Jasn2512editorial 2679..2687
EDITORIALS www.jasn.org UP FRONT MATTERS Despite their common source of angiotensinogen, circu- Renal Angiotensin-Converting lating and renal Ang II production do not always run in Enzyme Upregulation: A parallel. For instance, in patients with diabetes, plasma reninislow,andyettheir renalplasmaflow response to RAS Prerequisite for Nitric Oxide blockade is greatly enhanced, suggesting an overactive Synthase Inhibition–Induced intrarenal RAS.8 The opposite occurs after treatment with very high doses of a renin inhibitor.9 RAS blockers, by interfering Hypertension? with the negative feedback loop between Ang II and renin release, normally upregulate renin synthesis. Particularly † † Lodi C.W. Roksnoer,* Ewout J. Hoorn, and after high doses this upregulation may be .100-fold.9 Re- A.H. Jan Danser* nin inhibitors selectively accumulate in renal tissue, and, *Division of Pharmacology and Vascular Medicine and †Division of therefore, after stopping treatment,10 renal RAS suppres- Nephrology and Transplantation, Department of Internal Medicine, sion will continue, so that renin release stays high. At the Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands same time the inhibitor starts to disappear from plasma, J Am Soc Nephrol 25: 2679–2681, 2014. and thus insufficient renin inhibitor is around to block all doi: 10.1681/ASN.2014060549 renin molecules that continue to be released. As a conse- quence, plasma renin activity will increase, and extrarenal Ang II and aldosterone levels may even rise to levels above Angiotensin II (Ang II) production at tissue sites is well baseline.9 established. Interference with such local generation, rather The hypertension occurring in animals during inhibition than with Ang II generation in the circulation, is believed to of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) with L-NG-nitroarginine underlie the beneficial cardiovascular and renal effects of methyl ester (L-NAME) is also believed to involve a discrep- renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blockers.
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