he GAVIN REPORTISSUE 1938. \AI \Itl 22. I,wa N 512 -0152 U- EXPR -F -N' DAVID FORMAN SONY MUSIC INC. 2100 COLORADO AVENUE SANTA MONICA CA 90404 www.americanradiohistory.com Doni Stop Thinking About Tomorrow. If you wake up and don't want to smile If it takes just a little while Open your eyes, look at the day You'll see things in a different way Don't stop thinkin' about tomorrow Don't stop, it'll soon be here It'll be here, better than before Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone. WPGC HB WICC WPEZ add 32 add 13Q KERN debut add W rPY add 27 WISM CHUM WAPE KROY debut on on add 27 WOSH Q94 KNDE on 39 -35 Q102 debut 28 debut 31 K100 WISE add CKLW HB WNOE 35 -32 on KRSP Z93 add KINT on debut 26 92eadddd KFRC add KAAY add 28 WJBQ add KJR8 WEEO KENO 35 -31 KJR debut 21 debut 24 add 92FM KTLK WGUY on KAFY on add 30 add 29 WTSN on KQDI add KFXD WFEA 30 -27 add 30 The third hit s ingle fro their nearly quadruple u'n R alba,,, on Warner Produced Bros. Records by F/ee,wood Moc, Richard Doshul, Ken Coi/ /o/ i * Mae iSixteen s Later, The w Single. l'r and Dash t and Ken Caillat. Available on 25 YEARS - ÿ1992 Warn, Hr.,. pnmed by Permission. All Right. R<sr. look hack i www.americanradiohistory.com the GAVIN REPORT JIJ 711 GLANCE * Indicates Tie TOP 40 URBAN MOST ADDED MOST ADDED MOST ADDED MICK JAGGER R.
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