KRONOSPAN LUXEMBOURG S.A. On the way to the most sustainable company of the future

Ecological and environment-friendly production today Thema

The heart of each company The reception

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Tatjana Brückmann, Antonia Krautwurst Front Office Mana­ger of the Vecoplan AG

At Vecoplan AG there is no way round them … Antonia Krautwurst and Tatjana Brückmann! They welcome our customers, guests and visitors and make always the right contact by telephone. They do not only know every counterpart, also the responsible colleagues at our branches and our affiliates.

They both do not only have a laughter in voice but also are keen on helping everyone who has got a question. They give Vecoplan® a face. Page 04 Index Prologue Antonia and Tatjana take care of our custom- Werner Berens, CEO Vecoplan AG ers so that they feel comfortable. Also the meetings run well organized and problem-free cause of Antonia and Tatjana’s work. They 07 Wood | Biomass are the calming influence and provide smooth Page 08 work processes from their position in the background. Expert Talk Dirk Müller, Wood | Biomass Face-to-face, by telephone and by mail – Antonia and Tatjana balance the pulse of Page 10 Vecoplan® and look after customers and col- Factory of the Future leagues with their friendly and warm nature. We can depend on our reception – always! Environmentally friendly & ecological And we can also rely on the fact that custom- production ers and guests can visit us at any time. Page 14 Pfeifer Group Renewable energies

2 Index

26 40 | Service | Parts

40 Service | Parts Page 42 Vecoplan® Live Service

Page 44 50 Conveyor chain lubrication Page 46 Construction Impressum

Page 47 Page 16 Chain tensioning Skruf Snus AB 26 Recycling | Waste Page 28 Page 48 Renewable energies Expert Talk Team Service | Parts Page 20 Stefan Kaiser, Recycling | Waste Besgrade Products Sdn. Bdh. Page 30 Internationality 50 Construction Bag opener VSA 250 T Page 52 Page 22 HiTorc® & ESC®-Drive Waste timber recycling Page 32 Drive technologies Efficiency Material innovation Carbon Page 54 Page 24 Page 34 VAZ series Team Wood | Biomass RDF Kontamine Shredding components

Page 38 Page 56 Team Recycling | Waste VecoBelt Conveyor and bulk technology | der VECOPL A N | 3 Prologue

Environmental protection is not just a mega-trend, but also a topic of Bringing the world utmost importance for us all. Whether in the private or public sphere, the possible approaches to environmental protection and the conservation of the global balance in balance are subject to passionate debate.The reasons are clear and are of existential importance for future generations. After all, environmental 100% performance – 100% responsibility – protection is founded on the principle of preserving our living environ- 100% future opportunities ment and protecting nature. Since natural resources are becoming ever more scarce, the global population continues to grow and consumption is on the increase, it is no longer possible to speak of balance in the global value creation cycle. Continuing high demand and tons waste from production and packaging are forcing the Earth out of balance and presenting new challenges for our customers around the world every day.

Driven by a cross-industry shift in mentality, our customers’ desire for sustainable production, new materials and economically profitable machine solutions and system components is more prevalent then ever before. The reclamation of raw materials and energy within the supply chain through the recycling of resources and materials is becoming a key factor for success.

In order to work successfully and economically, companies are increasingly focusing on factors such as the exploitation of synergies, sustainable process optimization, the bundling of skills and component compatibility.

The requirements posed by our customers are becoming more unusual and their input materials more challenging. To provide the best possible support to our customers and enable them to set themselves apart from the competition, Vecoplan AG already began to address this de- velopment three years ago. In our in-house technology centre, we have laid the ideal foundations for sound test procedures and the develop- ment of sustainable machinery.

Dipl.- Ing. (FH) Werner Berens CEO Vecoplan AG

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We develop customized solutions.

With foresight and industry-specific knowledge, we work in close collaboration with our custom- ers to develop their individual energy cycle of the future. Whether tropical hardwood (Besgrade Products Sdn. Bhd.) or carbon-fibre reinforced plastics (Carbon Composites e.V.) – we develop a bespoke process for every material.

We achieve maximum success.

By working in close partnership with our customers and engaging in constant dialogue, we are able to achieve any objective. Our planning, design and implementation phases consider all possible variants - whether internal processes, available sites or existing machine compo- nents. For us, success is born out of a tightly coordinated design. We serve as a guarantor for constantly high, reliable throughput, improved efficiency and reduced energy consumption. We focus on providing creative, forward-looking solutions that will bring your projects to fruition successfully.

Working with you to make the impossible possible.

Through our input, long-standing experience and expertise, we develop intelligent solutions and unsurpassed machine power. We extract maximum performance from unused capacity and thus obtain valuable output materials with high potential. Our aim is to accompany customers on their journey toward a new era of success. Projects such as the “Factory of the Future” by Kronospan Luxembourg S.A. underline the relevance of a holistic approach along the entire value creation chain. At Vecoplan AG, we are proud to be involved in the implementation of such large and important future projects.

Strong, persistent, unbounded:

Through a strong concept and objectives that are deeply rooted at the company, we provide stability in a time of global change. We exploit all potential to the full and work together to tackle the daily requirements of our customers.To ensure a high quality standard, safety and reliability, we are currently investing even more strongly in our internal strengths. Our solution-oriented approach, our passion, our unmistakable machine expertise and the drive of each individual employee represent both our recipe for success and the added value to you.

Werner Berens | der VECOPL A N | 5 Thema WOOD BIOMASS

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Wood – energy source of the past and the future

With four billion hectares of , more than 2,000 species and approximately 2.4 billion tonnes of absorbed carbon, provide energy for the future. They are vital for our global climate and the biosphere. Given that trees represent the principal players in the energy revolution resource cycle, ensuring their responsible treatment and processing is essential.

As a pioneer in the processing and recovery of timber, waste timber, residual timber and biomass, Vecoplan®, with its ground breaking technologies, plant and machinery, is paving the way for more global, future-oriented business practices. | der VECOPL A N | 7 Wood | Biomass

Expert Talk with Dirk Müller, Division Manager Wood | Biomass

The hidden potentials of the Russian wood market

„Making more out of wood“

In line with this year’s theme at the LIGNA 2017 trade fair, Dirk Müller, Head of Wood | Biomass, discusses cur- rent industry trends, opportunities and risks in this edition of VecoPlan Expert Talk.

Since it was founded in 1969, the company has been developing and supplying complete wood recycling systems for the and furniture industries. Almost 50 years later, Vecoplan AG is still following all major market trends. A big topic currently within the industry is conveying systems for bio-energy.

How does the Vecoplan AG see the energy revolution? What particularities or changes are evident in your opinion?

Dirk Müller: “Although renewable energies such as solar power and wind power still make up the vast majority of environmentally-friendly power, a change is on the horizon. The trend is moving increasingly towards energy recovery from biomass. However, it is not just the drive for sustain- able business that is causing the change, but also the input materials. On top of our systems for traditional bio- mass waste, we are developing more and more custom- ised solutions for straw, elephant grass (miscanthus), oil palm from or olive residues. A second trend is apparent from this: the high relevance of fast-growing and easy-to-harvest raw materials, or existing raw materials and residual materials.”

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What benefits does bioenergy from biomass offer companies?

