Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-05-1922 Journal Publishing Company
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-5-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-05-1922 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-05-1922." (1922). abq_mj_news/740 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBUQUEEQUE MOENINGr JOURNAL Kiiuy-niiiii- i vtAit. PAGKS TODAY IN VOL. CIjXXV. No. 3. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Sunday, November 5, 1922. 24 TWO SIX'TIONS P1UCK FIVE CENTS. 10 Oil III VOTE TO CLAUDE J El Veterans oi V. S. and Europe JUDGE DAVIS IS SOLDIER BONDS COST -- TOCOAST T AT UfflUN Pledged to Discourage Wars IC1E HUM E IS i ISSUE IN STOP TRiP MURDER CHARGE SEPTEMBER 15 TO MEADOW CITYI 11111 7 Jury Trying Henry Wilkens, Records Show That He Exe-cut- ed G. 0. P. Senatorial Candi- Question' Will Be Submitted FBRCEDJLIO Charged With Slaying an Agreement date Replies to Some of to Voters; State and Fed- His Wife, Unable to Agree There on That Date; Not the That Have eral Offices to Be Filled Defective Water Line Makes Charges and Is Discharged. in Santa Fe as Claimed. Been Made by Opponent. in Western States. It Necessary for the Ma- chine to Come to Earth San Francisco, Nov. 4. The When the alleged Ktchevary Ut- Bpeclnl to The Journal .San Francisco, Nov. 4. State Wilkens, garage ter, written upon stationery of the Lua Vegas, M., Nov. 4. Two and offices are to be filled - Jury trying Henry federal at Indianapolis. manager, on a charge of wife mur- state land office and bearing the brass bands, a parade ot automo- by voters in states from the Rooky der, was called into court and dis- purported signature of Fred Mul-le- r, biles several blocks in length with Mountains to the Pacific ocean ENCOUNTERED STORM, charged at 4:45 J. m. today, after deputy land commissioner, flaming torches and an audience next Tuesday and in addition, in RAIN PART OF TRIP failing to agree on a verdict in 23 was niudo public a few days ago, that packed main floor and bal- most of tho states numerous hours' deliberation. Claude J. Neis of Koswell, to whom conies of the Duncan opera house, and measures will re- were that amendments Howard C. Tibbetts, foreman tho letter was addressed, gave the among the features ceive tho attention ot the elector' Complete Miles of added color nnd festivity to tho 2,060 said thut 11 ballots had been taken. Morning Journal a statement over "home town" ex- ate! Colorado leads the western seven to welcome that the Proposed Flight; Want to The first, he said, was tho telephone, as follows: tended last to Judge. H. B. states in the number of parti) did nut indicate whether night if five. He "On tho day, nnd for some days Davis, Jr., republican nominee for seeking to fill state offices. Repeat the Attempt it was conviction or acquittal. The his ic-tu- prior to tho date of tho letter in United States senator, upon I'nrtii'S in Colorado. remaining ten were six to six. a. tour Permit Is Granted. re- - was in Santa Fe and from campaign through The court, after Tibbetts" question, I of tlio northern counties. Fivo parties in Colorado havo ..., nulro.l nriT.nulnfr enmisel If at Captain home. aft- made nominations for at least one. 4. Lieutenant? stopped Mullen's Tho party Arrived late Friday O., Nov. thev' de Mos-qucr- office. The are Dayton, wished to have the jury No such letter wa3 ever received ernoon, across from o parties republi- Mac-Read- coming und nocialist J. A. and Oakley Kelly, liberate further. After a brief ar me. as an anil was met about 2) miles can, democratic it hy Of course, attorney which have state tickets army aviators, who were forced to gument both sides agreed that with out ot the by a delegation in complete ,,,,, 1,1 The I havo transacted business city and ttie old land near Indianapolis this morn- l. Hlunhnrcprl. lurors automobiles, in addition to Judge age pension party and and then left the court the land office for some years for Mrs. tlio farmer-labo- r party, which have ing after completing 2,060 miles ot spectators no Davis there are in the party room nnd tne defendant was lanen some of my clients. There was Otero-Warre- nominee candidates for the gubernatorial an non-sto- p from Adelinu California has attempted flight back to the county jail. occasion to write the letter fur in congress, und chair. four partfe to New York, arrived at in Fo the representative with candidates to he voteU upon San Diego Tragic rroiogue. I was Santa at Hilarlo Delgado, nominee for audi- here 12:15 nnlrt L'MUnc r,f nersons who i H in urn n ifltii democratic, socialist McCook station at thrpR time it was written." mm iw ii n n iiii in n urn 'nwMQiil i tor. republican, Ma- in tl-i- InvoMtiErntlnn of Mrs. Neis' ii '' and Inst named o'clock and to fli, ..ul At tho same time that Atulic-iH.