Mclane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton Professional Association oFfl(lllS Iùi: M,ANCHESTER ll South Main Street, Suite 500 I Concord, NH 03301 CONCORI) "[el: 603.226.0400 | PORTSMOUTH VOBURN,MÄ. BARRY NEEDLEMAN Email:
[email protected] Licensed in NH August 16,2010 Thomas S. Burack, Chairman Site Evaluation Committee N.H. Department of Environmental Services 29HazenRoad Concord, NH 03302 Re: Laidlaw Berlin BioPower, LLC - SEC Docket No. 2009-02 Dear Chairman Burack: Laidlaw Berlin BioPower, LLC has amended its Application and pre-f,rled testimony in light of a planned change in ownership of Laidlaw Berlin BioPower, LLC. NewCo Energy, Inc. has agreed to purchase 100% of Laidlaw BioPower, LLC's shares of Laidlaw Berlin BioPower, LLC, the Applicant in this matter. The Applicant is mindful that the hearing on this matter is scheduled to begin next week and therefore wanted the Committee to be aware of the planned change in ownership as soon as possible. For the Committee's convenience and for ease in identifying the amended portions of the Application and testimony, I enclose an original and 18 copies of the following: o Pages 9,23,90,9I, and92 of the Application in redline format o Pages 9,23,90,91, and92 of the Application as amended . Appendix A to the Application in redline format . Appendix A to the Application as amended o Testimony of Michael Bartoszek in redline format o Testimony of Michael Bartoszek as amended o AmendedOrganízational Chart (Exhibit 1 to Testimony of Michael Bartoszek) o Testimony of Carl Strickler in redline format o Testimony of Carl Strickler as amended Thomas Burack August 16,2010 Page2 All of these amended documents are three-hole punched and should be inserted in the Application of Laidlaw Berlin BioPower, LLC for Certificate of Site and Facility, which was frled with the Committee on December 15,2009.