Dirk Müller: “The critical point is that energy from biomass can be planned economically, unlike fossil fuels. In this context, the location is very important - often projects fail with respect to infrastructure due to a lacking supply of fossil fuels. Furthermore, their transportation is often very difficult due to a lack of transport networks. The renewable supplies of wood and biomass are stable worldwide and they are often available locally. This is clear if you look at the processing of straw in Hungary, olive residues in Spain and in Nigeria, the Ivory Coast, Ghana or the Congo. As soon as all the oil is used from the palm trees, chosen Russia for its fourth production location. However, they are felled, shredded and used for energy recovery. the lack of technical standards and the dated equipment In this case, even the poor infrastructure of the country of the around 20,000 wood-processing companies in the doesn’t play a role.” country prevent the capacities from being maximised. Only around 60 percent of the timber harvest is processed further, the remaining 40 percent is left behind in the wood. What does this mean for the aims of the Vecoplan AG? Russia is aware of its deficiencies and for a few years Where is the future potential for the company? now has been working towards fixed targets. The country wants to achieve its maximum capacity and use its own Dirk Müller: “For us, it is very clear that our future lies resources more efficiently. In total, the timber harvest with industries that have very high energy demands. This is to be increased by up to 270 million cubic metres by includes greenhouse plantations, the food industry, bio- 2020. The first positive results were seen in 2016 with the ethanol production, as well as wood-processing compa- growing production of wood pellets, sawn timber, nies of course, who create their own heating and energy and chipboard.” supply within their production facilities and reprocess raw and residual materials themselves for thermal use. The in-house processing of an increasing number of steps in What does the opening of the biggest timber market in the the value creation chain is growing steadily. Especially the world mean for business? demand of countries with a high yield of natural resources is growing. Since our first international delivery (of a wood Dirk Müller: “The strong modernisation process taking chipper) to Russia, we have been continuously monitoring place in Russia is our opportunity as a wood special- the Russian . An above-average and highly ist. Since 2001, imports of stationary wood-processing promising growth has been seen here, especially in the machines have increased significantly. Already 1/3 of all past three years.” machines come from Germany. As the second biggest im- porter after China, this means Germany is taking a leading role in the Russian wood industry. With our technological What business opportunities do you see in this market? expertise and long-standing experience, Vecoplan AG is Dirk Müller in the ideal position to advise Russian companies along Division Manager Dirk Müller: “With around 1/5 of all wood reserves world- the entire value creation chain and provide optimum and Wood I Biomass wide, Russia has the greatest potential within the wood efficient solutions. I see great potential particularly in the harvesting and processing industry. This makes Russia area of energy recovery. The demand for fuels such as one of the most critical business locations in the world. wood chips, wood pellets or briquettes for heating and Many companies from the furniture, chipboard produc- energy production is growing continuously. Russia already tion or industries have recognised this supplies around 16 countries with pellets. A future area will potential in the last two years. In addition to Kronospan, be the production of plywood boards. The global demand IKEA has also opened it biggest furniture factory in Russia for this is second to none. in the past year, as well as other companies. Alongside its own chipboard plant, with this move the company has | der VECOPL A N | 9 ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY & ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTION

The most sustainable company of the future Stay sustainable: implement environmentally friendly, ecological production practices

For many companies, sustainability is the key to the future and the secret to their success. For years, busi- nesses have become increasingly focused on ecological practices and optimising their various footprints. And yet, despite the high profile, there are still too few companies successfully implementing these practices. The unchecked depletion of ecosystems and excessive global consumption are resulting in an environmental imbalance. This sustained negative trend is apparent from the recent figures of the Living Planet Report 2016. 1 Total human consumption currently stands at 60 percent above the globally available resources. We would need approximately 1.6 Earths (as at 2012) to make up for this deficit.

Sustainability at the heart of the company „Factory of the Future”

For Kronospan Luxembourg S.A., positive eco-efficiency is not simply The result was a flagship joint project entitled ‘Factory of the Future’. a tagline; shaping an environmentally friendly and ecological future is Kronospan Luxembourg S.A. developed a short-term holistic con- deeply rooted in the corporate philosophy. The company pursues a cept 2 for the production of wood materials as part of the EU Life+ holistic, ecology-focused concept that affects all areas of the company funding programme. The European Union programme, which was spe- and all business processes. As one of the largest manufacturers of cifically set up to fund environmental and conservation projects, has wood-based flooring, décor and building materials, the company is supported more than 4,300 projects over the past 25 years. Total funds fully committed to processing renewable resources, using wood from of up to 3.4 billion euros have been earmarked for the period 2014 to managed and recycling by-products. Its goals were ambi- 2020. In a project of this size, close international cooperation as well tious. Over a period of three years, it wanted to reduce more than 80 as the selection of additional operators based on area of expertise ® percent of its CO2 emissions and replace 90 percent of fossil fuels with are crucial to success. Vecoplan supplied the entire storage, dosing, renewable energies and combined heat and power (CHP) generation. conveyor and processing technology to accompany a biomass CHP It also wanted to reduce water consumption by up to 75 percent. The plant supplied by Bertsch Energy Austria. challenge was not only in reducing the ecological footprint, but also in maintaining production output and quality.

1 (Source: 2 (Source: Projektpartner Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), gefördert unter LIFE11 ENV/LU/0854et)

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Kick-off for project of the future

The first of the three project phases was kicked off in 2012. It com- menced with the collection of up-to-date company data by Kronospan Luxembourg S.A. in cooperation with the Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor. For the period leading up to June 2013, a large amount of information was gathered about production as well as energy, electricity and water consumption. The second and core phase of the project then began with implementation of the planned measures. An important aim was to leverage synergies from production on site.

This included:

•• Capturing rainwater to improve efficiency of the water distribu- tion system •• Increasing biomass incineration •• Improving energy efficiency •• Reducing the carbon footprint

The third and final stage involved analysing and evaluating the impact of the measures. »

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The VECOPLAN total package for the future All-round efficiency Impressive VECOPLAN solutions along the entire value chain

For the successful, long-term implementation of the ‘Factory of the Future’, Vecoplan® developed an end-to-end concept in close cooperation with with the main contractor Bertsch Energy Austria from Bludenz, keeping in mind at all times the customer’s stated desire to improve production efficiency. All of Vecoplan®’s internal strengths were brought to bear, from advisory, planning, production and supply through to assembly and commissioning.

As a leading international expert in the development and production of plant and machinery for the processing and recycling of raw materials, Vecoplan® understands the requirements and challenges.

By developing a special supporting structure to facilitate bespoke integration, Vecoplan® achieved a clear transit passage and 23 meter clearance, guaranteeing quick and easy maintenance access to the disc screen.

VECOPLAN’S recipe for success

Handling special materials often calls assembly. Working in close cooperation for extensive technical knowledge and with the biomass plant manufacturer, many years of experience. The use of Vecoplan® developed all the required ma- feed materials, such as shredded wood chinery. Compatible, low maintenance ma- and bark waste, produces a high volume chine solutions, energy-efficient conveyor of fine particles (sawdust), creating new technology and synergy effects from the challenges for engineers. In addition, the cooperation resulted in an energy-saving integration of new plant components into total solution that succeeded in driving the existing production and building structures project forwards. requires highly detailed planning and

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»Various materials require extensive and long-time expertise.«

•• 2 x force-reduced pull rod dischargers type IV with up to 500 m³ storage volume •• Vibrating conveyor •• Conveyor belt VFB 1200 M3 •• Overbelt magnet VÜB 1000E with special pole piece extension •• Disc screen VSSE 1250 •• Conveyor FB 800A •• KKF 1250-2K-U 45° rising with special supporting structure •• Conveyor VFB 1000 M3 with load cell and newly developed residual material scraper | der VECOPL A N | 13 Wood | Biomass


Multifaceted energy supplier

Last year, according to figures from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie), a total of 168 billion kilowatt hours of thermal energy was produced from renewable resources. In Austria in particular, wood is treated as a particularly valuable resource. The country is one of the European leaders in , with forest growth amounting to around 5,602 football fields per year. A very positive picture when

you consider that just one cubic metre of timber can offset one tonne of CO2.

