The Australasian Society for Classical Studies NEWSLETTER NUMBER TWENTYTWENTY----FIVEFIVE SEPTEMSEPTEMBERBER 2009 Contact addresses: President Honorary Treasurer Honorary Secretary Professor John Davidson Mr William Dolley Bruce Marshall Classics, SACR 1 Mount Pleasant Road 3 Lorna Close Victoria University of Wellington Belmont VIC 3216 Bundanoon NSW 2578 Wellington New Zealand
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] website: FROM THE SECRETARY 1. The ARC ERC journals listing exercise: Following the time-consuming submission to the ERC journals ranking list made in September last year (mentioned in the Secretary’s Report to the AGM and included in the last Newsletter in April), a “trial list” of journal ranks was issued by the ARC. This trial list is subject to further review before the publication of the final list late this year or early next year. In examining the trial list, some people noticed serious omissions (notably JHS and REG ), downgradings without warning from the draft list, and the complete ignoring of some of the ASCS recommendations but (inconsistently) the acceptance of others. With the assistance of Neil and Lara O’Sullivan, Elizabeth Minchin and Paul Burton, we combed the trial list to pick up all the “errors”, and prepared a further submission to the ARC voicing our concerns over these “errors”. We also brought in the politicians; Senator Eric Abetz, the Opposition spokesperson on these matters, used the ammunition the Secretary provided to ask long and searching questions of ARC representatives brought before a Senate Estimates meeting in June. Hansard even records ASCS’s name in this questioning.