St. Edmund’s Chronicle St. Edmund of Canterbury Catholic Church Tel: 020 8894 9923 Email:
[email protected] Website: Parish Priest: Fr Nigel Griffin Parish Safeguarding Representative: Vivien Rimmer Safeguarding Administrator: Anne Jones If you have any concerns about the safeguarding of children and vulnerable people in our parish call 07779 288 867 Divine Office: Psalms Week 4 ST FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 31 JANUARY 2021 We meet in Christ’s name from many different backgrounds and circumstances to acknowledge our complete dependence on him and to receive from him the strength we need to serve him faithfully in the world. First Mass of Sunday 18.30 Robert Spindler (RIP) PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Sunday 31st January 9.30 Sushila Kalyani (RIP) Leona Chris, Baltasar Domingues, Ann Doherty, FOURTH SUNDAY IN 11.15 Trevor Mendes (RIP) Ann Singleton, Richard Pereira, Katherine Pereira, ORDINARY TIME 18.00 Pro Populo Emily Cleary, Connie Hewson, Riky Langham, John Monday 1st February 9.15 Terence McShane (RIP) Simpson, Roy Edwards, Rachael Boyle, Phillip Tuesday 2nd February 9.15 Kathleen O’Halloran (Sick) Dear, Peter & Anne Rutzler, Min Wilde, Jacqueline THE PRESENTATION OF Turner, Michael Garvey, Pat Scammell, Bridget THE LORD Martin, Mary Hepworth, Colm Brennan, Brigid Wednesday 3rd February 9.15 Desmond McGinley (RIP) Lonergan, Justina Nathan, Kevin O’Neill, Jim Tobin, Ss Laurence, Dunstan & Parul Peters, Charmaine Peters, Ken Stalder, Steve Theodore (Blessing of St Blaise) Simpson, Veronica Lapworth, Mollie Cundy, Neri Thursday 4th February 9.15 Judith Vasanthakumar (RIP) Fernandes, Anna O'Keeffe, Rose Fox, Patricia Friday 5th February 9.15 Jeff de Haas (RIP) Corry, Christian Gibbins, Phyllis Walsh, Geraldine S Agatha Mullan, all who are sick and the families who care for Saturday 6th February 10.30 Theresa Samuel (RIP) them.