1 (Source:

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Complete recycling thanks to cascading use

Wood waste the crucial eco- nomic success factor Ambitious goals call for the best solutions Pfeifer Group has developed a highly successful business concept based on the The requirements are high. The use of innovative precision cross-section potential optimisations even more technologies and the conversion of waste specific. The pelleting plant is an wood into valuable combustibles. Every year, important part of the Unterbernbach it presses 440,000 tonnes of pellets and site. A smooth and highly efficient More efficient, economical and briquettes for sale to the fuel trade. A biomass workflow is essential for the success environmentally friendly plant is operated at each of the company’s of the recycle cycle. sawmill sites, generating bioelectricity. The company generates 295,000 megawatt hours To ensure optimum material handling Industrial companies are only just starting to of electricity per year, contributing toward the and homogeneous output results, realise the considerable potential of renew- positive total product. Vecoplan® designed a holistic able resources. For example, efficiency can package of solutions. The biggest be improved through the effective use and challenges were the existing machine complete recycling of raw materials. Pfeifer technology and reception of chipped Group, which is headquartered in Imst, Aus- material from the ongoing production tria, is one such company. process. Using specially adapted conveyor, screening and storage One of the leading players in the European technology, Vecoplan® succeeded in timber industry, the group’s core business optimally feeding the chipped material is the industrial processing of softwood. To into the pellet production cycle. The optimise its long-term economic success and integration of an additional surge efficiency, the company has taken the con- tank for surplus material permitted scious decision to invest in growing its value consistent production utilisation 24/7. chain. Applying the cascading use principle, Vecoplan® supported the company the company aims to keep all resulting wood throughout the entire process, from waste in the recycle cycle for as long as pos- bespoke planning, supply, mechanical sible; for example, by creating valuable raw and electronic assembly through to materials from the by-products of commission. and solid . •• 2 Screw conveyors •• 1 Pull rod discharger •• 1 Disc screen •• 6 Motorised rams •• 5 Discharge chutes •• 16 Chain conveyors | der VECOPL A N | 15 Wood | Biomass

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Revolutionising the Scandinavian chewing tobacco industry Extraordinary recyclable material recovery

Ecological, economical and still environmentally friendly? A renewable resource and popular consumer good, tobacco is in widespread use around the world. In different parts of the world, however, there are major differences in the way it is harvested, produced, consumed and disposed of. For one example of the multifaceted nature of tobacco, we need only look at the Swedish company Skruf Snus AB from Stockholm. Snus is the Scandinavian equivalent to the traditional cigarette. The name refers to the chewing tobacco that is popular in both Norway and Sweden. Only 14 percent of the Swedish population smoke (2015), 1 compared to around one quarter of the German population (2016). 2 The consumption of smokeless chewing tobacco, on the other hand, is much higher. Compared to an annual consumption of approx. 79.5 billion cigarettes (2015) in Germany, around 200 million tins of chewing tobacco (2010) 3 are sold annually in Sweden.

Scandinavian industry driven by chewing tobacco

The Scandinavian chewing tobacco tradition dates back to the nine- Scandinavian market with a range of quality Snus brands. For founders teenth century. Due to strict domestic regulations governing the sale of Jonas Engvall and Adam Gillberg, the ecological cultivation of the raw cigarettes, the industry relies on Snus, which it offers in a wide variety materials, an economic approach to business and an environmentally of flavours.With approximately 200 employees and around 67,263 tins friendly production cycle play a key role in the production of Skruf Snus. of Snus produced every year, Skruf Snus AB is the second biggest The Skruf Snus AB factory only processes the best tobacco from the company in this northern Sweden region. The company also has addi- United States and Brazil. In a multi-stage quality process, employees tional production facilities, for example in the southern Swedish region select only the best tobacco leaves. » of Småland. Since 2003, the company has reinvigorated the

1 (Source: 2 (Source: 3 (Source: | der VECOPL A N | 17 Wood | Biomass

1,000 kg of input material per hour

To guarantee a consistently high throughput, Vecoplan® built an all-purpose shredder with different knives and rotor types. As Patrick Pfeiffer, project manager, explains: “The decision makers of Skruf Snus AB were won over by our single-shaft VAZ 1300 S shredder. Because of its different rotor variants and knife sizes, even the standard model is able to cope well with the challenging material.” To customise the machine to the customer’s specific requirements, Vecoplan® implement- ed an extensive test phase at its in-house development centre in Bad Marienberg. Engineers tested the throughput of the VAZ 1300 S with different tobacco varieties under various test conditions. Employees feed packaged returns and reject products into the machine hopper by forklift.

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To ensure a superior value creation a smooth-running process and finely tuned end-to-end concept are essential – from production and Traditional sales right through to disposal.

To achieve its ecological business goals, Vecoplan®, in cooperation craft meets with its Swedish engineering partner firm, developed an efficient pro- cess for disposing of expired, faulty or seized tins of snuff and chewing tobacco. Its biggest difficulty lay in the heterogeneity of the feed material, particularly the different consistencies of the tobaccos, whose state-of-the-art packaging and differing water content had to be taken into account as important factors in planning the shredding process. The wet, and in some cases very tacky, feed material can clog the knife pockets and greatly impact the required throughput. In addition, thorough machine mechanical power takes up valuable time.

Technical details about the Vecoplan® 1300 S all-pur- pose shredder:

•• 55 kW •• 60 cutting crowns •• 370 mm rotor diameter •• 20 mm screen perforation

The hopper can be adjusted to individual The size of the output material is determined requirements, permitting a continuous and by the 20 mm perforations of the screen cost-effective material feed. Pfeiffer: “To which is mounted below the rotor. Vecoplan® permit a continual process, we optimised the therefore succeeded in providing both a geometry of the ram that feeds the material to smooth-running and energy-saving shredding be shredded into the cutting area of the rotor.” process. The VAZ 1300 S has been in con- This is controlled automatically and depend- tinuous use since the start of 2017. Assembly ing on weight. The rotor has a diameter of 370 and commissioning took place in November millimetres. The plant is operated energy effi- 2016 by Swedish partner J. Mared AB. ciently by a 55 kilowatt asynchronous motor. | der VECOPL A N | 19 Wood | Biomass


Converting waste into energy Chances of the Asian market

Debates surrounding and the high demand for tropical timber have been raging for many years. Global pressure combined with a desire to operate in both an eco-friendly and economical manner are driving the development of new, sustainable approaches to timber pro- duction. This sea change is also apparent on the Asian timber market. The need for sustainable production is further compounded by increasing environmental and air pollution. Innovative, high-quality solutions from German experts in wood and recycling management are therefore in worldwide demand. In cooperation with leading oriented strand board (OSB) producer, Besgrade Products Sdn. Bhd.,therefore, Vecoplan® has now ventured into the Asian market. Challenges facing the international project included cultural and technological differences, intensive competi- tion, limited transportation networks and the solid tropical timber itself.

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Unbeatable solutions for International expert in challenging requirements and shredding, transport and materials storage

The state-of-the-art German quality and com- patibility of the Vecoplan® solutions ultimately prevailed against the lower priced Asian competitors. And the complexity of the feed materials was no match for Vecoplan®’s many years of experience, extensive expertise and innovative technologies.

For optimum functionality, serious engine power is required, which is where the VAZ 2500 M, the biggest of the heavy-duty, The machine offers particularly impressive single-shaft shredders, came in. With a 200 energy-saving operation and heterogeneous kilowatt asynchronous motor, Vecoplan® results. In cooperation with local partner Si- offers continually high throughput,the strong naran, Vecoplan® was also able to guarantee rotor cutting unit easily shredding the most fast and reliable VECO+ Live Service. varied hardwoods. Due to the layout of the supplied control / electrical cabinet, the Veco- plan® all-purpose shredder also actuates the downstream, customer-supplied conveyor.

Tropical timber is one of the world’s most popular natural resources. Its use is particu- Key facts about the larly widespread within the furniture industry thanks to its unique qualities such as minimal VAZ 2500 M: branch growth, resistance to weathering and •• 200 kW asynchronous motor hardness. On account of this high density, the •• 76 units Knives 60 x 60 mm strongest tropical hardwood is also known •• 640 mm rotor diameter as ‘ironwood’. Besgrade Products Sdn. Bhd. was looking for a sustainable waste wood disposal and processing plant to complement Output material: its OHB production facility. Alongside tropical •• Fuel chips 50 - 100 mm hardwood, the company also processes •• 15 tonnes per hour heterogeneous wood waste. All of these high •• 75 m³ per hour requirements had to be taken into account in the development of a universal plant concept. The company’s objective was to convert all created wood waste, offcuts and tree stumps into fuel.

