Te Australasian Society for Classical Studies Newsletter no. 46, July 2020 President Hon. Treasurer Hon. Secretary A/Prof. Tom Stevenson Dr Tristan Taylor Dr Daniel Osland University of Queensland University of New England University of Otago
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] EXECUTIVE REPORTS President’s Report It seems that the whole world is adjusting to the changed reality brought on by Covid-19. ASCS has been no different in recent months. Our newsletter appears here later than would normally be the case but this is because we didn’t want to bother campus reps and others who were undoubtedly battling to keep up with increased demands and other disruptions. I’m very grateful to Kit Morrell for taking on the responsibility of the newsletter. It’s a sizeable commitment for anyone. Perhaps more so for a young scholar about to start a career at a new university. Te Executive has kept up a steady stream of meetings and consultations via Zoom. It’s great to report that Dan Osland and Tristan Taylor are settling in brilliantly as Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Phoebe Garrett (Membership Secretary) and Kit Morrell (Publications Manager) are equally competent and committed. We’ve decided to meet once a month as the inner Executive and at least once a semester as the wider Executive, including campus reps. I want to thank all those who have participated in our meetings so far and given their opinions so openly and helpfully. Te new Covid world has inevitably affected our conference plans.