23862 DFID Book 49 Lesotho 1/5/03 11:21 am Page 1 INITIAL PRIMARY TEACHER EDUCATION IN LESOTHO Multi-Site Teacher Education Research Project (MUSTER) Country Report Two J. Pulane Lefoka with E. Molapi Sebatane March 2003 23862 DFID Book 49 Lesotho 1/5/03 11:21 am Page 2 Country Report Two - Initial Primary Teacher Education in Lesotho Educational Papers Department for International Development: Educational Papers N This is one of a series of Education Papers issued by the Policy Division of the Department For International Development. Each paper represents a study or piece of commissioned research on some aspects of education and training in developing countries. Most of the studies were undertaken in order to provide informed judgements from which policy decisions could be drawn, but in each case it has become apparent that the material N produced would be of interest to a wider audience, particularly those whose work focuses on developing countries. Each paper is numbered serially, and further copies can be obtained through DFID Education Publication Despatch, PO Box 190, Sevenoaks, TN14 5EL, UK – subject to N availability. A full list appears overleaf. Although these papers are issued by DFID, the views expressed in them are entirely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent DFID’s own policies or views. Any discussion of their content should therefore be addressed to the authors and not to DFID. N Address for Correspondence Centre for International Education University of Sussex Institute of Education, N Falmer, Brighton, Sussex BN1 9RG _ UK T +44 +1273 678464 E
[email protected] F +44 +1273 678568 W www.sussex.ac.uk/usie/cie N © Keith M Lewin and Janet S Stuart March 2003 Front Cover Photograph: Janet Stuart DFID 23862 DFID Book 49 Lesotho 1/5/03 11:21 am Page 3 Country Report Two - Initial Primary Teacher Education in Lesotho Educational Papers No.1 SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS IN No.