Wheels Off One- Sided Austerity Wagon

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Wheels Off One- Sided Austerity Wagon Irish Cement The push for Palestine’s Strike growth pain Page 4 Page 14 Page 25 Vol. 11 No.4 May 2012 ISSN 0791-458X Wheels Vita Cortex workers off one- welcome sided settlement By Scott Millar austerity Vita Cortex workers have spoken of their “relief and satisfaction” with the deal wagon to bring a successful conclu- sion to their five month dis- pute and occupation of the By Frank Connolly Cork foam manufacturing plant. HE WHEELS are coming off the On Wednesday, 2nd May, the one-sided austerity wagon Vita Cortex workers finally secured a commitment from the company across Europe with voters in to pay them the redundancy TFrance endorsing economic growth monies they deserve following a strategies by electing Francois Hollande direct meeting between SIPTU and as the country’s first socialist president company representatives. since 1995. Vita Cortex shop steward, Sean In Greece, the Radical Left that campaigned Kelleher, said; “Five months was a in the recent general election on an anti-auster- very long time but I’m just glad ity platform came second in the poll with 17% that we never decided to walk of popular support with desperate voters pre- away. pared to risk the country’s exit from the euro “There was so many ups and zone rather than accept more pain associated downs during the campaign. The with the EU/ECB/IMF so-called bail-out pro- Christy Moore concert, the visits gramme. from people like Katie Taylor and Even in Germany’s most populous state of Paul McGrath and the rally in Cork. North Rhine-Westphalia voters punished Angela These were the things that kept us Merkel’s Christian Democrat party and support- going.” ed the stimulus policies of the Social Eileen Flynn of Ballyfermot Travellers Action Project at the ‘Save Others that visited the plant or Democrats who, with the Greens, took over Our Services’ community rally in Dublin on Friday (11th May) expressed support included Cork 50% of the vote in the Dusseldorf parliamen- hurling manager and legend, Jimmy tary election count on Sunday (13th May). page 3 Barry Murphy, the Bishop of Cork, Merkel’s insistence on the one-sided austeri- John Buckley, former President ty approach, which has crippled economies and Mary Robinson and human rights businesses in Ireland and across Europe, has Home Helps activist and writer, Noam Chomsky. also been undermined by the refusal of the May Day Jim Power, who has 42 years SPD and the Greens to ratify the proposed march in Cork service with the company, said; Fiscal Treaty in the German Bundestag unless it “Everybody stuck with it and is accompanied by concrete growth proposals. Special on Saturday, page 16-17 played their part. In that time Support for a stimulus plan of the type pro- we’ve had birthdays, weddings, posed by the Irish trade union movement for 26th May deaths, Christmas, New Year’s, several months have also attracted growing page 18 Valentine’s Day, Paddy’s day, Easter. support at home with suggestions from senior Government ministers that proposals to kick Everybody stuck with it but it defi- start some major infrastructural projects are nitely took its toll so we’re just expected to emerge following discussions really glad it’s over.” Continued on page 2 page 7 ORGANISING FOR FAIRNESS AT WORK AND JUSTICE IN SOCIETY • WWW.SIPTU.IE • JOIN ONLINE 2 Liberty MAY 2012 News In this month’s Liberty RTÉ must continue to investigate Page 5 SIPTU’s proud tradition in Belfast Page 6 Workplace Committee: Trinity College Dublin Page 8 President Michael D. Higgins unveiling the commemorative sculpture by Wexford Artist Peter Hodnett on the commemoration of the 1911 Lockout in the Faythe Wexford on Saturday 12th May. From left to right Pat Collins, Town clerk, Wexford Borough Council Sabina Higgins, President Higgins, Peter Hodnett, Artist and former ITGWU member, Mayor of Wexford Councillor David Hynes. The Precariat: the new dangerous class “What was witnessed was a bitter and prolonged dispute against the background of an upsurge of trade union activity among seamen, dockers, carters, and railway workers throughout Great Britain and Ireland. The action of Page 10 the Wexford employers in combining to pose concerted opposition to the new union was to be followed by the Dublin employers in the tragic and historically renowned struggle of the 1913 Dublin Lockout,” President Michael D Higgins said at the Wexford Foundry lock-out commemoration. Liberty View Page 15 Liberty SIPTU recovers nearly €2m for workers IPTU is the largest And further reflecting the volume of for the affected members who View single user of Ireland’s work carried out by the centre, might have been unfairly dismissed, employment rights SIPTU staff have attended 331 hear- discriminated against, bullied or bodies – and has won ings as well as organised and taken had their wages cut. But in each and S every successful case, the value of almost €2 million in settle- part