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24_578413 bindex.qxd 1/13/05 2:31 PM Page 251 Index Amby Baby Motion Bed, 183 • A • American Massage Therapy abdominal massage Association, 248 cautions, 54 amino acid, 24 constipation relief, 181 Anderson, Gary (Children with five-minute massage, 175 HIV/AIDS ), 238 I Love You stroke, 75–76 Ankles Away technique, 68–69, 112 Let’s Go sequence, 166, 167 ANS (autonomic nervous overview, 72 system), 23 Sleeper sequence, 164 anterior fontanel, 88 Sun and Moon technique, 74–75 antibiotics, 100 Thumbs to Sides technique, 73–74 apathy, 9 Water Wheel technique, 72–73 Apgar test, 139 acupuncture, 100, 213 arched back, 24 addiction, 219–228 Are You My Mother? adhesion, 13 (Eastman, P.D.), 150 adopted baby, 201–204, 206, 216 Arm Cross stretch, 243–244 adrenaline, 23–24 arm massage African massage, 243 “C” Stroke, 81–82 ailment. See also specific ailments five-minute massage, 175 abdominal massage, 72 Little Sleeper sequence, 164–165 benefits of massage, 16–17 overview, 81 chest massage, 77 Sleeper sequence, 164 Down syndrome complications, Thumb Circles technique, 83 210, 211 aromatherapy, 53, 56 endorphins, 18 ascending colon, 72 injured baby, 55 Asian culture, 17 airplane, 176 Associated Bodywork & Massage alcohol, 36, 214, 219–228 Professionals, 249 alertness, 27–28, 141 asthma, 184–186 All You Need IsCOPYRIGHTED Love: Beatles Songs athetoid MATERIAL cerebral palsy, 211 for Kids (music CD), 149 attachment. See also bonding allergy developmental delays, 207 asthma causes, 184 drug-addicted baby, 221 breastfeeding benefits, 142 fetal alcohol syndrome,
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