Ann. Zool. Fennici 40: 505–515 ISSN 0003-455X Helsinki 15 December 2003 © Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board 2003

Why do processionary pityocampa (, Thaumetopoeidae) live in large groups? An experimental study

Tomás Pérez-Contreras1*, Juan J. Soler1 & Manuel Soler2

1) Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (CSIC), General Segura 1, 04001-Almería, Spain (*e-mail: [email protected]) 2) Departamento de Biología y Ecología, Campus Universitario de Fuentenueva, Facultad de Ciencias, 18071-Granada, Spain

Received 10 Mar. 2003, revised version received 31 July 2003, accepted 6 Aug. 2003

Pérez-Contreras, T., Soler, J. J. & Soler, M. 2003: Why do caterpillars Thaume- topoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera, Thaumetopoeidae) live in large groups? An experimental study. — Ann. Zool. Fennici 40: 505–515.

Optimal group size of gregarious larvae is the result of a trade-off between the costs and benefi ts undergone by individuals living in groups of different sizes. Thus, females should adjust their clutch size to an optimal-minimum group size. In this study, we experimentally manipulated the size of colonies of pine processionary caterpillars, a capital breeder species, to test the hypothesis that a large group size enhances larval growth and survival. We also explored whether this relationship fi ts a quadratic or an asymptotic curve and estimated an optimum or a minimal-optimum group size. The results showed signifi cant differences in the fi nal larval sizes in the various treatments, being greater in the larger groups. In addition, according to the existence of a mini- mal-optimum group size, we found that a Piecewise Linear Regression fi ts the above relationship better than does a linear regression. Groups larger than 32 individuals did not differ in growth or survival parameters. Although the number of dead larvae per group did not differ between experimental treatments, large experimental colonies suf- fered a lower percentage of mortality. Thus, the probability of reaching the pupal stage was greater for larvae from large colonies because of dilution effects. Our results dem- onstrated a minimum group size, above which group size did predict larval growth or mortality, thereby explaining why pine processionary caterpillars live in large groups.