»As a leading OSB producer, it was important for us to find a shredder that was also able to cope easily with very specific feed material. Vecoplan® offered us a high quality, high throughput machine that met all of our requirements. And thanks to the VECO+ Live service, we can also avoid unneces- sary downtime and maximise machine availability. We have also been very impressed by the custo- mer training!«

W.S. Pek, Executive Director Besgrade Products Sdn. Bhd. | der VECOPL A N | 21 Wood | Biomass


Planning is the key to efficiency The secret weapon – closed cycle production

Speed, efficiency and sustainability – the stakes are high for industry, market players, the environment and general public alike. For many companies, regardless of sector, the increasing scarcity of natural resources coupled with a rise in consumption is prompting a fundamental re- think. A new direction is being forged in the timber industry in particular. According to projections, timber demand will outstrip available supplies by 2025. 1 In this context, the effective recycling of timber, waste timber, residual timber and biomass is taking on a new significance. The possible applications are many and varied, from heat processing to chipboard manufacture. However, the proportion of timber reprocessed up to the year 2014 stood at just one third of the eight million tonnes of waste timber produced in total.

1 (Source: id=293817)

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Maximum performance Stronger across the board

One of the leading quality manufacturers of At Vecoplan®, efficiency begins at the planning The strong overall concept helped to fun- exclusive wood-based products and decora- stage.From receipt of the individual customer damentally simplify the handling of service tive laminates to continually pursue these am- requirement, analysis of the conditions and and maintenance activities. Vecoplan® has bitious goals. Over three Austrian sites, more interfaces on site to inspection of the input therefore succeeded in actively supporting than 1,000 employees manufacture furniture, materials, the Vecoplan® experts designed a the company’s aims for the future. After a façades and interior fittings. Just as important fully bespoke holistic solution concept for the three-month trial period, the company decided as the full use of renewable resources are a company.The Vecoplan® pre-shredder VVZ to officially implement the new machine in its functional environmental management system 250 T Hurricane, including feeding hopper, day-to-day operations. and closed cycle production processes. trough conveyor and iron separator as well as the structure and electronic control unit, In the future, the plant would shred, sepa- was planned, manufactured and assembled Output material: rate, transport and store twice the amount of for the company within a very short period. input material currently processed. Reduced downtime and noticeable energy savings Effectiveness, efficiency, level of detail and •• Homogeneous grain structure would help to maximise chipboard production. time are key to the success of an economi- •• Optimally prepared re-shredding Specifically, this involved the swift creation of cally sound and optimised closed substance •• Minimal fine particles a solution to both double the average capacity cycle. Through the installation of a primary •• Minimal amount of tramp iron (without any loss in quality) and extend the crusher, the amount of waste timber pro- closed substance cycle. It was particularly cessed has now doubled. Instead of an important that the solution developed by average capacity of 15 tonnes per hour, the Vecoplan® accommodate the precise sepa- company now achieves an average through- ration of harmful waste wood as well as the put of 30 tonnes per hour. The quality and spatial conditions homogeneity of the wood chips has also been improved.

All benefits at a glance: •• Increase in performance alongside energy savings •• Space-saving concept with short conveyor path (due to condi- tions on site) •• Guarantee of easy handling for service and maintenance work •• Guarantee of high throughput rate over the entire service life of the cutting units | der VECOPL A N | 23 Wood | Biomass WOOD BIOMASS

»Shared values define our daily actions. Your success is our future.«

Dirk Müller Division Manager Wood I Biomass

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Your team Wood | Biomass You name it, we solve it!

F. l. t. r.: Jan Rosenmeyer, Vladimir Osipov, Michael Mützel, Karl Heinz Franke, Benno Heidrich, Helmut Bammer, Ralf Rosenkranz, Steffen Krämer, Dimitrios Eklemes and Paul Costello | der VECOPL A N | 25 Thema RECYCLING WASTE

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Recycling – from trash to treasure

Ecological, efficient and economical. Recycling comes in many forms, all with the same aim: to fully convert waste and residual materials into reusable material.

End-to-end recycling and treatment technologies are the key to a functional recycling economy. Vecoplan® is a major player in the global recycling and waste market. Our teams develop patented technologies for maximum value creation in the areas of , RDF processing from domestic and commercial waste, document and data destruction, and inhouse-recycling. | der VECOPL A N | 27 Recycling | Waste

Expert Talk with Stefan Kaiser, Division Manager Recycling | Waste

The most influential actors in the recycling and waste market

Heads or tails? The two faces of recycling

In a consumer age where the market is oversupplied with goods, manufacturers lip-read the wishes of consum- ers and the mountains of packaging waste are growing hugely, the life cycle of individual products is coming back into focus. Based on current market statistics, recycling expert Stefan Kaiser, Head of Recycling|Waste at Vecoplan AG, discusses what roles the closed loop and end of life concepts play in this.

What trends have been seen over the past few years in the consumer goods market, particularly with regard to plastic waste.

Stefan Kaiser: “We are living in a fast-moving age, in which consumer behaviour has changed drastically. Consumer wishes have become more unusual and individualised. Likewise, the goods offered today are all the more varied and wide-ranging. The growing population and increased consumption caused by this will result in more packaging. Already packaging waste amounts to around 17.8 million tonnes. In Germany alone, around 12 million tonnes of plastic materials were processed (as at 2015). More than one third of this figure comes from the packaging industry. Around 60.2 percent of post-consumer plastics can also be attributed to packaging waste. A challenging figure, when you think that the amount of plastic waste has doubled.”

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participants can the wheel keep turning. This means it is the industries, associations, manufacturers, politicians and consumers who will control the recycling quotas of tomorrow. How will you succeed in this huge task? What require- ments do you have of yourself to improve the quotas for recycling and environmental protection?

Stefan Kaiser: “We are continuously improving our systems and machines. This means we can respond to the fast, incessantly changing market trends. New, trendy packaging ideas, unusual materials and shapes present What challenges will face the various industries in future challenges to us on a daily basis. Using the latest techno- and what role does recycling play in current debates? logies and our long-standing experience we make all our machines to order. Whether for recycling or incineration of Stefan Kaiser: “Essentially you have to ask who is affected non-reusable materials – with our waste shredder (VAZ), by this huge increase. Where does the value creation refuse-derived fuel shredder (VEZ), loading and unloading cycle begin and end? In 2015, for example, 52 percent of conveyor (BEF), pipe conveyor (VecoBelt) and our inno- plastic waste was used for energy recovery, 45 percent vative bag openers, we cover a vast range of areas within for material production and 1 percent for raw materials. recycling. Our aim is not only to be part of the process, but However, the decision regarding successful recycling does to drive it forward sustainably.* not concern the consumer. The crucial question, whether a product is recyclable or not recyclable, comes a lot earlier. The recycling capability must be given a significantly great- How do plastic-processing companies handle production er importance during the product development process. waste efficiently? Meaningful and profitable recycling is possible and already state-of-the-art today, however the use of more and more Stefan Kaiser: “Many of our customers reprocess their multi-layered materials makes recycling difficult, as the production waste themselves or give the waste directly to plastics used in the recycling process cannot be sorted professional recyclers for reprocessing. The requirements for reprocessing. The government demands for higher for this type of reprocessing are high. It is not just about recycling quotas is a step in the right direction towards shredding the materials and using them in a different, usu- sustainable waste reprocessing. Only then will there be ally less valuable, product, but rather it’s about viewing the pressure in the market to look intensively at reprocessing recycling machines as production machines of equal value. technologies. Other industries such as glass or steel recyc- This means the requirement for machines and systems are very high, so that the product characteristics are very Stefan Kaiser ling already have a higher penetration of the market and Division Manager close to those of new products. With our latest in-house therefore achieve higher quotas. However, the recycling in- Recycling I Waste dustries must develop further too. For example, standards recycling solution, we offer businesses an efficient way to for regranulates and recyclates need to be defined.” extend the value creation chain within their own business. Do to this, we have developed a compact machine design that combines multiple work steps into a single machine. In your opinion, how is a functional and efficient cycle The direct combination of shredder and cutting mill meant created? we were not only able to save 70 percent of space but we could also ensure a high level of availability and occupa- Stefan Kaiser: “For me, recycling begins with the product tional safety. For us, that’s the next step towards maximum designer. This person makes the decision on the product’s efficiency and environmental protection.” end of life. What will the later product packaging look like? Can the material be recycled or not? Ultimately, every pro- duction life cycle ends in landfill, recycling or incineration. A closed loop can only be possible if all process partici- pants actively contribute to this goal. As a machine manu- facturer, we are a small cog in a big wheel. Only through the participation of everyone and the unified vision of all | der VECOPL A N | 29 Recycling | Waste


The next recycling generation Efficient and future-oriented recycling

Approximately 218 kilograms of packaging waste are generated per capita in Germany every year, making Germany the biggest culprit within Europe. The mountains of waste plastic packaging are growing by the day. Inside the legally prescribed yellow refuse bags, coffee capsules nestle against yoghurt pots, ready meal containers and even plastic bottles. Alongside the purely plastic packaging, however, it is not unusual to find metal packaging, composite materi- als and even general domestic waste. This makes efficient, properly separated recycling very difficult.