in 1,080 member consultations Community report and meetings with employers since trade union membership was seen Page 20-21 ments for members since the the start of January. to be borne out.” He added: “What start of the year. Tom O’Driscoll, Head of the is most positive is that these figures The figures were revealed by the SIPTU Legal Rights Unit and MISC, are testimony to the fact that SIPTU union’s Membership Information told Liberty: “We are not shouting offers its members effective and supportive advice and representa- and Support Centre (MISC) which from the rooftops on this one tion when it is most needed and fur- advises and represents individual because quite a lot of the cases we SIPTU members in disputes with thermore that trade unions are process are recession driven. more relevant than ever in times of employers. Rocky Road to Poland “These are not happy statistics austerity.” Page 30 Continued from page 1 - Wheels off one-sided austerity wagon between euro zone finance minis- Connolly commemoration at “There is an obligation on ters over the coming days and Arbour Hill in Dublin on Sunday Labour, even in these austere weeks and at a summit of EU lead- (13th May) SIPTU General times, to offer hope in place of ers on 23rd May. President, Jack O’Connor said that despair. There is an urgent As the debate over the Fiscal the Government, and the Labour requirement for an investment Treaty intensifies in the final Party in particular, needed to offer stimulus plan for jobs and growth. weeks of the referendum cam- working people “hope in place of The victory of François Hollande, paign the key focus is now on the Liberty is dedicated to providing a platform for progressive news and views. despair.” He said that it should the Socialist candidate in the substance of any such job creation French Presidential election on If you have any ideas for articles or comments please contact: initiative and whether it can pro- present the Irish people “with a [email protected] vide the stimulus needed to get substantial investment pro- the back of a massive reaction to Liberty is published by the Services, Industrial, Professional & Technical Union, the economy out of a deepening gramme on a sufficient scale to the suicidal one-sided austerity Liberty Hall, Dublin 1 recession. create tens of thousands of jobs approach, must be maximised in SIPTU General President, Jack O’Connor • Vice President, Patricia King • Speaking at the annual James and rebuild our infrastructure.” Ireland above any European General Secretary, Joe O’Flynn state.“ Production: SIPTU Communications Department, Liberty Hall, Dublin 1, Tel: 01 8588217 • Email: [email protected] SIPTU Head of Communications, Frank Connolly • Journalist: Scott Millar • Design: Sonia Slevin (SIPTU) & Joe Mitchell (Brazier Media) • Advertise in Liberty Publications Assistant, Deirdre Price • Administrative Assistant, Karen Hackett To advertise in Liberty, contact the Communications Department on 01 858 6372 or email communica- Produced, designed, edited and printed by trade union labour [email protected] • Liberty offers very competitive rates for advertisements which reach SIPTU Printed and distributed by The Irish Times, City West, Dublin. members countrywide Liberty 3 News MAY 2012 Sarah Murphy, Bridget Connors and Elisabeth Moorhouse from Ballfermot Travellers Marchers take to the Action Project streets of Ballyfermot on Friday (11th May) to show their support for Open day in under-threat local Ballyfermot Civic services Centre Ballyfermot groups in Save Our Services call By Paul Gavan and sound through the streets of Kylemore Community Training deprivation are increasing, our local rally. Ballyfermot. Centre. services are more important than Henry, who is also involved with UNDREDS of com- At the rally that followed, Theresa A number of key service providers ever.” the local drugs task force, said: “The munity workers and McGouran, of the Markiewicz Care also set up stands in the Civic Centre Ballyfermot Community Association cuts to community funding for work- supporters gathered Centre, gave a rousing speech to highlight the work they do and Manager Gerry Royal echoed these ing class people are a disgrace. H in Ballyfermot Civic defending the community sector, outline how funding cuts were sentiments. Something has to be done for the calling on the Government to “take impacting on services. He said: “The cuts to date have Centre on Friday (11th May) young people of this area as an urgent action and save our services.” Theresa McGouran told Liberty: already had a drastic effect, particu- urgent priority.” for a march, rally and open She listed a number of services “We want to highlight our services larly the cuts to material and training Sarah Murphy, of the Ballyfermot day to show their backing for that were now under threat, includ- and unite our community in the on- grants to Community Employment Travellers Action Project, added: vital community services.
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