A Message from City’s Frontline Workers VOTE CORNEGY Democrat for the 36th Council District | Bed-Stuy & Crown Heights Supported by: Parent Coordinators | Social Service Employees | Uniform Traffic & Sanitation Agents Uniformed EMTs & Paramedics, FDNY | Uniformed EMS Officers, FDNY | Transit Workers

Just like us city workers, is a hardworking first responder who is dedicated to serving the needs of our community twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We published this newsletter to spread the word on why Mr. Cornegy deserves to be our next Councilman. We hope that you will join us in voting for CORNEGY in the Democratic Primary on Tuesday, September 10th! Robert CORNEGY — Fighting for Healthcare for Bed-Stuy and Crown Heights Residents! Last December, Interfaith Medical Center filed for bankruptcy due to decades of financial difficulties related to hospital management and decreases in state and federal aid for Medicaid and Medicare. In July, it was announced that the hospital will close on August 26th, but on that day, the Department of Health decided to delay closure until mid-September. This recent development is due to the work Robert Cornegy has done in the fight to save Interfaith.

Robert Cornegy, the Vice-Chair of the Health and Social Services Committee of Community Board 3, started the Campaign to Save Interfaith last fall when he first heard about its plans to close. Cornegy was instrumental in the creation of the Interfaith Community Advisory Board, which is spearheading the effort to engage the community in the process of saving our hospital. Cornegy united churches, public housing residents, elected officials, and healthcare workers to speak out on the importance of Interfaith Medical Center to not only Bed-Stuy and Crown Heights, but also to all of Central .

Located in the heart of Central Brooklyn on Atlantic Avenue between Albany and Troy Avenues, Interfaith Medical Center serves over 250,000 patients every year. The majority of patients are Caribbean-Americans and African-Americans, who have historically had poor access to quality healthcare. A patient at Interfaith Medical Center himself, Robert Cornegy understands first-hand how the closure of Interfaith and its emergency services would be disastrous for the Bed-Stuy and Crown Heights community. If elected to City Council, he will be able to continue to speak out for quality healthcare for all of Central Brooklyn at Interfaith, SUNY Downstate, and Long Island College Hospital (LICH). Paid for by TWU Local 100 Political Action Cornegy Working to Reduce Local Violence and Create Arts and Culture Opportunities for Youth A forceful champion for secure communities, Robert Cornegy has been working for years to decrease gun violence in not only Bed- Stuy and Crown Heights, but also across the city. He focuses on the power of young people to make our neighborhoods safer for everyone.

Last year, Cornegy co-authored a report released by the City Council Task Force to Combat Gun Violence. The report’s recommendations led the City Council to allocate $4.8 million to various youth-focused violence prevention programs throughout the city. He was a key player in providing funding to Save Our Streets (SOS) Crown Heights for their community-based efforts to end gun violence.

Recently, Cornegy was a featured speaker on a panel discussion on the topic of gun violence, which was convened by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. He was asked to participate in the forum because he has been at the forefront of work to push the federal government to recognize violence as a public health issue, so that local anti-violence programs can be eligible for funding from the Department of Health. He received a service award for his diligence in pushing for anti-violence programs on the city, state, and federal levels.

On June 1st, Robert Cornegy co-sponsored the First Annual Bed-Stuy Community Youth and Cultural Fair with leading sponsors Councilman Albert Vann, the Council, and the Bedford Stuyvesant Youth Education Safety Task Force at the New Testament Church in North Bed-Stuy. Hundreds of young people were educated on how they can be a part of positive change in our community. With Love From Bed-Stuy and Crown Heights! When Superstorm Sandy hit New York City in October of last year, Bed-Stuy and Crown Heights were lucky to have experienced minimal damage from the most destructive storm of the 2012 hurricane season. Like the city’s emergency workers, Robert Cornegy sprang into action to help New Yorkers in need, especially those hit by massive flooding along the coast. Cornegy organized food and supply drives called “With Love from Bed-Stuy and Crown Heights” in partnership with State Senator Velmanette Montgomery, Assemblywoman Annette Robinson, Councilman Al Vann, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church, Bridge Street AME Church, TWU Local 100, the Bedford-Stuyvesant YES Task Force, 500 Men Making a Difference, the NAACP, and the Brownstoners of Bedford-Stuyvesant. Cornegy and Bed-Stuy/Crown Heights volunteers boarded buses contributed by TWU Local 100 and the MTA to perform relief work, assisting hundreds of seniors, people with disabilities, and public housing residents in the Rockaways, Coney Island, and Red Hook.


Uniformed EMTs & Paramedics of the FDNY DC 37, Local 2507, AFSCME, AFL-CIO

Uniformed EMS Officers Union, FDNY DC 37, Local 3621, AFSCME, AFL-CIO Hurricane Sandy relief supply drive at Cornerstone Baptist Church New York Social Service Employees DC 37, Local 371, AFSCME, AFL-CIO