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New, advanced methods of HiTorc® is also more efficient because there is less bulk to move. Power consumption can waste processing therefore be reduced to 82 kilowatts, saving on energy costs. Reliable separation of the individual compo- nents represents an essential requirement for efficient, sustainable recycling. With its High-performance, low main- innovative bag opener, VSA 250 T, and a new form of drive technology, Vecoplan® is rein- tenance design venting the future of recycling. In the future, it will be possible to open and empty refuse The separation of valuable materials is key bags gently without destroying the valuable to an efficient recycling process. Vecoplan® materials within, guaranteeing the recyclability therefore designed a special shredding pro- of the individual substances while at the same cess with the multifaceted materials, potential time reducing the amount of raw materials tramp material and high throughput in mind. remaining unused.

labour-intensive hard facing and welding work can be performed outside of the machine, preventing costly downtime. The cutting frame and rotors are replaceable.

VSA 250 T profile – The drive The materials are first broken down into small pieces to facilitate the subsequent separation technology of the future of recyclable materials. For this purpose, the company designed a solid, open cutting frame Benefits at a glance: The development of the VSA 250 T is the per- to protect the cutting unit from large stones or •• Easily installed above con- fect example of Vecoplan®’s pioneering spirit metal fragments. With a bulk density of 125 veyor belts, excavator grabs or and exceptional engineering ingenuity. For kilogram per cubic metre, the VSA 250 T of- wheel loader the drive technology, machine base, individual fers a throughput of up to 25 tonnes per hour. sealing elements and cutting unit, optimum The machine base is made from highly robust, •• Quiet, robust and low-main- energy-efficient performance was the primary inert gas welded material. The double ma- tenance design ® focus of the Vecoplan experts. chine base side panel prevents dirt penetrat- •• High throughput ing the bearing housing. The machine’s centrepiece is the HiTorc® •• Resistant to tramp material drive,which ensures dynamic, high-torque Wear-resistant, replaceable sealing elements •• More energy efficient rotor operation and a rapid start-up. Unlike at the rotor and side panel prevent materials •• VECO+ Live-Service hydraulic drives, the HiTorc® drive is free from from settling between the front surface of the mechanical elements such as belt drives, rotor and the machine housing. This allowed couplings and hydraulic assemblies and is the designers to keep operating and mainte- therefore very low maintenance. nance costs to a minimum. For example, | der VECOPL A N | 31 ThemaRecycling | Waste

Material innovation New materials – new recycling thinking

Whether you work in the automotive industry, aerospace and defence, medical technology, sport, mechanical engineering or wind power, there is no doubt that carbon fibre-reinforced plastics (CFRP) are the future. With its extraordinary properties, carbon is a truly outstanding material. Lighter, yet more stable than steel, carbon is ideal for use in the construction of lightweight structures.

However, despite its many benefits for a range of industries, carbon fibre-reinforced plastic is very costly to manufacture. The recycling of CFRP components offers a possible solution to this problem. To investigate the genuine challenges and opportunities presented by CFRP, the experts at Vecoplan AG held discussions with the environmental business alliance for the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate, ECOLIANCE Rheinland-Pfalz e.V., and CC West, a department of Carbon Composites e.V., in the form of a workshop.

32 | der VECOPLAN | Recycling | ThemaWaste

How sustainable are carbon Vecoplan AG initiated the first project of this Are the recycled CFRP rem- kind in cooperation with British firm ELG fibre-reinforced plastics? Carbon Fibre Ltd.based close to Birming- nants universally usable? ham. Vecoplan AG developed innovative Prof. Dr. Oliver Türk, Member of the Board plant and machinery solutions for shred- Some industries require reliable, high-qual- of ECOLIANCE Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. is cur- ding, conveying and processing primary ity materials. Aerospace and defence, rently conducting research into renewable and secondary raw materials within the for example, is subject to different safety energy systems, the efficient use of energy production and substance cycle. To recover standards than mechanical engineering. Dr. and biogenic materials. In the future, moulded parts and semi-finished products Robert Lahr and Michael Päßler, engineers according to his predictions, there is likely from recycled CFRP components, Vecoplan at the Institute for Composite Materials to be an increase in demand for recycled AG supplied a custom-built system con- (IVW), looked into the suitability of thermo- carbon fibre-reinforced plastics, particularly sisting of a high-performance single-shaft plastically processed CFRP remnants for in the automotive industry. CFRP simplifies shredder (VAZ 2000), bridge-breakers for the aviation industry. CFRP is a lightweight, construction and reduces CO2 consump- bulky feed material, a pneumatically lower- solid, corrosion-resistant and durable mate- tion. Türk expects demand to rise by 13 able counter knife, and a 1,400 mm-wide rial; ideal properties for this industry. Each percent per year up to the year 2020. Key conveyor belt. The shredders are driven kilogram saved represents fuel savings. applications primarily include semi-finished thermoplastics such as organic plastic film In detail, they investigated sections of or sheets and the manufacture of nonwo- fuselage with load-bearing components vens. CFRP recycling is still in its infancy. that were made from CFRP. The source According to Türk, recycling processes will material consisted of waste resulting from have to be improved in order to accommo- the punching of thermoplastic clips, which date the future demand. are manufactured from the expensive mate- rial, carbon fibre-reinforced polyphenylene sulphide (PPS). Every aircraft requires What difficulties are presen- approximately 10,000 of these clips. During by high-performance HiTorc® direct drives production, 40 to 50 percent of this material ted by the recycling process? with a torque of 20,000 newton metres. The ends up as waste. Recycling this waste total maximum capacity of the loading and therefore represents an excellent opportuni- Stefan Stehle, Vecoplan AG engineer: “For unloading conveyor system is 1,170 cubic ty to push down the price of carbon. What’s many businesses that use and process metres per hour. Vecoplan AG designed a more, this is a growing market as end of CFRP, the most pressing problem is reduc- special batch filling solution for optimal dos- life components are increasingly joining the ing the associated costs and accelerating ing of the carbon fibre-reinforced plastics, more traditional production waste such as manufacture of the material. One solution is consisting of double sluices with automatic offcuts and rejects. to put the carbon fibres through a recycling fill level control, special dosing tanks and process designed to facilitate recovery interim storage facilities. Boards thicker This therefore makes separated production and further processing without any loss in than 15 or longer than 1,500 millimetres waste available to companies. Short-fibred quality.” are pre-processed by the shredders prior CFRP even offers similar properties to to shredding. Thanks to its new plant, glass fibre-reinforced plastic, for example, the company is now able to recycle up to which is a mainstay of aircraft construction. 15,000 tonnes of carbon fibre-reinforced plastics every year. | der VECOPL A N | 33 Recycling | Waste

Alternative fuels are in demand worldwide Maximum benefit at high sustainability

In Turkey, Vecoplan installed a highly modern and extremely productive RDF processing plant for the waste recycler RDF Kontamine. Using the specialist RDF shredder VVZ 250T and two VEZ 2500 TT re-shredders, RDF Kontamine achieves an hourly output of 35 tonnes of fuel. The complete system is designed for optimum fuel quality and minimum operating costs for the supply of a cement works.

