Some got it.. Some don't BIG HAIR: teased, highlighted and styled; made to with- stand hurricanes and tornadoes. GRANOLA: a personality that is composed of a mixture of earthy attributes; usually drinking mineral water, eats rice cakes, is way into recy- cling. HYPERTRENDY: the act of anxiously jumping on the trend band wagon and being among the first to flaunt the latest. KILLER Bs: bimbos, babes, bubble heads, Bambies, and Barbie dolls; usually pretty in a plastic sort of way. NOT: negative, used in pejorative (it's a great word-look it up) or cynical sense. When used at the end of a state- ment, it usually means a sarcastic " I don't think so" drives adults crazy. OPP: Other People's Property; Other People's Problem. TUR-BO-CRAM: very intense last-minute studying usually done on Monday morning or 5 minutes before an exam.

Money spent monthly on CD's ond tapes over S3Q never buy M 137. SIS—530 under SIS

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Is it the Twilight Zone, The Hills where you can watch time is the . The Place Jethro finish grade school, is Beverly Hills. While Jethro Multipurpose model and Ellie Mae are swim- Cindy Crawford is sitting min,"in the cement pond pretty as every guys fgnta- and eatin' vittles on the sy and every girls envy, Her rerun channels, we see Multimillion dollar, multi- Beverly Hills 90210 emerg- faced career has made ing as a prime time winner her everyone's favorite on the Fox Network. It's a MTV host/ activist/ bomb- soapy drama featuring shell. Luke Perry, Shannon Doher- Hollywood stud, Christian ty, and . The Slayter is pumping up storyline mirrors life in very America's hearts with his realistic teenage terms and portrayal of a police spe- is acted out by an exciting cialist in Kuffs and his excit- cast that's almost too cool. ing portrayal of a gangster If you can't handle it, turn in Mobsters. He has your brain off and zap over become a favorite actor to the other part of Beverly among teenagers. 84 Trends