
Name: ______The Hertzsprung - Russell diagram Today you will be making the Hertzsprung - Russell diagram. The H-R diagram allows astronomers to classify into groups. The two axes for this graph will be temperature and magnitude. When we refer to temperature, we are talking about the surface of the . The surface temperature is much cooler. For example, our ’s surface temperature is ~5,500K to 6,000 K. is a temperature scale very similar to Celsius. is a measurement of how bright a star really is. This is determined by its size and by its temperature. Even though it might look bright in our sky, we try to compare all stars as if we were standing the exact same distance away from each one. This magnitude value is stated by calculating how bright the object would shine at a fixed distance away in space, ~32.6 light (10 for those wanting another measurement to think about). stars Temperature Magnitude Red Giant stars Temperature Magnitude Bellatrix 18000 -2.0 5000 -0.6 Regulus 12000 -0.6 Pollux 4650 0.8 Spica 19500 -2.0 Arcturus 4500 -0.3 Beta Centauri 21000 -3.0 3900 -0.2 Achernar 16500 -3.0 Beta Tauri 12000.0 -2 Beta Crucis 21000.0 -3.9 Red Super Giant Alpha Crucis 19500.0 -4 Rigel 11000 -6.8 Vega 9750 0.5 Deneb 8500 -6.9 Castor 9250 0.9 Canopus 7400 -3.1 Beta Carinae 9750.0 -0.4 Antares 3500 -4.5 Sirius A 9250.0 1.5 Betelgeuse 3200 -5.5 Formalhaut 8500 2.0 Altair 7750 2.2 White Dwarfs A 6500 2.6 Sirius B 8100 11.4 A 5750 4.4 Procyon B 6500 13.1 Sun 5750 4.9 5344 5.7 4500 6.1 4250 7 Cygni A 3800 7.5 Cygni B 3700 8 Alpha Centauri B 3900 5.8 Kapteyn's Star 3400 11.2 3200 8.8 Lacaille 21185 3000 10.5 Bernard's Star 2600 13.2 Ross 614A 2500 13.3 Kruger 60B 2500 13.4 2800 14.7

Use the data on the previous page to plot an H-R diagram. The x-axis is the temperature and the y-axis is the magnitude. Plot each group of stars in a different color.



25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0.0





Questions: 1. What is the relationship between temperature and magnitude for stars on the main sequence?

2. What would be the magnitude of a star with a temperature of 25,000 located on the main sequence?

3. How can we tell that red giant stars are very large stars, from just their position in the HR diagram?

4. What event would prompt a star to leave the main sequence?

5. What causes stars to display different colors?