The Turkish waste recycler and RDF specialist RDF Kontamine has a clear vision and mission: Using the latest waste reprocessing methods and technologies, RDF Kontamine wants to offer its customers maximum benefits and the highest level of sustainability, especially in RDF processing.

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RDF processing with the latest technology

After signing a long-term RDF supply agree- ment with a cement works in Adana, RDF Kontamine needed to find the right process- ing system. They chose Vecoplan. Aside Vecoplan‘s extensive engineering and project experience, decisive factors included in par- ticular the clear advantages of the high-tech solution VEZ 2500 TT for re-shredding.g, und Output-Qualität Strenghts fully played out

With the RDF Kontamine project, Vecoplan showed what a modern RDFprocessing plant can do with cutting-edge technology. In close cooperation and coordination with the custom- er, the primary aim was to design a system Challenges on site: that provided a continuously reliable level of high performance in terms of quality and Implementing complete concepts requires quantity. The Vecoplan services included. a high degree of flexibility and competence in finding solutions. In the RDF Kontamine project, structural requirements had to be The project required: taken into account as well as the nature of the ground, and the customer‘s own internal input •• A highly productive, complete system was incorporated through an intensive project based on the latest technology management concept: Input material: •• Implementation of the performance •• Coordination of the customer‘s own •• Reprocessed domestic waste parameters defined in the supply contract input in the areas of steel construction, •• Screened with the cement works in Adana hoppers, transition points and electric •• High profitability of the complete system installations •• Manual pre-sorted for RDF Kontamine, based on availability, •• Development of solutions for the best output capacity, energy efficiency and possible use of the available building output quality structures and the challenging characteri- stics of the ground

Included services:

•• Design of the robust, high availability, high performance complete system Output material:

•• Optimal fuel quality •• Grain size 95 % < 50 mm •• Free from extraneous materials | der VECOPL A N | 35 Recycling | Waste

Continuous high Performance

The Vecoplan® complete system produces 35 tonnes of RDF as high-quality, homogeneous fuel every hour for RDF Kontamine. A high-performance pre-shredder feeds two re-shredder lines On the side, FE and heavy fraction separa- tion provide quality assurance. The conveyor technology – trough conveyor belts, pendulum distributor, scraper chain conveyor, double-shaft screw conveyor - all comes from Vecoplan too.

Pre-Shredder VVZ Conveyor belts VFB Overbelt magnetic Air separator separator VÜB

•• Double-shaft shredder with •• Trough conveyor belts in •• Safe metal separation •• Separates out extra- high throughput rate – the complete system after pre-shredding neous materials and the Preshredding to < 300 mm heavy fraction with low •• Very robust design •• Electromagnet can be calorific value •• Energy efficient HiTorc® deactivated for main- •• Modular structure drive (2 x 155 kW) tenance work •• Good, reliable separation •• Adaptation of conveyor of fractions •• Two solid steel rotors for •• Consistent extraneous widths to different volume quiet machine running and material reduction, in- •• Optimisation of fuel streams high cut-through power crease in output quality quality by separating out •• Low cleaning thanks the heavy fraction to modern scraper technology

Pendulum distributor Re-Shredder VEZ Scraper chain Double-Shaft Conveyor KKF screw Conveyor DFS

•• Divides the material •• Re-shredder specially de- •• Discharge conveyors for the •• Continuous, quick truckloa- stream into two lines before veloped for RDF processing two VEZ 2500 TT ding reshredding •• High-performance cutting •• Delivers RDF output to a •• Cleaner, simpler, more com- •• Saves on conveyor belts unit for maximum throughput double-shaft screw conveyor pact and robust design in the feed system •• Homogeneous grain •• Clean, closed system •• Solid, warp-resistant steel •• Closed, clean system distribution (closed trough) construction •• Very robust design with high •• Proven technology, reliable, availability fault-free, low maintenance •• Good accessibility for main- tenance

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VEZ 2500 TT – Optimum in RDF-Shredding

Vecoplan®‘s specially developed RDF processing shredder sets international standards when it comes to RDF. The system is designed for maximum throughput thanks to its high-performance cutting unit, offers high availability, is very energy efficient and delivers high-quality, homogeneous output. Optimally implemented!

RDF Kontamine had high demands for this project. When it came to throughput, availability, energy efficiency, output quali- ty and ultimately profitability, only the best would do. Vecoplan® very much succeeded in this task. RDF Kontamine specifically benefits from this project in terms of:

A complete, performance-optimised system with high output quality and profitability Patented W-Rotor 2 x 6 Counter-Knifes A groundbreaking RDF re-shredder from Vecoplan® – •• Maximum cutting perfor- •• Quicker, easier change – with patented high-tech components mance each can be used up to 4 times •• 288 concave knifes (60 x Consistently robust technology with a high level of 60 mm) in 8 rows – each •• Individually adjustable from availability and which can handle extraneous materials knife can be used up to the outside – optimised 4 times cutting performance with Low energy consumption narrow cutting gap •• Homogeneous grain distribution •• Quick blade change •• Long service lives, low costs „We are happy with the overall result on every level. What fascinates us is the combination of reliability and performance. Vecoplan implemented a very stable high- tech solution for us, which has paid off.“

Abdullah Yalcin, Manager assistant / Environmental Engineer Patentented HiTorc®- Simple, quick Drive maintenance „From the start, we were able to work with •• Frequency-controlled •• Hydraulic maintenance flap Vecoplan very closely, constructively and in high torque motor, (rear) and maintenance in this case each with doors (front) search of the best possible solution. 2 x 247 kW •• Fastest extraneous The work and input we provided ourselves •• Run-up possible material removal were brought together seamlessly thanks to •• Energy savings of up to •• Time and cost-optimised good project management.“ 20-30 % compared to work on knife, counter-knife conventional drives and screen (replacing, swit- Berrin Rabia ANDI, Plant Manager & Environmental Manager ching or adjustment work) •• Virtually maintenance- and noise-free with filled machine | der VECOPL A N | 37 Recycling | Waste RECYCLING WASTE

»A team – a passion for recycling.«

Stefan Kaiser Division Manager Recycling I Waste

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Your team Recycling | Waste You name it, we solve it!

F. l. t. r.: Martin Nieuwenhuis, Jennifer Horton, Borja Alonso, Tim Hamer, Martina Schmidt, Daniel Wienand, Steffen Heimann and Martin Klotz | der VECOPL A N | 39 Thema SERVICE PARTS

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Original service – dealing with issues before they arise

Full steam ahead with our Vecoplan® service power. We minimise downtime on the basis of our long experience, detailed product knowledge and technical competence, we offer 24/7 support to a high number of commercial enterprises and maximise operational performance all year round.

Premium quality original spare parts, maintenance service, conversions and expansions, optimisation processes, fire safety measures and unique Industry 4.0 online service tool all combine to make Vecoplan® an outstanding, reliable partner. | der VECOPL A N | 41 Thema

Live Service The only industry 4.0 service tool in the sector

Short downtimes, high availability and efficient processes make all the difference in the global competitive environment and a rapid response time, expertise and efficiency are essential if faults do occur. Through its unique Live Service offering, Vecoplan® provides its customers with a key advantage in terms of quality and time.

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Our reliability guarantee: 24/7 live service Live-Service Features The service tool is designed to provide all relevant machine information at any time and at any location. Whether used to report machine or system problems, issue timely maintenance reminders with instruc- tions or submit a one-click service request – the tool is tailored to the Service Request relevant Vecoplan® machine and boasts all the features required for •• Service requests with just one click modern online communication: •• Immediate online support

Analyse Tool •• Remote access to control system, frequency converter, operating console •• Real-time analysis

Vecoplan® Live Service is an intelligent, forward-looking tool. Once Conference Center again, Vecoplan® has demonstrated the importance of a unified, coor- dinated approach for the future viability of an industrial company. After •• Use of live images (by webcam) all, even extremely low-maintenance, high-tech machines and systems •• Quick clarification of complex matters require reliable service support when operated at peak output.