Introduction capacity to locate food (Bowers 1993, Fitzgerald 1993). However, group living may also exact In nature, groups of can be considered costs such as increased competition for resources as “true social” groups or as mere associations of (Day 2001) and conspicuousness that could individuals that prefer to forage, breed, or defend attract predators (Elgar 1989). Therefore, an opti- against predators in groups (i.e. fl ocks, colonies). mal group size is the result of a trade-off between Living in groups may confer benefi ts such as costs and benefi ts associated with different group stronger defences against predators and greater sizes, these depending on environmental condi- 506 Pérez-Contreras et al. • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 40 tions and specifi c life-history traits (Stamp 1981, berg 1991) and parasitism (Dobson 1988), Rannala & Brown 1994, Uetz & Hieber 1997). increased competition for food between group- In the case of , larval aggregation is ing larvae (Damman 1991, Le Masurier 1994) relatively frequent and occurs mainly in a taxo- and greater visibility to predators (Stamp 1981, nomically diverse array of Lepidoptera species Le Masurier 1994). The presence of conspicuous (Fitzgerald 1993). Gregarious larvae have the non-warning coloration in gregarious species advantage of a higher foraging effi ciency (feeding may prove costly because these individuals are facilitation), because aggregation may facilitate more easily discovered by potential predators. the establishment of a feeding site for fi rst-instar This may also be the case for warning-coloured siblings (Shiga 1976), or enhance the ability to individuals if their defences are not effective overcome morphological (i.e. trichomes, Young against some predators (Guilford 1990). Thus, & Moffett 1979) or chemical (Neuvonen & above a certain group size, costs associated with Haukioja 1991, Tallamy & Raupp 1991) defences competition or coexistence among group mem- of their host plant. As a result, larval growth rate bers may exceed advantages associated with is positively related to aggregation level in some cooperation (Zemel & Lubin 1995). species (Long 1953, Lawrence 1990). Group Therefore, optimal group size would be the living may also enhance defence against natural result of the trade-off between the costs and ben- enemies, given that larger larval aggregations efi ts described above (e.g. Wilson 1975, Krebs & reportedly have lower mortality rates from natu- Davies 1993). However, optimal group size has ral enemies than do smaller groups or solitary two limitations. First, individuals in a group may individuals (Lawrence 1990, Fitzgerald 1993; but attain different pay-offs and may have different see Stamp (1981) for an opposite pattern in Lepi- optimal groups sizes, and second, optimal-sized doptera). Moreover, individuals living in groups groups may be unstable because they tend to may have a lower risk of being attacked by be joined by individuals from smaller groups predators because of the stronger warning signals (Krebs & Davies 1993). Adult fi tness and adult (Guilford 1990, Bowers 1993, Fitzgerald 1993, body size, which is related to fecundity (e.g. Alatalo & Mappes 1996), chemical, and behav- Spurgeon et al. 1995, Webber & Ferro 1996, ioural (twitching) defences (Stamp 1982, 1984, García-Barros 2000), depend on larval growth Peterson et al. 1987, Vulinec 1990), or simply and size, but ultimately on larval survival because of the dilution effect (Foster & Treherne (Kamata & Igarashi 1995). Moreover, group 1981, Wcislo 1984), which is purely a question size, which is determined mainly by clutch size of probability without requiring any complex (Sillen-Tullberg 1988, Gregiore 1988), is posi- or cooperative behaviour. To some extent the tively related to larval survivorship and growth, dilution effect may be offset by the increased as suggested by fi eld and laboratory experiments number of attacks on larger and more conspicu- (e.g. Denno & Benrey 1997, Fordyce & Agrawal ous groups, but usually the net effect probably 2001, Nahrung et al. 2001). Since large groups favours living in a group (Krebs & Davies 1993). may also suffer repercussions (see above), evi- Larger groups of caterpillars are also able to con- dence of stabilizing selection acting on larval struct leaf or web shelters that provide effective group size has been detected in several protection from invertebrate predators (Damman species (e.g. Matsumoto 1990, Crowe 1995). 1987). Another advantage to larval aggregation The pine processionary (Thaumetopoea is the facilitation of thermoregulation by group pityocampa) is a highly abundant species basking (Casey 1993, Fitzgerald 1993), because with larvae that constitute the main of high body temperatures in aggregated larvae in the Mediterranean region. Females lay only result in a high foraging rate, fast digestion, or in one clutch (capital breeder), and, after hatching, an effective escape from natural enemies (Casey highly gregarious larvae normally build a single et al. 1988, Stamp & Bowers 1990a, 1990b, nest where all siblings stay while not feeding. 