizontal walking seconds is shown). the robot exhibited good stability properties. In Figs. 7, 8 and 9 the measured torques and forces at the Tibia L1 Tibia R1 coxa, femur and tibia joints are shown for a typ- 0 0 ical horizontal walking . Torques are measured in −5 −5

Kgf · cm, while forces are measured in N. The Torque Kgf*cm −10 Torque Kgf*cm −10 w 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 maximum (absolute) value for the torques is µmax Tibia L2 Tibia R2

4.5 Kgf · cm and the maximum (absolute) value for 0 0 w the forces is fmax 3.5 N. These values are in the −5 −5 foreseen range. Considering a step frequency of 0.5

Torque Kgf*cm −10 Torque Kgf*cm −10 Hz, Gregor I walking speed (measured as body length 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Tibia L3 Tibia R3 per second) is v ' 0.15. 10 10 2) Obstacle climbing: We can gain more insights 5 5 0 0 into the efficiency of the proposed structure by si- Force N −5 Force N −5 mulating the robot during obstacle climbing. Sev- −10 −10 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 eral simulations showed that thanks to the particular leg-body articulation and, above all, to the linear Fig. 9. Tibia torques and forces during walking (on the x-axis piston-like actuation of rear legs, Gregor I is able time in seconds is shown).

9 To ease the implementation, in this prototype we considered middle legs structurally and kinematically identical to front legs. For rear leg tibia segments a conversion mechanism from rotational motion to linear motion and a piston mechanism have been adopted; moreover the rotation axis of the rear coxa joint has been shifted in order to avoid an excessive stress on the motor axis, as shown in Fig. 11. Each leg segment is made of hollow aluminum tubes. Segment physical dimensions and joint excursions are very close to those of the model described in section III. Joints α and β in front and middle legs Fig. 10. Climbing a 6 cm (150 % of robot CoM height) obstacle. and joints α and d in rear legs (12 joints overall) are directly actuated by 12 servos Hitec HS-945MG delivering a stall torque of 11 Kgf · cm and weighing to overcome obstacles even beyond its CoM height 50 g. (up to 8 cm, i.e. up to 200% of robot height) without Fully assembled Gregor I weighs 1.2 kg; with any postural adjustment. This result proves the high respect to the bottom of the body, front part is 7 cm stability of the overall structure and the efficiency of high and rear part is 1 cm. CoM is 5 cm high and rear leg thrust. In Fig. 10 some snapshots of Gregor I pitch angle is 20 degrees as desired; thus, Gregor I, climbing a 6 cm obstacle are shown. It is worth shown in Fig. 13, exhibits a sprawled posture. noticing how the rear legs propel the robot forward. The maximum (absolute) value for the torques is µmax w 4.9 Kgf · cm and the maximum (absolute) value for the forces is fmax w 12 N. As expected, rear legs have to provide higher forces. 3) Maximum payload: Finally, we determined maximum achievable payload, during walking phase, in presence of motors able to deliver a maximum torque µ = 11 Kgf · cm. The maximum payload that the robot can carry during horizontal walking is Π = 2.5 Kg. Fig. 11. Rear leg. VI. PHYSICAL IMPLEMENTATION We have built an experimental platform (Fig. 13) B. Control architecture as an instantiation of the design concepts of Section III-IV and the simulation results of Section V. Robot All the computational and motor control hardware hardware implementation will be described in detail is on board, while the power supply is external; in a forthcoming paper ([20]), with a particular em- anyway, we plan to make soon Gregor I totally phasis on the circuitry. Here we just describe the main autonomous. The control architecture is made of a features and the preliminary results. CNN-CPG chip (described in detail in [8]), two amplification stages, two PIC 18F2320 and, finally, two buffering stages. The CNN-CPG chip, made of A. Mechanical structure six two-layer CNN cells, generate the twelve signals The main body is 30 cm long, 9 cm wide and 4 needed for locomotion. These signals firstly undergo cm high; the body is simply made of two aluminium an amplification stage based on TL914 operational sections joined by two threaded bars. This simple amplifiers. Then they are converted by PIC in PWM structure can accomodate both onboard electronics signals (needed for motor control) and buffered. The and batteries. overall architecture is shown in Fig. 12.

10 Fig. 12. Control architecture.

Fig. 13. Gregor I.

C. Experiments cm, i.e. 250% of robot CoM height or 178% of front Preliminary experiments have been performed to part height; obstacle was overcome successfully. assess walking speed, obstacle climbing capabilities As a comparison, RHex is able to negotiate ob- and energetic performance. We will use as a com- stacles with height 130% of front part height, while parison robot RHex, since it is well documented and Sprawlita is able to negotiate obstacles with height shows outstanding locomotion properties. 100% of front part height. Therefore Gregor I exhibits 1) Speed: Speed has been measured simply relying excellent obstacle climbing capabilities. on a chronometer and a rule and considering a step To demonstrate Gregor I rough terrain capabilities, frequency of 0.5 Hz. Gregor I travels at the acceptable we constructed an obstacle course made of 7 ran- speed of 3 cm/s, i.e. 0.1 body length per second. domly spaced obstacles between 2 and 4 cm high Gregor I speed is substantially in accordance with (that is, between 28.5% and 57% of front part height the simulation results provided previously. and exceeding ground clearance between 1 and 3 cm). 2) Obstacle crossing: Obstacle climbing capabil- Over 10 runs, 9 runs were successful, while in one ities of Gregor I were evaluated with two different run Gregor I broke one leg. obstacles. Firstly an obstacle 8.5 cm high, i.e. 170% of robot CoM height or 121% of front part height, was 3) Energetic performance: Power consumption considered: over several trials the robot was always ranges between 15 W during walking on even terrain able to surmount it. Then, we tested Gregor I over a and 25 W during obstacle climbing. composite obstacle with a maximum height of 12.5 To measure energy efficiency we use the “Specific

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