Duplicate-sensitivity Guided Transformation Synthesis for DBMS Correctness Bug Detection Yushan Zhang Peisen Yao Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering HKUST HKUST Hong Kong, China Hong Kong, China
[email protected] [email protected] Rongxin Wu Charles Zhang Department of Cyber Space Security Department of Computer Science and Engineering School of School of Informatics HKUST Xiamen University Hong Kong, China Xiamen, China
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract—Database Management System (DBMS) plays a core skills [4] and the hand-written test cases only cover a very role in modern software from mobile apps to online banking. It is small part of the possible input query space [5], leading to critical that the DBMS provides correct data to all applications. insufficient testing of the DBMS. In what follows, we refer to When the DBMS returns incorrect data, a correctness bug is triggered. Current production-level DBMSs still suffer from a test case for the purpose of DBMS correctness testing as a insufficient testing due to the limited hand-written test cases. test query and an expected result set. Recently several works proposed to automatically generate many Recent studies [6]–[10] have proposed several approaches test cases with query transformation, a process of generating an to better explore the query space. They all use automated equivalent query pair and testing a DBMS by checking whether random query generation to enlarge the explored query space. the system returns the same result set for both queries. However, all of them still heavily rely on manual work to provide a However, the key challenge is the test oracle problem, i.e., transformation which largely confines their exploration of the how to find the expected result set of a given query.