1990c, Fitzgerald 1993). The larvae, highly gregarious in all growth Documented disadvantages of group living stages, stay on the same tree while food is not a include higher risk of infectious disease (Hoch- limiting factor. When more than one clutch per ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 40 • Why do pine processionary caterpillars live in large groups? 507 pine exists, larvae from different clutches may is the most abundant, representing some 90% of group and build a single nest to share (Douma- the trees. The research site is a young forestation Petridou 1989). Thus, clutch size determines area with an average pine height of four meters. colony size when there is only one clutch per tree Distance between pines is quite uniform, about because the number of eggs hatched is strongly 4–5 meters. and positively related to clutch size (T. Pérez- Contreras & J. J. Soler unpubl. data); however if more than one clutch exists in the same tree, Study species clutch size determines the minimum group size only. Due to the hypothetical costs associated The pine processionary is highly with small groups, females should adjust their gregarious and is distributed throughout south- clutch size to that related to an optimal-minimum ern Europe being the principal defoliator of group size because of the possibility that more pines in the Mediterranean region (Devkota than one female may be laying in the same tree & Schmidt 1990). The fl ight and egg-laying and offspring therefore may be suffering the costs period, though depending on factors such as associated with groups larger than the optimum. weather and altitude, usually spans from May In the present study, we experimentally to October (Douma-Petridou 1989). Females lay manipulated the size of pine processionary a single cylindrical clutch that is covered with colonies within their natural range, and tested scale-like hairs. Oviposition covers one or two the hypothesis that a large group size enhances pine needles, predominantly from the base of larval growth and survival. We used clutches that the needles towards the tip. The eggs hatch after were alone in a single pine, reduced the negative 5–6 weeks (Schmidt 1989). Larval development effects of competition for food between larvae involves fi ve instars (Douma-Petridou 1989) from different clutches, and ensured that all and, although larvae move around the pine feed- individuals from the same colony were geneti- ing on needles, they build a silk nest where all cally related. Because of the hypothetical control the larvae from the same clutch stay while not of group size by adult females explained above, feeding. When more than one clutch is laid in a we predicted that group size of natural colonies pine, larvae from different clutches sometimes should be close to that for which the relation- build a single nest to share. In colonies formed ship between group size, growth rate, and sizes from a single clutch, the number of individu- of larvae reach the optimum. However, due als per colony at the fi rst instar ranges from 47 to possible costs associated with an oversized to 149 in our study area (data from the present group, we further explored the expected posi- study; mean = 94.2, SE = 2.27, N = 90). After tive relationship between experimental group larval development, the larvae leave the nest in a size and growth because it may be quadratic or procession and search for a suitable underground asymptotic. pupation site. The pupal diapause varies from a few months to 1–2 years (Schmidt 1989). Materials and methods General procedures Study site In 1995, during egg laying, we randomly The fi eld study was conducted in an area of pine selected 90 Aleppo pines that had a single pine forestation located in the high-altitude plateau processionary clutch. All selected pines were of Hoya de Guadix (37°18´N, 3°11´W), Spain, similar size (2.5–3 m), making food availability approximately 1000 m above sea level with a similar for all selected clutches. We randomly semi-arid climate. Two pine species were present assigned 60 of those 90 clutches to one of the and susceptible to attack by the pine procession- four experimental treatments. Treatments con- ary moth, the Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) and sisted of removing recently hatched to leave the maritime pine (Pinus pinaster). The former 25 (Group I), 50 (Group II), 75 (Group III) and 508 Pérez-Contreras et al. • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 40

