~En~Rat~~Einbtpof Nn~Thanta
ACTS OPTRn ~en~rat~~einbtpof nn~thanta. Passed at a Session which commenced August 30th, 1779, and en led October 10th, 1779. 1779. JOSEPH REED, PRESIDEZ~Tor ran nXECUTXVn COUNCIL JOHN BAYARD, SPEAXER or TI-XE GENERAL ASSEMBLL CIIAPTE1~DCCCXXXVII. An ACT for ~thebetter ascertaining the boundary line between thef counties of Gumberland, Bedford, and Northumberland. WH~EREASthe act of General Assembly of the province of :s~ab1i~heZPennsylvania, entitled An act for explaining and better ascertaining ante, pa. 201. cha~aso. the boundar~,’Irnes of the countif of Bedford~passed the twenty-first ~ day of March, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two, and ante pa..~30,the act passed the same day, entitled An Act for erecting a part of ~1~1~er. the counties of Lancaster, Gumberland, Berks, Northampton, and ~j~j Be~’ordinto a eeparate counts’, contradictory to each other, and ante. pa,30~,assign different and inconsistent boundaries to the said county of ~IaaI.644.) Bedford and the county of Northumberland; and part of the boun- dary of the said county of Northumberland is, by reason of the course of Little Juniata, near the head thereof, impassable; and that strip of land on the north-east side of Juniata, between Jack’s Narrows and Standing Stone Mountain, being separated by large mountains from the rest of Cumberland county, makes it inco,nve- nient forthe people residing on the said north-east side of Juniata, at the place aforesaid, that the same should continue in the said county of Cumberland: For remedy whtrcof, $~undaric~ IL Be it enacted, and it is herel.’q enacted, That the lines follow- and 1In6~, ing, viz.
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