•• Online access to the control panel and frequency converter Maintenance Manager •• Online error analysis, fault detection and troubleshooting •• List of all maintenance processes •• Use of live cams, remote online access, chat functions, conferences, real-time data etc. •• Timely maintenance reminders

Service App •• Send service requests easily by Smartphone The benefits for companies: •• Have machines and systems within easy view at any time •• Easy connection (plug & play retrofit kit) Alarm Manager •• Short response times via online support by Vecoplan® •• Defined events trigger an alarm •• Higher machine availability, minimised downtimes •• Machine and system problems are reported •• Reduced waiting times, fewer service visits directly •• Increased quality of work •• Protection against machinery and system damage Service Report •• Safeguarding investments •• Faster access to machine data and documents •• Can be used around the world •• Increased information content

Data Glasses •• Our service team member sees “through your eyes” •• Important information can be shown directly | der VECOPL A N | 43 Thema

Vollautomatische Förderketten- schmierung

Die automatische Förderkettenschmierung wird über einen nachfüllbaren Ölbehälter mit Füllstandsüberwachung, einer Magnetpumpe und vier Ölspritzdüsen gesteuert. Ein inte- grierter Sensor ermittelt die exakte Position der Kettenbolzen und ermöglicht eine punkt- genaue Ölung ins Gelenk. Schmierdauer und Häufigkeit der Schmierung sind individuell programmierbar. Der Einbau erfolgt stand- ardgemäß im Rücklauf nach der Antriebssta- tion, jedoch kann die Position auf Anfrage angepasst werden.

•• Minimaler Ölverbrauch •• Geringe Anhaftung an der Förderkette aufgrund von Staubbelastung •• Geringe bis keine Verunreinigung des Förderguts •• Exakte Öl-Dosierung in das Kettengelenk

Twice the reliability for scraper chain conveyors Smooth running with automatic chain lubrication

Vecoplan® machines, systems and components are monitored closely from development through to commissioning. Industry specialists work in teams to devise detailed optimisation and maintenance plans that actively address potential issues and risks. Through this process, we guarantee that you enjoy a smooth, professional experience.

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Fully automatic conveyor chain lubrication Exact drop-feed lubrication of the conveyor

The automatic conveyor chain lubrication is •• Minimal oil consumption The drop-feed lubrication is performed using controlled via a refillable oil reservoir with level two refillable oil reservoirs, two solenoid •• Low adhesion on the conveyor chain monitoring, a solenoid pump and four oil spray valves and four adjustable nozzles. As stand- through dust contamination nozzles. An integrated sensor determines the ard, the system is installed in the return after exact position of the chain bolts for precision •• Minimum to zero contamination of the the drive station. The position can be adjusted oiling in the joint. The duration and frequency conveyed goods upon request. of lubrication are individually programmable. •• Precise oil dosing into the chain joint As standard, the lubrication unit is installed in •• Oiling of guide rails the return after the drive station, although the •• Reduced friction throughout the system positioning can be adjusted upon request. •• Higher availability/long service life

Conveyance at the highest level

In the field of bulk material transport in par- ticular, conveyor systems are run for extended periods under very high loads. To prevent potential failures, delays in downstream pro- cesses or downtime, the Vecoplan® Service team has developed two tailored chain oiling procedures over two years of practical testing. They focused on scraper chain conveyors above a size of KKF 670. The aim of the pro- ject was to reduce system maintenance effort to a minimum and avoid downtimes.

Working under real-life conditions, the team tested two scraper chain conveyors - one with chain lubrication and one without. Once the results were evaluated, the scraper chain con- veyor with lubrication was the clear winner. In comparison to the conveyor without chain lubrication, service life was almost doubled Increased High level of Smooth Almost twofold in- Low wear and and both maintenance costs and wear were efficiency availability process flow crease in service life tear costs significantly reduced. | der VECOPL A N | 45 Thema Impressum der VECOPLAN The Vecoplan AG company magazine 2017

Publisher Vecoplan AG Vor der Bitz 10 56470 Bad Marienberg Telefon: +49 2661 62670

Edited by v. i. S. d. P.: Karin Theine, Vecoplan AG Isabelle Müller, attentio :: online- & werbeagentur GmbH

Concept and Realization: attentio :: online- & werbeagentur GmbH Bahnhofstraße 18 57627 Hachenburg Telefon: +49 2662 9480070

Printery: Blömeke Druck SRS GmbH Resser Straße 59 44653 Herne Telefon: +49 2325 92970

Picture credits: Solved check: © fotomek / Headerimage Wood | Biomass: © Andrei Merkulov / Headerimage Recycling | Waste: © aryfahmed / Service | Parts


Upgrade to automatic chain tensioning now! The VECOPLAN conversion kit type A-D for your loading and unloading conveyor Change now! The monthly maintenance costs and downtime (1 day) for the chain tensioning can be reduced. You save time and money month after month. Ensure the continuous availability of your plant through the constantly optimized chain tension.

Proven Quality Improved Technology Your Benefits:

With previous systems, the condition of the The upgrade optimises the operation of the •• Protection against chain breakage due to chain tensioning system is checked visually. chain tensioning system. Now the chain is low chain tension This exposes some of the machine compo- tensioned by a hydraulically actuated cylinder, •• Protection against wear due to excessive nents to possible contamination or damage. which has been combined with an integrat- chain tension ed power pack to form a tensioner unit. A Moreover, the manual tensioning of the con- compact, pre-programmed IP 65 control •• No maintenance requirements for chain veyor chain is relatively complicated and time system can be in- corporated directly into the tensioning consuming. conveyor. •• Higher availability and reliability

The conveyor unit has to be shut down for The only external supply required is 230 Volt/ •• Fast return on investment a certain amount of time for monthly main- 50 hertz power. Control signals can be •• Rapidupgrade (5 days) replaces monthly tenance, so tensioning the conveyor chain exchanged with a higher- order control system maintenance incurs regular costs. via a special output. Monthly maintenance is • no longer necessary! • Lower operating costs | der VECOPL A N | 47 Service | Parts SERVICE PARTS

» We know our machine and plant technologies in detail. This fact is the ace up our sleeve. «

Markus CLaudy Division Manager Service I Parts

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Your team Service | Parts You name it, we solve it!

1. Row (f.l.t.r.): Daniel Kessler, Manuel Pfeil, Jürgen Kohlenbeck, Jonas Schäfer, Anna Guzzo, Eric Dimter, Daniel Brodt, Matthias Helsper, Denise Osterhof, Clemens Held and Laura Jex 2. Row (f.l.t.r.): Doris Alvarez, Martino Benner, Carola Horstkamp, Frank Schwarz, Jörg Leukel, Michael Mockenhaupt, Marco Dörr, Patrick Kessler and Dirk Pillekamp | der VECOPL A N | 49 Thema CONSTRUC- TION

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Today‘s technologies for tomorrow‘s world

For Vecoplan®, progress means vision. It means creating opportunities, seeing the world with new eyes and challenging the status quo. It is this passion and motivation that drives our engineers to create something new, something huge. At the largest and most state-of-the-art technology centre in the world, based in Bad Marienberg, our experts are hard at work developing the green technologies of tomorrow.