100 (Group IV) larvae per clutch. The removed mogorov-Smirnov test for continuous variables, larvae were introduced into other colonies of the p > 0.2), larval size differed signifi cantly from a study area. In addition, we kept 30 colonies as normal distribution on the fi ve last visits. There- a control to estimate the mortality rate and fi nal fore, parametric tests were applied following larval length of natural colonies. Body length Sokal and Rohlf (1995) except for the analyses and group size of recently hatched larvae did not where fi nal larval length was included, in which differ signifi cantly between colonies of the four we used non-parametric tests. different experimental treatments (Table 1), or To explore whether the relationship between between experimental and control groups before group size and mean body size of larvae in manipulation (body length: F1,88 = 0.17, p = 0.68; experimental groups fi t better to a straight line, group size: F1,88 = 0.02, p = 0.90), indicating that or rather the fi tted function changed for dif- our experimental groups were not biased. ferent group sizes, we used a Piecewise linear We monitored each of the experimental colo- regression with a breakpoint as implemented by nies monthly for up to fi ve visits before larvae Statistica 6.0 (StatSoft 1998) and compared cor- left the pine to pupate. Since we selected pines relation coeffi cients. Moreover, breakpoints of with a single colony, with non-limited resources that regression would inform us concerning the for larval development, and we did not detect values of group size where the type of relation- larval movements between different trees, diffe- ship between larval size and group size changes. rences in larval numbers between different visits were assumed to be due to larval mortality. If we found no individuals in an experimental colony Results in a target visit, we assumed that all larvae had died and consequently reduced sample size Effect of aggregation size on larval for larval length and growth, but not for group growth size. In subsequent visits we did not take these defunct colonies into account in our estimates of Group size prior to the manipulation did not pre- group size. dict larval-body length either before (r = –0.17, On each visit we counted the number of N = 60, p = 0.17), or after the experiment, at the larvae per colony and estimated mean larval fi fth instar close to the pupation time (rs = 0.16, length. Larval lengths were measured with a dig- N = 50, p = 0.26). In natural colonies, initial ital calliper (Mitutoyo, 0.01 mm accuracy). We group size did not predict the initial larval body measured ten randomly collected individuals per length (r = –0.12, N = 30, p = 0.51), but did colony when possible. When less than ten indi- predict the fi nal larval body length (rs = 0.76, viduals were found, we measured all individuals N = 28, p < 0.001, Fig.1). in the colony. Larval growth was calculated as The experimental group size affected the the difference in average larval sizes between larval body length during the four months of two consecutive visits. growth, and larval growth showed signifi cant differences between groups for each visit except for the third (Table 1). After four months of Statistical analyses growing, larvae from the largest experimental group size were largest in terms of body length To achieve an approximately normal distribution (Table 1), and paired comparisons between of variables, we logarithmically transformed the experimental groups revealed signifi cant diffe- number and percentage of larvae found dead rences (Mann-Whitney U-test: Z(adjusted) > 1.99, in each visit. After these transformations, none p < 0.05), except for groups initially containing of these variables differed signifi cantly from 75 and 100 individuals (Table 1; Mann-Whitney normal distributions (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test U-test: Z(adjusted) = 0.54, p = 0.59). for continuous variables, p > 0.2). Although In addition, larval growth between consecu- larval size on the four fi rst visits did not differ tive visits was explained by the colony size of signifi cantly from a normal distribution (Kol- the previous visit, except between the second ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 40 • Why do pine processionary caterpillars live in large groups? 509 00 00 00 p ) are shown for each N df F s size ( = 39.5 3 < 0.0001 2 h he fi rst and fi fth instars, respectively. rst and fi he fi ) experimental groups ) experimental N 4.45 (30) 48.10 3, 51 < 0.0001 0.07 (30) 3.39 (30) 1.48 0.24 3, 56 3, 56 0.23 0.86 (30) 0.29 SE ( SE ± ± ± ± ± ) Mean N 5.59 (14) 5.59 0.26 (13) 62.53 9.91 3, 46 < 0.0001 0.06 (15) 0.06 (15) 6.08 5.47 94.00 0.14 (15) 1.19 (15) 0.13 (15) 0.07 (15) 1.59 (15) (15) 0.17 0.17 (14) 19.03 5.41 (15) 521.7 0.15 (14) 3, 55 19.06 3, 56 < 0.0001 3, 55 (13) 0.17 < 0.0001 24.8 < 0.0001 209.8 1.962 32.57 55 3, 3, 55 3, 55 0.13 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 46.70 75.22 3, 51 4.52 3, 55 < 0.0001 3, 51 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 SE ( SE ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ) Mean N 4.51 (15) 4.51 (14) 0.18 66.43 7.25 0.05 (15) 0.05 (15) 6.31 5.42 93.20 (15) 0.05 (15) 1.39 10.14 (15) 0.06 90.73 4.71 (15) 0.15 (15) 2.18 15.90 (15) 0.15 83.73 5.76 (15) 0.13 (15) 2.34 26.51 (15) 0.23 71.47 10.59 (14) 0.12 33.72 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± SE ( ± ) Mean N 2.39 (14) 2.39 (13) 0.34 44.53 7.82 0.05 (15) 0.05 (15) 6.29 5.43 98.46 (15) 0.10 (15) 1.19 (15) 0.11 9.91 68.07 4.48 (15) 0.08 (15) 2.07 15.40 (15) 0.12 62.00 5.49 (14) 0.18 (15) 2.81 25.73 (14) 0.16 54.87 10.33 (13) 0.31 33.59 SE ( SE ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ) Mean N 0.81 (12) 0.81 (10) 0.52 17.43 6.09 SE ( SE (15) 0.10 (15) 5.69 5.59 91.86 (14) 0.16 (15) 1.70 (14) 9.25 0.21 42.47 3.66 (14) 0.21 (14) 1.05 14.93 (14) 0.21 35.40 5.68 (12) 0.21 (14) 1.01 24.74 (12) 0.25 26.73 9.84 (10) 0.54 30.80 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± Body size, group and growth of larvae from experimental control groups. Mean values, standard errors (SE) sample Group size Growth 4 3.58 5.60 Group size Growth 1 Third visit 17.73 Body size Group size 3.54 Growth 2 14.30 12.79 Group size 5.24 Growth 3 Fifth visit 5.50 Body size* 9.66 29.48 Table 1. Mean First visit Body size Groups I (25) Group size Second visit 5.57 Body size 92.40 Groups II (50) Groups III (75) 9.06 Groups IV (100) Fourth visit Body size Natural 23.82 ANOVAs between fth instar did not follow a normal distribution, we used Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA * since mean body length of larvae in the fi group. Comparisons between experimental groups are also shown. Visits were monthly and fi rst and fi fth visits corresponded to t rst and fi group. Comparisons between experimental groups are also shown. Visits were monthly and fi