- prohibition, the today reported luilhiitiaMH.i.,'.,.-- furnished a pur- , ..v- -. a, candidate for T. II. Bane, their commanding Annio Wilkens' death dental was printed, what The Vegas audi u having secretury jor to tne trial oi neu-r- y ported to ho u statement issuod (cpfeifiilaliies of eU KignlitR peace resolutions. Charles Hertrand. president of the Interallied fets or. Its of state. officer. tragic prologue traurdinnry, nvt only for size, addi- Wilkens. Jointly by N. A. Field, sU!e land ganizntlon, and Atrin Owsley, commander of American Legion, are at the right center and left center, re- und re- Montana and Wyoming, in to Banc their but also for its enthusiasm on tho In giving Major Walter Castor, said oy mo pros commissioner, and Fred Mullel' spectively, of the table. Mrs. K. .1. .McWcnle tion to candidates republi- how- sponsiveness. will first official report of the flight ecution to have conspired with was given out. .Since then,, und introduced the can and democratic tickets Axriu,A tn clou M WilkenR. shot Field had de- Representatives tf the 0,000,-00- 0 erans' organization, at New Or- tion of Implements of war. Al. presided also vote for socialist the airmen revealed that during r. ever, Commissioner speakers. There were thirty odd sister-in-la- Mrs. veterans of the world wat leans, to lead bod- vin elected er on cortuin offices in Hon- - 30 hours in the air, and killed his nied having issued the statement pledged their Owsley, newly nu . v.v....r. sato ,, . their nearly have for nativo ies in the Citizens BfaifU I'll rin,i nun un u mmo midst of a storm Robert Castor, wlio lie apparent attributed to him. Among other departed thsir work of opposing the of the American Legirr H. chairmtin of ,lfi ,i1.m. mini juii liquet in were in tho -- hetrilVed lllm Hunker, voters also will they nortonta.) nt hnvinff things, the statement said: lands from tbo convention of the overthrow of governments and signed the resolution for that o .en al c oniiiilt w Vyoming. Idaho and rain for 11 hours and 30 min- J. ocrat h ate with to Detective Sergeant Timothy "Any correspondence would, have If'. interallied vet in bringing about tho destruc body. was audience whllo ballot three parties, utes. In tho mountains Mr. Neis Lft A.C, in the Juil, democratic and crossing Bailey. Castor tnen romraiuwi "' been unnecessary because - the Wind was so strong that it clde. Thb triple slaying took place came to Santa Fe immediately af- " U": S..n:iS,.S''e .k'nv, , n, l.,st Progressive. Oregon has indepen- in of Castor's mother, state convention - several times to turn the home ter the republican sLH-e- i threatened eer-gca- nt ol tne campaign, juukk jh- Mrs. Minnie Castor, wnen and remained a week or longer noma ot tho state offices and other states in their ship over. Detective in DUKE GRID" vis replied to charges tho west have but two from Bailey and Police working on soma of his business FEATDRE EVENT CITY LARGE CROPS DO been made by his op-- ; parties "At various times I thought the arrest Mul-le- r that have which Ernest Gable attempted to tlx; land office, giving Captain Senator A. A. Jones, re-- j to choose. end was near," Lieutenant Kelly six weeks had for punent. Sen-- Tho of Arizona ami two Castor, who for any needed opportunity nominated by tho democrats. I governors said: "I can safely say that oi,, Hail Ciable too was Oregon nr the only two seeking men were never neurer death than riiirmipi's. verbal arrangements." ator Jones also is a resident of Las shot but has since recovered. The republican state convention CARD BY closed his in the states whiuh will when the winds In the passes ' Oil TEAM BEATEN NOT MEAN COOD Vegas and campaign Other high Mrs. Wilkens, the motner oi closed .September 9. The alleged RAW a hero Tuesday night. elect governors. governors of the Kockies tossed us about like was shot to 13 and with meeting declined to stand for office two young children, letter is dated September Senator Jones has assailed Judge again a top.