Together, we design and build custom solutions, accelerate development and testing phases and make our innovative goals a reality. | der VECOPL A N | 51 Construction Pioneers of shredding technology Engineers develop the drive technology of the future

Technology of tomorrow Economy mode for maximum Technical characteristics: efficiency Constant drive power, outstanding technolog- •• Dynamic drive power ical performance and an unbeatable energy balance are the response of experts at In real-life testing, machines fitted with •• Acceleration of solid steel rotor within Vecoplan® to the encroaching risk of climate HiTorc® drives exceed all expectations For seconds example, a pre-shredder for household and change, increasing oil prices and higher •• Rotor brakes in seconds in the event of commercial waste can achieve an energy energy costs. a fault saving of up to 50 per cent. This represents The HiTorc®, which lies at the heart of Veco- an annual cost saving of 30,000 to 40,000 •• Maximum torque from standstill plan shredding technology, is the result of a euros per year for an operating company. •• No need for additional couplings and cut- major innovative effort. By further developing out systems that require maintenance its electro-hydraulic and mechanical drive • concepts, Vecoplan® is revolutionising the • Special setting and parametrisation of the environmental technology of tomorrow. drive system •• Setting of maximum rotor speed and current Efficiency starts with the drive

As a driving force in the shredding industry, All benefits at a glance: Vecoplan® invests in the ongoing research and development of new technologies and •• Accident-proof drive concept machine solutions. Its engineers wanted to • develop a strong, future-oriented technology • High operational reliability that would work efficiently and help redress •• High throughput performance the negative environmental and energy In addition to the high energy and cost thanks to high speed balance. The challenge lay in rethinking and savings, the system also stands out in other •• High start-up reliability under load redesigning conventional drive technologies. regards. Compared to conventional drive technologies, there is no need for failure- •• Cuts energy cost by half The breakthrough was achieved in the form prone mechanical components such as •• Low maintenance thanks to drive ® of HiTorc .This new, patented drive variant belt drives, electric motors, turbo couplings, resistance to foreign materials is technically superior to all previously deve- hydraulic units or gearboxes. The resulting loped direct drives. Through this develop- compact, low-maintenance design has a •• Increase in system running time ® ment, Vecoplan has further bolstered its positive impact on service life, efficiency and •• Efficiency increase of up to 15 % shredding expertise and set a new quality system availability. standard.

52 | der VECOPLAN | Construction The age of gearless drive technologies ESC®-Drive follows HiTorc®: The success story continues

Following the successful market launch of its gearless HiTorc® drive technology, Vecoplan® has further refined the drive concept for shredding processes and is now bringing its ESC®-Drive to the market. Whereas the HiTorc® was developed for dual-shaft shredders, waste shredders and re-shredders, the new drive technology is designed specifically for small machine units.

More energy-efficient, cost-effective Technical characteristics and economic •• Dynamic drive power The ESC®-Drive features all the advantages of HiTorc® •• High start-up reliability even under load and in reverse drive technology: operation •• Reliable foreign material detection •• High throughput performance thanks to high speed •• Rotor brakes in seconds in the event of a fault •• Low noise, low maintenance and insensitive to foreign materials •• Improved efficiency as T-coupling and gears are no longer required •• Energy savings of up to 25 % compared to electrome- chanical direct drives •• Low space requirements •• Fail-safe design •• Low operating costs

A multipolar asynchronous drive motor with powerful frequency converter operates in conjunction with a special belt drive with sophisticated drive slip regulation and foreign material detection with motor and rotor brake. This removes the need for gears and a turbo coupling. Together with start-up and reversing control, the drive can achieve 2 to 2.5 times output torque. During shredding op- eration in particular, this is a fundamental prerequisite for high-torque, rapid start-up and stable ongoing operation. The frequency converter used to control the drive motor also allows for a greater rotor speed range. | der VECOPL A N | 53 Construction

PREMIERS Relaunch of our new shredder series at The strongest solution in the wood processing industry Four single-shaft pre-shredders with powerful drive

For five decades, Vecoplan® has been successfully developing and improving shredding solutions for the wood industry. Using practice-based experience, the company designs cost-effective solutions for joiners’ and carpenters’ workshops in particular. The high demands of the sector make energy-efficient shredding components essential for small and medi- um-sized businesses.

With the new, compact VAZ series, Vecoplan® has designed a machine for joiners, carpenters and wood-workers that will give them a critical advantage. The single-shaft pre-shredder convinces with its highly robust yet compact design. Fur- thermore, the user-friendliness and excellent energy profile speak for themselves. The machine is fitted with the patented, gearless ESC®-Drive, providing high energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness and operational reliability.

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Tireless, precise, robust – shredding components from VECOPLAN

Slide Hopper • Optimum slide geometry • Various hopper designs • Hydraulic material supply • Expandable, customer-specific hopper variants • Spring pre-loaded slide seal

Control Cabinet Rotor / Cutting unit • Efficient and innovative control with • Patented, profiled rotor for efficient shredding automatic performance adjustment • Easy-to-change profiled counter knife, (material detection) usable on both sides • No peak currents • Integrated log spacer

ESC®-Drive Storage • Main drive with frequency converter • Large stainless steel rotor housing • Low energy consumption with protective cover • High drive dynamics thanks • Drive belt slippage monitoring • Foreign object detection

Hydraulics Plug and Play • Compact hydraulic unit integrated in the • Control panel secured to the shredder for easy machine support frame for shock-resistance transport • Factory pre-wired and supplied with brackets for wall mounting

„With the ESC concept, we have developed THE economical solution for shredders in the wood-processing industry. The series has also been optimised with an emphasis on energy savings and high throughput. At a time of increasing energy and wage costs, this is exactly want our customers want.” Dirk Müller, Division manager Wood | Biomass | der VECOPL A N | 55 Construction

CONVEYOR AND BULK TECHNOLOGY Worldwide transport links for miles An all-round talent in the bulk transport

With high operational reliability and flexible application possibilities, conveyor belts are in- dispensable for the transport of bulk goods in industry today. Transportation lines and material streams are important aspects of every production plant. They need to be cost-effective, efficient and above all reliable in continuous operation. A true all-rounder in transport systems for bulk materials is the VecoBelt pipe conveyor from Vecoplan®.

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The VecoBelt is ideal for conveying bulk mate- A further technical improvement has been •• The conveyor system runs quietly rials over long distances either horizontally or added to the weight tensioning stations. Addi- •• The technology is based on an on a slight incline. The components transport tional scrapers on the drive stations have been energy-saving air cushion system all kinds of bulk materials such as wood chips, added here too to prevent impurities from refuse-derived fuels, meat and bone meal or adhering to the belt. For customers, these •• The conveyor belt copes with a high wood shavings. The forward-moving VecoBelt measures mean fewer maintenance costs, material flow conveyor runs inside a tube and not on rollers fewer downtimes and less material carry-over •• The design can also span long distances like with normal conveyor belts. The belt runs on their conveyor line. on cushion of air. Low friction losses and quiet •• There are long distances between support operation are therefore guaranteed. The fully Vecoplan® also offers customers an optional struts enclosed system is particularly suited to the bunker attachment filter. At material transition •• The VecoBelt impresses with its intricate safe transportation of dust-laden materials. points, where material is passed to the next design This gives customers 100 percent certainty conveyor and loaded into this, a radial blower that no material can fall or trickle down, for has been installed to extract air containing example in the area of the return rollers. dust.

To date, these conveyor components have built transportation lines worldwide covering a total length of more than 10 kilometres. The longest stretch is 430 meters long and is driven by two 30 kilowatt geared motors.

The VecoBelt conveys bulk materials over a distance of up to 450 meters and with a capacity of up to 1260 cubic metres per hour In recent years, Vecoplan® has made some at 2.5 metres per second. The conveyor belt optimisations to the components and further is quick and easy to assemble and it can developed the technology of the VecoBelt span inclines up to 20 degrees. The individual series (500/800 and 1000 belt width). support struts can be spaced up to 75 metres apart. The power consumption of the VecoBelt is only about half that of similar conveyor belts. Another new addition is that Vecoplan® equips the VecoBelt with two scrapers at every drive station. The pre-head scraper and hard metal scraper can be adjusted from the outside, and tensioning the scraper with the ratchet is quick and easy to do. The pre-head scraper is flex- ible, yet stable enough to remove impurities on the belt. The hard metal scraper prevents substances such as resin from sticking to the belt. | der VECOPL A N | 57 VECOPLAN AG Vor der Bitz 10 56470 Bad Marienberg | Germany Tel.: +49 2661 62 67-0 Fax: +49 2661 62 67-70 vecoplan