510 Pérez-Contreras et al. • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 40

36 36 Final larval length = 26.629 + 0.06228 ¥ Initial group size Correlation: r = 0.76484 35 35

34 34

33 33

32 32

31 31

30 30 29 Larval legth (mm)

Final larval length (mm) 29

28 28 27 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 27 Break point Initial group size 26 –100 102030405060708090 Fig. 1. Relationship between the initial group size and Group size the fi nal larval size in natural colonies. Test used was Fig. 2. Relationship between group size and larval Spearman rank correlation. N = 28. length close to pupation time of experimental colonies. Solid line represent the Piecewise Linear Regression (R = 0.91, N = 50, p < 0.001) and discontinuous lines represent linear regression (R = 0.76, N = 50, p < and the third visits (Table 2), and fi nal larval 0.001). Differences between correlation coeffi cients: p length was explained by fi nal group size both < 0.05. in experimental (rs = 0.75, N = 50, p < 0.001;

Fig. 2) and in control groups (rs = 0.58, N = 28, p = 0.0011). Thus, since we experimentally was 32.08 and regression coeffi cient of fi rst manipulated group size, it can be concluded that line (0.072) was more than 10-fold that of the this factor was causally responsible for variation second line (0.006). Moreover, the intercept of in body size and growth of larvae from different the second line proved larger (33.24) than that colonies. of the fi rst line (29.04), and the second line did Regarding an optimal group size, we found not show negative patterns, with intercept very that a Piecewise Linear Regression fi t the rela- close to the maximum larval length. Non-experi- tionship between fi nal larval length and group mental colonies demonstrated a similar pattern size (R = 0.91, N = 50, p < 0.001) of experimen- (linear regression: R = 0.55, N = 28, p = 0.002; tal colonies better than did a linear regression (R Piecewise Linear Regression: R = 0.83, N = 28, = 0.76, N = 50, p < 0.001) (Fig. 2), differences p < 0.001; Break point = 32.58; fi rst line equa- between correlation coeffi cients being statisti- tion: y = 0.040x + 29.27; second line equation: cally signifi cant ( p = 0.012). When the colonies y = 0.002x + 33.41; comparisons between cor- of fi nal larval smaller and larger than 32 individ- relation coeffi cients, p = 0.049). Thus, a positive uals were separated, the frequency distributions relationship between group size and larval length of subsamples became approximately normally was due mainly to colonies smaller than 32 indi- distributed (Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests for viduals in our population. continuous variables: p > 0.2). The break point from the Piecewise Linear Regression analysis Relationship between aggregation size and larval survival Table 2. Correlation analyses between larval growth during consecutive visits and number of larvae per All individuals died in 17% of the experimental experimental colony in the previous visit. colonies (N = 60), while only 7% of the non- r t p N experimental colonies (N = 30) disappeared. That difference was primarily due to the higher Growth 1 vs. group size 0 0.68 7.06 0.001 59 mortality rate of the smallest experimental colo- Growth 2 vs. group size 1 0.20 1.55 0.124 59 nies with 25 individuals (5 out of the 15 colonies Growth 3 vs. group size 2 0.41 3.34 0.001 55 disappeared before pupation). Growth 4 vs. group size 3 0.48 3.82 0.001 50 The number of dead larvae per group did ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 40 • Why do pine processionary caterpillars live in large groups? 511 not differ between experimental treatments 100

