ADAM HAGAMAN A H DIRECTOR OF POST PRODUCTION CONTACT 3100 Riverside Dr Apt 421 Los Angeles, CA 90027 t: 858-414-0419 | e:
[email protected] | w: EXPERIENCE ATTN: Director of Post Production October 2017 – Present Hire and manage the entire post production team including post production supervisors and coordinators, full-time and freelance editors, audio mixers and colorists – a full time team of nine. Work as liaison between every department and post production. Approve timelines and facilitate the post production needs for the entire company. Oversee and manage all post production projects across the company including TV pilots, branded video projects and original long-form web series with budgets ranging from tens of thousands to over one million dollars. Branded clients include Apple Music, HBO, Netflix, REI, T-Mobile, Dyson, Clorox, National Parks Foundation and many others. ATTN: Post Production Supervisor April 2017 – October 2017 Hired and managed a team of assistant editors, editors, and finishing editors. Processed and distilled client and creative notes. Responsible for countless deadlines and deliverables on a daily basis. Approved timelines and worked with production and creatives directly to insure creative vision is carried out through post production. Rebuilt and implemented an entire post production workflow to enhance the overall output of the post production department. Viceland Post Production Supervisor, The Pizza Show, Outsider, Motherboard and Tattoo Age November 2016 – February 2017 Supervised and managed the team of assistant editors and editors who are editing 24 episodes across four series for Viceland. Created schedule and managed entire budget for all episodes.