Market Failure in Context: Introduction Alain Marciano and Steven G. Medema Market failure, conceived of as the failure of the market to bring about results that are in the best interests of society as a whole, has a long lin- eage in the history of writings on matters economic. As Steven G. Medema has shown in The Hesitant Hand, much of the history of economics can be read as a discussion of whether, and the extent to which, the self- interested actions of private agents, channeled through the market, will redound to the larger social interest. For much of this history, the answers given were negative, and it was assumed that the corrective hand of the state was needed as a constant and consistent regulating force. Thus we find Plato and Aristotle arguing for a wide range of legal restrictions to guard against macroeconomic (to use the modern term) instability; Aqui- nas making the case for rules that promote a measure of Christian justice in economic affairs; mercantilist writers lobbying for restrictions on vari- ous forms of trade (and support for others), as well as for regulations on Correspondence may be addressed to Alain Marciano, University of Montpellier, Department of Economics, Rue Raymond Dugrand, CS 79606, F-34960 Montpellier, France (e-mail: alain
[email protected]); and to Steven G. Medema, Department of Economics, University of Colorado Denver, CB 181, PO Box 173364, Denver, CO 80217-3364 (e-mail: steven.medema The editors wish to thank Paul Dudenhefer for his diligent shepherding of this project from conference to published volume.