(ANOVA: F3,56 = 2.39, p = 0.07) and, thus, experimental colonies with large numbers of 80 individuals suffered a lower percentage of mor- 60 tality (ANOVA: F3,56 = 19.63, p < 0.001, Fig. 3) regardless of the larval age (ANOVA: F3,48 > 6.4, p < 0.001). In the natural colonies, initial group 40 size did not predict the fi nal number of dead larvae (R = –0.14, N = 30, p = 0.44) and, as in 20 experimental colonies, those with a large number Larval mortality per colony (%) of individuals suffered a lower percentage of 0 mortality (R = –0.43, N = 30, p = 0.016). There- 25 50 75 100 Experimental group size fore, although we did not fi nd that experimen- tally manipulated small colonies suffered more Fig. 3. The average percentage of larval mortality in the four group size treatments. Differences in the means from mortality (i.e. predation or parasitism) than were signifi cant (ANOVA: F3,56 = 19.63, p < 0.001). large colonies, the probability of reaching the pupal stage was higher for larvae from colonies with a large number of individuals. groups would consume plant structures more quickly than would small groups, thus avoiding the brunt of induced plant defences, given the Discussion time required to produce chemicals and deploy them to the feeding site. Large groups may Our results with T. pityocampa strongly support also benefi t from their better thermoregulatory the hypothesis that aggregation enhances larval capacity (Porter 1982, Joos et al. 1988, Stamp growth, in agreement on previous results on & Bowers 1990c), which enhances larval growth gregarious caterpillars (Long 1953, 1955, Law- (see Introduction). Although we have no data on rence 1990, Stamp & Bowers 1990c). The length feeding time or nest temperature, larvae from of larvae from the experimental groups with experimental groups I and II may have remained the largest number of larvae was signifi cantly at the feeding site for a longer time and therefore greater than that of larvae from groups with a have reached lower body temperature than those reduced number of individuals. However, no from groups III and IV. Thus, larvae from small signifi cant differences in growth rate or length groups may be subject to more severe nega- appeared between the two largest groups, and the tive effects of an induced chemical response by positive relationship between the fi nal group size the pine (as shown for other species, Denno & and larval length disappeared when taking into Benrey 1997), in addition to less foraging time, account only groups with more than 32 larvae. and lower temperature, which could explain their A large larval body size in Thaumetopoea pityo- lower growth rate. campa confers several advantages that result in On the other hand, larvae in large groups a high probability of larvae reaching the pupal may suffer from a high intraspecifi c competi- (Coyle et al. 1999) and adult stage (Kamata tion when suitable resources are limited (see & Igarashi 1995). Moreover, body size before Introduction). However, our experimental design pupation is positively related to adult body size considerably reduced intraspecifi c competition, (Spurgeon et al. 1995), which in turn is related given that in all pines more than 50% of pine to female fecundity and adult dispersal capacity needles remained uneaten after the larvae left the (Webber & Ferro 1996). pine for pupation. Large groups of larvae are known to have In any case, regardless of the causes for the feeding advantages that would result in large high growth rates and large body sizes of the body mass and growth. For instance, plant alle- larvae from our largest experimental groups, our lochemicals affect larval performance (Tallamy manipulation clearly affected these larval traits. In & Raupp 1991, Denno & Benrey 1997) and large our experimental population, the average number 512 Pérez-Contreras et al. • ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 40 of larvae per group at the fi rst instar was about amounts of defensive chemicals, or building 95. Following our results on larval mortality of more elaborate and effective shelters (e.g. Morris natural groups (mean 40.2%, N = 30, SE = 4.1), 1972, Damman 1987). Conversely, smaller 57 caterpillars from those groups of 95 individu- groups of pine processionary caterpillars may be als should survive to the last larval instar. Thus, less defended against predation simply because this group size exceeds the minimum necessary urticant receptacles (one of the main defensive to reach the maximum larval length (see break mechanism in this and other species of caterpil- point in Fig. 2), and intermediate between fi nal lars; Fitzgerald & Costa 1999), or other defensive group size of our experimental groups III and IV mechanisms, may be more effective in large (see Table 1). Interestingly, as is predicted from groups. However, with this explanation, inde- the optimisation theory, the average group size in pendently of group size, we should fi nd a larger our unmanipulated population coincides with that number of dead larvae in the small than in the of maximizing larval size. large experimental groups, but this was not the The causes of caterpillar death were related case (see Results). Therefore, although we cannot to malnutrition, group size (as explained above), completely dismiss the possibility that caterpil- parasitism, and predation (see Introduction), the lar defences and group size were related in our latter being mainly related to group size (e.g. results, it is unlikely mainly because group size Damman 1987, Stamp & Bowers 1988, Hoch- also predicts other important variables affecting berg 1991, see also Introduction). Thus, some caterpillar survival (see above). life-history traits of caterpillars should have Another possible explanation for our results evolved to reduce these costs (Costa 1993). on caterpillar mortality is that the main preda- Defensive evolutionary responses may include tors and parasitoids of pine processionary larvae specialized structures (setae, spines, tubercles, search for prey randomly, as occurs for some etc.), allelochemicals (secretion or regurgita- other species (Stamp 1980, Chew & Robbins tion of toxic substances), and/or somatic modi- 1984). Our results showing no differences in fi cations (crypsis and mimicry) (see examples number of dead caterpillars between experimen- in Owen 1980) that sometimes increase their tal groups (see Results) concurs with this expla- effects as the caterpillar group size enlarges nation because if costs of individual detectability (see Introduction). Despite having no data on associated to group size were very important in parasite- or predator-induced mortality for the our species or population, we should have found experimental groups, our results clearly show a higher predation rates in larger groups. Thus, signifi cant relationship between the size of the our results suggest that the main predators and larval aggregation and the survival probability of parasites of pine processionary caterpillars are individual larvae, and, therefore, it can be con- random searchers. In addition, the negative rela- cluded that group size affects individual prob- tionship between experimental group size and ability of survival until pupation. percentage of mortality also implies that preda- Our experimental approach greatly reduced tors and parasites do not detect larger colonies competition for resources among develop- more easily than smaller ones. Hence, it can be ing larvae (see above), and in all experimental predicted that caterpillars in large groups have groups some larvae survived until their last instar a larger probability of survival than in smaller regardless of group size (see Table 1). These facts groups simply because of the dilution effect. imply that, although we cannot rule out direct or Therefore, the negative relationship between indirect infl uences of plant chemical defences group size and mortality found in this study, differentially affecting mortality in the various as well as the absence of differential mortality experimental group sizes (see above), most of between group size treatments can be explained the detected mortality should be due to parasit- simply by the dilution effect of mortality risk in ism and/or predation. Large groups of larvae may large groups. have suffered a low mortality rate by responding Contrary to the last explanation, we found simultaneously to predator attacks using more no differences in mortality rate between experi- effective defensive movements, releasing greater mental groups of 75 and 100 larvae (see Results ANN. ZOOL. FENNICI Vol. 40 • Why do pine processionary caterpillars live in large groups? 513 and Fig. 3). Moreover, we found no differences Bowers, M. D. 1993: Aposematic caterpillars: life-styles of in larval growth or body size in these two the warningly colored and unpalatable. — In: Stamp, N. E. & Casey, T. M. (eds.), Caterpillars: ecological and groups. This suggests that growth and body size evolutionary constraints on foraging: 331–371. Chap- could directly or indirectly (through associated man and Hall, New York. variables such as foraging ability) affect larval Casey, T. M. 1993: Effects of temperature on foraging of mortality. 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